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Tesia Wieprecht 1/2/14 Period 3 Annotated Bibliography Primary: Amador Ledger. Chronicling America. 07 a!. 1"10 We#. 23 $ec.

2013. %http://chro!ic&i!gamerica.&oc.go'/&cc!/s!"30(2")0/1"10*01*07/ed*1/se+* 3/,date1-1)3./i!de0-0/ro1s-20/1ords-Loch!er23e12's24or5/searchTyp e-#asic/se+6e!ce-0/state-/date2-1"22/pro0te0t-Loch!er2's23e124or5/ y-0/0-0/date7i&terType-year8a!ge/page-19. This 1e#site is a! i!teracti'e pict6re that ca! :oom i! a!d o6t o; a! o&d 1"10 !e1spaper. <t pro'ides re&e'a!t i!;ormatio! a#o6t some o; the e'e!ts i! Loch!er=s tria&. 7or e0amp&e> it states> ?1e&& i&&6strated #y the s6#se+6e!t decisio! i! Loch!er 's. 3e1 4or5? i! 1hich the co6rt o; appea&s o; 3e1 4or5 i! Peop&e 's. Loch!er? dec&ared i!'a&id a &a1 &imiti!g the ho6rs o; &a#or o; #a5ers. A&so em#edded i! the o&d !e1spaper artic&e is a +6ote ;rom 6stice Pec5ham> We thi!5 that there ca! #e !o ;air trade o; a #a5er i! a!d o; itse&;? 1hich 1o6&d a6thori:e the &egis&at6re to i!ter;ere 1ith the right o; &a#or> a!d 1ith the right o; ;ree co!tract. @er!stei!> $a'id. 86;6s Pec5ham ABs B&i'er We!de&& Co&mes. 2010 6!e. Po&itica& Dartoo! o! We#site. %http://111.'o&;6s*pec5ham*5os* o&i'er*1e!de&&*ho&mes/9. This po&itica& cartoo! is o; 6stice Pec5ham a#o6t to 5!oc5 6stice Co&mes o6t 1ith his #o0i!g g&o'e. <! the #ac5> there are #a!!ers ;or #oth> #6t the Co&mes o!e is i! the process o; #ei!g ripped do1!. This sig!i;ies Co&mes= de;eat i! the Loch!er case> a!d ho1 Pec5ham 1as o! top. Pec5ham had peop&e o! his side> 1hereas Co&mes did !ot. Lee> 86sse&&. Corner of Bakery With Machine Which Forms Dough Into Rolls. 1"3" 3o'. Photograph. 7arm Eec6rity Admi!istratio!/B;;ice o; War <!;ormatio! @&ac5*a!d* White 3egati'es> Ea! A!ge&o> Te0as. %http://111.&oc.go'/pict6res/item/;sa200001.21(/PP/9. This pict6re is i! #&ac5 a!d 1hite a!d is ;rom a 3e1 4or5 #a5ery. <t depicts a dirty #a5ery a!d a 1or5er mo'i!g a hea'y machi!e across the ;&oor. <! the cor!er is a machi!e that ;orms do6gh i!to ro&&s. The #a5ery is !ot ;i!ished a!d the &ight ;i0t6res are &o1 e!o6gh that someo!e co6&d #6mp their head o! o!e. Lee> 86sse&&. Getting an Order for Grocery tore !ogether at Bakery. 1"3" 3o'.

