Using Ole2 Objects For Create An Excel File SCN PDF

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Using ole2 objects for create an excel file

created by Ricardo Romero on Mar 29, 2012 1:29 PM, last modified by Ricardo Romero on Apr 2, 2012 10:07 AM Tired of download always the same excel sheet ? Without colours, borders, validations, etc...

Let's see how to create a lovely excel sheet like this using ole2 objects:

First you need to know the different parts in MS excel. Each part will represent an ole2 object in our program:

All the examples below use the following template report. You only need to copy the code on the example and paste it in the space reserved for this purpose. In this report you can see how to create a new document, how to save it and how to close it.
Template Report
REPORT zric_ole2. TYPE-POOLS: soi,ole2. DATA: lo_application lo_workbook lo_workbooks lo_range lo_worksheet lo_worksheets TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE TYPE ole2_object, ole2_object, ole2_object, ole2_object, ole2_object, ole2_object,

Template Report
lo_column lo_row lo_cell lo_font TYPE TYPE TYPE ole2_object, ole2_object, ole2_object,

TYPE ole2_object.

DATA: lo_cellstart lo_cellend lo_selection lo_validation

TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object.

DATA: lv_selected_folder TYPE string, lv_complete_path lv_titulo TYPE char256, TYPE string.

CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse EXPORTING window_title initial_folder CHANGING selected_folder = lv_selected_folder EXCEPTIONS cntl_error error_no_gui OTHERS = 1 = 2 = 3. = lv_titulo = 'C:\'

CHECK NOT lv_selected_folder IS INITIAL.

CREATE OBJECT lo_application 'Excel.Application'. CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'Workbooks' = lo_workbooks. CALL METHOD OF lo_workbooks 'Add' = lo_workbook. SET PROPERTY OF lo_application 'Visible' = 0. GET PROPERTY OF lo_application 'ACTIVESHEET' = lo_worksheet.

* ---------* ---- PASTE HERE THE CODE * ----------

CONCATENATE lv_selected_folder '\Test' INTO lv_complete_path.

Template Report
CALL METHOD OF lo_workbook 'SaveAs' EXPORTING #1 = lv_complete_path. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. MESSAGE 'File downloaded successfully' TYPE 'S'. ELSE. MESSAGE 'Error downloading the file' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF.

CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'QUIT'. FREE OBJECT lo_worksheet. FREE OBJECT lo_workbook. FREE OBJECT lo_application.

Basic movements

Select a cell

CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row #2 = 2. "Column

Select a Range of cells

* 1. Select starting cell CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = 1 #2 = 1.

* 2. Select ending cell CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = 3

Select a Range of cells

#2 = 3.

* Select the Range: CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'RANGE' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend.

Select a Column
CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Columns' = lo_column EXPORTING #1 = 1.

Select a Row
CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Rows' = lo_row EXPORTING #1 = 1.

Get the selection reference

* Select a Row CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Rows' = lo_row EXPORTING #1 = 1.

* Active the selection CALL METHOD OF lo_row 'Select'.* Get the selection object. CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'selection' = lo_selection.

Change the active Worksheet

CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'Worksheets' = lo_worksheet

Change the active Worksheet

EXPORTING #1 = 2. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Activate'.

Change the name of the Worksheet

SET PROPERTY OF lo_worksheet 'Name' = 'Hello!'.

Add a new Worksheet

CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'add'.

Modifying the content

I think the best way to understand how it works is creating a macro in excel and seeing the Visual Basic code in order to "translate" it to abap. For create a macro you need first to activate the developer tab, the following link explains how to do it: Create a macro is easy, you can follow the following link: I also recommend to download the VB language reference as guide. Compare the VB code with the Abap code. And you will understand how it works. You don't need to transform the entire VB code in Abap in all the cases, only the parts you need.

1 - Select a cell and set a Value:

CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row #2 = 2. "Column

SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = 'Hello World'.


2- Change Font and Size


CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING


#1 = 1 "Row #2 = 2. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = 'Hello World'. CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'FONT' = lo_font. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Name' = 'Arial'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Size' = 15.

3- Change Colour, Bold, Underline and Italics:


CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row #2 = 2. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = 'Hello World'. CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'FONT' = lo_font.


SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Color' = -16776961. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'TintAndShade' = 0. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Bold' = 1. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Italic' = 1. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'Underline' = 2. "xlUnderlineStyleSingle DATA: lo_interior TYPE ole2_object. CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Interior' = lo_interior. SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'Color' = 15773696.

In this example you can see we are using the VB constant xlUnderlineStyleSingle with the value 2. To know the values of those constants in excel you can download the VBA language reference from the link and follow the following path for see all the constants. Or also you can use this link to look up the constants values online

But I prefer to execute the macro recorded step by step for debug the code and you can see the

value of the constants you want leaving the mouse cursor over that constant.

