Jan24.2014-Bmaximize The Country's Share in The Multi-Billion-Dollar Medical Tourism Industry

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24, 2014

NR # 3356B

Maximize the countrys share in the multi-billion-dollar Medical Tourism industry

A lawmaker has initiated a move to increase and maximize the countrys share in the more than $40-Billion global medical tourism industry! "he #hili$$ine ex$ects it can get a considerable share o% the $ie and initially $ro&ects a conservative $'()-million on the %irst %ew years* and growing $rogressively each year hence* +e$! +odol%o Biazon ,-one .istrict* /untinlu$a 0ity1 $redicts! Biazon is author o% 2B 434 seeking to create the /edical "ourism Bureau within the .e$artment o% "ourism* de%ining its $owers and %unctions* and %or other $ur$oses! "his bill seeks to establish at the seat o% government a bureau whose task will be to $ro$erly and ade5uately address the needs o% %oreign tourists as well as 6ili$ino balikbayans and 768s seeking medical treatment in the country* and o% the $rivate sector seeking to $rovide the services %or those needs* 2B 434 states! Biazon revealed that the current global medical tourism ,$40-Billion1 could radically increase to $'44-Billion this year! /edical "ourism is de%ined a travel to the #hili$$ines %or the $ur$ose o% availing o% healthcare services or treatment o% illnesses and health $roblems in order to maintain ones health and well-being ,.7"* .72* #9:A (00;1! "he conce$t o% this new tourism $roduct is to o%%er cost-e%%ective treatments while showcasing tourist attractions in the #hili$$ines! <n Asia* at least %our countries are re$uted to be en&oying the %ruits o% medical tourism $rograms = "hailand* <ndia* >inga$ore and /alaysia* the author noted! Biazon $roudly $ointed out that a%ter all* we have medical $ro%essionals* having been educated and trained in to$ medical universities in 9uro$e* the ?nited >tates and other nations* are among the best in the world and among the most sought a%ter! 2e recalled that on 7ctober '4* (004* 9xecutive 7rder @o! AB( was issued creating a $rivate-$ublic sector $artnershi$ to $romote the develo$ment o% three service sectors* namelyC a1 <n%ormation and 0ommunications "echnologyD b1 2ealth and 8ellnessD and c1 -ogistics! 6or the 8ellness sector* which now has the #hili$$ine /edical "ourism #rogram ,#/"#1* eleven government agencies were tasked to work together to $romote the

industry! "he di%%erent mandates and ex$ertise o% each agency are su$$osed to contribute much in the develo$ment o% the #/"#* Biazon added! 2owever* Biazon noted that due to the number o% $artici$ating agencies and des$ite the good intentions o% 97 AB(* a certain account o% con%usion has been ex$erienced in the $rocess by both the agencies involved and by the $rivate sector desiring to $artici$ate* and there is still much to be desired in the rate in which the "ask 6orce is achieving its ob&ectives! 8hile we laud the active e%%orts o% the .e$artment o% 2ealth* we believe that its %ocus should be the $rovision o% health services to 6ili$inos* and there is such* its role in the medical tourism $rogram should be to ensure that* des$ite the in%lux o% medical tourists* ade5uate health services should be made available %or the citizens by $artici$ating hos$itals and clinics! Biazon ex$lained* adding that it should thus serve as a check to the e%%orts o% the .7" and the $rivate sector* which we %ear it cannot do as well i% it were the $rinci$al agency $romoting the medical tourism industry! "his bill* Biazon stressed* seeks to centralize the %unctions o% the "ask 6orce and to integrate most o% the di%%erent %unctions o% the di%%erent agencies $ertinent to the #/"#* in one o%%ice! 6or our country* $romoting and advancing our health and wellness sector* es$ecially the medical tourism industry* has at least three im$ortant im$licationsC '1 the acceleration o% socioeconomic develo$ment* (1 earning o% %oreign exchange* and A1 a sto$ to the exodus o% 6ili$ino medical $ro%essionals to %oreign lands* Biazon concluded!,A01

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