Photograph. 7arm Eec6rity Admi!istratio!/B;;ice o; War <!;ormatio! @&ac5*a!d* White 3egati'es> Ea! A!ge&o> Te0as. %http://111.&oc.go'/pict6res/item/;sa200001.323/PP/9. This pict6re is o; a ma! #e!di!g o'er to stac5 groceries i! pi&es. Ce seems to #e i! a store room> 1here some o; the i!gredie!ts are 6!pac5aged a!d some are !ot. Fost o; the i!gredie!ts are i! crates. The 1ho&e room seems 'ery 6!sa!itary> a!d the pict6re is i! #&ac5 a!d 1hite. Lee> 86sse&&. "ushing !ruckload of Freshly Baked Bread and Rolls at Bakery. 1"3" 3o'. Photograph. 7arm Eec6rity Admi!istratio!/B;;ice o; War <!;ormatio! @&ac5*a!d* White 3egati'es> Ea! A!ge&o> Te0as. %http://111.&oc.go'/pict6res/item/;sa200001.137/PP/9. This pict6re is o; a ma! p6shi!g a &arge a!d 'ery hea'y &oo5i!g rac5 o; #read a!d ro&&s across the #a5ery. The ma! &oo5s tired a!d e0ha6sted> #6t is p6shi!g the rac5 !o!ethe&ess. There is a!other ma! i! the #ac5gro6!d> a!d he appears to #e c6tti!g do6gh a!d p&aci!g it o! meta& sheets. There is o!e piece o; do6gh o! the meta& sheet. 8ose!> e;;rey. 200. $ec. Photograph o! We#site. 3e1 4or5 %!et/s6premeco6rt/capita&ism/history.htm&9. This pict6re is o; oseph Loch!er a!d t1o other me! #ehi!d him i! his #a5ery. B!e ma! is ta&&er tha! o!e o; the o'erha!gi!g &ights. A&& three me! are ;i&thy a!d the 1or5ta#&e is a&so a mess. The other ma! i! the #ac5 does !ot &oo5 to #e o&der tha! i! his tee!s> a!d the pict6re is i! #&ac5 a!d 1hite. There is a captio!G A sce!e ;rom the #a5ery o; oseph Loch!er> 1ho i! 1"02 cha&&e!ged a 3e1 4or5 state &a1 prohi#iti!g the emp&oyme!t o; #a5ers ;or more tha! .0 ho6rs a 1ee5 or 10 ho6rs a day. 8ose!> e;;rey. 200. $ec. Photograph o! We#site> page 2. 3e1 4or5. %!et/s6premeco6rt/capita&ism/&a!dmar5H&och!er.htm&9. This pict6re is o; Loch!er a!d his ;ami&y. There are three 1ome! i! the pict6re> o!e is c6t o;;. There is a&so a #a#y #oy a&o!g 1ith a gir& todd&er. Loch!er a!d the gir& todd&er are the o!&y o!es sta!di!g 6p. There is a captio!G oseph Loch!er> sta!di!g> right> 1as ;i!ed I(0 ;or a&&o1i!g a! emp&oyee to 1or5 more tha! .0 ho6rs i! a 1ee5 i! his #a5ery. A#o'e> Loch!er i! the yard #ehi!d his #a5ery 1ith his 1i;e> a !eigh#orhood chi&d> his so! a!d three #a5ery emp&oyees.

Eeco!dary: $epartme!t o; La#or. Wages a!d Co6rs: 7re+6e!t&y As5ed J6estio!s. #e$ %ork tate. We#. 27 Fay 2013. %http://111.&a#or.!y.go'/1or5erprotectio!/&a#orsta!dards/;a+.shtm,79. This 1e#site doc6me!t has i!;ormatio! o! practica&&y e'erythi!g to do 1ith 1ages a!d ho6rs> a!d is i! the ;orm o; +6estio!s a!d a!s1ers. 7or e0amp&e> o!e o; the +6estio!s is: What are r6&es ;or o'ertimeK a!d the a!s1er is: The o'ertime re+6ireme!t is #ased o! ho6rs 1or5ed i! a gi'e! payro&& 1ee5? A!other +6estio! is: Co1 ma!y ho6rs ca! a! emp&oyer as5 a! emp&oyee to 1or5K a!d the a!s1er is: There are !o &imits o!: the !6m#er o; 1or5 ho6rs per day Le0cept ;or chi&dre! 6!der 1)M> ho1 ear&y i! the mor!i!g a! ad6&t emp&oyee may 1or5> or ho1 &ate i! the day a! ad6&t emp&oyee may 1or5. oseph Loch!er '. Peop&e o; the Etate o; 3e1 4or5. We#. 