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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt.

William Morgan


BY ONE O T!E RATERNIT" W#o #as $%&ot%$ T#irty "%ars to t#% Sub'%(t
"God said, Let there be Light, and there was Light."

Copyright Secured.

Printed for the Proprietor, 1827. CAPT. WM. MORGAN'S


Republished with the addition of engravings, showing the Lodge-room Signs, Grips and Masonic Emblems.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

Northern District of New York to wit, -E IT REMEM-ERE./ T#at on t#% fourt%%nt# $ay of August/ in t#% fifty0first y%ar of t#% In$%p%n$%n(% of t#% Unit%$ Stat%s of Am%ri(a/ A... *+12/ William Morgan/ of t#% sai$ $istri(t/ #at# $%posit%$ in t#is offi(% t#% titl% of a boo3/ t#% rig#t 4#%r%of #% (laims as aut#or/ in t#% 4or$s follo4ing/ to 4it, 5Illustrations of Masonry/ by on% of t#% frat%rnity 4#o #as $%&ot%$ t#irty y%ars to t#% sub'%(t. 67o$ sai$/ L%t t#%r% b% lig#t/ an$ t#%r% 4as lig#t.65 In (onformity to t#% a(t of Congr%ss of t#% Unit%$ Stat%s/ %ntitl%$ 5An a(t for t#% %n(ourag%m%nt of l%arning/ by s%(uring t#% (opi%s of maps/ (#arts an$ boo3s/ to t#% aut#ors an$ propri%tors of su(# (opi%s/ $uring t#% tim% t#%r%in m%ntion%$/5 an$ also to t#% a(t %ntitl%$ 5An a(t suppl%m%ntary to t#% a(t %ntitl%$ 5An a(t for t#% %n(ourag%m%nt of l%arning/ by s%(uring t#% (opi%s of maps/ (#arts an$ boo3s/ to t#% aut#ors an$ propri%tors of su(# (opi%s/ $uring t#% tim% t#%r%in m%ntion%$/6 an$ %8t%n$ing t#% b%n%fits t#%r%of to t#% arts of $%signing/ %ngra&ing/ an$ %t(#ing #istori(al an$ ot#%r prints.5 R.R. LANSIN7/ Clerk of the Northern District of N.Y.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

9WRITTEN OR T!E ORI7INAL E.ITION. -y t#% )ublis#%r/ Col. .a&i$ C. Mill%r/ -ata&ia/ N.".: In t#% abs%n(% of t#% aut#or/ or rat#%r (ompil%r of t#% follo4ing 4or3/ 4#o 4as 3i$napp%$ an$ (arri%$ a4ay from t#% &illag% of -ata&ia/ on t#% **t# $ay of S%pt%mb%r/ *+12/ by a numb%r of r%%masons/ it $%&ol&%s upon t#% publis#%r to att%mpt to s%t fort# som% of t#% l%a$ing &i%4s t#at go&%rn%$ t#os% 4#o %mbar3%$ in t#% un$%rta3ing. To (ont%n$ 4it# pr%'u$i(%/ an$ to struggl% against (ustoms an$ opinions/ 4#i(# sup%rstition/ tim%/ an$ ignoran(% #a&% #allo4%$/ r%;uir%s tim%/ pati%n(%/ an$ magnanimity. W#%n 4% b%gin to pull $o4n t#% strong#ol$s of %rror/ t#% batt%ri%s 4% l%&%l against t#%m/ t#oug# strong/ an$ po4%rful< an$ &i(torious at last/ ar% at first r%(%i&%$ 4it# &iol%n(%< an$ 4#%n in our (on;u%ring (ar%%r 4% m%%t 4it# s(offs an$ r%&ilings from t#% b%s%ig%$ partisans of unt%nabl% positions/ it t#% mor% for(ibly impr%ss%s us 4% ar% but m%n< an$ t#at in %&%ry 4or3 of r%formation an$ r%no&ation 4% must %n(ount%r &arious $iffi(ulti%s. or a full (onfirmation of our stat%m%nt 4% mig#t r%f%r to t#% #istory of t#% 4orl$. It is not our int%ntion/ #o4%&%r/ to gi&% a full $%tail of t#% 4#ims an$ (apri(%s of man to bring fort# t#% #istori( r%(or$s of ot#%r y%ars as proof of t#% 4in$ings an$ s#iftings of t#% &arious (#ara(t%rs 4#o #a&% 5Strutt%$ t#%ir bri%f #our on lif%6s stag%5 in or$%r to (on&in(% t#at (ustoms/ asso(iations/ an$ institutions ar% li3% t#% li&%s of t#% aut#ors an$ ab%ttors/ fl%%ting an$ fragil%. Many of t#%m ris% up as bubbl%s on t#% o(%an/ an$ $i% a4ay. Cir(umstan(%s gi&% t#%m %8ist%n(%/ an$ 4#%n t#%s% (aus%s (%as% to %8ist/ t#%y go into t#% sam% gulf of obli&ion as (ountl%ss %8plo$%$ opinions an$ t%n%ts #a&% gon% b%for% t#%m. T#% min$ t#at form%$ an$ plann%$ t#%m/ go%s on in its $a==ling flig#t/ boun$ing o&%r barri%r aft%r barri%r/ till it #as arri&%$ at t#% ultimat% goal of (onsummation. T#% $aily o((urr%n(%s b%for% us bring fort# t#% full (on&i(tion t#at t#% %manation from t#% 7o$ of lig#t is gra$ually as(%n$ing to r%gions of gr%at%r int%ll%(tual brillian(y. W#%n 4% &i%4 man/ in t#% infan(y of so(i%ty/ as in t#% (#il$#oo$ of #is %8ist%n(%/ #% is 4%a3/ po4%rl%ss an$ $%f%n(%l%ss< but in #is man#oo$ an$ rip%r y%ars/ #% #as gro4n to #is full statur%/ an$ stan$s fort# in (omman$ing attitu$%/ t#% fa&or%$ an$ a(3no4l%$g%$ lor$ of t#% 4orl$. or #is (omfort an$ 4%ll0b%ing as a m%mb%r of so(i%ty/ rul%s an$ r%gulations ar% n%(%ssary. In t#% &arious stag%s of #is progr%ss/ t#%s% syst%mati( impro&%m%nts un$%rgo &arious (#ang%s/ a((or$ing to (ir(umstan(%s an$ situations. W#at is prop%r an$ n%(%ssary in on% gra$% of so(i%ty/ is 4#olly us%l%ss/ an$ may b% alarming in anot#%r. Opinions an$ usag%s t#at go $o4n in tra$ition/ an$ int%rf%r% not 4it# our impro&%m%nts in so(ial (on(%rns/ a$#%r% to us mor% (los%ly an$ b%(om% %nt4in%$ in all our f%%lings. It is to t#is 4% o4% our bigot%$ atta(#m%nt to anti;uity it is t#is t#at $%man$s from us a sup%rstitious r%&%r%n(% for t#% opinions an$ pra(ti(%s of m%n of form%r tim%s/ an$ (los%s t#% %ar against trut#/ an$ blin$s t#% %y%s to t#% glar% of n%4 lig#ts an$ n%4 a((%ssions of 3no4l%$g% t#roug# 4#i(# m%$ium only (an t#%y br%a3 in upon t#% min$. W% #a&% 4it#in ours%l&%s t#% 3no4l%$g%< an$ %&%ry4#%r% aroun$ us t#% proofs t#at 4% ar% b%ings $%stin%$ not to stan$ still. In our pr%s%nt stat% of a$&an(%m%nt/ 4% loo3 4it# pity on t#% small progr%ss of our fat#%rs in arts an$ s(i%n(%s/ an$ so(ial institutions< an$ 4#%n (ompar%$ 4it# our %l%&at%$ ran3/ 4% #a&% 'ust (aus% of pri$% an$ of grat%ful f%%lings.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan T#%y $i$ 4%ll for t#% tim%s in 4#i(# t#%y li&%$/ but to t#% ultimatum of p%rf%(tability 4% ar% n%ar%r/ an$ in t#% monum%nts 4% #a&% b%for% us of t#% s3ill an$ g%nius of our tim%s an$ ag%/ 4% #a&% only fulfill%$ t#%s% $%stini%s for 4#i(# 4% 4%r% (r%at%$< an$ 4% ob'%(t to %&%ry obsta(l% t#at oppos%s or att%mpts to oppos% t#% 4ill of #%a&%n. In t#% pr%s%nt %nlig#t%n%$ stat% to 4#i(# so(i%ty #as a$&an(%$/ 4% (ont%n$ t#at t#% opinions an$ t%n%ts an$ pr%t%n$%$ s%(r%(i%s of 5ol$%n tim%s/5 #an$%$ $o4n to us/ s#oul$ b% fully/ fairly an$ fr%%ly (an&ass%$< t#at from t#% mist an$ $ar3n%ss 4#i(# #a&% #ung o&%r t#%m/ t#%y s#oul$ (om% out b%for% t#% op%n lig#t of $ay/ an$ b% sub'%(t to t#% rigi$ t%st of (an$i$ in&%stigation. T#%s%/ pr%liminary r%mar3s l%a$ as to t#% main ob'%(t of our intro$u(tion. W% (om% to lay b%for% t#% 4orl$ t#% (laims of an institution 4#i(# #as b%%n san(tion%$ by ag%s/ &%n%rat%$ for 4is$om/ %8alt%$ for 5lig#t<5 but/ an institution 4#os% b%n%fits #a&% al4ays b%%n o&%rrat%$/ an$ 4#os% (ontinuan(% is not in t#% slig#t%st $%gr%%/ n%(%ssary. W% m%%t it 4it# its #ig# r%;uir%m%nts/ its 5tim% #onor%$ (ustoms/5 its s4%lling titl%s/ an$ s#all s#o4 it in its na3%$n%ss an$ simpli(ity. Strip it of its 5borro4%$ trappings5 an$ it is a m%r% not#ing/ a toy not no4 4ort#y t#% noti(% of a (#il$ to sport 4it#. W% loo3 ba(3 to it as/ at on% p%rio$/ a 5(%m%nt of so(i%ty an$ bon$ of union5 4% &i%4 it as/ at on% tim%/ a &%n%rabl% fort but no4 in ruins 4#i(# (ontain%$ 4it#in its 4alls many t#ings t#at $ignifi%$ an$ a$orn%$ #uman natur%. W% gi&% it $u% (r%$it for t#% s%r&i(%s it #as $on%< but at pr%s%nt 4#%n lig#t #as gon% abroa$ into t#% utmost r%(%ss%s an$ (orn%rs of t#% 4orl$00 4#%n information is s(att%r%$ 4i$% aroun$ us/ an$ 3no4l%$g% is not (los%t%$ in (loist%rs an$ (%lls but 5stal3s abroa$ 4it# #%r b%ams of lig#t/ an$ #%r #onors an$ r%4ar$s/5 4% may no4/ 4#%n our minority #as %8pir%$/ a(t up to our (#ara(t%r an$ loo3 no long%r to Masonry as our gui$% an$ (on$u(tor< it #as not#ing in it no4 &aluabl% t#at is not 3no4n to %&%ry in;uiring min$. It (ontains/ 4rapp%$ up in its suppos%$ myst%ri%s/ no us%ful trut#/ no n%(%ssary 3no4l%$g% t#at #as not gon% fort# to t#% 4orl$ t#roug# ot#%r (#ann%ls an$ by ot#%r m%ans. If 4% 4oul$ #a&% a 3no4l%$g% of sa(r%$ #istory of t#% r%ligion an$ pra(ti(%s of t#% ?%4s/ an$ t#% t%rms an$ t%(#ni(aliti%s of t#% Mosai( institutions/ 4% (an #a&% r%(ours% to t#% -ibl%. If 4% 4is# furt#%r (ommuni(ations from #%a&%n/ 4% #a&% op%n to our &i%4 t#% pag%s of t#% N%4 T%stam%nt. If 4% 4oul$ 5(limb t#% #ig# as(%nt of #uman s(i%n(%/ an$ tra(% t#% mig#ty progr%ss of #uman g%nius in %&%ry giganti( %ffort of min$ in logi(/ g%om%try/ mat#%mati(s/ (#%mistry/ an$ %&%ry ot#%r bran(# of 3no4l%$g%/5 4% ri$i(ul% t#% i$%a t#at Masonry/ in #%r r%tir%m%nts/ (ontains t#% arts an$ s(i%n(%s. T#% stur$i%st Mason in t#% 4#ol% frat%rnity is not bol$ %noug# to up#ol$ or maintain t#% opinion for on% mom%nt in sob%r r%ality. T#% origin of t#% institution is %asily tra(%$ to t#% ru$% ag%s of t#% 4orl$ to a bo$y of m%(#ani(s/ or a (orporation of op%rati&% 4or3m%n/ 4#o form%$ signs an$ r%gulations/ t#% mor% %asily to (arry on t#%ir 4or3/ an$ to prot%(t t#%ir or$%r. @T#% &%ry obligations sol%mnly t%n$%r%$ to %&%ry m%mb%r/ (arry t#% strong%st int%rnal %&i$%n(% of t#% s%mi0barbarity t#at pr%&ail%$ at t#% tim% of t#% institution of t#% or$%r/A In t#% (ours% of tim%/ as so(i%ty in(r%as%$/ an$ 3no4l%$g% b%(am% mor% g%n%ral/ it spr%a$/ an$ %mbra(ing in its grasp ot#%r ob'%(ts t#an at first/ it %nroll%$ in its ran3s m%n of t#% first r%sp%(tability in 4%alt#/ tal%nts an$ 4ort#. -ut t#at t#%r% is anyt#ing intrinsi(ally &aluabl% in t#% signs/ symbols/ or 4or$s of Masonry/ no man of s%ns% 4ill (ont%n$. T#at t#%r% is not any #i$$%n s%(r%t 4#i(# op%rat%s as a talismani( (#arm on its poss%ssors/ %&%ry man of int%llig%n(%/ Mason or no Mason/ must (an$i$ly a(3no4l%$g%. It is 4ors% t#an

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan i$l%n%ss for t#% $%f%n$%rs of t#% or$%r/ at t#% pr%s%nt $ay to %ntr%n(# t#%ms%l&%s b%#in$ t#%ir out4ar$ s#o4 t#% s%mblan(% b%for% t#% 4orl$ an$ to say t#%y ar% in poss%ssion of sup%rior 3no4l%$g%. W% pr%t%n$ not to a(t un$%r a (o&%r. W% s#all 5t%ll t#% trut#/ t#% 4#ol% trut#/ an$ not#ing but t#% trut#.5 Masonry/ it is tru%/ #as long b%%n %ulogi=%$ in song it #as form%$ t#% burt#%n of t#% po%t6s t#%m%/ an$ b%%n t#% sub'%(t of t#% orator6s b%st p%rforman(%s. an(y #as b%%n almost %8#aust%$ in bringing out 5n%4 flo4%rs to $%(3 t#% fairy ;u%%n<5 but 4#%n 4% (om% b%#in$ t#% s(%n%s/ 4#at is t#% pi(tur% 4% b%#ol$C Ar% 4% to r%st satisfi%$ 4it# t#% ipse dixit of ot#%rs/ or to %8amin% t#% trut# for ours%l&%sC T#% tou(#ston% is b%for% our r%a$%rs in t#% pr%s%nt publi(ation. Masonry is of its%lf na3%$ an$ 4ort#l%ss. It (onsists of gl%anings from t#% !oly S(riptur%s/ an$ from t#% arts an$ s(i%n(%s/ 4#i(# #a&% s#on% in t#% 4orl$. Lin3ing its%lf 4it# p#ilosop#y an$ s(i%n(% an$ r%ligion/ on t#is it r%sts all its (laims to &%n%ration an$ r%sp%(t. Ta3% a4ay t#is borro4%$ ai$/ an$ it falls into ruins. Mu(# 4%ig#t is still atta(#%$ to t#% argum%nt/ t#at as a ti% uniting m%n t#at/ as a signifi(ant sp%%(#/ symboli(ally sp%a3ing %&%ry languag%/ an$ at t#% sam% tim% %mbo$ying in its (onstitution %&%ryt#ing t#at is &aluabl%/ it s#oul$ (omman$ r%sp%(t. W% m%%t t#is argum%nt 4it# fa(ts t#at (annot b% (ontro&%rt%$. W% put it on a basis t#at 4ill fling into t#% ba(3 groun$ %&%ry ;uibbl% an$ artifi(% on t#% sub'%(t< an$/ in t#% languag% of a pol%mi( 4rit%r/ 4% (#all%ng% opposition to our position. T#% r%ligion in(ul(at%$ by t#% Son of Man $o%s all t#is< an$ in no possibl% situation (an man b% pla(%$/ t#at t#% b%nign influ%n(% of C#ristianity $o%s not (ompl%t%ly sup%rs%$% t#% us% of a m%r% #uman institution. )la(% a brot#%r in a $%s%rt/ unfri%n$%$ an$ un3o4n/ l%a&% #im in a 4il$%rn%ss 4#%r% #uman footst%ps n%&%r print%$ t#% groun$/ t#% .i&in% -%n%fa(tor is at #is si$%/ an$ 4at(#%s o&%r #im 4it# par%ntal gui$an(%. L%t #im b% $ri&%n on a barbarous (oast/ in t#% mi$st of sa&ag% m%n/ an$ t#%r% it is t#at t#% br%at#ings of t#% $i&in% influ%n(% spr%a$s aroun$ #im its s#i%l$/ brings #im into (i&ili=%$ so(i%ty in t#% busy 4al3s of m%n an$ ar% 4% to b% tol$/ as m%mb%rs of (ommunity/ so'ourn%rs on %art#/ an$ (an$i$at%s for #%a&%n/ 4% must b% taug#t our $uty at a Mason6s lo$g%C W#%r%&%r Masonry %8%r(is%s its influ%n(% 4it# su((%ss/ t#%r% C#ristianity (an #a&%/ or s#oul$ #a&% a mor% po4%rful %ff%(t. W#%n%&%r Masonry (laims 53in$r%$ 4it# t#% s3i%s/5 an$ %8alts #%rs%lf abo&% %&%ry li&ing sublunary t#ing/ t#%n/ 4it# an un#allo4%$ st%p/ it obtru$%s on t#% sa(r%$ bor$%rs of r%ligion/ an$ $%(3s its%lf in borro4%$ garm%nts. Entr%n(#%$ 4it#in t#%s% strong 4alls $%(3%$ 4it# all t#% glitt%r of #ig# soun$ing prof%ssions/ (laiming 4#at $o%s not b%long to it/ it $a==l%s 5but to b%4il$%r an$ $%stroy.5 In its train/ in t#%s% Unit%$ Stat%s/ ar% %nroll%$ many p%rio$i(al 4or3s $%&ot%$ to Masonry< an$ un$%r t#% guis% of patroni=ing m%(#ani(s t#% arts an$ s(i%n(%s l%n$ t#%ir ai$ to (arry on t#% imposing $%lusion. T#%y ta3% up t#% sp%(ious titl% of t#ro4ing a littl% illumination on t#is b%nig#t%$ (ountry/ from t#%ir s%(r%t $%positori%s. Arrogating to its%lf 4#at s#oul$ $%(3 ot#%r6s bro4s assuming to b% t#% parton/ t#% lif% an$ soul of all t#at is gr%at an$ &aluabl% it $%(%i&%s many of its &otari%s/ an$ from its gaudy pr%mis%s t#% most unt%nabl% an$ on%rous (on(lusions ar% $ra4n. Ar% 4% astonis#%$ at t#% 4il$ an$ #%%$l%ss mann%r in 4#i(# many of t#% &otari%s of Masonry rus# into %&%ry %8(%ss/ putting at $%fian(% t#% la4s of our (i&il institutions/ 4#i(#

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan suff%r no on% to put in '%opar$y/ but by $u% forms/ an$ $isr%gar$ing t#% (omman$ of t#% Most !ig#/ 4#i(# says/ 5T#ou s#alt not 3illC5 4% (an r%a$ily tra(% t#% (aus% to t#% impr%ssions an$ pra(ti(%s obtain%$ from its fals% t%n%ts an$ $%s(ripti&% arrogan(%. Masonry is to t#% mo$%rn 4orl$ 4#at t#% 4#or% of -abylon 4as to t#% an(i%nt< an$ is t#% b%ast 4it# s%&%n #%a$s an$ t%n #orns/ r%a$y to t%ar out our bo4%ls/ an$ scatter the to the four winds of hea!en. Masonry gi&%s rogu%s an$ %&il0min$%$ (#ara(t%rs an opportunity of &isiting upon t#%ir $%&ot%$ &i(tim/ all t#% ills att%n$ing (ombin%$ po4%r/ 4#%n %8%rt%$ to a((omplis# $%stru(tion. It 4or3s uns%%n/ at all sil%nt #ours/ an$ s%(r%t tim%s an$ pla(%s< an$/ li3% $%at# 4#%n summoning #is $is%as%s/ poun(%s upon its $%&ot%$ sub'%(t/ an$ lays #im prostrat% in t#% $ust. Li3% t#% gr%at %n%my of man/ it #as s#o4n its (lo&%n foot/ an$ put t#% publi( upon its guar$ against its s%(r%t ma(#inations. T#is part of t#% sub'%(t r%;uir%s no furt#%r $is(ussion %it#%r by 4ay of ri$i(ul% or $o4nrig#t sin(%rity/ but t#% r%mar3 4#i(# (annot b% too oft%n r%it%rat%$/ t#at t#% 4orl$/ in its pr%s%nt a$&an(%$ stat%/ r%;uir%s no su(# or$%r for our so(ial int%r(ours%< an$ 4#%n t#% Masoni( mania pr%&ails as it no4 $o%s in t#is (ountry/ 4% ar% %8alting a m%r% #uman or$inan(%/ 4it# its us%l%ss trump%ry an$ laug#abl% a((ompanim%nts/ for t#% sublim% an$ una$orn%$ l%ssons of !%a&%n. To som% m%n it is galling an$ mortifying in t#% %8tr%m% to gi&% up t#%ir $arling syst%ms. Wit# t#% in(r%as% of y%ars t#%ir fon$n%ss b%(om%s so gr%at t#at t#%y (ling to t#%m 4it# 4il$ an$ b%4il$%r%$ atta(#m%nt. -ut 4% 4oul$ as3 t#%m/ 4#%r% no4 ar% t#% Enig#ts of Malta an$ ?%rusal%m/ an$ t#% ob'%(ts t#at (all%$ fort# t#%ir p%rils an$ 'ourn%yingsC W#%r% ar% t#% (rusa$%s an$ %8(ursions on 4#i(# our 7ran$ Comman$%rs/ 7%n%ralissimos an$ Sir Enig#ts ar% to b% %ngag%$......... In no ot#%r %8(ursions t#an C%r&ant%s $%s(rib%s of #is r%$oubtabl% #%ro Don "uixote. T#% $ays an$ o((asions t#at (all%$ fort# t#%s% $%%$s of (#i&alry an$ &alor #a&% pass%$ li3% t#os% b%for% t#% floo$< an$ t#% ock $ignitari%s an$ puppet show a(tions of Masons in t#%ir imitation (all fort# pity an$ in$ignation. W#%n 4% no4 s%% t#% gau$y s#o4 in a lo$g%0room/ an$ a train of nominal offi(%rs 4it# t#%ir $istin(tion an$ ba$g%s/ it may gi&% us som% faint i$%a of s(%n%s t#at ar% past/ an$ may gratify an i$l% (uriosity/ but pro$u(%s no substantial goo$ un$%r #%a&%n. W#%n monast%ri%s an$ (loist%rs/ an$ in;uisitor6s (%lls an$ prisons #a&% b%%n bro3%n up b%for% t#% s4%%ping mar(# of t#% moral min$/ 4#y t#is unn%(%ssary mumm%ry s#oul$ b% so mu(# (ount%nan(%$ in t#is (ountry/ abo&% all ot#%r (ountri%s in t#% 4orl$/ is a matt%r of astonis#m%nt. T#% $ay 4% trust 4ill n%&%r arri&% #%r%/ 4#%n ran3s in Masonry 4ill b% st%pping0ston%s to pla(%s of $ignity an$ po4%r 4#%n t#is institution 4ill b% a ma(#in% to pr%ss $o4n t#% fr%% born spirit of m%n. W% #a&% no4 no tyrant to rul% o&%r us no 3ingly pot%ntat% to mo&% o&%r our #%a$s t#% ro$ of aut#ority< but #ig# in our %l%&ation/ an$ in&in(ibl% in our strong#ol$s/ 4% put at $%fian(% s%(r%t (abals an$ asso(iations. T#% publi( opinion is li3% a mig#ty ri&%r/ an$ giganti( in its (ours% it 4ill s4%%p %&%ry int%rposing obsta(l% b%for% it. In t#% 4or3 4#i(# 4% submit to t#% publi( 4% #a&% gi&%n fals% (oloring to not#ing< nor in t#%s% r%mar3s #a&% 4% s%t $o4n aug#t in mali(%. In t#% firm $is(#arg% of our un$%rta3ing 4% #a&% b%%n st%rn an$ unb%n$ing as t#% rugg%$ mountain oa3< an$ p%rs%(utions/ pains an$ p%rils #a&% not $%t%rr%$ us from our purpos%. W% #a&% triump#%$ o&%r tumult/ an$

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan (lamor/ an$ %&il sp%a3ing. W#%n our boo3 go%s out to t#% 4orl$/ it 4ill m%%t 4it# atta(3s of a &iol%nt natur% from on% sour(%/ an$ m%n of mo(3 titl%s an$ or$%r 4ill %n$%a&or to #%ap upon it %&%ry (alumny. M%n mor% t%na(ious of absolut% forms an$ pra(ti(% t#an t#%y ar% att%nti&% to trut# an$ #onor/ 4ill $%ny our %8positions/ an$ (all us liars an$ impostors. Su(# is t#% tr%atm%nt/ #o4%&%r ung%n%rous an$ un'ust/ 4#i(# 4% %8p%(t to m%%t/ an$ for 4#i(# 4% ar% pr%par%$. Trut#/ 4% 3no4/ is ma'%sti( an$ 4ill finally pr%&ail. T#% littl% p%tty %ffusions of mali(% t#at 4ill b% t#ro4n out/ 4ill $i% 4it# t#%ir aut#ors/ 4#om t#is 4or3 4ill sur&i&%. W% no4 a&%r/ in $%fian(% of 4#at%&%r may b% sai$ to t#% (ontrary no matt%r by 4#om/ #o4 %8alt%$ #is ran3 t#at t#is boo3 is 4#at it pr%t%n$s to b%< t#at it is a mast%r 3%y to t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry< t#at in t#% pag%s b%for% #im/ t#% man of (an$or an$ in;uiry (an 'u$g% for #ims%lf/ an$ t#%n a prop%r 'u$gm%nt 4ill b% form%$ of our int%ntion.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan ILLUSTRATIONS OF MASONRY, ETC. A .%s(ription of t#% C%r%moni%s us%$ in op%ning a Lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons< 4#i(# is t#% sam% in all upp%r $%gr%%s/ 4it# t#% %8(%ption of t#% $iff%r%n(% in t#% signs/ $u%0guar$s/ grips/ pass0grips/ 4or$s an$ t#%ir s%&0 %ral nam%s< all of 4#i(# 4ill b% gi&%n an$ %8plain%$ in t#%ir prop%r pla(%s as t#% 4or3 progr%ss%s. On% rap (alls t#% lo$g% to or$%r on% (alls up t#% 'unior an$ S%nior .%a(ons t4o raps (all up all t#% subor$inat% offi(%rs/ an$ t#r%%/ all t#% m%mb%rs of t#% lo$g%. T#% Mast%r #a&ing (all%$ t#% lo$g% to or$%r/ an$ t#% offi(%rs all s%at%$/ t#% Mast%r says to t#% ?unior War$%n/ 6-rot#%r 'unior/ ar% t#%y all Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons in t#% sout#C6 Ans. 6T#%y ar%/ Wors#ipful.6 Mast%r to t#% S%nior War$%n/ 6-rot#%r S%nior/ ar% t#%y all Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons in t#% 4%stC6 Ans. 6T#%y ar%/ Wors#ipful.6 T#% Mast%r t#%n says/ 6T#%y ar%/ in t#% %ast/6 at t#% sam% tim% #% gi&%s a rap 4it# t#% (ommon ga&%l or mall%t/ 4#i(# (alls up bot# .%a(ons. Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 6-rot#%r ?unior/ t#% first (ar% of a MasonC6 Ans. 6To s%% t#% lo$g% tyl%$/ Wors#ipful.6 Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 6Att%n$ to t#at part of your $uty/ an$ inform t#% Tyl%r t#at 4% ar% about to op%n a lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons/ an$ $ir%(t #im to tyl% a((or$ingly.6 T#% ?unior .%a(on t#%n st%ps to t#% $oor an$ gi&%s t#r%% raps/ 4#i(# ar% ans4%r%$ by t#r%% raps from 4it#out< t#% ?unior .%a(on t#%n gi&%s on%/ 4#i(# is also ans4%r%$ by t#% Tyl%r 4it# on%< t#% $oor is t#%n partly op%n%$ an$ t#% ?unior .%a(on $%li&%rs #is m%ssag%/ an$ r%sum%s #is situation an$ says/ 6T#% $oor is tyl%$/ Wors#ipful.6 9at t#% sam% tim% gi&ing t#% $u%0guar$/ 4#i(# is n%&%r omitt%$ 4#%n t#% Mast%r is a$$r%ss%$.: T#% Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 6-rot#%r/ by 4#omC6 Ans. 6-y a Mast%r Mason 4it#out t#% $oor/ arm%$ 4it# t#% prop%r impl%m%nt of #is offi(%.6 Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 6!is $uty t#%r%C6 Ans. 6To 3%%p off all (o4ans an$ %a&%s0$ropp%rs/ s%% t#at non% pass or r%pass 4it#out p%rmission from t#% Mast%r.6 9Som% say 4it#out p%rmission from t#% (#air.: Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 6-rot#%r ?unior/ your pla(% in t#% lo$g%C6 Ans. 6At t#% rig#t #an$ of t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st.6

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 6"our busin%ss t#%r%/ -rot#%r ?uniorC6 Ans. 6To 4ait on t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r an$ War$%ns/ a(t as t#%ir pro8y in t#% a(ti&% $uti%s of t#% lo$g%/ an$ ta3% (#arg% of t#% $oor.6 Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 6T#% S%nior .%a(on6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C6 Ans. 6At t#% rig#t #an$ of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast.6 @T#% Mast%r/ 4#il% as3ing t#% last ;u%stions gi&%s t4o raps/ 4#i(# (all up all t#% subor$inat% offi(%rs.A Mast%r to S%nior .%a(on/ 6"our $uty t#%r%/ -rot#%r S%niorC6 Ans. 6To 4ait on t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r an$ War$%ns/ a(t as t#%ir pro8y in t#% a(ti&% $uti%s of t#% lo$g%/ att%n$ to t#% pr%paration an$ intro$u(tion of (an$i$at%s/ an$ 4%l(om% an$ (lot#% all &isiting -r%t#r%n. @i.%./ furnis# t#%m 4it# an apron.A Mast%r to S%nior .%a(on/ 6T#% S%(r%tary6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%/ -rot#%r S%niorC6 Ans. 6At t#% l%ft #an$ of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% (ast.6 Mast%r to t#% S%(r%tary/ 6"our $uty t#%r%/ -rot#%r S%(r%taryC6 Ans. 6T#% b%tt%r to obs%r&% t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r6s 4ill an$ pl%asur%/ r%(or$ t#% pro(%%$ings of t#% lo$g%< transmit a (opy of t#% sam% to t#% 7ran$ Lo$g%/ if r%;uir%$< r%(%i&% all mon%ys an$ mon%y bills from t#% #an$s of t#% -r%t#r%n/ pay t#%m o&%r to t#% Tr%asur%r/ an$ ta3% #is r%(%ipt for t#% sam%.6 T#% Mast%r to t#% S%(r%tary/ 6T#% Tr%asur%r6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C6 Ans. 6At t#% rig#t #an$ of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r.6 Mast%r to Tr%asur%r/ 6"our $uty t#%r%/ -rot#%r Tr%asur%rC6 Ans. 6.uly to obs%r&% t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r6s 4ill an$ pl%asur%< r%(%i&% all mon%ys an$ mon%y bills from t#% #an$s of t#% S%(r%tary< 3%%p a 'ust an$ tru% a((ount of t#% sam%< pay t#%m out by or$%r of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r an$ (ons%nt of t#% -r%t#r%n.6 T#% Mast%r to t#% Tr%asur%r/ 5T#% ?unior War$%n6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%/ -rot#%r Tr%asur%rC6 Ans. 6In t#% sout#/ Wors#ipful.6 Mast%r to ?unior War$%n/ 6"our busin%ss t#%r%/ -rot#%r ?uniorC6 Ans. 6As t#% sun in t#% sout# at #ig# m%ri$ian is t#% b%auty an$ glory of t#% $ay/ so stan$s t#% ?unior War$%n in t#% sout#/ t#% b%tt%r to obs%r&% t#% tim%/ (all t#% (rafts from labor to r%fr%s#m%nt/ sup%rint%n$ t#%m $uring t#% #ours t#%r%of/ s%% t#at non% (on&%rt t#% #ours of r%fr%s#m%nt into t#at of int%mp%ran(% or %8(%ss< an$ (all t#%m out again in $u% s%ason/ t#at t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r may #a&% #onor/ an$ t#%y profit an$ pl%asur% t#%r%by.6 Mast%r to t#% ?unior War$%n/ 6T#% S%nior War$%n6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C6 Ans. 6In t#% 4%st/ Wors#ipful.6

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Mast%r to S%nior War$%n/ 6"our $uty t#%r%/ -rot#%r S%niorC6 Ans. 6As t#% sun s%ts in t#% 4%st to (los% t#% $ay/ so stan$s t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st to assist t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in op%ning #is lo$g%/ ta3% (ar% of t#% '%4%ls an$ impl%m%nts/ s%% t#at non% b% lost/ pay t#% (raft t#%ir 4ag%s/ if any b% $u%/ an$ s%% t#at non% go a4ay $issatisfi%$.6

