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Typical parameters for surge protective devices

Nominal voltage (Un) It is the working voltage of the system to be protected. For AC voltage, the RMS value and the frequency should be indicated. Maximum continuous operating voltage (Uc) Maximum DC or RMS voltage that may be continuously applied to the SPD without causing its activation. Nominal discharge current (In) Peak value of a 8/20s current wave that the SPD can withstand several times. Nominal current (IN) RMS value of the flowing current in a line under working conditions in order to have a proper SPD working. Maximum discharge current (Imax) Maximum peak value of a 8/20s current wave that has been applied to the SPD, being diverted to ground safely. Impulse current (Iimp) Maximum peak value of a 10/350s current wave, having a certain charge and specific energy, that has been applied to the SPD, being diverted to ground safely. Voltage protection level (Up) Parameter that characterizes the performance of the SPD in limiting the voltage across its terminals. Its value, in volts, shall not be surpassed in any of the tests, including current impulses and 1,2/50s voltage impulse test. Let through voltage with combination wave Maximum let-through voltage after applying a combination wave (1,2/50s, 8/20s) between the SPD terminals. Response time (tr) Parameter that characterizes the rapidity of the SPD activation. It can vary with different slopes of the applied waveshape, although in general the response time for the varistor is considered to be 25ns, while spark gap is 100ns. Insertion loss At a given frequency, the insertion loss of an SPD connected into a given system is defined as the ratio of voltages appearing across the mains immediately beyond the point of insertion before and after the insertion of the SPD under test; the result is expressed in decibels (dB). Category according to RBT The Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation defines four categories for the equipments according to the voltage that they are able to withstand for a wave of 1,2/50s. Each equipment can be considered protected when a protector of its category or one inferior to it, is installed. SPD location Outdoor/ Indoor, depending if it can resist the open air. Type of connection One port / two ports, depending on its installation, in series or parallel with the equipment to be protected. Working temperature Temperature range where the SPD can be used. Enclosure protection against mechanical impacts IP degree of protection according to EN 60529. Enclosure protection against fire Type of material according to EN 60707. Serial impedance Value in ohms inserted in the line when the SPD is installed in series.

How to use this catalogue.Inside front cover About Aplicaciones Tecnologicas, S.A.1 Overvoltages and its damages.3 Causes of overvoltages and mechanisms of propagation4 Overvoltages risk assessment.9 Surge protection system design guide10 Practical examples of overvoltage protection.17

Lightning protection division


Protection of power lines23

Other divisions
Lightning protection technologies Radiation protection and medical physics


Protection of special equipment79

Protection of data and communication lines89

High technology applied to the protection of man and his environment


Protection of areas with low overvoltage risk107

Glossary.115 Index by productInside back cover Index by referenceInside back cover

Manual instructions
The purpose of this catalogue is to provide a simple and easy tool to make your installations and projects easier. It is divided in 6 large sections, which will allow you to rapidly look up and determine the correct and most adequate type of protection.
The first section of the catalogue is a general introduction to surges and the possible damages they can cause. It also describes the available protection methods. The next four sections outline Aplicaciones Tecnologicas S.A.s advanced product solutions on the market. These 4 sections, each one identifiable by its own colour code, makes up the main part of the catalogue. The diagram on the following page shows the data layout of each product. We advise you to read this thoroughly before using the catalogue.
The arrow and the stripe show the start of a product data sheet and its reference. The colour indicates the type of protection. Number of the product and series and its description. The red arrow shows an introduction that has been highlighted. When proceeding a table, the red bar indicates those products whose technical specifications have been detailed. Photographic icon of the product for easy searching. Table of technical product specifications.

Index by product

AT83 Series - ATSHOCK

Single-pole protection for power supply lines

AT83 SERIES - ATSHOCK AT8350 ATSHOCK L: line-ground protection AT8399 ATSHOCK N: neutral-ground protection
The highest protection against transient overvoltages for power supply lines at the point they enter the building. ATSHOCK series provide protection even against direct lightning strikes. Tested and certified with lightning impulse current, 100kA, 10/350s wave.

AT8350 ATSHOCK L: line-ground protection AT8399 ATSHOCK N: neutral-ground protection


III and IV Class I


Coarse protection according to scaled protection recommended in Low Voltage Regulation (RBT2002 ITC23). Class I Protector according to IEC61643-11 and EN61643-11. For equipment of categories III and IV according to RBT2002. Encapsulated, non-exhausting creepage discharge spark gap. Suitable for TT, TN-C and TN-S systems. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSUB and ATCOVER. Optimum protection level. Quick response. Robust connectors, suitable for all type of connection. Single-pole protection. Withstands direct lightning strike current (10/350s wave), over 100kA. High energy diverting capability. Limits supply following currents. AT83 Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table).

Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-11, EN61643-11: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Impulse current (10/350s wave): Specific energy: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Follow current extinguishing capability: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Iimp W/R In Up If tr 160A gL/gG 3 kAeff Uc 255VAC

50/60Hz 100kA 2,5 MJ/ 50kA < 4 kV 100 Aeff < 100ns

Index by reference

50kA (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 71 x 86 x 63mm (4 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 10 / 45mm2 (7/1 AWG)


The final part of the catalogue consists of a technical glossary and a product index.


INSTALLATION ATSHOCK Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to Phase and Ground (ATSHOCK L) or to Neutral and Ground (ATSHOCK N). One ATSHOCK L is needed for each line. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. ATSHOCK can be installed in combination with ATSUB or ATCOVER. In either case, both must be separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in main switchgears, where the line enters the building and where direct lightning currents could penetrate.

Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation Resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G:

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

We hope that this catalogue meets your expectations and becomes a helpful guide for your everyday work. If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to consult our technical department by sending an e-mail to

Photograph of product.

Drawing showing the dimensions of the product.

Installation diagram of each product.

The three arrows indicate that the technical specifications continue on the next page.

At the bottom of each table, the certified tests and applicable regulations are specified.

The arrow to the left indicates the end of the product data sheet.

The red bar indicates, first the series number and secondly the products shown.


High technology About Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas, S.A. applied to the protection of man APLICACIONES TECNOLGICAS, S.A. work activity is based around the protection of man and the environment. Founded in 1986, we investigate, develop, manufacture and the and comercialise high technology systems which solve very specific problems in specialised areas in the following fields: environment

Lightning protection technologies

Radiation protection and medical physics

Environmental technologies

APLICACIONES TECNOLGICAS, S.A., main objective is to supply safe and efficient products, state of the art technology, high quality manufacturing in accordance with the highest national and international quality standards. In this way, we provide our clients trustful solutions. We are a registered company through AENOR, the Spanish Regulating Authority, with a well established quality control system, certified according to the standard UNE-EN ISO9001:2000 for all our divisions.

Lightning protection technologies

Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas, S.A. is one of the leading companies in the lightning protection international market. Therefore, using the most up to date technology available, we can offer comprehensive and safe lightning protection systems.

Lightning protection division






This catalogue will deal with this subdivision.

Our strenghths

In-house research, development and production. Continual improvement of our products. Specialised team for any advise needed in any matter concerning lightning protection (technical inquiries, product information, lightning protection and overvoltage projects, installation advice). Fullfillment of EC requirements. Active participation in national and international regulating comittees:

Present in more than 50 countries

Present in more than 50 countries, with a wide network of distributors in continuous contact with engineering and architectural consultancies, wholesalers, electricians and end users (governmental, industrial, construction and services, etc.).

Certified products
Certified products by means of official and independent laboratories.

Overvoltages and its damages

Transient overvoltages are very short duration increases in voltage between two conductors or between a conductor and the ground. They can be caused by atmospheric electrical discharges (lightning), by switching or by electrical faults (contact with earth or short circuit).

Although transient over voltages have existed since the creation of electrical networks, the need for protection is nowadays much greater. This is due to advanced technology making electrical components ever smaller and more sensitive to electromagnetic disturbances.


Types of overvoltages

Electronic components (from valves to nanotechnology)

The ef fect of conducted or induced currents due to atmospheric discharges either from distant strikes, lightning between clouds or by the switching operation of heavy machines (which cause over voltages similar to those produced by lightning strikes), can cause devastating damages on electronic equipment and electrical installations. Atmospheric discharges produce voltage peaks at the signal, very high but also with a ver y shor t duration. Currents associated with a direct lightning strike can reach values over 100kA, thus even its secondary effects bring currents that are able to cause important damages to the lines and equipment they are connected to. Most electrical lines are equipped with security measures to avoid short-circuits and electrical shocks to people. Almost every electric board contains protectors such as automatic circuit breakers and RCCB. However they cannot avoid the consequences of transient overvoltages, since their reaction is much slower than the voltage peak that appears. ELECTRONIC VALVES Large and resistant. The majority can withstand overvoltages without suffering irreparable damages. FIRST TRANSISTORS More sensitive but with a good insulation. INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Made up of a large quantity of transistors and work with very low currents and voltages. SMD COMPONENTS Their small size, proximity of components and lines which join them, makes them very susceptible to overvoltages. The evolution of electronic systems and components together with an increase in their usage, has resulted in the last decade in a spectacular increase of economic damages caused by overvoltages. This is primarily because the voltage peak goes through smaller and more sensitive elements.
Damages caused by overvoltages

A special example is that of UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply). These elements assure the power supply of the equipments connected to it even when there is a cut in the electricity supply. Most of these equipments also have a current rectifier which enables a stable power supply within a 15% variation. However, because they are sophisticated equipment with microprocessor technology and ver y sensitive to over voltages, they can suffer serious damages when subjected to transient over voltages. Surge Protective Devices complement the mentioned protections. In general they do not activate with small deformations in the signal or network overloads. However, they respond in nanoseconds to voltage peaks and they are able to drive lightning current (main or secondary) to earth, safeguarding the connected equipment.

Consequences of overvoltages
The most typical transient overvoltages are caused by the operation of powerful machines. However, the most destructive are caused by atmospheric discharges. Surge effects range from simple brief work interruptions to the total destruction of sensitive equipment.

Interruption of system operation, data loss and corruption, unexplainable computer failures, etc

Transient overvoltages degrade, without user notice, electronic components and circuits, reducing equipment life and increasing the possibility of failures.

Severe transient over voltages can damage components, circuit boards and can even burn or destroy the equipment as well as producing the start of a fire. They mainly affect electronic, computer and telecommunications systems.

All these effects imply the interruption in the normal working condition of computers and thus results in economic losses due to delays in productivity. More impor tantly, these effects can carr y risks to people which must be avoided at all cost according to the Health and Safety Laws: Minimum requirements of health and security used by installation workers and work teams. R.D. 1215/97. Annex II, point 12. Any installation or machine used for work purposes, and which could be reached by lightning, should be protected against its effects using adequate devices and measures..

Causes of overvoltages and mechanisms of propagation

Causes of overvoltages
Depending on their nature, surges are classified in two categories:


Thunderstorms are very common and dangerous. It is estimated that on our planet, 2000 storms and 100 lightning strikes take place simultaneously on earth every second. This represents 4000 storms and 9 million flashes every day. When lightning strikes, it causes a current impulse that can reach tens of thousands of amperes. This discharge produces an overvoltage in the electrical lines and can cause fires, damages to equipment and even casualties.

These surges are generated in electrical lines, mainly due to the following two reasons: Electrical switching of large machinery: Electrical motors are very inductive loads whose connection and disconnection can cause surges. There are other processes capable of producing surges, like the turning on/off of a welding arch and the connection and disconnection of power electronic devices. Operation and fault in power supply network: In the case of shor t-circuit at any point in the network, the circuit breakers will respond by opening and the following auto-reclosing, in the case of it being a temporary fault. Such faults can generate surges typical in the connection of inductive loads.

Mechanisms of propagation
The prevailing mechanism of switching overvoltages is conduction, because it starts in the very power supply networks. Its in atmospheric discharges where all kinds of different propagation methods can be observed. Therefore, we can differentiate between the following methods:

Lightning can strike aerial lines directly. Surges then propagate and reach the user, finally diverting to ground through the equipment, provoking failures. A common mistake is to think that hitting discharges in power distribution lines (Medium Voltage) dont reach those of Low Voltage because of the galvanic insulation provided by the existing transformer. However, this is not true due to the fact that the before mentioned insulation is effective for nominal frequencies in the network, while for the wave forms associated with lightning, the transformer produces little attenuation.

The electromagnetic field produced by electric discharges induces transient current in nearby conductors, entering then the structures and harming the equipment.

There always exists a capacitive coupling, also called stray capacity, between every pair of conductors. Overvoltages due to capacitive coupling become more important as the voltage waveform velocity increases.


This mechanism is a special form of conducted overvoltages (described before) but due to its elevated incidence, it deserves a special mention. When lightning disperses in the ear th, lightning current can raise the ground voltage around the impact point several thousands of volts as a consequence of the passing current. Any object on the affected ground will acquire the associated voltage during that time, which can produce a dangerous voltage difference to other points on the installation. Take special attention to buried metallic objects such as piping and earth terminals.


INTENSITY Long distance impact: up to 1kA Close impacts: up to some kA Direct impacts: up to tens of kA Can reach some kA Can reach tens of kA


Up to some kV between conductors which are not ground Up to tens of kV between ground and conductor Up to some kV between conductors which are not ground Up to some kV between ground and conductor


Can reach some kA

The above table represents each mechanism, its transmission value typical for each corresponding over voltage and its associated current.

Conductive and inductive surges enter the building, damaging electric and electronic equipment and can even cause fires and personal injuries.

Summary of causes of overvoltages and mechanisms of propagation

Conducted overvoltages due to direct lightning strike Conducted overvoltages due to indirect lightning strike Induced overvoltages

Overvoltages due to voltage raises at the grounding Switching overvoltages

Enlarged on following page

Table of causes of overvoltages and mechanisms of propagation

Conducted overvoltages due to direct lightning strike 1 Discharges in building elements (corners, chimneys, weather vanes) which propagate through the electrical installation of the building. 2 Discharges in antennas which propagate through their cables. Conducted overvoltages due to indirect lightning discharge 3 Discharges in aerial and telephone lines which enter a building. 4 Discharges in wind generators. Induced overvoltages 5 Inductions in aerial power supply and telephone lines. 6 Inductions in power supply and computer lines inside buildings. Overvoltages due to voltage raises at the grounding 7 Direct discharges in objects near to buildings (trees, metal gates, lamp posts). 8 Direct discharges to ground. 9 Discharges near underground power supply and data lines which connect to equipment in different buildings. Switching overvoltages 10 Switching in power supply. 11 Switching in heavy machines.

How do overvoltages enter the equipment?

Power supply, telephone, TV or data lines often cover long distances and are connected to ver y sensitive equipment. This condition makes the line especially receptive to over voltages which then will be transmitted by conduction to the connected equipment. It is convenient to pay special attention to aerial lines that connect sensitive equipment even in protected environments as it is probable that dangerous voltages can be induced. It is also important to take into account that lightning and power switching generate high magnitude electromagnetic fields thus inducing currents in the conductors placed inside this field. Even lightning strikes from cloud to cloud can cause damages in electrical installations. Finally, lightning ef fects can enter through the earthing network, changing the reference of voltage of all the equipment connected to it or to the electrical power supply line itself. The most susceptible equipments in this case are those that have the voltages of its elements referenced to two different grounds.

In this case, it is recommended to link all the grounds, including those of the lightning protection system in order to avoid overvoltages and larger flowing currents. In addition, when there are several buildings in the same complex, the risk will usually increase due to crossconnections.

In general, it is convenient to install surge protection at any line entering or leaving a building that connects or could connect in the future sensitive equipment.

Overvoltage risk assessment

In order to design an accurate Surge Protection System, you will first need to know the overvoltage risk in the area (L) and the probability of an equipment to be reached by a surge through the line (E). The calculation of these two risk index (L and E) are based on the guidelines: ITC-BT-23 of RBT2002 and on the UNE 21186:1996 standard.

World isoceraunic map

Risk in the area to be protected (L):

L = Ng * (1+BT+MT+U) N g : Lightning strikes density: lightning flashes per square (km2). Calculated using the local keraunic level Nk (N g = 0,02 * N k 1,67 ), shown on the isoceraunic maps. BT: Index related to the length in meters of the low voltage aerial line which provides the power supply to the installation. BT = 0 Underground. BT = 0,25 1 to 150 m. BT = 0,5 150 to 300 m. BT = 0,75 300 to 500 m. BT = 1 > 500 m. MT: Parameter showing the location of the medium voltage line. MT = 0 Underground medium voltage line. MT = 1 Medium voltage aerial line. U: Parameter showing the line input position with regard to its environment. U=0 Input line close to trees or high(er) structures. U = 0,5 Input line surrounded by lower structures. U = 0,75 Isolated input line. U=1 Isolated input line on a hill or mound.

