Speaker Research

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Active speaker (studio) Krk Rokit RP5 G3 Active Monitors The RP5 G3s 1 soft do!

e t"eeter provides c#arit$ and an e%tended response up to 35k&'( "hi#st the #i)ht"ei)ht( 5 )#ass ara!id co!posite "oofer de#ivers c#ear !idran)e and ti)ht *ass+ ,uita*#e for a#!ost an$ studio space( the #o" and hi)h fre-uenc$ ad.ust!ent )ives $ou unprecedented voicin) contro# for opti!a# roo! acoustics and !i% trans#ation+ Mu#tip#e inputs a##o" the RP5 G3 to inte)rate "ith $our e%istin) s$ste! confi)uration+ /e" *i a!ped( c#ass A01 a!p#ifier that offers !a%i!u! headroo! "ith !ini!a# distortion+ Proprietar$ "ave)uide techno#o)$ is opti!ised for super stereo i!a)in)+ 1i a!ped( c#ass A01 a!p#ifier 2pti!ised proprietar$ "ave)uide ,oft do!e t"eeter "ith e%tended response up to 35k&' &i)h fre-uenc$ and #o" fre-uenc$ ad.ust!ent 3i)ht"ei)ht( )#ass ara!id co!posite "oofer ,pecifications and 4eatures Configuration: 5 "a$ System Type: Active Monitors( Pair Low Frequency Transducer: 5 Ara!id G#ass 6o!posite 7oofer High Frequency Transducer: 1 soft do!e t"eeter Frequency Range: 85&' 35k&' Crossover Frequency: 5+9k&' Total Power: 5: 7atts HF Power: 5: 7atts LF Power: 3: 7atts Pea SPL: 1:9 d1 !uto stand"y: 3: !ins Connectors: ;n*a#anced <k oh! R6A( *a#anced 1:k oh! 108 TR, and =3R Controls: &4 #eve# ad.ust( 34 #eve# ad.ust( ,$ste! vo#u!e #imensions $mm%: #epth: 589 &idth: 1>> Height: 5>8 &eight $ gs%: 5+? Ca"inet 'aterial: M@4 Colour: 1#ack (T) Sound (R*+ *+, Passive !-S Spea er AT= ,ound AR15 15 Passive A1, ,peaker+ This )reat #ookin) and )reat soundin) speaker ca*inet is desi)ned for !u#ti purpose sound reinforce!ent+ The AR15 has !ou#ded shockproof enc#osures "hich feature M>0M9 fi%in) points( a##o"in) the! to *e arra$ed in various co!*inations to cater for a#!ost a## app#ications fro! ha##s to ni)htc#u*sB 7ith its co!pact and #i)ht"ei)ht desi)n these speakers "i## not disappoint and are a#so the idea# choice for !o*i#e @Cs that are a#"a$s on the !oveB ,PK connectors Ri)id stee# )ri##e and eas$ carr$ hand#e Mu#tip#e !ountin) points Titaniu! co!pression driver

3i)ht"ei)ht !ou#ded enc#osure 35!! interna# po#e !ountin) ,pecs D!pedanceE > oh!s Po#e Mountin)E 35!! inte)ra# top hat Fersion AR15E 35c!(15) 55:7 Mode#E AR15 Po"er RM,E 55:7 Po"er Ma%E 5::7 7ooferE 3>:!! (15) 4re-uenc$ ResponseE 85&' 5:k&' ,P3 G 1701!E 1:1d1 6onnectorE 5 % ,PK AT= ,ound AR15 @i!ensionsE 7(front0rear) % & % @ 83:055: % 9>: % 39:!! AT= ,ound AR15 7ei)htE 18+5k)

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