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amanjot kaur sandhu
All my academic and professional work is copyright protected
with UT Austin, National Institute of Design, Cognizant
Technology Solutions and Hewlett Packard Labs. This
document is only for recruitment purposes.

About Me
Born in one of the most vibrant cultures and traversing
through the journey of life, I owe my gratitude to every single
being and experience that defnes me. The colors on the left
represent various favors of life foating all around us. I have
acquired some of these colors and have made an attempt to
represent them with concentric circles and a butterfy
depicting what I am all about. Various colors represent my
nature, strengths, knowledge, experience, artistic capacity,
professional acumen, learning potential and commitment.
Operating in the user interface and experience design
domain, I have grown both as an engineer and as a designer.
This career path have always intrigued my thought process to
design and transform an idea into a tangible outcome.

As you will go through my professional and academic
portfolio it will provide you with a closer insight into my work,
skills and potential.
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
My Mundane Life
Web Application
3 Weeks I Classroom Project
The project was based on the idea that everyone
does the same daily activities - they eat, they go
out, they drink, they spend time at home. Cultural
diferences arise from the ways in which we do
these daily activities.
By comparing and contrasting photographs of
the everyday occurrences of life, people will share
experiences and challenge preconceived notions
of diferent cultures.
Design Process
Studied various web portals which infuenced
our idea like accent challenge, google analytics,
twitter, slow social network, pinterest etc.
We clicked the photos of various questions to
see similarities and diferences
Developed the wireframes and the visual design
of the concept
A web portal having 5 questions upload everyday
about our daily life. Users will answer them by
uploading pictures and adding tags. Users can
also search for similarities and explore diferences.
Academic - 2 Team members - 2014 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Take a selfe
What did you have for breakfast?
What you like to drink?
Sign in
Create New Account
Sign Up
My Mundane Life
20,000 pictures uploaded today
My Mundane Life Hi Claire! Sign out
Upload your pictures Search
people in Russia uploaded pictures
people in Italy uploaded pictures
people in Sweden uploaded pictures
people in France uploaded pictures
people in India uploaded pictures
500 pictures from London
My Mundane Life Hi Claire! Sign out
Upload your pictures London
Home of the web application
1. Take a selfe 2. What do you see when you step
out of your front door?

#tags #tags
add image add image
Upload your pictures here
My Mundane Life Hi Claire! Sign out
Upload Search
Logged in home page, where user can see the statistics of the
pictures of the whole world at a glance
Pictures uplaod page
Pictures details page
Interactive Door
A door that narrates a festival
3 Weeks I Classroom Project
The project was focused on various methods and
explorations through which the festivals of a
community can be represented. A door is a
powerful medium of energy exchange of the
outer and inner world. My research was focused
on various festivals and their visual representa-
tion using on- campus doors. The ideas was how
can we inspire ourselves from these festivals and
incorporate them into our everyday life.
My Roles/ Contributions
To arrive the form of the project, I have selected
various criterias from two design objects:
Phulkari, the traditional scarf of Punjab and Bath
tub designed by famous designer Kareem
Researched the signifcance of the festivals and
doors in various communities
Conceptualized and developed the prototype of
the fnal idea.
My research focused on various festivals and their
visual representation using on campus doors.
Academic - Individual - 2014 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Final Concept Diferent Layers of Colors
3 Layers Mechanism
Search Engine
4 months I Classroom Project
The project was an attempt to design an ideal
interactive search interface that can meet
users search preferences.
My Roles/ Contributions
The initial interface was designed based on
literature review and wikipedia pages
Interactive prototype was developed in Axure
8 users were recruited to perform the user
testing of the initial search interface
We observed the user testing process and docu
mented the user experince
Statistical methods were implemented to
analyse the data collected in the user tests
This study enabled users to compare and evaluate
various key features of interactive search interface
design such as Search Box, Categories, Control
Features, Interactive and immersive Navigations
and Layouts.
Academic - 2 Team members - 2013 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Language LOGO Apple
Categories Showing 1-20 of 20,0000 results
Showing 1-20 of 20,0000 results 1 2 3 4 5 >>
Apple Inc
5 Photos
The Apples in Stereo
6 Photos
Apple juice
4 Photos
Apple Valley, Minnes...
2 Photos
Apple II Series
10 Photos
Apple Store
5 Photos
Flona Apple
2 Photos
Apple TV
2 Photos

