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[mwMachSim] 1. "Machine definition files" 2. "NC files" 3. "Report" 4. "Machine" 5. "Value underflow" 6. "Value mismatch" 7.

"At line #" 8. "Error in collision check definition statement. Following geometry node has not been defined yet: " 9. "Collision between " 10. " and " 11. " detected. Would you like to continue?" 12. "Collision detected" 13. "Collision" 14. "Out of Limits" 15. "Value overflow" 16. "Axis" 17. "Program Files" 18. "Preparing machine simulation..." 19. "Extract to: " 20. "Extracting: " 21. "Overall progress" 22. " Sim files " 23. " All files " 24. " Appearance" 25. " Visible" 26. " Display Settings" 27. " Operation number" 28. " Operation comment" 29. " Tool number" 30. " Tool description" 31. " Tool type" 32. " Tool diameter" 33. " Notification" 34. " Notify on Collision" 35. " Notify on Out of Limits" 36. " Notify on Value Mismatch" 37. "Unnamed" 38. "Geometry" 39. "Untitled.stl" 40. "tool" 41. "Translational Axis" 42. "Rotational Axis" 43. "Workpiece" 44. "Toolpath" 45. "Toolpath.asc" 46. "Transform" 47. "Choose .stl file" 48. "CollCheck" 49. "Stock" 50. " Browse for default GUI DLL" 51. " DLL files " 55. " Choose .bmp file " 60. "Unit system setting" 61. " The given xml file misses unit system information" 62. " Would you like us to set it for you by overwriting?" 63. "Unit system type" 64. "Metric" 65. "Inch"

70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113.

"CutSim" "Verification" "Notify on verification error" "Verification Error" "Would you like to continue?" "Collision of stock and flute tool part." "Crash with flute tool part" "Collision of stock and arbor tool part." "Crash with arbor tool part" "Collision of stock and holder tool part." "Crash with holder tool part" "InitialStock" "Gouges" "Properties" "Simulation" "Collision control" "enabled" "disabled" "Collision tolerance" "Between moves collision control" "Display unit system" "Simulation" "Toolpath" "Machine housing" "Actual Stock" "Target Workpiece" "Initial stock" "Simulation properties" "Stop conditions" "On tool change" "After" "moves" "If height relative to workpiece is greater than" " range:" " more than " "Segment" "Axis angle" "Axis direction" "Disable geometry collision checking when CutSim is enabled" "Collision of stock and shaft tool part." "Crash into shaft tool part"

[mdtree] 1. "Geometry" 2. "Axis" 3. "Transform (4x4)" 4. "Tool" 5. "Tool path" 6. "Workpiece" 7. "Collision check" 8. "lim" 9. "Machine" 10. "d = " 11. "static" 12. "dynamic" 13. "Properties" 14. "Add Geometry" 15. "Add Transl. Axis" 16. "Add Rot. Axis" 17. "Add Coord. Transform"

18. "Add Tool" 19. "Add Toolpath" 20. "Add Workpiece" 21. "Add CollCheck" 22. "Add Stock" 23. "Cannot change name from" 24. "to" 25. "Delete" 26. ", ID already exists and this would create duplicate ID's in the machine definition" 27. "Expand all" 28. "Add Initial Stock" 29. "Toolpath" 30. "Show" 31. "Hide" 32. "Transparent" 33. "Opaque" 34. "Wireframe" 35. "Solid" 36. "Choose Color" 37. "Holder Part" 38. "Arbor Part" 39. "Shaft Part" 40. "Flute Part" [nctree] 1. "Operation #" 2. "Tool #" 3. "Collisions" 4. "Out of Limits " [ToolTypes] 1. "Center drill" 2. "Spot drill" 3. "Drill" 4. "Right hand tap" 5. "Left hand tap" 6. "Reamer" 7. "Boring bar" 8. "Counter bore" 9. "Counter sink" 10. "Flat mill" 11. "Spherical mill" 12. "Chamfer mill" 13. "Face mill" 14. "Slot mill" 15. "Radius mill" 16. "Dovetail mill" 17. "Tapered mill" 18. "Lollipop mill" 19. "Bullnose mill" 20. "Barrel mill" 21. "Convex tip mill" 30. "Generic revolved" 40. "Lathe" [ToolTips] 1. "NC-Code control" 2. "Machine definition"

