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NT 502: Greek Exegesis and NT 708: Exegesis of Galatians


Spring Quarter, 2014; Columbus Campus
Tuesdays, 6:00 9:00 pm
Rev. David A. deSilva, Ph. D.
office hours: by appointment (virtual or face-to-face)
NOTE: Preparation is required before First Class session.
I. Course Description
This course builds on the linguistic and exegetical skills learned in Greek I and II and
Foundations of Bible Study. The course will normally be based on a New Testament text that is
short enough to be translated in its entirety during a ten-week quarter and is of sufficiently
accessible Greek, but also rich in passages that address the matters of core identity in Christ,
character, and calling, as well as offer windows into the challenges and stresses of particular
pastoral situations (e.g., Philippians, I Thessalonians, 2 Timothy, or James). Provision will be
made for training students in, and giving appropriate assignments to reinforce devotional reading
of Scriptures in, the biblical languages.
Exegesis of Galatians provides students who have successfully completed the prerequisite Greek
courses (the NT 500/501 sequence) with an opportunity to study the Greek text of a Pauline
epistle. Among other things, students will be able to experience the wonder of a close reading of
a Greek NT text in its entirety, to explore this letters blend of pastoral and theological concerns,
to compare their own original translations with modern English translations, and to explore
scholarly sources that assume familiarity with the Greek text. In the exegetical process, students
will analyze this biblical text for its rhetoric and argument(s), its intertextuality, and its
theological and ethical contributions to Christian discipleship and community.
II. Relationship to Curriculum Model
The study of biblical languages provides opportunities for students to grow in many ways with
respect to the four facets of responding to Gods call as reflected by the ATS curriculum model.
The skills developed in New Testament Greek and biblical exegesis contribute to the
competency necessary for professional ministry as servant leaders (e.g., for preaching, for
teaching, for pastoral counseling, for chaplaincy), and they enhance ones personal study of the
Word of God. The study of Galatians, as part of the Scriptures, brings us into contact with each
foundational pillar of the ATS curriculum.
III. Student Learning Outcomes
The study of Pauls Letter to the Galatians invites students to critically reflect upon their
understanding of their Christian Identity, Character, and Calling in several important regards:

Pauls own use of scripture in Galatians leads to the declaration, You are all one in
Christ Jesus, and if you are Christs, then you are the seed of Abraham, heirs according to
promise (3:29). The significance of this focal affirmation of our core identity in Christ
is further explained by Paul in his discussion of inheritance and adoption.

Galatians includes a powerful depiction of the life believers live between the power of the
flesh and the empowering of the Spirit, providing a guide both to the development of
Christian character (5:13-25) and to the embodiment of this character in the Christian
community (5:26-6:10). Students will be expected to challenge themselves to sharpen
personal character traits, such as self-discipline and perseverance, with respect to class
assignments, while seeking the right balance of time spent inside and outside the
seminary program. They will also be expected to challenge themselves to strengthen
their professionalism and to model mutual respect in their interactions with all members
of the class, in which an atmosphere of collegiality and community is fostered.

Pauls account of his own calling, and the formative experiences by which he understood
his calling to be tested, refined and confirmed (1:11-2:21), provides one paradigm by
which we also might seek to discern and strengthen our call in the midst of challenge and
opportunity. In an exegetical language course, we understand more completely that
God's word has come to us from distant times, places, cultures and languages; we then
come to appreciate better the challenge of answering God's call to ministry in our own
setting. To further this understanding, students will deliberately invest time in fruitful
conversation, both with class colleagues and in contact with scholarly work on Galatians.

The evaluative instruments of this course focus particularly on assessing student learning in
regard to:
Competence in the disciplines and skills relevant to Christian ministry.

Articulate the content and major themes of Scripture, Christian doctrine, and church history.

Students will demonstrate knowledge of the content and major themes of Paul's Letter to the Galatians.
2. Demonstrate proficiency in biblical and historical exegesis and theological reflection (including
appropriate use of the biblical languages).
a. Students will demonstrate increased proficiency in Greek, in Bible translation, and in the analysis of
extant Bible translations.
c. Students theological reflection while using exegetical skills with Scripture.
3. Integrate the biblical, historical, and theological reflection with the practice of ministry.
Students will integrate theological reflection about the text and message of Galatians with practical
ministry concerns.

4. Apply critical reflection to ones own religious tradition and appreciate other traditions.
5-9. Not assessed in this course.