- 4 Add Borders


DATA: lo_borders TYPE ole2_object. CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '7'. "xlEdgeLeft SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '8'. "xlEdgeTop SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '9'. "xlEdgeBottom SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '10'. "xlEdgeRight SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous * Increase the weight of the border if you want, in this case only for EdgeRight: SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'WEIGHT' = 4. "xlThick

- 5 Change cell format



CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row #2 = 1. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = '1.23'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'NumberFormat' = '0.00'. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 3 "Row #2 = 1. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = '02/01/2012'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'NumberFormat' = 'm/d/yyyy'. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 5 "Row #2 = 1. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'NumberFormat' = '0.00'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = '1/2'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'NumberFormat' = '# ?/?'.

- 6 Add validation
For example allow only dates between Jan-2000 and Jan-2010 and show an error if not.


CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row #2 = 1. "Column CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'select'. CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'selection' = lo_selection. CALL METHOD OF lo_selection 'Validation' = lo_validation. CALL METHOD OF lo_validation 'Add' EXPORTING #1 = 4 "Type #3 = 1 "Operator = xlValidateDate = xlBetween #2 = 1 "AlertStype = xlValidAlertStop #4 = '1/1/2000' "Formula1 #5 = '1/1/2010'."Formula2 SET PROPERTY OF lo_validation 'ErrorMessage' = 'Enter a valid date'.

- 7 Create a drop down list with value list in other worksheet:

Here you have an example of creation in excel:


DATA: lv_range_name TYPE char24 VALUE 'Values'.


* Go to sheet 2 CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'Worksheets' = lo_worksheet EXPORTING #1 = 2. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Activate'. * Fill the cells with the values; DATA: lv_row TYPE i, lv_cont(4) TYPE n VALUE '0040', lv_num(4), lv_char. DO 7 TIMES. ADD 1 TO: lv_cont, lv_row. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = lv_row #2 = 1. * lv_num = lv_cont. lv_char = CL_ABAP_CONV_IN_CE=>uccp( lv_num ). SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = lv_char. ENDDO. * Select the range and set a name; * 1. Select starting cell CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = 1 #2 = 1. * 2. Select ending cell CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = lv_cont #2 = 1. * Select the Range: CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'RANGE' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'select'. * Set a name to this Range "Row "Row "Column

Convert num to ascii


SET PROPERTY OF lo_range 'Name' = lv_range_name. * Return to sheet 1 CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'Worksheets' = lo_worksheet EXPORTING #1 = 1. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Activate'. * Select the cell A1 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row #2 = 1. "Column CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'select'. CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'selection' = lo_selection. CALL METHOD OF lo_selection 'Validation' = lo_validation. CONCATENATE '=' lv_range_name INTO lv_range_name. CALL METHOD OF lo_validation 'Add' EXPORTING #1 = 3 "'xlValidateList' #2 = 1 "'xlValidAlertStop' #3 = 1 "'xlBetween' #4 = lv_range_name.

Improving the performance

If you want to download a large amount of data it can take a lot of time. For improve the performance we are going to copy the data from abap to clipboard and paste it to excel. Compares the execution time of these two examples:
Cell by Cell

DATA: lt_ekpo TYPE ekpo OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lv_cont TYPE i, lv_row TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <field> TYPE ANY. * Select some data; SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_ekpo FROM ekpo UP TO 50ROWS. * Print the data cell by cell: LOOP AT lt_ekpo. lv_cont = 1. lv_row = sy-tabix. * Write for example 15 columns per row. DO 15 TIMES. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = lv_row #2 = lv_cont. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_cont OF STRUCTURE lt_ekpoTO <field>. SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = <field>. ADD 1 TO lv_cont. ENDDO. ENDLOOP. Printing cell by cell takes about 145 seconds:



TYPES: ty_data(1500) TYPE c. DATA: lt_data TYPE ty_data OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: lt_ekpo TYPE ekpo OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE, lv_cont TYPE. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <field> TYPE ANY. * Select some data; SELECT * INTO TABLE lt_ekpo FROM ekpo UP TO 50 ROWS. * Prepare the data before copy to clipboard; LOOP AT lt_ekpo. lv_cont = 1. * Write for example 15 columns per row. DO 15 TIMES. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_cont OF STRUCTURE lt_ekpo TO <field>. CONCATENATE lt_data <field> INTO lt_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. ADD 1 TO lv_cont. ENDDO. SHIFT lt_data BY 1 PLACES LEFT. APPEND lt_data. CLEAR lt_data. ENDLOOP. * Copy to clipboard into ABAP CALL FUNCTION 'CONTROL_FLUSH' EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 3. CALL FUNCTION 'CLPB_EXPORT' TABLES data_tab = lt_data EXCEPTIONS clpb_error = 1 OTHERS = 2.

* Select the cell A1 CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row


#2 = 1. "Column * Paste clipboard from cell A1 CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'SELECT'. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'PASTE'.
Printing doing copy-paste takes less than 4 seconds !!!