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

Mast%r to t#% S%nior War$%n/ 6T#% Mast%r6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C6 Ans. 6In t#% %ast/ Wors#ipful.6 Mast%r to t#% S%nior War$%n/ 6!is $uty t#%r%C6 Ans. 6As t#% sun ris%s in t#% (ast to op%n an$ a$orn t#% $ay/ so pr%si$%s t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast to op%n an$ a$orn #is lo$g%/ s%t #is (rafts to 4or3 4it# goo$ an$ 4#ol%som% la4s/ or (aus% t#% sam% to b% $on%.6 T#% Mast%r no4 gi&%s t#r%% raps/ 4#%n all t#% br%t#r%n ris%/ an$ t#% Mast%r ta3ing off #is #at/ pro(%%$s as follo4s, In li3% mann%r so $o I/ stri(tly forbi$$ing all profan% languag%/ pri&at% (ommitt%%s/ or any ot#%r $isor$%rly (on$u(t 4#%r%by t#% p%a(% an$ #armony of t#is lo$g% may b% int%rrupt%$ 4#il% %ngag%$ in its la4ful pursuits/ un$%r no l%ss p%nalty t#an t#% by0la4s/ or su(# p%nalty as t#% ma'ority of t#% -r%t#r%n pr%s%nt may s%% fit to infli(t. -r%t#r%n/ att%n$ to gi&ing t#% signs.6 @!%r% lo$g%s $iff%r &%ry mu(#. In som% t#%y $%(lar% t#% lo$g% op%n%$ as follo4s/ b%for% t#%y gi&% t#% signs,A T#% Mast%r 9all t#% -r%t#r%n imitating #im: %8t%n$s #is l%ft arm from #is bo$y so as to form an angl% of about forty0fi&% $%gr%%s/ an$ #ol$s #is rig#t #an$ trans&%rs%ly a(ross #is l%ft/ t#% palms t#%r%of about on% in(# apart. T#is is (all%$ t#% .u% 7uar$/ an$ allu$%s to t#% position a Can$i$at%6s #an$s ar% pla(%$ in 4#%n #% ta3%s t#% obligation of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason. T#% Mast%r t#%n $ra4s #is rig#t #an$ a(ross #is t#roat/ t#% ban$ op%n/ 4it# t#% t#umb n%8t to #is t#roat/ an$ $rops it $o4n by #is si$%. T#is is (all%$ t#% p%nal sign of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ 9many (all it sign: an$ allu$%s to t#% p%nalty of t#% obligation. 9S%% obligation.: T#% Mast%r t#%n $%(lar%s t#% lo$g% op%n%$ in t#% follo4ing mann%r, 6I no4 $%(lar% t#is lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons $uly op%n%$ for $ispat(# of busin%ss.6 T#% S%nior War$%n $%(lar%s it to t#% ?unior War$%n/ an$ #% to t#% -r%t#r%n. 6Com%/ -r%t#r%n/ l%t us pray.6 On% of t#% follo4ing pray%rs is us%$, Most #oly an$ glorious 7o$I t#% gr%at ar(#it%(t of t#% Uni&%rs%< t#% gi&%r of all goo$ gifts an$ gra(%s, T#ou #ast promis%$ t#at 6W#%r% t4o or t#r%% ar% gat#%r%$ tog%t#%r in t#y nam%/ t#ou 4ilt b% in t#% mi$st of t#%m an$ bl%ss t#%m.6 In t#y nam% 4% ass%mbl%/ most #umbly b%s%%(#ing t#%% to bl%ss us in all our un$%rta3ings< t#at 4% may 3no4 an$ s%r&% t#%% arig#t/ an$ t#at all our a(tions may t%n$ to t#y glory an$ our a$&an(%m%nt in 3no4l%$g% an$ &irtu%. An$ 4% b%s%%(# t#%%/ O Lor$ 7o$/ to bl%ss our pr%s%nt ass%mbling< an$ to illuminat% our min$s t#roug# t#% influ%n(% of t#% Son of Rig#t%ousn%ss/ t#at 4% may 4al3 in t#% lig#t of t#y (ount%nan(%< an$ 4#%n t#% trials of our probationary stat% ar% o&%r/ b% a$mitt%$ into t#% t%mpl%/ not ma$% 4it# #an$s/ %t%rnal in t#% #%a&%ns. Am%n. So mot% it b%. #nother prayer, as often used at opening as closing, -%#ol$/ #o4 goo$ an$ pl%asant it is for br%t#r%n to $4%ll tog%t#%r in unity< it is li3% t#% pr%(ious ointm%nt upon t#% #%a$/ t#at ran $o4n upon t#% b%ar$/ %&%n Aaron6s b%ar$/ t#at 4%nt $o4n to t#% s3irts of #is garm%nt< as t#% $%4 of !%rmon/ an$ as t#% $%4 t#at $%s(%n$%$ upon t#% mountains of Jion/ for t#%r% t#% Lor$ (omman$%$ t#% bl%ssing/ %&%n lif% for%&%r mor%. Am%n. So mot% it b%. T#% lo$g% b%ing no4 op%n an$ r%a$y to pro(%%$ to busin%ss/ t#% Mast%r $ir%(ts t#%

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan S%(r%tary to r%a$ t#% minut%s of t#% last m%%ting/ 4#i(# naturally brings to &i%4 t#% busin%ss of t#% pr%s%nt. If t#%r% ar% any (an$i$at%s to b% broug#t for4ar$/ t#at 4ill b% t#% first busin%ss to b% att%n$%$ to. I 4ill t#%r%for% pro(%%$ 4it# a $%s(ription of t#% (%r%moni%s us%$ in t#% a$mission an$ initiation of a (an$i$at% into t#% first $%gr%% of Masonry. A p%rson 4is#ing to b%(om% a Mason must g%t som% on% 4#o is a Mason to pr%s%nt #is p%tition to a lo$g%/ 4#%n/ if t#%r% ar% no s%rious ob'%(tions/ it 4ill b% %nt%r%$ on t#% minut%s/ an$ a (ommitt%% of t4o or t#r%% appoint%$ to %n;uir% into #is (#ara(t%r/ an$ r%port to t#% n%8t r%gular (ommuni(ation. T#% follo4ing is a form of p%tition us%$ by a (an$i$at%< but a 4ort#y (an$i$at% 4ill not b% r%'%(t%$ for t#% 4ant of formality in #is p%tition, To t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r/ War$%ns an$ -r%t#r%n of Lo$g% No. / of r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons. T#% subs(rib%r/ r%si$ing in KKKKKKKKK/ of la4ful ag%/ an$ by o((upation a KKKKKKKKK/ b%gs l%a&% to stat% t#at/ unbias%$ by fri%n$s/ an$ uninflu%n(%$ by m%r(%nary moti&%s/ #% fr%%ly an$ &oluntarily off%rs #ims%lf a (an$i$at% for t#% myst%ri%s of Masonry/ an$ t#at #% is prompt%$ to soli(it t#is pri&il%g% by a fa&orabl% opinion (on(%i&%$ of t#% institution a $%sir% of 3no4l%$g%/ an$ a sin(%r% 4is# of b%ing s%r&i(%abl% to #is f%llo4 (r%atur%s. S#oul$ #is p%tition b% grant%$/ #% 4ill (#%%rfully (onform to all t#% an(i%nt %stablis#%$ usag%s an$ (ustoms of t#% frat%rnity. 9Sign%$: KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKA.-.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan At t#% n%8t r%gular (ommuni(ation/ 9if no &%ry s%rious ob'%(tion app%ars against t#% (an$i$at%: t#% ballot bo8%s 4ill b% pass%$< on% bla(3 ball 4ill r%'%(t a (an$i$at%. T#% bo8%s may b% pass%$ t#r%% tim%s. T#% .%a(ons ar% t#% prop%r p%rsons to pass t#%m. On% of t#% bo8%s #as bla(3 an$ 4#it% b%ans or balls in it/ t#% ot#%r %mpty/ t#% on% 4it# t#% balls in it go%s b%for%/ an$ furnis#%s %a(# m%mb%r 4it# a bla(3 an$ 4#it% ball< t#% %mpty bo8 follo4s an$ r%(%i&%s t#%m. T#%r% ar% t4o #ol%s in t#% top of t#is bo8 4it# a small tub%/ 9g%n%rally: in %a(#/ on% of 4#i(# is bla(3 an$ t#% ot#%r 4#it%/ 4it# a partition in t#% bo8. T#% m%mb%rs put bot# t#%ir balls into t#is bo8 as t#%ir f%%lings $i(tat%< 4#%n t#% balls ar% r%(%i&%$/ t#% bo8 is pr%s%nt%$ to t#% Mast%r/ S%nior an$ ?unior War$%ns/ 4#o pronoun(% (l%ar or not (l%ar/ as t#% (as% may b%. T#% ballot pro&ing (l%ar/ t#% (an$i$at% 9if pr%s%nt: is (on$u(t%$ into a small pr%paration room/ a$'oining t#% lo$g% 4#%n #% is as3%$ t#% follo4ing ;u%stions an$ gi&%s t#% follo4ing ans4%rs. S%nior .%a(on to Can$i$at%/ 5.o you sin(%r%ly $%(lar%/ upon your #onor b%for% t#%s% g%ntl%m%n/ t#at/ unbias%$ by fri%n$s/ uninflu%n(%$ by un4ort#y moti&%s/ you fr%%ly an$ &oluntarily off%r yours%lf a (an$i$at% for t#% myst%ri%s of Masonry.C5 Ans. 5I $o.5 S%nior .%a(on to (an$i$at%. 5.o you sin(%r%ly $%(lar%/ upon your #onor b%for% t#%s% g%ntl%m%n/ t#at you ar% prompt%$ to soli(it t#% pri&il%g%s of Masonry by a fa&orabl% opinion (on(%i&%$ of t#% institution/ a $%sir% of 3no4l%$g%/ an$ a sin(%r% 4is# of b%ing s%r&i(%abl% to your f%llo4 (r%atur%sC5 Ans. 5I $o.5 S%nior .%a(on to (an$i$at%/ 5.o you sin(%r%ly $%(lar% upon your #onor b%for% t#%s% g%ntl%m%n/ t#at you 4ill (#%%rfully (onform to all t#% an(i%nt %stablis#%$ usag%s an$ (ustoms of t#% frat%rnityC5 Ans. 5I $o.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Aft%r t#% abo&% ;u%stions ar% propos%$ an$ ans4%r%$ an$ t#% r%sult r%port%$ to t#% Mast%r/ #% says/ 5-r%t#r%n at t#% r%;u%st of Mr. A.-. #% #as b%%n propos%$ an$ a((%pt%$ in r%gular form. I t#%r%for% r%(omm%n$ #im as a prop%r (an$i$at% for t#% myst%ri%s of Masonry an$ 4ort#y to parta3% of t#% pri&il%g%s of t#% frat%rnity an$ in (ons%;u%n(% of a $%(laration of #is int%ntions/ &oluntarily ma$%/ I b%li%&% #% 4ill (#%%rfully (onform to t#% rul%s of t#% or$%r.5 T#% (an$i$at% $uring t#% tim% is $i&%st%$ of all #is appar%l 9s#irt %8(%pt%$: an$ furnis#%$ 4it# a pair of $ra4%rs 3%pt in t#% lo$g% for t#% us% of (an$i$at%s. T#% (an$i$at% is t#%n blin$fol$%$/ #is l%ft foot bar%/ #is rig#t in a slipp%r/ #is l%ft br%ast an$ arm na3%$/ an$ a rop% (all%$ a Cabl%0to4 roun$ #is n%(3 an$ l%ft arm/ @t#% rop% is not put roun$ t#% arm in all lo$g%sA in 4#i(# postur% t#% (an$i$at% is (on$u(t%$ to t#% $oor 4#%r% #% is (aus%$ to gi&%/ or t#% (on$u(tor gi&%s t#r%% $istin(t 3no(3s/ 4#i(# ar% ans4%r%$ by t#r%% from 4it#in< t#% (on$u(tor gi&%s on% mor%/ 4#i(# is also ans4%r%$ by on% from 4it#in. T#% $oor is t#%n partly op%n%$ an$ t#% S%nior .%a(on g%n%rally as3s/ 6W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C5 T#% (on$u(tor/ alias t#% ?unior .%a(on ans4%rs/ 5A poor blin$ (an$i$at% 4#o #as long b%%n $%sirous of #a&ing an$ r%(%i&ing a part of t#% rig#ts an$ b%n%fits of t#is 4ors#ipful lo$g%/ $%$i(at%$ 9som% say %r%(t%$: to 7o$/ an$ #%l$ fort# to t#% #oly or$%r of St.?o#n/ as all tru% f%llo4s an$ brot#%rs #a&% $on% 4#o #a&% gon% t#is 4ay b%for% #im.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n as3s/ 5Is it of #is o4n fr%% 4ill an$ a((or$ #% ma3%s t#is r%;u%stC Is #% $uly an$ truly pr%par%$C 4ort#y an$ 4%ll ;ualifi%$C an$ prop%rly a&ou(#%$ forC5 All of 4#i(# b%ing ans4%r%$ in t#% affirmati&%/ t#% S%nior .%a(on to t#% 'unior .%a(on, 5-y 4#at furt#%r rig#ts $o%s #% %8p%(t to obtain t#is b%n%fitC5 Ans. 5-y b%ing a man/ fr%% born/ of la4ful ag%/ an$ un$%r t#% tongu% of goo$ r%port.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n says/ 5Sin(% t#is is t#% (as%/ you 4ill 4ait till t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast is ma$% a(;uaint%$ 4it# #is r%;u%st/ an$ #is ans4%r r%turn%$.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on r%pairs to t#% Mast%r/ 4#%n t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor< aft%r 4#i(# t#% Mast%r says/ 5Sin(% #% (om%s %n$o4%$ 4it# all t#%s% n%(%ssary ;ualifi(ations/ l%t #im %nt%r t#is 4ors#ipful lo$g% in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$/ an$ ta3% #%%$ on 4#at #%/ %nt%rs.5 T#% (an$i$at% t#%n %nt%rs/ t#% S%nior .%a(on at t#% sam% tim% pr%ssing #is na3%$ l%ft br%ast 4it# t#% point of t#% (ompass/ an$ as3s t#% (an$i$at%/ 5.i$ you f%%l anyt#ingC5 Ans. 5I $i$.5 S%nior .%a(on to (an$i$at%/ 5W#at 4as itC5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5A tortur%.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n says/ 5As t#is is a tortur% to your fl%s#/ so may it %&%r b% to your min$ an$ (ons(i%n(% if %&%r you s#oul$ att%mpt to r%&%al t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry unla4fully.5 T#% (an$i$at% is t#%n (on$u(t%$ to t#% (%ntr% of t#% lo$g%/ 4#%r% #% an$ t#% S%nior .%a(on 3n%%l/ an$ t#% .%a(on says t#% follo4ing pray%r, 5Lou(#saf% t#in% ai$/ Almig#ty at#%r of t#% uni&%rs%/ to t#is our pr%s%nt (on&%ntion< an$ grant t#at t#is (an$i$at% for Masonry may $%$i(at% an$ $%&ot% #is lif% to t#y s%r&i(%/ an$ b%(om% a tru% an$ fait#ful brot#%r among us. En$u% #im 4it# a (omp%t%n(y of t#y $i&in% 4is$om/ t#at by t#% s%(r%ts of our art #% may b% t#% b%tt%r %nabl%$ to $isplay t#% b%auti%s of #olin%ss/ to t#% #onor of t#y #oly nam%.5 So mot% it b% Am%nI5 T#% Mast%r t#%n as3s t#% (an$i$at%/ 5In 4#om $o you put your trustC5 Ans. 5In 7o$.5 T#% Mast%r t#%n ta3%s #im by t#% rig#t #an$ an$ says/ 5Sin(% in 7o$ you put your trust/ aris%/ follo4 your l%a$%r an$ f%ar no $ang%r.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n (on$u(ts t#% (an$i$at% t#r%% tim%s r%gularly roun$ t#% lo$g%/ an$ #alts at t#% ?unior War$%n in t#% sout#/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor. As t#% (an$i$at% an$ (on$u(tor ar% passing roun$ t#% room/ t#% Mast%r r%a$s t#% follo4ing passag% of S(riptur%/ an$ ta3%s t#% sam% tim% to r%a$ it t#at t#%y $o to go roun$ t#% lo$g% t#r%% tim%s. 5-%#ol$ #o4 goo$ an$ #o4 pl%asant it is for br%t#r%n to $4%ll tog%t#%r in unityI It is li3% t#% pr%(ious ointm%nt upon t#% #%a$/ t#at ran $o4n upon t#% b%ar$/ %&%n Aaron6s b%ar$/ t#at 4%nt $o4n to t#% s3irts of #is garm%nt as t#% $%4 of !%rmon/ an$ as t#% $%4 t#at $%s(%n$%$ upon t#% mountains of Jion/ for t#%r% t#% Lor$ (omman$%$ t#% bl%ssing/ %&%n lif% for %&%rmor%.5 T#% (an$i$at% is t#%n (on$u(t%$ to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%/ from 4#%n(% #% is (on$u(t%$ to t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% (ast/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%. T#% Mast%r li3%4is% $%man$s of #im from 4#%n(% #% (am% an$ 4#it#%r #% is tra&%ling. T#% (an$i$at% ans4%rs/ 5from t#% 4%st an$ tra&%ling to t#% %ast.5 Mast%r in;uir%s/ 5W#y $o you l%a&% t#% 4%st an$ tra&%l to t#% %astC5 Ans. 5In s%ar(# of lig#t.5 Mast%r t#%n says/ 5Sin(% t#% (an$i$at% is tra&%ling in s%ar(# of lig#t/ you 4ill pl%as% (on$u(t #im ba(3 to t#% 4%st/ from 4#%n(% #% (am%/ an$ put #im in t#% (ar% of t#% S%nior War$%n/ 4#o 4ill t%a(# #im #o4 to approa(# t#% (ast/ t#% pla(% of lig#t/ by a$&an(ing upon on% uprig#t r%gular st%p/ to t#% first st%p/ #is f%%t forming t#% rig#t angl% of an oblong s;uar%/ #is bo$y %r%(t at t#% altar/ b%for% t#% Mast%r/ an$ pla(% #im in a prop%r position to ta3% upon #im t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason.5 T#% S%nior War$%n r%(%i&%s t#% (an$i$at%/ an$ instru(ts #im as $ir%(t%$. !% first st%ps off 4it# t#% l%ft foot an$ brings up t#% #%%l of t#% rig#t into t#% #ollo4 t#%r%of< t#% #%%l of t#% rig#t foot against t#% an3l% of t#% l%ft/ 4ill of (ours% form t#% rig#t angl% of an oblong s;uar%< t#%

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan (an$i$at% t#%n 3n%%ls on #is l%ft 3n%%/ an$ pla(%s #is rig#t foot so as to form a s;uar% 4it# t#% l%ft< #% turns #is foot roun$ until t#% an3l% bon% is as mu(# in front of #im as t#% to%s on t#% l%ft foot/ t#% (an$i$at%6s l%ft #an$ is t#%n put un$%r t#% !oly -ibl%/ s;uar% an$ (ompass/ an$ t#% rig#t on t#%m. T#is is t#% position in 4#i(# a (an$i$at% is pla(%$ 4#%n #% ta3%s upon #im t#% oat# or obligation of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason. As soon as t#% (an$i$at% is pla(%$ in t#is position/ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r approa(#%s #im/ an$ says/ 5Mr. A.-./ you ar% no4 pla(%$ in a prop%r position to ta3% upon you t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ 4#i(# I assur% you is n%it#%r to aff%(t your r%ligion or politi(s. If you ar% 4illing to ta3% it/ r%p%at your nam% an$ say aft%r m%,5 @An$ alt#oug# many #a&% r%fus%$ to ta3% any 3in$ of an obligation/ an$ b%gg%$ for t#% pri&il%g% of r%tiring/ y%t non% #a&% %&%r ma$% t#%ir %s(ap%< t#%y #a&% b%%n %it#%r (o%r(%$ or p%rsua$%$ to submit. T#%r% ar% t#ousan$s 4#o n%&%r r%turn to t#% lo$g% aft%r t#%y ar% initiat%$.A T#% follo4ing obligation is t#%n a$minist%r%$, I/ A.-./ of my o4n fr%% 4ill an$ a((or$/ in pr%s%n(% of Almig#ty 7o$ an$ t#is 4ors#ipful lo$g% of r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons/ $%$i(at%$ to 7o$/ an$ #%l$ fort# to t#% #oly or$%r of St.?o#n/ $o #%r%by an$ #%r%on most sol%mnly an$ sin(%r%ly promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill al4ays #ail/ %&%r (on(%al an$ n%&%r r%&%al any part or parts/ art or arts/ point or points of t#% s%(r%t arts an$ myst%ri%s of an(i%nt r%%masonry 4#i(# I #a&% r%(%i&%$/ am about to r%(%i&%/ or may #%r%aft%r b% instru(t%$ in/ to any p%rson or p%rsons in t#% 3no4n 4orl$/ %8(%pt it b% to a tru% an$ la4ful brot#%r Mason/ or 4it#in t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of su(#< an$ not unto #im/ nor unto t#%m 4#om I s#all #%ar so to b%/ but unto #im an$ t#%m only 4#om I s#all fin$ so to b% aft%r stri(t trial an$ $u% %8amination/ or la4ful information. urt#%rmor%/ $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill not 4rit%/ print/ stamp/ stain/ #%4/ (ut/ (ar&%/ in$%nt/ paint/ or %ngra&% it on any t#ing mo&abl% or immo&abl%/ un$%r t#% 4#ol% (anopy of #%a&%n/ 4#%r%by or 4#%r%on t#% l%ast l%tt%r/ figur%/ (#ara(t%r/ mar3/ stain/ s#a$o4/ or r%s%mblan(% of t#% sam% may b%(om% l%gibl% or int%lligibl% to mys%lf or any ot#%r p%rson in t#% 3no4n 4orl$/ 4#%r%by t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry may b% unla4fully obtain%$ t#roug# my un4ort#in%ss. To all of 4#i(# I $o most sol%mnly an$ sin(%r%ly promis% an$ s4%ar/ 4it#out t#% l%ast %;ui&o(ation/ m%ntal r%s%r&ation/ or s%lf %&asion of min$ in m% 4#at%&%r< bin$ing mys%lf un$%r no l%ss p%nalty t#an to #a&% my t#roat (ut a(ross/ my tongu% torn out by t#% roots/ an$ my bo$y buri%$ in t#% roug# san$s of t#% s%a at lo4 4at%r0mar3/ 4#%r% t#% ti$% %bbs an$ flo4s t4i(% in t4%nty0#ours< so #%lp m% 7o$/ an$ 3%%p m% st%a$fast in t#% $u% p%rforman(% of t#% sam%.5 Aft%r t#% obligation t#% Mast%r a$$r%ss%s t#% (an$i$at% in t#% follo4ing mann%r, 5-rot#%r/ to you t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry ar% about to b% un&%il%$/ an$ a brig#t%r sun n%&%r s#on% lustr% on your %y%s< 4#il% prostrat% b%for% t#is sa(r%$ altar/ $o you not s#u$$%r at %&%ry (rim%C !a&% you not (onfi$%n(% in %&%ry &irtu%C May t#%s% t#oug#ts %&%r inspir% you 4it# t#% most nobl% s%ntim%nts< may you %&%r f%%l t#at %l%&ation of soul t#at s#all s(orn a $is#on%st a(t. -rot#%r/ 4#at $o you most $%sir%C5 Ans. 5Lig#t.5 Mast%r to br%t#r%n/ 5-r%t#r%n/ str%t(# fort# your #an$s an$ assist in bringing t#is n%4 ma$% brot#%r from $ar3n%ss to lig#t.5 T#% m%mb%rs #a&ing form%$ a (ir(l% roun$ t#% (an$i$at%/ t#% Mast%r says/ 5An$ 7o$ sai$ l%t t#%r% b% lig#t/ an$ t#%r% 4as lig#t.5 At t#% sam% tim% all t#% br%t#r%n (lap t#%ir #an$s/ an$ stamp on t#% floor 4it# t#%ir rig#t foot as #%a&y as possibl%/ t#% ban$ag% $ropping from t#% (an$i$at%6s %y%s at t#% sam% instant/

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 4#i(#/ aft%r #a&ing b%%n so long blin$/ an$ full of f%arful appr%#%nsions all t#% tim%/ t#is gr%at an$. su$$%n transition from p%rf%(t $ar3n%ss to a brig#t%r @if possibl%A t#an t#% m%ri$ian sun in a mi$0summ%r $ay/ som%tim%s pro$u(%s an alarming %ff%(t. I on(% 3n%4 a man to faint on b%ing broug#t to lig#t< an$ #is r%(o&%ry 4as ;uit% $oubtful for som% tim%< #o4%&%r/ #% $i$ (om% to/ but #% n%&%r r%turn%$ to t#% lo$g% again. I #a&% oft%n (on&%rs%$ 4it# #im on t#% sub'%(t< #% is y%t li&ing/ an$ 4ill gi&% a (%rtifi(at% in support of t#% abo&% stat%m%nt at any tim% if r%;u%st%$. Aft%r t#% (an$i$at% is broug#t to lig#t/ t#% Mast%r a$$r%ss%s #im as follo4s, 5-rot#%r/ on b%ing broug#t to lig#t/ you first $is(o&%r t#r%% gr%at lig#ts in Masonry/ by t#% assistan(% of t#r%% l%ss%r< t#%y ar% t#us %8plain%$, t#% t#r%% gr%at lig#ts in Masonry ar% t#% !oly -ibl%/ S;uar% an$ Compass. T#% !oly -ibl% is gi&%n to us as a rul% an$ gui$% for our fait# an$ pra(ti(%< t#% S;uar%/ to s;uar% our a(tions/ an$ t#% Compass to 3%%p us in $u% boun$s 4it# all man3in$/ but mor% %sp%(ially 4it# t#% br%t#r%n. T#% t#r%% l%ss%r lig#ts ar% t#r%% burning tap%rs/ or (an$l%s pla(%$ on (an$l%sti(3s 9som% say/ or (an$l%s on p%$%stals: t#%y r%pr%s%nt t#% sun/ moon/ an$ Mast%r of t#% lo$g%/ an$ ar% t#us %8plain%$. As t#% sun rul%s t#% $ay an$ t#% moon go&%rns t#% nig#t/ so oug#t t#% 4ors#ipful Mast%r 4it# %;ual r%gularity to rul% an$ go&%rn #is lo$g%/ or (aus% t#% sam% to b% $on%< you n%8t $is(o&%r m%/ as Mast%r of t#is lo$g%/ approa(#ing you from t#% %ast upon t#% first st%p of Masonry/ un$%r t#% sign an$ $u%0guar$ of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason. 9T#% sign an$ $u%0guar$ #as b%%n %8plain%$.: T#is is t#% mann%r of gi&ing t#%m< imitat% m% as n%ar as you (an/ 3%%ping your position. irst st%p off 4it# your l%ft foot/ an$ bring t#% #%%l of t#% rig#t into t#% #ollo4 t#%r%of/ so as to form a s;uar%. @T#is is t#% first st%p in Masonry.A T#% follo4ing is t#% sign of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ an$ is t#% sign of $istr%ss in t#is $%gr%%< you ar% not to gi&% it unl%ss in $istr%ss. @It is gi&%n by #ol$ing your t4o #an$s trans&%rs%ly a(ross %a(# ot#%r/ t#% rig#t #an$ up4ar$s an$ on% in(# from t#% l%ft.A T#% follo4ing is t#% $u%0guar$ of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason. @T#is is gi&%n by $ra4ing your rig#t #an$ a(ross your t#roat/ t#% t#umb n%8t to your t#roat/ your arm as #ig# as t#% %lbo4 in a #ori=ontal position.A 5-rot#%r/ I no4 pr%s%nt you my rig#t #an$ in to3%n of brot#%rly lo&% an$ %st%%m/ an$ 4it# it t#% grip an$ nam% of t#% grip of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason.5 T#% rig#ts #an$s ar% 'oin%$ tog%t#%r as in s#a3ing #an$s an$ %a(#sti(3s #is t#umb nail into t#% t#ir$ 'oint or upp%r %n$ of t#% for%fing%r< t#% nam% of t#% grip is $oa%/ an$ is to b% gi&%n in t#% follo4ing mann%r an$ no ot#%r< t#% Mast%r first gi&%s t#% grip an$ 4or$/ an$ $i&i$%s it for t#% instru(tion of t#% (an$i$at%< t#% ;u%stions ar% as follo4s, T#% Mast%r an$ (an$i$at% #ol$ing %a(# ot#%r by t#% grip/ as b%for% $%s(rib%$/ t#% Mast%r says/ 5W#at is t#isC5 Ans. 5A grip.5 5A grip of 4#atC5 Ans. 5T#% grip of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason.5 5!as it a nam%C5 Ans. 5It #as.5 5Will you gi&% it to m%C5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5I $i$ not so r%(%i&% it/ n%it#%r (an I so impart it.5 5W#at 4ill you $o 4it# itC5 Ans. 5L%tt%r it or #al&% it.5 5!al&% it an$ b%gin.5 Ans. 5"ou b%gin.5 5-%gin you.5 Ans. 5-0O.5 5A0J.5 Ans. 5-OAJ.5 Mast%r says/ 5Rig#t/ brot#%r -oa=/ I gr%%t you. It is t#% nam% of t#% l%ft #an$ pillar of t#% por(# of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%. Aris%/ brot#%r -oa=/ an$ salut% t#% ?unior an$ S%nior War$%ns/ as su(#/ an$ (on&in(% t#%m t#at you #a&% b%%n r%gularly initiat%$ as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ an$ #a&% got t#% sign/ grip an$ 4or$.5 T#% Mast%r r%turns to #is s%at 4#il% t#% War$%ns ar% %8amining t#% (an$i$at%/ an$ g%ts a lambs3in or 4#it% apron/ pr%s%nts it to t#% (an$i$at%/ an$ obs%r&%s/ 5-rot#%r/ I no4 pr%s%nt you 4it# a lambs3in or 4#it% apron. It is an %mbl%m of inno(%n(%/ an$ t#% ba$g% of a Mason it #as b%%n 4orn by 3ings/ prin(%s an$ pot%ntat%s of t#% %art#/ 4#o #a&% n%&%r b%%n as#am%$ to 4%ar it. It is mor% #onorabl% t#an t#% $ia$%ms of 3ings/ or p%arls of prin(%ss%s/ 4#%n 4ort#ily 4orn< it is mor% an(i%nt t#an t#% 7ol$%n l%%(% or Roman Eagl%/ mor% #onorabl% t#an t#% Star an$ 7art%r/ or any ot#%r or$%r t#at (an b% (onf%rr%$ upon you at t#is or any ot#%r tim%/ %8(%pt it b% in t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g%< you 4ill (arry it to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st/ 4#o 4ill t%a(# you #o4 to 4%ar it as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason.5 T#% S%nior War$%n ti%s t#% apron on/ an$ turns up t#% flap inst%a$ of l%tting it fall $o4n in front of t#% top of t#% apron. T#is is t#% 4ay Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons 4%ar/ or oug#t to 4%ar t#%ir aprons until t#%y ar% a$&an(%$. T#% (an$i$at% is no4 (on$u(t%$ to t#% Mast%r in t#% %ast/ 4#o says/ 5-rot#%r/ as you ar% $r%ss%$/ it is n%(%ssary you s#oul$ #a&% tools to 4or3 4it#< I 4ill no4 pr%s%nt you 4it# t#% 4or3ing tools of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ 4#i(# ar% t#% t4%nty0four in(# gaug% an$ (ommon ga&%l< t#%y ar% t#us %8plain%$, T#% t4%nty0four in(# gaug% is an instrum%nt ma$% us% of by op%rati&% Masons to m%asur% an$ lay out t#%ir 4or3/ but 4% as r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons ma3% us% of it for t#% mor% nobl% an$ glorious purpos% of $i&i$ing our tim%. T#% t4%nty0four in(#%s on t#% gaug% ar% %mbl%mati(al of t#% t4%nty0four #ours in t#% $ay/ 4#i(# 4% ar% taug#t to $i&i$% into t#r%% %;ual parts/ 4#%r%by 4% fin$ %ig#t #ours for t#% s%r&i(% of 7o$/ an$ a 4ort#y/ $istr%ss%$ brot#%r/ %ig#t #ours for our usual &o(ations/ an$ %ig#t for r%fr%s#m%nt an$ sl%%p< t#% (ommon ga&%l is an instrum%nt ma$% us% of by op%rati&% Masons to br%a3 off t#% (orn%rs of roug# ston%s/ t#% b%tt%r to fit t#%m for t#% buil$%r6s us%/ but 4%/ as r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons/ us% it for t#% mor% nobl% an$ glorious purpos% of $i&%sting our #%arts an$ (ons(i%n(%s of all t#% &i(%s an$ sup%rfluiti%s of lif%/ t#%r%by fitting our min$s as li&ing an$ li&%ly ston%s/ for t#at spiritual buil$ing/ t#at #ous% not ma$% 4it# #an$s/ %t%rnal in t#% #%a&%ns. I also pr%s%nt you 4it# a n%4 nam%< it is CAUTION< it t%a(#%s you t#at as you ar% bar%ly instru(t%$ in t#% ru$im%nts of Masonry/ t#at you s#oul$ b% (autious o&%r all your 4or$s an$ a(tions/ parti(ularly 4#%n b%for% t#% %n%mi%s of Masonry. I s#all n%8t

