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Job satisfaction is defined as the extent to which people like (satisfaction) or dislike (dissatisfaction) their jobs The above definition suggests job satisfaction is a general or global affective reaction that individuals hold about their job. While researchers and practitioners most often measure global job satisfaction, there is also interest in measuring different facets or dimensions of satisfaction. Examination of these facets conditions is often useful for a more careful examination of employee satisfaction with critical job factors. Traditional job satisfaction facets include: co-workers, pay, job conditions, supervision, nature of the work and benefits. Job satisfaction, a workers sense of achievement and success, is generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal wellbeing. Job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing it well, and being suitably rewarded for ones efforts. Job satisfaction further implies enthusiasm and happiness with ones work.

Importance to Workers and Organisation

Frequently, work underlies self-esteem and identity while unemployment lowers selfworth and produces anxiety. At the same time, monotonous jobs can erode a workers initiative and enthusiasm and can lead to absenteeism and unnecessary turnover. Job satisfaction and occupational success are major factors in personal satisfaction, self-respect, self-esteem and self-development. To the worker, job satisfaction brings a pleasurable emotional state that often leads to a positive work attitude. A satisfied worker is more likely to be creative, flexible, innovative and loyal. For the organisation, job satisfaction of its workers means a work force that is motivated and committed to high quality performance. Increased productivity seems to be a by product of improved quality of working life. It is important to note that the literature on

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the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is neither conclusive nor consistent. However, studies dating back to 1957 have shown at least low correlation between high morale and high productivity and it does not seem logical that more satisfied workers will tend to add more value to an organisation. Unhappy employees, who are motivated by fear of job loss will not give 100% of their effort for a very long time. Though fear is a powerful motivator, it is also a temporary one, and as soon as the threat is lifted, performance will decline. Tangible ways in which job satisfaction benefits the organisation include reduction in complaints and grievances, absenteeism, turnover and termination as well as improved punctuality and work morale. Job satisfaction is also linked to a healthier work force and has been found to be a good indicator of longevity. And although only a little correlation has been found between job satisfaction and productivity, it is noted that satisfying or delighting employees is a prerequisite to satisfy or delight a customer. Take away my people, but leave my factories and soon grass will grow on the factory floors. Take away my factories, but leave my people and soon we will have a new and better factory Andrew Carnegie.

Creating Job satisfaction

How is job satisfaction created? What are the elements of a job that creates job satisfaction? Organisations can help to create a job satisfaction by putting systems in place that will ensure that workers are challenged and then rewarded for being successful. Organisations that aspire to creating a work environment that enhances job satisfaction needs to incorporate the following: Flexible work arrangements, possibly including telecommuting Training and other professional growth opportunities

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Interesting work that offers a variety and challenge Opportunity to use ones talent and to be creative Opportunities to take responsibility and direct ones own work A stable, secure work environment that includes job security /continuity An environment in which workers are supported by an accessible supervisor who provides timely feedback as well as congenial team members

Flexible benefits, such as child care and exercise facilities Up-to-date technology Competitive salary an opportunity for promotion The most important point to bear in mind when considering job satisfaction is that