Risk of connected equipment (E):

E = S+V+C S: Sensitivity of the equipment according to the ITC-BT-23 of code RBT2002. S = 1 Category IV. Equipment connected to the origin of the installation. S = 2 Category III. Strong industrial equipment. Eg: Motors, Pumps, Compressors. S = 3 Category II. Less strong industrial equipment. Eg: Electrical appliances, Lighting, CNC. S = 4 Category I. Electronically sensitive equipment. Eg: computers, PLCs, adjustable frequency drives. V: Economic cost of the equipment. V = 1 Low cost (<1.500 euros). V = 2 Medium cost (1.500 to 15.000 euros). V = 3 Expensive (>15.000 euros). C: Continuity of service. C = 1 No need for service continuity. C = 2 Requirement of service continuity. C = 3 Important economic consequences due to an interruption of service. With these two indexes, E and L, and the table, a quick choice can be made in order to determine the SPDs required for the power supply side protection of the equipment. Please note that for a complete protection, telephone and data lines should also be protected. PROTECTOR FOR MAIN SWITCHBOARD L=1 E = 8, 9 or 10 E = 6 or 7 E<5 ATCOVER (page 53) ATCOVER (page 53) ATCOVER (page 53) L=2 ATSUB60 (page 40)+ ATCOVER* (page 53) ATSUB60 (page 40) ATSUB60 (page 40) L=3 ATSHIELD (page 30)+ ATCOVER* (page 53) ATSHIELD (page 30)+ ATSUB40* (page 40) ATSHIELD (page 30) L=4 ATSHOCK (page 28)+ ATCOVER* (page 53) ATSHOCK (page 28)+ ATSUB40* (page 40) ATSHOCK (page 28)

* Protector for distribution boards.

Surge protection system design guide

The aim of a surge protection system is to assure the continuity of electrical power supply and minimise to an acceptable level for people and equipment any possible damages due to incoming transient surges. The most important feature of surge arresters is its rapid response time.

Transient overvoltages could easily reach several kilovolts in a few microseconds. During this raise time, while the protector has not reacted, this increasing voltage reaches the connected equipment. Generally, the response time of the arresters varies between 20 and 100 nanoseconds. Surge arresters can be installed in series or parallel, but in all cases they must remain inactive under normal conditions. Once the overvoltage starts, the protector will start working, leading the lightning current to ground. Momentary interruptions should not be made, that is to say, the final user should not notice the SPD action. Sustained interruptions are not allowed: when the overvoltage has been absorbed, the protector should return to its inactive state without affecting the normal working of the line. In those cases where the components of the protector have suffered a bigger overvoltage than they can withstand, the failure mode will be open circuit thus avoiding the short-circuit of the line. Most of protectors are provided with a visual or remote warning which activates when the protector should be replaced.

No protector nowadays is able to both absorb high currents and leave harmless residual voltage pass through. Therefore a set of devices are required in order to achieve a good balance between current and voltage, minimising any further damages on the equipment. From the users point of view, this is the most important fact, the residual voltage should not represent a threat.

APLICACIONES TECNOLOGICAS, S.A. has tested all its SPDs in official and independent laboratories successfully achieving all values described in their technical sheets and labels. The regulations of series 61643 of the International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC) define the requirements and implementation of surge protectors. Some of these regulations have already been adopted as European standards (EN). There are other related regulations, the most important one being the Lightning Protection Systems Regulation including its electromagnetical effects. Regulations for the installation of electrical boards should always be fulfilled. The tests carried out on the SPDs are principally based on regulation IEC 61643, although APLICACIONES TECNOLOGICAS products also comply with the requirements of UL1449. Lets say that UL 1449 is a security regulation. It is not a regulation on the working condition of the SPD, it does not test the current and voltage values stated on the protector, however, it does test its safety. On the other hand, IEC 61643 certifies both security and working conditions.

Tests carried out. Series IEC 61643

According to this regulation, SPDs can be classified into three classes depending on what they are used for. 1) If they are supposed to withstand direct lightning strikes, 2) secondary effects or 3) attenuated overvoltages. According to the class established, the manufacturer provides a piece of information which characterises the device and determines the type of test to be carried out. Although there is no settled value defined by the regulations for each class, any stated value on the label and on its technical datasheet must be tested and proved on laboratories according regulations.

Classification according to type of impulse test

Information to be provided by the manufacturer for each type of protection
Iimp (wave 10/350s) In (wave 8/20s) Class I Class II Class III X X X X Imax (wave 8/20s) Ignition voltage (wave 1,2/50s) X X X UOC Open circuit voltage (combined wave 8/20s, 1,2/50s)

Standard impulse current tests

There are two different current tests that simulate the effects of a lightning strike:
wave 10/350s

Secondary lightning effects test and switching elements, with wave 8/20s in order to determine Imax. Due to the different make up of the wave form tested, the tests with Iimp have a much higher energy than the tests with Imax and In.

I (KA)

Direct lightning strike test, modelled on wave form 10/350s in order to determine Iimp.

wave 8/20s

Impulse current waves applied to the protectors against overvoltages in order to check its characteristics. The area of each curve in this graph shows the specific energy applied.

t (s)

During the tests, the SPDs are submitted to repeated current and voltage impulses, measuring the residual voltage. The established Level of Protection (Up) cannot be surpassed in any test. Residual voltage does not always increase with the current value: some critical values may exist for currents lower than the maximal. Therefore it is very important to apply stepped current impulses, over and below the nominal current, in order to assure the highest voltage the protector may let through. Thermic and mechanical tests are also performed.

Other applicable standards

There are other regulations to take into account when designing and installing SPDs. On the one hand, these protectors are part of the internal protection described in the following lightning protection standard:

Standard Norm UNE 21186 and NFC 17102, Protection of structures and of open areas against lightning using
early streamer emission air terminals.

Standard UNE 21185, BS 6651, NFC 61-0740 and IEC61024 (and its substitute series IEC62305),
Protection of structures against lightning and general principles using conventional systems (meshed conductors and franklin rods).

Standard IEC61312 (and its substitute series IEC62305), Protection of structures against electromagnetic
effects of lightning.

Electrical codes
SPDs should meet every specific regulation of the lines where they are installed. In the case of power supply lines, SPDs should comply with each countr ys electrotechnical regulation (for example in Great Britain BS 7671 "Requirements for electrical installations" and in Spain RBT2002 "Low Voltage Electrotechnical Regulation"; this last regulation makes a special reference to overvoltage protection in instruction ITC-BT-23).

SPD selection
The most important parameters to take into account are: a. Where the area to be protected is located. b. Maximum residual voltage allowed. c. Additional parameters of the line. To protect any equipment correctly, it is necessary to know in detail all its characteristics.

a.- Zone of protection

Lightning protection standards, as IEC61312, define Lightning Protection Zones (LPZ) depending on the electromagnetic characteristics of each area around and inside the structure to be protected. For each of these zones, the damage that surges can cause is different, and therefore equipment should be protected according to this risk. A good coordination between them is very important: they should act in coordinated stages and be able to withstand lightning currents letting residual voltages that are harmless to the equipment.

Surge Protective Devices are installed in the transitions between zones.

Regulations describe three different types of SPD according to the area where they are located: Class I Protectors: Class I SPDs should be tested with 10/350 s lightning impulse wave, simulating the effects of direct lightning discharges. To be installed where lightning currents and electromagnetic ef fects are unattenuated. Class II Protectors: Class II SPDs should be tested with 8/20 s cur rent impulse wave, simulating lightning secondary effects. To be installed where lightning currents and electromagnetic effects are already attenuated. Class III Protectors: Class III SPDs should be tested with combination impulse wave but with low values, simulating ver y attenuated over voltages. Normally they are installed near the equipment and have low residual voltages.

One method of reducing electromagnetic fields is the shielding of structures, rooms and/or equipment. In case of buildings, the equipotential bonding of metallic objects achieves disturbance reductions. If this interconnection is carried out during the construction of the building, then later protection is more effective and less costly. In any case, all the lines entering or leaving a zone should be protected with the proper device in order to avoid surges.


External zone, exposed to direct lightning strikes. External zone but within the LPS protection area and, therefore, protected against direct strikes.

Full lightning current and unattenuated electric field. Part of the lightning current and unattenuated electric fields.


Internal zone, where surges are limited by current spreading, up-stream SPDs and sometimes by screening.

Low currents and attenuated electric fields.

LPZ 2...n

Internal zones with more limited surges thanks to current spreading, screening and up-stream SPDs

Minimum currents and very attenuated electric fields.

Example of the division by zones in an office building:

*External Lightning Protection System


CLASS I CLASS II CLASS III Protectors Protectors Protectors

b.- Permitted Residual Voltage

An important feature of SPDs is its residual voltage. If it is low, the protected equipment will suffer less damage when surges reach high levels, even if they are capable of supporting them. However, there are more robust equipments or with internal protections which dont need especially low residual voltage, whilst other equipments can be very sensitive hence demanding very low residual voltage. SPDs in this last case must be installed near the equipment. In order to select an adequate protector, the characteristics of each connected equipment should be taken into account.

Category IV equipment according to RBT2002

Example of power supply overvoltage protection taking into account the connected equipment

Category III equipment according to RBT2002 Category II equipment according to RBT2002 Category I equipment according to RBT2002

Residual voltage which should be able to support the equipment Residual voltage which the protectors leave against overvoltages

CLASS I protectors Eg. ATSHOCK (page 28)

CLASS iI protectors Eg. ATSUB (page 40)

CLASS IiI protectors Eg. ATPLUG (page 113)

c.- Additional parameters of the line

To finalise the details of the protection, it is convenient and in some cases, essential to know the characteristics of the line to be protected, such as the following: Maximum working voltage, to make sure the SPD activates at an acceptable voltage level to the user. Type of voltage: alternate, continuous, impulse, etc. Working current of the line, absolutely essential if an element is inserted in series. Supply system TN, TT, IT (in power supply lines) to protect the adequate lines. Characteristics of the connections.

It is imperative that the protector doesnt affect the working condition of the line and doesnt produce significant losses of signal.

1.- Note the line characteristics in order to find out maximum voltage in continuous and/or alternate in each conductor. Select the SPDs providing: Uc > maximum working voltage of the line

Current that can reach the SPD 2.- Select the SPD type and its maximum current depending on the effects it should withstand: Direct lightning current: Lightning secondary effects: Attenuated surges:

Type of SPD Class I Class II Class III Residual Voltage (1,2/50s) < 4kV < 1,5kV < 1kV

Equipment to be protected 3.- Select the SPD residual voltage according to the equipment to be protected. For example, for power supply lines it is recommended: Very robust equipment (large motors, air conditioning, ): Non-sensitive or internally protected equipment: Very sensitive or non-protected equipment against electromagnetic disturbances:

SPD Coordination
Once the requirements of the protection have been defined, it will probably be the case that one commercial device does not meet the demanded requirements of discharge intensity and residual voltage. For this reason, the installation and coordination of several devices is needed. In general, the higher the current withstanding capacity the higher the residual voltage and therefore its level of protection. if Therefore, a proper protection requires coordinated SPDs, with several protection stages acting sequentially and being able, on one side, of withstanding all the lightning current and, on another side, of letting a residual voltage harmless for the existing or future installed equipment. If SPDs are connected to the same electric point, without any impedance separating them, then the fastest one will withstand the whole surge while the toughest SPD has no time to activate, If the overvoltage is very large, the SPD could be destroyed or damaged. Even if the surge would not harm the SPD, there is no sense in installing a robust protector, with a huge current withstanding capability, if it never acts. For two SPDs to be correctly coordinated, the length of the cable between them should be at least 10 metres. If this is not possible (for example, if both were in the same electric board), a decoupling inductor should be installed between them.

Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas, S.A. supplies complete cabinets where all stages are already installed and coordinated by a decoupling inductor, suitable for those installations where separation by cable is not achievable.

Protection stages
Usually, the first protection is a spark gap. Spark gaps typically remain completely open, with no flowing current, while signal is normal. Each one has its characteristic breakdown voltage (although it varies slightly with the wave form). When this voltage is surpassed, then the component becomes short-circuited, driving all the current to ground. When the high level voltage disappears, these components return to inactive status, that is, to be an open circuit. The element forming the second protection, tighter than the first one, is usually a varistor. Varistors are variable resistances. Their impedance is ver y high when voltage is normal, and it lowers in a non-linear way when voltage increases. In general, they are faster than gas discharge tubes but their disadvantage is that, while voltage is normal, their impedance is very high but still produces current leakage. The third protection barrier is normally Transient Voltage Suppressor Diodes, very fast elements, capable of letting very low residual voltages but unable to withstand currents over several amperes.

Reduction of transitory overvoltages by means of a coordinated protection.

Coordination impedance: Decoupling conductor or more than 10 metres of cable

Equipment protected

Z CLASS I Protectors CLASS II Protectors

Z CLASS III Protectors

Voltage impulse wave

Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas, S.A. Surge Protective Devices have been tested not only individually but also in coordination with other protectors of different stages. Many SPDs are formed by the combination of these elements or by several of them coordinated in a single device. Decoupling elements are normally resistances or inductors with very low impedances because, being in series with the line, the current flows through them continuously. If impedances were high, they would cause unnecessary losses and consumptions. Normally the problem of electrical consumptions is worse in power supply lines, where flowing current is of amperes. For data lines, the current flowing is of miliamperes, hence the consumption is not important. However, the working voltages of electronic components are usually very low thus a significative voltage drop at the decoupling impedance must be avoided, since it could cause disturbances in data transmissions.

ATBARRIER (page 72): coordinated protectors.



Does the building have lightning rods?

For power supply lines, dif ferent combinations of ATSHOCK, ATSUB and ATCOVER have been tested, using ATLINK devices as decoupling inductors, verifying their coordination and proper working even with lightning impulse waves (100kA, 10/350s). Concerning SPDs for telephone, data lines, etc., our protectors internally coordinate several protection stages.

Has lightning been especially strong in the area before?

Is there any risk of direct strike on the line?

Is there any risk of surges inside the building?

Is the equipment to be protected very sensitive?

Has the equipment an added value?

ATSHOCK (page 28)+ ATSUB (page 40) or ATSHIELD (page 30)

ATSHOCK (page 28)+ ATCOVER (page 53)

ATCOVER (page 53)

Example of different ways of protection of main and secondary switchboards depending on the characteristics of the installation.

Practical examples of overvoltage protection

Industrial Installations
OBJECT: Industrial premises, Industrial complexes, Hospitals, Public buildings. POWER SUPPLY CLASS I (direct lightning effects) 1.- ATSHOCK (page 28) Are there more than 10m separation of cable?


Coordination inductor ATLINK (page 61)

DATA AND TELECOMMUNICATION CLASS II and III COORDINATED 4.- ATFONO (page 91) 5.- ATLINE (page 93) 6.- ATFREQ (page 104) 7.- ATLAN (page 96)

CLASS II (attenuated lightning effects) 2.- ATSHIELD(p.30)/ATSUB(p.40)/ATCOVER(p.53)/ATSOUND(p.59) CLASS III (attenuated electromagnetic effects) 3.- ATSOCKET (page 111) / ATPLUG (page 113)

Electrical supply line Telephone line Data line Computer line Coaxial line

Electrical supply line Telephone line Coaxial line


Domestic installations


POWER SUPPLY CLASS I and II (direct or attenuated effects of lightning) 1.- ATSHIELD (page 30) / ATSUB (page 40) / ATCOVER (page 53) CLASS III (attenuated electromagnetic effects) 3.- ATPLUG (page 113) / ATSOCKET (page 111)


Electrical supply line Telephone line Computer line Coaxial line

OBJECT: Office environment.

Office environment

POWER SUPPLY CLASS I (direct lightning effects) 1.- ATSHOCK (page 28) Are there more than 10m separation of cable?


Coordination inductor ATLINK (page 61)


CLASS II (attenuated lightning effects) 2.- ATSHIELD(p.30)/ATSUB(p.40)/ATCOVER(p.53)/ATSOUND(p.59) CLASS III (attenuated electromagnetic effects) 3.- ATSOCKET (page 111) / ATPLUG (page 113) / ATFILTER (page 113)

ATSUB (page 40)

ATSHOCK (page 28)




ATCOVER (page 53)

Photovoltaic installations
WITH LPS** CLASS I and II (coordinated protection) ATVOLT(p.81) or ATPV(p.86) depending on maximum voltage WITHOUT LPS** CLASS I (coarse protection) ATSHOCK (page 28)

Complete explanation of diagram on page 87.