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan pr%s%nt you 4it# t#r%% pr%(ious '%4%ls/ 4#i(# ar% a list%ning %ar/ a sil%nt tongu%/ an$ a fait#ful #%art. A list%ning %ar t%a(#%s you to list%n to t#% instru(tions of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r< but mor% %sp%(ially t#at you s#oul$ list%n to t#% (alls an$ (ri%s of a 4ort#y/ $istr%ss%$ brot#%r. A sil%nt tongu% t%a(#%s you to b% sil%nt 4#il% in t#% lo$g% t#at t#% p%a(% an$ #armony t#%r%of may not b% $isturb%$/ but mor% %sp%(ially t#at you s#oul$ b% sil%nt b%for% t#% %n%mi%s of Masonry t#at t#% (raft may not b% broug#t into $isr%put% by your impru$%n(%. A fait#ful #%art t%a(#%s you to b% fait#ful to t#% instru(tions of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r at all tim%s/ but mor% %sp%(ially/ t#at you s#oul$ b% fait#ful/ an$ 3%%p an$ (on(%al t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry/ an$ t#os% of a brot#%r/ 4#%n gi&%n to you in (#arg%/ as su(#< t#at t#%y may r%main as s%(ur% an$ in&iolabl% in your br%ast as in #is o4n/ b%for% (ommuni(at%$ to you. I furt#%r pr%s%nt you 4it# (#%(34or$s/ t4o< t#%ir nam%s ar% truth an$ union/ an$ ar% t#us %8plain%$, Trut# is a $i&in% attribut% an$ t#% foun$ation of %&%ry &irtu%< to b% goo$ an$ tru%/ is t#% first l%sson 4% ar% taug#t in Masonry< on t#is t#%m% 4% (ont%mplat%/ an$ by its $i(tat%s %n$%a&or to r%gulat% our (on$u(t< #%n(%/ 4#il% influ%n(%$ by t#is prin(ipl%/ #ypo(risy an$ $%(%it ar% un3no4n among us< sin(%rity an$ plain $%aling $istinguis# us/ an$ t#% #%art an$ tongu% 'oin in promoting %a(# ot#%r6s 4%lfar% an$ r%'oi(ing in %a(# ot#%r6s prosp%rity. Union is t#at 3in$ of fri%n$s#ip 4#i(# oug#t to app%ar (onspi(uous in %&%ry Mason6s (on$u(t. It is so (los%ly alli%$ to t#% $i&in% attribut%/ trut#/ t#at #% 4#o %n'oys t#% on%/ is s%l$om $%stitut% of t#% ot#%r. S#oul$ int%r%st/ #onor/ pr%'u$i(%/ or #uman $%pra&ity %&%r in$u(% you to &iolat% any part of t#% sa(r%$ trust 4% no4 r%pos% in you/ l%t t#%s% t4o important 4or$s/ at t#% %arli%st insinuation/ t%a(# you to pull on t#% (#%(30lin% of trut#/ 4#i(# 4ill infallibly $ir%(t you to pursu% t#at straig#t an$ narro4 pat# 4#i(# %n$s in t#% full %n'oym%nt of t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% abo&%/ 4#%r% 4% s#all all m%%t as Masons an$ m%mb%rs of t#% sam% family/ in p%a(%/ #armony/ an$ lo&%< 4#%r% all $is(or$ on a((ount of politi(s/ r%ligion/ or pri&at% opinion s#all b% un3no4n an$ banis#%$ from 4it#in your 4alls. -rot#%r/ it #as b%%n a (ustom from tim% imm%morial to $%man$/ or as3 from a n%4ly ma$% brot#%r/ som%t#ing of a m%talli( 3in$/ not so mu(# on a((ount of its intrinsi( &alu%/ but t#at it may b% $%posit%$ in t#% ar(#i&%s of t#% lo$g%/ as a m%morial/ t#at you 4%r% #%r%in ma$% a Mason< a small trifl% 4ill b% suffi(i%nt/ anyt#ing of a m%talli( 3in$ 4ill $o< if you #a&% no mon%y/ anyt#ing of a m%talli( natur% 4ill b% suffi(i%nt, %&%n a button 4ill $o.5 @T#% (an$i$at% says #% #as not#ing about #im< it is 3no4n #% #as not#ing.A 5S%ar(# yours%lf/5 t#% Mast%r r%pli%s. !% is assist%$ in s%ar(#ing/ not#ing is foun$. 5)%r#aps you (an borro4 a trifl%/5 says t#% Mast%r. @!% tri%s to borro4/ non% 4ill l%n$ #im #% propos%s to go into t#% ot#%r room 4#%r% #is (lot#%s ar%< #% is not p%rmitt%$. If a strang%r/ #% is &%ry %mbarrass%$.A Mast%r to (an$i$at%/ 5-rot#%r/ l%t t#is %&%r b% a stri3ing l%sson to you an$ t%a(# you/ if you s#oul$ %&%r s%% a fri%n$/ or mor% %sp%(ially a brot#%r in a li3% p%nnil%ss situation/ to (ontribut% as lib%rally to #is r%li%f as #is situation may r%;uir%/ an$ your abiliti%s 4ill a$mit/ 4it#out mat%rial in'ury to yours%lf or family.5 Mast%r to S%nior .%a(on. 5"ou 4ill (on$u(t t#% (an$i$at% ba(3 from 4#%n(% #% (am%/ an$ in&%st #im of 4#at #% #as b%%n $i&%st%$/ an$ l%t #im r%turn for furt#%r instru(tion.5 T#% (an$i$at% is t#%n (on$u(t%$ to t#% pr%paration room/ an$ in&%st%$ of 4#at #% #a$ b%%n $i&%st%$/ an$ r%turns to t#% nort#0%ast (orn%r of t#% lo$g%/ an$ is taug#t #o4 to stan$ uprig#t li3% a man< 4#%n an$ 4#%r% t#% follo4ing (#arg% is/ or oug#t to b% $%li&%r%$ to #im< t#oug# it is omitt%$ nin%

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan tim%s out of t%n/ as ar% n%ar on%0#alf of t#% (%r%moni%s. Mast%r to (an$i$at%/ 5-rot#%r/ as you ar% no4 initiat%$ into t#% first prin(ipl%s of Masonry/ I (ongratulat% you on #a&ing b%%n a((%pt%$ into t#is an(i%nt an$ #onorabl% or$%r< an(i%nt/ as #a&ing subsist%$ from tim% imm%morial< an$ #onorabl%/ as t%n$ing in %&%ry parti(ular so to r%n$%r all m%n 4#o 4ill b%(om% (onformabl% to its prin(ipl%s. No institution 4as %&%r rais%$ on a b%tt%r prin(ipl%/ or mor% soli$ foun$ation/ nor 4%r% %&%r mor% %8(%ll%nt rul%s an$ us%ful ma8ims lai$ $o4n t#an ar% in(ul(at%$ in t#% s%&%ral Masoni( l%(tur%s. T#% gr%at%st an$ b%st of m%n in all ag%s #a&% b%%n %n(ourag%rs an$ promot%rs of t#% art/ an$ #a&% n%&%r $%%m%$ it $%rogatory to t#%ir $ignity to l%&%l t#%ms%l&%s 4it# t#% frat%rnity/ %8t%n$ t#%ir pri&il%g%s/ an$ patroni=% t#%ir ass%mbli%s.5 T#%r% ar% t#r%% gr%at $uti%s/ 4#i(#/ as a Mason/ you ar% (#arg%$ to in(ul(at%. To 7o$/ your n%ig#bor/ an$ yours%lf. To 7o$/ in n%&%r m%ntioning #is nam% but 4it# t#at r%&%r%ntial a4% t#at is $u% from a (r%atur% to #is Cr%ator< to implor% #is ai$ in all your lau$abl% un$%rta3ings/ an$ to %st%%m #im as t#% (#i%f goo$ To your n%ig#bor/ in a(ting upon t#% s;uar% an$ $oing unto #im as you 4is# #% s#oul$ $o unto you< an$ to yours%lf in a&oi$ing all irr%gularity/ or int%mp%ran(% 4#i(# may impair your fa(ulti%s/ or $%bas% t#% $ignity of your prof%ssion. A =%alous atta(#m%nt to t#%s% prin(ipl%s 4ill %nsur% publi( an$ pri&at% %st%%m. In t#% stat% you ar% to b% a ;ui%t an$ p%a(%abl% sub'%(t/ tru% to your go&%rnm%nt an$ 'ust to your (ountry< you ar% not to (ount%nan(% $isloyalty/ but fait#fully submit to l%gal aut#ority/ an$ (onform 4it# (#%%rfuln%ss to t#% go&%rnm%nt of t#% (ountry in 4#i(# you li&%. In your out4ar$ $%m%anor b% parti(ularly (ar%ful to a&oi$ (%nsur% or r%proa(#. Alt#oug# your fr%;u%nt app%aran(% at our r%gular m%%tings is %arn%stly soli(it%$/ y%t it is not m%ant t#at Masonry s#oul$ int%rf%r% 4it# your n%(%ssary &o(ations< for t#%s% ar% on no a((ount to b% n%gl%(t%$< n%it#%r ar% you to suff%r your =%al for t#% institution to l%a$ you into argum%nt 4it# t#os%/ 4#o/ t#roug# ignoran(%/ may ri$i(ul% it. At your l%isur% #ours/ t#at you may impro&% in Masoni( 3no4l%$g%/ you ar% to (on&%rs% 4it# 4%ll0inform%$ br%t#r%n/ 4#o 4ill b% al4ays as r%a$y to gi&%/ as you 4ill b% to r%(%i&% information. inally/ 3%%p sa(r%$ an$ in&iolabl% t#% myst%ri%s of t#% or$%r/ as t#%s% ar% to $istinguis# you from t#% r%st of t#% (ommunity/ an$ mar3 your (ons%;u%n(% among Masons. If/ in t#% (ir(l% of your a(;uaintan(%/ you fin$ a p%rson $%sirous of b%ing initiat%$ into Masonry/ b% parti(ularly att%nti&% not to r%(omm%n$ #im/ unl%ss you ar% (on&in(%$ #% 4ill (onform to our rul%s/ t#at t#% #onor/ glory/ an$ r%putation of t#% institution may b% firmly %stablis#%$/ an$ t#% 4orl$ at larg% (on&in(%$ of its goo$ %ff%(ts.5 T#% 4or3 of t#% %&%ning b%ing o&%r/ I 4ill pro(%%$ to gi&% a $%s(ription of t#% mann%r of (losing t#% lo$g%. It is a &%ry (ommon pra(ti(% in lo$g%s to (los% a lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(%s/ an$ op%n a lo$g% of %llo4 Crafts/ an$ (los% t#at/ an$ op%n a Mast%r Mason6s lo$g%/ all in t#% sam% %&%ning. Som% brot#%r g%n%rally ma3%s a motion t#at t#% lo$g% b% (los%$< it b%ing s%(on$%$ an$ (arri%$, T#% Mast%r to t#% ?unior .%a(on 5-rot#%r ?unior/5 @gi&ing on% rap 4#i(# (alls up bot# .%a(ons/A 5t#% first as 4%ll as t#% last (ar% of a MasonC Ans. 5To s%% t#% lo$g% tyl%$/ Wors#ipful.5 Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 5Att%n$ to t#at part of your $uty/ an$ inform t#% Tyl%r t#at 4%

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan ar% about to (los% t#is lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons/ an$ $ir%(t #im to tyl% a((or$ingly.5 T#% ?unior .%a(on st%ps to t#% $oor an$ gi&%s t#r%% raps/ 4#i(# ar% ans4%r%$ by t#% Tyl%r 4it# t#r%% mor%< t#% ?unior .%a(on t#%n gi&%s on%/ 4#i(# is also ans4%r%$ by t#% Tyl%r by on%. T#% ?unior .%a(on t#%n op%ns t#% $oor/ $%li&%rs #is m%ssag%/ an$ r%sum%s #is pla(% in t#% lo$g% an$ says/ 5T#% $oor is tyl%$/ Wors#ipful.5 Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 5-y 4#omC5 Ans. 5-y a Mast%r Mason 4it#out t#% $oor/ arm%$ 4it# t#% prop%r impl%m%nts of #is offi(%.5 Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 5!is busin%ss t#%r%C5 Ans. 5To 3%%p off all (o4ans an$ %a&%s$ropp%rs an$ a(% t#at non% pass or r%pass 4it#out p%rmission from t#% (#air.5 Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 5"our pla(% in t#% lo$g%/ brot#%r ?uniorC5 Ans. 5At t#% rig#t #an$ of t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st.5 Mast%r to ?unior .%a(on/ 5"our $uty t#%r%C5 Ans. 5To 4ait on t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r an$ War$%ns/ a(t as t#%ir pro8y in t#% a(ti&% $uti%s of t#% lo$g%/ an$ ta3% (#arg% of t#% $oor.5 Mast%r to t#% ?unior .%a(on/ 5T#% S%nior .%a(on6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C5 Ans. 5At t#% rig#t #an$ of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast.5 Mast%r to S%nior .%a(on/ 5"our $uty t#%r%/ brot#%r S%niorC5 Ans. 5To 4ait on t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r an$ War$%ns/ a(t as t#%ir pro8y in t#% a(ti&% $uti%s of t#% lo$g%/ att%n$ to t#% pr%paration an$ intro$u(tion of (an$i$at%s/ r%(%i&% an$ (lot#% all &isiting br%t#r%n.5 Mast%r to t#% S%nior .%a(on/ 5T#% S%(r%tary6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C5 Ans. 5At your l%ft #an$/ Wors#ipful.5 Mast%r to S%(r%tary/ 5"our $uty t#%r%/ brot#%r S%(r%taryC5 Ans. 5.uly to obs%r&% t#% Mast%r6s 4ill an$ pl%asur%< r%(or$ t#% pro(%%$ings of t#% lo$g%< transmit a (opy of t#% sam% to t#% 7ran$ Lo$g%/ if r%;uir%$< r%(%i&% all mon%ys an$ mon%y bills from t#% #an$s of t#% br%t#r%n< pay t#%m o&%r to t#% Tr%asur%r/ an$ ta3% #is r%(%ipt for t#% sam%.5 Mast%r to t#% S%(r%tary/ 5T#% Tr%asur%r6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C5 Ans. 5At t#% rig#t #an$ of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r.5 Mast%r to Tr%asur%r/ 5"our busin%ss t#%r%/ brot#%r Tr%asur%rC5 Ans. 5.uly to obs%r&% t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r6s 4ill an$ pl%asur%< r%(%i&% all mon%ys an$ mon%y bills from t#% #an$s of t#% S%(r%tary< 3%%p a 'ust an$ a((urat% a((ount of t#% sam%< pay t#%m out by or$%r of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r an$ (ons%nt of t#% br%t#r%n. Mast%r to t#% Tr%asur%r/ 5T#% ?unior War$%n6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C5 Ans. 5In t#% sout#/ Wors#ipful.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Mast%r to t#% ?unior War$%n/ 5"our busin%ss t#%r%/ brot#%r ?uniorC5 Ans. 5As t#% sun in t#% sout#/ at #ig# m%ri$ian/ is t#% b%auty an$ glory of t#% $ay/ so stan$s t#% ?unior War$%n in t#% sout#/ at #ig# t4%l&%/ t#% b%tt%r to obs%r&% t#% tim%< (all t#% (rafts from labor to r%fr%s#m%nt< sup%rint%n$ t#%m $uring t#% #ours t#%r%of< s%% t#at non% (on&%rt t#% purpos%s of r%fr%s#m%nt into t#at of %8(%ss or int%mp%ran(%< (all t#%m on again in $u% s%ason/ t#at t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r may #a&% #onor/ an$ t#%y pl%asur% an$ profit t#%r%by.5 T#% Mast%r to t#% ?unior War$%n/ @I 4is# t#% r%a$%r to ta3% parti(ular noti(% t#at in (losing t#% lo$g% t#% Mast%r as3s t#% ?unior War$%n as follo4s, 5T#% Mast%r6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C5 an$ in op%ning #% as3s t#% S%nior War$%n t#% sam% ;u%stion.A 5T#% Mast%r6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C5 Ans. 5In t#% %ast/ Wors#ipful.5 Mast%r to ?unior War$%n/ 5!is $uty t#%r%C5 Ans. 5As t#% sun ris%s in t#% %ast to op%n an$ a$orn t#% $ay/ so pr%si$%s t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast to op%n an$ a$orn #is lo$g%< s%t #is (rafts to 4or3 4it# goo$ an$ 4#ol%som% la4s/ or (aus% t#% sam% to b% $on%.5 Mast%r to ?unior War$%n/ 5T#% S%nior War$%n6s pla(% in t#% lo$g%C5 Ans. 5In t#% 4%st/ Wors#ipful.5 Mast%r to S%nior War$%n/ 5"our busin%ss t#%r%/ brot#%r S%niorC5 Ans. 5As t#% sun s%ts in t#% 4%st to (los% t#% $ay/ so stan$s t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st to assist t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in op%ning an$ (losing t#% lo$g%< ta3% (ar% of t#% '%4%ls an$ impl%m%nts< s%% t#at non% b% lost< pay t#% (rafts t#%ir 4ag%s/ if any b% $u%/ an$ s%% t#at non% go a4ay $issatisfi%$.5 T#% Mast%r no4 gi&%s t#r%% raps/ 4#%n all t#% br%t#r%n ris%/ an$ t#% Mast%r as3s/ 5Ar% you all satisfi%$C5 T#%y ans4%r in t#% affirmati&%/ by gi&ing t#% $u%0guar$. S#oul$ t#% Mast%r $is(o&%r t#at any $%(lin%$ gi&ing it/ in;uiry is imm%$iat%ly ma$% 4#y it is so< an$ if any m%mb%r is $issatisfi%$ 4it# any part of t#% pro(%%$ings/ or 4it# any brot#%r/ t#% sub'%(t is imm%$iat%ly in&%stigat%$. Mast%r to t#% br%t#r%n/ 5Att%n$ to gi&ing t#% signs< as I $o so $o you< gi&% t#%m $o4n4ar$s5 94#i(# is by gi&ing t#% last in op%ning/ first in (losing. In (losing/ on t#is $%gr%%/ you first $ra4 your rig#t #an$ a(ross your t#roat/ as #%r%in b%for% $%s(rib%$/ an$ t#%n #ol$ your t4o #an$s o&%r %a(# ot#%r as b%for% $%s(rib%$. T#is is t#% m%t#o$ pursu%$ t#roug# all t#% $%gr%%s< an$ 4#%n op%ning on any of t#% upp%r $%gr%%s/ all t#%ir signs/ of all t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%s/ ar% gi&%n b%for% you gi&% t#% signs of t#% $%gr%% on 4#i(# you ar% op%ning.: T#is b%ing $on%/ t#% Mast%r pro(%%$s/ 5I no4 $%(lar% t#is lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons r%gularly (los%$ in $u% an$ an(i%nt form. -rot#%r ?unior War$%n/ pl%as% inform brot#%r S%nior War$%n/ an$ r%;u%st #im to inform t#% br%t#r%n t#at it is my 4ill an$ pl%asur% t#at t#is lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons b% no4 (los%$/ an$ stan$ (los%$ until our n%8t r%gular (ommuni(ation/ unl%ss a (as% or (as%s of %m%rg%n(y s#all r%;uir% %arli%r (on&%ntion/ of 4#i(# %&%ry m%mb%r s#all b% notifi%$< $uring 4#i(# tim% it is s%riously #op%$ an$ %8p%(t%$ t#at %&%ry brot#%r 4ill $%m%an #ims%lf as b%(om%s a r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Mason.5 ?unior War$%n to S%nior War$%n/ 5-rot#%r S%nior/ it is t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r6s 4ill an$ pl%asur% t#at t#is lo$g% of Ent%r%$

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Appr%nti(% Masons b% (los%$/ an$ stan$ (los%$ until our n%8t r%gular (ommuni(ation/ unl%ss a (as% or (as%s of %m%rg%n(y s#all r%;uir% %arli%r (on&%ntion/ of 4#i(# %&%ry brot#%r s#all b% notifi%$< $uring 4#i(# tim% it is s%riously #op%$ an$ %8p%(t%$ t#at %&%ry brot#%r 4ill $%m%an #ims%lf as b%(om%s a r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Mason.5 S%nior War$%n to t#% br%t#r%n/ 5-r%t#r%n/ you #a&% #%ar$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r6s 4ill an$ pl%asur%/ as (ommuni(at%$ to m% by brot#%r ?unior< so l%t it b% $on%.5 Mast%r to t#% ?unior War$%n/ 5-rot#%r ?unior/ #o4 $o Masons m%%tC5 Ans. 6On t#% l%&%l.5 Mast%r to S%nior War$%n/ 5!o4 $o Masons partC5 Ans. 5On t#% s;uar%.5 Mast%r to t#% ?unior an$ S%nior War$%ns/ 5Sin(% 4% m%%t on t#% l%&%l/ brot#%r ?unior/ an$ part on t#% s;uar%/ brot#%r S%nior/ so l%t us %&%r m%%t an$ part/ in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$.5 !%r% follo4s a pray%r som%tim%s us%$. Mast%r to t#% br%t#r%n/ 5-r%t#r%n/ l%t us pray.5 5Supr%m% Ar(#it%(t of t#% Uni&%rs%I a((%pt our #umbl% prais%s for t#% many m%r(i%s an$ bl%ssings 4#i(# t#y bounty #as (onf%rr%$ upon us/ an$ %sp%(ially for t#is fri%n$ly an$ so(ial int%r(ours%. )ar$on/ 4% b%s%%(# t#%%/ 4#at%&%r t#ou #ast s%%n amiss in us sin(% 4% #a&% b%%n tog%t#%r< an$ (ontinu% to us t#y pr%s%n(%/ prot%(tion an$ bl%ssing. Ma3% us s%nsibl% of t#% r%n%4%$ obligations 4% ar% un$%r to lo&% t#%% supr%m%ly/ an$ to b% fri%n$ly to %a(# ot#%r. May all our irr%gular passions b% sub$u%$< an$ may 4% $aily in(r%as% in fait#/ #op% an$ (#arity/ but mor% %sp%(ially in t#at (#arity 4#i(# is t#% bon$ of p%a(%/ an$ p%rf%(tion of %&%ry &irtu%. May 4% so pra(ti(% t#y pr%(%pts t#at t#roug# t#% m%rits of t#% R%$%%m%r 4% may finally obtain t#y promis%s/ an$ fin$ an a((%ptan(% t#roug# t#% 7at%s/ an$ into t#% T%mpl% an$ City of our 7o$. So mot% it b% Am%n.5 # $enediction, oftener used at closing than the preceding prayer. May t#% bl%ssing of #%a&%n r%st upon us an$ all r%gular Masons< may brot#%rly lo&% pr%&ail/ an$ %&%ry moral an$ so(ial &irtu% (%m%nt us. So mot% it b% Am%n. Aft%r t#% pray%r t#% follo4ing (#arg% oug#t to b% $%li&%r%$/ but it is s%l$om att%n$%$ to< in a ma'ority of lo$g%s it is n%&%r att%n$%$ to. Mast%r to br%t#r%n/ 5-r%t#r%n/ 4% ar% no4 about to ;uit t#is sa(r%$ r%tr%at of fri%n$s#ip an$ &irtu% to mi8 again 4it# t#% 4orl$. Ami$st its (on(%rns an$ %mploym%nt forg%t not t#% $uti%s 4#i(# you #a&% #%ar$ so fr%;u%ntly in(ul(at%$/ an$ so for(ibly r%(omm%n$%$ in t#is lo$g%. R%m%mb%r/ t#at aroun$ t#is altar/ you #a&% promis%$ to b%fri%n$ an$ r%li%&% %&%ry brot#%r 4#o s#all n%%$ your assistan(%. "ou #a&% promis%$ in t#% most fri%n$ly mann%r to r%min$ #im of #is %rrors an$ ai$ a r%formation. T#%s% g%n%rous prin(ipl%s ar% to %8t%n$ furt#%r, E&%ry #uman b%ing #as a (laim upon your 3in$ offi(%s. .o goo$ unto all. R%(omm%n$ it mor% 5%sp%(ially to t#% #ous%#ol$ of t#% fait#ful.5 inally/ br%t#r%n/ b% y% all of on% min$/ li&% in p%a(%/ an$ may t#% 7o$ of lo&% an$ p%a(% $%lig#t to $4%ll 4it# an$ bl%ss you.5 In som% lo$g%s/ aft%r t#% (#arg% is $%li&%r%$/ t#% Mast%r says/ 5-r%t#r%n/ form on t#% s;uar%.5 W#%n all t#% br%t#r%n form a (ir(l%/ an$ t#% Mast%r/ follo4%$ by %&%ry brot#%r 9%8(%pt in using t#% 4or$s: says/ 5An$ 7o$ sai$ l%t t#%r% b% lig#t/ an$ t#%r% 4as lig#t.5 At t#% sam% mom%nt t#at t#% last of t#%s% 4or$s $rops from t#% Mast%r6s lips/ %&%ry m%mb%r

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan stamps 4it# #is rig#t foot on t#% floor/ an$ at t#% sam% instant bring t#%ir ban$s tog%t#%r 4it# %;ual for(%/ an$ in su(# p%rf%(t unison 4it# %a(# ot#%r t#at p%rsons situat%$ so as to #%ar it 4oul$ suppos% it t#% pr%(ursor of som% $r%a$ful (atastrop#%. T#is is (all%$ 5t#% s#o(3.5 !a&ing $%s(rib%$ all t#% (%r%moni%s an$ forms app%rtaining to t#% op%ning of a lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons/ s%tting t#%m to 4or3/ initiating a (an$i$at%/ an$ (losing t#% lo$g%/ I 4ill no4 pro(%%$ to gi&% t#% l%(tur% on t#is $%gr%%. It is $i&i$%$ into t#r%% s%(tions. T#% l%(tur% is not#ing mor% or l%ss t#an a r%(apitulation of t#% pr%(%$ing (%r%moni%s an$ forms/ by 4ay of ;u%stion an$ ans4%r/ an$ fully %8plains t#% sam%. In fa(t/ t#% (%r%moni%s an$ forms 9g%n%rally Masoni(ally (all%$ t#% 4or3: an$ l%(tur%s ar% so mu(# t#% sam% t#at #% 4#o poss%ss%s a 3no4l%$g% of t#% l%(tur%s (annot b% $%stitut% of a 3no4l%$g% of 4#at t#% (%r%moni%s an$ forms ar%. As t#% (%r%moni%s us%$ in op%ning an$ (losing ar% t#% sam% in all t#% $%gr%%s it is t#oug#t b%st to gi&% t#% 4#ol% in on% ins%rtion< it b%ing t#% sin(%r% 4is# of t#% 4rit%r t#at %&%ry r%a$%r s#oul$ p%rf%(tly un$%rstan$ all t#% formulas of t#% 4#ol% Masoni( fabri(/ as #% t#%n 4ill t#%r%by b% abl% to form (orr%(t opinions of t#% propri%ty or impropri%ty/ a$&antag%s or $isa$&antag%s of t#% sam%. First Section of the Lecture on the First Degree of Masonry. 5 rom 4#%n(% (om% you as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% MasonC5 Ans. 5 rom t#% #oly lo$g% of St.?o#n/ at ?%rusal%m.5 5W#at r%(omm%n$ations $o you bringC5 Ans. 5R%(omm%n$ations from t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r/ War$%ns an$ br%t#r%n of t#at rig#t 4ors#ipful lo$g%/ 4#om gr%%t you.5 5W#at (om%st t#ou #it#%r to $oC5 Ans. 5To l%arn to sub$u% my passions/ an$ impro&% mys%lf in t#% s%(r%t arts an$ myst%ri%s of an(i%nt r%%masonry.5 5"ou ar% a Mason t#%n/ I pr%sum%C6 Ans. 5I am.5 5!o4 s#all I 3no4 you to b% a MasonC5 Ans. 5-y (%rtain signs an$ a to3%n.5 5W#at ar% signsC5 Ans. 5All rig#t angl%s/ #ori=ontals an$ p%rp%n$i(ulars.5 5W#at is a to3%nC5 Ans. 5A (%rtain fri%n$ly an$ brot#%rly grip/ 4#%r%by on% Mason may 3no4 anot#%r/ in t#% $ar3 as 4%ll as in t#% lig#t.5 5W#%r% 4%r% you first pr%par%$ to b% ma$% a MasonC5 Ans. 5In my #%art.5 5W#%r% s%(on$lyC5 Ans. 5In a room a$'a(%nt to t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of su(#.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5!o4 4%r% you pr%par%$C5 Ans. 5-y b%ing $i&%st%$ of all m%tals/ n%it#%r na3%$ nor (lot#%$/ bar%foot nor s#o$/ #oo$4in3%$/ 4it# a Cabl% To4M about my n%(3/ in 4#i(# situation I 4as (on$u(t%$ to t#% $oor of t#% lo$g%.5
MT#r%% mil%s long

5"ou b%ing #oo$4in3%$ #o4 $i$ you 3no4 it to b% a $oorC5 Ans. 5-y first m%%ting 4it# r%sistan(%/ an$ aft%r4ar$s gaining a$mission.5 5!o4 $i$ you gain a$missionC5 Ans. 5-y t#r%% $istin(t 3no(3s from 4it#out/ ans4%r%$ by t#% sam% 4it#in.5 5W#at 4as sai$ to you from 4it#inC5 Ans. 5W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5A poor blin$ (an$i$at% 4#o #as long b%%n $%sirous of #a&ing an$ r%(%i&ing a part of t#% rig#ts an$ b%n%fits of t#is 4ors#ipful lo$g%/ $%$i(at%$ to 7o$/ an$ #%l$ fort# to t#% #oly or$%r of St.?o#n/ as all tru% f%llo4s an$ brot#%rs #a&% $on%/ 4#o #a&% gon% t#is 4ay b%for% m%.5 5W#at furt#%r 4as sai$ to you from 4it#inC5 Ans. 5I 4as as3%$ if it 4as of my o4n fr%% 4ill an$ a((or$ I ma$% t#is r%;u%st/ if I 4as $uly an$ truly propos%$/ 4ort#y an$ 4%ll ;ualifi%$/ all of 4#i(# b%ing ans4%r%$ in t#% affirmati&%/ I 4as as3%$ by 4#at furt#%r rig#ts I %8p%(t%$ to obtain so gr%at a fa&or or b%n%fit.5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5-y b%ing a man/ fr%% born/ of la4ful ag% an$ 4%ll r%(omm%n$%$.5 5W#at 4as t#%n sai$ to youC5 Ans. 5I 4as bi$ to 4ait till t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% (ast 4as ma$% a(;uaint%$ 4it# my r%;u%st an$ #is ans4%r r%turn%$.5 5Aft%r #is ans4%r r%turn%$ 4#at follo4%$C5 Ans. 5I 4as (aus%$ to %nt%r t#% lo$g%.5 5!o4C5 Ans. 5On t#% point of som% s#arp instrum%nt pr%ssing my na3%$ l%ft br%ast in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$.5 5!o4 4%r% you t#%n $ispos%$ ofC5 Ans. 5I 4as (on$u(t%$ to t#% (%nt%r of t#% lo$g% an$ t#%r% (aus%$ to 3n%%l for t#% b%n%fit of a pray%r.5 @S%% pag% *GA 5Aft%r pray%r 4#at 4as sai$ to youC5 Ans. 5I 4as as3%$ in 4#om I put my trust.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5In 7o$.5 5W#at follo4%$C5 Ans. 5T#% Wors#ipful Mast%r too3 m% by t#% rig#t #an$ an$ sai$/ 6Sin(% in 7o$ you put your trust/ aris%/ an$ follo4 your l%a$%r/ an$ f%ar no $ang%r.65 5!o4 4%r% you t#%n $ispos%$ ofC5 Ans. 5I 4as (on$u(t%$ t#r%% tim%s r%gularly roun$ t#% lo$g% an$ #alt%$ at t#% ?unior War$%n in t#% sout#/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions 4%r% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% ?unior War$%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st< 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions 4%r% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% S%nior War$%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ to t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions 4%r% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%/ 4#o li3%4is% $%man$%$ of m% from 4#%n(% I (am% an$ 4#it#%r I 4as tra&%ling.5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5 rom t#% 4%st an$ tra&%ling to t#% %ast.5 5W#y $o you l%a&% t#% 4%st an$ tra&%l to t#% %astC5 Ans. 5In s%ar(# of lig#t.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r t#%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ ba(3 to t#% 4%st/ from 4#%n(% I (am% m%/ an$ put in t#% (ar% of t#% S%nior War$%n/ 4#o taug#t m% #o4 to approa(# t#% %ast/ t#% pla(% of lig#t/ by a$&an(ing upon on% uprig#t r%gular st%p to t#% first st%p/ my f%%t forming t#% rig#t angl% of an oblong s;uar%/ my bo$y %r%(t at t#% altar b%for% t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r.5 5W#at $i$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r $o 4it# youC5 Ans. 5!% ma$% an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason of m%.5 5!o4C5 Ans. 5In $u% form.5 5W#at 4as t#at $u% formC5 Ans. 5My l%ft 3n%% bar%/ b%nt/ my rig#t forming a s;uar%< my l%ft #an$ supporting t#% !oly -ibl%/ S;uar%/ an$ Compass/ an$ my rig#t (o&%ring t#% sam%< in 4#i(# position I too3 upon m% t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason. @S%% pag% 1*.A 5Aft%r you #a$ ta3%n your obligation 4#at 4as sai$ to youC5 Ans. 5I 4as as3%$ 4#at I most $%sir%$.5 5"our ans4%rC5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5Lig#t.5 5W%r% you imm%$iat%ly broug#t to lig#tC5 Ans. 5I 4as.5 5!o4C5 Ans. 5-y t#% $ir%(tion of t#% Mast%r an$ assistan(% of t#% br%t#r%n.5 5W#at $i$ you first $is(o&%r aft%r b%ing broug#t to lig#tC5 Ans. 5T#r%% gr%at lig#ts in Masonry/ by t#% assistan(% of t#r%% l%ss%r.5 5W#at 4%r% t#os% t#r%% gr%at lig#ts in MasonryC5 Ans. 5T#% !oly -ibl%/ S;uar% an$ Compass.5 5!o4 ar% t#%y %8plain%$C5 Ans. 5T#% !oly -ibl% is gi&%n to us as a gui$% for our fait# an$ pra(ti(%< t#% S;uar% to s;uar% our a(tions< an$ t#% Compass to 3%%p us in $u% boun$s 4it# all man3in$/ but mor% %sp%(ially 4it# t#% br%t#r%n.5 may 3no4 anot#%r in t#% $ar3 as 4%ll as t#% lig#t.5 5W#at 4%r% t#os% t#r%% l%ss%r lig#tsC5 Ans. 5T#r%% burning tap%rs/ or (an$l%/ on (an$l% sti(3s.5 5W#at $o t#%y r%pr%s%ntC5 Ans. 5T#% Sun/ Moon/ an$ Mast%r of t#% lo$g%.5 5!o4 ar% t#%y %8plain%$C5 Ans. 5As t#% Sun rul%s t#% $ay/ an$ t#% Moon go&%rns t#% nig#t/ so oug#t t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r to us% #is %n$%a&ors to rul% an$ go&%rn #is lo$g% 4it# %;ual r%gularity or (aus% t#% sam% to b% $on%.5 5W#at $i$ you n%8t $is(o&%rC5 Ans. 5T#% Wors#ipful Mast%r approa(#ing m% from t#% %ast/ un$%r t#% sign an$ $u%0guar$ of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ 4#o pr%s%nt%$ m% 4it# #is rig#t #an$ in to3%n of brot#%rly lo&% an$ %st%%m/ an$ pro(%%$%$ to gi&% m% t#% grip an$ 4or$ of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ an$ bi$ m% aris% an$ salut% t#% ?unior an$ S%nior War$%ns an$ (on&in(% t#%m t#at I #a$ b%%n r%gularly initiat%$ as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ an$ 4as in poss%ssion of t#% sign/ grip an$ 4or$.5 5W#at $i$ you n%8t $is(o&%rC5 Ans. 5T#% Wors#ipful Mast%r a s%(on$ tim% approa(#ing m% from t#% %ast/ 4#o pr%s%nt%$ m% 4it# a lambs3in or 4#it% apron/ 4#i(# #% sai$ 4as an %mbl%m of inno(%n(%/ an$ t#% ba$g% of a Mason< t#at it #a$ b%%n 4orn by 3ings/ prin(%s an$ pot%ntat%s of t#% %art# 4#o #a$ n%&%r b%%n as#am%$ to 4%ar it< t#at it 4as mor% #onorabl% t#an t#% $ia$%ms of 3ings or p%arls of prin(%ss%s/ 4#%n 4ort#ily 4orn/ an$ mor% an(i%nt t#an t#% 7ol$%n l%%(%/ or Roman Eagl%/ mor% #onorabl% t#an t#% Star or 7art%r/ or any ot#%r or$%r t#at (oul$ b% (onf%rr%$ upon m% at t#at tim% or any tim% t#%r%aft%r/ %8(%pt it b% in t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of Masons< an$ bi$ m% (arry it to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st/ 4#o taug#t m% #o4 to 4%ar it as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason.5 5W#at 4%r% you n%8t pr%s%nt%$ 4it#C5 Ans. 5T#% 4or3ing tools of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason.5 5W#at 4%r% t#%yC5 Ans. 5A t4%nty0four in(# gaug% an$ (ommon ga&%l.5 5!o4 4%r% t#%y %8plain%$C5 Ans. 5T#% t4%nty0four in(# gaug% is an instrum%nt ma$% us% of by op%rati&% masons to m%asur% an$ lay out t#%ir 4or3/ but 4% as r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons ar% taug#t to ma3% us% of it for t#% mor% nobl% an$ glorious purpos% of $i&i$ing our tim%< t#% t4%nty0four in(#%s on t#% gaug% ar% %mbl%mati(al of t#% t4%nty0four #ours in t#% $ay/ 4#i(# 4% ar% taug#t to $i&i$% into t#r%% %;ual parts/ 4#%r%by 4% fin$ %ig#t #ours for t#% s%r&i(% of 7o$ an$ a 4ort#y $istr%ss%$ brot#%r/ %ig#t #ours for our usual &o(ation/ an$ %ig#t #ours for r%fr%s#m%nt an$ sl%%p. T#% (ommon ga&%l is an instrum%nt ma$% us% of by op%rati&% masons to br%a3 off t#% (orn%rs of roug# ston%s/ t#% b%tt%r to fit t#%m for t#% buil$%r6s us%/ but 4%/ as r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons/ ar% taug#t to ma3% us% of it for t#% mor% nobl% an$ glorious purpos% of $i&%sting our #%arts an$ (ons(i%n(%s of all t#% &i(%s an$ sup%rfluiti%s of lif%/ t#%r%by fitting our min$s as li&%ly an$ li&ing ston%s for t#at spiritual buil$ing/ t#at !ous% not ma$% 4it# #an$s/ %t%rnal in t#% #%a&%ns.5 5W#at 4%r% you n%8t pr%s%nt%$ 4it#C5 Ans. 5A n%4 nam%.5 5W#at 4as t#atC5 Ans. 5Caution.5 5W#at $o%s it t%a(#C5 Ans. 5It t%a(#%s m% as I 4as bar%ly instru(t%$ in t#% ru$im%nts of Masonry/ t#at I s#oul$ b% (autious o&%r all my 4or$s an$ a(tions/ %sp%(ially 4#%n b%for% its %n%mi%s.5 5W#at 4%r% you n%8t pr%s%nt%$ 4it#C5 Ans. 5T#r%% pr%(ious '%4%ls.5 5W#at ar% t#%yC5 Ans. 5A list%ning %ar/ a sil%nt tongu%/ an$ a fait#ful #%art.5 5W#at $o t#%y t%a(#C5 Ans. 5A list%ning %ar t%a(#%s m% to list%n to t#% instru(tions of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r/ but mor% %sp%(ially t#at I s#oul$ list%n to t#% (alls an$ (ri%s of a 4ort#y $istr%ss%$ brot#%r. A sil%nt tongu% t%a(#%s m% to b% sil%nt in t#% lo$g%/ t#at t#% p%a(% an$ #armony t#%r%of may not b% $isturb%$< but mor% %sp%(ially t#at I s#oul$ b% sil%nt 4#%n b%for% t#% %n%mi%s of Masonry. A fait#ful #%art/ t#at I s#oul$ b% fait#ful to t#% instru(tions of t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r at all tim%s/ but mor% %sp%(ially t#at I s#oul$ b% fait#ful an$ 3%%p an$ (on(%al t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry/ an$ t#os% of a brot#%r/ 4#%n gi&%n to m% in (#arg% as su(#/ t#at t#%y