there are many factors affecting job satisfaction and that what makes workers happy with their jobs varies from one worker to another and from day to day. Apart from the factors mentioned above, job satisfaction is also influenced by the employees personal characteristics, the managers personal characteristics and management style and the nature of the work itself. Managers who want to maintain a high level of job satisfaction in the workforce must try to understand the needs of each member of the workforce. For eg; when creating work teams, managers can enhance worker satisfaction by placing people with similar backgrounds, experiences or needs in the same workgroup. Managers also enhance job satisfaction by carefully matching workers with the type of work. For eg; a person does not pay attention to detail would hardly make a good inspector and a shy worker is unlikely to be a good salesperson. As much as possible, managers should match job tasks to employees personalities. Managers who are serious about the job satisfaction of workers can also take other deliberate steps to create a stimulating work environment. One such step is job enrichment. Job enrichment is a deliberate upgrading of responsibility, scope and challenge in the work
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itself. Job enrichment usually includes increased responsibility, recognition and opportunities for growth, learning and achievement. Good management has the potential for creating high morale, high productivity and a sense of purpose and meaning for the organisation and its employees. Empirical findings show that job characteristics such as pay, promotional opportunity, task clarity and significance and skills utilisation as well as organisational characteristics such as commitment and relationship with supervisors and co-workers have significant effects on job satisfaction. These job characteristics can be carefully managed to enhance job satisfaction. A worker who takes some responsibility for his or her job satisfaction will probably find many more satisfying elements in the work environment. Employees asks themselves the following questions: What did I look like? When I have come closest to expressing my full potential in a work situation? What aspects of workplace were most supportive? What aspects of the work itself were more satisfying? What did I learn that could be applied to the present situation?

Workers Roles in Job satisfaction

If job satisfaction is a worker benefit, surely the worker must be able to contribute to his or her own satisfaction and well-being on the job. The following suggestions can help a worker find personal job satisfaction: Seek opportunities to demonstrate skills and talents. This often leads to more challenging work and greater responsibilities, with attendant increase in pay and other recognition.
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Develop excellent communication skills. Employees value and reward excellent reading, listening, writing and speaking skills.

Know more. Acquire new job-related knowledge that helps you to perform tasks more effectively and efficiently. This will relieve boredom and often gets one noticed.

Demonstrate creatively and initiative. Qualities like these are valued by most organisations and often results in recognition as well as in increased responsibilities and rewards.

Develop teamwork and people skills. A large part of job success is the ability to work well with others to get the job done.

Accept the diversity in people. Accept people with their differences and their imperfections and learn how to give and receive criticism constructively.

See the value in your work. Appreciating the significance of what one does can lead to satisfaction with the work itself. This helps to give meaning to ones existence, thus playing a vital role in job satisfaction.

Learn to de-stress. Plan to avoid burnout by developing healthy stress-management techniques.

Assuring job satisfaction

Assuring job satisfaction over the long term requires careful planning and effort both by management and by workers. Creating a good blend of factors that contribute to a stimulating, challenging, supportive and rewarding work environment is vital. Thus job satisfaction is a product of the events and conditions that people experience on their jobs. It is rightly said that if the pleasures associated with ones job outweigh the pains, there is some level of job satisfaction.

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1.1 MEANING OF RESEARCH METHODOLOGY: The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making business decisions. Research Methodology is a way to find out the result of given problem on a specific matter or problem that is also referred as research problem. In methodology, researcher uses different criteria for solving/searching the given research problem. Different sources use different type of methods for solving the problem. 1.2 TYPE OF RESEARCH: Type of the research conducted is a descriptive research, in which the major objective is to identify and describe the level of satisfaction of employees at their workplace. 1.3 SCOPE OF STUDY: The scope of this research is to identify the buying behaviour of customers of Big Bazaar & Dmart. This research is based on primary data and secondary data. Due to time constraint only limited number of persons contacted. This study only focuses on Semi-urban buying behaviour of customers because the research is conducted in Kandivali area. The study does not say anything about rural buying behaviour of customer because rural norms/status/attitude & acceptance of the rural customers differs with urban customers. The scope of research is limited for semi urban area. It provides help to further the research for organized retail sector in semi urban area. It aims to understand the skill of the company in the area like technological advancement, competition in management. 1.4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY: 1. To find out the reasons why customers prefer Big Bazaar or Dmart. 2. To determine the current status of Big Bazaar & Dmart. 3. To find out the customers response towards Big Bazaar & Dmart. 4. To study the satisfaction level of customers in different attributes of Big Bazaar & Dmart. 5. To identify main competitors of Big Bazaar & Dmart.