Wireframe of Images Page Query Clarifcation Page Search Results List Page
Search Result Keyword Page
Search Result Images Page
Images Detail Page
Evaluation Results
Phulkari Font
Cultural Impression on global
2 weeks I Classroom Project
The motive of this project was to explore how
various traditional elements of Punjabi culture
can be incorporated into a contemporary design.
This will provoke curious questions and in turn
will create cultural awareness in a society.
My Roles/ Contributions
Researched the relationship of a person
with culture and how it is changing with
globalization and technology
Researched about the various famous patterns
in the Punjabs traditional textile called Phulkari
Experiments were done to create typeface
which revolved aroud symbolic representation,
nostalgia, cultural integrity, continuity and
security and preservation
This attempt was to combine the impression of
various patterns of Punjabi culture in the global
language through typography. This helps people
to connect with their traditions through a
language typeface
Academic - Individual - 2013 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Phulkari Font
Cultural patterns experiments on a global language
Phulkari Font for mobile platform
Phulkari Fabric
This portal has become the single mode of
interaction and communication between Client
and its Dealer Groups. All inventory, fnancial,
sales, distribution and preferencing takes place
through this online portal.
Designed various interaction
patterns for the portal and
depicted detailed work with
primary and secondary
Defned various realigned task
fows for the easy accessible
application through annotated
wireframes and visual design
Web UX Strategy
Dealer Daily Web Application
3 Months I Automobile Client
Clients sales are conducted by about 1,500
dealerships throughout the US. Client interacts
with its Dealers through a single web portal. The
challenge for the team was really to create a
contemporary state-of the-art portal that:
Delivers to Present and Future Business
Enhances Brand through showcasing
Innovation and Quality
Delivering on Data quality, Error rates and
Support Costs for the IT services
My Roles/ Contributions
Understood the automotive sales domain and
clients requirements
Developed the various personas involved in the
sales process and realigned the task fows of the
business process and the application
Heuristic evaluation/ expert review on the
Developed the wireframes and
conceptualized the visual design, development
support, UI development team coordination
and Interaction with stakeholders
Login Page Wireframe Dashboard Wireframe
Dashboard Visual Design
Login Page Visual Design
Professional - 2013 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Personas Re-alignment of Task Flows
Heuristic Evaluation
Visual Design
Web UX Strategy
Dealer Daily Web Application
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu Professional - 2013
Web UX Strategy
Claims Rewrite Enterprise App
5 months I Banking & Finance Client
A new system intended to replace the clients
current claims system which is a combination of
multiple MS Access interfaces. New application
handles death claims for Clients Life and
Annuity businesses and integrates fve
administration systems through a Single Admin
My Roles/ Contributions
Understood the claim processes, insurance
domain and clients requirements
Interaction with client and stakeholders
Understood existing task fows and refned
various task fows for diferent level of users
involved in the process
Proposed various new functionalities
Developed the annotated wireframes and
conceptualized the visual design
Development Support and UI Development
team coordination
An Enterprise application to handle various
clients businesses in a very intuitive and
accessible way. Application defnes a clear
hierarchical navigation for various tasks
performed by diferent levels of users to complete
a claim process. Enhanced usability, automated
various tasks and removed error prone conditions.
Various usability challenges
like layout patterns, colors,
consistency, users
accessibility, control and
freedom, hierarchical
navigation, information
chunking, intuitive
association of various action
buttons, progressive steps
completion indications were
taken into consideration.
Task fow and
Information architecture
Case Summary Page Wireframe
Visual Design Screens
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu Professional - 2012
Web UX Strategy
Clients Microsite
Shipment Client I 3 months
To create a platform where client can see and
discuss various projects and capabilities of the
vendor company in various domains.
My Roles/ Contributions
Understand the client and vendor
communication pattern and their reqirements
Interaction with client and vendor stakeholders
Suggested various functionalities and features
for the mirosite
Developed the annotated wireframes and
conceptualize the visual design
Development Support and UI Development
team coordination
This single mode of channel enhances
communication between vendor company and
the client. Client can see all their projects done for
them by vendor company.
Designed a very simplifed and
intuitive site to showcase and
search projects according to
name, locations and domains.
Client can access all the vendors
capabilities, research and also
recent updates specifc to their
own business.
A background image concept
was used to give a fresh and
clean look to the site. A very clear
hierarchy of the inf
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu Professional - 2012
Mobile UX Strategy
Claims Rewrite Enterprise App
2 month I Wholesale & Retail Client
This application aimed at displaying the regular
price of a scanned UPC (product barcode) and all
the promotions attached to that UPC. The app is
used by Clients Store associates.
My Roles/ Contributions
Understood the sales processes, retail domain
and clients requirements
Interacted with client and stakeholders
Understood existing task fows and refned
various task fows for diferent level of users
involved in the process
Proposed various new functionalities
Developed the annotated wireframes and
conceptualized the visual design
Provided development support and UI
development team coordination
This app is used by Clients Department Store
associates. Locator displays all other available
colors and sizes of a scanned UPC. It provides the
quantity for all available options.
Wireframes Visual Design of Current Price, Item Locator and MLS Pages