Useful subrutines
I've created an include that you can include in your programs with several useful subrutines. The code of the include is at the end of this document. And here you have a test report in wich you can see how it works:

Test report: Example of use the include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

REPORT zric_ole2. INCLUDE: zric_ole2_utils. DATA: BEGIN OF lt_spfli OCCURS 0, carrid TYPE s_carr_id, connid TYPE s_conn_id, cityfrom TYPE s_from_cit, cityto TYPE s_to_city, deptime TYPE s_dep_time, arrtime TYPE s_arr_time, END OF lt_spfli. DATA: lv_selected_folder TYPE string,

Test report: Example of use the include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

lv_complete_path TYPE char256, lv_title TYPE string.

START-OF-SELECTION. CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse EXPORTING window_title CHANGING selected_folder = lv_selected_folder EXCEPTIONS cntl_error error_no_gui OTHERS =1 =2 = 3. = lv_title initial_folder = 'C:\'

CHECK NOT lv_selected_folder IS INITIAL. * Create the document; PERFORM create_document. * --------------------------------------------------------* * Select some flights SELECT carrid connid cityfrom cityto deptime arrtime INTO TABLE lt_spfli FROM spfli UP TO 20 ROWS. * Fill a header with some data of the passenger: gs_data = 'Passenger name'. APPEND gs_data TO gt_data. gs_data = 'Passport'. gs_data = 'Nacionality'. * Add an empty line CLEAR gs_data. APPEND gs_data TO gt_data. * Fill the positions: * First a Header with the column's names CLEAR gt_lines[]. gs_lines-value = 'Airline Code'. gs_lines-value = 'Departure city'. gs_lines-value = 'Arrival city'. APPEND gs_lines TO gt_lines. APPEND gs_lines TO gt_lines. APPEND gs_lines TO gt_lines. gs_lines-value = 'Connection Number'. APPEND gs_lines TO gt_lines. APPEND gs_data TO gt_data. APPEND gs_data TO gt_data.

Test report: Example of use the include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

gs_lines-value = 'Departure time'. gs_lines-value = 'Arrival time'.

APPEND gs_lines TO gt_lines. APPEND gs_lines TO gt_lines.

* Add the header to data to be printed PERFORM add_line2print_from_table. * Print the rest of the data: LOOP AT lt_spfli. PERFORM add_line2print USING lt_spfli 0. ENDLOOP. * Copy-paste the data from cell A1 PERFORM paste_clipboard USING 1 1. * Bold the header: PERFORM change_format USING 1 1 3 1 "Range of cells 0 space "Font Colour 0 space "Background Colour 12 'X' "Size 1 'X'. "Bold * Change the colour of the item's header. PERFORM set_soft_colour USING 5 1 5 6 "Range of cells c_theme_col_white 'X' 0 space '0.49' 'X'. * Add borders PERFORM add_border USING 5 1 25 6. * Adjust the width of the cells to content DATA: lo_columns TYPE ole2_object. CALL METHOD OF go_application 'Columns' = lo_columns. CALL METHOD OF lo_columns 'Autofit'. * Align centered the two first columns of the item table PERFORM align_cells USING 6 1 25 2 c_center. * Set the width to the second column PERFORM column_width USING 2 50. "Font Colour "Font TintAndShade "Bkg Col. TintAndShade

c_theme_col_light_blue 'X' "Background Colour

Test report: Example of use the include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

* --------------------------------------------------------* * Add a drop down list for select the city; * Select cities: DATA: BEGIN OF lt_cities OCCURS 0, city TYPE s_city, END OF lt_cities, lv_lines TYPE i. SELECT city FROM sgeocity INTO TABLE lt_cities. * Go to worksheet 2; CALL METHOD OF go_application 'Worksheets' = go_worksheet EXPORTING #1 = 2. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Activate'. * Print the cities: CLEAR: gt_data[]. "Delete first the previous data LOOP AT lt_cities. PERFORM add_line2print USING lt_cities 0. ENDLOOP. * Copy-paste the data from cell A1 PERFORM paste_clipboard USING 1 1. * Set a name to this values: DESCRIBE TABLE lt_cities LINES lv_lines. PERFORM set_range_name USING 1 1 lv_lines 1 'cities'. * Change the name of the worksheet: SET PROPERTY OF go_worksheet 'Name' = 'Cities'. * Lock the cells: PERFORM lock_cells USING 1 1 lv_lines 1. * Return to the worksheet 1 and create the drop down list: CALL METHOD OF go_application 'Worksheets' = go_worksheet EXPORTING #1 = 1. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Activate'. PERFORM drop_down_list USING 6 3 25 3 'cities'. * Change the name of the worksheet: SET PROPERTY OF go_worksheet 'Name' = 'Flights'.

