B.Sc. Biotechnology Semester VI BBT 613: Clinical Biotechnology Total 45 L

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Biotechnology Semester VI BBT 613: Clinical Biotechnology


Total 45 L

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Blood analysis Blood, plasma and serum, use of anticoagulants for preparation of sample. Quantitative estimation of blood glucose, urea, creatinine, uric acid; free and conjugated billirubin, BensJones proteins, Na+ and K+ and its significance. Hemogram Significance of hemogram, determination of Hb, glycosylated Hb, total and differential count, clinical significance of packed RBCs, platelets and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Blood groups: matching and cross matching. Blood coagulation Clotting factors, coagulation: tests clotting time and prothrombin time, diseases associated with blood clotting/ blood lysis. Quality of blood Definition of anemia, types of anemia iron deficiency anemia, Pernicious anemia, hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, sickle cell anemia. Thalaessaemia. Lipid profile Determination of triglycerides, cholesterol, VLDL, LDL, HDL, significance of deviation from normal range. Status of liver Structure and functions of liver, liver function tests, metabolism of RBC, types of Jaundice Hemolytic, hepatic, posthepatic, neonatal and jaundice of genetic origin. Urine analysis Structure and functions of kidney, abnormal constituents of urine and their significance: glucose, acetone bodies, urea, creatinine, uric acid, billirubin, protein, Na+, K+ and calcium oxalate. Significance of enzymes in diagnosis Use of enzymes in clinical diagnosis: assay and significance of enzyme levels in heart, liver, kidney and pancreatic disorders. SGPT, SGOT, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, amylase. Basic Immunology Introduction to immunology: innate immunity, adaptive immunity, humoral and cellmediated immune responses and clonal selection theory. Antigens Immunogens and antigens, proteins as antigens, antigenic epitope, T dependant and Tindependent antigens, haptens. Antibodies Structure, class, subclasses, allotypes, isotyeps and idiotypes. Cells of immune system Antigen presenting cells, T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes.








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Organs of the immune system Primary lymphoid organs bone marrow and thymus, secondary lymphoid organs spleen and lymph nodes. B cells Development and maturation. T lymphocytes Development and maturation, subsets of T cells, T helper and T cytotoxic cells. Subsets of T helper cells T H1 and T H2. Major hsitocompatiblity complex (MHC) Class I and class II MHC molecules, polymorphism, its role in antigen presentation. Cytokines As mediators of immune response, T cell derived cytokines, macrophage derived cytokines, cytokine receptors. Antigen antibody interaction Affinity and avidity, detection methods (gel diffusion, electrophoresis, ELISA, RIA and Western blot). Clinical immunology Radial immunodiffusion Quantification of antigen/antibody in the serum proteins. Rocket immunoelectrophoresis Quantification of antigen/antibody in the serum proteins. ELISA Detection of tumor markers & other soluble antigens cytokine deficiency. Radioimmunoassay Detection of hormones and other soluble proteins. Immunophenotyping using immunofluorescence Diagnosis of leukemias & lymphomas, cell surface markers for immunodeficiency diseases, introduction to flowcytometry. Histochemistry & immunohistochemistry For cancer and other pathological tissues. Monoclonal antibodies as diagnostic reagents References 1. Human biochemistry, Frisell, W.R., Macmillan Publ. New York, (1982). 2. Basic Neurochemistry, Molecular, Cellular And Medical Aspects, Siegel, G. J., Albers, R. W., and Price, D. L., Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2005). 3. Essentials of Clinical Immunology, Chapel, H., Ed., Blackwell Publ. (2006). 4. Kubys Immunology, 6th Edn., Kindt, T. J., Goldsby, R. A. and Osborne, B. A., W. H. Freeman & Co. New York (2007). 5. Text book of Biochemistry: Clinical Correlations, Delvin, T. M., John

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Wiley & Sons Inc (2007). Industrial Biochemistry, Dass, B. K., Oscar Publ. (2007). Human biochemistry and diseases, Litkwack, G., Academic Press/ Elsevier, Amsterdam(2008) Essentials of Clinical Immunology, Zobiriskie, J. U., Ed. Cambridge Univ. Press Publ., New York (2009). Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis and Correlations.Kaplan, L .A and Pesce, A. J., Mosby and co., St. Louis (2009).

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