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1.5 NEED OF THE STUDY The need of this research is to identify why customers prefer Big Bazaar or Dmart. It aims to understand the skill of the company in the area like technological advancement, competition in management. The study provides help to know the customers satisfaction with Big Bazaar or Dmart store. 1.6 DATA COLLECTION Research data can be collected in two ways, one by getting first hand information. Such type of a data collection is known as Primary Data. We can also collect data through news editorials, magazines or surfing through the internet. Collecting data in this way is called Secondary Data collection. I have made use of both primary as well as secondary data in my research project. PRIMARY DATA: The Primary Data was collected from the survey which involved meeting with consumers and getting a Questionnaire filled. SECONDARY DATA: Secondary data was collected mainly through the Internet, companies websites and the companys report. 1.7 HYPOTHESIS:
sIt is believed that even though India has opened its arms welcoming organised retailing, the traditional Kirana stores and are still making profits. This is because till date, people prefer buying small household things from the local kirana stores. Big Bazaar and Dmart are the two giants in the organised retail sector in India. People prefer going to Big Bazzar more than visiting Dmart.

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Review Of Literature

The literature survey conducted here includes the academic books and website. The study being conducted was to evaluate the effectiveness of recruitment and selection policy in relation with increasing attrition problem. Gui L, Barriball KL, While AE. 2nd Military Medical University, School of Nursing, Shanghai, PR China. Job satisfaction among nurses is of concern throughout the world but the satisfaction of nurse teachers has received less attention and no review of global research on the topic has been published. A comprehensive literature review (1976-2007) was undertaken from an international perspective (n=26 papers and 4 doctoral abstracts) to examine the state of knowledge about nurse teachers' job satisfaction over time. Coverage over the last 30 years was selected to examine if the level and contributing factors to nurse teachers' job satisfaction have changed during a time which has seen considerable developments and reorganization of nurse education as well as the role of nurse teachers. 1. Prasad L.M. Human resource management pp219-purpose and importance of Recruitment & selection can not be ignored as by this org. 2. Bhattacharyya Kumar Dipak, Human resource management Excel books pp166.-what is basically recruitment, its introduction, how to carry out recruitment.. 3. Dwivedi R.S. Managing Human Resource, Personnel Management (Indian enterprises, Galgotia publishing company, New delhi,1st edition, pp96-97 -what is a recruitment policy .what factors should be include while formulating.
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4. Rao V.S.P, Human Resource Management, Excel books,1st edition,pp151. Importance of tests while selecting the candidates for the job, as these tests help the interviewer to better judge the candidate his competency for the particular jobs. 5. Bernardin John H, Human Resource Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill publishing company ltd., New Delhi, pp 160-163.the effectiveness of selection method depends upon the reliability of the data, validity of the purpose & utility of the methods. 6. Gulati Ambika, Training and Management, vol3, aug07, pp18-19, Importance of recruitment function in an organisation. 7. Gulati Ambika, Training and Management, vol3, June 07,pp46-4 - changing role of Human Resource 8. Gulati Ambika, Training and Management,vol3 a single click for all recruitment solutions. 9. Rao Janardhan N, MBA Reviewmar07,pp33-37.-Paradigam shifts in human resources. 10. Kothari C.B. Research Methodology-Methods & Techniques, new age international research methodology

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Job satisfaction is an important aspect of any given company be it a corporate social body or any bank. Unless there is job satisfaction among the employees who are working in the organisation, it cannot succeed neither internally nor externally. Human life has become very complex and completed in now-a-days. In modern society the needs and requirements of the people are ever increasing and ever changing. When the people are ever increasing and ever changing, when the peoples needs are not fulfilled they become dissatisfied. Dissatisfied people are likely to contribute very little for any purpose. Job satisfaction of industrial workers us very important for the industry to function successfully. Apart from managerial and technical aspects, employers can be considered as backbone of any industrial development. To utilize their contribution they should be provided with good working conditions to boost their job satisfaction. Any business can achieve success and peace only when the problem of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of workers are felt understood and solved, problem of efficiency absenteeism labour turnover require a social skill of understanding human problems and dealing with them scientific investigation serves the purpose to solve the human problems in the industry. a) Pay. b) The work itself. c) Promotion d) The work group. e) Working condition. f) Supervision.