03 $ec. 2013. %http://aa&to.arch.5s6.ed6/N15p&a!/images/&och!er.pd;9. This pd; is a&& a#o6t 6stice Pec5ham=s ideas a!d the process o; his 1riti!g o; the maNority 'ote. 6stice Pec5ham ;irst co'ers the #ac5gro6!d o; 1hy Loch!er 1as arrested ;or #rea5i!g the &a1. Pec5ham ta&5s a#o6t the 7o6rtee!th Ame!dme!t a!d the! ho1 the state o; 3e1 4or5 has reaso!s ;or its po1er. This reaso! is to pre'e!t e!da!geri!g the hea&th> sa;ety> a!d 1e&;are o; #a5ery 1or5ers. Ae!s> Pa6&. Loch!er: Traditio! or Dha!ge i! Do!stit6tio!a& La1. #%& 'ournal of (a$ ) (i*erty. We#. 004 3o'. 2013. %http://111.&a1.!y6.ed6/sites/de;a6&t/;i&es/ODFHP8BH0.0"03.pd;9. This pd; is a#o6t the 1ho&e process o; Loch!er=s tria&G #e;ore> d6ri!g> a!d a;ter. Ae!s e0p&ai!s ho1 Loch!er i!;&6e!ces 3e1 4or5 c6rre!t&y> a!d ho1 his tria& is co!sidered the most discredited decisio! i! E6preme Do6rt history. B! Farch 1" i! 1)"(> the 3e1 4or5 Assem#&y passed the @a5eshop Act #y a maNority 'ote. La!e> oseph. Loch!er '. 3e1 4or5. 02 Farch 2007. We#. 0) 3o'. 2013. %http://111.1estga.ed6/Pr&a!e/&a1/&ect6re20He6ge!ics.htm&9. This 1e#site doc6me!t states that the maNority decisio! o; Loch!er=s tria& re&ied o! the d6e process c&a6se o; the 14th Ame!dme!t. That c&a6se states that !o Etate sha&& ma5e or e!;orce a!y &a1 1hich sha&& a#ridge the pri'i&eges or imm6!ities o; citi:e!s o; the Q!ited EtatesG !or sha&& a!y Etate depri'e a!y perso!

o; &i;e> &i#erty> or property> 1itho6t d6e process o; &a1G !or de!y to a!y perso! 1ithi! its N6risdictio! the e+6a& protectio! o; the &a1s. This 1e#site doc6me!ts a&so ta&5s a#o6t the maNority decisio! o; the trai&. La1!i0. Loch!er 's. 3e1 4or5*Dase @rie; E6mmary. (a$ni+. We#. 1. Fay 2013. %http://111.&a1!!er*!e1*yor5.htm&9. This 1e#site doc6me!t s6mmari:es the 6stices reaso!s ;or disse!t or agreeme!t. The iss6e 1as: determi!i!g 1hether &egis&atio! 1hich see5s to impose restrictio!s 6po! a! i!di'id6a&=s ge!era& right to ma5e a co!tract i! re&atio! to his #6si!ess is !ot i!'a&id 6!der the $6e Process D&a6se o; the 7o6rtee!th Ame!dme!t. 6stice Pec5ham tho6ght that the co6rt 1o6&d decide 1hether &egis&atio! 1as ;air or !ot> accordi!g to the perso!=s #6si!ess. 6stice Car&a! tho6gh that> either the 7o6rtee!th Ame!dme!t !or a!y other Ame!dme!t 1as desig!ed to i!ter;ere 1ith the po1er o; the Etate to prescri#e reg6&atio!s to promote the hea&th> peace> mora&s> ed6catio!> a!d good order o; the peop&e. Lega& <!;ormatio! <!stit6te. oseph Loch!er 's. Peop&e o; the Etate o; 3e1 4or5. Cornell &ni,ersity (a$ chool. We#. 13 Fay 2013. %http://111.&a1.cor!e&&.ed6/s6premeco6rt/te0t/1")/4(9. This 1e#site doc6me!t mai!&y ta&5s a#o6t the di;;ere!t sides a!d reaso!s o; Loch!er=s tria&. <t a&so ta&5s a#o6t ho1 the 7o6rtee!th Ame!dme!t re&ates to his case. The 7o6rtee!th Ame!dme!t> accordi!g to the 1e#site> protects the ge!era& right to ma5e a co!tract i! re&atio! to his #6si!ess? this i!c&6des the right to p6rchase a!d se&& &a#or> e0cept as co!tro&&ed #y the Etate i! the &egitimate e0ercise o; its po&ice po1er. <t a&so ta&5s a#o6t the reaso!s ;or 6stices Car&a! a!d Co&mes= disse!t i! great detai&. Li#erty o; Do!tract. -+.loring Constitutional Conflicts. We#. 