Ascension - Awakening, Remembering

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Greetings and Salutations from the center of Oneness of the Love and Light of the
universe. All is One. Why should there not be a conscious union with that Oneness
and those which are the attachments and the points of attention within the third
dimensional density be simply discarded and released. This is a time when such
release is not only happening at a very rapid pace as there is an illumination and an
enlightenment of consciousness taking place, but it is also mandatory for there is no
other pathway open to the expanding consciousness, expanding awareness of souls
on Earth.

This is a very simple message that only needs to be heard once for the process of
awakening is moving at a rather rapid pace. There is great preparation for the
introduction of those in the earthly sphere to the existence of sentient beings within the
multi dimensional realm, of points of consciousness and awareness that have been in
existence since the beginning and are part of the pattern of inter relationships between
all dimensions.

This is a time when there will be a presentation and an awareness gained of such multi
dimensional reality. There is going to be a resistance by some to this presentation.
There are those who will not accept and will be fearful of this transition to multi
dimensional reality. There are those who will be curious and who will look at what is
occurring but not really understand. There are those who will understand a little and
thirst to know it all. And there are those who will instantly know the totality of the truth
being presented for there has been much preparation in the inner realm for those who
would participate in and be part of the, let us say, welcoming team who would assist
others in making the transition to the truth of their existence.

This is a time when it is most important to pay attention to the signs around you, to pay
attention to the inner urges and nudges within you and to listen very carefully for the
new voice of guidance that is present and will be ever present as the process unfolds.

We come collectively as radiant beams of Love and Light. Those who are part of the
ascension team, you might say, have only one mission and one purpose and that is to
be of service, to be of service to Earth and its inhabitants as this transition and
evolution of consciousness takes place. There will be those who know the truth of what
is being offered and then there will be those who will resist and not want to accept the
truth of what is being offered. They will resist the awakening process.

For you see, ascension is another word for awakening. Awakening is another word for
illumination. Illumination is another word for enlightenment. Enlightenment is another
word for knowing. You see, it is all the same. Different words resonate and call forth
certain dimensions of understanding from various souls related to the portals of
expanded awareness that need to be opened. These portals have been established
since the beginning of time, but the doorway that covers the portal has been erected
through the experience and habits and patterns of attachment to limited perceptions
that have been erected by the individual soul.

Even though all is One, it appears as though there are many different aspects of
creation. Each soul is One with the All in All; but each soul has, to a measure,
individualized itself through these resistive patterns. So the ascension process is one
of opening the portals of understanding one by one, seeing the totality of existence,
knowing the truth of Oneness, being illuminated where all resistance and limiting
patterns of thought are dissolved.. It is all very direct, very simple. At the same time, it
appears to be very difficult and even unreachable by the soul who is resisting the
patterns of awakening.

We would simply say, turn around, look the other way. Look over the horizon of
possibility and see the infinite Light of creation beckoning, calling, welcoming you
home. Ascend into the radiant receptive arms of this Light. Feel the Love of creation
that is the source of energy for all existence, that is the foundation of energy for the
Light that is welcoming you home. Feel that Light penetrate every cell of your
awareness. Feel all physical, emotional, mental, and ego centered identifications
simply fall away into the nothingness from which they were created. Merge with that
Light and ascend into the truth of your real self. All is One. All is One. All is One.
Know the truth and be free. I AM the Love, the Light, and the Life of the universe.

ASCENSION: 19970319M

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