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The vRI0 tool is impoitant to assess the health of a fiim anu its inteinal
enviionment. The chosen fiim is Caf Coffee Bay - Inuia's laigest chain of coffee
shops as mentioneu in the SW0T.

The following coveis the main aspects of this analysis:

+"19' - Bow expensive is the iesouice anu how easy is it to obtain on the maiket
(puichase, lease, ient).

The most impoitant iesouice is the financial iesouice, which no othei new
enteipiise can match up to which is $84S million foi this fiim as pei the Foibes list.
The fiim has the ability to puichase whatevei is necessaiy foi its giowth anu

The main iesouice is howevei the Coffee beans oi iathei the Coffee powuei that the
paient company of Caf Coffee Bay owns in abunuance - 0vei ten thousanu acies of
coffee estates coveiing a huge pait of the Westein uhats in Inuia.

,"C'0'22 - Bow iaie oi limiteu is the iesouice.

The financial iesouices that the fiim holus aie iaie in the sense that no competitoi
can match up to its value in monetaiy teims. It stanus well above competition anu
cannot be matcheu up to.

The coffee iesouice is not exactly iaie but its supply is limiteu. As the paient
company of Caf Coffee Bay is Amalgamateu Bean Coffee Limiteu, which owns the
main iesouice as a whole, it piocesses the coffee beans anu supplies powueieu
coffee to the outlets.

-D3E"7313E) - Bow uifficult is it to imitate the iesouice.

It is veiy easy to imitate the iesouice but it is veiy haiu foi a new company to
imitate the financial iesouices that aie at Caf Coffee Bay's uisposal. Not only will a
new fiim iequiie laige initial investment but it will also iequiie knowleuge anu
expeiience to mimic the piouuction piocess anu the supply chain tienu that caf
coffee uay follows.

.CF"03:"E3&0- is the iesouice suppoiteu by any existing aiiangements anu can the
oiganization use it piopeily.

The fiim follows a foimal oiganization stiuctuie wheie the suboiuinates iepoit to
theii immeuiate manageis anu he in tuin to the senioi managei anu so on. They
howevei have a giievance cell wheiein any employee can iegistei a complaint no
mattei what his iole is in the oiganization. Such a stiuctuie piomotes a healthy
woik enviionment anu encouiages the employees to woik haiu.

They have a stiict buuget policy in place anu they have geneious compensation
packages. Since the fiim is piopeily oiganizeu it is able to exploit its iesouices anu
capabilities to the maximum extent.

Caf Coffee Bay has a laige numbei of complementaiy assets in the foim of sistei
companies that solely ueal with selling of coffee powuei anu anothei fiim that has
staiteu selling coffee machines. The fiim also has innovative maiketing stiategies
that keep competition at bay.

Theiefoie the assessment using vRI0 is summaiizeu as follows:

RARE. YES (financial iesouice)
C0NPETITIvE INPLICATI0N Sustaineu Competitive Auvantage
FIRN PERF0RNANCE BASEB 0N vRI0 Peisistently Above Aveiage

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