WITH SPCR** CLASS II (medium protection) ATPV (page 86)

WITHOUT SPCR** CLASS II (medium protection) ATPV (page 86)

*Protection A: will be necessary if the distance is superior than 10m. **LPS: Lightning Protection System.

Wind turbine


ATSHOCK (page 28)

ATSHIELD (page 30)


ATCOVER (page 53)


Telecommunication towers





ATSHIELD (page 30)

ATCOVER (page 53)

ATVOLT (page 81)

Product data sheets

tion of Protec uppl y s power ecial for sp nt e equipm
tion tec er Pro f pow s o line ply sup

Surge protection for telecommunication lines

supply Power ion for t protec nitude ag m r o min reas ltage a overvo

High technology applied to the protection of man and his environment

Protection of power supply lines

Protection of power supply lines

Power supply lines enter the structures from outdoor and distribute the current to all the electrical and electronical equipment, ranging from robust motors to most sensitive devices. Mains power supply often suffer small oscillations, harmonics, sudden increases and even severer disturbances such as short-circuits or derivations to ground. Devices for solving these kind of problems and safeguarding the equipment are available in the market (circuit breakers, residual current circuit breakers, fuses, etc), however the response time of these devices is too slow and do not react properly against transient overvoltages. Surge Protective Devices for power supply lines complement the above mentioned devices, since they only protect against transient overvoltages caused by lightning discharges and power switching. In general, they are to be installed in parallel with the line in order to avoid unnecessar y losses and consumptions although some elements, such as decoupling inductors must be installed in series. When a SPD has any element in series with the line then its maximum continuous working current must be clearly specified, indicating the maximum current that can flow through it continuously. Nonetheless, the impedance should always be very low.

When different protection stages are used, it is essential that SPDs are well coordinated when a surge occurs. Surge protection series for power supply lines are the following:

Within power supply surge suppression, Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas, S.A. supplies several SPD series depending on the intensity of the expected discharge current in the area to be protected and on the sensitivity of the protected equipment.

ATSHOCK series

Can withstand direct lightning strikes (100kA, 10/350s).

They combine very robust elements with clampling components in order to achieve a large absorption capacity of the direct lightning strike together with a low residual voltage.

ATSUB series
Can withstand tens of kiloamperes and reduce the overvoltage significantly to levels that are not harmful to the equipment.

ATCOVER series
Robust and very complete, protects all phases quickly and efficiently, leaving a low residual voltage.

ATSOUND series
Acoustic signalling module, complementing the remote warning of ATSUB and ATCOVER series.

ATLINK series
For the coordination of protection stages.

Cabinet for multipolar protection made up of single-polar elements.

Protected coordinated cabinet.


ATSHOCK series

Each ATSHOCK L protects one phase

Can withstand direct lightning currents (modelized under 100kA, waveshape 10/350s), leaving a residual voltage of a few kilovolts. They consist of encapsulated spark gaps, thus no plasma arcs are produced outside the casing. They are installed in points likely to directly receive large lightning discharges. They should always be used in coordination with ATSUB and/or ATCOVER SPD series as their residual voltage all alone is still harmful to the connected equipment. They are single-pole protectors (protect only one phase or the neutral depending on the earth) and can be installed in all types of supply systems.

Protectors which bring together both, the quick response time of the zinc-oxide varistors together with the shunt capacity of spark gaps. They are designed and tested as a Class I protector, meaning that they can withstand tens of kiloamperes of direct atmospheric discharge intensity (wave 10/350s), leaving a non harmful amount of residual voltage to the connected equipment. They are single-pole protectors (protect only one phase or neutral depending on the earth) and can be installed in all types of supply systems. They have a bright warning light to detect any possible failure in its proper working.


Each ATSHIELD L protects one phase


ATSUB Series
Made up of zinc oxide varistors and have a visual alarm when the SPD is out of service. They are single-pole SPDs (they protect one phase or neutral) and can be installed in all types of supply systems. ATSUB protectors can withstand tens of kiloamperes for a 8/20s (waveform simulating lightning secondary effects) and they reduce surges to harmless levels for the protected equipment.

Protection of three-phase line with neutral using ATSUB

EARTH These characteristics, together with its small size and low cost, make them the most suitable SPDs for installation in secondary boards and close to the equipment. They can be combined with other ATSUB, ATSHOCK (which would receive the main lightning current) and with ATCOVER protectors, which leave a lower residual voltage. In any case, there must be 10 metres of cable or ATLINK devices for a proper coordination between protection stages.

There are also versions with pluggable modules (ATSUB-P) for a quick substitution in case of repeated over voltages and versions with remote warning (ATSUB-PR).

ATCOVER SPD series combine in a single device, protection in common mode (to earth) and differential mode (between lines). They can withstand currents up to 30kA 8/20s, leaving ver y low residual voltages, completely harmless to the connected equipment. They have an internal combination of varistors and gas discharge tubes that avoid current leakage while the line is working under normal conditions. They are provided with a visual alarm and floating changeover contact output for remote control thus allowing the monitoring of its proper working. They should be installed at supply distribution systems with neutral. Three phase and single-phase versions are available for different network voltages. They can be installed in combination with other SPDs from ATSHOCK and ATSUB Series, always linked by at least 10 meters of cable or decoupling inductor as ATLINK.




One single ATCOVER protects three phases and neutral in both common and differential modes.

Devices which complement the above mentioned protectors, contributing to its maintenance and control. Consists of an additional module for DIN rail of small dimensions designed specifically to create an audible warning of the fault in any of the inputs. These signals come from Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas S.A.s protectors, connected to the module.



ATLINK decoupling inductors are installed in series with the line thus it shall always be checked that the current flowing through it is not higher than the installed ATLINK rated current.



These series consist in cabinets with different combinations of the preceding SPDs, already wired and ready for installation. Practical for installations where the room available in distribution boards is not big enough.

Power supply systems

Supply systems are characterized by their connections, on one side, with the distribution or supply grounding network and, on the other side, the receiver installation ground.
Line protections TN-C system

Power supply networks are built following different wiring systems, defined in Low Voltage codes. It is necessar y to know this data of the line to be protected in order to determine the surge protection installation. Systems are named using a letter code indicating the situation of the supply with respect to the ear thing (T indicates direct connection, I means isolation, N connection to neutral). The main supply systems are the following:

TN system
TN systems have one point of the supply, generally the neutral, directly connected to earth. The exposed-conductive-part of receivers installations is connected to that point by protective conductors. There are several TN distribution systems depending on the relative arrangement of the neutral conductor and the protective earth (PE) conductor.

Fuses (2)

Line protections

TN-S system

Fuses (2)

When the protective earth (PE) and the neutral are combined in the same conductor along the whole system (TN-C systems) then surge protection is complete just by installing SPDs between each phase and the mentioned common neutral/earth conductor. However, if neutral and ear th are two different conductors (TN-S systems), then SPDs should also be installed between neutral and ear th.

Line protections

TT system

TT system
TT Systems have one point of the supply, generally the neutral, directly connected to earth. The exposed-conductive-part of receivers installations is connected to a separate ground.
Fuses (2)

E In order to protect these systems against transient overvoltages, it is necessary to place at least some SPDs between each phase and ground, and between neutral and ground. In addition, it is recommended to protect each phase and neutral. However, it is not convenient to have only phase-neutral plus neutral-ground protection since a surge produced at one phase would transmit to the whole installation through the neutral conductor.

Line protections

IT system

IT system
IT Systems have no direct connection between one point of the supply and the ground, but the exposed-conductive-par t of receivers installations is directly connected to ground. In this type of systems, the neutral is not recommended to be distributed. However, surge protection needs a common point where the earth terminals of the SPDs must be connected, and this common point will be connected to earth through a SPD for neutral (ATSHOCK-N, ATSUB-N).

Fuses (2)


(1) (2) (3) (4)

The three ATSUB that are installed between phases and neutral at TT systems are recommendable, although the lines are also protected without them. Specified fuses for each SPD should be used in cases where the same or lower protection is not provided in the upstream power supply. ATLINK devices are not necessary if there are at least 10 meters cable between the protectors. For an efficient protection, it is convenient that all the earthing systems of the structure are bonded together.

Other combinations
All ATSUB, including ATSUB N, can be substituted by a single ATCOVER380T ATSHOCK can be substituted by ATSUB40 or ATSUB60, although then the withstood current will be lower. If only the first stage protection is installed, then the residual voltage would be too high, possibly damaging the equipment. Single protection (ATSUB or ATCOVER) can be installed if lightning currents reaching the installation are not expected to be higher than those the SPD can withstand, and also if no transients are expected to be generated indoor. Further protection stages may be installed, where the surge will arrive more attenuated. They should be able to reduce transient overvoltages to very low levels (for example, ATCOVER series).

AT83 Series - ATSHOCK

Single-pole protection for power supply lines

AT83 SERIES - ATSHOCK AT8350 ATSHOCK L: line-ground protection AT8399 ATSHOCK N: neutral-ground protection
The highest protection against transient overvoltages for power supply lines at the point they enter the building. ATSHOCK series provide protection even against direct lightning strikes. Tested and certified with lightning impulse current, 100kA, 10/350s wave.

Coarse protection according to scaled protection recommended in Low Voltage Regulation (RBT2002 ITC23). Class I Protector according to IEC61643-1 and EN61643-11. For equipment of categories III and IV according to RBT2002. Encapsulated, non-exhausting creepage discharge spark gap. Suitable for TT, TN-C and TN-S systems. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSUB and ATCOVER. Optimum protection level. Quick response. Robust connectors, suitable for all type of connection. Single-pole protection. Withstands direct lightning strike current (10/350s wave), over 100kA. High energy diverting capability. Limits supply following currents. AT83 Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table).



INSTALLATION ATSHOCK Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to Phase and Ground (ATSHOCK L) or to Neutral and Ground (ATSHOCK N). One ATSHOCK L is needed for each line. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. ATSHOCK can be installed in combination with ATSUB or ATCOVER. In either case, both must be separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in main switchgears, where the line enters the building and where direct lightning currents could penetrate.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8350 ATSHOCK L: line-ground protection AT8399 ATSHOCK N: neutral-ground protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Impulse current (10/350s wave): Specific energy: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Follow current extinguishing capability: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation Resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Iimp W/R In Up If tr 160A gL/gG 3 kAeff < 100ns Uc 255VAC 50/60Hz 100kA 2,5 MJ/ 50kA < 4 kV

III and IV Class I


100 Aeff

50kA (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 71 x 86 x 63mm (4 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 10 / 45mm2 (7/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT86 Series - ATSHIELD

Combined technology against direct lightning strikes

AT86 SERIES - ATSHIELD AT8601 ATSHIELD L: line-ground protection AT8602 ATSHIELD N: neutral-ground protection
Efficient and modular protection against transient overvoltages, using an internal combination of spark gaps and metal oxide varistors.

This combination is connected in such a way that no element in series with the line is needed for the correct coordination of the protection. This protector combines the best characteristics of both technologies: the passing residual voltage of the varistors together with the capacity of lightning current absorption of the spark gaps. Tested and cer tified as Class I and II according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSUB and ATCOVER series. Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. Single-pole protection. Their activation causes no interruption in power supply. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm for each line.

AT83 Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table).



INSTALLATION ATSHIELD Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to Line and Ground (ATSHIELD L) or to Neutral and Ground (ATSHIELD N). One ATSHIELD L is needed for each line. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. Their installation is recommended in main switchboards, where the line enters the building or where big overvoltages can take place. Their installation is recommended in places where impor tant over voltages can occur and when lines are connected to ver y sensitive equipment that can not withstand big overvoltages.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8601 ATSHIELD L: line-ground protection AT8602 ATSHIELD N: neutral-ground protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Impulse current (10/350s): Specific energy: Nominal discharge current (8/20s): Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Follow current extinguishing capability: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Iimp W/R In Up If tr 125A gL/gG 50 kAeff < 100ns Un Uc 230VAC 255VAC 50/60Hz 30kA 224kJ/ 40kA < 1500V

I, II, III, IV Class I and II


100 Aeff

Maximum short circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G:

25kA (for maximum fuse) Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed -55C to +85C 71 x 86 x 63mm (4 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 10 / 45mm2 (7/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.


Combined technology against direct lightning strikes

AT86 SERIES - ATSHIELD TT AT8603 ATSHIELD TT 380T: protection of both line and neutral to ground for 380VAC three phase lines AT8604 ATSHIELD TT 220T: protection of both line and neutral to ground for 220VAC three phase lines
Efficient and compact protection against transient overvoltages for TT and TNS power supplies systems, using an internal combination of spark gaps and metal oxide varistors.

This combination is connected in such a way that no element in series with the line is needed for the correct coordination of the protection. This protector combines the best characteristics of both technologies: the passing residual voltage of the varistors together with the capacity of lightning current absorption of the spark gaps. Tested and cer tified as Class I and II according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSUB and ATCOVER series. Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. Multi-pole protection. Their activation causes no interruption in power supply. Compact protection. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm for each phase. AT86 Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table).



INSTALLATION ATSHIELD TT Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage three phase power supply line provided with a neutral. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. Their installation is recommended in main switchboards, where the line enters the building or where big overvoltages can take place. Their installation is recommended in places where direct lightning strikes can occur after the main board and when lines are connected to very sensitive equipment that cannot withstand big overvoltages. Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8603 ATSHIELD TT 380T: protection of both line and neutral to ground for 380VAC three phase lines AT8604 ATSHIELD TT 220T: protection of both line and neutral to ground for 220VAC three phase lines

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Impulse current (10/350s): Specific energy: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Level of protection: Follow current extinguishing capability: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Iimp W/R In Up If tr Un Uc


I, II, III, IV Class I and II 380VAC (L-L) 220VAC (L-N, L-G) 440VAC (L-L) 255VAC (L-N, L-G)

220VAC (L-L) 130VAC (L-N, L-G) 255VAC (L-L) 145VAC (L-N, L-G)

50/60Hz 30/120kA 224kJ/ 40/160kA < 1500V 50 kAeff < 100ns 125A gL/gG 25kA (for maximum fuse) Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed -55C to +85C 122 x 86 x 63mm (7 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 10 / 45mm2 (7/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.


Combined technology against direct lightning strikes

AT86 SERIES - ATSHIELD TNC AT8605 ATSHIELD TNC 380T: line to ground protection for 380VAC three phase lines AT8606 ATSHIELD TNC 220T: line to ground protection for 220VAC three phase lines
Efficient and compact protection against transient overvoltages of TNC and IT power supplies, using an internal combination of spark gaps and metal oxide varistors.

This combination is connected in such a way that no element in series with the line is needed for the correct coordination of the protection. This protector combines the best characteristics of both technologies: the passing residual voltage of the varistors together with the capacity of lightning current absorption of the spark gaps. Tested and cer tified as Class I and II according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSUB and ATCOVER series Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. Multi-pole protection. Their activation causes no interruption in power supply. Compact protection. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm for each phase. AT86 Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table).

LINE 1 (R) LINE 2 (S) LINE 3 (T)


INSTALLATION ATSHIELD TNC protectors are installed in parallel with the Low Voltage three phase power supply line provided with a neutral. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. Their installation is recommended in main switchboards, where the line enters the building or where big overvoltages can take place. Their installation is recommended in places where direct lightning strikes can occur after the main board and when lines are connected to very sensitive equipment that cannot withstand big overvoltages.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8605 ATSHIELD TNC 380T: line to ground protection for 380VAC three phase lines AT8606 ATSHIELD TNC 220T: line to ground protection for 220VAC three phase lines


Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Impulse current (10/350s): Specific energy: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Level of protection: Follow current extinguishing capability: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Iimp W/R In Up If tr Un Uc


I, II, III, IV Class I and II 380VAC (L-L) 220VAC (L-G) 440VAC (L-L) 255VAC (L-G)

220VAC (L-L) 130VAC (L-G) 255VAC (L-L) 145VAC (L-G)

50/60Hz 30/90kA 224kJ/ 40/120kA < 1500V 50 kAeff < 100ns 125A gL/gG 25kA (for maximum fuse) Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed -55C to +85C 122 x 86 x 63mm (7 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 10 / 45mm2 (7/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT86M Series - ATSHIELD Single-Phase

Combined technology against direct lightning strikes

AT86M SERIES - ATSHIELD Single-Phase AT8607 ATSHIELD 220M: both line and neutral protection to ground for 220VAC single phase lines AT8608 ATSHIELD 130M: both line and neutral protection to ground for 130VAC single phase lines

Efficient and compact protection against transient overvoltages for single phase power supplies, using an internal combination of spark gaps and metal oxide varistors.