3. "Run" 4. "Stop" 5. "Pause" 6. "Previous operation" 7. "Step back" 8. "Step forward" 9. "Next operation" 10. "Manual mode" 11. "Create Presentation" 12. "Simulation speed" 13. "Load NC file" 14. "Properties" 15. "Customer tool type" 16. "Tool type:" 17. "Load Machine Definition file" 18. "Isometric" 19. "Top" 20. "Front" 21. "Side" 22. "Fit" 23. "User defined views" 24. "Show/Hide toolpath" 25. "Show/Hide machine housing" 26. "Slower" 27. "Faster" 28. "Load Machine" 29. "Save Machine" 30. "Define Key Mapping" 31. "New Machine" 32. "Edit Machine" 33. "Current operation control" 34. "Convert XML file" 35. "Right click to change slider position" 36. "Change operation slider position" 40. "Enable/disable work area focus" 41. "Show/Hide stock" 42. "Fast Run (collision checking disabled)" 43. "Fast Run" 44. "Simulation properties" [ErrorMessages] 1. "Unknown Exception " 2. "Could not open nc file (" 3. "Axis failed " 4. "Unknown exception in Autoload " 5. "NC file path is not determined in the settings file. " 6. "Rebuilding displayed texts based on the display settings. " 7. "Could not create presentation file. " 8. "Machine Definition file path is not determined in the settings file. " 9. "Unkown exception by reading and parsing the XML file. " 10. "No element with specified name defined in machine kinematics. " 11. "No elements of specified class defined in machine kinematics. " 12. "XML utilities error " 13. "XML parser error " 14. "The axis " 15. " is not defined in your machine kinematics " 16. "Unknown Exception occured! " 17. " in the function Load Machine Definition " 18. " error(s) occured during the parsing process! " 19. " at line "

20. ", column " 21. "Error(s) occured " 22. "in module " 23. "Could not find tool: " 24. " error(s) occured during the parsing process! " 25. "Could not find geometry: " 26. "in Function " 27. "Error(s) occured by loading the simulation file! " 28. "Error(s) occured by loading the machine definition file! " 29. "Error(s) occured during the simulation run! Simulation will be stopped. " 30. "Error changing tool! " 31. "Error loading Operation " 32. "Error applying Move " 33. "Error setting Operation " 34. "Error setting Move " 35. "Unknown Exception occured during the simulation run! Simulation will be stopped." 36. "Machine definition could not be loaded!" 37. "Simulation file could not be loaded!" 38. "Could not initialize tool (Nr. " 39. "Populate Tree" 40. "Error occured during the parsing process of the simulation file (" 41. "Could not open machine definition file (" 42. "Could not open settings File (" 43. "Load default settings" 44. "Wrong window handle (windowhandle =" 45. ") is set in the settings file (" 46. "Application will be started in a separate window." 47. "Machine definition could not be saved!" 48. "ID already exists and this would create duplicate ID's in the machine d efinition" 49. "Invalid percent value used in initializing double functionality slider" 50. "Minimal and maximal slider values passed to the double functionality sl ider are identical" 51. "Minimal slider value passed to the double functionality slider is great er than the maximal one" 52. "Invalid collision pair" 53. "INI file not found" 54. "Resource txt file not found" 55. "Corrupt default GUI DLL" 56. "Could not load GUI dll" 57. "Could not retrieve GUI creator" 60. "The function: " 61. " is not allowed in the state " 62. "Couldn't access file " 63. " in " 64. "READ mode" 65. "WRITE mode" 66. "READWRITE mode" 67. "Syntax error occured while parsing the machine definition file " 68. " at line " 69. ", column " 70. "Semantic error occured while parsing machine definition under node " 71. "Syntax error occured while parsing the simulation file" 72. "Semantic error occured while parsing the simulation file: " 73. "unknown keyword" 74. "unknown definition of AxisName" 75. "unknown definition for ToolChange" 76. "unknown definition of ToolParams"

77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 100. 105. ir" 106. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121.

"unknown definition of ToolComment" "unknown definition of Holder" "unknown definition of Operation Comment" "unknown definition of Transform" "unknown definition of Move" "unknown definition of SimFile" "Machine configuration mismatch" "Element" " doesn't exist or doesn't support requested operation" "UI binding exception. Cause: " " duplicated binding" " unknown binding error" "Error during MachSim initialization" "Allocation failed during INIT of the machine simulator" "Txt resource file could not be found" "Unknown failure during INIT of the machine simulator" "unknown definition of Arbor" "unknown definition of ProfilePoint" "unknown definition of ProfileArc" "unknown definition of LatheCuttingPart" "unknown definition of LatheHolder" "unknown definition of ExtrusionVector" "The machine has no specified units" "Unable to build between moves collision checker for the given object pa "Ordinary checking will be used instead" "No tools are defined for operation " "Could not find workpiece: " "Could not find stock: " "Could not find toolpath graphic: " "Could not find axis name." "Simulation object loading error." "No operation is defined" "Invalid command line parameters." "MachSim core is not initialized!" "Machine definition is not initialized!" "MachSim core has no operation available!" "Could not retrieve the specified axis!"