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan r%main as s%(ur% an$ in&iolabl% in my br%ast/ as in #is o4n b%for% (ommuni(at%$ to m%.5 5W#at 4%r% you n%8t pr%s%nt%$ 4it#C5 Ans. 5C#%(304or$s t4o.5 5W#at 4%r% t#%yC5 Ans. 5Trut# an$ Union.5 5!o4 %8plain%$C5 5Trut# is a $i&in% attribut%/ an$ t#% foun$ation of %&%ry &irtu%. To b% goo$ an$ tru% ar% t#% first l%ssons 4% ar% taug#t in Masonry. On t#is t#%m% 4% (ont%mplat%/ an$ by its $i(tat%s %n$%a&or to r%gulat% our (on$u(t< #%n(%/ 4#il% influ%n(%$ by t#is prin(ipl%/ #ypo(risy an$ $%(%it ar% un3no4n amongst us< sin(%rity an$ plain $%aling $istinguis#%s us< an$ #%art an$ tongu% 'oin in promoting %a(# ot#%r6s 4%lfar%/ an$ r%'oi(ing in %a(# ot#%r6s prosp%rity. Union is t#at 3in$ of fri%n$s#ip t#at oug#t to app%ar (onspi(uous in t#% (on$u(t of %&%ry Mason. It is so (los%ly alli%$ to t#% $i&in% attribut%/ trut#/ t#at #% 4#o %n'oys t#% on% is s%l$om $%stitut% of t#% ot#%r. S#oul$ int%r%st/ #onor/ pr%'u$i(%/ or #uman $%pra&ity %&%r influ%n(% you to &iolat% any part of t#% sa(r%$ trust 4% no4 r%pos% in you/ l%t t#%s% t4o important 4or$s/ at t#% %arli%st insinuation/ t%a(# you to put on t#% (#%(30lin% of trut#/ 4#i(# 4ill infallibly $ir%(t you to pursu% t#at strait an$ narro4 pat#/ 4#i(# %n$s in t#% full %n'oym%nt of t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% abo&%/ 4#%r% 4% s#all all m%%t as Masons an$ m%mb%rs of on% family< 4#%r% all $is(or$ on a((ount of r%ligion/ politi(s or pri&at% opinion s#all b% un3no4n an$ banis#%$ from 4it#in our 4alls.5 5W#at follo4%$C5 Ans. 5T#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast ma$% a $%man$ of m% som%t#ing of a m%tali( 3in$/ 4#i(# #% sai$ 4as not so mu(# on a((ount of its intrinsi( &alu%/ as t#at it mig#t b% $%posit%$ in t#% ar(#i&%s of t#% lo$g%/ as a m%morial t#at I #a$ t#%r%in b%%n ma$% a Mason.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r t#%n $ispos% of youC5 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ out of t#% lo$g% an$ &%st%$ of 4#at I #a$ b%%n $i&%st%$/ an$ r%turn%$ for furt#%r instru(tions.5 5Aft%r you r%turn%$ #o4 4%r% you $ispos%$ of.5 Ans. 5I 4as (on$u(t%$ to t#% nort#%ast (orn%r of t#% lo$g%/ an$ t#%r% (aus%$ to stan$ uprig#t li3% a man/ my f%%t forming a s;uar%/ an$ r%(%i&%$ a sol%mn in'un(tion/ %&%r to 4al3 an$ a(t uprig#tly b%for% 7o$ an$ man/ an$ in a$$ition t#%r%to/ r%(%i&%$ t#% follo4ing (#arg%, @ or t#is (#arg% s%% pag% 1F.N SECTION SECOND. 5W#y 4as you $i&%st%$ of all m%tals 4#%n you 4as ma$% a MasonC5 Ans. 5-%(aus% Masonry r%gar$s no man on a((ount of #is 4orl$ly 4%alt# or #onors< it is/ t#%r%for%/ t#% int%rnal an$ not t#% %8t%rnal ;ualifi(ations t#at r%(omm%n$ a man to Masonry.5 5A s%(on$ r%asonC5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5T#%r% 4as n%it#%r t#% soun$ of an a8%/ #amm%r/ or any ot#%r m%tal tool #%ar$ at t#% buil$ing of Eing Soloman6s t%mpl%.5 5!o4 (oul$ so stup%n$ous a fabri( b% %r%(t%$ 4it#out t#% soun$ of a8%/ #amm%r/ or any ot#%r m%tal toolC5 Ans. 5All t#% ston%s 4%r% #%4%$/ s;uar%$ an$ numb%r%$ in t#% ;uarri%s 4#%r% t#%y 4%r% rais%$/ all t#% timb%rs f%ll%$ an$ pr%par%$ in t#% for%sts of L%banon/ an$ (arri%$ $o4n to ?oppa on floats/ an$ ta3%n from t#%n(% up to ?%rusal%m/ an$ s%t up 4it# 4oo$%n mauls/ pr%par%$ for t#at purpos%< 4#i(#/ 4#%n (ompl%t%$/ %&%ry part t#%r%of fitt%$ 4it# t#at %8a(t ni(%ty/ t#at it #a$ mor% t#% r%s%mblan(% of t#% #an$ 4or3mans#ip of t#% Supr%m% Ar(#it%(t of t#% Uni&%rs%/ t#an t#at of #uman #an$s.5 5W#y 4as you n%it#%r na3%$ nor (lot#%$C5 Ans. 5As I 4as an ob'%(t of $istr%ss at t#at tim%/ it 4as to r%min$ m%/ if %&%r I sa4 a fri%n$/ mor% %sp%(ially a brot#%r/ in a li3% $istr%ss%$ situation/ t#at I s#oul$ (ontribut% as lib%rally to #is r%li%f as #is situation r%;uir%$/ an$ my abiliti%s 4oul$ a$mit/ 4it#out mat%rial in'ury to mys%lf or family.5 5W#y 4%r% you n%it#%r bar%foot or s#o$C5 Ans. 5It 4as an an(i%nt Isra%litis# (ustom/ a$opt%$ among Masons< an$ 4% r%a$/ in t#% boo3 of Rut#/ (on(%rning t#%ir mo$% an$ mann%r of (#anging an$ r%$%%ming/ 6an$ to (onfirm all t#ings/ a brot#%r plu(3%$ off #is s#o% an$ ga&% it to #is n%ig#bor/ an$ t#at 4as t%stimony in Isra%l.6 T#is/ t#%n/ t#%r%for%/ 4% $o in (onfirmation of a to3%n an$ as a pl%$g% of our fi$%lity< t#%r%by signifying t#at 4% 4ill r%noun(% our o4n 4ills in all t#ings/ an$ b%(om% ob%$i%nt to t#% la4s of our an(i%nt institutions.5 5W#y 4%r% you #oo$4in3%$C5 5T#at my #%art mig#t (on(%i&% b%for% my %y%s b%#%l$ t#% b%auti%s of Masonry.5 5A s%(on$ r%asonC5 Ans. 5As I 4as in $ar3n%ss at t#at tim%/ it 4as to r%min$ m% t#at I. s#oul$ 3%%p t#% 4#ol% 4orl$ so r%sp%(ting Masonry.5 5W#y #a$ you a Cabl% To4 about your n%(3C5 Ans. 5In (as% I #a$ not submitt%$ to t#% mann%r an$ mo$% of my initiation/ t#at I mig#t #a&% b%%n l%$ out of t#% lo$g% 4it#out s%%ing t#% form an$ b%auti%s t#%r%of.5 5W#y $i$ you gi&% t#r%% $istin(t 3no(3s at t#% $oorC5 Ans. 5To alarm t#% lo$g%/ an$ l%t t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r/ War$%ns an$ br%t#r%n 3no4 t#at a poor blin$ (an$i$at% pray%$ a$mission.5 5W#at $o%s t#os% t#r%% $istin(t 3no(3s allu$% toC5 Ans. 5A (%rtain passag% in S(riptur%/ 4#%r%in it says/ 6As3 an$ it s#all b% gi&%n/ s%%3 an$ y% s#all fin$/ 3no(3 an$ it s#all b% op%n%$ unto you.65 5!o4 $i$ you apply t#is to your t#%n (as% in MasonryC5 Ans. 5I as3%$ t#% r%(omm%n$ations of a fri%n$ to b%(om% a Mason/ I soug#t a$mission

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan t#roug# #is r%(omm%n$ations/ an$ 3no(3%$/ an$ t#% $oor of Masonry op%n%$ unto m%.5 5W#y 4as you (aus%$ to %nt%r on t#% point of som% s#arp instrum%nt pr%ssing your na3%$ l%ft br%ast in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$C5 Ans. 5As t#is 4as a tortur% to my fl%s#/ so mig#t t#% r%(oll%(tion of it %&%r b% to my #%art an$ (ons(i%n(%/ if %&%r I att%mpt%$ to r%&%al t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry unla4fully.5 5W#y 4as you (on$u(t%$ to t#% (%nt%r of t#% lo$g%/ an$ 4%r% (aus%$ to 3n%%l for t#% b%n%fit of a pray%rC5 Ans. 5-%for% %nt%ring on t#is/ or any ot#%r gr%at an$ important un$%rta3ing/ it is #ig#ly n%(%ssary to implor% bl%ssing from .%ity.5 5W#y 4as you as3%$ in 4#om you put your trustC5 Ans. 5Agr%%abl% to t#% la4s of our an(i%nt institution/ no at#%ist (oul$ b% ma$% a Mason/ it 4as t#%r%for% n%(%ssary t#at I s#oul$ b%li%&% in .%ity< ot#%r4is% no oat# or obligation (oul$ bin$ m%.5 5W#y $i$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r ta3% you by t#% rig#t #an$ an$ bi$ you aris%/ follo4 your l%a$%r an$ f%ar no $ang%rC5 Ans. 5As I 4as in $ar3n%ss at t#at tim%/ an$ (oul$ n%it#%r for%s%% nor a&oi$ $ang%r/ it 4as to r%min$ m% t#at I 4as in t#% #an$s of an aff%(tionat% fri%n$/ in 4#os% fi$%lity I mig#t 4it# saf%ty (onfi$%.5 5W#y 4as you (on$u(t%$ t#r%% tim%s r%gularly roun$ t#% lo$g%C5 Ans. 5T#at t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r/ War$%ns an$ br%t#r%n mig#t s%% t#at I 4as $uly an$ truly pr%par%$.5 5W#y $i$ you m%%t 4it# t#os% s%&%ral obstru(tions on t#% 4ay C5 Ans. 5T#is an$ %&%ry lo$g% is/ or oug#t to b%/ a tru% r%pr%s%ntation of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%/ 4#i(#/ 4#%n (ompl%t%$/ #a$ guar$s station%$ at t#% %ast/ 4%st an$ sout# gat%s.5 5W#y #a$ t#%y guar$s station%$ at t#os% s%&%ral gat%s C5 Ans. 5To pr%&%nt any on% from passing or r%passing t#at 4as not $uly ;ualifi%$.5 5W#y $i$ you 3n%%l on your l%ft 3n%% an$ not on your rig#t/ or bot#C5 Ans. 5T#% l%ft si$% #as %&%r b%%n (onsi$%r%$ t#% 4%a3%st part of t#% bo$y< it 4as t#%r%for% to r%min$ m% t#at t#% part I 4as t#%n ta3ing upon m% 4as t#% 4%a3%st part of Masonry/ it b%ing t#at only of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(%.5 5W#y 4as your rig#t #an$ pla(%$ on t#% !oly -ibl%/ S;uar% an$ Compass/ an$ not your l%ft/ or bot#C5 Ans. 5T#% rig#t #an$ #as %&%r b%%n (onsi$%r%$ t#% s%at of fi$%lity/ an$ our an(i%nt br%t#r%n 4ors#ip%$ .%ity un$%r t#% nam% of i$%s/ 4#i(# #as som%tim%s b%%n r%pr%s%nt%$ by t4o rig#t #an$s 'oin%$ tog%t#%r< at ot#%rs/ by t4o #uman figur%s #ol$ing %a(# ot#%r by t#% rig#t #an$< t#% rig#t #an$. t#%r%for%/ 4% us% in t#is gr%at an$ important un$%rta3ing to signify/ in t#% strong%st mann%r possibl%/ t#% sin(%rity of our int%ntions in t#% busin%ss 4% ar% %ngag%$.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5W#y $i$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r pr%s%nt you 4it# a lambs3in or 4#it% apronC5 Ans. 5T#% lambs3in #as/ in all ag%s/ b%%n $%%m%$ an %mbl%m of inno(%n(%< #%/ t#%r%for%/ 4#o 4%ars t#% lambs3in/ as a ba$g% of a Mason/ is t#%r%by (ontinually r%min$%$ of t#at purity of lif% an$ r%(titu$% of (on$u(t 4#i(# is so %ss%ntially n%(%ssary to our gaining a$mission into t#% (%l%stial lo$g% abo&%/ 4#%r% t#% Supr%m% Ar(#it%(t of t#% Uni&%rs% pr%si$%s.5 5W#y $i$ t#% Mast%r ma3% a $%man$ of you of som%t#ing/ of a m%talli( natur%C5 Ans. 5As I 4as in a poor an$ p%nnyl%ss situation at t#at tim%/ it 4as to r%min$ m% if %&%r I sa4 a fri%n$/ but mor% %sp%(ially a brot#%r/ in t#% li3% poor an$ p%nnyl%ss situation/ t#at I s#oul$ (ontribut% as lib%rally to #is r%li%f as my abiliti%s 4oul$ a$mit an$ #is situation r%;uir%$/ 4it#out in'uring mys%lf or family.5 5W#y 4as you (on$u(t%$ to t#% nort#%ast (orn%r of t#% lo$g%/ an$ t#%r% (aus%$ to stan$ uprig#t li3% a man/ your f%%t forming a s;uar%/ r%(%i&ing at t#% sam% tim% a sol%mn (#arg% %&%r to 4al3 an$ a(t uprig#t b%for% 7o$ an$ manC5 Ans. 5T#% first ston% in %&%ry Masoni( %$ifi(% is/ or oug#t to b% pla(%$ at t#% nort#%ast (orn%r/ t#at b%ing t#% pla(% 4#%r% an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason r%(%i&%s #is first instru(tions to buil$ #is futur% Masoni( %$ifi(% upon.5 THIRD SECTION. 5W% #a&% b%%n saying a goo$ $%al about a lo$g%< I 4ant to 3no4 4#at (onstitut%s a lo$g%C5 Ans. 5A (%rtain numb%r of r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons $uly ass%mbl%$ in a room/ or pla(%/ 4it# t#% !oly -ibl%/ S;uar% an$ Compass/ an$ ot#%r Masoni( impl%m%nts 4it# a (#art%r from t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% %mpo4%ring t#%m to 4or3.5 5W#%r% $i$ our an(i%nt -r%t#r%n m%%t b%for% lo$g%s 4%r% %r%(t%$C5 Ans. 5On t#% #ig#%st #ills/ an$ in t#% lo4%st &al%s.5 5W#y on t#% #ig#%st #ills an$ t#% lo4%st &al%sC5 Ans. 5T#% b%tt%r to guar$ against (o4ans an$ %n%mi%s/ %it#%r as(%n$ing or $%s(%n$ing/ t#at t#% br%t#r%n mig#t #a&% tim%ly noti(% of t#%ir approa(# to pr%&%nt b%ing surpris%$.5 5W#at is t#% form of your lo$g%C5 Ans. 5An oblong s;uar%.5 5!o4 longC5 Ans. 5 rom %ast to 4%st.5 5!o4 4i$%C5 Ans. 5-%t4%%n nort# an$ sout#.5 5!o4 #ig#C5 Ans. 5 rom t#% surfa(% of t#% %art# to t#% #ig#%st #%a&%ns.5 5!o4 $%%pC5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5 rom t#% surfa(% to t#% (%nt%r.5 5W#at supports your lo$g%C5 Ans. 5T#r%% larg% (olumns or pillars.5 5W#at ar% t#%ir nam%sC5 Ans. 5Wis$om/ Str%ngt# an$ -%auty.5 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5It is n%(%ssary t#%r% s#oul$ b% 4is$om to (ontri&%/ str%ngt# to support/ an$ b%auty to a$orn all gr%at an$ important un$%rta3ings/ but mor% %sp%(ially t#is of ours.5 5!as your lo$g% any (o&%ringC5 Ans. 5It #as< a (lou$%$ (anopy/ or a starry $%(3%$ #%a&%n/ 4#%r% all goo$ Masons #op% to arri&%.5 5!o4 $o t#%y #op% to arri&% t#%r%C5 Ans. 5-y t#% assistan(% of ?a(ob6s la$$%r.5 5!o4 many prin(ipal roun$s #as it gotC5 Ans. 5T#r%%.5 5W#at ar% t#%ir nam%sC5 Ans. 5 ait#/ !op% an$ C#arity.5 5W#at $o t#%y t%a(#C5 Ans. 5 ait# in 7o$/ !op% in immortality/ an$ C#arity to all man3in$.5 5!as your lo$g% any furnitur%C5 Ans. 5It #as< t#% !oly -ibl%/ S;uar%/ an$ Compass.5 5To 4#om $o t#%y b%longC5 Ans. 5T#% -ibl% to 7o$/ t#% S;uar% to t#% Mast%r/ an$ t#% Compass to t#% Craft.5 5!o4 %8plain%$C5 Ans. 5T#% -ibl% to 7o$/ it b%ing t#% in%stimabl% gift of 7o$ to man/ for #is instru(tion to gui$% #im t#roug# t#% rugg%$ pat#s of lif%< t#% S;uar% to t#% Mast%r/ it b%ing t#% prop%r %mbl%m of #is offi(%< t#% Compass to t#% Craft/ by a $u% att%ntion to 4#i(# 4% ar% taug#t to limit our $%sir%s/ (urb our ambition/ sub$u% our irr%gular app%tit%s/ an$ 3%%p our passions an$ pr%'u$i(%s in $u% bon$s 4it# all man3in$/ but mor% %sp%(ially 4it# t#% br%t#r%n.5 5!as your lo$g% any ornam%ntsC5 Ans. 5It #as< t#% mosai(/ or (#%;u%r%$ pa&%m%nt/ t#% in$%nt%$ t%ss%ls/ t#% b%autiful t%ss%llat%$ bor$%r 4#i(# surroun$s it/ 4it# t#% bla=ing star in t#% (%nt%r.5 5W#at $o t#%y r%pr%s%ntC5 Ans. 5Mosai( or (#%;u%r%$ pa&%m%nt r%pr%s%nts t#is 4orl$/ 4#i(#/ t#oug# (#%;u%r%$ o&%r

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 4it# goo$ an$ %&il/ y%t br%t#r%n may 4al3 tog%t#%r t#%r%on an$ not stumbl%< t#% in$%nt%$ t%ss%l/ 4it# t#% bla=ing star in t#% (%nt%r/ t#% manifol$ bl%ssings an$ (omforts 4it# 4#i(# 4% ar% surroun$%$ in t#is lif%/ but mor% %sp%(ially t#os% 4#i(# 4% #op% to %n'oy #%r%aft%r< t#% bla=ing star/ t#at pru$%n(% 4#i(# oug#t to app%ar (onspi(uous in t#% (on$u(t of %&%ry Mason/ but mor% %sp%(ially (omm%morati&% of t#% star 4#i(# app%ar%$ in t#% %ast/ to gui$% t#% 4is% m%n to -%t#l%#%m/ to pro(laim t#% birt# an$ t#% pr%s%n(% of t#% Son of 7o$.5 5!as your lo$g% any lig#tsC5 Ans. 5It #as t#r%%.5 5!o4 ar% t#%y situat%$C5 Ans. 5East/ 4%st/ an$ sout#.5 5!as it non% in t#% nort#C5 Ans. 5It #as not.5 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5-%(aus% t#is an$ %&%ry ot#%r lo$g% is/ or oug#t to b% a tru% r%pr%s%ntation of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%/ 4#i(# 4as situat%$ nort# of t#% %(lipti(< t#% sun an$ moon t#%r%for% $arting t#%ir rays from t#% sout#/ no lig#t 4as to b% %8p%(t%$ from t#% nort#< 4%/ t#%r%for%/ Masoni(ally/ t%rm t#% nort# a pla(% of $ar3n%ss.5 5!as your lo$g% any '%4%lsC5 Ans. 5It #as si8< t#r%% mo&abl% an$ t#r%% immo&abl%.5 5W#at ar% t#% t#r%% mo&abl% '%4%lsC5 Ans. 5T#% S;uar%/ L%&%l/ an$ )lumb.5 5W#at $o t#%y t%a(#C5 Ans. 5T#% S;uar%/ morality< t#% L%&%l/ %;uality< an$ t#% )lumb/ r%(titu$% of lif% an$ (on$u(t.5 5W#at ar% t#% t#r%% immo&abl% '%4%lsC5 Ans. 5T#% toug# As#lar/ t#% p%rf%(t As#lar/ an$ t#% Tr%stl%0boar$.5 5W#at ar% t#%yC5 Ans. 5T#% roug# As#lar is a ston% in its roug# an$ natural stat%< t#% p%rf%(t As#lar is also a ston% ma$% r%a$y by t#% 4or3ing tool of t#% %llo4 Craft to b% a$'ust%$ in t#% buil$ing, an$ t#% Tr%stl%0boar$ is for t#% mast%r 4or3man to $ra4 #is plans an$ $%signs upon.5 5W#at $o t#%y r%pr%s%ntC5 Ans. 5T#% roug# As#lar r%pr%s%nts man in #is ru$% an$ imp%rf%(t stat% by natur%< t#% p%rf%(t As#lar also r%pr%s%nts man in t#at stat% of p%rf%(tion to 4#i(# 4% all #op% to arri&% by m%ans of a &irtuous lif% an$ %$u(ation/ our o4n %n$%a&ors/ an$ t#% bl%ssing of 7o$. In %r%(ting our t%mporal buil$ing 4% pursu% t#% plans an$ $%signs lai$ $o4n by t#% mast%r 4or3man on #is Tr%stl%0boar$< but in %r%(ting our spiritual buil$ing 4% pursu% t#% plans an$ $%signs lai$ $o4n by t#% supr%m% 7%om%tri(ian of t#% uni&%rs%/ in t#% boo3 of lif%/

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 4#i(# 4% Masoni(ally t%rm our spiritual Tr%stl%0boar$.5 5W#o $i$ you s%r&%C5 Ans. 5My Mast%r.5 5!o4 longC5 Ans. 5Si8 $ays.5 5W#at $i$ you s%r&% #im 4it#C5 Ans. 5 r%%$om/ f%r&%n(y/ an$ =%al.5 5W#at $o t#%y r%pr%s%ntC5 Ans. 5C#al3/ (#ar(oal/ an$ %art#.5 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5T#%r% is not#ing fr%%r t#an (#al3/ t#% slig#t%st tou(# of 4#i(# l%a&%s a tra(% b%#in$< not#ing mor% f%r&%nt t#an #%at%$ (#ar(oal/ it 4ill m%lt t#% most ob$urat% m%tals< not#ing mor% =%alous t#an t#% %art# to bring fort#.5 5!o4 is your lo$g% situat%$C5 Ans. 5.u% %ast an$ 4%st.5 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5-%(aus% t#% sun ris%s in t#% %ast an$ s%ts in t#% 4%st.5 5A s%(on$ r%asonC5 Ans. 5T#% gosp%l 4as first pr%a(#%$ in t#% %ast/ an$ is spr%a$ing to t#% 4%st.5 5A t#ir$ r%asonC5 Ans. 5T#% lib%ral arts an$ s(i%n(%s b%gan in t#% %ast an$ ar% %8t%n$ing to t#% 4%st.5 5A fourt# r%asonC5 Ans. 5-%(aus% all C#ur(#%s an$ C#ap%ls ar%/ or oug#t to b%/ so situat%$.5 5W#y ar% all C#ur(#%s an$ C#ap%ls so situat%$C5 Ans. 5-%(aus% 3ing Solomon6s t%mpl% 4as so situat%$.5 5W#y 4as 3ing Solomon6s t%mpl% so situat%$C5 Ans. 5-%(aus% Mos%s/ aft%r (on$u(ting t#% (#il$r%n of Isra%l t#roug# t#% R%$ S%a/ by .i&in% (omman$ %r%(t%$ a tab%rna(l% to 7o$/ an$ pla(%$ it $u% %ast an$ 4%st< 4#i(# 4as to (omm%morat%/ to t#% lat%st post%rity/ t#at mira(ulous %ast 4in$ t#at 4roug#t t#%ir $%li&%ran(%< an$ t#is 4as an %8a(t mo$%l of 3ing Solomon6s t%mpl%. Sin(% 4#i(# tim% %&%ry 4%ll r%gulat%$ an$ go&%rn%$ lo$g% is/ or oug#t to b%/ so situat%$.5 5To 4#om $i$ our an(i%nt br%t#r%n $%$i(at% t#%ir lo$g%sC5 Ans. 5To 3ing Solomon.5 5W#y soC5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5-%(aus% 3ing Solomon 4as our most an(i%nt 7ran$ Mast%r.5 5To 4#om $o mo$%rn Masons $%$i(at% t#%ir lo$g%sC5 Ans. 5To St.?o#n t#% -aptist an$ St.?o#n t#% E&ang%list.5 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5-%(aus% t#%y 4%r% t#% t4o most an(i%nt C#ristian patrons of Masonry< an$ sin(% t#%ir tim%/ in %&%ry 4%ll r%gulat%$ O go&%rn%$ lo$g% t#%r% #as b%%n a (%rtain point 4it#in a (ir(l%/ 4#i(# (ir(l% is boun$%$ or/ t#% %ast an$ t#% 4%st by t4o p%rp%n$i(ular an$ parall%l lin%s/ r%pr%s%nting t#% anni&%rsary of St.?o#n t#% -aptist/ an$ St.?o#n t#% E&ang%list/ 4#o 4%r% t4o p%rf%(t parall%ls/ as 4%ll in Masonry as C#ristianity< on t#% &%rt%8 of 4#i(# r%sts t#% boo3 of t#% !oly S(riptur%s/ supporting ?a(ob6s la$$%r/ 4#i(# is sai$ to r%a(# t#% 4at%ry (lou$s< an$ in passing roun$ t#is (ir(l% 4% naturally tou(# on bot# t#%s% p%rp%n$i(ular parall%l lin%s/ as 4%ll as t#% boo3 of t#% !oly S(riptur%s/ an$ 4#il% a Mason 3%%ps #ims%lf t#us (ir(ums(rib%$ #% (annot mat%rially %rr.5 @T#us %n$s t#% first $%gr%% of Masonry/ an$ t#% r%a$%r 4#o #as r%a$ an$ pai$ att%ntion to it 3no4s mor% of Masonry t#an any Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason in (#rist%n$om/ an$ mor% of t#is $%gr%% t#an on% #un$r%$t# part of t#% Mast%r Masons/ or %&%n Royal Ar(# Masons< for &%ry f%4 %&%r att%mpt to l%arn t#% l%(tur%s/ or %&%n t#% obligations< t#%y m%r%ly r%(%i&% t#% $%gr%%s/ an$ t#%r% stop/ 4it# t#% %8(%ption of a f%4 4#o ar% fas(inat%$ 4it# t#% i$%a of #ol$ing an offi(%< t#%y som%tim%s %n$%a&or to ;ualify t#%ms%l&%s to $is(#arg% t#% $uti%s 4#i(# $%&ol&% upon t#%m in t#%ir r%sp%(ti&% offi(%s T#% offi(%s of s%(r%tary an$ tr%asur%r ar% by som% (onsi$%r%$ t#% most important in t#% lo$g%/ parti(ularly 4#%r% t#%r% is mu(# busin%ss $on%.A

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan


I 4ill no4 intro$u(% t#% r%a$%r to t#% s%(on$ $%gr%% of Masonry. It is g%n%rally (all%$ passing/ as 4ill b% s%%n in t#% l%(tur%. I s#all omit t#% (%r%moni%s of op%ning an$ (losing/ as t#%y ar% pr%(is%ly t#% sam% as in t#% first $%gr%%/ %8(%pt t4o 3no(3s ar% us%$ in t#is $%gr%%/ an$ t#% $oor is %nt%r%$ by t#% b%n%fit of a pass04or$. It is &hibboleth. It 4ill b% %8plain%$ in t#% l%(tur%. T#% (an$i$at%/ as b%for%/ is ta3%n into t#% pr%paration room/ an$ pr%par%$ in t#% mann%r follo4ing, All #is (lot#ing ta3%n off/ %8(%pt #is s#irt< furnis#%$ 4it# a pair of $ra4%rs< #is rig#t br%ast bar%< #is l%ft foot in a slipp%r/ #is rig#t bar%< a (abl%0to4 t4i(% aroun$ #is n%(3< s%mi0#oo$0 4in3%$< in 4#i(# situation #% is (on$u(t%$ to t#% $oor of t#% lo$g%/ 4#%r% #% gi&%s t4o 3no(3s/ 4#%n t#% S%nior .%a(on ris%s an$ says, 5Wors#ipful/ 4#il% 4% ar% p%a(ably at 4or3 on t#% s%(on$ $%gr%% of Masonry/ un$%r t#% influ%n(% of fait#/ #op%/ an$ (#arity t#% $oor of t#% lo$g% is alarm%$.5 Mast%r to S%nior .%a(on/ 5En;uir% t#% (aus% of t#at alarm.5 @In many lo$g%s t#%y (om% to t#% $oor/ 3no(3/ ar% ans4%r%$ by t#% S%nior .%a(on/ an$ (om% in 4it#out t#%ir b%ing noti(%$ by t#% S%nior War$%n or Mast%r.A T#% S%nior .%a(on gi&%s t4o raps on t#% insi$% of t#% $oor. T#% (an$i$at% gi&%s on% 4it#out< it is ans4%r%$ by t#% S%nior .%a(on 4it# on%/ 4#%n t#% $oor is partly op%n%$ by t#% S%nior .%a(on/ 4#o %n;uir%s/ 5W#o (om%s #%r%C W#o (om%s #%r%C

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

T#% ?unior .%a(on/ 4#o is or oug#t to b% t#% (on$u(tor/ ans4%rs/ 5A 4ort#y brot#%r 4#o #as b%%n r%gularly initiat%$ as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ s%r&%$ a prop%r tim% as su(#/ an$ no4 4is#%s for furt#%r lig#t in Masonry by b%ing pass%$ to t#% $%gr%% of %llo4 Craft.5
igur% 1 Not%, In mo$%rn lo$g%s bot# %y%s ar% (o&%r%$/ an$ t#% (abl%0to4 is put aroun$ t#% na3%$ rig#t arm/ inst%a$ of aroun$ t#% n%(3. S%% (ut.