This combination is connected in such a way that no element in series with the line is needed for the correct coordination of the protection. This protector combines the best characteristics of both technologies: the passing of residual voltage of the varistors together with the capacity of lightning current absorption of the spark gaps. Tested and cer tified as Class I and II according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSUB and ATCOVER series. Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. Two-pole protection. Their activation causes no interruption in power supply. Compact protection. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm for each phase. AT86M Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table).



INSTALLATION Single-phase ATSHIELD SPDs are installed in parallel with the Low Voltage single-phase line. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. Their installation is recommended in distribution boards, where the line enters the building or where big overvoltages can take place. Their installation is recommended in places where impor tant over voltages can occur and when lines are connected to ver y sensitive equipment that can not withstand big overvoltages.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8607 ATSHIELD 220M: both line and neutral protection to ground for 220VAC single phase lines AT8608 ATSHIELD 130M: both line and neutral protection to ground for 130VAC single phase lines

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of test according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Tension maximale de fonctionnement: Nominal frequency: Impulse current (10/350s): Specific energy: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Level of protection: Follow current extinguishing capability: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Iimp W/R In Up If tr Un Uc 220VAC (L-G) 255VAC (L-G)


I, II, III, IV Class I and II

130VAC (L-G) 145VAC (L-G) 50/60Hz 30/60kA 224kJ/ 40/80kA < 1500V 50 kAeff < 100ns 125A gL/gG

Maximum short-circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G:

25kA (for maximum fuse) Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed -55C to +85C 122 x 86 x 63mm (7 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 10 / 45mm2 (7/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT82 Series - ATSUB 140

Single-pole protector for power supply lines

AT82 SERIES - ATSUB 140 AT8214 ATSUB 140-230: max discharge current of 140kA at Un=230VAC AT8215 ATSUB 140-120: max discharge current of 140kA at Un=120VAC
Efficient protection against transient overvoltages, using Metal Oxide Varistors, for Power Supply lines with or without neutral. Medium protection according to scaled protection recommended in Low Voltage Regulation (RBT2002 ITC23).

Tested and Cer tified as Class I and II protectors according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for equipment of Categories II, III and IV according to RBT2002. Coordinable with SPDs of ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATCOVER series. Containing Zinc Oxide Varistors, able to withstand very high currents. Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. Single-pole protection. Do not cause at any moment any interruption in the supply lines. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm.

ATSUB 140 230

Max. discharge current in kA Voltage line - ground

AT82 Series SPDs have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table). There exists the possibility of selecting a protector for the working voltage in each particular case. In the technical datasheet the 230V and 120V versions of nominal voltage are included as common examples.


Single-phase protection for TT systems. It is recommended to install also a ATSUB protector between each line and neutral, specially in TN-C and TN-S systems.


INSTALLATION ATSUB Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to the line (or neutral) to be protected and ground. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. When ATSUB are installed as middle protection, they must be separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in places where impor tant over voltages can occur after the main switchboard and when these lines are not connected to very sensitive equipment.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8214 ATSUB 140-230: max discharge current of 140kA at Un=230VAC AT8215 ATSUB 140-120: max discharge current of 140kA at Un=120VAC

ATSUB 140-230
Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Impulse current (10/350s): Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Response time: Capacity: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Iimp In Imax Up tr C 900V < 25ns 4,5pF Un Uc 230VAC (L-G) 255VAC (L-G)

ATSUB 140-120 AT8215

II, III, IV 120VAC (L-G) 140VAC (L-G) 50/60Hz 30kA 70kA 140kA 500V


160A gL/gG 25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 71 x 86 x 63mm (4 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 10 / 45mm2 (7/1 AWG)

Certified tests according to regulations: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT82 Series - ATSUB 20/40/60/N

Single-pole protector for power supply lines

AT82 SERIES - ATSUB 20/40/60/N

Efficient protection against transient overvoltages for power supply lines with or without neutral, using a metal oxide varistors. Medium protection according to coordinated stages protection recommended in Regulation of Low Voltages (RBT2002 ITC23).

Tested and cer tified as Class I and II according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATCOVER series. Made up of zinc oxide varistors able to withstand very high currents. Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. Single-pole protection. Their activation causes no interruption in power supply. Small sized modular protection. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm for each line. Suitable connectors for any type of connection. AT82 Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table). There exists the possibility of selecting a protector for the working voltage in each particular case. In the technical datasheet, we have included as common examples the optimal SPDs for wind generators (Line-to-Line voltage of 690V and Line-toGround voltage of 400V) and equipments using America like voltages (230V LL and 120V L-G).

ATSUB 60 400
Max. discharge current in kA Voltage line - ground

Minimum protection for TT systems. It is also recommended to install an ATSUB protector between each line and neutral, specially in TN-C and TN-S systems.



INSTALLATION They are installed in parallel with the Low Voltage line, with connections to the line that is to be protected to neutral and/or ground. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. When ATSUB are installed as middle protection, they must be separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in places where impor tant over voltages can occur and when lines are connected to ver y sensitive equipment that cannot withstand big overvoltages.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8220 ATSUB 20: max discharge current of 20kA AT8240 ATSUB 40: max discharge current of 40kA AT8260 ATSUB 60: max discharge current of 60kA AT8201 ATSUB N: for neutral to ground protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (wave 8/20s): Maximum discharge current (wave 8/20s): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Backup fuse

ATSUB 40 AT8240
200VAC 255VAC

ATSUB 60 AT8260


Un Uc


50/60Hz In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA 1200V 700V 900V tr C 125A gL/gG 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V < 25ns 4,5pF 125A gL/gG 160A gL/gG 30kA 60kA 1600V 900V 1100V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G:

25kA /50Hz(for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 18 x 91 x 65mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT8224 ATSUB 20-400: max discharge current of 20kA for 400 VAC AT8244 ATSUB 40-400: max discharge current of 40kA for 400 VAC AT8264 ATSUB 60-400: max discharge current of 60kA for 400 VAC AT8201 ATSUB N: for neutral to ground protection

ATSUB20-400 ATSUB40-400 ATSUB60-400

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: tr C 125A gL/gG In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA 2100V 1800V 1900V 20kA 40kA 2300V 1800V 2000V < 25ns 4,5pF 125A gL/gG 160A gL/gG Un Uc



400VAC 460VAC



50/60Hz 30kA 60kA 2500V 1900V 2100V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 18 x 91 x 65mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

For other voltages, ask Aplicaciones Tecnologicas, S.A. technical department.

AT8230 ATSUB 20-120: max discharge current of 20kA for 120 VAC AT8250 ATSUB 40-120: max discharge current of 40kA for 120 VAC AT8270 ATSUB 60-120: max discharge current of 60kA for 120 VAC AT8201 ATSUB N: for neutral to ground protection

ATSUB20-120 ATSUB40-120 ATSUB60-120

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (wave 8/20s): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Backup fuses(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: tr C 125A gL/gG In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA 1200V 700V 900V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V Un Uc



120VAC (L-G) 140VAC



50/60Hz 30kA 60kA 1600V 900V 1100V < 25ns 4,5pF 125A gL/gG 160A gL/gG 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 18 x 91 x 65mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

For other voltages, ask Aplicaciones Tecnologicas, S.A. technical department.

AT82R Series - ATSUB-R 20/40/60/N

Single-pole protection for power supply lines

AT82R SERIES - ATSUB-R 20/40/60/N

Efficient protection against transient overvoltages for electrical supply lines with or without neutral, using a metal oxide varistors. Medium protection according to coordinated stages protection recommended in Regulation of Low Voltages (RBT2002 ITC23).

ATSUB-R 60 400
Max. discharge current in kA Voltage line - ground

Tested and cer tified as Class I and II according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATCOVER series. Made up of zinc oxide varistors able to withstand very high currents. Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. Single-pole protection. Their activation causes no interruption in power supply. Small sized modular protection. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm for each phase. Suitable connectors for any type of connection. AT82R Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table). There exists the possibility of selecting a protector for the working voltage in each particular case. In the technical datasheet, we have included as common examples the optimal SPDs for wind generators (Line-to-Line voltage of 690V and Line-toGround voltage of 400V).

Minimum protection for TT systems. It is recommended to also install a ATSUB-R protector between each line and neutral, specially in TN-C and TN-S systems.



INSTALLATION They are installed in parallel to the Low Voltage line, with connections to the line to be protected to either the neutral and/or ground. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. When ATSUB are installed as middle protection, they must be separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in places where impor tant over voltages can occur and when lines are connected to ver y sensitive equipment that cannot withstand big overvoltages.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8221 AT8241 AT8261 AT8204


20: max discharge current of 20kA 40: max discharge current of 40kA 60: max discharge current of 60kA N: for neutral to ground protection


Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (wave 8/20s): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Backup fuse(1): tr C 125A gL/gG In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA 1200V 700V 900V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V < 25ns 4,5pF 125A gL/gG 160A gL/gG Un Uc


220VAC (L-G) 255VAC (L-G)




50/60Hz 30kA 60kA 1600V 900V 1100V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Open, voltage-free contact for the remote control Connection: Contact output: Working voltage: Maximum current:

25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one door) Fixed 18 x 104 x 65mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Maximum section single-stranded / multi-stranded: 1,5mm2 Normally open 250VAC (Maximum working voltage of the alarm supply) 2A (Maximum current of the alarm supply)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT8225 AT8245 AT8265 AT8204



20-400: max discharge current of 20kA for 400 VAC 40-400: max discharge current of 40kA for 400 VAC 60-400: max discharge current of 60kA for400 VAC N: for neutral to ground protection

ATSUB-R20-400 ATSUB-R40-400 ATSUB-R60-400 AT8225

Un Uc


400VAC (L-G) 460VAC (L-G)


Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum working voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (wave 8/20s): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Open, voltage-free contact for the remote control Connection: Contact output: Working voltage: Maximum current: tr C In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA


50/60Hz 20kA 40kA 2300V 1800V 2000V < 25ns 4,5pF 125A gL/gG 125A gL/gG 160A gL/gG 30kA 60kA 2500V 1900V 2100V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

2100V 1800V 1900V

25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 18 x 104 x 65mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Maximum section single-stranded / multi-stranded: 1,5mm2 Normally open 250VAC (Maximum working voltage of the alarm supply) 2A (Maximum current of the alarm supply)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

For other voltages, ask Aplicaciones Tecnologicas, S.A. technical department.

AT82P Series - ATSUB-P 20/40/60/N

Single-pole protection for power supply lines

AT82P SERIES - ATSUB-P 20/40/60/N

Efficient protection against transient overvoltages for electrical supply lines with or without neutral, using a metal oxide varistors. Medium protection according to coordinated stages protection recommended in Regulation of Low Voltajes (RBT2002 ITC23).

Its provided with removable cartridges that allows its replacement in case of fault thus without changing the base. Tested and cer tified as Class I and II according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATCOVER series. Made up of zinc oxide varistors able to withstand very high currents. Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. Single-pole protection. Their activation causes no interruption in power supply. Small sized modular protection. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm for each phase. Suitable connectors for any type of connection. AT82P Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table). There exists the possibility of selecting a protector for the working voltage in each particular case. In the technical datasheet, we have included as common examples the optimal SPDs for wind generators (Line-to-Line voltage of 690V and Line-toGround voltage of 400V).

ATSUB-R 60 400
Max. discharge current in kA Voltage line - ground

INSTALLATION They are installed in parallel with the low voltage line, with connections to the phase that is to be protected to neutral and/or ground. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. When ATSUB are installed as middle protection, they must be separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in places where important overvoltages can occur and when lines are connected to very sensitive equipment that can not withstand big overvoltages.


Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

Minimum protection for TT systems. It is also recommended to install an ATSUB protector between each line and neutral, specially in TN-C and TN-S systems.



AT8222 ATSUB-P 20: max discharge current of 20kA AT8242 ATSUB-P 40: max discharge current of 40kA AT8262 ATSUB-P 60: max discharge current of 60kA AT8202 ATSUB-P N for neutral to ground protection

AT8248 ATSUB-P MODULE 40: Imax 40kA AT8249 ATSUB-P MODULE 40-400: Un 400V AT8228 ATSUB-P MODULE 20: Imax 20kA AT8229 ATSUB-P MODULE 20-400: Un 400V AT8268 ATSUB-P MODULE 60: Imax 60kA AT8269 ATSUB-P MODULE 60-400: Un 400V AT8205 ATSUB-P MODULE N: neutral-earth


Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (wave 8/20s): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Back-up fuse(1): tr C 125A gL/gG In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA 1200V 700V 900V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V < 25ns 4,5pF 125A gL/gG 160A gL/gG Un Uc


220VAC (L-G) 255VAC (L-G)




50/60Hz 30kA 60kA 1600V 900V 1100V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G:

25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 18 x 91 x 71mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT8226 ATSUB-P 20-400: max discharge current of 20kA for 400 VAC AT8246 ATSUB-P 40-400: max discharge current of 40kA for 400 VAC AT8266 ATSUB-P 60-400: max discharge current of 60kA for 400 VAC AT8202 ATSUB-P N for neutral to ground protection

ATSUB-P20-400 ATSUB-P40-400 ATSUB-P60-400

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (wave 8/20s): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Back-up fuse(1): tr C 125A gL/gG In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA 2100V 1800V 1900V 20kA 40kA 2300V 1800V 2000V < 25ns 4,5pF 125A gL/gG 160A gL/gG Un Uc



400VAC (L-G) 460VAC (L-G)



50/60Hz 30kA 60kA 2500V 1900V 2100V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G:

25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 18 x 91 x 71mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

For other voltages, ask Aplicaciones Tecnologicas, S.A. technical department.

AT82PR Series - ATSUB-PR 20/40/60/N

Single-pole protector for power supply lines


Efficient protection against transient overvoltages for electrical supply lines with or without neutral, using a metal oxide varistors. Medium protection according to coordinated stages protection recommended in Regulation of Low Voltages (RBT2002 ITC23).

ATSUB-PR 60 400
Max. discharge current in kA Voltage line - ground

Its provided with removable cartridges that allows its replacement in case of fault thus without changing the base. Tested and cer tified as Class I and II according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATCOVER series. Made up of zinc oxide varistors able to withstand very high currents. Short response time. Dont produce deflagration. One-pole protection. Their activation causes no interruption in power supply. Small sized modular protection. Thermodynamic control device and light alarm for each phase. Suitable connectors for any type of connection. AT82P Series SPDs have been tested in official and independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (shown in the table). There exists the possibility of selecting a protector for the working voltage in each particular case. In the technical datasheet, we have included as common examples the optimal SPDs for wind generators (Line-to-Line voltage of 690V and Line-toGround voltage of 400V).

Minimum protection for TT systems. It is also recommended to install an ATSUB protector between each line and neutral, specially in TN-C and TN-S systems.



INSTALLATION They are installed in parallel with the low voltage line, with connections to the phase that is to be protected to neutral and/or ground. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. When ATSUB are installed as middle protection, they must be separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in places where impor tant over voltages can occur and when lines are connected to ver y sensitive equipment that can not withstand big overvoltages.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8223 AT8243 AT8263 AT8203



20: max discharge current of 20kA 40: max discharge current of 40kA 60: max discharge current of 60kA N: for neutral to ground protection


220VAC (L-G) 255VAC (L-G) 50/60Hz



Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (wave 8/20s): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Backup fuses(1): tr C In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA Un Uc


20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V < 25ns 4,5pF

30kA 60kA 1600V 900V 1100V

20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

1200V 700V 900V

125A gL/gG

125A gL/gG

160A gL/gG

Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Open, voltage-free contact for the remote control Connection: Contact output: Working voltage: Maximum current:

25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 18 x 104 x 71mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Maximum section single-stranded / multi-stranded: 1,5mm2 Normally open 250VAC (Maximum working voltage of the alarm supply) 2A (Maximum current of the alarm supply)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.


