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Experiment: To verify relation T=2/(l/g) for a simple pendulum. Q1. efine !i"ration. #rite differen$e "et%een vi"ration and os$illation.

Experiment: To verify relation T=2/(l/g) for a simple pendulum. Q1. Explain follo%ing terms %it& referen$e to vi"ration: 1. 'atural fre(uen$y 2. )esonan$e *. Time period +. egree of freedom

Experiment: To verify relation T=2/(l/g) for a simple pendulum. Q1. #&at is t&e role of damping and explain different types of damping.

Experiment: To determine radius of gyration of $ompound pendulum. Q1. Explain linear and non,linear vi"ration %it& neat s-et$&es and examples.

Experiment: To determine radius of gyration of $ompound pendulum. Q1. efine %it& neat s-et$&es. 1. .ingle degree of freedom 2. T%o degree of freedom.

Experiment: To determine radius of gyration of $ompound pendulum. Q1. Explain $riti$al/ over,damped/ under,damped system of vi"ration.

Experiment: To determine radius of gyration of given "ar "y using "ifilar suspension.
Q1. Explain torsional/ longitudinal and lateral vi"ration.

Experiment: To determine radius of gyration of given "ar "y using "ifilar suspension. Q1. Explain free vi"ration of single degree of freedom system/ %it& t&e &elp of diagram.

Experiment: To determine radius of gyration of given "ar "y using "ifilar suspension. Q1. #&at is &armoni$ally ex$ited vi"ration0 #rite t&e e(uation of damped spring mass system %it& s-et$&.

Experiment: To determine natural fre(uen$y of a spring mass system. Q1. Explain undamped free vi"ration. 1lso %rite governing e(uation for t&e same.

Experiment: To determine natural fre(uen$y of a spring mass system. Q1. Explain undamped for$ed vi"ration. 1lso %rite governing e(uation for t&e same.

Experiment: To determine natural fre(uen$y of a spring mass system. Q1. 2lassify different types of vi"ration systems.

Experiment: To determine natural fre(uen$y of free torsional vi"rations of single rotor system. a. 3ori4ontal rotor Q1. #&at is e(uivalent stiffness of spring $om"inations0 5ive expression for: a. .prings in parallel ". .prings in series

SET 14
Experiment: To determine natural fre(uen$y of free torsional vi"rations of single rotor system. a. 3ori4ontal rotor Q1. 'ame t&e different types of damping. Explain any 2 %it& diagrams.

Experiment: To determine natural fre(uen$y of free torsional vi"rations of single rotor system. a. 3ori4ontal rotor Q1. #rite differential e(uation of damped free vi"ration. #&at do you mean "y $riti$al damping $onstant and damping ratio0

Experiment: To verify un-erley6s rule. Q1. Explain over damped system/ $riti$ally damped system and under,damped system %it& grap&.

Experiment: To verify un-erley6s rule. Q1. Explain for$ed vi"ration. #rite e(uation of motion %it& &armoni$ for$e and explain t&e signifi$an$e of t&e same.

Experiment: To verify un-erley6s rule. Q1. Explain vi"ration isolation %it& example and diagram.

Experiment: .tudy of free damped torsional vi"ration to performing t&e experiment to find out damping $o,effi$ient. Q1. Explain transmissi"ility %it& example and diagram.

SET 20
Experiment: .tudy of free damped torsional vi"ration to performing t&e experiment to find out damping $o,effi$ient. Q1. Explain vi"ration a"sor"er %it& example and diagram.

SET 21
Experiment: .tudy of free damped torsional vi"ration to performing t&e experiment to find out damping $o,effi$ient. Q1. Explain vi"rometer and a$$elerometer %it& example and diagram.

SET 22
Experiment: To $ondu$t experiment of trifler suspension. Q1. Explain $ontinuous system in $ontext to vi"ration. 1lso give example and dra% diagram(s).

SET 23
Experiment: To $ondu$t experiment of trifler suspension. Q1. ifferentiate "et%een linear and non,linear vi"rations/ %it& examples and neat s-et$&(s).

SET 24
Experiment: To $ondu$t experiment of trifler suspension. Q1. efine: 1. 7ongitudinal vi"ration of "ar or rod 2. Torsional vi"ration of a s&aft or rod

SET 25
Experiment: To $ondu$t experiment of trifler suspension. Q1. efine: 1. 7ateral vi"ration of "eams 2. transverse vi"ration of a string or $a"le

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