IV. Teaching Strategies for Student Learning

The course will proceed largely in a seminar format with minimal lecturing. We will rely on
student preparation as outlined in the syllabus so that our discussions of the Greek text will be
maximally fruitful. Student written work will include ongoing translation work, analysis of
extant translations, and an exegetical paper. These differing assignments are designed to help
student attain a broad spectrum of learning outcomes.

V. Course Requirements
Students should already have in their possession or be able to access:
1. a copy of Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece (27th or 28th ed.)
or the UBS 4th Revised Edition of the Greek New Testament;
2. a reliable Greek lexicon (e.g., BDAG or BAGD) in a print or an electronic edition associated
with a Bible software program;
3. access to three modern English translations of the New Testament, specifically the NRSV,
NIV, and NLT. These are all readily available online at and integrated
into major Bible software programs like Logos and BibleWorks 8 or 9.
4. a good Greek font for all written work (including accents, breathing marks, etc.). I recommend
SPIonic, available for download here along with several other helpful language and
transliteration fonts:
A. Required Textbooks:
NT 502 Students
1. Daniel Wallace, Basics of New Testament Syntax. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000. ISBN-10:
0310232295; ISBN-13: 978-0310232292.
2. D. A. deSilva, Global Readings: A Sri Lankan Commentary on Pauls Letter to the Galatians
(Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010). ISBN-10: 1610977076; ISBN-13: 978-1610977074.

3. D. A. deSilva, Galatians: A Handbook on the Greek Text. Baylor Handbooks on the Greek
New Testament. Waco: Baylor University Press, 2014. This will be distributed electronically in
pre-publication manuscript form. No payment is required.
NT 708 Students
1. John M. G. Barclay, Obeying the Truth: Pauls Ethics in Galatians (Minneapolis: Fortress,
1991) ISBN 0800625234; reprint edition: Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2005) ISBN
2. D. A. deSilva, Global Readings: A Sri Lankan Commentary on Pauls Letter to the Galatians
(Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2010). ISBN-10: 1610977076; ISBN-13: 978-1610977074.
3. A Critical Commentary of your choice from the following options:
a. Hans Dieter Betz, Galatians. Hermeneia. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1979.
b. Martinus C. de Boer, Galatians: a commentary. Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2011.
c. F. F. Bruce, Galatians. NIGTC. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1982.
d. Ronald Fung, Galatians. NICNT. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1988.
e. Richard N. Longenecker, Galatians. WBC. Dallas: Word, 1990.
f. F. J. Matera, Galatians. Sacra Pagina. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1992.
g. Thomas Schreiner, Galatians. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010.
h. J. Louis Martyn, Galatians. Yale Anchor Bible Commentaries; New Haven: Yale University
Press, 2004.
4. Journal Articles and Book Chapters. A handful of additional articles and readings appear
among the assignments in the class schedule.

B. Attendance and Positive Participation.

According to the student handbook, attendance at all class sessions is expected; if you know you
will miss class, please notify the instructor in advance, if possible. Regardless of the reason for
absence, any student missing the equivalent of six class hours (including late arrivals or early
departures) will be required to do additional work, receive a lower grade, or be withdrawn from
the course at the discretion of the professor.
C. Assignments/Assessment of Student Learning
1. Class Participation
Weekly preparation and participation is essential to the attainment of the student learning
outcomes. The following guidelines indicate how class performance will be evaluated:


The student has given evidence in his or her interaction in class of careful reading and critical reflection on
the assignments, of integrating the material from the various sources, and of deliberation upon the questions
in the study guide. The student is able to contribute meaningfully both in the information and analysis he
or she can provide and in the intelligent questions that he or she brings that have arisen from this reading
and reflection.
The student gives evidence of having read the assigned readings and giving some attention to working
through the study questions and to putting it all together before class. In class, the student can provide
the information, and goes far toward contributing also at the level of analysis and integration.
The student has read almost all of the assigned readings and comes with the information fairly well in
mind. Processing of this information before class is rather limited.
The student is coming to class, but the gaps in his or her reading and the lack of reflection on and
engagement with the material seriously limits his or her contribution to the class discussion.
The students attendance has been spotty, reading record poor, contribution poor. He or she is often
speechless or faking it when asked a question.