AT8248 ATSUB-P MODULE 40: Imax 40kA AT8249 ATSUB-P MODULE 40-400: Un 400V AT8228 ATSUB-P MODULE 20: Imax 20kA AT8229 ATSUB-P MODULE 20-400: Un 400V

AT8268 ATSUB-P MODULE 60: Imax 60kA AT8269 ATSUB-P MODULE 60-400: Un 400V AT8205 ATSUB-P MODULE N: neutral-earth

AT8227 AT8247 AT8267 AT8203


20-400: max discharge current of 20kA for 400 VAC 40-400: max discharge current of 40kA for 400 VAC 60-400: max discharge current of 60kA for 400 VAC N: for neutral to ground protection

ATSUB-PR20-400 ATSUB-PR40-400 ATSUB-PR60-400

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (wave 8/20s): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level for 5kA 8/20s: Response time: Capacity: Backup fuses(1): tr C 125A gL/gG In Imax Up(In) Up 10kA 20kA 2100V 1800V 1900V 20kA 40kA 2300V 1800V 2000V < 25ns 4,5pF 125A gL/gG 160A gL/gG Un Uc



400VAC (L-G) 460VAC



50/60Hz 30kA 60kA 2500V 1900V 2100V 20kA 40kA 1400V 700V 1000V

Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting Method: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Open, voltage-free contact for the remote control Connection: Contact output: Working voltage: Maximum current:

25kA /50Hz (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 18 x 104 x 71mm (1 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Maximum section single-stranded / multi-stranded: 1,5mm2 Normally open 250VAC (Maximum working voltage of the alarm supply) 2A (Maximum current of the alarm supply)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

For other voltages, ask Aplicaciones Tecnologicas, S.A. technical department.

AT81 Series - ATCOVER

Multi-pole protector for power supply lines

Efficient protection against transient overvoltages for TT and TNS electrical supply lines in only one device. Medium and low internal coordination protection stages, recommended in Regulation of Low Voltages (RBT2002 ITC23).

AT8133 ATCOVER 380T: three-phase, 380VAC line AT8132 ATCOVER 220T: three-phase, 220VAC line

Tested and certified as Class I, II and III according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, with no external flash. without affecting the normal working of the line and without leakage. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATSUB series. Both common and differential protection for the three lines and neutral. No interruptions in power supply, thus avoiding data loss and other inconvenients for the user. Low residual voltage. With remote control and light alarm. Robust connectors, suitable for all type of connection. ATCOVER SPDs have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).

INSTALLATION ATCOVER Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to line/s, neutral and ground. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. ATCOVERs can be installed as single protection or in combination with other protectors that withstand higher discharge currents. In this case, it is necessary that both are separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in: - Main switchboards, - Secondary boards supplying sensitive systems. - Power supply of important equipment such as UPSs, PLCs, etc.



Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8133 ATCOVER 380T: three-phase, 380VAC line AT8132 ATCOVER 220T: three-phase, 220VAC line

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Lightning impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): L - N, L(N) - E Protection level at In (8/20s): L - N, L(N) - E In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) 10kA / 40kA 30kA / 120kA 6kA / 24kA 700V 900V 700V < 25ns Un Uc


I, II, III, IV 220VAC (L-L) 130VAC (L-N, L-G) 255VAC (L-L) 145VAC (L-N, L-G)

380VAC (L-L) 220VAC (L-N, L-G) 440VAC (L-L) 255VAC (L-N, L-G)

50/60Hz 10kA / 40kA 30kA / 120kA 6kA / 24kA 500V 700V 450V

Residual voltage with combination wave 6kV/3kA (L-N, L-G): UO.C. Response time: Backup fuse(1): tr

125A gL/gG 25kA (for maximum fuse) Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed -55C to +85C 122 x 86 x 63mm (7 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Maximum short-circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Open, voltage-free contact for the remote control Connection: Contact output: Working voltage: Maximum current:

Maximum section single-wire / multi-wire: 1,5mm2 Normally open 250VAC (Maximum working voltage of the alarm supply) 2A (Maximum current of the alarm supply)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1/BS 6651/EN 61000-4-5/NFC 61-0740/UL 1449/EN 61643-11/IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.


Multi-pole protector for power supply lines

Efficient protection against transient overvoltages for TN-C and IT power supply lines in only one device. Medium and low internal coordination protection stages, recommended in Regulation of Low Voltages (RBT2002 ITC23).

Tested and certified as Class I, II and III according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, with no external flash. without affecting the normal working of the line and without leakage. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATSUB series. Both common and differential protection for the three lines and neutral. No interruptions in power supply, thus avoiding data loss and other inconvenients for the user. Low residual voltage. With remote control and light alarm. Robust connectors, suitable for all type of connection. ATCOVER SPDs have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).
INSTALLATION ATCOVER Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to line/s, neutral and earth. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. ATCOVERs can be installed as single protection or in combination with other protectors that withstand higher discharge currents. In this case, it is necessary that both are separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in: - Main switchboard, - Secondar y boards supplying sensitive systems. - Power supply of important equipment such as UPSs, PLCs, etc.
LINE 1 (R) LINE 2 (S) LINE 3 (T)

AT8153 ATCOVER TNC 380T: three-phase with no neutral, 380VAC line AT8152 ATCOVER TNC 220T: three-phase with no neutral, 220VAC line


Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8153 ATCOVER TNC 380T: three-phase with no neutral, 380VAC line AT8152 ATCOVER TNC 220T: three-phase with no neutral, 220VAC line


Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Lightning impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): L - N, L(N) - E Protection level at In (8/20s): L - N, L(N) - E In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) 10kA / 30kA 30kA / 90kA 6kA / 18kA 700V 900V 700V Un Uc


I, II, III, IV 380VAC (L-L) 220VAC (L-G) 440VAC (L-L) 255VAC (L-G)

220VAC (L-L) 130VAC (L-G) 255VAC (L-L) 145VAC (L-G)

50/60Hz 10kA / 30kA 30kA / 90kA 6kA / 18kA 500V 700V 450V < 25ns 125A gL/gG 25kA (for Maximum fuse) Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed -55C to +85C 122 x 86 x 63mm (7 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Residual voltage with combination wave 6kV/3kA (L-N, L-E): UO.C. Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation Resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Open, voltage-free contact for the remote control Connection: Contact output: Working voltage: Maximum current: tr

Maximum section single-wire / multi-wire: 1,5mm2 Normally open 250VAC (Maximum working voltage of the alarm supply) 2A (Maximum current of the alarm supply)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1/BS 6651/EN 61000-4-5/NFC 61-0740/UL 1449/EN 61643-11/IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

Series AT81M - ATCOVER Single-Phase

Single-phase protector for power supply lines

AT81M SERIES Single-phase ATCOVER AT8112 ATCOVER 220M: single phase, 220VAC line AT8111 ATCOVER 130M: single phase, 130VAC line

Efficient protection against transient overvoltages in a single phase power supply line in only one device. Medium and low internal coordination protection stages, recommended in Regulation of Low Voltages (RBT2002 ITC23).

Tested and certified as Class I, II and III according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, with no external flash. without affecting the normal working of the line and without leakage. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD and ATSUB series. Both common and differential protection for the three lines and the neutral. data loss and other inconvenients for the user. Low residual voltage. With remote control and light alarm. Robust connectors, suitable for all type of connection. ATCOVER SPDs have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).

INSTALLATION ATCOVER Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to line/s, neutral and earth. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. ATCOVERs can be installed as single protection or in combination with other protectors that withstand higher discharge currents. In this case, it is necessary that both are separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by a decoupling inductor ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them. Their installation is recommended in: - Main switchboard. - Secondary boards supplying sensitive systems. - Power supply of important equipment such as UPSs, PLCs, etc.



Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8112 ATCOVER 220M: single phase, 220VAC line AT8111 ATCOVER 130M: single phase, 130VAC line

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): L - N, L(N) - G Protection level at In (8/20s): L - N, L(N) - G In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) 10kA / 20kA 30kA / 60kA 6kA /12kA 600V 900V 800V < 25ns Un Uc 220VAC (L-N, L-G) 255VAC (L-N, L-G) 50/60Hz


I, II, III, IV 130VAC (L-N, L-G) 145VAC (L-N, L-G)


10kA / 20kA 30kA / 60kA 6kA /12kA 500V 700V 470V

Residual voltage with combination wave 6kV/3kA (L-N, L-E): UO.C. Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation Resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N/G: Open, voltage-free contact for the remote control Connection: Contact output: Working voltage: Maximum current: tr

125A gL/gG 25kA (for maximum fuse) Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed -55C to +85C 122 x 86 x 63mm (7 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Maximum section single-stranded / multi-stranded: 1,5mm2 Normally open 250VAC (Maximum working voltage of the alarm supply) 2A (Maximum current of the alarm supply)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1/BS 6651/EN 61000-4-5/NFC 61-0740/UL 1449/EN 61643-11/IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

Series AT88 - ATSOUND

Acoustic signalling module

As a complement of all the range of SPD of Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas S.A., this acoustic module is available aiming the warning every time a transient overvoltage leaves out of order any SPD.

AT8801 ATSOUND: compatible with ATSUB and ATCOVER

This is specially suggested in systems where a high degree of safety and confidence is requested. It works gathering wired signals from the different SPD that are meant to be monitored and as a consequence of every failure of them, an alarm signal will be activated by mean of warning ring tones. They are fully compatible devices with alls SPDs provided with remote control signal previously mentioned (ATSUBs and ATCOVERs). Several remote control terminals can be wired in series and inserted into the ATSOUND thus giving an alarm if any SPD is harmed. The warning lights and mechanical warnings allow to determine what SPD needs to be replaced in every particular case. A tighter protection stage has been installed in the same module in order to prevent residual dangerous overvoltages after ATSUB and ATCOVER from altering the proper way of working.

INSTALLATION Place ATSOUND on the DIN rail, the closest to SPDs that are to be monitored and then proceed to the remote signal wiring for signals marked as 1, 2, power supply (for connections L and N) and ground. Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.



AT8801 ATSOUND: compatible with ATSUB and ATCOVER

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Lightning impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level at In (8/20s): Protection level (1,2/50s): Response time: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections L/N: Connections to ground: In Imax Iimp Up(In) Up tr Un Uc

I, II, III, IV 230VAC (L-G) 255VAC (L-G) 50/60Hz 10kA / 20kA 20kA / 40kA 4kA / 8kA 420V 330V < 1ns Indoor Parallel (one port) Fixed 35 x 104 x 63mm (2 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail -55C to +85C Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Maximum section 2,5mm2 Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3

AT84 Series - ATLINK

Decoupling inductor for SPD power supply coordination

A proper protection against transient overvoltages needs a good coordination between SPDs. ATLINK inductors provide decoupling between SPDs when they are connected in parallel at a same line. Thus, each one acts at the right moment, achieving the double objective: withstanding the lightning current and reducing the overvoltage to an acceptable level for the connected equipment.

AT8435 ATLINK 35: lines with IN 35A AT8463 ATLINK 63: lines with IN 63A

One ATLINK is needed for each line and another for neutral. For their selection the line working current must be taken into account, since this current will flow continuously through the device. Its coordination capabiliy has been tested and cer tified using lightning wave 10/350s according to IEC61312-3. Allows the installation of SPDs of different classes in the same place, since the inductor substitutes the necessary length of cable for SPD coordination. Robust connectors, suitable for all kind of connections. ATLINK devices have been tested in official, independent laboratories, verifying their working for a proper SPD coordination

INSTALLATION ATLINK inductors are to be installed in series with the LV power supply line, that is, cutting the line and connecting the obtained cable ends to the input and output connectors of the ATLINK. One ATLINK is needed for each line and another one for the neutral. There is no ground connection. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. Coordinates mainly ATSHOCK with ATSUB and/or ATCOVER surge protective devices when they cannot be separated by a cable at least 10 meters long.


AT8435 ATLINK 35: lines with IN 35A AT8463 ATLINK 63: lines with IN 63A

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61312-3: Working current: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Coordination maximum current (8/20s): Coordination impulse current (10/350s): Inductance: Resistance: Backup fuse(1): Imax Iimp L Up 35A gL/gG IN Un Uc 35A 230VAC (L-N) 255VAC (L-N) 50/60Hz 100 kA 100 kA 15H 3m

ATLINK 63 AT8463
I, II, III, IV SPD coordination 63A


63A gL/gG

Maximum short-circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections Input/Output:

25kA (for maximum fuse) Indoor Series (two ports) Fixed -55C to +85C 71 x 86 x 63mm (4 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61312-3 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Multi-pole power supply protection box

ATCOMPACT protection boxes are made of several kind of SPD aiming the protection of all lines out from single-phase SPD.

ATCOMPACT Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel with the supply line, without altering at all its way of working under normal conditions. Combinations can be made for protection either in common mode (ground referred) or differential (between line/s and neutral). Furthermore, short-circuit fuses can be added in the same box. Compact box, easy to install and with the same advantages as Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas S.A.s SPDs give: robust, quick, reliable and tested according current standards (IEC616431, EN61643-11 and NF-C-61-0740) in official independent laboratories.

T: for ThreePhase supply M: for SinglePhase supply

Discharge Current (Imax) for one pole

Discharge Current (Imax) for whole Box

INSTALLATION ATCOMPACT boxes are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to line, neutral and ground. Fuses or circuit breakers must be present upstream. They will be disconnected during the installation for working security. If this protection does not exist, fuses must be installed in series with the box. When this ATCOMPACT is installed as middle protection, other protectors must be separated by at least 10 meter cable or, if this is not possible, by decoupling inductors ATLINK, in order to achieve a correct coordination between them.


AT8117 ATCOMPACT M 20kA/60kA: Protection for single-phase lines with ATSUB20 (L-T, N-T) AT8122 ATCOMPACT T 20kA/100kA: Protection for three-phase lines with ATSUB20 (3L-N, N-T) AT8139 ATCOMPACT M 40kA/80kA: Protection for single-phase lines with ATSUB40 (P-N, N-T) AT8140 ATCOMPACT T 40kA/160kA: Protection for three-phase lines with ATSUB40 (3L-N, N-T) AT8119 ATCOMPACT M 60kA/100kA: Protection for single-phase lines with ATSUB60 (L-N, N-T) AT8120 ATCOMPACT T 60kA/220kA: Protection for three-phase lines with ATSUB60 (3L-N, N-T) AT8149 ATCOMPACT M 100kA/200kA: Protection for single-phase lines with ATSHOCK (3L-N, N-T) AT8150 ATCOMPACT T 100kA/400kA: Protection for three-phase lines with ATSHOCK-N (L-N, N-T)


Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

+DIF: Protection boxes containing not only protection in common mode but also in differential mode (line-neutral) +F: Boxes including backup fuses -N: Lines with no neutral

AT8117 - ATCOMPACT M 20kA/60kA: Compact assembly for Single-Phase power supply line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Imax Up(In) Up

I, II, III, IV 220VAC (L-N), 50Hz 255VAC (L-N), 50Hz 10kA / 30kA 20kA / 60kA 1200V 700V 900V < 25ns 125A gL/gG 25kA / 50kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 159 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

AT8122 - ATCOMPACT T 20kA/100kA: Compact assembly for three-phase power supply line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Imax Up(In) Up

I, II, III, IV 380VAC (L-L), 50Hz 440VAC (L-L), 50Hz 10kA / 50kA 20kA / 100kA 1200V 700V 900V < 25ns 125A gL/gG 25kA / 100kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 267 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

AT8139 - ATCOMPACT M 40kA/80kA: Compact assembly for single-phase power line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Imax Up(In) Up

I, II, III, IV 220VAC (L-N), 50Hz 255VAC (L-N), 50Hz 20kA / 40kA 40kA / 80kA 1400V 700V 1000V < 25ns 125A gL/gG 25kA / 50kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 159 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

AT8140 - ATCOMPACT T 40kA/160kA: Compact assembly for three-phase power line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Imax Up(In) Up

I, II, III, IV 380VAC (L-N), 50Hz 440VAC (L-N), 50Hz 20kA / 80kA 40kA / 160kA 1400V 700V 1000V < 25ns 125A gL/gG 25kA / 100kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 267 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

AT8119 - ATCOMPACT M 60kA/100kA: Compact assembly for single-phase power line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Imax Iimp Up(In) Up

II, III, IV 220VAC (L-N), 50Hz 255VAC (L-N), 50Hz 30kA / 50kA 60kA / 100kA 15kA / 30kA 1600V 900V 1100V < 25ns 125A gL/gG 25kA / 50kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 159 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum according to 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

AT8120 - ATCOMPACT T 60kA/220kA: Compact assembly for three-phase power line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Imax Iimp Up(In) Up

II, III, IV 380VAC (L-L), 50Hz 440VAC (L-L), 50Hz 30kA / 50kA 60kA / 220kA 15kA / 60kA 1600V 900V 1100V < 25ns 125A gL/gG 25kA / 100kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 267 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum according to 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

AT8149 - ATCOMPACT M 100kA/200kA: Compact assembly for single-phase power line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Follow current extinguishing capability: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Iimp Up(In) If

III and IV Class I 220VAC (L-N), 50Hz 255VAC (L-N), 50Hz 50kA / 100kA 100kA / 200kA < 4 kV 3 kAeff (L-T), 100 Aeff (N-T) 1100V < 100ns 160A gL/gG 50kA / 100kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 267 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum according to 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

AT8149 - ATCOMPACT M 100kA/200kA: Compact assembly for single-phase power line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Follow current extinguishing capability: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Iimp Up(In) If

III and IV Class I 220VAC (L-N), 50Hz 255VAC (L-N), 50Hz 50kA / 100kA 100kA / 200kA < 4 kV 3 kAeff (L-T), 100 Aeff (N-T) 1100V < 100ns 160A gL/gG 50kA / 100kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 267 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum according to 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

AT8150 - ATCOMPACT T 100kA/400kA: Compact assembly for three-phase power line protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Follow current extinguishing capability: Protection level at 5kA; 8/20s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un Uc In Iimp Up(In) If

III and IV Class I 380VAC (L-L), 50Hz 440VAC (L-L), 50Hz 50kA / 200kA 100kA / 400kA < 4 kV 3 kAeff (L-G), 100 Aeff (N-G) 1100V < 100ns 160A gL/gG 50kA / 200kA (for maximum fuse) 280 x 448 x 160 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum according to 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable


Full protection for three-phase power supply lines

ATBARRIER SERIES AT8114 ATBARRIER MFF 100kA/200kA: Coordinated protection for single-phase lines with ATSHOCK+ATCOVER AT8125 ATBARRIER MF 100kA/200kA: Coordinated protection for single-phase lines with ATSHOCK+ATSUB20 AT8118 ATBARRIER MM 100kA/200kA: Coordinated protection for single-phase lines with ATSHOCK+ATSUB40 AT8134 ATBARRIER TFF 100kA/400kA: Coordinated protection for three-phase lines with ATSHOCK+ATCOVER AT8141 ATBARRIER TF 100kA/400kA: Coordinated protection for three-phase lines with ATSHOCK+ATSUB20 AT8121 ATBARRIER TM 100kA/400kA: Coordinated protection for three-phase lines with ATSHOCK+ATSUB40 +DIF: Protection boxes containing not only protection in common mode but also in differential mode (line-neutral) +F: Boxes including backup fuses -N: Lines with no neutral
M: medium residual voltage (with ATSUB40) F: low residual voltage (with ATSUB20) FF: very low residual voltage (with ATCOVER)
A proper surge protection is only achieved if all the stages are well coordinated. Otherwise the most robust protection will not act, possibly causing the destruction of the most sensitive protectors and even the equipment that they should protect.