Test report: Example of use the include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

* --------------------------------------------------------* * If you have an internal table with a lot of fields * but you only need to print some of these fields * you can use the subrutine print_data_fieldcat: DATA: lt_spfli_2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF spfli. SELECT * FROM SPFLI INTO TABLE lt_spfli_2. * Go to worksheet 3; CALL METHOD OF go_application 'Worksheets' = go_worksheet EXPORTING #1 = 3. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Activate'. * Fill the field catalog: gs_fieldcat-field = 'CARRID'. gs_fieldcat-text = 'Airline Code'. gs_fieldcat-width = 0. APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat. gs_fieldcat-field = 'COUNTRYFR'. gs_fieldcat-text = 'Country Key'. gs_fieldcat-width = 20. APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat. gs_fieldcat-field = 'CITYFROM'. gs_fieldcat-text = 'Departure city'. gs_fieldcat-width = 25. APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat. gs_fieldcat-field = 'CITYTO'. gs_fieldcat-text = 'Arrival city'. gs_fieldcat-width = 25. APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat. * Print the data: PERFORM print_data_fieldcat USING lt_spfli_2 1 1 'X'. DESCRIBE TABLE gt_fieldcat LINES lv_lines. * Change the colour of the header. PERFORM set_soft_colour USING 1 1 1 lv_lines 0 space "Range of cells c_theme_col_white 'X' "Font Colour "Font TintAndShade c_theme_col_green 'X' "Background Colour

Test report: Example of use the include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

'0.49' 'X'.

"Bkg Col. TintAndShade

* Change the name of the worksheet: SET PROPERTY OF go_worksheet 'Name' = 'Data field catalog'. * Return to the worksheet 1 CALL METHOD OF go_application 'Worksheets' = go_worksheet EXPORTING #1 = 1. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Activate'. * File name CONCATENATE lv_selected_folder '\Flights' INTO lv_complete_path. * Save the document CALL METHOD OF go_workbook 'SaveAs' EXPORTING #1 = lv_complete_path. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. MESSAGE 'File downloaded successfully' TYPE 'S'. ELSE. MESSAGE 'Error downloading the file' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF. * Close the document and free memory PERFORM close_document.

After the execution you can download an excel sheet like this:

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS Feb. 2012. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Author: Ricardo Romero. *& *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& *& Versions Management. *& *& Versin No. *& *& *& 1.0 2.x 3.x | Author | Descrption Initial version. Ricardo Romero

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* TYPE-POOLS: soi,ole2. DATA: go_application TYPE ole2_object, go_workbook go_workbooks TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object,

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

go_worksheet DATA: gv_lines * Data to be printed.

TYPE ole2_object. TYPE i. "Lines printed by the moment

* You must to concatenate the fields of the line you want to print * separated by cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. * Use the subrutine add_line2print for fill the tabla. TYPES: ty_data(1500) TYPE c. DATA: gt_data TYPE TABLE OF ty_data, gs_data LIKE LINE OF gt_data. * Data to be printed. * Fill the table with the text you want to print in a line. * Use the subrutine add_line2print_from_table to pass the * table. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_line, value TYPE char255, END OF ty_line. DATA: gt_lines TYPE TABLE OF ty_line, gs_lines LIKE LINE OF gt_lines. * Fields to be printed * Use the subrutine print_data_fieldcat. TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_fieldcat, field LIKE dd03d-fieldname, "Field name in your internal table text LIKE dd03p-ddtext, width TYPE i, END OF ty_fieldcat. DATA: gt_fieldcat TYPE TABLE OF ty_fieldcat, gs_fieldcat LIKE LINE OF gt_fieldcat. * Some colours you can use: CONSTANTS: c_col_black c_col_white c_col_red TYPE i VALUE 0, TYPE i VALUE 2, TYPE i VALUE 3, "Description of the column "Width of the column

c_col_light_green TYPE i VALUE 4, c_col_dark_blue TYPE i VALUE 5, c_col_yellow TYPE i VALUE 6,

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

c_col_pink c_col_brown * Theme Colours:


c_col_light_blue TYPE i VALUE 8,

* Use the subrutine set_soft_colour. CONSTANTS: c_theme_col_white c_theme_col_black c_theme_col_yellow TYPE i VALUE 1, TYPE i VALUE 2, TYPE i VALUE 3,

c_theme_col_dark_blue TYPE i VALUE 4, c_theme_col_light_blue TYPE i VALUE 5, c_theme_col_red c_theme_col_green c_theme_col_violet c_theme_col_orange * Align: CONSTANTS: c_center TYPE i VALUE -4108, c_left TYPE i VALUE -4131, c_right TYPE i VALUE -4152. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CREATE_DOCUMENT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Instanciate the application, workbook and the first worksheet. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 * <-- p2 text text TYPE i VALUE 6, TYPE i VALUE 7, TYPE i VALUE 8, TYPE i VALUE 10.

c_theme_col_pal_blue TYPE i VALUE 9,

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM create_document. CREATE OBJECT go_application 'Excel.Application'. CALL METHOD OF go_application 'Workbooks' = go_workbooks. CALL METHOD OF go_workbooks 'Add' = go_workbook. SET PROPERTY OF go_application 'Visible' = 0. GET PROPERTY OF go_application 'ACTIVESHEET' = go_worksheet.