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu Professional - 2012
Mobile UX Strategy
Clients Card I Pad App
Investment & Banking client I 3 months
To create a mobile enterprise application, aimed
at facilitating (Clients card) registration processes.
Audience for this application is primarily the staf
My Roles/ Contributions
Understand the business proceses, domain
knowledge and clients requirements
Interaction with client
Defned the task fows and proposed new
Developed the annotated wireframes and
conceptualize the visual design
Development Support and UI Development
team coordination
Designed a very user friendly application where
all the tasks chunked together on left primary
navigation with the progress indications.
Designed a very user friendly application where all the tasks chunked together on left primary
navigation with the progress indications.
Application Task Flow
Professional - 2011 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Mobile UX Strategy
Cofee Break iPad App
4 Months I News & Mass Media Client
To create Clients newspaper presence in the
untouched mobile market by providing their
entertainment section Cofee break on ipad and
nexus. Cofee break sections contains
diferent games of diferent kinds like number,
word, puzzles, quiz etc.
My Roles/ Contributions
Understood the game play, domain knowledge
and clients requirements
Interacted with client
Defned the task fows and proposed new design
Developed the annotated wireframes and
conceptualized the visual design
Provided development support and UI
development team coordination
This was a very interesting and challenging
project of its kind. Designed interfaces and
interactions of 35 games. This project was directly
for print media to mobile platform.
Enhanced the experience of newspaper games using mobile platforms, so that
users will have more immersive experience. Very simple and intuitive game play
interactions were designed with interesting features like bonus games, game of
the day, favorites and leader board of the users friend circle.
Cofeebreak App for Nexus
Home Page Wireframe
Diferent Games Screens
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu Professional - 2011 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Proof of Concepts
Dealer Daily iPad App
Automobile Client I 2 Weeks
To create Clients Brand image more
efective and to expand its business on
the untouched mobile platform by
providing extremely specifc content and
experience to the customer in the
Clients Infniti
iphone App
Automobile Client I 3 Weeks
To create a Smart Phone
Application to allow owners an
additional channel to interface
with Telematics.
Sales Campaign
Approval iPad App
Telecom Client I 3 Weeks
Allows sales managers and sale
orderapprovers to approve and
get sales campaigns processed
from anywhere.
Web Portal
Academic Publisher I 3 Weeks
A Preferred Online Destination for
Scientists and other Target Users
that encourages contribution from
best expertise of the feld in a very
Collaborative Environment.
iPad Application
Health Insurance Client I 3 Weeks
The objective was to design diferent
applications for diferent platforms
which aligns with the actual user
needs of the user( i.e. Providers,
Brokers and Memebers.
Professional 2011 - 2013 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Connected Paper
Design Intervention of paper
artifacts with virtual world
6 months I HP Labs, Bangalore
The project objective was to explore the ways in
which paper artifacts (printed or handwritten or
both) can be linked to digital information - using a
camera enabled mobile device or on a fxed
display camera and using appropriate gestural
and spoken interaction according to the user
The main focus was on designing the interfaces
and the interactions to bridge the gap between
physical and the digital world.
A thorough & holistic design process was carried
out to understand paper from design perspective,
which essentially consisted of brainstorming,
categorization, user research, contextual
interviews, concept development interaction
design, visual design, information design & low
and high fdelity prototyping.
Analysis Charts of the Exhaustive User Research
Professional - Individual - 2010 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
- Secondary research
- Mind mapping
- User Study
- Planning / recruiting/ Executing
- Data Analysis, insights and synthesis
Insights/ Findings/ Problems
- Refning the objective and the problem
- Problem solving
Brainstorming, Personas, Idea generation,
Alternate solutions
- Converge, redefne and validation.
Compare, Cross-relate, Evaluate
Picking up of the most appropriate concept
- Prototype
Detailing and Wire framing
High fdelity simulated mock ups
- User validations
- Paper and report
Connected Paper
Professional - Individual - 2010 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Designed an archival system where people can
click and store their documents digital copy for
future use. Camera enabled mobile phone is
taken as the medium to deploy the application. It
is a mobile based application with the guidelines
of Palm Pre Phone.
Diferent modalities (Speech, touch and text) were
used to save peoples time in organizing the
documents in digital world.
An interactive prototype has been made which
explains various features of the application.
Icons desinged for the application
Connected Paper
Professional - Individual - 2010 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Systems Thinking of Historical
4 weeks I Classroom Project
A multi touch aeb-enabled interactive design
proposed to be deployed at various historical
sites. Tourists/visitors can leave their personal
messages on this virtual wall and can retrieve
them in the future.
Everyday historical sites are visited by thousands,
as they seek to experience their majestic splendor.
Most visitors want to take their memories back
home with them. But some want to leave their
messages on the walls of monuments and destroy
their beauties. So E-wall provides a space where
people can write without destroying these
monuments and retrieve them later.
Touch screen is used as a data input technique
and face recognition as a message recording/
retrieval method. Demonstared and tested a
working prototype at NID facilities.
Online Video Prototype
Contexual concept of E-wall Concepts of E-wall Interface
Academic - 4 Team Members - 2008 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Interaction Design

