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Sekolah Menengah Seri Omega

Teacher: WL Cheng Class : 4B Lesson No.: 29 Date : !"#"$% Time : 9.2$ & $.!$

S'()ect: Mathematics Cha*ter: + To*ic: ,e-ision .2/

S'(+to*ic: + Section A 040 marks1 Answer all questions. . ,o'n2 o33 4 2 9$$ correct to three signi3icant 3ig'res. 54 ! B 4 2$ 2. C 4 2$$ D 4 !$$$

The 2iagram sho6s a circle 6ith 2iameter PQ. 7in2 the area8 in cm28 o3 the circle an2 correct to three signi3icant 3ig'res. 0Take 9 !. 421 5 2.: B 2.# !. C 2.% D 2.4:%

;n the a(o-e 2iagram 8 ABC is a right angle2 triangle. 7in2 the length o3 5B8 correct to ! signi3icant 3ig'res. 5 !.$: B !.$# C !.$% D !.$9

4. 7in2 the -al'e o3 5 :.4 < $# B :.4 < $%

#%$$ an2 e<*ress the ans6er in stan2ar2 3orm. .2 < $4 C :.4 < $9 D :.4 < $ $

4. 7in2 the -ol'me8 in cm!8 o3 a c'(e 6ith e2ges 4$$ cm an2 e<*ress the ans6er in stan2ar2 3orm. 5 .: < $: B :.4 < $: C :.4 < $# D :.: < $%

:. The ra2i's o3 a s*here is 2. m. 7in2 the -ol'me8 in cm!8 o3 the s*here correct to t6o signi3icant 3ig'res an2 e<*ress the ans6er in stan2ar2 3orm. 22 0Take = 1 # 5 !.% < $: C !.9 < $# B !.9 < $: D 4.2 < $#

#. .# + 2y/!y 9 5 # + :y B #+ :y2 C 2 + !y2 D 2 y + :y2

%. . + w/.! + 2w/ 9 5 ! + !w - 2w2 B ! + 2 w = 2w2 C 2 w 2 = !w = ! D 2 w2 4 w + !


9. 5 rectangle has si2es .3x = / cm an2 4x cm. The area8 in cm28 o3 the rectangle in terms o3 x is 5 !x 2 + B 4 x2 + 4 C 2 x2 + 4 D 2 x2 + 4 x

$. 7actorise com*letel> ( 4 + p ) p ( 4 + p ) .

5 4.p + 4/ B 4.4 = p/

C .4 = p/.4 + p/ D .4+p/.p=4/

. 7actorise com*letel> r2 - :r = 9. 5 .r + !/.r + !/ B .r + l/.r + 9/ C .r - 9/. r = / D .r + !/.r = !/

2. Sol-e the e?'ation x2 - !x = 2 9 $. 5 x 9 l or x 9 2 B x 9 or x = +2 C x = +2 or x = + D x 9 2 or x 9 +


!. The length o3 a rectang'lar room is ! m more than the (rea2th. The area o3 the room is 2#$ m2. The length o3 the room is 5: B9 C 2 D %

4. The s'm o3 a n'm(er an2 its s?'are is 4:. The n'm(er is 54 B# C% D

4. @i-en that N = Acommon 3actors o3 9 an2 24B8 list all the elements o3 N. 5 A 8 !B B A 8 !8 9B C A 8 !8 48 :8 9B D A 8 !8 48 :8 %8 9B

:. Which o3 the 3ollo6ing is an em*t> setC 5 P = Aoctagons ha-ing eight si2esB B Q 9 A*er3ect s?'ares (et6een 4$ an2 4$/ C R 9 Ao22 n'm(ers 2i-isi(le (> 2B D 9 Atriangles ha-ing t6o e?'al si2esB


#. @i-en that 9 Ax: ! x 98 x is an integerB an2 ! =Ax : x is a *rime n'm(erB8 list all the elements o3 M. 5 A28 !8 4B B A!8 48 #B C A28 !8 48 #B D A!8 48 #8 9B

%. @i-en that the 'ni-ersal set 9 Ax: ! x 98 x is an integerBan2 B 9 A3actors o3 2B8 3in2 n ( B D) . 54 B4 C: D#


The Eenn 2iagram sho6s the n'm(er o3 elements in the 'ni-ersal set 8 set F8 set Q an2 set R. 7in2 n ( P Q R ) . 5! C: B4 D#



The Eenn 2iagram sho6s the n'm(er o3 elements in set F8 set Q an2 set R. @i-en that the 'ni-ersal set = P Q R an2 n ( P Q ) = n ( R D) 8 the -al'e o3 x is 54 C# B: D9

2 . Which o3 the 3ollo6ing is a tr'e statementC 5 4 is a *rime n'm(er. B 49 is a *er3ect s?'are. C ! is a m'lti*le o3 9. D 4 is a 3actor o3 4.

22. 5ll the 3ollo6ing statements are tr'e except A 5ll *arallel lines ha-e the same gra2ients. B 5ll right *>rami2s ha-e rectang'lar (ase. C 5ll cones ha-e one -erte<. D 5ll he<agons ha-e si< si2es.