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS



*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form CLOSE_DOCUMENT *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Close the document and free memory objects. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p1 * <-- p2 text text

*----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM close_document. CALL METHOD OF go_application 'QUIT'. FREE OBJECT go_worksheet. FREE OBJECT go_workbook. FREE OBJECT go_workbooks. FREE OBJECT go_application. ENDFORM. " CLOSE_DOCUMENT

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form PRINT_LINE *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Print line cell by cell with colurs, etc. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_data * --> p_row * Data to print Number of the Row in excel to print will be printed Colour of the font Set to X if want to change the Colour Background colour of the cell Size of the font Set to X if want to change the Size Bold Set to X if want to change to Bold

* --> p_num_cols Number of fields to be printed, if 0 all the fields * --> p_colour * --> p_colourx * --> p_bkg_col * --> p_size * --> p_sizex * --> p_bold * --> p_boldx FORM print_line USING

* --> p_bkg_colx Set to X if want to change the Background colour


Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

p_data p_row p_colour p_colourx p_bkg_col p_size p_sizex p_bold p_boldx

TYPE any TYPE i TYPE i TYPE char1 TYPE i TYPE i TYPE char1 TYPE i TYPE char1.

p_num_cols TYPE i

p_bkg_colx TYPE char1

DATA: lo_font TYPE ole2_object, lo_cell TYPE ole2_object, lo_interior TYPE ole2_object, lv_cont TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <field> TYPE ANY. DO. ADD 1 TO lv_cont. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_cont OF STRUCTURE p_data TO <field>. IF sy-subrc NE 0. EXIT. ENDIF. * Select the cell; CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = p_row #2 = lv_cont. * Assign the value; SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = <field>. * Format: CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'FONT' = lo_font. * Colour: IF p_colourx EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'ColorIndex' = p_colour. ENDIF. * Background colour; IF p_bkg_colx EQ 'X'. CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Interior' = lo_interior.

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'ColorIndex' = p_bkg_col. ENDIF. * Size IF p_sizex EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'SIZE' = p_size. ENDIF. * Bold IF p_boldx EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'BOLD' = p_bold. ENDIF. * Exit the loop? IF lv_cont EQ p_num_cols. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. ENDFORM. *& "print_line

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* Form add_line2print *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Add line to be printed in subrutine PASTE_CLIPBOARD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_data * Data to print * --> p_num_cols Number of fields to be printed, if 0 all the field will be printed *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_line2print USING p_data TYPE any p_num_cols TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <field> TYPE ANY. DATA: lv_cont TYPE i, lv_char TYPE char128. DATA: lo_abap_typedescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr. CLEAR gs_data. DO. ADD 1 TO lv_cont. ASSIGN COMPONENT lv_cont OF STRUCTURE p_data TO <field>.

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

IF sy-subrc NE 0. EXIT. ENDIF. * Convert data depend on the kind type. CALL METHOD cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data EXPORTING p_data = <field> RECEIVING p_descr_ref = lo_abap_typedescr. CASE lo_abap_typedescr->type_kind. * Char WHEN lo_abap_typedescr->typekind_char. CONCATENATE gs_data <field> INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. * Date WHEN lo_abap_typedescr->typekind_date. WRITE <field> TO lv_char DD/MM/YYYY. CONCATENATE gs_data lv_char INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. * Time WHEN lo_abap_typedescr->typekind_time. CONCATENATE <field>(2) <field>+2(2) <field>+4(2) INTO lv_char SEPARATED BY ':'. CONCATENATE gs_data lv_char INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. * Others WHEN OTHERS. WRITE <field> TO lv_char. CONCATENATE gs_data lv_char INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. ENDCASE. * Exit the loop? IF lv_cont EQ p_num_cols. EXIT. ENDIF. ENDDO. * Quit the first horizontal_tab: SHIFT gs_data BY 1 PLACES LEFT. APPEND gs_data TO gt_data. CLEAR gs_data. ENDFORM. "add_line2print

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form add_line2print_from_table *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Add line to be printed in subrutine PASTE_CLIPBOARD from a table. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_line2print_from_table. CLEAR gs_data. LOOP AT gt_lines INTO gs_lines. CONCATENATE gs_data gs_lines-value INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. ENDLOOP. * Quit the first horizontal_tab: SHIFT gs_data BY 1 PLACES LEFT. APPEND gs_data TO gt_data. CLEAR gs_data. ENDFORM. *& "add_line2print_from_table

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* Form PASTE_CLIPBOARD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Paste Clipboard from the cell passed by parameter *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_row * --> p_col *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM paste_clipboard USING p_row TYPE i p_col TYPE i. DATA: lo_cell TYPE ole2_object. * Copy to clipboard into ABAP CALL FUNCTION 'CONTROL_FLUSH' EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 3. CALL FUNCTION 'CLPB_EXPORT' TABLES data_tab = gt_data EXCEPTIONS

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

clpb_error = 1 OTHERS = 2.

