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MOORE4S LA5 DOESN4T MATTER Back in 1965, Intel cofounder Gordon Moore predicted that the semiconductor industry could double the number of transistors on a chip every 12 months he later amended it to 2! months" for about the same cost# $nd for half a century, Moore%s &a' has held true, makin( computers cheaper and faster and more po'erful# It seems almost that lon( that e)perts have been 'arnin( that Moore%s &a' 'ould eventually run smack into the la's of physics, brin(in( everyone%s giddy ride to an end# It hasn%t happened yet# *ustin +attner, the chief technolo(y officer at Intel, insists the company can keep doublin( the number of transistors on a processor throu(h several more (enerations of chips over the ne)t decade# ,he trouble isn%t capacity- it%s speed# $ fe' years a(o microprocessors reached .G/0# 1ou can%t make them faster, or they overheat and start to melt# ,o solve that problem, the industry be(an makin( chips that do several tasks at once, instead of doin( a sin(le thin( faster and faster# ,hese days 'e%re seein( dual2 core and 3uad2core chips22in essence, processors 'ith t'o or four tiny computer en(ines on a sin(le chip# 4ithin a decade 'e 'ill likely see chips 'ith 155 cores, maybe even more, +attner says# But that raises a ne' problem6 ho' to put those tiny side2by2side computer en(ines to (ood use# ,he operatin( systems aren%t set up for it# 7either are the pro(rammin( lan(ua(es and development tools# 7either, in fact, are the pro(rammers themselves, 'ho have all (ro'n up 'ritin( soft'are to run on a sin(le en(ine22serially, that is, not in parallel# 89or 55 years 'e%ve done thi(s one 'ay, and no' 'e%re chan(in( to a different model,: says ;rai( Mundie, chief research and strate(y officer at Microsoft, 'hich as the bi((est maker of operatin( systems and pro(rammin( tools is leadin( the drive to solve the pu00le# It%s the bi((est sin(le chan(e Microsoft has ever faced, Mundie says# <arallel computin( has been around for a lon( time# But it%s mostly been confined to hi(h2end supercomputers# 4ritin( pro(rams for them is incredibly difficult and time2consumin(# ,he challen(e no' is to make it possibleand cheap22for ordinary pro(rammers to 'rite pro(rams that run in parallel# Mundie predicts bi( thin(s 'hen he doesn%t say if" Microsoft 'orks it all out# $fter all, the human brain is itself a massively parallel computer- 'ritin( pro(rams that can operate in parallel is the key to makin( computers that seem more like us and less like machines# 8In a sense 'e are tryin( to build a crude appro)imation of 'hat nature does in your brain,: says 1 Mundie# 8<arallelism is the only 'ay I to (et there#:
&1=7>, ?aniel# Moore%s la' doesn%t matter# In: Newsweek, $u(ust 2559, p#!@"

1.2 $ dificuldade 3ue a fabricante de microprocessadores enfrenta, para continuar atendendo A lei de Moore, estB relacionada com $" a velocidade do microprocessador# B" a capacidade e com o tamanho do microprocessador# ;" a velocidade e com a capacidade do microprocessador# ?" a necessidade de criaCDo de um microprocessador com .G/0# E" a dificuldade em criar um microprocessador maior do 3ue .G/0# 1!2 ?as frases reprodu0idas a se(uir, a3uela 3ue tra0 e)emplos de (raus de comparaCDo estB na alternativa $" 87either, in fact, are the pro(rammers themselves, 'ho have (ro'n up 'ritin( soft'ares to run on a sin(le en(ine F serially, that is, not in parallel:# B" 89or 55 years 'e%ve done thin(s one 'ay, and no' 'e%re chan(in( to a different model:# ;" 84ithin a decade 'e 'ill likely see chips 'ith 155 cores, maybe even more, +attner says:# ?" 8Moore%s &a' has held true, makin( computers cheaper and faster and more po'erful:# E" 84ritin( pro(rams for them is incredibly difficult and time2consumin(:# 152 $ssinale a alternativa cuGa palavra pode substituir o termo giddy, destacado na linha 5, sem preGuH0o para o sentido do te)to# $" <hony# B" ?i00y# ;" 9o((y# ?" Ed(y# E" Mu((y# Leia o texto abaixo para responder s questes 16 a 18.
$ ,$>,E =9 <+I>=7 9==? >II +EI79=+;E? >,EE& ?==+> >,$7? bet'een the outside 'orld and the ;link, a restaurant located inside /er MaGesty%s /i(h ?o'n <rison, >urrey# ?iners are stripped of their mobile phones and tobacco products, and 'hisked throu(h an airless 'aitin( room filled 'ith s'a((erin( 8scre's:, 'ho clank keys and slam doors# Inside lies a slick restaurant 'ith chromotherapy mood li(htin(, polished black (ranite surfaces, and (ray 'ool upholstered chairs that 'ouldn%t be out of place in a 4est End eatery# =nly the plastic cutlery (ives the (ame a'ay22as 'ell as the fact that all of the chefs face special restrictions on the usa(e of the knives# It looks like a 4est End eatery, but the plastic cutlery su((ests other'ise# ,he ;link is the brainchild of prison officer Jathleen +uby and professional chef $lberto ;risci, 'ho coaches offenders on ho' to make adventurous dishes like avocado sorbet# ,heir hope is that the culinary skills prisoners learn in the sparklin(2clean open kitchen mi(ht help them (et Gobs on release# ,he restaurant, 'hich serves surprisin(ly tasty dishes22 like steak on(let 'ith bKarnaise sauce, slo'2cooked pork belly, cheese soufflK omelette, and or(anic salad (ro'n from the prisoners% o'n (ardenresembles somethin( bet'een /ell%s Jitchen and <rison Break# $ charmin( 9rench 'aiter servin( a 1!2year sentence for dru( offenses" completes the haute cuisine mira(e# $nd a (ood2 lookin( >panish prisoner makes a mean espresso on the hu(e Ga((ia machine, before sendin( (uests back into the concrete courtyard surrounded by barbed 'ire and sevenmeter fences2definitely puttin( the kibosh on anyone plannin( to dine and dash '''#theclinkonline# com"# >#G#
$ ,aste of <rison 9ood# In: Newsweek, >eptember 2559, p#!L"

$ funCDo do restaurante ;link, locali0ado numa prisDo norte2americana, K $" recepcionar 8chefs: de co0inha famosos# B" proporcionar aos prisioneiros com boa conduta oportunidade de receber seus familiares# ;" oferecer cenBrio para as filma(ens da sKrie 8<rision Break:# ?" fornecer pratos prontos para orfanatos locais# E" promover situaCMes de sociali0aCDo aos prisioneiros, por meio do incentivo a habilidades culinBrias# 9a0em parte da decoraCDo do restaurante ;link $" sofBs charmosos revestidos com couro# B" poltronas confortBveis revestidas com veludo# ;" cadeiras revestidas com lD# ?" cadeiras de couro e sofBs revestidos com lD# E" cadeiras de madeira com almofadas de veludo# Nm antOnimo para a palavra slick, destacada na linha @, K $" smooth# B" clean# ;" neat# ?" sloppy# E" utter#

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