2!. Which con-erse o3 the 3ollo6ing im*lications is tr'eC 5 ;3 x " :8 then x " $. B ;3 p = 48 then 4p = 2$. C ;3 > is an ac'te angle8 then y G %$H. D ;3 q is an integer8 then q2 is an integer.


24. Premise : 5ll rhom('ses ha-e 3o'r e?'al si2es. Premise 2: .................. Con#lusion: $%&' (as 3o'r e?'al si2es. Com*lete the *remise in the a(o-e arg'ment. 5 $%&' is a rhom('s. B $%&' has 3o'r e?'al si2es. C 5ll rhom('ses are $%&'. D $%&' has 3o'r *arallel si2es.

25. @i-en that the n'm(er o3 s'(sets o3 a set 6ith n elements is 2n8 6hat can >o' concl'2e a(o't the n'm(er o3 s'(sets o3 set P 9 A!8 48 #8 9BC 5 The n'm(er o3 s'(sets o3 F is 4. B The n'm(er o3 s'(sets o3 F is %. C The n'm(er o3 s'(sets o3 F is 9. D The n'm(er o3 s'(sets o3 F is :. 2:. @i-en 48 #8 28 ... an2 4 9 2=! # 9 22 = ! 2 9 !2 = ! 7in2 the 9th term in the se?'ence sho6n a(o-e. 5 44 B :# 2#. C% D %4

;n the a(o-e 2iagram8 the gra2ient o3 line PQ is 5 B2 C! D4



Calc'late the gra2ient o3 the straight line that *assing thro'gh the *oints .+!8 +!/ an2 .#8 2/ in a(o-e 2iagram. 5 B 4 $ C 2


29. @i-en that *oints .48 4/8 .:8 r/ an2 .#8 +2/ lie on the same straight line8 3in2 the -al'e o3 r. 5$ B C2 D4

!$. The gra2ient o3 straight line $% is +4. @i-en *oints I.!8 $/ an2 7.$8 q)* calc'late the -al'e o3 q. 5+ 2 B +9 C9 D 2


! .

;n the a(o-e 2iagram sho6s a straight line8 $%&. 7in2 the coor2inates o3 *oint @8 i3 *oint & lies on the x+a<is. 5 .$8!/ B .!8 $/ C .48$/ D .98$/

!2. The gra2ient o3 the straight line 2x - !y = 2 is 2 2 5 C ! ! B ! D ! 2

!!. 7in2 the -al'e o3 m* i3 the t6o straight lines 2y = 4x = +! an2 y 9 mx = ! are *arallel. 5 +4 B +2 C ! D4


!4. Class interval 24+29 !$+!4 !4+!9

Com*lete the class inter-als gi-en in the ta(le . 5 !9+4$ B !9+44 C 4$+44 D 44+49

!4. Mass (kg) 42+ 4: 4#+ 4 42+ 4: 4#+ : Determine the '**er (o'n2ar> o3 the class inter-al 4# + : in the ta(le . 5 4#.$ B 4#.4 C : .$ D : .4

!:. Length (cm) $$+ $9 $+ 9 2$:#!!:4:.2oc Frequency 4 % $

2$+ 29 !$+ !9 4$+ 49

$ * 2

Base2 on the 3re?'enc> ta(le in ta(le 8 3in2 the -al'e o3 p i3 the mean length is 22.4 cm. 5: B# C% D9

Question 3+* Question 3, an- Question 3. are /ase- on 0ia1ram /elow.

The a(o-e 2iagram sho6s the time taken (> a gro'* o3 r'nners to com*lete a $$+m r'n. !#. The total n'm(er o3 r'nners in-ol-e2 in the race is 5 24 B !$ C 44 D 4$

!%. Calc'late the mean time taken to com*lete the $$+m r'n. 5 !.4$ B !.42 C 4.4$ D 4.4:


!9. Determine the n'm(er o3 r'nners 6ho took more than 4 secon2s to com*lete the r'n. 54 C $ B: D 2

4$. Cumulative Frequency 2$+29 2 !$+!9 : 4$+49 ! 4$+49 2 :$+:9 24 Base2 on the a(o-e ta(le8 calc'late the mean score. 5 4!.# C 4#.# B 44.# D 4%.# Sc res

Section B 0 :$ marks1 Answer five questions 2rom t(is se#tion. .


P8 Q an2 R are three sets 6here the n'm(er o3 elements in each o3 them are sho6n in the Eenn 2iagram. @i-en n ( P R ) = 29 an2 n ( ) = !9 8 3in2 .a/ the -al'e o3 x8

.(/ the -al'e o3 y *

.c/ n ( P Q R ) D

.2/ n ( P D R D)

.e/ n ( P Q ) R 0 2 marks1

2. .i/ Write each o3 the 3ollo6ing ?'a2ratic e?'ations in general 3orm. .a/ 2 k = 2$:#!!:4:.2oc k +! k !


2r = !

04 marks1

.ii/ Sol-e each o3 the 3ollo6ing ?'a2ratic e?'ations. .a/ 4x =2 x2 + 4 # = :3 3


04 marks1


The 2iagram sho6s t6o rectangles 6ith e?'al area. 7in2 the -al'e o3 a.

04 marks1


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