2. Translation of Galatians and Exegetical Notebook

WEEK TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE PROFESSOR. This should not be the copy on
which you will have made notes during the class I want to make sure those notes dont get
This work has several facets:
a. Your own English translation of the assigned portion of the Greek text of Galatians, with
(brief) explanations of your grammatical and syntactic decisions, particularly where these differ
from the Exegetical Handbook (and they may quite well differ this is part of the challenge of
reading Greek). Please work through the text on your own first, referring to the grammatical
analysis in the handbook only as needed, and do not be influenced by the translation therein
b. A grammatical analysis of the translation of the passage in the NRSV, NIV 2011, and NLT.
An important challenge is not simply to compare the Greek grammar with the English grammar,
but to discern what the English rendering says about the decisions the translator made in regard
to the Greek grammar. It is appropriate to raise questions about the decisions made by the
translators on the basis of your own work with the Greek text and comparison with one another,
as well as to revise your own decisions based on your study of the translations.
c. On the basis of these two exercises, note any exegetical issues that are important for
understanding the assigned passage. These may include:
(i) some ambiguity in the Greek (how to understand a particular word or to construe a
particular grammatical/syntactical construction);
(ii) questions about the context, meaning, reference, or logical flow of Pauls argument;
(iii) issues identified in the history of interpretation (from the deSilva text, your selected
commentary [NT 708 students], supplementary readings, or from other sources).

These components will make up your Exegetical Notebook, which you may also wish to keep
electronically. It will provide the springboard for class discussion. Bring a hard copy of each
weeks contribution to submit to the professor.
3. Exegesis Paper
In order to delve more deeply into a portion of this epistle, each student will write an exegesis
paper on a discrete unit of the text. This paper will build on the work done for the exegetical
notebook, engaging the broader range of exegetical skills contained in the ATS Model of
Exegesis more fully but still staying largely focused on grammatical and lexical issues as well
as others that arise from close attention to the text itself. The paper should fall between 10 and
12 double-spaced pages (at 12-point type) and use a standard method of referencing (in-text
references with works cited list or standard footnotes). The bibliography must contain a
minimum of three scholarly critical full-length commentaries and a minimum of three
appropriate scholarly journal articles or relevant monographs, preferably based on the Greek text.
The exegesis paper will begin with the students own translation of the passage, with
footnotes that explain grammatical, lexical, and syntactical decisions where relevant (some of
which will, obviously, need to be developed at greater length in the body of the paper).
Interaction with existing English translations is welcome and appropriate.
The body of the exegesis paper will clearly present the students own exegetical work and
scholarly opinions, formed in conversation with, and as a result of clear evaluation of, other
scholarly works related to the focus passage in Galatians. The last 1-2 pages of the exegesis
paper are to be dedicated to working out the practical application of what has been discovered to
be the meaning and challenge of the text: e.g., how this text relates to issues or ethical questions
in the contemporary church, in spiritual formation, etc. An organic connection between exegesis
and application is essential.
Students who plan to graduate on June 7 must complete and submit all course work by
FINAL CLASS SESSION. If you submit your paper in hard copy, please put your ATS Mail
Box Number on the Title Page or include with the final printed paper a large document-sized
self-addressed stamped envelope (make sure you attach sufficient postage) so that it can be
D. Calculation of Grade
Class Participation

Learning Outcomes

Percent of Final Grade

20 %

Exegetical Notebook

40 %

Final Exegesis Paper

40 %

VI. Tentative Course Schedule

Note for all students: Preparation is required in advance of the first class meeting;
assignments are listed under the class before which they are to be completed.
1) Carefully read Galatians 1:1 6:18 in English in one sitting in the NRSV, NIV, or NLT;
repeat, if possible, another day using a different version.
2) Translate and work through Gal 1:1-10 (see above on exegetical notebook).
3) deSilva, Global Readings, 1-68.
4) NT 708 students: Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 1-8.
5) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary: read the introduction and the commentary on
Gal 1:1-10.
1) Translate and work through Gal 1:11-24.
2) deSilva, Global Readings, 68-93.
3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
1) Translate and work through Gal 2:1-14.
2) deSilva, Global Readings, 94-111.
3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
1) Translate and work through Gal 2:15-3:6.
2) deSilva, Global Readings, 94-157.
3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
1) Translate and work through Gal 3:7-22.
2) deSilva, Global Readings, 157-178.
3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
4) NT 798 students: Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 36-74, 75-105.
1) Translate and work through Gal 3:23-4:11.

2) deSilva, Global Readings, 178-208.

