Vol Canes

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Research about volcanism

Gabriel Sebastin Carpio Brito C.I 010444141-5 Faculty of Life Sciences, Universidad Politcnica Salesiana, Cuenca, Ecuador Keywords: Pululahua, Casitagua, Pambamarca, Vulcan, Cordillera de los Andes


Abstract The dominant feature of the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes is the composition of large volcanoes or stratovolcanoes , their cones are made cones by interleaving layers of lava and pyroclastic material for hundreds of thousands of years. Acquiring a slope of about 35%. And at the top of the cone the presence of a crater caused by large explosions and emissions. This conical shape is lost if the volcano eruptive activity also lost along with erosion processes , while retaining adventitious channels , ducts, among others. While lighter materials are washed into the different inter-Andean basins. Contains extinct, active and potentially active volcanoes, the eruptions and presented ranging from centuries past to the present century. Witnessed eruptions in Ecuador show Strombolian properties, are short explosive and not very extensive emission moderately fluid flow washes. These eruptions are compounded by the flow of lava flows, ash ejection, pyroclastic avalanches and extensive volcanic mud flow, which are presented to present times

The Ecuador regarding volcanism presents an extensive study area, and the crash of marine Nazca plate under the continental plate of South America led to this chain of volcanoes in Ecuador, of which eight have filed a stratovolcanoes recent activity and rest and sleep is considered unlikely a new activity. Each of volcanic activity combined with environmental phenomena characteristics gave the volcanoes and the surrounding ground, presenting geographical, topological, economic, cultural and social variety.



The phenomenon that gave rise to volcanism in Ecuador was the clash between Nazca oceanic tectonic plates under the continental plate of South America. Therefore the Ecuadorian volcanic arc is part of the Northern Volcanic Zone of the Andes ( NVZ ) , extends from 5 N in the vicinity with Colombia to 2 S , and compared to the central and southern Andes is very wide ( 100-120 km ) and present several parallel rows of volcanoes.


Research About Pululahua, Casitagua and Pambamarca

Volcanoes of the study are summarized Pululahua, Casitahua and Pambamarca, each with different stages of activity, have similar characteristics and specific to the area, as relation to its location as the study area covers about 30 km away if a new volcanic activity.

Image1. Estimating a rash on the Pululahua, Casithua volcanoes and areas Pambamarca and affection for deyeccin ash, along with pyroclastic material released, hauling of materials by erosion and other natural and anthropogenic causes

The Pululahua volcano is located at 0 03 N, 77 99 W of Ecuador in the province of Pichincha, in the western mountains. It reaches a height of 3360M, and can be checked from the city of Quito about 14 km in the same. Is a volcanic complex consists of a main boiler , a central volcano with two craters and the remains of a third party, and several volcanic domes located inside the boiler , on the edge of it and overseas. Within the caldera Cerro del chivo, a small steep south dome, in the center of the caldera same central Pondoa having the remains of a crater at the middle and at the top ranks is another crater better preserved, northeast are the remains of another crater that has only been an edge.. The consistency of pumice stones in this area due to volcanic eruptions have 70 % plagioclase , 20% Hornblende , 1 to 3% hypersthene , quartz 5% , 3% magnetite. There is hot springs and gas expulsion on one of the hills that make up this volcano, the crater is large and covered by shrubs and inaccessible in many parts. Its eruptive period is 9000 years, while the last eruption occurred 2,300 years ago. The Pululahua volcano has experienced three major eruptive periods , the last record of Holocene activity comes . In each of them a pyroclastic flow and cinder blocks covering several kilometers was generated. In this area a center of research geobotnica containing one of two volcanic calderas inhabited by human beings in the world is located. The reserve includes the volcano destroyed their semi boiler domes inside the caldera, alluvial and lacustrine

Image2- Geological map of the CVP, has three units characterized by the presence of lavas. The unit I is a proximal volcanic sequence including andesitic flows acids lava. Units II and III are comprised of dacite lava dome.

Image3 - Villages settled in the crater of the volcano, is currently about one hundred families develop agricultural ural activities within it, at a height of 2907msnm

The stratovolcano Casitagua is a volcanic caldera open to the northWest and with a diameter of 2.5 to 3 km. It is located 10km from the city of Quito, with coordinates 0 01'07 " S and 78 29'49 " W. Its altitude is 3250m. Slag has two hills to the south, one of them called Lulunurco . Within the caldera eruption dome rises rises. This dome also identified several lava flows. It resembles the Pululahua volcano, as both are stratovolcanoes . It has a boiler and a large central dome , and there are other small south domes inside the caldera and outside it . The boiler is open to the west and northwest. Quenched volcanic activity, therefore no risk to populated areas around In terms of local geology outcrop pumice, lava and volcanic ash , corresponding to the Pleistocene to Late Pleistocene , clastic rocks, which due to erosion were t transported ransported and sedimented by different layers in each of the domes The lavas and volcanic lavas and sediments comprise debris flows belonging to ancient volcano Pichincha Rucu, who came into the sector Casitagua by weathering and erosion, these volcanic ro rocks are of Late Pleistocene age.

Imagen4 - Satellite image showing Casitagua volcano caldera because its volcanic activity was quenched find human settlements around 3000 to 3.500 m. Similarity with Pululahua volcano is denoted as having a steep dome in the central part of crater

This volcano is 30 km northeast of the city of Quito, and 14 from the city of Cayambe, rises to a height of 3471 meters, with coordinates 0 # 5 S, 78 13 O within the Western Cordillera in the province of Pichincha. No associated risks as it is within the extinct volcanoes, eroded, the Pambamarca rises north of tips volcano near the top you can make out two small hills of slag. Concerning rock geology found pyroxene andesite and biotite, while on top dacite found. It is important to note that there has been no seismic activity in the Pambamarca The Pambamarca Fortaleza Complex is a large installation of many pucars Incas, located in the peaks and ridges of the stratovolcano. During the past 13 years, has been taking an archaeological exploitation as it contains traces of these strengths About 20 descrubieron Inca fortresses, and two forts built by the Cayambe, ethnic people of Ecuador. While the Ecuadorian Culture Cayambe only two strengths were found.

Image 5-6 The hill of tips from the stratovolcano Pambamarca displayed on this hill archaeological remains of the Inca culture was located, and Cayambe Ecuadorian culture, archaeological studies report a war occurred around where after resisting strengths Cayambe forces yielded to the Incas





The Ecuadorian volcanology has been formed around the time and under different environmental conditions and weathering, among others. In Ecuador stratovolcanoes found many, so most of them have similar compositions geologically, but the other fields based on your period of volcanic activity. The volcanoes are a source of tourist attraction remains found in the area and its biodiversity, environmental analysis realizaos each determines the ability to operate a sustainable way seeing all environmental, socioeconomic, cultural fields, in order to exploit the resources without causing minimal impact on the area as set

F. M. Villares Jibaja, Estudio geovulcanilgico de la zona de la Caldera Chacana, Repositorio Digital EPN, 2011. C. A. Villagrn Novoa, Centro de Investigacin Geobotnico Pululahua, Repositoria DIgital USFQ, 2011. M. Barragn Villalva, Evaluacin de Riesgo por terrenos inestables en el Sector del Madrigal, Repositorio IAEN, 2008. M. L. Hall, El Vulcanismo en El Ecuador, Quito: Biblioteca del Ecuador, 1977.

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