For the working of all the protections, they must be separated by at least 10 meters cable. If this were not possible, a decoupling inductor should be installed between the protection stages. ATBARRIER boxes contain all the necessary elements for a coordinated protection. ATBARRIER boxes are to be installed in series with the Low Voltage line, connected to line/s, neutral and ground. Fuses or circuit breakers must be present upstream. They will be disconnected during the installation for working security. If this protection does not exist, fuses must be installed in series with the box. Their installation is recommended where direct lightning currents could penetrate and ver y sensitive equipment is connected, without distance enough for SPD coordination. The SPDs contained in ATBARRIER and their coordination have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table): IEC61643-1, EN6164311 and NF-C-61-0740.

INSTALLATION ATBARRIER boxes are to be installed in series with the Low Voltage line, connected to line/s, neutral and ground. Fuses or circuit breakers must be present upstream. They will be disconnected during the installation for working security. If this protection does not exist, fuses must be installed in series with the box. Their installation is recommended where direct lightning currents could penetrate and very sensitive equipment is connected, without distance enough for SPDs coordination.



The working current of the line IN must be lower than 63A.

T: for Three- Discharge Phase supply Current M: for Single- (Imax) for Phase supply one pole

Discharge Current Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly (Imax) for or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this whole Box datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured
by this device could be endangered.

AT8114 - ATBARRIER MFF 100kA/200kA: Full protection for single-phase power supply lines


Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Maximum working current: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level for 8/20s at In: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Un Uc IN In Iimp Up(In) tr

I, II, III and IV Class I, II and III 220VAC (L-G), 50Hz 255VAC (L-G), 50Hz 63A 50kA / 100kA 100kA / 200kA 800V < 25ns 160A gL/gG 50kA/100kA (for maximum fuse) 460 x 340 x 160 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 45mm2 (AWG 1)

Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G:

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1/BS 6651/EN 61000-4-5/NFC 61-0740/UL 1449/EN 61643-11/IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

Output of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

AT8125 - ATBARRIER MF 100kA/200kA: Full protection for single-phase power supply lines

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Maximum working current: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level for 8/20s at In: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Un Uc IN In Iimp Up(In) tr

I, II, III and IV Class I, II and III 380VAC (L-G), 50Hz 440VAC (L-G), 50Hz 63A 50kA / 100kA 100kA / 200kA 1000V < 25ns 160A gL/gG 50kA/100kA (for maximum fuse) 460 x 340 x 160 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 45mm2 (AWG 1)

Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G:

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740/ EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

Output of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

AT8118 - ATBARRIER MM 100kA/200kA: Full protection for single-phase power supply lines

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Maximum working current: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse Current (10/350s wave): Protection level for 8/20s at In: Response Time: Backup fuse(1): Un Uc IN In Iimp Up(In) tr

I, II, III and IV Class I, II and III 380VAC (L-G), 50Hz 440VAC (L-G), 50Hz 63A 50kA / 100kA 100kA / 200kA 1200V < 25ns 160A gL/gG 50kA/100kA (for maximum fuse) 460 x 340 x 160 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 45mm2 (AWG 1)

Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working Temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G:

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740/ EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

Output of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

AT8134 - ATBARRIER TFF 100kA/400kA: Full protection for three-phase power supply lines


Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Maximum working current: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level for 8/20s at In: Response Time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: Un Uc IN In Iimp Up(In) tr

I, II, III and IV Class I, II and III 380VAC (L-L), 50Hz 440VAC (L-L), 50Hz 63A 50kA / 200kA 100kA / 400kA 800V < 25ns 160A gL/gG 50kA/200kA (for maximum fuse) 610 x 448 x 160 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 45mm2 (AWG 1)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1/ BS 6651/EN 61000-4-5/NFC 61-0740/EN 61643-11/IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

Output of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

AT8141 - ATBARRIER TF 100kA/400kA: Full protection for three-phase power supply lines

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002:: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Maximum working current: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level for 8/20s at In: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: Un Uc IN In Iimp Up(In) tr

I, II, III and IV Class I, II and III 380VAC (L-G), 50Hz 440VAC (L-G), 50Hz 63A 50kA / 200kA 100kA / 400kA 1000V < 25ns 160A gL/gG 50kA/200kA (for maximum fuse) 610 x 448 x 160 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 45mm2 (AGW 1)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector


Input of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Output of Earth cable

Output of cables L1/L2/L3/N (L/N)

Protection of power supply for special equipment

Protection of power suppl y for special equipment

The above explained supply SPD series are focused on AC power supply systems for different voltages. However, there are many apparatus which are supplied by special generators, such as batteries or solar cells, with different types of voltages (continuous, pulses,) and a wide range of different characteristics in current, frequency, number of wires, etc. The variety of this equipment together with the fact they are in constant evolution makes a constant study of new solutions obligatory for each case. Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas, S.A. holds a Technical Department, expert in surge protection that designs new protectors or adapts the existing ones to the equipment and systems to be protected.

ATVOLT series
Surge protection for DC supply lines.

ATCOMBO series
Protection box provided with sockets.

ATPV series
Protection box for photovoltaic installations.

ATVOLT series
ATVOLT SPDs have got plenty of uses for this kind of equipment thanks to the flexibility of their design and connectors. Each SPD protects a pair of wires. Several protection stages are internally coordinated. ATVOLT Series contains a wide range of voltages. They are mainly used for DC supply lines of tens of volts. They are installed in series with the line and they are able to withstand continuously currents ranging up to several amperes without significant line losses or consumption.

ALVOLT SPDs withstand lightning secondary effects and power switching surges. They react to voltage impulses in a few nanoseconds, thus achieving a very low residual voltage, protecting even highly sensitive equipment.

ATCOMBO series
ATCOMBO SPDs gather in a single, small size box a power supply SPD such as ATVOLT or ATCOVER together with a Schuko socket in order to facilitate connections. They are specially recommended for telecommunication stations or similar installations, where the use of moving equipment is very common and weather conditions may be severe. SPDs and accessories are supplied in a close, robust box, easy to open when equipment should be connected and with all the internal connections already done.

ATCOMBO pr otectors ar e manufactured with different dimensions and characteristics, depending on the application where they should be used.

ATPV series
ATPVs protection box are designed for each customer installation individually, in order to provide maximum protection to the photovoltaic cells and all their integrated elements, such as typically the DC-AC converter. ATPV SPDs are made with common protectors such as spark gaps, zinc oxyde varistors, together with other protectors, suitable for each specific voltage of the installation to be protected. Both are connected in series or parallel. The normal working of the line is not affected. ATPVs protection box are designed for each customer installation individually,

AT85 Series - ATVOLT

DC Power Supply SPD

Efficient protection for DC supply lines in modules containing coordinated protection for one pair of lines Protection for DC lines and also for the equipment connected to these lines..

Wide variety of SPDs for different working voltages. It remains inactive in normal conditions, without affecting the normal working of the line and without leakage. Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, with no external flash. Low residual voltage for all working voltages. Very fast response. Mechanic connection for conductors. ATVOLT SPDs have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).

AT8505 ATVOLT 5: 5VDC lines AT8512 ATVOLT 12: 12VDC lines AT8515 ATVOLT 15: 15VDC lines AT8524 ATVOLT 24: 24VDC lines AT8530 ATVOLT 30: 30VDC lines AT8548 ATVOLT 48: 48VDC lines AT8560 ATVOLT 60: 60VDC lines AT8580 ATVOLT 80: 80VDC lines AT8510 ATVOLT 110: 110VDC lines

INSTALLATION ATVOLT Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in series with the DC supply line, cutting the cables and connecting the positive and negative terminals to the corresponding connectors. It is ver y important to pay special attention to these connections, since a wrong connection can cause short-circuits at the equipment supply. On another side, it is essential to connect correctly the input and output terminals, other wise the SPD components will not work properly. The lower terminal must be connected to the Earth Termination System, where the surge associated current must be derived. ATVOLT SPDs should be installed preferably as close to the equipment as possible. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD.

Output to the equipment

Input from the line


Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8505 ATVOLT 5: 5VDC lines AT8512 ATVOLT 12: 12VDC lines AT8515 ATVOLT 15: 15VDC lines AT8524 ATVOLT 24: 24VDC lines AT8530 ATVOLT 30: 30VDC lines


Reference Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level at In (8/20s): Response time: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material Enclosure protection: Insulation Resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections to line: Connections to ground: Un Uc In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) tr 9V 13V 18V 25V

AT8505 AT8512 AT8515 AT8524

5VDC 7VDC 12VDC 15VDC 15VDC 18VDC 10kA / 20kA 20kA / 40kA 4kA / 8kA 20V 25V < 1ns Indoor Series (two ports) Fixed -55C to +85C 35 x 104 x 63mm (2 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 35V 40V 24VDC 31VDC


40V 45V

V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Maximum section 2,5mm2 (AWG 9) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3

AT8548 ATVOLT 48: 48VDC lines AT8560 ATVOLT 60: 60VDC lines AT8580 ATVOLT 80: 80VDC lines AT8510 ATVOLT 110: 110VDC lines

Reference Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level at In (8/20s): Response time: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections to line: Connections to ground: Un Uc In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) tr 70V 75V



ATVOLT110 AT8510
110VDC 132VDC


10kA / 20kA 20kA / 40kA 4kA / 8kA 90V 100V < 1ns Indoor Series (two ports) Fixed -55C to +85C 35 x 104 x 63mm (2 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Maximum section 2,5mm2 (AWG 9) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG) 120V 135V 160V 180V

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3


Protection box provided with sockets

ATCOMBO SERIES AT8113 ATCOMBO 220: 220VAC lines AT8115 ATCOMBO 130: 130VAC lines AT9320 ATCOMBO 12: 12VDC lines AT9325 ATCOMBO 24: 24VDC lines AT9326 ATCOMBO 48: 48VDC lines
ATCOMBO series are power supply protection boxes with specific Schucko sockets to facilitate equipment connection.

Containing the SPDs with a lower residual voltage (ATCOVER, ATVOLT). Able to divert tens of kiloamperes. Compact box, fully wired and easy to install. Fire resistant, robust, sealable. None of the contained elements produce external flash.

The SPDs contained in ATCOMBO and their coordination have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).


INSTALLATION ATCOMBO boxes are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage line, connected to line/s, neutral and ground. Fuses or circuit breakers must be present upstream. They will be disconnected during the installation for working security. If this protection does not exist, fuses must be installed in series with the box. Their installation is recommended where direct lightning currents could penetrate and very sensitive equipment is connected, without distance enough for SPDs coordination. Special care should be taken when there is an ATVOLT enclosed, since the proper polarity must always be kept.

Input of cables

Output of cables

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT8113 ATCOMBO 220: 220VAC lines AT8115 ATCOMBO 130: 130VAC lines AT9320 ATCOMBO 12: 12VDC lines AT9325 ATCOMBO 24: 24VDC lines AT9326 ATCOMBO 48: 48VDC lines


Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level at In (8/20s): Un Uc In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) 30kA / 60kA 6kA / 12kA 600V 900V 800V < 25ns 200 x 267 x 112mm 125A gL/gG 25kA (for maximum fuse) -55C to +85C Wall or vertical support Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 25mm2 Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG) 500V 700V 470V 18V 25V


AT8115 AT9320
I, II, III, IV 12VDC 15VAC,DC 10kA / 20kA



220VAC (50Hz) 130VAC (50Hz) 255VAC (50Hz) 145VAC (50Hz)

20kA / 40kA 4kA / 8kA 35V 40V 15 < 1ns 200 x 159 x 112mm 70V 75V

Residual voltage with combination wave 6kV/3kA (L-N, L-G): Up(In) Resistance (series): Response time: Dimensions: Backup fuse(1): RS tr

Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperature: Fixing: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections to line: Connections to ground:

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / BS 6651 / EN 61000-4-5 / NFC 61-0740 / UL 1449 /EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector

AT89 Series - ATPV

Protection box for Photovoltaic installations

AT89 SERIES- ATPV AT8901 ATPV: prepared for induced overvoltages in photovoltaic panels +F : Boxes including backup fuses .
Photovoltaic installations are prone to lightning strikes due to their location in open areas.

ATPV Box series are designed to clients requirements in order to best protect the photovoltaic panels and all the elements involved, such as the power inverter. Each ATPV box must be carefully conceived by an expert team as many parameters are involved. Some elements inside the box are MOVs specially selected for each electrical installation to be protected. ATPV Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in parallel without affecting the normal working conditions. In addition, protective fuses against shor t circuits can be incorporated in the same box. Compact box, easy to install and with the same advantages as Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas S.A.s SPDs give: robust, quick, reliable and tested according current standards (IEC61643-1, EN61643-11 and NF-C-61-0740) in official independent laboratories.

INSTALLATION ATPV boxes are to be installed in parallel with the Low Voltage supply line, connected to line, neutral and ground. Fuses or circuit breakers must be present upstream. They will be disconnected during the installation for working security. If this protection does not exist, fuses must be installed in series with the box.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.
Input of cables Output of cables


ATSUB (page 40)

ATSHOCK (page 28)




ATCOVER (page 53)

WITH LPS** CLASS I and II (coordinated protection) ATVOLT(p.81) or ATPV(p.86) depending on maximum voltage

WITHOUT LPS** CLASS I (coarse protection) ATSHOCK (page 28)

WITH SPCR** CLASS II (medium protection) ATPV (page 86)

WITHOUT SPCR** CLASS II (medium protection) ATPV (page 86)

*Protection A: will be necessary if the distance is superior than 10m. **LPS: Lightning Protection System.

As shown on the diagram above, two cases may exist: 1) With External Lightning Protection System: If distance between panels and inverter is bigger more than 10m, a ATVOLT or an ATPV should be placed depending on the outcoming voltage from the panel. An ATPV must be place at the DC inverter input. 2) Without External Lightning Protection System: A robust ATSHOCK SPD should be used in order to withstand direct lightning strike current. An ATPV must be placed at the inverter input.

Electrical installation should be protected as follows: - A medium ATSUB protector should be placed in the main switchboard. - If generated power is used for local needs, it is recommended to place a tight protector ATCOVER in the distribution board in order to avoid high residual voltages. - If generated power is to expor t to the electrical network through an owned transformation center, a ATSHOCK should be placed in order to avoid transient overvoltages in the line.