3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
4) NT 708: Elizabeth Schssler-Fiorenza, Neither Male Nor Female: Gal 3:28 Alternate
Vision and Pauline Modification, 205-41, in In Memory of Her (NY: Crossroad, 1984).
5) Optional: Brad Braxton, Galatians, 333-347, in True to Our Native Land.
1) Translate and work through Gal 4:12-31.
2) deSilva, Global Readings, 208-243.
3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
4) NT 708: Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 178-215.
1) Translate and work through Gal 5:1-15.
2) deSilva, Global Readings, 243-261.
3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
4) NT 708: Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 9-35.
1) Translate and work through Gal 5:16-6:10.
2) deSilva, Global Readings, 261-294.
3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
4) NT 708: Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 106-177.
1) Translate and work through Gal 6:11-18.
2) deSilva, Global Readings, 294-314.
3) NT 708 students: Your selected commentary, on this section.
4) NT 708: Barclay, Obeying the Truth, 216-251.
EXEGESIS PAPERS ARE DUE BY 9:00 a.m., JUNE 9, 2014 (graduating students, by 9:00
a.m., JUNE 5, 2014). EXEGETICAL NOTEBOOKS in their entirety ARE DUE AT THE
VII. Recommendations for Lifelong Learning
ATS students are encouraged to continue their engagement with the Greek texts of the Scriptures
as part of a lifelong commitment to study of the Word of God. The practices you follow, in
preparation of your exegetical notebook and in your exegetical paper, are one model for future
engagement with the biblical text in: (a) other New Testament courses; (b) exegetical work for
courses outside the Biblical Studies department; (c) preparation of a ministerial use of a
biblical text (preaching, teaching, counseling, etc.); and (d) your personal study of the Bible. It

is important to remember to find and keep the balance between personal engagement with the
text and conversation with others who have made the study of these texts their lifes calling (i.e.,
continue to consult critical commentaries and other scholarly sources).
In addition to continuing your work centered on the Scriptures, it would be helpful to continue
working to learn more nuances of Greek grammar and syntax beyond what is possible to offer in
the seminary curriculum. A reference grammar and other scholarly resources can help you as you
wrestle with difficulties in translation and exegesis; some of these resources will be brought to
class (in one way or another!). Some people keep their Greek reading as a daily discipline, even
if only translating one verse; others make time to translate their pericope before preaching or
teaching on the text.
Continue your study of Galatians by preaching or teaching through the text, working through two
or three additional critical commentaries along the way. Continue to flesh out your exegetical
notebook with the insights you gain from your study.
VIII. Seminary Guidelines
A. ATS Academic Integrity Policy
Ashland Theological Seminary seeks to model servant leadership derived from biblical standards
of honesty and integrity. We desire to encourage, develop, and sustain men and women of
character who will exemplify these biblical qualities in their ministry to the church and the
world. As members of the seminary community, students are expected to hold themselves to the
highest standards of academic, personal, and social integrity. All students, therefore, are
expected to abide by the academic integrity standards outlined in the Student Handbook.
B. Academic Support Services
If you need assistance with writing projects for your coursework, contact the ATS Academic
Support Center. The center provides free sessions with a peer consultant who can help you with
all of your concerns about academic support including writing, critical thinking, documentation,
reading skills, study skills, test taking skills, time management. Contact the center if you have a
question about how to complete your assignment, if you have documentation questions, or if you
would like to have your paper evaluated for areas needing improvement. The ATS Academic
Support Center can be reached at 419-289-5162 or by e-mail at
C. Students with Disabilities
Ashland University makes every effort to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Students who have specific physical, psychiatric or learning disabilities and require
accommodations are encouraged to inform their instructors of their needs early in the semester so
that learning needs can be appropriately met. It is the students responsibility to document the
disability with Disability Services in The Center for Academic Support on the 7th floor of the
Ashland University Library, (419) 289-5904.
D. ATS Grading Scale




Superior achievement of course objectives, diligence and

originality, high degree of freedom from error, outstanding evidence
of ability to utilize course knowledge, initiative expressed in
preparing and completing assignments, positive contributions
verbalized in class.








Below 65 Unacceptable work resulting in failure to receive class credit,
inadequacy of work submitted or of performance and attendance in

Good work submitted, commendable achievement of course

objectives, some aspects of the course met with excellence,
substantial evidence of ability to utilize course material, positive
contributions verbalized in class, consistency and thoroughness of
work completed.
Acceptable work completed, satisfactory achievement of course
objectives, demonstrating at least some ability to utilize course
knowledge, satisfactory class contribution.
Passing but minimal work, marginal achievement of course
objectives, poor performance in comprehension of work submitted,
inadequate class contributions.

IX. Course Bibliography

See deSilva, Global Readings, 315-328.


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