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PAY Wages do play a significant role in determining of satisfaction. Pay is instrumental in fulfilling so many needs. Money facilities the obtaining of food, shelter, and clothing and provides the means to enjoy valued leisure interest outside of work. Moreover, pay can serve as symbol of achievement and a source of recognition. Employees often see pay as a reflection of organization. Fringe benefits have not been found to have strong influence on job satisfaction as direct wages. THE WORK ITSELF Along with pay, the content of the work itself plays a very major role in determining how satisfied employees are with their jobs. By and large, workers want jobs that are challenging; they do want to be doing mindless jobs day after day. The two most important aspect of the work itself that influence job satisfaction are variety and control over work methods and work place. In general, job with a moderate amount of variety produce the most job satisfaction. Jobs with too little variety cause workers to feel bored and fatigue. Jobs with too much variety and stimulation cause workers to feel psychologically stressed and burnout. PROMOTION Promotional opportunities have a moderate impact on job satisfaction. A promotion to a higher level in an organization typically involves positive changes I supervision, job content and pay. Jobs that are at the higher level of an organization usually provide workers with more freedom, more challenging work assignments and high salary. SUPERVISION 1. Employee centered or consideration supervisors who establish a supportive personal relationship with subordinates and take a personal interest in them.
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2. The other dimension of supervisory style influence participation in decision making, employee who participates in decision that affect their job, display a much higher level of satisfaction with supervisor an the overall work situation. WORK GROUP Having friendly and co-operative co-workers is a modest source of job satisfaction to individual employees. The working groups also serve as a social support system of employees. People often used their co-workers as sounding board for their problem of as a source of comfort. WORK CONDITION The employees desire good working condition because they lead to greater physical comfort. The working conditions are important to employees because they can influence life outside of work. If people are require to work long hours and / or overtime, they will have very little felt for their families, friends and recreation outside work.


While analyzing the various determinants of job satisfaction, we have to keep in mind that: all individuals do no derive the same degree of satisfaction though they perform the same job in the same job environment and at the same time. Therefore, it appears that besides the nature of job and job environment, there are individual variables which affect job satisfaction. Thus, all those factors which provide a fit among individual variables, nature of job, and situational variables determine the degree of job satisfaction. Let us see what these factors are.

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INDIVIDUAL FACTORS Individuals have certain expectations from their jobs. If their expectations are met from the jobs, they feel satisfied. These expectations are based on an individuals level of education, age and other factors. LEVEL OF EDUCATION Level of education of an individual is a factor which determines the degree of job satisfaction. For example, several studies have found negative correlation between the level of education, particularly higher level of education, and job satisfaction. The possible reason for this phenomenon may be that highly educated persons have very high expectations from their jobs which remain unsatisfied. In their case, Peters principle which suggests that every individual tries to reach his level of incompetence, applies more quickly. AGE Individuals experience different degree of job satisfaction at different stages of their life. Job satisfaction is high at the initial stage, gets gradually reduced, starts rising upto certain stage, and finally dips to a low degree. The possible reasons for this phenomenon are like this. When individuals join an organization, they may have some unrealistic assumptions about what they are going to drive from their work. These assumptions make them more satisfied. However, when these assumptions fall short of reality, job satisfaction goes down. It starts rising again as the people start to assess the jobs in right perspective and correct their assumptions. At the last, particularly at the fag end of the career, job satisfaction goes down because of fear of retirement and future outcome. OTHER FACTORS Besides the above two factors, there are other individual factors which affect job satisfaction. If an individual does not have favourable social and family life, he may not feel
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happy at the workplace. Similarly, other personal problems associated with him may affect his level of job satisfaction. Personal problems associated with him may affect his level of job satisfaction. NATURE OF JOB Nature of job determines job satisfaction which is in the form of occupation level and job content. OCCUPATION LEVEL Higher level jobs provide more satisfaction as compared to lower levels. This happens because high level jobs carry prestige and status in the society which itself becomes source of satisfaction for the job holders. For example, professionals derive more satisfaction as compared to salaried people: factory workers are least satisfied. JOB CONTENT Job content refers to the intrinsic value of the job which depends on the requirement of skills for performing it, and the degree of responsibility and growth it offers. A higher content of these factors provides higher satisfaction. For example, a routine and repetitive lesser satisfaction; the degree of satisfaction progressively increases in job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment. SITUATIONAL VARIABLES Situational variables related to job satisfaction lie in organizational context formal and informal. Formal organization emerges out of the interaction of individuals in the organization. Some of the important factors which affect job important factors which affect job satisfaction are given below:

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1. Working conditions: Working conditions, particularly physical work environment, like conditions of workplace and associated facilities for performing the job determine job satisfaction. These work in two ways. First, these provide means job performance. Second, provision of these conditions affects the individuals perception about the organization. If these factors are favourable, individuals experience higher level of job satisfaction. 2. Supervision: The type of supervision affects job satisfaction as in each type of supervision; the degree of importance attached to individuals varies. In employee-oriented supervision, there is more concern for people which is perceived favourably by them and provides them more satisfaction. In job oriented supervision, there is more emphasis on the performance of the job and people become secondary. This situation decreases job satisfaction 3. Equitable rewards: The type of linkage that is provided between job performance and rewards determines the degree of job satisfaction. If the reward is perceived to be based on the job performance and equitable, it offers higher satisfaction. If the reward is perceived to be based on considerations other than the job performance, it affects job satisfaction adversely. 4. Opportunity: It is true that individuals seek satisfaction in their jobs in the context of job nature and work environment by they also attach importance to opportunities for promotion that these job offer. If the present job offers opportunity of promotion is lacking, it reduces satisfaction.

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6. Work group: Individuals work in group either created formally of they develop on their own to seek emotional satisfaction at the workplace. To the extent such groups are cohesive; the degree of satisfaction is high. If the group is not cohesive, job satisfaction is low. In a cohesive group, people derive satisfaction out of their interpersonal interaction and workplace becomes satisfying leading to job satisfaction.


Job satisfaction has a variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an individuals physical and mental health, productivity, absenteeism, and turnover. PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH The degree of job satisfaction affects an individuals physical and mental health. Since job satisfaction is a type of mental feeling, its favourableness or unfavourableness affects the individual psychologically which ultimately affects his physical health. For example, Lawler has pointed out that drug abuse, alcoholism and mental and physical health result from psychologically harmful jobs. Further, since a job is an important part of life, job satisfaction influences general life satisfaction. The result is that there is spillover effect which occurs in both directions between job and life satisfaction. PRODUCTIVITY There are two views about the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity: 1. A happy worker is a productive worker, 2. A happy worker is not necessarily a productive worker. The first view establishes a direct cause-effect relationship between job satisfaction and productivity; when job satisfaction increases, productivity increases; when satisfaction
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decreases, productivity decreases. The basic logic behind this is that a happy worker will put more efforts for job performance. However, this may not be true in all cases. For example, a worker having low expectations from his jobs may feel satisfied but he may not put his efforts more vigorously because of his low expectations from the job. Therefore, this view does not explain fully the complex relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. The view: That is a satisfied worker is not necessarily a productive worker explains the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. Various research studies also support this view. This relationship may be explained in terms of the operation of two factors: effect of job performance on satisfaction and organizational expectations from individuals for job performance. 1. Job performance leads to job satisfaction and not the other way round. The basic factor for this phenomenon is the rewards (a source of satisfaction) attached with performance. There are two types of rewards intrinsic and extrinsic. The intrinsic reward stems from the job itself which may be in the form of growth potential, challenging job, etc. The satisfaction on such a type of reward may help to increase productivity. The extrinsic reward is subject to control by management such as salary, bonus, etc. Any increase in these factors does not help to increase productivity though these factors increase job satisfaction. 3. A happy worker does not necessarily contribute to higher productivity because he has to operate under certain technological constraints and, therefore, he cannot go beyond certain output. Further, this constraint affects the managements expectations from the individual in the form of lower output. Thus, the work situation is pegged to minimally acceptable level of performance. However, it does not mean that the job satisfaction has no impact o productivity. A satisfied worker may not necessarily lead to increased productivity but a dissatisfied worker leads to lower productivity.