* Select the cell A1 CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = p_row #2 = p_col. * Paste clipboard from cell A1 CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'SELECT'. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'PASTE'. ENDFORM. " PASTE_CLIPBOARD *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form change_format *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Change cell format *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell * --> p_colour * --> p_colourx * --> p_bkg_col * --> p_size * --> p_sizex * --> p_bold * --> p_boldx Colour of the font Set to X if want to change the Colour Background colour of the cell Size of the font Set to X if want to change the Size Bold Set to X if want to change to Bold p_rowini p_colini

* --> p_bkg_colx Set to X if want to change the Background colour

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM change_format USING p_colour p_colourx p_bkg_col p_size p_sizex p_bold p_boldx p_rowend p_colend TYPE i TYPE char1 TYPE i TYPE i TYPE char1 TYPE i TYPE char1.

p_bkg_colx TYPE char1

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range lo_font TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object, lo_selection TYPE ole2_object,

lo_interior TYPE ole2_object. * Select the Range of Cells: CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini #2 = p_colini. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. * Format: CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'FONT' = lo_font. * Colour: IF p_colourx EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'ColorIndex' = p_colour. ENDIF. * Background colour; IF p_bkg_colx EQ 'X'. CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Interior' = lo_interior. SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'ColorIndex' = p_bkg_col. ENDIF. * Size IF p_sizex EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'SIZE' = p_size. ENDIF. * Bold IF p_boldx EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'BOLD' = p_bold.

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

ENDIF. ENDFORM. *& "change_format

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* Form set_soft_colour *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Set a theme colour. *& For colour and bkgcolour use the theme colour constants. *& Shade and bkg_shade values : from -1 to 1. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell * --> p_colour * --> p_colourx * --> p_shade * --> p_shadex * --> p_bkg_col Colour of the font Set to X if want to change the Colour Tint and Shade Set to X if want to change the shade Background colour of the cell

* --> p_bkg_colx Set to X if want to change the Background colour * --> p_bkg_shade Tint and Shade * --> p_bkg_shadex Set to X if want to change the shade *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM set_soft_colour USING p_rowini p_colini p_rowend p_colend p_colour TYPE i p_colourx TYPE char1 p_shade TYPE float p_shadex TYPE char1 p_bkg_col TYPE i p_bkg_colx TYPE char1 p_bkg_shade TYPE float p_bkg_shadex TYPE char1. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range lo_font TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object, lo_selection TYPE ole2_object,

lo_interior TYPE ole2_object. * Select the Range of Cells:

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini #2 = p_colini. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. * Format: CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'FONT' = lo_font. * Colour: IF p_colourx EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'ThemeColor' = p_colour. IF p_shadex EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_font 'TintAndShade' = p_shade. ENDIF. ENDIF. * BackGround Colour: IF p_bkg_colx EQ 'X'. CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Interior' = lo_interior. SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'ThemeColor' = p_bkg_col. IF p_bkg_shadex EQ 'X'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'TintAndShade' = p_bkg_shade. ENDIF. ENDIF. ENDFORM. *& * "set_soft_colour

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* Form Column_width Adjust column width *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_column Column numbe

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

* --> p_width Width *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM column_width USING p_column TYPE i p_width TYPE i. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_column TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object. lo_selection TYPE ole2_object,

* Select the Column CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Columns' = lo_column EXPORTING #1 = p_column. CALL METHOD OF lo_column 'select'. CALL METHOD OF go_application 'selection' = lo_selection. SET PROPERTY OF lo_column 'ColumnWidth' = p_width. ENDFORM. *& Form WrapText "Column_width

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Wrap Text *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM wrap_text USING p_rowini p_colini p_rowend p_colend. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object. lo_selection TYPE ole2_object,

* Select the Range of Cells:

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini #2 = p_colini. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. SET PROPERTY OF lo_range 'WrapText' = 1. ENDFORM. *& "WrapText

*&---------------------------------------------------------------------* Form Merge Cells *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Merge Cells *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM merge_cells USING p_rowini p_colini p_rowend p_colend. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object. lo_selection TYPE ole2_object,

* Select the Range of Cells: CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini #2 = p_colini. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Select' . CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Merge' . ENDFORM. "merge_cells *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form align Cells *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Align Cells *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell * --> p_align Align: c_center, c_left, c_right. *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM align_cells USING p_rowini p_colini p_rowend p_colend p_align. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object. lo_selection TYPE ole2_object,

* Select the Range of Cells: CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini #2 = p_colini. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'select'. SET PROPERTY OF lo_range 'HorizontalAlignment' = p_align. ENDFORM. "align_cells *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form Lock cells *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Lock Cells *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM lock_cells USING p_rowini p_colini p_rowend p_colend. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object. lo_selection TYPE ole2_object,

* Select the Range of Cells: CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini #2 = p_colini. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'select'. CALL METHOD OF go_application 'Selection' = lo_selection.