S%nior .%a(on to ?unior .%a(on. 5Is it of #is o4n fr%% 4ill an$ a((or$ #% ma3%s t#is r%;u%stC5 Ans. 5It is.5 S%nior .%a(on to ?unior .%a(on, 5Is #% $uly an$ truly pr%par%$C5 Ans. 5!% is.5 S%nior .%a(on to ?unior .%a(on. 5Is #% 4ort#y an$ 4%ll ;ualifi%$C5 Ans. 5!% is.5 S%nior .%a(on to ?unior .%a(on. 5!as #% ma$% suitabl% profi(i%n(y in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%C5 Ans. 5!% #as.5 @L%ry f%4 3no4 any mor% t#an t#%y $i$ t#% nig#t t#%y 4%r% initiat%$/ #a&% not #%ar$ t#%ir obligation r%p%at%$/ nor on% s%(tion of t#% l%(tur%/ an$ in fa(t a &%ry small proportion of Masons %&%r l%arn %it#%r.A S%nior .%a(on to ?unior .%a(on. 5-y 4#at furt#%r rig#ts $o%s #% %8p%(t to obtain t#is

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan b%n%fitC5 Ans. 5-y t#% b%n%fit of a pass04or$.5 S%nior .%a(on to ?unior .%a(on. 5!as #% a pass04or$C5 Ans. 5!% #as not/ but I #a&% it for #im.5 S%nior .%a(on to ?unior .%a(on. 57i&% it to m%.5 T#% ?unior .%a(on 4#isp%rs in t#% S%nior .%a(on6s %ar/ 5S#ibbol%t#.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on says/ 5T#% pass is rig#t< sin(% t#is is t#% (as%/ you 4ill 4ait till t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast is ma$% a(;uaint%$ 4it# #is r%;u%st/ an$ #is ans4%r r%turn%$.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n r%pairs to t#% Mast%r an$ gi&%s t4o 3no(3s/ as at t#% $oor/ 4#i(# ar% ans4%r%$ by t4o by t#% Mast%r/ 4#%n t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$/ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor/ aft%r 4#i(# t#% Mast%r says/ 5Sin(% #% (om%s 4it# all t#%s% n%(%ssary ;ualifi(ations/ l%t #im %nt%r t#is Wors#ipful Lo$g% in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$ an$ ta3% #%%$ on 4#at #% %nt%rs.5 As #% %nt%rs/ t#% angl% of t#% s;uar% is pr%ss%$ #ar$ against #is na3%$ rig#t br%ast/ at 4#i(# tim% t#% S%nior .%a(on says/ 5-rot#%r/ 4#%n you %nt%r%$ t#is lo$g% t#% first tim%/ you %nt%r%$ on t#% point of t#% (ompass pr%ssing your na3%$ l%ft br%ast/ 4#i(# 4as t#%n %8plain%$ to you. "ou no4 %nt%r it on t#% angl% of t#% s;uar% pr%ssing your na3%$ rig#t br%ast/ 4#i(# is to t%a(# you to a(t upon t#% s;uar% 4it# all man3in$/ but mor% %sp%(ially 4it# t#% br%t#r%n.5 T#% (an$i$at% is t#%n (on$u(t%$ t4i(% r%gularly roun$ t#% lo$g%/ an$ #alt%$ at t#% ?unior War$%n in t#% sout#/ 4#%r% #% gi&%s t4o raps/ an$ is ans4%r%$ by t4o/ 4#%n t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$/ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor< from t#%n(% #% is (on$u(t%$ to t#% S%nior War$%n/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%< #% is t#%n (on$u(t%$ to t#% Mast%r in t#% %ast/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%< t#% Mast%r li3%4is% $%man$s of #im from 4#%n(% #% (am% an$ 4#it#%r #% is tra&%ling. !% ans4%rs/ 5 rom t#% 4%st/ an$ tra&%ling to t#% %ast.5 T#% Mast%r as3s/ 5W#y $o you l%a&% t#% 4%st an$ tra&%l to t#% %astC5 Ans. 5In s%ar(# of mor% lig#t.5 T#% Mast%r t#%n says to t#% (on$u(tor/ 5Sin(% t#is is t#% (as%/ you 4ill pl%as% (on$u(t t#% (an$i$at% ba(3 to t#% 4%st from 4#%n(% #% (am%/ an$ put #im in (ar% of t#% S%nior War$%n/ 4#o 4ill t%a(# #im #o4 to approa(# t#% %ast/ t#% pla(% of lig#t/ by a$&an(ing upon t4o uprig#t r%gular st%ps to t#% s%(on$ st%p @#is #%%l is in t#% #ollo4 of t#% rig#t foot on t#is $%gr%%A/ #is f%%t forming t#% rig#t angl% of an oblong s;uar%/ an$ #is bo$y %r%(t at t#% altar b%for% t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r/ an$ pla(% #im in a prop%r position to ta3% t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of a %llo4 Craft Mason.5 T#% Mast%r t#%n l%a&%s #is s%at an$ approa(#%s t#% 3n%%ling (an$i$at% @t#% (an$i$at% 3n%%ls on t#% rig#t 3n%%/ t#% l%ft forming a s;uar%/ #is l%ft arm as far as t#% %lbo4 in a #ori=ontal position/ an$ t#% r%st of t#% arm in a &%rti(al position so as to form a s;uar%/ #is arm support%$ by t#% s;uar% #%l$ un$%r #is %lbo4A an$ says/ 5-rot#%r/ you ar% no4 pla(%$ in a prop%r position to ta3% on you t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of a %llo4 Craft Mason/ 4#i(# I assur% you as b%for% is n%it#%r to aff%(t your r%ligion nor politi(s< if you ar% 4illing

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan to ta3% it/ r%p%at your nam% an$ say aft%r m%5, 5I/ A. -./ of my o4n fr%% 4ill an$ a((or$/ in t#% pr%s%n(% of Almig#ty 7o$/ an$ t#is 4ors#ipful lo$g% of %llo4 Craft Masons/ $%$i(at%$ to 7o$/ an$ #%l$ fort# to t#% #oly or$%r of St.?o#n/ $o #%r%by an$ #%r%on most sol%mnly an$ sin(%r%ly promis% an$ s4%ar/ in a$$ition to my form%r obligation/ t#at I 4ill not gi&% t#% $%gr%% of a %llo4 Craft Mason to any on% of an inf%rior $%gr%%/ nor to any ot#%r b%ing in t#% 3no4n 4orl$/ %8(%pt it b% to a tru% an$ la4ful brot#%r or br%t#r%n %llo4 Craft Masons/ 4it#in t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of su(#< an$ not unto #im nor unto t#%m/ 4#om I s#all #%ar so to b%/ but unto #im an$ t#%m only 4#om I s#all fin$ so to b% aft%r stri(t trial an$ $u% %8amination or la4ful information. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill not 4rong t#is lo$g% nor a brot#%r of t#is $%gr%% to t#% &alu% of t4o (%nts/ 3no4ingly/ mys%lf/ nor suff%r it to b% $on% by ot#%rs if in my po4%r to pr%&%nt it. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill support t#% Constitution of t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% of t#% Unit%$ Stat%s/ an$ of t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% of t#is Stat%/ un$%r 4#i(# t#is lo$g% is #%l$/ an$ (onform to all t#% by0 la4s/ rul%s/ an$ r%gulations of t#is or any ot#%r lo$g% of 4#i(# I may at any tim% #%r%aft%r b%(om% a m%mb%r/ as far as in my po4%r. urt#%rmor%/ $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill ob%y all r%gular signs an$ summons%s gi&%n/ #an$%$/ s%nt/ or t#ro4n to m% by t#% #an$ of a brot#%r %llo4 Craft Mason/ or from t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of su(#/ pro&i$%$ t#at it b% 4it#in t#% l%ngt# of my (abl%0to4/ or s;uar% an$ angl% of my 4or3. urt#%rmor%/ $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill b% ai$ing an$ assisting all poor an$ p%nnil%ss br%t#r%n %llo4 Crafts/ t#%ir 4i$o4s an$ orp#ans/ 4#%r%so%&%r $ispos%$ roun$ t#% glob%/ t#%y applying to m% as su(#/ as far as in my po4%r 4it#out in'uring mys%lf or family. To all 4#i(# I $o most sol%mnly an$ sin(%r%ly promis% an$ s4%ar 4it#out t#% l%ast #%sitation/ m%ntal r%s%r&ation/ or s%lf %&asion of min$ in m% 4#at%&%r< bin$ing mys%lf un$%r no l%ss p%nalty t#an to #a&% my l%ft br%ast torn op%n an$ my #%art an$ &itals ta3%n from t#%n(% an$ t#ro4n o&%r my l%ft s#oul$%r an$ (arri%$ into t#% &all%y of ?%#osap#at/ t#%r% to b%(om% a pr%y to t#% 4il$ b%asts of t#% fi%l$/ an$ &ultur% of t#% air/ if %&%r I s#oul$ pro&% 4illfully guilty of &iolating any part of t#is my sol%mn oat# or obligation of a %llo4 Craft Mason< so #%lp m% 7o$/ an$ 3%%p m% st%a$fast in t#% $u% p%rforman(% of t#% sam%.5 5.%ta(# your #an$s an$ 3iss t#% boo3 4#i(# is t#% !oly -ibl%/ t4i(%.5 T#% ban$ag% is no4 9by on% of t#% br%t#r%n: $ropp%$ o&%r t#% ot#%r %y%/ an$ t#% Mast%r says/ 5-rot#%r @at t#% sam% tim% laying #is #an$ on t#% top of t#% (an$i$at%6s #%a$A/ 4#at $o you most $%sir%C5 T#% (an$i$at% ans4%rs aft%r #is prompt%r/ 5Mor% lig#t.5 T#% Mast%r says/ 5-r%t#r%n/ form on t#% s;uar% an$ assist in bringing our n%4 ma$% brot#%r from $ar3n%ss to lig#t. 6An$ 7o$ sai$ l%t t#%r% b% lig#t/ an$ t#%r% 4as lig#t.65 At t#is instant all t#% br%t#r%n (lap t#%ir #an$s an$ stamp on t#% floor as in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%. T#% Mast%r says to t#% (an$i$at%/ 5-rot#%r/ 4#at $o you $is(o&%r $iff%r%nt from b%for%C5 T#% Mast%r says aft%r a s#ort paus%/ 5"ou no4 $is(o&%r on% point of t#% (ompass %l%&at%$ abo&% t#% s;uar%/ 4#i(# $onat%s lig#t in t#is $%gr%%<

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan but as on% is y%t in obs(urity/ it is to r%min$ you t#at you ar% y%t on% mat%rial point in t#% $ar3 r%sp%(ting Masonry.5 T#% Mast%r st%ps off from t#% (an$i$at% t#r%% or four st%ps/ an$ says/ -rot#%r/ you no4 $is(o&%r m% as mast%r of t#is lo$g% approa(#ing you from t#% %ast/ un$%r t#% sign an$ $u%0guar$ of a %llo4 Craft Mason< $o as I $o as n%ar as you (an an$ 3%%p your position.5 T#% sign is gi&%n by $ra4ing your rig#t #an$ flat/ 4it# t#% palm of it n%8t to your br%ast/ a(ross your br%ast from t#% l%ft to t#% rig#t si$% 4it# som% ;ui(3n%ss/ an$ $ropping it $o4n by your si$%< t#% $u%0guar$ is gi&%n by raising t#% l%ft arm until t#at part of it b%t4%%n t#% %lbo4 an$ s#oul$%r is p%rf%(tly #ori=ontal/ an$ raising t#% r%st of t#% arm in a &%rti(al position/ so t#at t#at part of t#% arm b%lo4 t#% %lbo4 an$ t#at part abo&% it form a s;uar%. T#is is (all%$ t#% t#% $u%0guar$ of a %llo4 Craft Mason. T#% t4o gi&%n tog%t#%r/ ar% (all%$ t#% signs an$ $u%0guar$ of a %llo4 Craft Mason/ an$ t#%y ar% n%&%r gi&%n s%parat%ly< t#%y 4oul$ not b% r%(ogni=%$ by a Mason if gi&%n s%parat%ly. T#% Mast%r/ by t#% tim% #% gi&%s #is st%ps/ signs/ an$ $u%0guar$/ arri&%s at t#% (an$i$at% an$ says/ 5-rot#%r/ I no4 pr%s%nt you 4it# my rig#t #an$/ in to3%n of brot#%rly lo&% an$ (onfi$%n(%/ an$ 4it# it t#% pass0grip an$ 4or$ of a %llo4 Craft Mason.5 T#% pass/ or mor% prop%rly t#% pass0grip/ is gi&%n by ta3ing %a(# ot#%r by t#% rig#t #an$/ as t#oug# going to s#a3% #an$s/ an$ %a(# putting #is t#umb b%t4%%n t#% for% an$ s%(on$ fing%rs 4#%r% t#%y 'oin t#% #an$/ an$ pr%ssing t#% t#umb b%t4%%n t#% 'oints. T#is is t#% pass0grip of a %llo4 Craft Mason/ t#% nam% of it is S#ibbol%t#. @s%%pi(t.*A Its origin 4ill b% %8plain%$ in t#% l%(tur%< t#% pass0grip som% gi&% 4it#out l%tt%ring or syllabling/ an$ ot#%rs gi&% it in t#% sam% 4ay t#%y $o t#% r%al grip< t#% r%al grip of a %llo4 Craft Mason is gi&%n by putting t#% t#umb on t#% 'oint of t#% s%(on$ fing%r 4#%r% it 'oins t#% #an$/ an$ (roo3ing your t#umb so t#at %a(# (an sti(3 t#% nail of #is t#umb into t#% 'oint of t#% ot#%r< t#is is t#% r%al grip of a %llo4 Craft Mason< t#% nam% of it is ?a(#in/ @s%%pi(t.1A it is gi&%n in t#% follo4ing mann%r, If you 4is# to %8amin% a p%rson aft%r #aying ta3%n %a(# ot#%r by t#% grip/ as3 #im/ 5W#at is t#isC5 Ans. 5A grip.5 5A grip of 4#atC5 Ans. 5T#% grip of a %llo4 Craft Mason.5 5!as it a nam%C5 Ans. 5It #as. 5Will you gi&% it to m%C5 Ans. 5I $i$ not so r%(%i&% it/ n%it#%r (an I so impart it.5 5W#at 4ill you $o 4it# itC5 Ans. 5I6ll l%tt%r it or #al&% it.5 5!al&% it an$ you b%gin.5 Ans. 5No/ b%gin you.5 5"ou b%gin.5 Ans. 5? A.5 C!IN.5 Ans. 5?AC!IN.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5Rig#t/ brot#%r/ ?a(#in/ I gr%%t you.5 As t#% signs/ $u%0guar$s/ grips/ 4or$s/ pass04or$s/ an$ t#%ir s%&%ral nam%s (ompris% pr%tty mu(# all t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry/ an$ all t#% information n%(%ssary to pass us as Masons/ I int%n$ to appropriat% a f%4 passag%s in t#% latt%r part of t#is 4or3 to t#% %8(lusi&% purpos% of %8plaining t#%m< I s#all not/ t#%r%for%/ sp%n$ mu(# tim% in %8amining t#%m as I progr%ss. Aft%r t#% Mast%r gi&%s t#% (an$i$at% t#% pass0grip an$ grip/ an$ t#%ir nam%s/ #% says/ 5-rot#%r/ you 4ill ris% an$ salut% t#% ?unior an$ S%nior War$%ns/ as su(#/ an$ (on&in(% t#%m t#at you #a&% b%%n r%gularly pass%$ to t#% $%gr%% of a %llo4 Craft Mason/ an$ #a&% got t#% sign an$ pass0grip/ r%al grip an$ t#%ir nam%s.5 @I $o not #%r% %8pr%ss it as %8pr%ss%$ in lo$g%s g%n%rally< t#% Mast%r g%n%rally says/ 5"ou 4ill aris% an$ salut% t#% War$%ns/ O(/ an$ (on&in(% t#%m/ O(./ t#at you #a&% got t#% sign/ pass0grip/ an$ 4or$.5 It is ob&iously 4rong/ b%(aus% t#% first t#ing #% gi&%s is t#% sign/ t#%n $u%0guar$/ t#%n t#% pass0grip/ r%al grip/ an$ t#%ir nam%s.A W#il% t#% War$%ns ar% %8amining t#% (an$i$at%/ t#% Mast%r g%ts an apron/ an$ r%turns to t#% (an$i$at%/ an$ says/ 5-rot#%r/ I no4 #a&% t#% #onor of pr%s%nting you 4it# a lambs3in or 4#it% apron as b%for%/ 4#i(# I #op% you 4ill (ontinu% to 4%ar 4it# #onor to yours%lf an$ satisfa(tion to t#% br%t#r%n< you 4ill pl%as% (arry it to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st/ 4#o 4ill t%a(# you #o4 to 4%ar it as a %llo4 Craft Mason.5 T#% S%nior War$%n ti%s on #is apron an$ turns up on% (orn%r of t#% lo4%r %n$ of t#% apron an$ tu(3s it un$%r t#% apron string. T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n (on$u(ts #is pupil to t#% Mast%r/ 4#o #as by t#is tim% r%sum%$ #is s%at in t#% %ast/ 4#%r% #% #as/ or oug#t to #a&%/ t#% floor (arp%t to assist #im in #is %8planations. Mast%r to t#% (an$i$at%/ 5-rot#%r/ as you ar% $r%ss%$/ it is n%(%ssary you s#oul$ #a&% tools to 4or3 4it#. I 4ill t#%r%for% pr%s%nt you 4it# t#% tools of a %llo4 Craft Mason. T#%y ar% t#% plumb/ s;uar%/ an$ l%&%l. T#% plumb is an instrum%nt ma$% us% of by op%rati&% Masons to rais% p%rp%n$i(ulars/ t#% s;uar% to s;uar% t#%ir 4or3/ an$ t#% l%&%l to lay #ori=ontals/ but 4%/ as r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons/ ar% taug#t to us% t#%m for a mor% nobl% an$ glorious purpos%< t#% plumb t%a(#%s us to 4al3 uprig#tly in our s%&%ral stations b%for% 7o$ an$ man/ s;uaring our a(tions by t#% s;uar% of &irtu%/ an$ r%m%mb%ring t#at 4% ar% tra&%ling on t#% l%&%l of tim% to t#at un$is(o&%r%$ (ountry from 4#os% bourn% no tra&%l%r #as r%turn%$. I furt#%r pr%s%nt you 4it# t#r%% pr%(ious '%4%ls, t#%ir nam%s ar% ait#/ !op%/ an$ C#arity< t#%y t%a(# us to #a&% fait# in 7o$/ #op% in immortality/ an$ (#arity to all man3in$.5 T#% Mast%r to t#% S%nior .%a(on/ 5"ou 4ill no4 (on$u(t t#% (an$i$at% out of t#% lo$g% an$ in&%st #im of 4#at #% #as b%%n $i&%st%$.5 Aft%r #% is (lot#%$ an$ t#% n%(%ssary arrang%m%nts ma$% for #is r%(%ption/ su(# as pla(ing t#% (olumns an$ floor (arp%t/ if t#%y #a&% any/ an$ t#% (an$i$at% is r%(on$u(t%$ ba(3 to t#% lo$g%< as #% %nt%rs t#% $oor t#% S%nior .%a(on obs%r&%s/ 5W% ar% no4 about to r%turn to t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%.5 W#%n 4it#in t#% $oor t#% S%nior .%a(on pro(%%$s/ 5-rot#%r/ 4% #a&% 4or3%$ in sp%(ulati&% Masonry/ but our for%fat#%rs 4roug#t bot# in sp%(ulati&% an$ op%rati&% Masonry< t#%y 4or3%$ at t#% buil$ing of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%/ an$ many ot#%r Masoni( %$ifi(%s< t#%y 4roug#t si8 $ays< t#%y $i$ not 4or3 on t#% s%&%nt#/ b%(aus% in si8 $ays 7o$ (r%at%$ t#% #%a&%ns an$ %art# an$ r%st%$ on t#% s%&%nt# $ay< t#% s%&%nt#/ t#%r%for%/ our an(i%nt br%t#r%n (ons%(rat%$ as a $ay of r%st/ t#%r%by %n'oying mor% fr%;u%nt opportuniti%s to (ont%mplat% t#% glorious 4or3s of (r%ation an$ to a$or% t#%ir gr%at Cr%ator.5 Mo&ing a st%p or t4o/ t#% S%nior .%a(on pro(%%$s/ 5-rot#%r/ t#% first t#ing t#at attra(ts our att%ntion ar% t4o larg% (olumns/ or pillars/ on% on t#% l%ft #an$ an$ t#% ot#%r on t#% rig#t< t#% nam% of t#% on% on t#% l%ft #an$ is -oa=/ an$ $%not%s str%ngt#< t#% nam% of

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan t#% on% on t#% rig#t #an$ is ?a(#in/ an$ $%not%s %stablis#m%nt< t#%y (oll%(ti&%ly allu$% to a passag% in S(riptur% 4#%r%in 7o$ #as $%(lar%$ in #is 4or$/ 6In str%ngt# s#all t#is !ous% b% %stablis#%$.65 T#%s% (olumns ar% %ig#t%%n (ubits #ig#/ t4%l&% in (ir(umf%r%n(% an$ four in $iam%t%r< t#%y ar% a$orn%$ 4it# t4o larg% C#apit%rs/ on% on %a(#/ an$ t#%s% C#apit%rs ar% ornam%nt%$ 4it# n%t04or3/ lily04or3/ an$ pom%granat%s< t#%y $%not% unity/ p%a(%/ an$ pl%nty. T#% n%t0 4or3/ from its (onn%(tion/ $%not%s union/ t#% lily/ from its 4#it%n%ss/ purity an$ p%a(%/ an$ t#% pom%granat%/ from t#% %8ub%ran(% of its s%%$/ $%not%s pl%nty. T#%y also #a&% t4o larg% glob%s or balls/ on% on %a(#< t#%s% glob%s or balls (ontain on t#%ir (on&%8 surfa(% all t#% maps an$ (#arts of t#% (%l%stial an$ t%rr%strial bo$i%s< t#%y ar% sai$ to b% t#us %8t%nsi&% to $%not% t#% uni&%rsality of Masonry/ an$ t#at a Mason6s (#arity oug#t to b% %;ually %8t%nsi&%. T#%ir (omposition is molt%n/ or (ast brass< t#%y 4%r% (ast on t#% ri&%r ?or$an/ in t#% (lay groun$/ b%t4%%n Su((ot# an$ Jara$at#a/ 4#%r% Eing Solomon or$%r%$ t#%s% an$ all ot#%r #oly &%ss%ls to b% (ast< t#%y 4%r% (ast #ollo4/ an$ 4%r% four in(#%s/ or a #an$0 br%a$t#/ t#i(3< t#%y 4%r% (ast #ollo4 b%tt%r to 4it#stan$ inun$ations an$ (onflagrations/ 4%r% t#% ar(#i&%s of Masonry/ an$ (ontain%$ t#% (onstitution/ rolls/ an$ r%(or$s.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on #a&ing %8plain%$ t#% (olumns/ #% pass%s b%t4%%n t#%m/ a$&an(ing a st%p or t4o/ obs%r&ing as #% a$&an(%s/ 5-rot#%r/ 4% 4ill pursu% our tra&%ls< t#% n%8t t#at 4% (om% to is a long/ 4in$ing stair(as%/ 4it# t#r%%/ fi&%/ s%&%n st%ps/ or mor%.5 T#% first t#r%% allu$% to t#% t#r%% prin(ipal supports in Masonry/ &i=., 4is$om/ str%ngt#/ an$ b%auty< t#% fi&% st%ps allu$% to t#% fi&% or$%rs in ar(#it%(tur%/ an$ t#% fi&% #uman s%ns%s< t#% fi&% or$%rs in ar(#it%(tur% ar% t#% Tus(an/ .ori(/ Ioni(/ Corint#ian/ an$ Composit%< t#% fi&% #uman s%ns%s ar% #%aring/ s%%ing/ f%%ling/ sm%lling/ an$ tasting/ t#% first t#r%% of 4#i(# #a&% %&%r b%%n #ig#ly %ss%ntial among Masons #%aring/ to #%ar t#% 4or$< s%%ing/ to s%% t#% sign< f%%ling/ to f%%l t#% grip 4#%r%by on% Mason may 3no4 anot#%r in t#% $ar3 as 4%ll as in t#% lig#t. T#% s%&%n st%ps allu$% to t#% s%&%n sabbati(al y%ars/ s%&%n y%ars of famin%/ s%&%n y%ars in buil$ing t#% t%mpl%/ s%&%n gol$%n (an$l%sti(3s/ s%&%n 4on$%rs of t#% 4orl$/ s%&%n plan%ts/ but mor% %sp%(ially t#% s%&%n lib%ral arts an$ s(i%n(%s/ 4#i(# ar% grammar/ r#%tori(/ logi(/ arit#m%ti(/ g%om%try/ musi(/ an$ astronomy< for t#is an$ many ot#%r r%asons t#% numb%r s%&%n #as %&%r b%%n #%l$ in #ig# %stimation among Masons. A$&an(ing a f%4 st%ps/ t#% S%nior .%a(on pro(%%$s/ 5-rot#%r/ t#% n%8t t#ing 4% (om% to is t#% out%r $oor of t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%/ 4#i(# is partly op%n/ but (los%ly tyl%$ by t#% ?unior War$%n.5 @It is t#% ?unior War$%n in t#% sout#/ 4#o r%pr%s%nts t#% Tyl%r at t#% out%r $oor of t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%A/ 4#o on t#% approa(# of t#% S%nior .%a(on an$ (an$i$at% %n;uir%s/ 5W#o (om%s #%r%C W#o (om%s #%r%C5 T#% S%nior .%a(on ans4%rs/ 5A %llo4 Craft Mason.5 ?unior War$%n to S%nior .%a(on/ 5!o4 $o you %8p%(t to gain a$missionC5 Ans. 5-y a pass/ an$ to3%n of a pass.5 ?unior War$%n to S%nior .%a(on/ 5Will you gi&% t#%m to m%C5 T#% S%nior .%a(on or t#% (an$i$at% 9prompt%$ by #im: gi&%s t#%m< t#is an$ many ot#%r to3%ns an$ grips ar% fr%;u%ntly gi&%n by strang%rs/ 4#%n first intro$u(%$ to %a(# ot#%r. If gi&%n to a Mason #% 4ill imm%$iat%ly r%turn it< t#%y (an b% gi&%n by any (ompany unobs%r&%$/ %&%n by Masons/ 4#%n s#a3ing #an$s. A pass an$ to3%n of a pass< t#% pass is

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan t#% 4or$ S#ibbol%t#< t#% to3%n/ alias t#% pass0grip is gi&%n as b%for% $%s(rib%$/ by ta3ing %a(# ot#%r by t#% rig#t #an$/ as if s#a3ing #an$s/ an$ pla(ing t#umb b%t4%%n t#% for%fing%r an$ t#% s%(on$ fing%r at t#% t#ir$ 'oint/ or 4#%r% t#%y 'oin t#% #an$/ an$ pr%ssing it #ar$ %noug# to attra(t att%ntion. In t#% l%(tur% it is (all%$ a to3%n/ but g%n%rally (all%$ t#% pass0 grip< it is an un$%niabl% fa(t t#at Masons %8pr%ss t#%ms%l&%s so $iff%r%ntly/ 4#%n t#%y m%an t#% sam% t#ing/ t#at t#%y fr%;u%ntly 4#olly misun$%rstan$ %a(# ot#%r. Aft%r t#% ?unior War$%n #as r%(%i&%$ t#% pass/ S#ibbol%t#/ #% %n;uir%s/ 5W#at $o%s it $%not%C Ans. 5)l%nty.5 ?unior War$%n to S%nior .%a(on/ 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5 rom an (ar of (orn b%ing pla(%$ at t#% 4at%r for$.5 ?unior War$%n to S%nior .%a(on/ 5W#y 4as t#is pass institut%$C5 5In (ons%;u%n(% of a ;uarr%l/ 4#i(# #a$ long %8ist%$ b%t4%%n ?%pt#a/ 'u$g% of Isra%l/ an$ t#% Ep#raimit%s/ t#% latt%r of 4#om #a$ long b%%n a stubborn/ r%b%llious p%opl%/ 4#om ?%pt#a #a$ %n$%a&or%$ to sub$u% by l%ni%nt m%asur%s/ but to no %ff%(t. T#% Ep#raimit%s/ b%ing #ig#ly in(%ns%$ against ?%pt#a for not b%ing (all%$ to fig#t an$ s#ar% in t#% ri(# spoils of t#% Amonitis# 4ar/ ass%mbl%$ a mig#ty army an$ pass%$ o&%r t#% ri&%r ?or$an to gi&% ?%pt#a battl%< but #%/ b%ing appris%$ of t#%ir approa(#/ (all%$ tog%t#%r t#% m%n of Isra%l/ an$ put t#%m to flig#t< an$/ to ma3% #is &i(tory mor% (ompl%t%/ #% or$%r%$ guar$s to b% pla(%$ at t#% $iff%r%nt pass%s on t#% ban3s of t#% ri&%r ?or$an an$ (omman$%$ if t#% Ep#raimit%s pass%$ t#at 4ay/ t#at t#%y s#oul$ pronoun(% t#% 4or$ S#ibbol%t#/ but t#%y/ b%ing of a $iff%r%nt trib%/ pronoun(%$ it S%bol%t#/ 4#i(# trifling $%f%(t pro&%$ t#%m spi%s/ an$ (ost t#%m t#%ir li&%s< an$ t#%r% f%ll t#at $ay at t#% $iff%r%nt pass%s on t#% ban3s of t#% ri&%r ?or$an forty an$ t4o t#ousan$. T#is 4or$ 4as also us%$ by our an(i%nt br%t#r%n to $istinguis# a fri%n$ from a fo%/ an$ #as sin(% b%%n a$opt%$ as a prop%r pass04or$/ to b% gi&%n b%for% %nt%ring any 4%ll r%gulat%$ an$ go&%rn%$ lo$g% of %llo4 Craft Masons.5 5Sin(% t#is is t#% (as%/ you 4ill pass on to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st for furt#%r %8amination.5 As t#%y approa(# t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st/ t#% S%nior .%a(on says to t#% (an$i$at%/ 5-rot#%r/ t#% n%8t t#ing 4% (om% to is t#% inn%r $oor of t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%/ 4#i(# 4% fin$ partly op%n/ but mor% (los%ly tyl%$ by t#% S%nior War$%n/5 4#%n t#% S%nior War$%n %n;uir%s/ 5W#o (om%s #%r%C W#o (om%s #%r%C5 T#% S%nior .%a(on ans4%rs/ 5A %llo4 Craft Mason.5 S%nior War$%n to S%nior .%a(on/ 5!o4 $o you %8p%(t to gain a$missionC5 Ans. 5-y t#% grip an$ 4or$.5 T#% S%nior War$%n to t#% S%nior .%a(on/ 5Will you gi&% t#%m to m%C5 T#%y ar% t#%n gi&%n as #%r%in b%for% $%s(rib%$. T#% 4or$ is ?a(#in. Aft%r t#%y ar% gi&%n t#% S%nior War$%n says/ 5T#%y ar% rig#t/ you (an pass on to t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast.5 As t#%y approa(# t#% Mast%r/ #% %n;uir%s/ 5W#o (om%s #%r%C W#o (om%s #%r%C5 S%nior .%a(on ans4%rs/ 5A %llo4 Craft Mason.5 T#% Mast%r t#%n says to t#% (an$i$at%/ 5-rot#%r/ you #a&% b%%n a$mitt%$ into t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl% for t#% sa3% of t#% l%tt%r 7. It $%not%s .%ity/ b%for%