[MessageBox] 1. "Ok" 2. "Cancel" 3. "Yes" 4. "No" 5. "Retry" 6. "Abort" 7. "Ignore" 8. "Don't show this message again" [Steps] 1. 10 [hotkeysdlg] 1. "HotKey Settings" 2. "is unassigned" 3. "is assigned to" 4. "Assign Key" 5. "Unassign Key" 6. "Load Default Settings" 7. "Ok"

8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 50. 51. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208.

"Cancel" "Assign Mouse Action" "Unassign Mouse Action" "Left Mouse Click" "Right Mouse Click" "Wheel Mouse Click" "ALT" "CTRL" "SHIFT" "Middle Button Click" "Mouse Move Left-Right" "Mouse Move Up-Down" "Key settings" "Mouse settings" "MY_ZOOM_IN" "MY_ZOOM_OUT" "MY_MOUSE_POS_ZOOM_IN" "MY_MOUSE_POS_ZOOM_OUT" "MY_FIT" "MY_MOVE_UP" "MY_MOVE_DOWN" "MY_MOVE_LEFT" "MY_MOVE_RIGHT" "MY_ROTATE_UP" "MY_ROTATE_DOWN" "MY_ROTATE_LEFT" "MY_ROTATE_RIGHT" "ORBITAL_ROTATE_LEFT" "ORBITAL_ROTATE_RIGHT" "Front View" "Back View" "Top View" "Bottom View" "Left View" "Right View" "Isometric View" "Rotate left 90 degrees" "Rotate right 90 degrees" "Rotate up 90 degrees" "Rotate down 90 degrees" "Move" "Rotate" "Zoom" "Mouse Position Zoom" "My_Mouse_Position_Zoom_In" "My_Mouse_Position_Zoom_Out" "Position Rotate" "Pick stock's point" "-" "SHIFT+" "CTRL+" "CTRL+SHIFT+" "ALT+" "SHIFT+ALT+" "CTRL+ALT+" "SHIFT+CTRL+ALT+" "-"

[AxisDlg] 1. "Value"

2. 3. 5. 6.

"Max." "Min." "Change slider position for axis " "Enter a value"

[MSimCommand] 1. "Run" 2. "Fast forward" 3. "Pause" 4. "Stop" 5. "Previous operation" 6. "Step back" 7. "Step forward" 8. "Next operation" 9. "Manual mode" 10. "Simulation properties..." 11. "Create presentation..." 12. "Hot keys..." 13. "New machine" 14. "Open machine file" 15. "Load NC file" 17. "Save machine" 18. "Save machine as..." 20. "Edit machine" 21. "Print..." 22. "Print setup..." 23. "Print preview" 24. "About..." 25. "Exit" 31. "Isometric" 32. "Top" 33. "Front" 34. "Right" 35. "User defined" 36. "Fit to screen" 37. "Fullscreen" 40. "Workpiece focus" 41. "Toolpath" 42. "Machine housing" 43. "Workpiece" 44. "Stock" 45. "Initial stock" 46. "Tool" 51. "Customize..." 52. "Status bar" 53. "Office 2000" 54. "Office XP" 55. "Office2003" 56. "Windows XP" 57. "Visual Studio.NET 2005" 58. "Office 2007 Blue" 59. "Office 2007 Black" 60. "Office 2007 Aqua" 61. "Office 2007 Silver" 62. "Update all views" 65. "NCC Display..." 66. "NCC Notify..." 71. "Standard" 72. "Simulation" 73. "Tools"

74. "View" 75. "Visibility" 76. "Tasks" 77. "Machine" 78. "Report" 79. "Verification" 80. "Move list" 81. "Axis control" 82. "Progress" 83. "Speed slider" 84. "Create simulation report" 85. "Reset current layout to default" 86. "Save current layout to file" 87. "Load current layout from file" 88. "Graphics only" 89. "All components" 90. "Simulation" 91. "Verification" 92. "Ruler" 93. "Compass" 94. "Tool focus" 95. "Workpiece focus" 96. "Machine focus" 97. "Center point" 98. "Bottom" 99. "Left" 100. "Back" [MSimTip] 1. "Run" 2. "Fast forward" 3. "Pause" 4. "Stop" 5. "Previous operation" 6. "Step back" 7. "Step forward" 8. "Next operation" 9. "Manual mode" 10. "Simulation properties..." 11. "Create presentation..." 12. "Hot keys..." 13. "New machine" 14. "Open an existing machine file" 15. "Load NC file" 17. "Save the active machine" 18. "Save the active machine with a new name" 20. "Edit machine" 21. "Print the active machine" 22. "Change the printer and printing options" 23. "Print preview" 24. "About..." 25. "Quit the application" 31. "Isometric" 32. "Top" 33. "Front" 34. "Right" 35. "User defined" 36. "Fit to screen" 37. "Fullscreen" 40. "Workpiece focus"