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2.3 THE RELATION BETWEEN PERFORMANCE AND SATISFACTION ABSENTEEISM Absenteeism refers to the frequency of absence of job holder from the workplace either unexcused absence due to some avoidable reasons or long absence due to some unavoidable reasons. It is the former type of absence which is a matter of concern. This absence is due to lack of satisfaction from the job which produces a lack of will to work and alienate a worker form work as for as possible. Thus, job satisfaction is related to absenteeism. EMPLOYEE TURNOVER Turnover of employees is the rate at which employees leave the organization within a given period of time. When an individual feels dissatisfaction in the organization, he tries to overcome this through the various ways of defence mechanism. If he is not able to do so, he opts to leave the organization. Thus, in general case, employee turnover is related to job satisfaction. However, job satisfaction is not the only cause of employee turnover, the other cause being better opportunity elsewhere.


The importance to the study of job satisfaction level is very important for executives. Job satisfaction study importance can be understood by the answer of the following question 1) Is there room for improvement? 2) Who is relatively more dissatisfied? 3) What contributes to the employee satisfaction? 4) What are the effects of negative employee attitudes?

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Job satisfaction surveys can produce positive, neutral or negative results. If planned properly and administered, they will usually produce a number of important benefits, such as1. It gives management an indication of general levels of satisfaction in a company. Surveys also indicate specific areas of satisfaction or dissatisfaction as compared to employee services and particular group of employee. 2. It leads to valuable communication brought by a job satisfaction survey. Communication flow in all direction as people plan the survey, take it and discuss the result. Upward communication is especially fruitful when employee are encouraged to comment about what is on their minds instead of merely answering questions about topics important to management. 3. As a survey is safety value, an emotional release. A chance to things gets off. The survey is an intangible expression of managements interest in employee welfare, which gives employees a reason to feel better towards management. 4. Job satisfaction surveys are a useful way to determine certain training needs. 5. Job satisfaction surveys are useful for identifying problem that may arise, comparing the response to several alternatives and encouraging manager to modify their original plans. Follow up surveys allows management to evaluate the actual response to a change and study its success or failure.

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As a part of my research where my objective is to find out why people are dissatisfied with their job, I have collected primary data from the employees of one of the most reputed banks in India Kotak Mahindra Bank.

Kotak Mahindra old mutual life insurance ltd. is a joint venture between Kotak Mahindra banks Ltd.? And old mutual plc. At Kotak life insurance, we aim to help customers to take financial Decisions at every stage in life by offering them a wide range of innovative life insurance Products, to make them financial independent. Established in 1984, the Kotak Mahindra Group has long been one of Indias most reputed organizations in the financial services domain. Kotak Mahindra Group is committed for providing high quality financial products, services and support to its customers; and is structured in different businesses like Banking, Life Insurance, Mutual Funds, Car Finance, Securities and Institutional equities. Kotak Bank employees around 9700 people in its various business and has distribution networks worldwide.

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1] Have you been promoted in the past few years?

strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: The survey shows only 5 % strongly agree and 20 % agree that they were offered promotion in the past few years. Rest others disagree to this point. Thus we see, the bank hasnt approached more number of people for promotion. This is not a justified approach especially if the bank wants to retain its employees.