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 4#om 4% all oug#t to bo4 in r%&%r%n(%/ 4ors#ip an$ a$or%. It also $%not%s 7%om%try/ t#% fift# s(i%n(%/ it b%ing t#at on 4#i(# t#is $%gr%% 4as prin(ipally foun$%$. -y 7%om%try 4% may (uriously tra(% natur% t#roug# #%r &arious 4in$ings to #%r most (on(%al%$ r%(%ss%s. -y it 4% may $is(o&%r t#% po4%r/ t#% 4is$om/ an$ t#% goo$n%ss of t#% 7ran$ Artifi(%r of t#% uni&%rs%/ an$ &i%4 4it# $%lig#t t#% proportions 4#i(# (onn%(t t#is &ast ma(#in%. -y it 4% may $is(o&%r #o4 t#% plan%ts mo&% in t#%ir orbits/ an$ $%monstrat% t#%ir &arious r%&olutions. -y it 4% may a((ount for t#% r%turn of s%asons/ an$ t#% &ari%ty of s(%n%s 4#i(# %a(# s%ason $isplays to t#% $is(%rning %y%. Numb%rl%ss 4orl$s surroun$ us/ all form%$ by t#% sam% .i&in% Ar(#it%(t/ 4#i(# roll t#roug# t#% &ast %8pans%/ an$ all (on$u(t%$ by t#% sam% un%rring la4 of natur%. A sur&%y of natur%/ an$ t#% obs%r&ations of #%r b%autiful proportions first $%t%rmin%$ man to imitat% t#% $i&in% plan/ an$ stu$y symm%try an$ or$%r. T#% ar(#it%(t b%gan to $%sign< an$ t#% plans 4#i(# #% lai$ $o4n/ b%ing impro&%$ by %8p%ri%n(% an$ tim%/ #a&% pro$u(%$ 4or3s 4#i(# ar% t#% a$miration of %&%ry ag%. T#% laps% of tim%/ t#% rut#l%ss #an$ of ignoran(%/ an$ t#% $%&astations of 4ar #a&% lai$ 4ast% an$ $%stroy%$ many &aluabl% monum%nts of anti;uity on 4#i(# t#% utmost %8%rtions of #uman g%nius #a&% b%%n %mploy%$. E&%n t#% t%mpl% of Solomon/ so spa(ious an$ magnifi(%nt/ an$ (onstru(t%$ by so many (%l%brat%$ artists/ %s(ap%$ not t#% unsparing ra&ag%s of barbarous for(%. T#% att%nti&% %ar r%(%i&%s t#% soun$ from t#% instru(ti&% tongu% an$ t#% myst%ri%s of r%%masonry ar% saf%ly lo$g%$ in t#% r%pository of fait#ful br%asts. Tools an$ impl%m%nts of ar(#it%(tur%/ an$ symboli( %mbl%ms/ most %8pr%ssi&%/ ar% s%l%(t%$ by t#% frat%rnity to imprint on t#% min$ 4is% an$ s%rious trut#< an$ t#us/ t#roug# a su((%ssion of ag%s/ ar% transmitt%$/ unimpair%$/ most %8(%ll%nt t%n%ts of our institution.5 !%r% %n$s t#% 4or3 part of t#% %llo4 Craft $%gr%%. It 4ill b% obs%r&%$ t#at t#% (an$i$at% #as r%(%i&%$/ in t#is pla(%/ t#% s%(on$ s%(tion of t#% l%(tur% on t#is $%gr%%. T#is (ours% is not g%n%rally pursu%$/ but it is mu(# t#% most instru(ti&% m%t#o$/ an$ 4#%n it is omitt%$ I g%n%rally (on(lu$% t#at it is for 4ant of a 3no4l%$g% of t#% l%(tur%. Monitorial 4rit%rs @4#o ar% by no m%ans (o%&al 4it# MasonryA all 4rit% an$ (opy &%ry mu(# aft%r %a(# ot#%r/ an$ t#%y all ins%rt%$ in t#%ir boo3s all t#os% (laus%s of t#% s%&%ral l%(tur%s 4#i(# ar% not (onsi$%r%$ by t#% 4is% on%s as t%n$ing to $%&%lop t#% s%(r%ts of Masonry. In som% instan(%s t#%y (#ang% t#% p#ras%ology a littl%< in ot#%rs/ t#%y ar% lit%ral %8tra(ts from t#% l%(tur%s. T#is/ it is sai$/ is $on% to fa(ilitat% t#% progr%ss of l%arn%rs or young Masons 4#%n in fa(t it #as t#% (ontrary %ff%(t. All l%(tur% t%a(#%rs 9an$ t#%r% ar% many tra&%ling about t#% (ountry 4it# r%(omm%n$ations from som% of t#%ir $istinguis#%$ br%t#r%n: 4#%n t#%y (om% to any of t#os% (laus%s/ 4ill say to t#%ir pupils, 5I #a&% not (ommitt%$ t#at< it is in t#% Monitor< you (an l%arn it at your l%isur%.5 T#is (ours% of pro(%$ur% sub'%(ts t#% l%arn%r to t#% n%(%ssity of ma3ing #is o4n ;u%stions/ an$/ of (ours%/ ans4%ring monitorially/ 4#%t#%r t#% %8tra(ts from t#% l%(tur%s ar% lit%ral or not. Again/ t#%r% is not a p%rf%(t sam%n%ss in all t#% Monitors/ or t#%y (oul$ not all g%t (opyrig#ts< #%n(% t#% gr%at $i&%rsity in t#% l%(tur%s as 4%ll as t#% 4or3. T#% follo4ing (#arg% is/ or oug#t to b%/ $%li&%r%$ to t#% (an$i$at% aft%r #% #as got t#roug# t#% (%r%moni%s< but #% is g%n%rally tol$/ 5It is in t#% Monitor/ an$ you (an r%a$ it at your l%isur%.5 5-rot#%r/ b%ing a$&an(%$ to t#% s%(on$ $%gr%% of Masonry/ 4% (ongratulat% you on your pr%f%rm%nt. T#% int%rnal an$ not t#% %8t%rnal ;ualifi(ations of a man ar% 4#at Masonry r%gar$s. As you in(r%as% in 3no4l%$g%/ you 4ill impro&% in so(ial int%r(ours%. It is unn%(%ssary to r%(apitulat% t#% $uti%s 4#i(#/ as a Mason/ you ar% boun$ to $is(#arg%/ or %nlarg% on t#% n%(%ssity of a stri(t a$#%r%n(% to t#%m as your o4n %8p%ri%n(% must #a&%

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan %stablis#%$ t#%ir &alu%. Our la4s an$ r%gulations "ou ar% str%nuously to support an$ b% al4ays r%a$y to assist in s%%ing t#%m $uly %8%(ut%$. "ou ar% not to palliat% or aggra&at% t#% off%n(%s of your br%t#r%n/ but in t#% $%(ision of %&%ry tr%spass against our rul%s you ar% to 'u$g% 4it# (an$or/ a$monis# 4it# fri%n$s#ip/ an$ r%pr%#%n$ 4it# 'usti(%. T#% stu$y of t#% lib%ral arts/ t#at &aluabl% bran(# of %$u(ation/ 4#i(# t%n$s so %ff%(tually to polis# an$ a$orn t#% min$/ is %arn%stly r%(omm%n$%$ to your (onsi$%ration< %sp%(ially t#% s(i%n(% of g%om%try/ 4#i(# is %stablis#%$ as t#% basis of our art. 7%om%try or Masonry/ originally synonymous t%rms/ b%ing of a $i&in% moral natur%/ is %nri(#%$ 4it# t#% most us%ful 3no4l%$g%< 4#il% it pro&%s t#% 4on$%rful prop%rti%s of natur%/ it $%monstrat%s t#% mor% important trut#s of morality. "our past b%#a&ior an$ r%gular $%portm%nt #a&% m%rit%$ t#% #onor 4#i(# 4% #a&% no4 (onf%rr%$< an$ in your n%4 (#ara(t%r it is %8p%(t%$ t#at you 4ill (onform to t#% prin(ipl%s of t#% or$%r by st%a$ily p%rs%&%ring in t#% pra(ti(% of %&%ry (omm%n$abl% &irtur%. Su(# is t#% natur% of your %ngag%m%nts as a %llo4 Craft/ an$ to t#%s% $uti%s you ar% boun$ by t#% most sa(r%$ ti%s.5 I 4ill no4 pro(%%$ 4it# t#% l%(tur% on t#is $%gr%%. It is $i&i$%$ into t4o s%(tions. SECTION FIRST. 5Ar% you a %llo4 Craft MasonC5 Ans. 5I am try m%.5 5-y 4#at 4ill you b% tri%$C5 Ans. 5-y t#% s;uar%.5 5W#y by t#% s;uar%C5 Ans. 5-%(aus% it is all %mbl%m of &irtu%.5 5W#at is a s;uar%C5 Ans. 5An angl% %8t%n$ing to nin%ty $%gr%%s/ or t#% fourt# part of a (ir(l%.5 5W#%r% 4%r% you pr%par%$ to b% ma$% a %llo4 Craft MasonC5 Ans. 5In a room a$'a(%nt to t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of su(#/ $uly ass%mbl%$ in a room or pla(%/ r%pr%s%nting t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%.5 5!o4 4%r% you pr%par%$C5 Ans. 5-y b%ing $i&%st%$ of all m%tals< n%it#%r na3%$ nor (lot#%$< bar%foot nor s#o$< #oo$0 4in3%$< 4it# a (abl%0to4 t4i(% roun$ my n%(3< in 4#i(# situation I 4as (on$u(t%$ to t#% $oor of t#% lo$g%/ 4#%r% I ga&% t4o $istin(t 3no(3s.5 W#at $i$ t#os% t4o $istin(t 3no(3s allu$% toC5 Ans. 5T#% s%(on$ $%gr%% in Masonry/ it b%ing t#at on 4#i(# I 4as about to %nt%r.5 5W#at 4as sai$ to you from 4it#inC5 Ans. 6W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5A 4ort#y brot#%r 4#o #as b%%n r%gularly initiat%$ as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan s%r&%$ a prop%r tim% as su(#/ an$ no4 4is#%s for furt#%r lig#t in Masonry by b%ing pass%$ to t#% $%gr%% of a %llo4 Craft.5 5W#at 4as t#%n sai$ to you from 4it#inC5 Ans. 5I 4as as3%$ if it 4as of my o4n fr%% 4ill an$ a((or$ I ma$% t#is r%;u%st< if I 4as $uly an$ truly pr%par%$ 4ort#y/ an$ 4%ll ;ualifi%$/ an$ #a$ ma$% suitabl% profi(i%n(y in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%< all of 4#i(# b%ing ans4%r%$ in t#% affirmati&%/ I 4as as3%$ by 4#at furt#%r rig#ts I %8p%(t%$ to obtain so gr%at a b%n%fit.5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5-y t#% b%n%fit of a pass04or$.5 5W#at is t#at pass04or$C5 Ans. 5S#ibbol%t#.5 5W#at furt#%r 4as sai$ to you from 4it#inC5 Ans. 5I 4as bi$ to 4ait till t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% (ast 4as ma$% a(;uaint%$ 4it# my r%;u%st/ an$ #is ans4%r r%turn%$.5 5Aft%r #is ans4%r 4as r%turn%$ 4#at follo4%$C5 Ans. 5I 4as (aus%$. to %nt%r t#% lo$g%.5 5!o4 $i$ you %nt%rC5 Ans. 5On t#% angl% of t#% s;uar%/ pr%s%nt%$ to my na3%$ rig#t br%ast/ in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$.5 5!o4 4%r% you t#%n $ispos%$ ofC5 Ans. 5I 4as (on$u(t%$ t4i(% r%gularly roun$ t#% lo$g% an$ #alt%$ at t#% ?unior War$%n in in t#% sout#/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions 4%r% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor. 5!o4 $i$ t#% ?unior War$%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ to t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions 4%r% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%/ 4#o li3%4is% $%man$%$ of m% from 4#%n(% I (am% an$ 4#it#%r I 4as tra&%ling.5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5 rom t#% 4%st/ an$ tra&%ling to t#% %ast5 5W#y $i$ you l%a&% t#% 4%st an$ tra&%l to t#% %astC5 Ans. 5In s%ar(# of mor% lig#t.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% Wors#ipful t#%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ ba(3 to t#% 4%st/ from 4#%n(% I (am%/ an$ put in (ar% of t#% S%nior War$%n/ 4#o taug#t m% #o4 to approa(# t#% %ast by a$&an(ing upon t4o uprig#t r%gular st%ps to t#% s%(on$ st%p/ my f%%t forming t#% rig#t/ angl% of an oblong s;uar% an$ my bo$y %r%(t at t#% altar b%for% t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r. 5W#at $i$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r $o 4it# you C5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5!% ma$% a %llo4 Craft Mason of m%.5 5!o4C5 Ans. 5In $u% form.5 5W#at 4as t#at $u% formC5 Ans. 5My rig#t 3n%% bar%/ b%nt/ my l%ft 3n%% forming a s;uar%/ my rig#t #an$ on t#% !oly -ibl%/ S;uar% an$ Compass/ my l%ft arm forming an angl% support%$ by t#% S;uar%/ an$ my #an$ in a &%rti(al position/ in 4#i(# postur% I too3 upon m% t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of a %llo4 Craft Mason.5 @S%% pag% D1 for obligation.A 5Aft%r your oat# of obligation 4#at 4as sai$ to youC5 Ans. 5I 4as as3%$ 4#at I most $%sir%$.5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5Mor% lig#t.5 5On b%ing broug#t to lig#t/ 4#at $i$ you $is(o&%r $iff%r%nt from b%for%C5 Ans. 5On% point of t#% Compass %l%&at%$ abo&% t#% S;uar%/ 4#i(# $%not%$ lig#t in t#is $%gr%%/ but as on% point 4as y%t in obs(urity/ it 4as to r%min$ m% t#at I 4as y%t on% mat%rial point in t#% $ar3 r%sp%(ting Masonry.5 5W#at $i$ you n%8t $is(o&%rC5 Ans. 5T#% Wors#ipful Mast%r approa(#ing m% from t#% %ast/ un$%r t#% sign an$ $u%0guar$ of a %llo4 Craft Mason/ 4#o pr%s%nt%$ m% 4it# #is rig#t #an$/ in to3%n of brot#%rly lo&% an$ (onfi$%n(%/ an$ pro(%%$%$ to gi&% m% t#% pass0grip an$ 4or$ of a %llo4 Craft Mason/ an$ bi$ m% ris% an$ salut% t#% ?unior an$ S%nior War$%ns/ an$ (on&in(% t#%m t#at I #a$ b%%n r%gularly pass%$ to t#% $%gr%% of a %llo4 Craft/ an$ #a$ t#% sign/ grip/ an$ 4or$ of a %llo4 Craft Mason.5 5W#at $i$ you n%8t $is(o&%rC5 Ans. 5T#% Wors#ipful Mast%r approa(#ing m% a s%(on$ tim% from t#% %ast/ 4#o pr%s%nt%$ m% 4it# a lambs3in or 4#it% apron/ 4#i(# #% sai$ #% #op%$ I 4oul$ (ontinu% to 4%ar 4it# #onor to mys%lf/ an$ satisfa(tion an$ a$&antag% to t#% br%t#r%n.5 5W#at 4%r% you n%8t pr%s%nt%$ 4it#C5 Ans. 5T#% 4or3ing tools of a %llo4 Craft Mason.5 5W#at ar% t#%yC5 Ans. 5T#% )lumb/ S;uar%/ an$ L%&%l.5 5W#at $o t#%y t%a(#C5 @I t#in3 t#is ;u%stion oug#t to b% 5!o4 %8plain%$C5A Ans. 5T#% )lumb is an instrum%nt ma$% us% of by op%rati&% Masons to rais% p%rp%n$i(ulars/ t#% S;uar% to s;uar% t#%ir 4or3/ an$ t#% L%&%l to lay #ori=ontals< but 4%/ as r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons/ ar% taug#t to ma3% us% of t#%m for mor% nobl% an$ glorious purpos%s, T#% )lumb a$monis#%s us to 4al3 uprig#tly in our s%&%ral stations b%for% 7o$ an$ man/ s;uaring our a(tions by t#% s;uar% of &irtu%/ an$ r%m%mb%ring t#at 4% ar% all tra&%ling upon t#% l%&%l of tim% to t#at un$is(o&%r%$ (ountry from 4#os% bourn% no

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan tra&%l%r r%turns.5 5W#at 4%r% you n%8t pr%s%nt%$ 4it#C5 Ans. 5T#r%% pr%(ious '%4%ls.5 5W#at 4%r% t#%yC5 Ans. 5 ait#/ #op%/ an$ (#arity.5 5W#at $o t#%y t%a(#C5 Ans. 5 ait# in 7o$/ #op% in immortality/ an$ (#arity to all man3in$.5 5!o4 4%r% you t#%n $ispos%$ ofC5 Ans. 5I 4as (on$u(t%$ out of t#% lo$g%/ an$ in&%st%$ of 4#at I #a$ b%%n $i&%st%$.5 SECTION SECOND. 5!a&% you %&%r 4or3%$ as a %llo4 Craft MasonC5 Ans. 5I #a&% in sp%(ulati&%< but our for%fat#%rs 4roug#t bot# in sp%(ulati&% an$ op%rati&% Masonry.5 5W#%r% $i$ t#%y 4or3C5 Ans. 5At t#% buil$ing of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%/ an$ many ot#%r Masoni( %$ifi(%s.5 5!o4 long $i$ t#%y 4or3C5 Ans. 5Si8 $ays.5 5.i$ t#%y not 4or3 on t#% s%&%nt#C5 Ans. 5T#%y $i$ not.5 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5-%(aus% in si8 $ays 7o$ (r%at%$ t#% #%a&%n an$ t#% %art#/ an$ r%st%$ on t#% s%&%nt# $ay< t#% s%&%nt# $ay/ t#%r%for%/ our an(i%nt br%t#r%n (ons%(rat%$ as a $ay of r%st from t#%ir labors< t#%r%by %n'oying mor% fr%;u%nt opportuniti%s to (ont%mplat% t#% glorious 4or3s of (r%ation/ an$ a$or% t#%ir gr%at Cr%ator.5 5.i$ you %&%r r%turn to t#% san(tum san(torum/ or #oly of #oli%s/ of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%C5 Ans. 5I $i$.5 5-y 4#at 4ayC6 Ans. 5T#roug# a long por(# or all%y.5 5.i$ anyt#ing parti(ular stri3% your att%ntion on your r%turnC5 Ans. 5T#%r% $i$/ &i=., t4o larg% (olumns/ or pillars/ on% on t#% l%ft #an$ an$ t#% ot#%r on t#% rig#t.5 5W#at 4as t#% nam% of t#% on% on your l%ft #an$C5 Ans. 5-oa=/ to $%not% str%ngt#.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5W#at 4as t#% nam% of t#% on% on your rig#t #an$C5 Ans. 5?a(#in/ $%noting %stablis#m%nt.5 5W#at $o t#%y (oll%(ti&%ly allu$% toC5 Ans. 5A passag% in S(riptur% 4#%r%in 7o$ #as $%(lar%$ in #is 4or$/ 6In str%ngt# s#all t#is #ous% b% %stablis#%$.65 5W#at 4%r% t#%ir $im%nsionsC5 Ans. 5Eig#t%%n (ubits in #%ig#t/ t4%l&% in (ir(umf%r%n(%/ an$ four in $iam%t%r.5 5W%r% t#%y a$orn%$ 4it# anyt#ingC5 Ans. 5T#%y 4%r%/ 4it# t4o larg% C#apit%rs/ on% on %a(#.5 5W%r% t#%y ornam%nt%$ 4it# anyt#ingC5 Ans. 5T#%y 4%r%/ 4it# 4r%at#s of n%t04or3/ lily04or3/ an$ pom%granat%s.5 5W#at $o t#%y $%not%C5 Ans. 5Unity/ p%a(%/ an$ pl%nty.5 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5N%t04or3/ from its (onn%(tion/ $%not%s union< lily4or3/ from its 4#it%n%ss an$ purity/ $%not%s p%a(%< an$ pom%granat%s from t#% %8ub%ran(% of its s%%$/ $%not%s pl%nty.5 5W%r% t#os% (olumns a$orn%$ 4it# anyt#ing furt#%rC5 Ans. 5T#%y 4%r%/ &i=., t4o larg% glob%s or balls/ on% or %a(#.5 5.i$ t#%y (ontain anyt#ingC5 Ans. 5T#%y $i$/ &i=., All t#% maps an$ (#arts of t#% (%l%stial an$ t%rr%strial bo$i%s.5 5W#y ar% t#%y sai$ to b% so %8t%nsi&%C5 Ans 5To $%not% t#% uni&%rsality of Masonry/ an$ t#at a Mason6s (#arity oug#t to b% %;ually %8t%nsi&%.5 5W#at 4as t#%ir (ompositionC5 Ans. 5Molt%n or (ast brass.5 5W#o (ast t#%mC5 Ans 5Our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff.5 5W#%r% 4%r% t#%y (astC5 Ans. 5On t#% ban3s of t#% ri&%r ?or$an/ in t#% (lay groun$ b%t4%%n Su((ot# an$ Jara$at#a/ 4#%r% Eing Solomon or$%r%$ t#%s% an$ all ot#%r #oly &%ss%ls to b% (ast.5 5W%r% t#%y (ast soun$ or #ollo4C5 Ans. 5!ollo4.5 5W#at 4as t#%ir t#i(3n%ssC5 Ans. 5 our in(#%s or a #an$0br%a$t#.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5W#y 4%r% t#%y (ast #ollo4C5 Ans. 5T#% b%tt%r to 4it#stan$ inun$ations an$ (onflagrations< 4%r% t#% ar(#i&%s of Masonry an$ (ontain%$ t#% (onstitution/ rolls an$ r%(or$s.5 5W#at $i$ you n%8t (om% toC5 Ans. 5A long/ 4in$ing stair0(as%/ 4it# t#r%%/ fi&%/ s%&%n st%ps or mor%.5 5W#at $o t#% t#r%% st%ps allu$% toC5 Ans. 5T#% t#r%% prin(ipal supports in Masonry/ &i=., 4is$om/ str%ngt# an$ b%auty.5 5W#at $o t#% fi&% st%ps allu$% toC5 Ans. 5T#% fi&% or$%rs in ar(#it%(tur%/ an$ t#% fi&% #uman s%ns%s.5 5W#at ar% t#% fi&% or$%rs in ar(#it%(tur%C5 Ans. 5T#% Tus(an/ .ori(/ Ioni(/ Corint#ian an$ Composit%.5 5W#at ar% t#% fi&% #uman s%ns%sC5 Ans. 5!%aring/ s%%ing/ f%%ling/ sm%lling an$ tasting/ t#% first t#r%% of 4#i(# #a&% %&%r b%%n $%%m%$ #ig#ly %ss%ntial among Masons, #%aring/ to #%ar t#% 4or$< s%%ing/ to s%% t#% sign/ an$ f%%ling/ to f%%l t#% grip/ 4#%r%by on% Mason may 3no4 anot#%r in t#% $ar3 as 4%ll as t#% lig#t. 5W#at $o t#% s%&%n st%ps allu$% toC5 Ans. 5T#% s%&%n sabbati(al/ y%ars/ s%&%n y%ars of famin%/ s%&%n y%ars in buil$ing t#% T%mpl%/ s%&%n gol$%n (an$l% sti(3s/ s%&%n 4on$%rs of t#% 4orl$/ s%&%n plan%ts< but mor% %sp%(ially t#% s%&%n lib%ral arts an$ s(i%n(%s/ 4#i(# ar% grammar/ r#%tori(/ logi(/ arit#m%ti(/ g%om%try/ musi( an$ astronomy. or t#%s% an$ many ot#%r r%asons t#% numb%r s%&%n #as %&%r b%%n #%l$ in #ig# %stimation among Masons.5 5W#at $i$ you n%8t (om% toC5 Ans. 5T#% out%r $oor of t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%/ 4#i(# I foun$ partly op%n/ but (los%ly tyl%$ by t#% ?unior War$%n.5 5!o4 $i$ you gain a$missionC5 Ans. 5-y a pass an$ to3%n of a pass.5 5W#at 4as t#% nam% of t#% passC5 Ans. 5S#ibbol%t#.5 5W#at $o%s it $%not%C5 Ans. 5)l%nty.5 5W#y soC5 Ans. 5 rom an %ar of (orn b%ing pla(%$ at t#% 4at%r for$.5 5W#y 4as t#is pass institut%$C5 Ans. 5In (ons%;u%n(% of a ;uarr%l 4#i(# #a$ long %8ist%$ b%t4%%n ?%pt#a/ 'u$g% of Isra%l/

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan an$ t#% Ep#raimit%s< t#% latt%r of 4#om #a$ long b%%n a stubborn r%b%llious p%opl% 4#om ?%pt#a #a$ %n$%a&or%$ to sub$u% by l%ni%nt m%asur%s/ but to no %ff%(t. T#% Ep#raimit%s b%ing #ig#ly in(%ns%$ against ?%pt#a for not b%ing (all%$ to fig#t an$ s#ar% in t#% ri(# spoils of t#% Ammonitis# 4ar/ ass%mbl%$ a mig#ty army an$ pass%$ o&%r t#% ri&%r ?or$an to gi&% ?%pt#a battl%/ but/ #%/ b%ing appris%$ of t#%ir approa(#/ (all%$ tog%t#%r t#% m%n of Isra%l/ an$ ga&% t#%m battl%/ an$ put t#%m to flig#t< an$/ to ma3% #is &i(tory mor% (ompl%t%/ #% or$%r%$ guar$s to b% pla(%$ at t#% $iff%r%nt pass%s on t#% ban3s of t#% ri&%r ?or$an/ an$ (omman$%$/ if t#% Ep#raimit%s pass%$ t#at 4ay/ t#at t#%y s#oul$ pronoun(% t#% 4or$ S#ibbol%t#< but t#%y/ b%ing of a $iff%r%nt trib%/ pronoun(%$ it S%bol%t#< 4#i(# trifling $%f%(t pro&%$ t#%m spi%s/ an$ (ost t#%m t#%ir li&%s, an$ t#%r% f%ll t#at $ay at t#% $iff%r%nt pass%s on t#% ban3s of t#% ri&%r ?or$an/ forty an$ t4o t#ousan$. T#is 4or$ 4as also us%$ by our an(i%nt br%t#r%n to istinguis# a fri%n$ from fo%/ an$ #as sin(% b%%n a$opt%$ as a prop%r pass04or$ to b% gi&%n b%for% %nt%ring any 4%ll r%gulat%$ an$ go&%rn%$ lo$g% of %llo4 Craft Masons.5 5W#at $i$ you n%8t (om% toC5 Ans. 5T#% inn%r $oor of t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%/ 4#i(# I foun$ partly op%n/ but (los%ly tyl%$ by t#% S%nior War$%n.5 5!o4 $i$ you gain a$missionC5 Ans. 5-y t#% grip an$ 4or$.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% S%nior War$%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ to t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast/ 4#o inform%$ m% t#at I #a$ b%%n a$mitt%$ into t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%/ for t#% sa3% of t#% l%tt%r 7.5 5.o%s it $%not% anyt#ingC5 Ans. 5It $o%s. .EIT"/ b%for% 4#om 4% s#oul$ all bo4 4it# r%&%r%n(%/ 4ors#ip an$ a$or%. It also $%not%s g%om%try/ t#% fift# s(i%n(%< it b%ing t#at on 4#i(# t#is $%gr%% 4as prin(ipally foun$%$.5 T#us %n$s t#% s%(on$ $%gr%% of Masonry.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

THE THIRD, OR MASTER MASON'S DEGREE. T#% tra$itional a((ount of t#% $%at# an$ s%&%ral burials/ an$ r%surr%(tion of !iram Abiff/ t#% 4i$o46s son @as #%r%aft%r narrat%$A/ a$mitt%$ as fa(ts/ t#is $%gr%% is (%rtainly &%ry int%r%sting. T#% -ibl% informs us t#at t#%r% 4as a p%rson of t#at nam% %mploy%$ at t#% buil$ing of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%< but n%it#%r t#% -ibl%/ t#% 4ritings of ?os%p#us/ nor any ot#%r 4ritings/ #o4%&%r an(i%nt/ of 4#i(# I #a&% any 3no4l%$g%/ furnis# any information r%sp%(ting #is $%at#. It (%rtainly is &%ry singular/ t#at a man so (%l%brat%$ as !iram Abiff/ 4as an arbit%r b%t4%%n Solomon/ 3ing of Isra%l/ an$ !iram/ 3ing of Tyr%/ uni&%rsally a(3no4l%$g%$ as t#% t#ir$ most $istinguis#%$ man t#%n li&ing/ an$ in many r%sp%(ts t#% gr%at%st man in t#% 4orl$/ s#oul$ pass off t#% stag% of a(tion in t#% pr%s%n(% of Eing Solomon/ t#r%% t#ousan$ t#r%% #un$r%$ gran$ o&%rs%%rs/ an$ on% #un$r%$ an$ fifty t#ousan$ 4or3m%n/ 4it# 4#om #% #a$ sp%nt a numb%r of y%ars/ an$ n%it#%r Eing Solomon/ #is bosom fri%n$/ nor any ot#%r among #is num%rous fri%n$s %&%n r%(or$%$ #is $%at# or anyt#ing about #im. I ma3% t#%s% r%mar3s no4/ #oping t#at it may in$u(% som% p%rson 4#o #as tim% an$ (apa(ity to in&%stigat% t#% sub'%(t/ an$ promulgat% t#% r%sult of #is in&%stigation. I s#all l%t t#% sub'%(t r%st 4#%r% it is/ at pr%s%nt< it is not int%n$%$ t#at it s#oul$ form any part of t#is littl% &olum%. T#% prin(ipal ob'%(t of t#is 4or3 is to lay b%for% t#% 4orl$ a tru% #istory of r%%masonry/ 4it#out saying anyt#ing for or against it.

A p%rson 4#o #as r%(%i&%$ t#% t4o pr%(%$ing $%gr%%s/ an$ 4is#%s to b% rais%$ to t#% sublim% $%gr%% of a Mast%r Mason/ is @t#% lo$g% b%ing op%n%$ as in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%sA (on$u(t%$ from t#% pr%paration room to t#% $oor/ @t#% mann%r of pr%paring #im is parti(ularly %8plain%$ in t#% l%(tur%A 4#%r% #% gi&%s t#r%% $istin(t 3no(3s/ 4#%n t#% S%nior War$%n ris%s an$ says/ 5Wors#ipful/ 4#il% 4% ar% p%a(%ably at 4or3 on t#% t#ir$ $%gr%% of Masonry/ un$%r t#% influ%n(% of #umanity/ brot#%rly lo&%/ an$ aff%(tion/ t#% $oor of our lo$g% app%ars to b% alarm%$.5 T#% Mast%r to t#% S%nior .%a(on/ 5-rot#%r S%nior/ %n;uir% t#% (aus% of t#at alarm.5 T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n st%ps to t#% $oor an$ ans4%rs t#% t#r%% 3no(3s t#at #a&% b%%n gi&%n by t#r%% mor%, @t#%s% 3no(3s ar% mu(# lou$%r t#an t#os% gi&%n on any o((asion/ ot#%r t#an t#at of t#% a$mission of (an$i$at%s in t#% s%&%ral $%gr%%sA on% 3no(3 is t#%n gi&%n 4it#out an$ ans4%r%$ by on% 4it#in/ 4#%n t#% $oor is partly op%n%$ an$ t#% ?unior