AT8901 ATPV: prepared for induced overvoltages in photovoltaic panels

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Nominal voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: Response time: Backup fuse(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Dimensions: Fixing: Working Temperature: Enclosure material: Fire resistance: Enclosure protection: Impact protection: Connections L/N/G: tr Un In Imax Up(In)

I, II, III, IV 500VDC 20kA 40kA 4kV 3,5kV < 25ns 125A gL/gG 25kA (for maximum fuse) 200 x 267 x 112 mm Wall or vertical support -55C to +85C Autoextinguishing, isolating 650C according to IEC 695-2-1 IP65 according to IEC 60.529 IK09 according to EN 50.102 Maximum section 25mm2 (AWG 3)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards : UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector

Surge protection for telecommunication lines

Surge protection for telecommunication lines

Surges often enter structures via telephone and data lines, thus affecting the equipment. The same as power supply lines, they can cover large distances and connect very sensitive electronic equipment. Besides, telephone and data lines convey normally ver y low currents and reach the most fragile components. Examining any electronic device, it is clear that the power supply part is formed by more robust elements, while data communication lines connect directly to integrated circuits, other electronic components through the printed board thin tracks. Surges can cause severe damages in these tracks and components, degrading or destroying them and also affecting the data they store. Telephone and data lines are often ways where surges enter the structure, affecting the equipment.

Telephone lines connect not only phone terminals but also more important and sensitive equipment, such as faxes and modems, inside and outside computers. Furthermore, one of the consequences of the global use of Internet is that many machines (PLCs, electrical house-hold, etc.) activate through the telephone line. Another very common trend is to design all kind of devices for remote distance controlling. This process often means the multiplication of cross-connections and wiring between devices that are placed in separated buildings or with different grounding. The risk of surges damaging the equipment increases then considerably, causing important economic losses not only due to the equipment damage but also the delay or cancellation of the processes and the services they should supply. Protecting communication lines against surges can solve all these problems. Data and telephone lines need a wide previous study of the systems to be protected. Telecommunications is a field in constant evolution, where high precision is required and many different procedures exist. Each transmission protocol has its own working voltage, type of connection, pin-out, etc. All these data should be well known before designing a surge protection strategy that, firstly, does not affect the user and, secondly, is ef ficient against transient overvoltages.

Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas, S.A. supplies specific data and telephone SPDs for the most common working conditions. Besides, being manufacturers, we can develop new devices for the new telecommunication types that appear in the market. Our SPDs are usually made of screwed terminals instead of RJ11 ones because they withstand higher currents.

For protection of standard, ADSL and ISDL telephone lines.

Data lines protection with a wide range of working voltages.

ATLAN Series
Computer lines and network protection (switches, hubs).

Coaxial cable protectors for TV, CCTV and High Frequency signals.

AT91 Series - ATFONO

Modular protector for telephone lines

Efficient protection for analogical and ADSL telephone lines, containing coordinated protection for one pair of lines.

Protection for telephone lines and also for the digital and analogical equipment connected to these lines (fax, modem, etc). Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, with no external flash. Both common and differential modes of protection. Low residual voltage. Very fast response. Connection with screw pressure, which provides better lightning current withstanding capacity than usual telephone connectors. ATFONO SPD has been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).

AT9101 ATFONO: prepared for telephone lines


INSTALLATION ATFONO Surge Protective Devices are to be installed in series with the telephone line, at the point where the line enters the building and always complying the telephone company indications. When the devices to be protected are placed in different buildings and intercommunicated, SPDs should be placed both where the line goes into and out of the buildings. The recommended procedure for its installation is the following: 1. Cut the telephone cable. 2. Insert the telephone ends in the connectors. Verify carefully that input and output connections are correctly placed. 3. If the cable is screened, connect the screen at the indicated place. 4. Connect the earth terminal to the earth termination system.

Output to the equipment

Input from the line


Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT9101 ATFONO: prepared for telephone lines

Reference Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level at In (8/20s): Maximum working current: Resistance (series): Response time: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections (line): Connections (earth): Un Uc In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) IN RS tr

130VAC 220VAC, DC 10kA / 20kA 20kA / 40kA 4kA / 8kA 250V 330V 360mA 15 < 1ns Indoor Series (two ports) Fixed -55C to +85C 35 x 104 x 63mm (2 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Maximum section 2.5mm2 Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3

AT92 Series - ATLINE

Modular protector for data lines

Efficient protection for data lines, containing coordinated protection for one pair of lines.

Protection for data lines and the connected equipment (computers, PLCs, sensors, etc.). Wide variety of SPDs for different working voltages. Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, without external flashes. Both common and differential modes of protection. Low residual voltage. Very fast response. Mechanic connection, which provides better lightning current withstanding capacity than other standard data line connectors. ATLINE SPDs have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).


INSTALLATION ATLINE SPDs should be installed preferably as close to the equipment as possible. One communication cable or data line may contain several wires. Each ATLINE can protect two of these wires. It is ver y important to know precisely the working voltage, current and function of each wire, in order to select the proper SPD. In case where two equipments located in separated buildings but linked together are to be protected, protection must be installed in both sides of the line. The recommended installation procedure is the following: 1. Cut the data cable. 2. Insert the cable ends in the connectors. Verify carefully that input and output connections are correctly placed. 3. If the cable is screened, connect the screen at the indicated place. 4. Connect the bottom terminal to the earth termination system where current will be diverted.

Output to the equipment

Input from the line

AT9205 ATLINE 5: 5VDC lines AT9212 ATLINE 12: 12VDC lines AT9215 ATLINE 15: 15VDC lines AT9224 ATLINE 24: 24VDC lines AT9230 ATLINE 30: 30VDC lines AT9248 ATLINE 48: 48VDC lines AT9260 ATLINE 60: 60VDC lines AT9280 ATLINE 80: 80VDC lines AT9210 ATLINE 110: 110VDC lines


Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT9205 ATLINE 5: 5VDC lines AT9212 ATLINE 12: 12VDC lines AT9215 ATLINE 15: 15VDC lines AT9224 ATLINE 24: 24VDC lines AT9230 ATLINE 30: 30VDC lines


Reference Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level at In (8/20s): Nominal current: Resistance (series): Response time: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections to line: Connections to ground: Un Uc In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) IN RS tr 9V 13V 18V 25V

AT9205 AT9212 AT9215 AT9224

5VDC 7VAC,DC 12VDC 15VAC,DC 15VDC 18VAC,DC 10kA / 20kA 20kA / 40kA 4kA / 8kA 20V 25V 360mA 15 < 1ns Indoor Series (two ports) Fixed -55C to +85C 35 x 104 x 63mm (2 mod. DIN43880) DIN Rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 35V 40V 24VDC 31VAC,DC


40V 45V

V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Maximum section 2.5mm2 (AWG 9) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3

AT9248 ATLINE 48: 48VDC lines AT9260 ATLINE 60: 60VDC lines AT9280 ATLINE 80: 80VDC lines AT9210 ATLINE 110: 110VDC lines

Reference Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Impulse current (10/350s wave): Protection level (1,2/50s): Protection level at In (8/20s): Nominal current: Resistance (series): Response time: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Connections to line: Connections to ground: Un Uc In Imax Iimp Up Up(In) IN RS tr 70V 75V 90V 100V





110VDC 132VAC,DC

10kA / 20kA 20kA / 40kA 4kA / 8kA 120V 135V 360mA 15 < 1ns Indoor Series (two ports) Fixed -55C to +85C 35 x 104 x 63mm (2 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Maximum section 2,5mm2 (AWG 9) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG) 160V 180V

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3


Single protector for computer networks

ATLAN SPDs are specially designed to avoid failures in data transfer between equipments inside the same network. They protect the input of the electronic circuits of the network cards against harms due to transient currents.

ATLAN UNI RJ-RJ is a protector with RJ45 input and output connectors, with a withstanding current up to 2kA for every pair of lines. Its designed to protect individually every single equipment connected to the computers network.

UTP cable from network

UTP cable to PC


INSTALLATION Protection should be done as close as possible to the equipment. A UTP cable provided with a RJ45 connector has 8 wires. ATLAN UNI RJ.-RJ protects in parallel 2 pairs of wire. In case where two equipments located in separated buildings but linked together are to be protected, protection must be installed in both sides of the line. The recommended installation procedure is as it follows: 1. Insert the protector between the network wire with RJ45 connector and the equipment to be protected. 2. Screw down the ground wire terminal to equipment metallic chassis in order to have the protector bonded to ground and can properly divert the lightning discharge.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT2107 ATLAN UNI RJ-RJ: single network SPD


Reference Serial Impedance: Characteristics impedance: Insertion loss: Attenuation crosstalk ratio: Dual next crosstalk: Transfer speed: Nominal Current: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level at 1kV/s: Stray capacity: Response time: Input/output connector: Ground terminal: Tests according to IEC61643-21:2000: Number of protected pairs: Working temperature: Dimensions: IN UN UC In Imax Up(In) Up C tr

10 100 < 23,2dB (at 100MHz) Min. 4dB (at 100MHz) Min. 24dB (at 100MHz) Max. 100Mbit/s 300mA 5V 6V 1,25kA 2,5kA 10V < 10V < 42pF < 25ns RJ45 / RJ45 screened Ground cable 0,75 mm2 (AWG 18), 0,3 m A2, B2, C2, C3, D1 2 pairs -40C to 80C 102 x 54 x 30mm

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312


Single protector for computer networks

SERIES ATLAN AT2202 ATLAN UNI RJ-RJ 1000 BASE-T: single protector for computer networks
ATLAN SPDs are specially designed to avoid failures in data transfer between equipments inside the same network. They protect the input of the electronic circuits of the network cards against harms due to transient currents.

ATLAN UNI RJ-RJ 1000 BASE-T is a protector with RJ45 input and output connectors, with a withstanding current up to 0,6kA for every pair of lines with a transfer speed of Gbits/s. Its designed to protect individually every single equipment connected to the computers network trasnferring a big amount of data (servers, workstations, graphic stations, etc).

UTP cable from network

UTP cable to PC


INSTALLATION Protection should be done as close as possible to the equipment. A UTP cable provided with a RJ45 connector has 8 wires. ATLAN UNI RJ.-RJ protects in paralel 4 pairs of wire. In case where two equipments located in separated buildings but linked together are to be protected, protection must be installed in both sides of the line. The recommended installation procedure is as it follows: 1. Insert the protector between the network wire with RJ45 connector and the equipment to be protected. 2. Screw down the ground wire terminal to equipment metallic chassis in order to have the protector bonded to ground and can properly divert the lightning discharge.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT2202 ATLAN UNI RJ-RJ 1000 BASE-T: single protector for computer networks


Reference Serial Impedance: Characteristics impedance: Insertion loss: Attenuation crosstalk ratio: Dual next crosstalk: Transfer speed: Nominal Current: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level at 1kV/s: Stray capacity: Response time: Input/output connector: Ground terminal: Tests according to IEC61643-21:2000: Number of protected pairs: Working temperature: Dimensions: IN UN UC In Imax Up(In) Up C tr

0,2 100 < 23,2dB (at 100MHz) Min. 4dB (at 100MHz) Min. 24dB (at 100MHz) Max. 1000Mbit/s 300mA 6V 6V 300A 600A 10V < 10V < 3pF < 25ns RJ45 / RJ45 screened Ground cable 0,75 mm2 (AWG 18), 0,3 m A2, B2, C2, C3, D1 4 pairs -40C to +80C 102 x 54 x 30mm

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312


Protector for computer network rack

ATLAN SERIES AT2200 ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ: protector ready for 8 local network lines
ATLAN SPDs are specially designed to avoid failures in data transfer between equipments inside the same network. They protect the input of the electronic circuits of the network cards against harms due to transient currents.

ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ is a SPD prepared for eight line protection, two pairs per line. This is done with a Printed Circuit Board with RJ45 input/output connectors. Its aimed to be inserted into a rack and protect distribution computer network cabinets. The accessor y shown is used for 19 racks and its prepared for 3 ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ units.

INSTALLATION Protection should be done as close as possible to the equipment. In this particular case, were talking about switchs and hubs. In case where two equipments located in separated buildings but linked together are to be protected, protection must be installed in both sides of the line. The recommended installation procedure is as it follows:
UTP cable


1. Screw down protectors in the box prepared for mounting in the 19 rack. 2. Place the box inside the de computer network distribution board. 3. Insert the network distribution lines that come off the hub or switch to the protector. 4. Bond the cabinet ground to the ground marked in the box chassis.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT2200 ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ: protector ready for 8 local network lines

Reference Serial Impedance: Characteristics impedance: Insertion loss: Attenuation crosstalk ratio: Dual next crosstalk: Nominal current: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level at 1kV/s: Stray capacity: Response time: Input/output connector: Tests according to IEC61643-21:2000 Number of protected pairs: Working temperature: PCB dimensions: IN UN UC In Imax Up(In) Up C tr

100 < 23,2dB (at 100MHz) Min. 4dB (at 100MHz) Min. 24dB (at 100MHz) Max. 100Mbit/s 300mA 6V 6V 1,25kA 2,5kA 25V < 10V < 47pF < 25ns RJ45 / RJ45 screened A2, B2, C2, C3, D1 Max. 8x2 pairs -40C to +80C 120 x 145 x 16mm

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312

Accesory: ATLAN 8/24 - AT2201

AT2201 is a metallic panel where ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ modules can be fitted in up to a number of 3, to be mounted in 19 racks.

Series ATLAN - ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ 1000 BASE-T

Protector for computer network rack

ATLAN SERIES AT2203 ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ 1000 BASE-T: protector ready for 8 local network lines
ATLAN SPDs are specially designed to avoid failures in data transfer between equipments inside the same network. They protect the input of the electronic circuits of the network cards against harms due to transient currents.

ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ 1000 BASE T is an SPD prepared for eight line protection, four pairs protected per line. This is done with a Printed Circuit Board with RJ45 input/output connectors. With a withstanding current up to 0.6kA for ever y line and a transfer speed of Gbits/s. Its aimed to be inserted into a rack and protect distribution computer network cabinets. Because of its high transfer speed, its suitable for networks transferring a big amount of data (servers, workstations, graphic stations, etc). The accessory shown is used for 19racks and its prepared for up to 3 ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ 1000 BASE-T units.

INSTALLATION Protection should be done as close as possible to the equipment. In this particular case, were talking about switchs and hubs. In case where two equipments located in separated buildings but linked together are to be protected, protection must be installed in both sides of the line. The recommended installation procedure is as it follows:
UTP cable


1. Screw down protectors in the box prepared for mounting in the 19 rack. 2. Place the box inside the de computer network distribution board. 3. Insert the network distribution lines that come of f the hub or switch to the protector. 4. Bond the cabinet ground to the ground marked in the box chassis.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT2203 ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ 1000 BASE-T: protector ready for 8 local network lines


Reference Serial Impedance: Characteristics impedance: Insertion loss: Attenuation crosstalk ratio: Dual next crosstalk: Nominal current: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level at 1kV/s: Stray capacity: Response time: Input/output connector: Tests according to IEC61643-21:2000 Number of protected pairs: Working temperature: Dimensions PCB: IN UN UC In Imax Up(In) Up C tr

100 < 23,2dB (at 100MHz) Min. 4dB (at 100MHz) Min. 24dB (at 100MHz) Max. 100Mbit/s 300mA 6V 6V 300A 600A 25V < 10V < 3pF < 25ns RJ45 / RJ45 screened A2, B2, C2, C3, D1 Max. 8x4 pairs -40C to +80C 120 x 145 x 16mm

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312

Accesory: ATLAN 8/24 - AT2201

AT2201 is a metallic panel where ATLAN 8 RJ-RJ modules can be fitted in up to a number of 3, to be mounted in 19 racks.


Surge Protective Devices for Coaxial cables

ATFREQ SERIES Wide range of protectors for different frequencies and connectors.
Due to their placement, aerials are one of the most exposed elements to lightning discharges. Even when an external lightning protection system exists, the discharge secondary effects can affect the TV or RF signals.

ATFREQ Surge Protective Devices protect the signal cable deriving the induced and conducted surges to the ground, thus avoiding damages to the communication and TV equipment and to the connected devices (DVD, video, decoders, home cinema sets, etc.) Optimum coupling with imperceptible losses. Small attenuation in the signal even for very high frequencies. Short response times. Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, without external flashes. Small size. Specific connectors for each application.