2] Do you spend parts of your day daydreaming about a better job?

strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: The survey confirms that about 60 % of the people strongly agree to the fact that they daydream about a new and a better job. Only 10 % of the people disagree to this. This shows that most of the people spend their time thinking that they would want to work in a company better than Kotak.

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3] Do you find much of your job repetitive and boring?

strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: The survey shows that about 85% of the people say that they are bored with the same repetitive and monotonous job and only 5% disagree to this. Repetitive work may lead to disinterest among the employees. Disinterest in the job will lead to job dissatisfaction among the employees.

4] Are you mentally and/or physically exhausted at the end of a day at work?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey 75% of the people of the bank are either mentally or physically exhausted after their days work. Only a few say about 5% disagree to it. This shows the work environment in the bank is such that people who are working gets physically or mentally exhausted. This will increase the amount of stress and job dissatisfaction.

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5] Do you feel that your job has little impact on the success of the company?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree

ANALYSIS: The survey shows that only 10% of the employees disagree that their job does not create any impact on the company. A majority of 80 % employees constantly feel that their work is monotonous and does not really contribute to the success of the company. The manager should give a more productive work to the employees and should make sure that their efforts are being rewarded or atleast recognised by the company. If the efforts are not recognised by the company, chances are the employees will be dissatisfied and may leave the company.

6] Do you have an increasing bad attitude towards your job, boss & subordinates?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, 40% of the employees strongly agree and 30% agree that during their course of job, they have an increasing bad attitude towards their job, towards their boss and also their subordinates. We also see that 20% disagree with this. Thus we see that due to dissatisfaction towards their job, employees tend to have a negative attitude not only towards the job but also towards all those people related to their jobs.
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7] Are you given the resources that you need to successfully do your job?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, not many people agree with the point that they do not get useful resources from the company. In fact according to the employees, they do get resources from the company to successfully complete their jobs. However, meeting resources alone will not help. The company has to give the authority to utilise the resources. If authority to utilise the resources are not given, there exists job dissatisfaction.

8] Are you being used to your full capabilities?

strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, 50% of the employees think that the company is not using them to their full capabilities. While the rest of 50% think that they are being used as per their capabilities. This shows that the company does not give each one of them a chance to prove them. If this would happen, the talents and capabilities of each of the employees would have been utilised to the full extent.

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9] Do you share a cordial relation with your manager?

strongly agree agree neither agree nor diagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, about 40% of the employees of the bank say that their they share cordial relations with their managers. While the rest of 60% disagree to this point. This shows employees are not satisfied with the relationship that they share with their managers. The employees are not rewarded and are not even recognised in the organisation. This may lead to job satisfaction as the amount of hard work that they put in to achieve targets are not noticed.

10] Do you feel as though your boss or your subordinates have let you down?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, very few people about 25% do not agree with the above fact. They dont have the feeling that their boss has let them down in any away. Well this is a good sign by the company and will lead to job satisfaction among the employees. More than 50% of the employees do not feel that their boss and their subordinates have let them down.

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11] Do you feel overloaded and overburdened?

strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, about 75% of the people agree that they are overburdened and overloaded with their job duties and responsibilities. 25% employees disagree to this point that they are not overburdened with their jobs. The manager should make sure that the capabilities of the employees are fully utilised. However, they should not overburden the employees with responsibilities as it may lead to stress and thereby job dissatisfaction.

12] Do you feel that you are frequently stressed out at work?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, 70% of the people agree that they are frequently stressed out at work. 25% of the employees disagree with this. This shows the company overburden its employees with responsibilities which might lead to stressful situations and thus job dissatisfaction.
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13] Do you wait for weekends and holidays that keeps you away from my job?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, 90% of the employees wait for weekends and days off from their jobs. Only a few employees say 10% do not agree to this statement. This shows that satisfaction level of employees have reduced considerably as they no longer feel like working or even being in the office.