Amanjot Kaur|New Media Design|NID
about me . projects . workshops . other works
3 of 3
Design Process
Task Analysis Technology
Visual Design Final Prototype
touch screens
fingerprint recognition
face recognition
data flow diagram
working prototype as front end
SQL server as back end

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UI iterations
Video Prototype

Interaction Design

Amanjot Kaur|New Media Design|NID
about me . projects . workshops . other works
2 of 3
Field Research
Findings &
User Study Concepts
sun temple, modhera
adalaj vav, gandhinagar
rani ni vav, patan
diu fort, diu
video footage
user study at Adalaj,
Gandhinagar, with a
participatory approach
Websites Case studies Research
people leave messages
as their memories
destroying historical beauty
Design Process
digital wall
Field Research Findings & Analysis Domain Research User Study Concepts Technology Task Analysis Visual Design Working Prototype Final Prototype
Academic - 4 Team Members - 2008 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Art of Indian
Miniature Paintings
4 weeks I Classroom Project
A project exploring and interpreting the
qualities of the traditional art form of Indian
miniature paintings into a new visual framework.
Portrayed Kangra Ragamala paintings into a new
visual framework.
Concepts of Indian raga music, character motion
and info-graphics were integrated to enhance
the user experience.

Unfold the kangra ragamala paintings in terms of
day timings, months, seasons, festivals, Ragas and Ragnis
December January February M a r c h A p r i l M a y J u n e J u l y A u g u s t September October November Pousha Magha Phalgu n a C h a i t r a V a i s h a k a J y a i s t h a A s a d h a S h r a v a n a B h a d r apada Ashvina Kartikka Magasirsa
Hemanta Shishira V a s a n t a G r e e s h m a V a r s h a Sarad Early winter Winter S p r i n g S u m m e r M o n s o o n Autumn
Academic - Individual - 2008 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Art of Indian Miniature Paintings

Field Research
Artists/ Musicians Interviews
Art Training Centers

Viewing the topography &
geographical fators of areas-
rivers, mountains, forests

Music cassettes/ Albums
Articles, journals, newspapers
Holy books like Guru Granth Sahib
Observing artists while preparing the
art materials like color, paper and then
Musicians playing instruments
Getting Multiple

Direct Observations
Views of critics of art and music
Social & Economic Status of Artists
& Students

Visual Construction
Iconography of Music
Symbolization of Kangra
Ragamala Paintngs
Observation Analysis
& Inferences
Target Audience
Finding Design
Concepts Generation
Paper Prototype
Flash Prototype
Implications for
future work


Basic Information


Subjects and


Primary level

Facts(Actions and


Secondary Level
Symbols, Attributes)