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan .%a(on as3s/ 5W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C5 T#% S%nior .%a(on ans4%rs/ 5A 4ort#y brot#%r 4#o #as b%%n r%gularly initiat%$ as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ pass%$ to t#% $%gr%% of a %llo4 Craft/ an$ no4 4is#%s for furt#%r lig#t in Masonry by b%ing rais%$ to t#% sublim% $%gr%% of a Mast%r Mason.5 ?unior .%a(on to S%nior .%a(on/ 5Is it of #is o4n fr%t 4ill an$ a((or$ #% ma3%s t#is r%;u%stC5 Ans. 5It is.5 ?unior .%a(on to S%nior .%a(on/ 5Is #% $uly an$ truly pr%par%$.5 Ans. 5!% is.5 ?unior .%a(on to S%nior .%a(on/ 5Is #% 4ort#y an$ 4%ll ;ualifi%$C5 Ans. 5!% is.5 ?unior .%a(on to S%nior .%a(on/ 5!as #% ma$% suitabl% profi(i%n(y in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%sC5 Ans. 5!% #as.5 ?unior .%a(on to S%nior .%a(on/ 5-y 4#at furt#%r rig#ts $o%s #% %8p%(t to obtain t#is b%n%fitC5 Ans. 5-y t#% b%n%fit of a pass04or$.5 ?unior .%a(on to S%nior or .%a(on/ 5!as #% a pass04or$C5 Ans. 5!% #as not/ but I #a&% got it for #im.5 T#% ?unior .%a(on to t#% S%nior .%a(on/ 5Will you gi&% it to m%C5 T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n 4#isp%rs in t#% %ar of t#% ?unior .%a(on/ 5Tubal Cain.5 ?unior .%a(on says/ 5T#% pass is rig#t. Sin(% t#is is t#% (as%/ you 4ill 4ait till t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r b% ma$% a(;uaint%$ 4it# #is r%;u%st an$ #is ans4%r r%turn%$.5 T#% ?unior .%a(on t#%n r%pairs to t#% Mast%r an$ gi&%s t#r%% 3no(3s as at t#% $oor< aft%r ans4%ring of 4#i(#/ t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor/ 4#%n t#% Mast%r says/ 5Sin(% #% (om%s %n$u%$ 4it# all t#%s% n%(%ssary ;ualifi(ations/ l%t #im %nt%r t#is 4ors#ipful lo$g%/ in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$/ an$ ta3% #%%$ on 4#at #% %nt%rs.5 T#% ?unior .%a(on r%turns to t#% $oor an$ says/ 5L%t #im %nt%r t#is 4ors#ipful lo$g%/ in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$/ an$ ta3% #%%$ on 4#at #% %nt%rs.5 In %nt%ring/ bot# points of t#%/ (ompass ar% pr%ss%$ against #is na3%$ rig#t an$ l%ft br%asts/ 4#%n t#% ?unior .%a(on stops t#% (an$i$at% an$ says/ 5-rot#%r/ 4#%n you first %nt%r%$ t#is lo$g%/ you 4%r% r%(%i&%$ on t#% point of t#% (ompass/ pr%ssing your na3%$ l%ft br%ast/ 4#i(# 4as t#%n %8plain%$ to you< 4#%n you %nt%r%$ it t#% s%(on$ tim% you 4%r% r%(%i&%$ on t#% angl% of t#% s;uar%/ 4#i(# 4as also %8plain%$ to you< on %nt%ring no4 you ar% r%(%i&%$ on t#% t4o %8tr%m% points of t#% (ompass/ pr%ssing your rig#t an$ l%ft br%asts/ 4#i(# ar% t#us %8plain%$, As t#% most &ital parts of man ar% (ontain%$ b%t4%%n t#% t4o br%asts/ so ar% t#% most &aluabl% t%n%ts of Masonry (ontain%$ b%t4%%n t#% t4o %8tr%m% points of t#% (ompass/ 4#i(# ar% &irtu%/ morality/ an$ brot#%rly lo&%.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan T#% S%nior .%a(on t#%n (on$u(ts t#% (an$i$at% t#r%% tim%s r%gularly roun$ t#% lo$g%. @I 4is# t#% r%a$%r to obs%r&%/ t#at on t#is/ as 4%ll as %&%ry ot#%r $%gr%%/ t#at t#% ?unior War$%n is t#% first of t#% t#r%% prin(ipal offi(%rs t#at t#% (an$i$at% pass%s/ tra&%ling 4it# t#% sun 4#%n #% starts roun$ t#% lo$g%/ an$ t#at as #% pass%s t#% ?unior War$%n/ S%nior War$%n an$ Mast%r/ t#% first tim% going roun$/ t#%y %a(# gi&% on% rap/ t#% s%(on$ tim% t4o raps/ an$ t#ir$ tim% t#r%% raps %a(#. T#% numb%r of raps gi&%n on t#os% o((asions ar% t#% sam% as t#% numb%r of t#% $%gr%%/ %8(%pt t#% first $%gr%%/ on 4#i(# t#r%% ar% gi&%n/ I al4ays t#oug#t improp%rly.A .uring t#% tim% t#% (an$i$at% is tra&%ling roun$ t#% room/ t#% Mast%r r%a$s t#% follo4ing passag%s of S(riptur%/ t#% (on$u(tor an$ (an$i$at% tra&%ling an$ t#% Mast%r r%a$ing so t#at t#% tra&%ling an$ r%a$ing t%rminat% at t#% sam% tim%, 5R%m%mb%r no4 t#y Cr%ator in t#% $ays of t#y yout#/ 4#il% t#% %&il $ays (om% not/ nor t#% y%ars $ra4 nig# 4#%n t#ou s#alt say/ I #a&% no pl%asur% in t#%m 4#il% t#% sun or t#% lig#t/ or t#% moon/ or t#% stars b% not $ar3%n%$/ nor t#% (lou$s r%turn aft%r t#% rain< in t#% $ay 4#%n t#% 3%%p%rs of t#% #ous% s#all tr%mbl%/ an$ t#% strong m%n s#all bo4 t#%ms%l&%s/ an$ t#% grin$%rs s#all (%as% b%(aus% t#%y ar% f%4/ an$ t#os% t#at loo3 out of t#% 4in$o4s b% $ar3%n%$/ an$ t#% $oors s#all b% s#ut in t#% str%%ts< 4#%n t#% soun$ of t#% grin$ing is lo4/ an$ #% s#all ris% up at t#% &oi(% of t#% bir$/ an$ all t#% $aug#t%rs of musi( s#all b% broug#t lo4. Also/ 4#%n t#%y s#all b% afrai$ of t#at 4#i(# is #ig#/ an$ f%ars s#all b% in t#% 4ay/ an$ t#% almon$ tr%% s#all flouris#/ an$ t#% grass#opp%r s#all b% a bur$%n/ an$ $%sir% s#all fail< b%(aus% man go%t# to #is long #om%/ an$ t#% mourn%rs go about t#% str%%ts< or %&%r t#% sil&%r (or$ b% loos%$/ or t#% gol$%n bo4l b% bro3%n/ or t#% pit(#%r b% bro3%n at t#% fountain/ or t#% 4#%%l at t#% (ist%rn. T#%n s#all t#% $ust r%turn to t#% %art# as it 4as< an$ t#% spirit s#all r%turn unto 7o$ 4#o ga&% it.5 T#% (on$u(tor an$ (an$i$at% #alt at t#% ?unior War$%n in t#% Sout#/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor. !% is t#%n (on$u(t%$ to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions ar% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%< from 4#%n(% #% is (on$u(t%$ to t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast/ 4#o as3s t#% sam% ;u%stions an$ r%(%i&%s t#% sam% ans4%rs as b%for%/ an$ 4#o li3%4is% as3s t#% (an$i$at% from 4#%n(% #% (am% an$ 4#it#%r #% is tra&%ling. Ans. 5 rom t#% 4%st/ an$ tra&%ling to t#% %ast.5 5W#y $o you l%a&% t#% 4%st/ an$ tra&%l to t#% %astC5 Ans. 5In s%ar(# of mor% lig#t.5 T#% Mast%r t#%n says to t#% S%nior .%a(on/ 5"ou 4ill pl%as% (on$u(t #im ba(3 to t#% 4%st/ from 4#%n(% #% (am% an$ put #im in (ar% of t#% S%nior War$%n/ an$ r%;u%st #im to t%a(# t#% (an$i$at% #o4 to approa(# t#% %ast/ by a$&an(ing upon t#r%% uprig#t/ r%gular st%ps to t#% t#ir$ st%p/ #is f%%t forming a s;uar%/ #is bo$y %r%(t at t#% altar/ b%for% t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r/ an$ pla(% #im in a prop%r position to ta3% upon #im t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of a Mast%r Mason.5 T#% Mast%r t#%n (om%s to t#% (an$i$at% an$ says/ 5-rot#%r/ you ar% no4 pla(%$ in a prop%r position @t#% l%(tur% %8plains itA to ta3% upon you t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of a Mast%r Mason/ 4#i(# I assur% you/ as b%for%/ is n%it#%r to aff%(t your r%ligion or politi(s. If you ar% 4illing to ta3% it/ r%p%at your nam% an$ say aft%r m%,5 I/ A.-./ of my o4n fr%% 4ill an$ a((or$/ in t#% pr%s%n(% of Almig#ty 7o$/ an$ t#is

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 4ors#ipful lo$g% of Mast%r Masons/ $%$i(at%$ to 7o$/ an$ 6#%l$ fort# to t#% #oly or$%r of St.?o#n/ $o #%r%by an$ #%r%on most sol%mnly an$ sin(%r%ly promis% an$ s4%ar/ in a$$ition to my form%r obligations/ t#at I 4ill not gi&% t#% $%gr%% of a Mast%r Mason to any of an inf%rior $%gr%%/ nor to any ot#%r b%ing in t#% 3no4n 4orl$/ %8(%pt it b% to a tru% an$ la4ful brot#%r or br%t#r%n Mast%r Masons/ 4it#in t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of su(#< an$ not unto #im nor unto t#%m 4#om I s#all #%ar so to b%/ but unto #im an$ t#%m only 4#om I s#all fin$ so to b%/ aft%r stri(t trial an$ $u% %8amination/ or la4ful information r%(%i&%$. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar/ t#at I 4ill not gi&% t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ 4#i(# I s#all #%r%aft%r r%(%i&%/ n%it#%r in t#% lo$g% nor out of it/ %8(%pt it b% on t#% fi&% points of f%llo4s#ip/ an$ t#%n not abo&% my br%at#. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar/ t#at I 4ill not gi&% t#% gran$ #ailing sign of $istr%ss %8(%pt I am in r%al $istr%ss/ or for t#% b%n%fit of t#% Craft 4#%n at 4or3< an$ s#oul$ I %&%r s%% t#at sign gi&%n or t#% 4or$ a((ompanying it/ an$ t#% p%rson 4#o ga&% it app%aring to b% in $istr%ss I 4ill fly to #is r%li%f at t#% ris3 of my lif%/ s#oul$ t#%r% b% a gr%at%r probability of sa&ing #is lif% t#an losing my o4n. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill not 4rong t#is lo$g%/ nor a brot#%r of t#is $%gr%% to t#% &alu% of on% (%nt/ 3no4ingly/ mys%lf/ or suff%r it to b% $on% by ot#%rs/ if in my po4%r to pr%&%nt it. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar/ t#at I 4ill not b% at t#% initiating/ passing an$ raising a (an$i$at% at on% (ommuni(ation/ 4it#out a r%gular $isp%nsation from t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% for t#% sam%. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill not b% at t#% initiating/ passing/ or raising a (an$i$at% in a (lan$%stin% lo$g%/ I 3no4ing it to b% su(#. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill not b% at t#% initiating of an ol$ man in $otag%/ a young man in nonag%/ an At#%ist/ irr%ligious lib%rtin%/ i$iot/ ma$0man/ #%rmap#ro$it%/ or 4oman. ut#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill not sp%a3 %&il of a brot#%r Mast%r Mason/ n%it#%r b%#in$ #is ba(3 nor b%for% #is fa(%/ but 4ill appris% #im of all approa(#ing $ang%r/ if in my po4%r. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill not &iolat% t#% (#astity of a Mast%r Mason6s 4if%/ mot#%r/ sist%r/ or $aug#t%r/ I 3no4ing t#%m to b% su(#/ nor suff%r it to b% $on% by ot#%rs/ if in my po4%r to pr%&%nt it. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill support t#% (onstitution of t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% of t#% stat% of / un$%r 4#i(# t#% lo$g% is #%l$/ an$ (onform to all t#% by0la4s/ rul%s/ an$ r%gulations of t#is or any ot#%r lo$g% of 4#i(# I may at any tim% #%r%aft%r b%(om% a m%mb%r. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill ob%y all r%gular signs/ summons%s/ or to3%ns gi&%n/ #an$%$/ s%nt/ or t#ro4n to m% from t#% #an$ of a brot#%r Mast%r Mason/ or from t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of su(#/ pro&i$%$ it b% 4it#in t#% l%ngt# of my (abl%0to4. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at a Mast%r Mason6s s%(r%ts/ gi&%n to m% in (#arg% as su(#/ an$ I 3no4ing t#%m to b% su(#/ s#all r%main as s%(ur% an$ in&iolabl% in my br%ast as in #is o4n/ 4#%n (ommuni(at%$ to m%/ mur$%r an$ tr%ason %8(%pt%$< an$ t#%y l%ft to my o4n %l%(tion. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill go on a Mast%r Mason6s %rran$ 4#%n%&%r r%;uir%$/ %&%n s#oul$ I #a&% to go bar%0foot an$ bar%0#%a$%$/ if 4it#in t#% l%ngt# of my (abl%0to4. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill al4ays r%m%mb%r a brot#%r Mast%r Mason

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 4#%n on my 3n%%s off%ring up my $%&otions to Almig#ty 7o$. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at I 4ill b% ai$ing an$ assisting all poor/ in$ig%nt Mast%r Masons/ t#%ir 4i&%s an$ orp#ans/ 4#%r%so%&%r $ispos%$ aroun$ t#% glob%/ as far as in my po4%r/ 4it#out in'uring mys%lf or family mat%rially. urt#%rmor% $o I promis% an$ s4%ar t#at if any part of my sol%mn oat# or obligation b% omitt%$ at t#is tim%/ t#at I 4ill #ol$ mys%lf am%nabl% t#%r%to 4#%n%&%r inform%$. To all 4#i(# I $o most sin(%r%ly promis% an$ s4%ar/ 4it# a fi8%$ an$ st%a$y purpos% of min$ in m% to 3%%p an$ p%rform t#% sam%/ bin$ing mys%lf un$%r no l%ss p%nalty t#an to #a&% my bo$y s%&%r%$ in t4o in t#% mi$st/ an$ $i&i$%$ to t#% nort# an$ sout#/ my bo4%ls burnt to as#%s in t#% (%nt%r/ an$ t#% as#%s s(att%r%$ b%for% t#% four 4in$s of #%a&%n/ t#at t#%r% mig#t not t#% l%ast tra(3 or tra(% of r%m%mbran(% r%main among m%n. or Masons/ of so &il% an$ p%r'ur%$ a 4r%t(# as I s#oul$ b%/ 4%r% I %&%r to pro&% 4illfully guilty of &iolating any part of t#is my sol%mn oat# or obligation of a Mast%r Mason. So #%lp m% 7o$/ an$ 3%%p m% st%a$fast in t#% $uo/ p%rforman(% of t#% sam%. T#% Mast%r t#%n as3s t#% (an$i$at%/ 5W#at $o you most $%sir% C5 T#% (an$i$at% ans4%rs aft%r #is prompt%r/ 5Mor% lig#t.5 T#% ban$ag% 4#i(# 4as ti%$ roun$ #is #%a$ in t#% pr%paration room is/ by on% of t#% br%t#r%n 4#o stan$s b%#in$ #im for t#at purpos%/ loos%n%$ an$ put o&%r bot# %y%s/ an$ #% is imm%$iat%ly broug#t to lig#t in t#% sam% mann%r as in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%/ %8(%pt t#r%% stamps on t#% floor an$ t#r%% (laps of t#% #an$s ar% gi&%n in t#is $%gr%%. On b%ing broug#t to lig#t/ t#% Mast%r says to t#% (an$i$at%/ 5"ou first $is(o&%r/ as b%for%/ t#r%% gr%at lig#ts in Masonry/ by t#% assistan(% of t#r%% l%ss%r/ 4it# t#is $iff%r%n(%, bot# points of t#% (ompass ar% %l%&at%$ abo&% t#% s;uar%/ 4#i(# $%not%s to you t#at you ar% about to r%(%i&% all t#% lig#t t#at (an b% (onf%rr%$ on you in a Mast%r6s lo$g%.5 T#% Mast%r st%ps ba(3 from t#% (an$i$at% an$ says/ 5-rot#%r/ you no4 $is(o&%r m%/ as Mast%r of t#is lo$g%/ approa(#ing you from t#% %ast un$%r t#% sign an$ $u%0guar$ of a Mast%r Mason. 5T#% sign is gi&%n by raising bot# #an$s an$ arms to t#% %lbo4s/ p%rp%n$i(ularly/ on% on %a(# si$% of t#% #%a$/ t#% %lbo4s forming a s;uar%. T#% 4or$s a((ompanying t#is sign/ in (as% of $istr%ss/ ar%/ 5O Lor$/ my 7o$I is t#%r% no #%lp for t#% 4i$o46s sonC5 As t#% last 4or$s $rop from your lips/ you l%t your #an$s fall/ in t#at mann%r b%st (al(ulat%$ to in$i(at% sol%mnity. Eing Solomon is sai$ to #a&% ma$% t#is %8(lamation on t#% r%(%ipt of t#% information of t#% $%at# of !iram Abiff. Masons ar% all (#arg%$ n%&%r to gi&% t#% 4or$s %8(%pt in t#% $ar3/ 4#%n t#% sign (annot b% s%%n.
*P1 Not%. T#% sign as no4 gi&%n Is s#o4n at rig#t.

!%r% Masons $iff%r &%ry mu(#< som% (ont%n$ t#at Solomon ga&% t#is sign an$ ma$% t#is %8(lamation 4#%n in form%$ of !iram6s $%at#/ an$ 4or3 a((or$ingly in t#%ir lo$g%s. Ot#%rs say t#% sign 4as gi&%n an$ t#% %8(lamation ma$% at t#% gra&%/ 4#%n Solomon 4%nt to rais% !iram/ an$/ of (ours%/ t#%y 4or3 a((or$ingly< t#at is to say/ t#% Mast%r 4#o go&%rns t#% lo$g%/ #ol$ing t#% latt%r opinion/ gi&%s t#% sign/ %t(./ at t#% gra&%/ 4#%n #% go%s to rais%

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan t#% bo$y/ an$ &i(% &%rsa. T#% .u% 7uar$ is ma$% by #ol$ing bot# #an$s in front/ palms $o4n/ as s#o4n in (ut @s%% pi(t.*A/ an$ allu$%s to t#% mann%r of #ol$ing t#% #an$s 4#il% ta3ing t#% obligation of Mast%r Mason. T#% )%nal Sign is gi&%n by putting t#% rig#t #an$ to t#% l%ft si$% of t#% bo4%ls/ t#% #an$ op%n/ 4it# t#% t#umb n%8t to t#% b%lly/ an$ $ra4ing it a(ross t#% b%lly/ an$ l%tting it fall< t#is is $on% tol%rably ;ui(3. T#is allu$%s to t#% p%nalty of t#% obligation, 5!a&ing my bo$y s%&%r%$ in t4ain/5 %t(. S%% pag% FD. Aft%r t#% Mast%r #as gi&%n t#% sign an$ $u% guar$/ 4#i(# $o%s not ta3% mor% t#an a minut%/ #% says/ 5-rot#%r/ I no4 pr%s%nt you 4it# my rig#t #an$/ in to3%n of brot#%rly lo&% an$ aff%(tion/ an$ 4it# it t#% pass0grip an$ 4or$.5 T#% pass0grip is gi&%n by pr%ssing t#% t#umb b%t4%%n t#% 'oints of t#% s%(on$ an$ t#ir$ fing%rs 4#%r% t#%y 'oin t#% #an$ @s%% pi(t.1A< t#% 4or$ or nam% is Tubal Cain. It is t#% pass0 4or$ to t#% Mast%r6s $%gr%%. T#% Mast%r/ aft%r gi&ing t#% (an$i$at% t#% pass0grip an$ 4or$/ bi$s #im ris% an$ salut% t#% ?unior an$ S%nior War$%ns/ an$ (on&in(% t#%m t#at #% is an obligat%$ Mast%r Mason/ an$ is in poss%ssion of t#% pass0grip an$ 4or$. W#il% t#% War$%ns ar% %8amining t#% (an$i$at%/ t#% Mast%r r%turns to t#% (ast an$ g%ts an apron/ an$/ as #% r%turns to t#% (an$i$at%/ on% of t#% War$%ns 9som%tim%s bot#: says to t#% Mast%r/ 5Wors#ipful. 4% ar% satisfi%$ t#at -ro. is an obligat%$ Mast%r Mason.5 T#% Mast%r t#%n says to t#% (an$i$at%/ 5-rot#%r/ I no4 #a&% t#% #onor to pr%s%nt you 4it# a lamb0s3in or 4#it% apron/ as b%for%/ 4#i(# I #op% you 4ill (ontinu% to 4%ar/ 4it# (r%$it to yours%lf an$ satisfa(tion an$ a$&antag% to t#% br%t#r%n< you 4ill pl%as% (arry it to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st/ 4#o 4ill t%a(# you #o4 to 4%ar it as a Mast%r Mason.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan T#% S%nior War$%n ti%s on t#% apron an$ l%ts t#% flaps fall $o4n b%for%/ in its natural an$ (ommon situation. T#% Mast%r r%turns to t#% s%at an$ t#% (an$i$at% is (on$u(t%$ to #im. Mast%r to (an$i$at%/ 5-rot#%r/ I p%r(%i&% you ar% $r%ss%$/ it is of (ours% n%(%ssary you s#oul$ #a&% tools to 4or3 4it#. I 4ill no4 pr%s%nt you 4it# t#% 4or3ing tools of t#% Mast%r Mason/ an$ %8plain t#%ir us% to you. T#% 4or3ing tools of a Mast%r Mason ar% all t#% impl%m%nts of Masonry in$is(riminat%ly/ but mor% %sp%(ially t#% tro4%l. T#% tro4%l is an instrum%nt ma$% us% of by op%rati&% masons to spr%a$ t#% (%m%nt 4#i(# unit%s a buil$ing into on% mass/ but 4%/ as r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons/ ar% taug#t to ma3% us% of it for t#% mor% nobl% an$ glorious purpos% of spr%a$ing t#% (%m%nt of brot#%rly lo&% an$ aff%(tion< t#at (%m%nt 4#i(# unit%s us into on% sa(r%$ ban$ or so(i%ty of fri%n$s an$ brot#%rs/ among 4#om no (ont%ntion s#oul$ %&%r %8ist but t#at nobl% (ont%ntion/ or/ rat#%r/ %mulation/ of 4#o (an b%st 4or3 or b%st agr%%. I also pr%s%nt you 4it# t#r%% pr%(ious '%4%ls< t#%ir nam%s ar% 'u anity/ (riendship/ an$ $rotherly Lo!e.

-rot#%r/ you ar% not in&%st%$ 4it# all t#% s%(r%ts of t#is $%gr%%/ nor $o I 3no4 4#%t#%r you %&%r 4ill b% until I 3no4 #o4 you 4it#stan$ t#% ama=ing trials an$ $ang%rs t#at a4ait you. "ou ar% no4 about to tra&%l/ to gi&% us a sp%(im%n of your fortitu$%/ p%rs%&%ran(%/ an$ fi$%lity in t#% pr%s%r&ation of 4#at you #a&% alr%a$y r%(%i&%$. ar% you 4%ll/ an$ may t#% Lor$ b% 4it# you an$ support you t#roug# all your trials an$ $iffi(ulti%s.5 @In som% lo$g%s t#%y ma3% #im pray b%for% #% starts.A T#% (an$i$at% is t#%n (on$u(t%$ out of t#% lo$g%/ (lot#%$/ an$ r%turns< as #% %nt%rs t#% $oor #is (on$u(tor says to #im/ 5-rot#%r/ 4% ar% no4 in a pla(% r%pr%s%nting t#% san(tum san(torum/ or #oly of #oli%s/ of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%. It 4as t#% (ustom of our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ %&%ry $ay at #ig# t4%l&%/ 4#%n t#% Crafts 4%r% from labor to r%fr%s#m%nt/ to %nt%r into t#% san(tum san(torum/ an$ off%r up #is $%&otions to t#% %&%r li&ing 7o$. L%t us/ in imitation of #im/ 3n%%l an$ pray.5 T#%y t#%n 3n%%l an$ t#% (on$u(tor says t#% follo4ing pray%r, 5T#ou/ O 7o$/ 3no4%st our $o4n0sitting an$ up0rising/ an$ un$%rstan$%st our t#oug#ts afar off/ s#i%l$ an$ $%f%n$ us from t#% %&il int%ntions of our %n%mi%s/ an$ support us un$%r t#% trials an$ affli(tions 4#i(# 4% ar% $%stin%$ to %n$ur% 4#il% tra&%ling t#roug# t#is &al% of t%ars. Man t#at is born of a 4oman is of f%4 $ays an$ full of troubl%. !% (om%t# fort# as a flo4%r/ an$ is (ut $o4n/ #% fl%%t# also as a s#a$o4/ an$ (ontinu%t# not. S%%ing #is $ays ar% $%t%rmin%$/ t#% numb%r of mont#s ar% 4it# t#%%/ t#ou #ast appoint%$ #is boun$s t#at #% (annot pass< turn from #im t#at #% may r%st/ till #% s#all a((omplis# #is $ay. or t#%r% is #op% of a tr%%/ if it b% (ut $o4n/ t#at it 4ill sprout again/ an$ t#at t#% t%n$%r bran(# t#%r%of 4ill not (%as%. -ut man $i%t# an$ 4ast%t# a4ay< y%a/ man gi&%t# up t#% g#ost/ an$ 4#%r% is #%C As t#% 4at%rs fall from t#% s%a/ an$ t#% floo$ $%(ay%t# an$ $ri%t# up/ so man li%t#

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan $o4n an$ ris%t# not up till t#% #%a&%ns s#all b% no mor%. "%t/ O Lor$/ #a&% (ompassion on t#% (#il$r%n of t#y (r%ation< a$minist%r unto t#%m (omfort in tim% of troubl%/ an$ sa&% t#%m 4it# an %&%rlasting sal&ation. Am%n/ so mot% it b%.5

T#%y t#%n ris%/ an$ t#% (on$u(tor says to t#% (an$i$at%, 5-rot#%r/ in furt#%r imitation of our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ l%t us r%tir% at t#% sout# gat%.5 T#%y t#%n a$&an(% to t#% ?unior War$%n @4#o r%pr%s%nts )ubela/ on% of t#% ruffiansA/ 4#o %8(laims/ 5W#o (om%s #%r%C5 @T#% room is $ar3/ or t#% (an$i$at% #oo$4in3%$.A T#% (on$u(tor ans4%rs/ 57ran$/ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff.5 5Our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram AbiffI5 %8(laims t#% ruffian< 5#% is t#% &%ry man I 4ant%$ to s%%.5 @S%i=ing t#% (an$i$at% by t#% t#roat at t#% sam% tim%/ an$ '%r3ing #im about 4it# &iol%n(%.A 57i&% m% t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$ or I6ll ta3% your lif%I5 T#% (on$u(tor r%pli%s/ 5I (annot gi&% it no4/ but if you 4ill 4ait till t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% ass%mbl%s at ?%rusal%m/ you ar% foun$ 4ort#y/ you s#all t#%n r%(%i&% it/ ot#%r4is% you (annot.5 T#% ruffian t#%n gi&%s t#% (an$i$at% a blo4 4it# t#% t4%nty0four in(# gaug% a(ross t#% t#roat/ on 4#i(# #% fl%$ to t#% 4%st gat%/ 4#%r% #% 4as a((ost%$ by t#% s%(on$ ruffian/ )ubelo/ 4it# mor% &iol%n(%/ an$ on #is r%fusal to (omply 4it# #is r%;u%st/ #% ga&% #im a s%&%r% blo4 4it# t#% s;uar% a(ross #is br%ast/ on 4#i(# #% att%mpt%$ to ma3% #is %s(ap% at t#% %ast gat%/ 4#%r% #% 4as a((ost%$ by t#% t#ir$ ruffian/ )ubelu / 4it# still mor% &iol%n(%/ an$ on r%fusing to (omply 4it# #is r%;u%st/ t#% ruffian ga&% #im a &iol%nt blo4 4it# t#% (ommon ga&%l on t#% for%#%a$/ 4#i(# broug#t #im to t#% floor< on 4#i(# on% of t#%m %8(laim%$/ 5W#at s#all 4% $oC W% #a&% 3ill%$ our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram AbiffI5 Anot#%r ans4%rs/ 5L%t us (arry #im out of t#% %ast gat%/ an$ bury #im in t#% rubbis# till lo4 t4%l&%/ an$ t#%n m%%t an$ (arry #im a 4%st%rly (ours% an$ bury #im.5 T#% (an$i$at% is ta3%n up in a blan3%t/ on 4#i(# #% f%ll/ an$ (arri%$ to t#% 4%st %n$ of t#% lo$g%/ an$ (o&%r%$ up an$ l%ft< by t#is tim% t#% Mast%r #as r%sum%$ #is s%at @Eing Solomon is suppos%$ to arri&% at t#% t%mpl% at t#is 'un(tur%A an$ (alls to or$%r/ an$ as3s t#% S%nior War$%n t#% (aus% of all t#at (onfusion. T#% S%nior War$%n ans4%rs/ 5Our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ is missing/ an$ t#%r% ar% no plans or $%signs lai$ $o4n on t#% Tr%stl%0boar$ for t#% Craft to pursu% t#%ir labors.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan T#% Mast%r/ alias Eing Solomon/ r%pli%s/ 5Our 7ran$ Mast%r missingI Our 7ran$ Mast%r #as al4ays b%%n &%ry pun(tual in #is att%n$an(%< I f%ar #% is in$ispos%$< ass%mbl% t#% Crafts/ an$ s%ar(# in an$ about t#% t%mpl%/ an$ s%% if #% (an b% foun$. T#%y all s#uffl% about t#% floor a4#il%/ 4#%n t#% Mast%r (alls t#%m to or$%r an$ as3s t#% S%nior War$%n. 5W#at su((%ssC5 !% ans4%rs/ 5W% (annot fin$ our 7ran$ Mast%r/ my lor$.5 T#% Mast%r t#%n or$%rs t#% S%(r%tary to (all t#% roll of 4or3m%n an$ s%% 4#%t#%r any of t#%m ar% missing. T#% S%(r%tary (alls t#% roll an$ says/ 5I #a&% (all%$ t#% roll/ my lor$/ an$ fin$ t#at t#%r% ar% t#r%% missing/ &i=., ?ub%la/ ?ub%lo/ an$ ?ub%lum.5 !is lor$s#ip t#%n obs%r&%$/ 5T#is brings to my min$ a (ir(umstan(% t#at too3 pla(% t#is morning. T4%l&% %llo4 Crafts/ (lot#%$ in 4#it% glo&%s an$ aprons/ in to3%n of t#%ir inno(%n(%/ (am% to m% an$ (onf%ss%$ t#at t#%y t4%l&%/ 4it# t#r%% ot#%rs/ #a$ (onspir%$ to %8tort t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$ from t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ an$ in (as% of r%fusal to ta3% #is lif%. T#%y t4%l&% #a$ r%(ant%$/ but f%ar%$ t#% ot#%r t#r%% #a$ b%%n bas% %noug# to (arry t#%ir atro(ious $%signs into %8%(ution.5 Solomon t#%n or$%r%$ t4%l&% %llo4 Crafts to b% $ra4n from t#% ban$s of t#% 4or3m%n/ (lot#%$ in 4#it% glo&%s an$ aprons/ in to3%n of t#%ir inno(%n(%/ an$ s%nt t#r%% %ast/ t#r%% 4%st/ t#r%% nort#/ an$ t#r%% sout# in s%ar(# of t#% ruffians/ an$ if foun$ to f%t(# t#%m for4ar$. !%r% t#% m%mb%rs all s#uffl% about t#% floor a4#il%/ an$ fall in 4it# a r%put%$ tra&%l%r/ an$ in;uir% of #im if #% #a$ s%%n any tra&%ling m%n t#at 4ay< #% t%lls t#%m t#at #% #as s%%n t#r%% t#at morning n%ar t#% (oast of ?oppa/ 4#o from t#%ir $r%ss an$ app%aran(% 4%r% ?%4s/ an$ 4#o 4%r% 4or3m%n from t#% t%mpl%/ in;uiring for a passag% to Et#iopia/ but 4%r% unabl% to obtain on% in (ons%;u%n(% of an %mbargo 4#i(# #a$ r%(%ntly b%%n lai$ on all t#% s#ipping/ an$ #a$ turn%$ ba(3 into t#% (ountry. T#% Mast%r no4 (alls t#%m to or$%r again/ an$ as3s t#% S%nior War$%n/ 5W#at su((%ssC5 !% ans4%rs by r%lating 4#at #a$ ta3%n pla(%. Solomon obs%r&%s/ 5I #a$ t#is %mbargo lai$ to pr%&%nt t#% ruffians from ma3ing t#%ir %s(ap%/5 an$ a$$s/ 5"ou 4ill go an$ s%ar(# again/ an$ s%ar(# till you fin$ t#%m/ if possibl%/ an$ if t#%y ar% not foun$ t#% t4%l&% 4#o (onf%ss%$ s#all b% (onsi$%r%$ as t#% r%put%$ mur$%r%rs an$ suff%r a((or$ingly.5 T#% m%mb%rs all start again an$ s#uffl% about a4#il% until on% of t#%m/ as if by a((i$%nt/ fin$s t#% bo$y of !iram Abiff/ alias t#% (an$i$at%/ an$ #ails #is tra&%ling (ompanions/ 4#o 'oin #im/ an$ 4#il% t#%y ar% #amm%ring out som%t#ing o&%r t#% (an$i$at% t#% t#r%% r%put%$ ruffians/ 4#o ar% s%at%$ in a pri&at% (orn%r n%ar t#% (an$i$at%/ ar% #%ar$ to %8(laim in t#% follo4ing mann%r, irst/ ?ub%la 5O t#at my t#roat #a$ b%%n (ut a(ross/ my tongu% torn out/ an$ my bo$y buri%$ in t#% roug# san$s of t#% s%a/ at lo4 4at%r mar3/ 4#%r% t#% ti$% %bbs an$ flo4s t4i(% in t4%nty0four #ours/ %r% I #a$ b%%n a((%ssory to t#% $%at# of so goo$ a man as our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram AbiffI5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan T#% s%(on$/ ?ub%lo 5O t#at my l%ft br%ast #a$ b%%n torn op%n an$ my #%art an$ &itals ta3%n from t#%n(% an$ t#ro4n o&%r my l%ft s#oul$%r/ (arri%$ into t#% &all%y of ?%#osap#at/ an$ t#%r% to b%(om% a pr%y to t#% 4il$ b%asts of t#% fi%l$ an$ &ultur%s of t#% air/ %r% I #a$ (onspir%$ t#% $%at# of so goo$ a man as our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram AbiffI5 T#% t#ir$/ ?ub%lum 5O t#at my bo$y #a$ b%%n s%&%r%$ in t4o in t#% mi$st/ an$ $i&i$%$ to t#% nort# an$ sout#/ my bo4%ls burnt to as#%s in t#% (%nt%r/ an$ t#% as#%s s(att%r%$ by t#% four 4in$s of #%a&%n/ t#at t#%r% mig#t not t#% l%ast tra(3 or r%m%mbran(% r%main among m%n/ or Masons/ of so &il% an$ p%r'ur%$ a 4r%t(# as I am< a#/ ?ub%la an$ ?ub%lo/ it 4as I t#at stru(3 #im #ar$%r t#an you bot#. It 4as I t#at ga&% #im t#% fatal blo4< it 4as I t#at 3ill%$ #im outrig#t<5 T#% t#r%% %llo4 Craft6s 4#o #a$ stoo$ by t#% (an$i$at% all t#is tim%/ list%ning to t#% ruffians/ 4#os% &oi(%s t#%y r%(ogni=%$/ say/ on% to t#% ot#%r, 5W#at s#all 4% $o< t#%r% ar% t#r%% of t#%m/ an$ only t#r%% of usC5 5It is/5 sai$ on%/ in r%ply< 5our (aus% is goo$/ l%t us s%i=% t#%m.5 On 4#i(# t#%y rus# for4ar$/ s%i=% an$ (arry t#%m to t#% Mast%r/ to 4#om t#%y r%lat% 4#at #a$ pass%$. T#% Mast%r t#%n a$$r%ss%s t#%m in t#% follo4ing mann%r @t#%y in many lo$g%s 3n%%l or li% $o4n/ in to3%n of t#%ir guilt an$ p%nit%n(%A, 5W%ll/ ?ub%la/ 4#at #a&% you got to say for yours%lf/ guilty or not guiltyC5 Ans. 57uilty/ my lor$.5 5?ub%lo/ guilty or not guiltyC5 Ans. 57uilty/ my lor$.5 5?ub%lum/ guilty or not guiltyC5 Ans. 57uilty/ my lor$.5 T#% Mast%r/ to t#% t#r%% %llo4 Crafts 4#o too3 t#%m, 5Ta3% t#%m 4it#out t#% 4%st gat% of t#% t%mpl% an$ #a&% t#%m %8%(ut%$ a((or$ing to t#% s%&%ral impr%(ations of t#%ir o4n mout#s.5 T#%y ar% t#%n #urri%$ off to t#% 4%st %n$ of t#% room. !%r% t#is part of t#% far(% %n$s. T#% Mast%r t#%n or$%rs fift%%n %llo4 Crafts to b% s%l%(t%$ from t#% ban$s of 4or3m%n/ an$ s%nt/ t#r%% %ast/ t#r%% 4%st/ t#r%% nort#/ t#r%% sout#/ an$ t#r%% in an$ about t#% t%mpl%/ in s%ar(# of t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff @in som% lo$g%s t#%y s%n$ only t4%l&%/ 4#%n t#%ir o4n l%(tur%s say fift%%n 4%r% s%ntA/ an$ (#arg%s t#%m/ if t#%y fin$ t#% bo$y/ to %8amin% (ar%fully on an$ about it for t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ or a 3%y to it. T#% t#r%% t#at tra&%l 4%st%rly (ours% (om% to t#% (an$i$at%/ an$ fing%r about #im littl%/ an$ ar% (all%$ to or$%r by t#% Mast%r/ 4#%n t#%y r%port t#at t#%y #a$ foun$ t#% gra&% of t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ an$/ on mo&ing t#% %art#