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

SET PROPERTY OF lo_selection 'Locked' = 1. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Protect' EXPORTING #01 = 0 #02 = 0. ENDFORM. "Lock_cells *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form Add Border *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * Add Border *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM add_border USING p_rowini p_colini p_rowend p_colend. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object, lo_selection TYPE ole2_object, lo_borders TYPE ole2_object. * Select the Range of Cells: CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini #2 = p_colini. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '7'. "xlEdgeLeft

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '8'. "xlEdgeTop SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '9'. "xlEdgeBottom SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '10'. "xlEdgeRight SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '11'. "xlInsideVertical SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'Borders' = lo_borders EXPORTING #1 = '12'. "xlInsideHorizontal SET PROPERTY OF lo_borders 'LineStyle' = '1'. "xlContinuous ENDFORM. "Add Border *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form set_range_name *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * set_range_name *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell * --> p_name name of the range *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM set_range_name USING p_rowini p_colini p_rowend p_colend p_name. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object. lo_selection TYPE ole2_object,

* Select the Range of Cells: CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

#2 = p_colini. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. * Set a name to this Range SET PROPERTY OF lo_range 'Name' = p_name. ENDFORM. "set_range_name *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form drop_down_list *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * drop_down_list *----------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_rowini p_colini Initial Range Cell * --> p_rowend p_colend End Range Cell * --> p_name name of the value list *----------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM drop_down_list USING p_rowini p_colini p_rowend p_colend p_name. DATA: lo_cellstart TYPE ole2_object, lo_cellend lo_range TYPE ole2_object, TYPE ole2_object, lo_selection TYPE ole2_object, lo_validation TYPE ole2_object. DATA: lv_range_name TYPE char24. * Select the Range of Cells: CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellstart EXPORTING #1 = p_rowini #2 = p_colini.

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cellend EXPORTING #1 = p_rowend #2 = p_colend. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Range' = lo_range EXPORTING #1 = lo_cellstart #2 = lo_cellend. CALL METHOD OF lo_range 'select'. CALL METHOD OF go_application 'selection' = lo_selection. CALL METHOD OF lo_selection 'Validation' = lo_validation. CONCATENATE '=' p_name INTO lv_range_name. CALL METHOD OF lo_validation 'Add' EXPORTING #1 = 3 "'xlValidateList' #2 = 1 "'xlValidAlertStop' #3 = 1 "'xlBetween' #4 = lv_range_name. ENDFORM. "drop_down_list *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Form print_data_fieldcat *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* *& Add data to be printed in subrutine PASTE_CLIPBOARD *& Only the fields in table gt_fieldcat will be included. *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* * --> p_data * --> p_header Data to print Print the header * --> p_row p_col Cell from the data will be printed *&---------------------------------------------------------------------* FORM print_data_fieldcat USING p_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE p_row TYPE i p_col TYPE i p_header. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <field> TYPE ANY, <ls_data> TYPE ANY. DATA: lv_char lv_cont TYPE char128, TYPE i,

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS


TYPE ole2_object,

lo_selection TYPE ole2_object. DATA: lo_abap_typedescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_typedescr. CLEAR: gs_data, gt_data[]. * Print the header: IF p_header EQ 'X'. CLEAR gt_lines[]. LOOP AT gt_fieldcat INTO gs_fieldcat. gs_lines-value = gs_fieldcat-text. APPEND gs_lines TO gt_lines. ENDLOOP. PERFORM add_line2print_from_table. ENDIF. * Print the data: LOOP AT p_data ASSIGNING <ls_data>. LOOP AT gt_fieldcat INTO gs_fieldcat. ASSIGN COMPONENT gs_fieldcat-field OF STRUCTURE <ls_data> TO <field>. IF sy-subrc EQ 0. * Convert data depend on the kind type. CALL METHOD cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data EXPORTING p_data = <field> RECEIVING p_descr_ref = lo_abap_typedescr. CASE lo_abap_typedescr->type_kind. * Char WHEN lo_abap_typedescr->typekind_char. CONCATENATE gs_data <field> INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. * Date WHEN lo_abap_typedescr->typekind_date. WRITE <field> TO lv_char DD/MM/YYYY. CONCATENATE gs_data lv_char INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. * Time WHEN lo_abap_typedescr->typekind_time. CONCATENATE <field>(2) <field>+2(2) <field>+4(2) INTO lv_char SEPARATED BY ':'.

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS

CONCATENATE gs_data lv_char INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. * Others WHEN OTHERS. WRITE <field> TO lv_char. CONCATENATE gs_data lv_char INTO gs_data SEPARATED BY cl_abap_char_utilities=>horizontal_tab. ENDCASE. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. * Quit the first horizontal_tab: SHIFT gs_data BY 1 PLACES LEFT. APPEND gs_data TO gt_data. CLEAR gs_data. ENDLOOP. * Print the data: PERFORM paste_clipboard USING p_row p_col.