INSTALLATION ATFREQ SPDs are to be inserted in series with the aerial signal cable. It is convenient to install it as close as possible to the equipment to be protected. Each protector is provided with two coaxial connectors for an easy insertion and one earthing terminal. We supply SPDs provided with the most widely employed connectors (BNC, UHF, N, F) and male/female adaptors for direct insertion in any connection. It is impor tant to point out that ATFREQ protects the signal coaxial cable coming from the aerial, not the power supply. Power supply should be protected using specific SPDs such as ATSUB, ATSHIELD, ATCOVER, ATSHOCK or ATVOLT. Connection to earth is carried out using a M5 screw placed at the SPD side. It must be as straight as possible, using a proper terminal and cable. Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.


AT2104 AT2103 AT2113 AT2105 AT2115 AT2108 AT2118 AT2106 AT2111 AT2102 AT2109 AT2110 AT2112


TV SAT SAT 015 50BNC015 50BNC 400BNC015 400BNC 50N 400N 3G 250V 900 2500

ATFREQ AT2104 AT2103 AT2116 AT2105 AT2115 AT2108 AT2118 AT2106 AT2111 AT2102 AT2109 AT2110 AT2112 TV SAT CCTV 50BNC015 50BNC 400BNC015 400BNC 50N 400N 3G 250V 900 2500

Connector TV F (sat.) BNC BNC BNC BNC BNC N N UHF UHF F/F 7/16

Frequency range 0-1 GHz 0-2 GHz 0-1 GHz 0-1 GHz 0-1 GHz 0-1 GHz 0-1 GHz 0-3 GHz 0-3 GHz 0-3 GHz 0-3 GHz 0,9 - 2,6GHz 88-108 MHz

Atenuation Impedance < 1,2dB < 0,5dB < 0,2dB < 0,15dB < 0,2dB < 0,15dB < 0,2dB < 0,15dB < 0,15dB < 0,3dB < 0,3dB < 0,3dB < 0,3dB 75R 75R 50R 50R 50R 50R 50R 50R 50R 50R 50R 50R 50R

Exchanged Power 50W 50W 50W 50W 50W 400W 400W 50W 400W 50W 400W 900W 2500W

DC Sparkover voltage 90V 90V 50V 90V 90V 250V 250V 90V 250V 90V 250V 600V 600V

Common Characteristics Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Working temperature: Response time: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Imax tr 10kA (8/20s) -55C to +85C < 100ns Stainless Steel IP20

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312

ATFREQ Series Example - ATFREQ 3G

Protector against overvoltages for RF signal cables

ATFREQ SERIES Example AT2102 ATFREQ 3G: protector for RF coaxial cable
This product is designed to be placed in series with the RF coaxial cable for UHF range and 3G type connector.

Its made of a gas discharge tube withstanding transient currents up to 10kA. When the gas discharge tube turns inoperative, it can be easily replaced. These protectors and its characteristics have been tested in official independent laboratories according to current standards.

Reference Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Frequency range: Insertion loss: Signal cable impedance: Exchanged power: Working temperature: Response time: Dimensions: Connections: Enclosure material: Enclose protection: tr Imax Up

10kA 90V 0-3GHz < 0,3dB 50 50W -55C +85C < 100ns 33 x 33,5 x 48,5mm UHF female/female Stainless steel IP20

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-21 / NFC 61-0740 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312

Power supply protection for minor magnitude overvoltage areas

Power supply protection for minor magnitude overvoltage areas

Aplicaciones Tecnolgicas SPDs attain coordinated protection of the complete electric installation from the mains to the very final customer equipment, leaving protection levels of the same order as its maximum working voltage. This protection is specially aimed for working in coordination with the power supply protection already seen in previous sections. Usually, one talks about tight protection compared to that seen in other sections, called coarse or medium. This is focused to protect equipments more sensitive to overvoltages (computer systems, measures, electronics, etc.) and final customer equipments. Its more flexible since it allows protection at both installation level (distribution board) and working place or particular equipment.

SPD provided with a filter for high frequency disturbances.

SPDs for indoors power supply installation.

SPDs for already installed power supply sockets.

AT94 Series - ATFILTER

Surge protector provided with a filter against high frequency disturbances

ATFILTER device has been conceived with the purpose of providing a highly efficient protection to electronic equipments against overvoltages and high frequency disturbances.

This is achieved by mean of placing gas discharge tubes and supressor diodes beside a high quality low-pass frequency filter, what implies a full protection against pulses of high amplitude and/or frequency. Every electric disturbance above 100Hz will be attenuated. Tight protection according to scaled protection recommended in Low Voltage Regulation (RBT2002 ITC23). Class II and III according IEC61643-1, EN61643-11 standards. Suitable for Categorie I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. There are several models depending on the nominal current of the line to be protected (IN). The proper working of the ATFILTER equipments has been certified by official independent laboratories, verifying the proper coordination between SPDs.

AT9402 ATFILTER 16: IN 16A lines AT9403 ATFILTER 32: IN 32A lines AT9401 ATFILTER 50: IN 50A lines


INSTALLATION ATFILTER devices are to be installed in series with the power supply line, that is, cutting the line and connecting the obtained cable ends to the input and output connectors. Please pay attention to these connections since if terminals are wrongly wired, a short circuit may happen. On the other hand, its of capital importance a right wiring of input/output terminals. If not, protector components wont act properly. Linking the earth terminal to ground is a must. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. The protector is ready to be fitted on the DIN rail of the distribution board, the closest to the equipment to be protected against overvoltages and screened against electromagnetic noise.

Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

Bode diagram of electromagnetic noise attenuation

Asymmetric attenuation

AT9402 ATFILTER 16: de IN 16A lines AT9403 ATFILTER 32: IN 32A lines AT9401 ATFILTER 50: IN 50A lines

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according to IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal current: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Inductance: Attenuation between 0,15 and 30MHz: Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Up(In) In Imax L IN Un Uc 16A

I, II, III and IV Class II and III 32A 230VAC 255VAC 50/60Hz 5kA 10kA < 2mH




Min. 80dB at 4MHz / Min. 40dB within the range from 0,15 at 30MHz 800V 600V < 25ns 35A gL/gG 25kA (for maximum fuse) Indoor Serial (two ports) Fixed -55C to +85C 122 x 86 x 63mm (7 mod. DIN43880) DIN rail Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Max/Min section multi-stranded: 16 / 45mm2 (5/1 AWG) Max/Min section single-stranded: 4 / 45mm2 (11/1 AWG)

Residual voltage with combination wave 6kV/3kA (L-N, L-G): UO.C. Response time: Back-up fuses(1): Maximum short-circuit current: SPD location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Working temperature: Dimensions: Fixing: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Conections L/N/G: tr

Complies with requirements of: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT95 Series - ATSOCKET

Indoors protector for Power Supply lines

This SPD is designed for its connection inside the cable channels that feed the sockets.

AT9501 ATSOCKET: Single phase protection

Its small size allows its fitting close to the voltage sockets that will be used by customers. It contains an efficient protection based on supressor diodes against transient overvoltages, for single-phase power supply lines. Tight protection according to scaled protection recommended in Low Voltage Regulation (RBT2002 ITC23). Tested and cer tified as Class II and III according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD, ATSUB and ATCOVER. Made of supressor diodes. Small response time. Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, with no external flash. No interruptions in power supply, thus avoiding data loss and other inconvenients for the user. Small size modular protection. Thermic control device and visual warning. ATSOCKET SPDs have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).


INSTALLATION To be installed in parallel with the LV line, with connections to phase to be protected, neutral and ground. The power should be disconnected during the installation of the SPD. Its use is recommended in systems where over voltage sensitive equipments are installed (computers, printers, servers, etc.) Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.



AT9501 ATSOCKET: Single phase protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: In Imax Up(In) Up Un Uc

I, II, III and IV Class II and III 230VAC 255VAC 50/60Hz 1,5kA 3kA 400V 250V 300V < 1ns 16A gL/gG 6kA /50Hz -55C to +85C 40 x 40 x 13mm Indoors Parallel (one port) Fixed Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94) Cross section 1 mm2 (AWG 17) Length 150 mm

Residual voltage with combination wave 6kV/3kA (L-N, L-G): UO.C. Response time: Back-up fuses(1): tr

Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperatura: Dimensions: Location: Tipo de conexin: Mounting method: Enclosure Material: Enclosure Protection Insulation Resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: Conections L/N/G:

Certificated tests according tos: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

AT96 Series - ATPLUG

Power supply Plug-in SPD

This SPD is plugged directly in the same socket as the load to be protected.

It contains an effective protection based upon suppressor diodes against transient overvoltages, aimed towards single-phase power supply lines. Tight protection according to scaled protection recommended in Low Voltage Regulation (RBT2002 ITC23). Its installation is simple. There are several models according the connection system used. Furthermore, there are models with supplementary RJ45 and RJ11terminals for phone and network devices. Tested and cer tified as Class II and III according to regulations IEC61643-1, EN61643-11. Suitable for Categories I, II, III and IV equipment according to RBT2002. Coordinable with other SPDs such as ATSHOCK, ATSHIELD, ATSUB and ATCOVER. Made of supressor diodes. Short response time. Discharge takes place in an internal encapsulated element, with no external flash. No interruptions in power supply, thus avoiding data loss and other inconvenients for the user. Small size modular protection. Thermic control device and visual warning. ATPLUG SPDs have been tested in official, independent laboratories, obtaining their characteristics according to relevant standards (related in the table).

AT9601 ATPLUG: Single phase line protection for Schuko AT9611 ATPLUG RJ45: Single phase line protection for Schuko provided with computer network protection AT9621 ATPLUG RJ11: Single phase line protection for Schuko provided with telephone network protection

INSTALLATION To be installed in parallel with the loads plugged into the same socket. Its use is recommended in systems where there can be over voltages after the subdistribution board, feeding sensitive equipments. Earth connection is a must. Earthing in all the installation must be bonded either directly or by a spark gap and resistance should be lower than 10. If the indications of this datasheet are not fulfilled during the use or installation of the SPDs, the protection assured by this device could be endangered.

AT9601 ATPLUG: Single phase line protection for Schuko AT9611 ATPLUG RJ45: Single phase line protection for Schuko provided with computer network protection AT9621 ATPLUG RJ11: Single phase line protection for Schuko provided with telephone network protection

Reference Protection categories according to RBT2002: Type of tests according IEC61643-1, EN61643-11: Nominal voltage: Maximum continuous operating voltage: Nominal frequency: Nominal discharge current (8/20s wave): Maximum discharge current (8/20s wave): Protection level at In, 8/20s wave: Protection level for 1,2/50s wave: In Imax Up(In) Up Un Uc

I, II, III and IV Class II and III 230VAC 255VAC 50/60Hz 1,5kA 3kA 400V 250V 300V < 1ns 16A gL/gG 6kA /50Hz -55C to +85C 120 x 64 x 55mm Indoors Parallel (one port) Plug in Polycarbonate IP20 > 1014 V-0 Type according to UNE-EN 60707 (UL94)

Residual voltage with combination wave 6kV/3kA (L-N, L-G): UO.C. Response time: Back-up fuses(1): Maximum short-circuit current: Working temperatura: Dimensions: Location: Type of connection: Mounting method: Enclosure material: Enclosure protection: Insulation resistance: Autoextinguish enclosure: tr

Certificated tests according to: IEC 61643-1 / NFC 61-0740 / EN 61643-11 / IEC 61312-3 Complies with requirements of: UL 1449 Relevant standards: UNE21186 / NFC 17102 / UNE21185 / IEC61024-1 / IEC61312-3
(1) Needed in cases where there is no equal or less nominal current installed upstream from the protector.

Technical glossary

10/350s current impulse Current impulse, 10s of front time and 350s to half-time value. Thus the direct effects of the lightning strike are simulated. 8/20s current impulse Current impulse, 8s of front time and 20s to half-time value. Thus the secondary effects of the lightning strike are simulated. 1,2/50 voltage impulse A voltage impulse with a virtual front time (from 10% to 90% of the peak value) of 1,2s and a time to halfvalue of 50s. It is used for classification of SPDs class I and II. Backup overcurrent protection An overcurrent device (fuse or circuit breaker), which is a part of the electrical installation, located upstream the SPD to avoid overheating and destruction if SPD is not able to interrupt the sustained short-circuit current. Charge Q Equals the time integral of the discharge current; expressed in As.

Follow current (If) Current supplied by the electrical power system and flowing through the SPD after a discharge current impulse; it is expressed in kARMS. Follow (Up) current extinguishing capability When Spark Gaps or Gas Discharge Tubes ignite, there is a dielectric breakdown, an ignition arc and the resulting short circuit between the two protected conductors. When working voltage conditions return, the referred short circuit and the arc must disappear. The follow up current extinguishing capability refers to the current that the SPD is capable of extinguishing by itself in order to come back to working isolation conditions. Impulse current (Iimp) Maximum peak value of a 10/350s current wave with a determined charge and energy, applied to the protector which diverts it to ground safely. Insertion loss At a given frequency, the insertion loss of a connected SPD is defined as the ratio of voltages appearing across the mains immediately beyond the point of insertion before and after the insertion of the SPD. This result is expressed in decibels (dB). Level of protection (Up) Parameter that characterises the performance of the SPD in limiting the voltage across its terminals and that is chosen from a chart of values. This value, in volts, should not be surpassed by any of the residual voltage values measured during the tests, including current impulses and 1,2/50s voltage tests. Maximum continuous operating voltage (Uc) Maximum DC or rms voltage that can be continuously applied to the SPD without causing its activation.

Combination type SPD An SPD that incorporates both voltage switching type components and voltage limiting type components. May exhibit voltage switching behaviour, voltage limiting behaviour or a combination of both depending on the characteristics of the applied voltage. Combination wave The combination wave is delivered by a generator that applies a 1,2/50s voltage impulse open circuit, and 8/20s current impulse short circuit. The voltage parameters, current and waveform produced are determined by the generator and the impedance of the protector.

Maximum discharge current (Imax) for class test II Maximum peak value with wave 8/20s which has been applied to the protector, which has been diverted in a safe way to ground. Methods of protection An SPD can be connected Line to Line, Line to Ground, Line to Neutral, Neutral to Ground or a combination of them all. These paths are referred as methods of protection. Nominal current (IN) RMS value of the flowing current in a line under working conditions in order to have a proper SPD working. Nominal discharge current (In) Peak value of a 8/20s current wave that the SPD can withstand several times. Nominal voltage (Un) It is the DC or rms AC voltage of the line under normal conditions so that the SPD works correctly. Response time (tr): Parameter that characterizes the rapidity of the SPD activation. It can vary with different slopes of the applied waveshape, although in general the response time for the varistor is considered to be 25ns, while spark gap is 100ns. Sparkover voltage of a voltage switching SPD Maximum voltage value before disruptive discharge between the electrodes of the gap of a SPD (empty space between terminals). It is used for classification of the SPD class I and II by testing the impulse with waveshape 1,2/50s. SPD disconnector A device which will disconnect the SPD from the system in the event of failure. It is used to avoid a sustained fault in the system and to give a visible indication of the protectors fault. Some SPDs are fitted with floating changeover contact for remote signalling.

Specific energy W/R for Class I The energy dissipated by the impulse current Iimp in a unit resistance. This is equal to the power integral between the equivalent resistance during the discharge. Expressed in kJ/ et en kA2s.

Voltage limiting type SPD An SPD that has a high impedance when no surge is present, but will continuously reduce it with increased surge current and voltage; typical examples of components used as nonlinear devices are varistors and suppressor diodes. Voltage switching type SPD An SPD that has a high impedance when no surge is present, but can have a sudden change in impedance to a low value in response to a voltage surge in the line it protects. Typical examples are spark gaps, gas tubes, thyristors and triacs. Working temperature () Temperature range where the SPD can be used.

Surge Protective Device (SPD) A device intended to limit transient overvoltages and divert surge currents. It contains at least one nonlinear component. There are one-port SPDs which are connected in parallel or two-port SPDs which have specific series impedance inserted between the terminals. They are also referred as arresters or just protectors. In this catalogue, SPD, arresters and protectors mean the same thing. Surge / Transient overvoltage A surge is a transient overvoltage propagating along a line characterized by a rapid increase followed by a slower decrease. Transient overvoltages are every rising in the voltage wave over nominal conditions for a given range of time. In this catalogue, both surge and transient overvoltages or just overvoltages are used in the same sense, that of rapid increase and lower decrease. Thermal stability An SPD is thermally stable if after the operating duty test, where it is connected to maximum continuous operating voltage and at specified ambient temperature conditions, the temperature begins to decrease with time. It is monitored during 30 minutes, the active power dissipation must show constant decline for the last 15 minutes.

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2005 Aplicaciones Tecnlogicas, S.A. Legal deposit. V - 3948 - 2005

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