14] Do you find yourself negatively comparing your situation with your peers?

strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to this survey, 50% of the employees disagree to the point that they negatively compare themselves with their peers. Only 35% of the employees agree to this. This shows that even though the satisfaction level is not very high within the employees, they do not find themselves negatively comparing themselves with people around them.

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15] Do you feel that your bad days at work outweigh the good ones?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: As per the survey conducted, 35% of the employees strongly agree and 30% of the employees agree to that their bad days at work outweigh the good ones. 25% of the employees disagree with this statement. This shows that the employees are not happy and satisfied with the working of the company and the environment of the company leading to lower level of satisfaction among the employees.

16] Do you often experience a sensation of time standing still when you are at work?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, 50% of the employees strongly agree to the point that when at work the time just does not pass. 20% of the employees neither agree nor disagree and the rest 30% disagree to it. This shows that people often tend to get so stressed out that they feel time is not running at all.

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17] Do you feel that your employer has broken promises made to you about your future in the organisation?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey only 20% of the employees agree that promises made by the organisation and the employer are broken. Rest 70% totally disagree that promises made are broken. This shows that even though satisfaction level has gown down considerably, employees still have a trust on the organisation that it will benefit them in some way and promises made for a sparkling future will be intact.

18] Do you think that you have lost sight of your career goals and aspirations?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, 40% of the employees feel that their career goals and aspirations in life have disappeared in the midst of the achieving organisational goals. While the rest 60% completely disagree with it. They do not feel that their career goals are different from organisational goals and hence are satisfied to some extent.

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19] Do you find the working hours convenient?

strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, only 30% employees are satisfied with the working hours of the bank. The rest 70% totally disagree that working hours of the company are convenient. The manager is responsible for this dissatisfaction. He should take care that the working hours of the employees are not exceeded to the extent of causing dissatisfaction among the employees.

20] Are you satisfied with the break time you get to relax yourself?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, only 20% employees agree that they are happy with the break time that they get. The rest of 70% employees totally disagree that the break time that they get is sufficient for them to relax a bit. Employees complain that sometimes the workload is so much that they do even get any break. This will reduce the level of satisfaction among the employees to great extent.

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21] Are you satisfied with the vehicle parking provided to you?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor dissagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, only 25% of the employees agree that the vehicle parking given to them is sufficient to them. While the rest of 70% disagree that the vehicle parking is not at all convenient and sufficient. Most of the people now-a-days prefer to use their own vehicle and avoid the public transport. The company should make sure there is enough parking spaces for its employees. 22] Are you satisfied by the allowances paid by the company?
strongly agree agree neither agree nor disagree disagree strongly disagree

ANALYSIS: According to the survey, 40% of the employees agree that the allowances paid by the company are enough and that they are satisfied with it. However the rest of 50% employees disagree that the allowances paid by the company are not sufficient. The company should understand that employees are motivated to work not only by the monetary factors but also by non-monetary factors which includes allowances.

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From the study, it is known that most of the respondents have job satisfaction; the management has taken the best efforts to maintain cordial relationship with the employees. Due to the working conditions prevailing in this company, job satisfaction of each respondent seems to be the maximum. The respondents are satisfied with the environment and nature of work factors. The respondents relationship with the superiors and colleagues are quite good. The Respondents are not provided with proper welfare facilities. The communication and motivation of employees by their superiors in this organization is reasonable. The Pay and promotion activities in this organization are also good. The Respondents are overall satisfied with their job The Parking facilities provided by the organization are not good thats why most respondents disagree with this question. The refreshment facilities are also need to be improved Employees are not completely satisfied with their job although their salary is good enough. Employees are not getting value to their work. Most of employees think that they are not on their actual path. Most of the employees think that the organization hasnt fulfilled their promises, what they do in beginning especially regarding Promotion. There is negatively comparison between peers especially regarding targets. They often feel overworked.
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