DATA: lo_columns TYPE ole2_object. CALL METHOD OF go_application 'Columns' = lo_columns. CALL METHOD OF lo_columns 'Autofit'.

* Set the columns width CLEAR lv_cont. LOOP AT gt_fieldcat INTO gs_fieldcat. ADD 1 TO lv_cont. IF gs_fieldcat-width NE 0. CALL METHOD OF go_worksheet 'Columns' = lo_column EXPORTING #1 = lv_cont. CALL METHOD OF lo_column 'select'. CALL METHOD OF go_application 'selection' = lo_selection. SET PROPERTY OF lo_column 'ColumnWidth' = gs_fieldcat-width. ENDIF. ENDLOOP.

Code of include ZRIC_OLE2_UTILS



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6625 Views Tags: abap, excel, abap_excel, ole2



Madhu Vadlamani Mar 31, 2012 7:00 AM

Hi Ricardo, Good work. Regards, Madhu.

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Ivan Femia Mar 31, 2012 6:01 PM

Hi Ricardo,

try to consider abap2xlsx project, there are a series of blogs that explain the features and a collection of demo reports. Have a look to the blog abap2xlsx - Generate your professional Excel spreadsheet from ABAP OLE2 technology depends on front-end, does not allow batch generation and, even more, you cannot read back the file. Regards, Ivan
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Ricardo Romero Aug 20, 2013 12:33 PM (in response to Ivan Femia)

Hi Ivan, thanks for the info ! Sounds really interesting. When I have some free time I'll try to learn how it works.
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Mario Beron Aug 20, 2013 12:10 PM (in response to Ricardo Romero)

Hi Ricardo, great work. I'm having issues to convert this VBA code to ABAP, I can't convert the instruction of With Selection.Interior.Gradient.ColorStops.Add(0) to ABAP. Do you know

how to do this? I'm trying to mix in cells several colours, for example yellow and red in this code:

Sub Macro1() ' ' Macro1 Macro ' With Selection.Interior .Pattern = xlPatternLinearGradient .Gradient.Degree = 0 .Gradient.ColorStops.Clear End With With Selection.Interior.Gradient.ColorStops.Add(0) .Color = 65535 .TintAndShade = 0 End With With Selection.Interior.Gradient.ColorStops.Add(1) .Color = 255 .TintAndShade = 0 End With End Sub Let me know, thanks.
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Ricardo Romero Aug 20, 2013 1:35 PM (in response to Mario Beron)

Hi Mario, I've managed to create a gradient, but without specifying the colours. I'm having the same problem than you with "Add(0)" Try with this code, I'll try to get the solution if I have some spare time... Use the template report in this document and paste this code there:

DATA: lo_interior TYPE ole2_object, lo_gradient TYPE ole2_object, lo_ColorStops TYPE ole2_object. CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheet 'Cells' = lo_cell EXPORTING #1 = 1 "Row #2 = 2. "Column SET PROPERTY OF lo_cell 'Value' = 'Hello World'. * Active the selection CALL METHOD OF lo_cell 'Select'. * Get the selection object.

CALL METHOD OF lo_application 'selection' = lo_selection. CALL METHOD OF lo_selection 'Interior' = lo_interior. SET PROPERTY OF lo_interior 'Pattern' = 4000. "xlPatternLinearGradient CALL METHOD OF lo_interior 'Gradient' = lo_gradient. SET PROPERTY OF lo_gradient 'Degree' = 0. CALL METHOD OF lo_gradient 'ColorStops' = lo_ColorStops. * CALL METHOD OF lo_ColorStops 'Clear'. * CALL METHOD OF lo_ColorStops 'Add(0)' * EXPORTING * * * * CALL METHOD OF lo_ColorStops 'Add(1)' * EXPORTING * * #1 = 8 "255 "Color #2 = 0. " TintShade #1 = 4 "65535 "Color #2 = 0. " TintShade

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Serge Thuet Dec 15, 2012 1:17 PM

Hi Ricardo, I am impressed, thank you for your work. Do you know the way how to save the EXCEL to PDF ('SaveAs' PDF). In advance, Thank you. Best Regards, Serge
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Serge Thuet Dec 15, 2012 8:04 PM

Hi Ricardo,

I could solve it with the following statement:

CALL METHOD OF lo_worksheets 'ExportAsFixedFormat' EXPORTING #1 = '0' #2 = lv_complete_path.

Thanks and best regards,

Like (2)

Smruti Ranjan Mohanty Aug 20, 2013 12:35 PM

Hi Ricardo,

Nice Document

Regard's Smruti
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Murthy Sannidhi Oct 22, 2013 9:14 AM

Hi Ricardo, love you man , really good work it will slove half of my problems Regards, Murthy Sannidhi

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