41. "Show or hide toolpath" 42. "Show or hide machine housing" 43. "Show or hide workpiece" 44. "Show or hide stock" 45. "Show or hide initial stock" 46. "Show or hide tool" 51. "Customize..." 52. "Show or hide status bar" 53. "Activate Office 2000 application look" 54. "Activate Office XP application look" 55. "Activate Office2003 application look" 56. "Activate Windows XP application look" 57. "Activate Visual Studio 2005 application look" 58. "Activate Office 2007 Blue application look" 59. "Activate Office 2007 Black application look" 60. "Activate Office 2007 Aqua application look" 61. "Activate Office 2007 Silver application look" 62. "Update all views" 65. "NCC Display..." 66. "NCC Notify..." 71. "Standard" 72. "Simulation" 73. "Tools" 74. "View" 75. "Visibility" 76. "Tasks" 77. "Machine definition" 78. "Report" 79. "Verification" 80. "NC-Code" 81. "Axis control" 82. "Progress" 83. "Speed slider" 84. "Create simulation report" 85. "Reset to default" 86. "Save to file" 87. "Load from file" 88. "Graphics only" 89. "All components" 90. "Simulation" 91. "Verification" 92. "Show or hide Ruler" 93. "Show or hide Compass" 94. "Enable or disable Tool focus" 95. "Enable or disable Workpiece focus" 96. "Disable focus" 97. "Show or hide Center point" 98. "Bottom" 99. "Left" 100. "Back" [MSimMenu] 1. "&Run" 2. "F&ast forward" 3. "Pa&use" 4. "&Stop" 5. "&Previous operation" 6. "Step &back" 7. "Step &forward" 8. "&Next operation"

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 18. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 65. 66. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87.

"&Manual mode" "&Simulation properties..." "&Create presentation..." "&Hot keys..." "&New machine" "&Open machine file" "&Load NC file" "&Save machine" "Save machine &as..." "&Edit machine" "&Print..." "P&rint setup..." "Print pre&view" "&About..." "E&xit" "&Isometric" "T&op" "&Front" "&Right" "&User defined" "&Fit to screen" "F&ullscreen" "&Workpiece focus" "&Toolpath" "&Machine housing" "&Workpiece" "&Stock" "&Initial stock" "T&ool" "&Customize..." "&Status bar" "Office &2000" "Office &XP" "Office 200&3" "&Windows XP" "Visual Studio.NET 200&5" "&Blue Style" "B&lack Style" "&Aqua Style" "&Silver Style" "Update all &views" "NCC Display..." "NCC Notify..." "&Standard" "Si&mulation" "&Tools" "&View" "V&isibility" "T&asks" "&Machine" "&Report" "Ve&rification" "M&ove list" "&Axis control" "&Progress" "Speed s&lider" "&Create simulation report" "&Reset to default" "&Save to file" "&Load from file"

88. "&Graphics only" 89. "&All components" 90. "S&imulation" 91. "&Verification" 92. "&Ruler" 93. "&Compass" 94. "&Tool focus" 95. "&Workpiece focus" 96. "&Machine focus" 97. "C&enter point" 98. "&Bottom" 99. "&Left" 100. "B&ack" [MSimMenuBar] 1. "Main Menu" 2. "&File" 3. "&View" 4. "S&how/Hide" 5. "&Toolbars" 6. "&Windows" 7. "&Layouts" 8. "&Application Look" 9. "Office 200&7" 10. "&Control" 11. "&Settings" 12. "&Help" [MSimTask] 1. "Simulation" 2. "Tools" [Toolpath] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19.

"Tool Number" "Operation Number" "Feed Rate" "Move Geometry" "Toolpath Sequence" "Cut Direction" "Point Distribution" "Line Length" "Toolpath-Z" "-A axis value scale" "Toolpath-AB" "Axis Change" "Total Axis Change" "None" "Move geometry" "-A axis reversal" "Forward" "Reversal" "-A axis value change"

[MSimReport] 1. "Block" 2. "Type" 3. "Operation" 4. "Comment" 5. "Collision"

6. "Out Of Max Range" 7. "Out Of Min Range" 8. "Value Mismatch" 9. "Rapidmove Collision" 10. "Arbor Collision" 11. "Holder Collision" 12. "Gouge" 13. "Operation" 14. "Shaft Collision"

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