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Adjectives - Comparison - Exercise 1

Explanation: Comparison of adjectives Fill in the comparative and s%perlative forms of the adjectives. Example: new - _____ - _______ Answer: new - newer - newest

1) old 2) *ad ) diffic%lt !) large ") good #) *ig $) eas( &) m%ch ') little 1)) interesting -

Fill in all the gaps with the correct forms of the adjectives. Example: ____ - newer - _______ Answer: new - newer - newest 1) 2) ) modern !) ") #) $) pop%lar &) ') man( 1)) - happier - cleverest - longer - nicest - nearest - flattest - worst

Comparison of adjectives in sentences - Exercise 1

Explanation: Comparison of adjectives +%t in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second sentence in its correct form ,comparative or s%perlative). Example: - have a fast car. *%t m( friend has a ______ car. Answer: - have a fast car. *%t m( friend has a faster car.

1) /his is a nice cat. -t0s m%ch

than m( friend0s cat. .

2) 1ere is Emil(. 2he0s six (ears old. 1er *rother is nine. so he is ) /his is a difficult exercise. 3%t the exercise with an asteris4 ,5) is the exercise on the wor4sheet. !) 1e has an interesting ho**(. *%t m( sister has the ") -n the last holida(s - read a good *oo4. *%t father gave me an even last wee4end. #) 2chool is boring. *%t homewor4 is than school.

ho**( in the world. one

$) 24ate*oarding is a dangerous ho**(. 3%ngee j%mping is s4ate*oarding. &) /his maga6ine is cheap. *%t that one is .


') 7e live in a small ho%se. *%t m( grandparents0 ho%se is even 1)) 8esterda( 9ohn told me a funny jo4e. /his jo4e was the heard.

than o%rs. jo4e -0ve ever

Comparison of adjectives in sentences - Exercise 2

Explanantion: Comparison of adjectives

+%t in the adjective from the first sentences into the second sentence in its correct form ,comparative or s%perlative). Example: - have a fast car. *%t m( friend has a ______ car. Answer: - have a fast car. *%t m( friend has a faster car.

1) :( father is heav(. :( %ncle is m%ch

than m( father. .

2) /he test in ;eograph( was eas(. *%t the test in 3iolog( was ) Florida is s%nn(. <o (o% 4now the !) 2tan is a s%ccessf%l sportsman. *%t his sister is ") :( mother has a soft voice. *%t m( teacher0s voice is #) Am( has a *ea%tif%l *a*(. *%t m( da%ghter has the place in the =2A> than 2tan.

than m( mother0s. *a*( on earth.

$) - live in a large famil(. *%t m( grandfather lived in a famil(. &) 7e have onl( little time for this exercise. *%t in the examination we0ll have even time. than ?%c(. castle we visited d%ring o%r

') ?%c( is clever. *%t @arol is

1)) 1ave (o% visited the old castle> -t was the holida(s.

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