Conventions Conventions Visual
Forms and Construction



1. Geometry
2. Harmony
3. Balance
4. Contrast
5. Movement
6. Rhythm
7. Proportion/scale


1. Physical climate
2. Socio-political and economic

3. Religious and philosophical
4. Traditions
1. Beliefs, Values
2. Purposes
3. Training, interests

Art Elements

1. Line
2. Color
3. Shape
4. Space
5. Texture
Artists at work in Chamunda and Kangra, Himachal Pradesh
Mind Map of Kagra Miniature Paintings
New Visual Framaework of Kangra Ragamala Paintings
Design Process Interface for the interactive table
Academic - Individual - 2008 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Immersive experience of
virtual and physical presence
4 weeks I Classroom Project
An idea inclined to transform local experiences
into global concept by creating a new social,
cultural, spatial relationships. Motivated to merge
the virtual and physical presence using latest
technologies was the driving force behind this
Space is designed by taking inspiration from the
real physical world, where people can sit and chat
online with their friends. It provides them with
an experience of sitting next to each other. The
distant surroundings will appear to be natural
continuation of the local place.
Advantages :
Reduce Isolation
Reduce degree of separation
Provide immersive experience
Presently personal research is being done to
analyze this concept as a feasible business
proposal and possible future deployment.
3d model of concept Friends sittings at two diferent geographical locations talking as if they are
sitting right next to each other
Design Process
Design Brief
Field Study of various informal
places to understand the dynamism
of these places
Analysis of physical chat and
virtual chat
Finding loop holes
Design concepts
Sketch Models
Technology used for the concept
Interface of the application
Logo for the concept
Academic - Individual - 2009 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Concept of baatein for joining two campuses of a university
Sound dome
Beam splitting technology
Touch screen interface
Come, sit and chat in a cafe kind
of place
Tea or snacks as a serving element
Two diferent places
sketch model
Analysis of a place

- Landmarks
- Easy to sit
- Mental modals
Logo designed for conecpt
Academic - Individual - 2009 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Ram and Pawan used to have good time together
having cofee, chit chatting and project discussions in
After college, Ram went to Germany
and Pawan went to London
Now they communicate either over phone
or face to face on desktop and they used to
miss chit chat over a cup of cofee
one day, Ram told Pawan regarding the
Baatein cafe.
Hi !!
Have u heard
about Baatein Cafe?
Hi !!
Lets try this cafe and
refresh our college
Ram reserved their seat in Baatein Cafe for
monday 6 pm
Ram and Pawan got their seat location
when they were close to cafe.
Ram was waiting Pawan to join. He was very
eagerly waiting to see Pawan next to him.
Meantime Ram ordered their favourite cofee.
After sometime Pawan joined and they were very
happy to see each other and they both refreshed their college
memories over a cup of cofee and real kind of cafe environment.
Participatory Design
Conducted by Prof. Dr. Gesche Joost and Jan
Linderberg from Deutsche Telekom Laboratories,
Berlin, Germany
Cultural Probes
Apparel design studio at NID was chosen as a
focus area to study the notion of students about
the public and private space both physically as
well as psychologically.
All the cultural probes were imagery by nature to
provoke the participants hidden emotions about
the space.
Multiple mediums of representation were used
i.e. writing, sketching, collage, sticking, collecting,
origami and left open ended.
Generative Design tool
The generative design tool was designed keeping
in mind the existing studio where stakeholders
has to associate their moods with the space.
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu Academic - Individual - 2009
Sketchy Picture
Story of a artist
4 weeks I Classroom Project
A visual interpretation of nostalgic moments of
an artists life depicted through his own paintings.
This project incorporates the values of artistic
expressions, aesthetics, semiotics, ideology and
various methods involved in flm making
starting from Script writing, Story Boarding,
Camera, Lighting, Direction, Editing, Art Direction,
Set Designing, Sound Editing and Titling.
Diferent techniques like Stop Motion Animation,
After efects etc were used in making. A painting
theme is used throughout the
Online Video Prototype
Shots from the movie
Academic - 8 team members - 2009 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
New Ornament
2 weeks I Open Electives
Brief of the project was to study our native place
and then design a contemporary decorative form
from the insights of forgotten and redundant
forms of decoration from that place.
Contemporary decorative design was developed
from a traditional art form - door. This insight
expressed the intrinsic design of a forgotten art
form and can be used in various modern designs.
Scaled down samples were designed using
diferent fabrics to represent this contemporary
form of a traditional door.
These could be used for blinds, curtains,
exhibitions, installations and for decorative
Art Form
Concepts &
Decorative Design
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu Academic - Individual - 2009
Photography as a tool to represent information related to various aspects of life in the society.
Personal 2008 - 2014 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu Personal 2008 - 2014
Paintings/ Models
Oil, Water, Poster, and Acrylic colors
Personal 2008 - 2014 Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
ph no.
915 East 41st Street,
Apt #210, Park Plaza Apartments
Austin, TX - 75781
(512) 695-2672
Amanjot Kaur Sandhu
Painting is based on Core of the

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