Math Club - 8-8:30 AM - Fraction Introductions With Pattern Blocks

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TeamLuby Update Week of January 27, 2014

Spring Street School

Mrs. Lubys class
SSS Book Swap! Thank you for
sending in book donations for our Book
Swap next week. We are still accepting
gently MORE used
childrens books of
all kinds this week!

We are creating Valentine cards for
local elderly housing centers and others on
Friday, Feb. 7 (2:15 3:00). If
you see any cool stickers,
stickie foam shapes, doilies, or
other fun Valentine Day
supplies, please send them in. We would
love your help if you are available! Just
let me know!
The Bill of Rights Kidblog
responses included strong choices and good
examples of why each is important to us.
Great job!
Remember those Box
Tops for Education!
Genre Bingo forms will be going home
on Monday for children to update with
what they have read/are reading at home!
Many students have been filling theirs in
regularly! Great job!

Dont forget sneakers on Tuesday and
recorders on Wednesday!

Math Club TUESDAY; 8-8:30 AM
Fraction introductions with pattern blocks

Date Assigned Due Date
Genre Bingo form goes home for updating?
What have YOU been reading at home?
1-27 1-31
South Region Map 1-27 1-29
Read The Mighty Hercules 1-27 1-28
and complete character traits page
Number stories 1-27 1-28
Invention Convention packet goes home
Addition/Subtraction review
1-28 1-29

Estimating review 1-29 1-30

IC Parent Sign off page due 1-31

Language Arts
We will begin reading a variety of
Greek myths in story and play formats. As
we compare characters (and their traits),
we will look deeper into themes and morals
of these stories. Next week, the children
will choose from stories in class (or find
their own Greek myth) and complete a small
project before retelling the story to the
class and to younger students. Please be
patient as this project progresses as we
determine due dates along the way! We will
also begin synthesizing information from
text to reach a deeper understanding of
what we are reading.


Our informative writing this week
focuses on main ideas.

The children will complete the Unit 6
and the Everyday Math Mid-Year
assessments before moving on to Unit 7
and fractions!
can be found on-line this year! As in past years,
they contain unit vocabulary, activities, and
selected homework answers. You can find these
newsletters at:
grade/famlly-leLLers/ If you cannot access them,
please let me know.

Social Studies
We will map the South Region and
begin looking at its physical features and
natural resources.

Science - from the desk of Mrs. Liporto
At the beginning of the week we will
be going over the information for our
annual fourth grade Invention Convention!
I will discuss this with the students in
class on Tuesday and the packets will come
home with them on that day. Please take a
few minutes to go over this information
with your fourth grade and then sign the
top page of the packet. I am hoping to
have all sign-off pages returned no later
than Friday this week. I appreciate your
Also this week in science we will begin to
get into our invention unit. This will be a
chance for students to put on their
creative hats and put to use some of the
information they have learned about simple
machines. Well begin by looking at some
common objects and coming up with new
and unusual uses for them. Later in the
week will start inventing! Our first project
will be a Thingamajig, where students have
to use various materials to invent
something new.

Class Tidbits!

Happy Birthday
Thomas S. 1-28

Jackson Pride 2-25

Art: Monday, 9:15-9:55 AM
Physical Education: Tues., 10:45 11:25 AM
Music, Wed, 11:25 12:05 PM
Health: Thursday, 10:45 11:25 AM
Chorus: Friday 10:00-10:40 AM
Media: Every other Wed. 9:10-9:30 AM
As always, your comments are welcome.
Please drop me an e-mail at school or at
Barbara Luby

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