12 $ec. 2013. %http://&a12.6m5c.ed6/;ac6&ty/proNects/;tria&s/co!&a1/&i#ertyo;5.htm9. This 1e#site doc6me!t has good i!;ormatio! a#o6t the historica& #ac5gro6!d ;or Loch!er=s case. <t a&so pro'ides ma!y !6merica& 'a&6es. @y the mid*1)"0=s> most #a5eries ga'e their 1or5ers a ma0im6m o; si0ty ho6rs to 1or5 d6ri!g the 1ee5. Ema&&er #a5eries dema!ded &o!ger ho6rs ;rom their emp&oyees to e!s6re they got as m6ch 1or5 do!e as the &arger #a5eries. The @a5eshop Act o; 1)"7 cha&&e!ged Loch!er=s case #eca6se it had a sectio! that esta#&ished the si0ty*ho6r ma0im6m 1or5 1ee5 ;or a&& #a5eries= emp&oyees. Li!der> $o6g. Loch!er '. Peop&e o; Etate o; 3e1 4or5? L1"0(M. -+.loring

Constitutional Conflicts. We#. 0. $ec. 2013. %http://&a12.6m5c.ed6/;ac6&ty/proNects/;tria&s/co!&a1/&och!er.htm&9. This 1e#site doc6me!t is a#o6t 1hat 6stice Pec5ham de&i'ered to the co6rt. <! his o1! 1ords: The stat6te !ecessari&y i!ter;eres 1ith the right o; co!tract #et1ee! the emp&oyer a!d emp&oyees> co!cer!i!g the !6m#er o; ho6rs i! 1hich the &atter may &a#or i! the #a5ery o; the emp&oyer. Q!der that pro'isio! !o state ca! depri'e a!y perso! o; &i;e> &i#erty> or property 1itho6t d6e process o; &a1. <t m6st> o; co6rse> #e co!ceded that there is a &imit to the 'a&ied e0ercise o; the po&ice po1er #y the state. There is !o disp6te co!cer!i!g this ge!era& propositio!. 8eisert> oseph 8. Loch!er '. 3e1 4or5 L1"0(M. Col*y. 1) Farch 200). We#. 2( a!. 2013. %!er2'.23e124or59. This 1e#site doc6me!t e&a#orates o! the choices o; 6stice Pec5ham d6ri!g oseph Loch!er=s tria&. B!e o; the 6stice=s arg6me!ts 1as that the right to e!ter i!to a co!tract i! re&atio! to #6si!ess is protected #y the 14th ame!dme!t> 1hich states that !o Etate ca! depri'e a!y perso! o; &i;e> &i#erty or property 1itho6t d6e process o; the &a1. A&so> has the right to pre'e!t the ma5i!g o; co!tacts 6!der the a6spice o; its Rpo&ice po1ersRG i; the Etate> 1ithi! the &egitimate 6se o; its po&ice po1ers> has the right to #&oc5 the co!tractG that right is !ot protected #y the 14th ame!dme!t. Eeipp> $a'id . Eymposi6m: Loch!er De!te!!ia& Do!;ere!ce. We#. 07 Fay 2013. %http://111.#6.ed6/&a1/ce!tra&/Nd/orga!i:atio!s/No6r!a&s/#6&r/'o&6me)(!3/<!tro. pd;9. This pd; ;i&e e0p&ai!s some o; the #ac5gro6!d ;rom Loch!er=s case. <t to6ches o! ho1 Loch!er 1as a! o1!er o; a sma&& #a5ery i! Qtica> 1as co!'icted i! 1"02 ;or &etti!g Ama! Echmitter to 1or5 more tha! the a&&o1ed si0ty ho6rs i! o!e 1ee5> a!d ;i!ed ;i;ty do&&ars ;or the same reaso!. The pd; a&so ta&5s a#o6t ho1 B! Apri& 17> 1"0(> the Q.E. E6preme Do6rt &et Loch!er go o! a ;i'e*to*;o6r 'ote. <! his tria&> the 3e1 4or5 &egis&at6re said that its stat6te 1as a#o6t hea&th> a!d the E6preme Do6rt disagreed 1ith that stateme!t.

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