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan till t#%y (om% to t#% bo$y/ t#%y in&oluntarily foun$ t#%ir #an$s rais%$ in t#is position 9s#o4ing it at t#% sam% tim%< it is t#% $u%0guar$ of t#is $%gr%%:/ to guar$ t#%ir nostrils against t#% off%nsi&% %fflu&ia 4#i(# aros% from t#% gra&%/ an$ t#at t#%y #a$ s%ar(#%$ (ar%fully on an$ about t#% bo$y for t#% Mast%r6s 4or$/ but #a$ not $is(o&%r%$ anyt#ing but a faint r%s%mblan(% of t#% l%tt%r 7 on t#% l%ft br%ast. T#% Mast%r/ on t#% r%(%ipt of t#is information 9raising #ims%lf:/ rais%s #is #an$s t#r%% s%&%ral tim%s abo&% #is #%a$ 9as #%r%in b%for% $%s(rib%$: an$ %8(laims/ 5Not#ing but a faint r%s%mblan(% of t#% l%tt%r 7I T#at is not t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ nor a 3%y to it. I f%ar t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ is for%&%r lostI Not#ing but a faint r%s%mblan(% to t#% l%tt%r 7I T#at is not t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ nor a 3%y to it. I f%ar t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ is for%&%r lostI @T#% t#ir$ a((lamation is $iff%r%nt from t#% ot#%r t4o< att%n$ to it. It #as b%%n $%s(rib%$ on pag%F2.A Not#ing but a faint r%s%mblan(% of t#% l%tt%r 7I T#at is not t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ nor a 3%y to it. O Lor$/ my 7o$/ is t#%r% no #%lp for t#% 4i$o46s sonC5 T#% Mast%r t#%n or$%rs t#% ?unior War$%n to summon a lo$g% of Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Masons/ an$ r%pair to t#% gra&% an$ try to rais% t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r by t#% Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(%6s grip. T#%y go to t#% (an$i$at% an$ ta3% #ol$ of #is for%fing%r an$ pull it< r%turn an$ t%ll t#% Mast%r t#at t#%y (oul$ not rais% #im by t#% Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(%6s grip< t#at t#% s3in (l%a&%$ from t#% bon%. A lo$g% of %llo4 Crafts ar% t#%n s%nt/ 4#o a(t as b%for%/ %8(%pt t#at t#%y pull t#% (an$i$at%6s s%(on$ fing%r. T#% Mast%r t#%n $ir%(ts t#% S%nior War$%n 9g%n%rally: to summon a lo$g% of Mast%r Masons/ an$ says/ 5I 4ill go 4it# t#%m mys%lf in p%rson/ an$ try to rais% t#% bo$y by t#% Mast%r6s grip/ or lion6s pa4.5 @Som% say by t#% strong grip/ or lion6s pa4.A T#%y t#%n all ass%mbl% roun$ t#% (an$i$at%/ t#% Mast%r #a&ing $%(lar%$ t#at t#% first 4or$ spo3%n aft%r t#% bo$y 4as rais%$ s#oul$ b% a$opt%$ as a substitut% for t#% Mast%r6s 4or$/ for t#% go&%rnm%nt of Mast%r Masons6 lo$g%s in all futur% g%n%rations. !% pro(%%$s to rais% t#% (an$i$at%/ alias t#% r%pr%s%ntati&% of t#% $%a$ bo$y of !iram Abiff. !% 9t#% (an$i$at%: is rais%$ on 4#at is (all%$ t#% fi&% points of f%llo4s#ip/ 4#i(# ar% foot to foot/ 3n%% to 3n%%/ br%ast to br%ast/ #an$ to ba(3 an$ mout# to %ar. T#is is $on% by putting t#% insi$% of your rig#t foot to t#% insi$% of t#% rig#t foot of t#% p%rson to 4#om you ar% going to gi&% t#% 4or$/ t#% insi$% of your 3n%% to #is/ laying your rig#t br%ast against #is/ your l%ft #an$s on t#% ba(3 of %a(# ot#%r/ an$ your mout#s to %a(# ot#%r6s rig#t %ar 9in 4#i(# position alon% you ar% p%rmitt%$ to gi&% t#% 4or$:/ an$ 4#isp%r t#% 4or$ *ahhah+bone. T#% Mast%r6s grip is gi&%n by ta3ing #ol$ of %a(# ot#%r6s #an$ as t#oug# you 4%r% going to s#a3% #an$s/ an$ sti(3ing t#% nails of %a(# of your fing%rs into t#% 'oint of t#% ot#%r6s 4rist 4#%r% it unit%s 4it# t#% #an$. In t#is position t#% (an$i$at% is rais%$/ #% 3%%ping #is 4#ol% bo$y stiff/ as t#oug# $%a$. T#% Mast%r/ in raising #im/ is assist%$ by som% of t#% br%t#r%n/ 4#o ta3% #ol$ of t#% (an$i$at% by t#% arms an$ s#oul$%rs< as soon as #% is rais%$ to #is f%%t/ t#%y st%p ba(3 an$ t#% Mast%r 4#isp%rs t#% 4or$ Ma#0#a#0bon% in #is %ar/ an$ (aus%s t#% (an$i$at% to r%p%at it/ t%lling #im/ at t#% sam% tim%/ t#at #% must n%&%r gi&% it in any mann%r ot#%r t#an t#at in 4#i(# #% r%(%i&%s it. !% is also tol$ t#at Ma#0#a#0bon% signifi%s marro4 in t#% bon%. T#%y t#%n s%parat%/ an$ t#% Mast%r t#%n ma3%s t#% follo4ing %8planation r%sp%(ting t#% fi&% points of f%llo4s#ip,

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

Mast%r to (an$i$at%. 5-rot#%r/ foot to foot t%a(#%s you t#at you s#oul$/ 4#%n%&%r as3%$/ go on a brot#%r6s %rran$/ if 4it#in t#% l%ngt# of your (abl%0to4/ %&%n if you s#oul$ #a&% to go bar%foot an$ bar%#%a$%$. En%% to 3n%%/ t#at you s#oul$ al4ays r%m%mb%r a Mast%r Mason in your $%&otions to Almig#ty 7o$. -r%ast to br%ast/ t#at you s#oul$ 3%%p t#% Mast%r Mason6s s%(r%ts/ 4#%n gi&%n to you in (#arg% as su(#/ as s%(ur% an$ in&iolabl% in your br%ast as t#%y 4%r% in #is o4n b%for% (ommuni(at%$ to you. !an$ to ba(3/ t#at you s#oul$ support a Mast%r Mason b%#in$ #is ba(3 as b%for% #is fa(%. Mout# to %ar/ t#at you s#oul$ support #is goo$ nam% as 4%ll b%#in$ #is ba(3 as b%for% #is fa(%.5 Aft%r t#% (an$i$at% is t#roug# 4it# 4#at is (all%$ t#% 4or3 part/ t#% Mast%r a$$r%ss%s #im in t#% follo4ing mann%r, 5-rot#%r/ you may suppos%/ from t#% mann%r you #a&% b%%n $%alt 4it# to0nig#t/ t#at 4% #a&% b%%n fooling 4it# you/ or t#at 4% #a&% tr%at%$ you $iff%r%nt from ot#%rs< but I assur% you t#at is not t#% (as%. "ou #a&% t#is nig#t r%pr%s%nt%$ on% of t#% gr%at%st m%n t#at %&%r li&%$ in t#% tragi(al (atastrop#% of #is $%at#/ burial/ an$ r%surr%(tion< I m%an !iram Abiff/ t#% 4i$o46s son/ 4#o 4as slain by t#r%% ruffians at t#% buil$ing of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%/ an$ 4#o/ in #is infl%8ibility/ int%grity/ an$ fortitu$%/ n%&%r 4as surpass%$ by man. T#% #istory of t#at mom%ntous %&%nt is t#us r%lat%$, Masoni( tra$ition informs us t#at/ at t#% buil$ing of Eing Solomon6s t%mpl%/ fift%%n %llo4 Crafts/ $is(o&%ring t#at t#% t%mpl% 4as almost finis#%$/ an$ not #a&ing t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$/ b%(am% &%ry impati%nt an$ %nt%r%$ into a #orri$ (onspira(y to %8tort t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$ from t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ t#% first tim% t#%y m%t #im alon%/ or ta3% #is lif%/ t#at t#%y mig#t pass as Mast%rs in ot#%r (ountri%s/ an$ r%(%i&% 4ag%s as su(# but/ b%for% t#%y (oul$ a((omplis# t#%ir $%signs/ t4%l&% of t#%m r%(ant%$/ but t#% ot#%r t#r%% 4%r% bas% %noug# to (arry t#%ir atro(ious $%signs into %8%(ution. T#%ir nam%s 4%r% ?ub%la/ ?ub%lo/ an$ ?ub%lum. It 4as t#% (ustom of our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ %&%ry $ay at #ig# t4%l&%/ 4#%n t#% Craft 4%r% from labor to r%fr%s#m%nt/ to %nt%r into t#% san(tum san(torum an$ off%r up #is $%&otions to t#% %&%r0li&ing 7o$/ an$ $ra4 out #is plans an$ $%signs on t#% tr%stl%0boar$/ for t#% Crafts to pursu% t#%ir labor. On a (%rtain $ay 9not nam%$ in any of our tra$itional a((ounts: ?ub%la/ ?ub%lo/ an$ ?ub%lum pla(%$ t#%ms%l&%s at t#% sout#/ 4%st/ an$ %ast gat%s of t#% t%mpl%/ an$ !iram/ #a&ing finis#%$ #is $%&otions an$ labor/ att%mpt%$ 9as 4as #is usual (ustom: to r%tir% at t#% sout# gat%/ 4#%r% #% 4as m%t by ?ub%la/ 4#o $%man$%$ of #im t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$ @som% say t#% s%(r%ts of a Mast%r MasonA/ an$ on #is r%fusal to gi&% it ?ub%la ga&% #im a &iol%nt blo4 4it# t#% t4%nty0four in(# gaug% a(ross t#% t#roat< on 4#i(# !iram fl%$ to t#% 4%st gat%/ 4#%r% #% 4as a((ost%$ in t#% sam% mann%r by ?ub%lo/ but 4it# mor% &iol%n(%. !iram tol$ #im t#at #% (oul$ not gi&% t#% 4or$ t#%n b%(aus% Solomon/ 3ing of Isra%l/ !iram/ 3ing of Tyr%/ an$ #ims%lf #a$ %nt%r%$ into a sol%mn l%agu%

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan t#at t#% 4or$ n%&%r s#oul$ b% gi&%n unl%ss t#%y t#r%% 4%r% pr%s%nt< but/ if #% 4oul$ 4ait 4it# pati%n(% till t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% ass%mbl%$ at ?%rusal%m/ if #% 4as t#%n foun$ 4ort#y #% s#oul$ r%(%i&% it/ ot#%r4is% #% (oul$ not. ?ub%lo r%pli%$/ in a &%ry p%r%mptory mann%r, 6If you $o not gi&% m% t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ I6ll ta3% your lif%6< an$ on !iram6s r%fusal to gi&% it ?ub%lo ga&% #im a s%&%r% blo4 4it# t#% s;uar% a(ross t#% l%ft br%ast/ on 4#i(# #% fl%$ to t#% %ast gat%/ 4#%r% #% 4as a((ost%$ by ?ub%lum in t#% sam% mann%r/ but 4it# still mor% &iol%n(%. !%r% !iram r%ason%$ as b%for%< ?ub%lum tol$ #im t#at #% #a$ #%ar$ #is (a&iling 4it# ?ub%la an$ ?ub%lo long %noug#/ an$ t#at #% 4as still put off/ an$ t#% t%mpl% 4as almost finis#%$/ an$ #% 4as $%t%rmin%$ to #a&% t#% 4or$ or ta3% #is lif%. 6I 4ant it so t#at I may b% abl% to g%t 4ag%s as a Mast%r Mason in any (ountry to 4#i(# I may go I for %mploy/ aft%r t#% t%mpl% is finis#%$/ an$ t#at I mig#t b% abl% to support my 4if% an$ (#il$r%n.6 !iram p%rsisting in #is r%fusal/ #% ga&% !iram a &iol%nt blo4 4it# t#% ga&%l on t#% for%#%a$/ 4#i(# f%ll%$ #im to t#% floor an$ 3ill%$ #im. T#%y too3 t#% bo$y an$ (arri%$ it out of t#% %ast gat% an$ buri%$ it in t#% rubbis# till lo4 t4%l&% at nig#t 94#i(# is *1 o6(lo(3:/ 4#%n t#% t#r%% m%t/ agr%%abl% to appointm%nt/ an$ (arri%$ t#% bo$y a 4%st%rly $ir%(tion/ an$ buri%$ it at t#% bro4 of a #ill/ in a gra&% $ug $u% %ast an$ 4%st/ si8 f%%t p%rp%n$i(ular/ an$ ma$% t#%ir %s(ap%. Eing Solomon/ (oming up to t#% t%mpl% at lo4 si8 in t#% morning 9as 4as #is usual (ustom:/ foun$ t#% Crafts all in (onfusion/ an$/ on in;uiring t#% (aus%/ 4as inform%$ t#at t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ 4as missing/ an$ t#%r% 4%r% no plans an$ $%signs lai$ $o4n on t#% tr%stl%0boar$ for t#% Crafts to pursu% t#%ir labor. Solomon or$%r%$ imm%$iat% s%ar(# to b% ma$% in an$ about t#% T%mpl% for #im< no $is(o&%ry b%ing ma$%/ #% t#%n or$%r%$ t#% S%(r%tary to (all t#% roll of 4or3m%n/ to s%% if any 4%r% missing< it app%aring t#at t#%r% 4%r% t#r%%/ &i=., ?ub%la/ ?ub%lo an$ ?ub%lum/ Solomon obs%r&%$, 5T#is brings to my min$ a (ir(umstan(% t#at too3 pla(% t#is morning. T4%l&% %llo4 Crafts (am% to m%/ $r%ss%$ in 4#it% glo&%s an$ aprons in to3%n of t#%ir inno(%n(%/ an$ (onf%ss%$ t#at t#%y t4%l&% 4it# t#r%% ot#%rs #a$ (onspir%$ to %8tort t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$ from t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ an$ in (as% of #is r%fusal to ta3% #is lif%< t#%y t4%l&% #a$ r%(ant%$/ but f%ar%$ t#% ot#%r t#r%% #a$ b%%n bas% %noug# to (arry t#%ir atro(ious $%sign into %8%(ution.5 Solomon imm%$iat%ly or$%r%$ t4%l&% %llo4 Crafts to b% s%l%(t%$ from t#% ban$s of t#% 4or3m%n/ (lot#%$ in 4#it% glo&%s an$ aprons in to3%n of t#%ir inno(%n(%/ an$ s%nt t#r%% %ast/ t#r%% 4%st/ t#r%% nort# an$ t#r%% sout#/ in s%ar(# of t#% ruffians/ an$ if foun$ to bring t#%m up b%for% #im. T#% t#r%% t#at tra&%l%$ a 4%st%rly (ours%/ (oming n%ar t#% (oast of ?oppa/ f%ll in 4it# a 4arfaring man/ 4#o inform%$ t#%m t#at #% #a$ s%%n t#r%% m%n pass t#at 4ay t#at morning/ 4#o/ from t#%ir app%aran(% an$ $r%ss/ 4%r% 4or3m%n from t#% T%mpl%/ in;uiring for a passag% to Et#iopia/ but 4%r% unabl% to obtain on% in (ons%;u%n(% of an %mbargo 4#i(# #a$ r%(%ntly b%%n lai$ on all t#% s#ipping/ an$ #a$ turn%$ ba(3 into t#% (ountry. Aft%r ma3ing still furt#%r an$ mor% $ilig%nt s%ar(#/ an$ aft%r ma3ing no furt#%r $is(o&%ry/ t#%y r%turn%$ to t#% T%mpl% an$ r%port%$ to Solomon t#% r%sult of t#%ir pursuit an$ in;uiri%s. On 4#i(# Solomon $ir%(t%$ t#%m to go an$ s%ar(# again/ an$ s%ar(# until t#%y foun$ t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ if possibl%/ an$ if #% 4as not foun$/ t#% t4%l&% 4#o #a$ (onf%ss%$ s#oul$ b% (onsi$%r%$ as t#% mur$%r%rs an$ suff%r a((or$ingly. T#%y r%turn%$ again in pursuit of t#% ruffians/ an$ on% of t#% t#r%% t#at tra&%l%$ a 4%st%rly (ours%/ b%ing mor% 4%ary t#an t#% r%st/ sat $o4n at t#% bro4 of a #ill to r%st an$ r%fr%s#

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan #ims%lf< an$ in att%mpting to ris% (aug#t #ol$ of a sprig of (assia/ 4#i(# %asily ga&% 4ay an$ %8(it%$ #is (uriosity/ an$ ma$% #im suspi(ious of a $%(%ption/ on 4#i(# #% #ail%$ #is (ompanions/ 4#o imm%$iat%ly ass%mbl%$/ an$ on %8amination foun$ t#at t#% %art# #a$ b%%n r%(%ntly mo&%$< an$/ on mo&ing t#% rubbis#/ $is(o&%r%$ t#% app%aran(% of a gra&%< an$ 4#il% t#%y 4%r% (onfabulating about 4#at m%asur% to ta3%/ t#%y #%ar$ &oi(%s issuing from a (a&%rn in t#% (l%fts of t#% ro(3s/ on 4#i(# t#%y imm%$iat%ly r%pair%$ to t#% pla(%/ 4#%r% t#%y #%ar$ t#% &oi(% of ?ub%la %8(laim/ 5OI t#at my t#roat #a$ b%%n (ut a(ross/ my tongu% torn out/ an$ my bo$y buri%$ in t#% roug# san$s of t#% s%a at lo4 4at%r0mar3/ 4#%r% t#% ti$% %bbs an$ flo4s t4i(% in t4%nty0four #ours/ %r% I #a$ b%%n a((%ssory to t#% $%at# of so goo$ a man as our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff.5 On 4#i(# t#%y $istin(tly #%ar$ t#% &oi(% of ?ub%lo %8(laim/ 5OI t#at my br%ast #a$ b%%n torn op%n/ an$ my #%art an$ &itals ta3%n from t#%n(% an$ t#ro4n o&%r my l%ft s#oul$%r/ to t#% &all%y of ?%#osap#at/ t#%r% to b%(om% a pr%y to t#% 4il$ b%asts of t#% fi%l$ an$ &ultur%s of t#% air/ %r% I #a$ (onspir%$ to ta3% t#% lif% of so goo$ a man as our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff. W#%n t#%y mor% $istin(tly #%ar$ t#% &oi(% of ?ub%lum %8(laim/ 5OI t#at my bo$y #a$ b%%n s%&%r%$ in t4o in t#% mi$st/ an$ $i&i$%$ to t#% nort# an$ t#% sout#/ my bo4%ls burnt to as#%s in t#% (%nt%r/ an$ t#% as#%s s(att%r%$ by t#% four 4in$s of #%a&%n/ t#at t#%r% mig#t not r%main t#% l%ast tra(3 or tra(% of r%m%mbran(% among m%n or Masons of so &il% an$ p%r'ur%$ a 4r%t(# as I am/ 4#o 4ilfully too3 t#% lif%/ of so goo$ a man as our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff. A#I ?ub%la an$ ?ub%lo/ it 4as I t#at stru(3 #im #ar$%r t#an you bot#I It 4as I t#at ga&% #im t#% fatal blo4I It 4as I t#at 3ill%$ #im outrig#tI5 On 4#i(# t#%y rus#%$ for4ar$/ s%i=%$/ boun$/ an$ (arri%$ t#%m up b%for% Eing Solomon/ 4#o/ aft%r #%aring t#% t%stimony of t#% t#r%% %llo4 Crafts/ an$ t#% t#r%% ruffians #a&ing pl%a$ guilty/ or$%r%$ t#%m to b% ta3%n out at t#% 4%st gat% of t#% T%mpl% an$ %8%(ut%$ agr%%abl% to t#% s%&%ral impr%(ations of t#%ir o4n mout#s. Eing Solomon t#%n or$%r%$ fift%%n %llo4 Crafts to b% s%l%(t%$ from t#% ban$s of t#% 4or3m%n/ (lot#%$ 4it# 4#it% glo&%s an$ aprons/ in to3%n of t#%ir inno(%n(%/ an$ s%nt t#r%% %ast/ t#r%% 4%st/ t#r%% nort#/ t#r%% sout# an$ t#r%% in an$ about t#% T%mpl%/ in s%ar(# of t#% bo$y of t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ an$ t#% t#r%% t#at tra&%l%$ a 4%st%rly (ours% foun$ it un$%r t#at sprig of (assia/ 4#%r% a 4ort#y brot#%r sat $o4n to r%st an$ r%fr%s# #ims%lf< an$ on r%mo&ing t#% %art# till t#%y (am% to t#% (offin/ t#%y in&oluntarily foun$ t#%ir #an$s rais%$/ as #%r%in b%for% $%s(rib%$/ to guar$ t#%ir nostrils against t#% off%nsi&% %fflu&ia t#at aros% from t#% gra&%. It is also sai$ t#at t#% bo$y #a$ lain t#%r% fourt%%n $ays/ som% say fift%%n. T#% bo$y 4as rais%$ in t#% mann%r #%r%in b%for% $%s(rib%$/ (arri%$ up to t#% T%mpl%/ an$ buri%$ as %8plain%$ in t#% (losing (laus%s of t#% l%(tur%. Not on% t#ir$ part of t#% pr%(%$ing #istory of t#is $%gr%% is %&%r gi&%n to a (an$i$at%. A f%4 g%n%ral/ $%sultory/ un(onn%(t%$ r%mar3s ar% ma$% to #im/ an$ #% is g%n%rally r%f%rr%$ to t#% mann%r of raising/ an$ t#% l%(tur%/ for information as to t#% parti(ulars. !%r% follo4s a (#arg% 4#i(# oug#t to b% an$ som%tim%s is $%li&%r%$ to t#% (an$i$at% aft%r #%aring t#% #istory of t#% $%gr%%. #n address to be deli!ered to the candidate after the history has been gi!en. 5-rot#%r/ your =%al for t#% institution of Masonry/ t#% progr%ss you #a&% ma$% in t#% myst%ry/ an$ your (onformity to our r%gulations/ #a&% point%$ you out as a prop%r ob'%(t of our fa&or an$ %st%%m. "ou ar% boun$ by $uty/ #onor an$ gratitu$% to b% fait#ful to your trust/ to support t#% $ignity of your (#ara(t%r on %&%ry o((asion/ an$ to %nfor(%/ by pr%(%pt an$ %8ampl%/ ob%$i%n(% to t#% t%n%ts of t#% or$%r. In t#% (#ara(t%r of Mast%r Mason/ you

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan ar% aut#ori=%$ to (orr%(t t#% %rrors an$ irr%gulariti%s of your uninform%$ br%t#r%n/ an$ to guar$ t#%m against br%a(# of fi$%lity. To pr%s%r&% t#% r%putation of t#% frat%rnity/ unsulli%$/ must b% your (onstant (ar% an$ for t#is purpos% it is your pro&in(% to r%(omm%n$ to your inf%riors/ ob%$i%n(% an$ submission< to your %;uals/ (ourt%sy an$ affability< to your sup%riors/ 3in$n%ss an$ (on$%s(%nsion. Uni&%rsal b%n%&ol%n(% you ar% aI4ays to in(ul(at%< an$ by t#% r%gularity of your o4n b%#a&ior/ affor$ t#% b%st %8ampl% for t#% (on$u(t of ot#%rs l%ss inform%$. T#% an(i%nt lan$mar3s of t#% or$%r/ %ntrust%$ to your (ar%/ you ar% (ar%fully to pr%s%r&%< an$ n%&%r suff%r t#%m to b% infring%$/ or (ount%nan(% a $%&iation from t#% %stablis#%$ usag%s an$ (ustoms of t#% frat%rnity. "our &irtu%/ #onor/ an$ r%putation ar% (on(%rn%$ in supporting 4it# $ignity t#% (#ara(t%r you no4 b%ar. L%t no moti&%/ t#%r%for%/ ma3% you s4%r&% from your $uty/ &iolat% your &o4s/ or b%tray your trust< but b% tru% an$ fait#ful/ an$ imitat% t#% %8ampl% of t#at (%l%brat%$ artist 4#om you t#is %&%ning r%pr%s%nt< t#us you 4ill r%n$%r yours%lf $%s%r&ing t#% #onor 4#i(# 4% #a&% (onf%rr%$/ an$ m%rit t#% (onfi$%n(% t#at 4% #a&% r%pos%$.5 !%r% follo4s t#% l%(tur% on t#is $%gr%%/ 4#i(# is $i&i$%$ into t#r%% s%(tions. SECTION FIRST. 5Ar% you a Mast%r Mason5 Ans. 5I am try m%/ pro&% m% $ispro&% m% if you (an.5 5W#%r% 4%r% you pr%par%$ to b% ma$% a Mast%r MasonC5 Ans. 5In a room a$'a(%nt to t#% bo$y of a 'ust an$ la4fully (onstitut%$ lo$g% of su(#/ $uly ass%mbl%$ in a room r%pr%s%nting t#% san(tum san(torum/ or #oly of #oli%s/ of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%.5 5!o4 4%r% you pr%par%$C5 Ans. 5-y b%ing $i&%st%$ of all m%tals/ n%it#%r na3%$ nor (lot#%$< bar%foot nor s#o$< 4it# a (abl%0to4 t#r%% tim%s about my na3%$ bo$y< in 4#i(# postur% I 4as (on$u(t%$ to t#% $oor of t#% lo$g%/ 4#%r% I ga&% t#r%% $istin(t 3no(3s.5 5W#at $i$ t#os% t#r%% $istin(t 3no(3s allu$% toC5 Ans. 5To t#% t#ir$ $%gr%% of Masonry< it b%ing t#at on 4#i(# I 4as about to %nt%r.5 5W#at 4as sai$ to you from 4it#inC5 Ans. 5W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C W#o (om%s t#%r%C5 5"our an ans4%rC5 Ans. 5A 4ort#y brot#%r 4#o #as b%%n r%gularly initiat%$ as an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% Mason/ pass%$ to t#% $%gr%% of a %llo4 Craft/ an$ no4 4is#%s for furt#%r lig#t in Masonry/ by b%ing rais%$ to t#% sublim% $%gr%% of a Mast%r Mason.5 5W#at furt#%r 4as sai$ to you from 4it#inC5 Ans. 5I 4as as3%$ if it 4as of my o4n fr%% 4ill an$ a((or$ I ma$% t#at r%;u%st< if I 4as $uly an$ truly pr%par%$< 4ort#y an$ 4%ll ;ualifi%$/ an$ #a$ ma$% suitabl% profi(i%n(y in t#% pr%(%%$ing $%gr%%s< all of 4#i(# b%ing ans4%r%$ in t#% affirmati&%/ I 4as as3%$ by

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 4#at furt#%r rig#ts I %8p%(t%$ to obtain t#at b%n%fit.5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5-y t#% b%n%fit of a pass04or$.5 5W#at is t#at pass04or$C5 Ans. 5,ubal Cain.5 5W#at n%8t 4as sai$ to youC5 Ans. 5I 4as bi$ to 4ait till t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast 4as ma$% a(;uaint%$ 4it# my r%;u%st an$ #is ans4%r r%turn%$.5 5W#at follo4%$ aft%r #is ans4%r 4as r%turn%$C5 Ans. 5I 4as (aus%$ to %nt%r t#% lo$g% on t#% t4o %8tr%m% points of t#% (ompass/ pr%ssing my na3%$ rig#t an$ l%ft br%asts/ in t#% nam% of t#% Lor$.5 5!o4 4%r% you t#%n $ispos%$ ofC5 Ans. 5I 4as (on$u(t%$ t#r%% tim%s r%gularly roun$ t#% lo$g%/ an$ #alt%$ at t#% ?unior War$%n in t#% sout#/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions 4%r% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as at t#% $oor.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% ?unior War$%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ to t#% S%nior War$%n in t#% 4%st/ 4#%r% t#% sam% ;u%stions 4%r% as3%$ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% S%nior War$%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ to t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r in t#% %ast/ 4#%r% by #im t#% sam% ;u%stions 4%r% as3%$/ an$ ans4%rs r%turn%$ as b%for%/ 4#o li3%4is% $%man$%$ of m% from 4#%n(% I (am%/ an$ 4#it#%r I 4as tra&%ling.5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5 rom t#% %ast an$ tra&%ling to t#% 4%st.5 5W#y $o you l%a&% t#% %ast/ an$ tra&%l to t#% 4%stC5 Ans. 5In s%ar(# of lig#t.5 5!o4 $i$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r t#%n $ispos% of youC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ m% to b% (on$u(t%$ ba(3 to t#% 4%st/ from 4#%n(% I (am%/ an$ put in (ar% of t#% S%nior War$%n/ 4#o taug#t m% #o4 to approa(# t#% %ast/ by a$&an(ing upon t#r%% uprig#t/ r%gular st%ps to t#% t#ir$ st%p/ my f%%t forming a s;uar% an$ my bo$y %r%(t at t#% altar b%for% t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r.5 5W#at $i$ t#% Wors#ipful Mast%r $o 4it# youC5 Ans. 5!% ma$% an obligat%$ Mast%r Mason of m%.5 5!o4C5 Ans. 5In $u% form.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5W#at 4as t#at $u% formC5 Ans. 5-ot# my 3n%%s bar% b%nt/ t#%y forming a s;uar%< bot# #an$s on t#% !oly -ibl%/ S;uar% an$ Compass< in 4#i(# postur% I too3 upon m% t#% sol%mn oat# or obligation of a Mast%r Mason.5 5Aft%r your obligation/ 4#at 4as sai$ to youC5 Ans. 5W#at $o you most $%sir%C5 5"our ans4%rC5 Ans. 5Mor% lig#t.5 @T#% ban$ag% roun$ t#% #%a$ is no4 $ropp%$ o&%r t#% %y%s.A 5.i$ you r%(%i&% lig#tC5 Ans. 5I $i$.5 5On b%ing broug#t to lig#t on t#is $%gr%%/ 4#at $i$ you first $is(o&%rC5 Ans. 5T#r%% gr%at lig#ts in Masonry/ by t#% assistan(% of t#r%% l%ss%r/ an$ bot# points of t#% (ompass %l%&at%$ abo&% t#% s;uar%/ 4#i(# $%not%$ to m% t#at I #a$ r%(%i&%$/ or 4as about to r%(%i&% all t#% lig#t t#at (oul$ b% (onf%rr%$ on m% in a Mast%r6s Lo$g%.5 5W#at $i$ you n%8t $is(o&%rC5 Ans. 5T#% Wors#ipful Mast%r approa(#ing m% from t#% %ast/ un$%r t#% sign an$ $u%0guar$ of a Mast%r Mason/ 4#o pr%s%nt%$ m% 4it# #is rig#t #an$ in to3%n of brot#%rly lo&% an$ (onfi$%n(%/ an$ pro(%%$%$ to gi&% m% t#% pass0grip an$ 4or$ of a Mast%r Mason/ @t#% 4or$ is t#% nam% of t#% pass0gripA an$ bi$ m% aris% an$ salut% t#% ?unior an$ S%nior War$%ns an$ (on&in(% t#%m t#at I 4as an obligat%$ Mast%r Mason/ an$ #a$ t#% sign/ pass0 grip an$ 4or$. @Tubal Cain.A 5W#at $i$ you n%8t $is(o&%rC5 Ans. 5T#% Wors#ipful Mast%r approa(#ing m% t#% s%(on$ tim% from t#% %ast/ 4#o pr%s%nt%$ m% 4it# a lamb0s3in or 4#it% apron/ 4#i(# #% sai$ #% #op%$ I 4oul$ (ontinu% to 4%ar/ 4it# #onor to mys%lf/ an$ satisfa(tion an$ a$&antag% to t#% br%t#r%n.5 5W#at 4%r% you n%8t pr%s%nt%$ 4it#C5 Ans. 5T#% 4or3ing tools of a Mast%r Mason.5 5W#at ar% t#%yC5 Ans. 5All t#% impl%m%nts of Masonry in$is(riminat%ly/ but mor% %sp%(ially t#% tro4%l.5 5!o4 %8plain%$C5 Ans. 5T#% tro4%l is an instrum%nt ma$% us% of by op%rati&% masons to spr%a$ t#% (%m%nt 4#i(# unit%s a buil$ing into on% (ommon mass/ but 4%/ as r%% an$ A((%pt%$ Masons/ ar% taug#t to ma3% us% of it for t#% mor% nobl% an$ glorious purpos% of spr%a$ing t#% (%m%nt of brot#%rly lo&% an$ aff%(tion/ t#at (%m%nt 4#i(# unit%s us into on% sa(r%$ ban$ or so(i%ty of brot#%rs/ among 4#om no (ont%ntion s#oul$ %&%r %8ist/ but t#at nobl% %mulation of 4#o (an b%st 4or3 or b%st agr%%.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5W#at 4%r% you n%8t pr%s%nt%$ 4it#C5 Ans. 5T#r%% pr%(ious '%4%ls.5 5W#at ar% t#%yC5 Ans. 5!umanity/ fri%n$s#ip an$ brot#%rly lo&%.5 5!o4 4%r% you t#%n $ispos%$ ofC5 Ans. 5I 4as (on$u(t%$ out of t#% lo$g% an$ in&%st%$ 4it# 4#at I #a$ b%%n $i&%st%$/ an$ r%turn%$ again in $u% s%ason.5 SECTION SECOND. 5.i$ you %&%r r%turn to t#% san(tum san(torum or #oly of #oli%s of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%C5 Ans. 5I $i$.5 5Was t#%r% anyt#ing parti(ular too3 pla(% on your r%turnC5 Ans 5T#%r% 4as/ &i=., I 4as a((ost%$ by t#r%% ruffians/ 4#o $%man$%$ of m% t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$.5 5.i$ you gi&% it to t#%mC5 Ans. 5I $i$ not/ but bi$ t#%m 4ait 4it# tim% an$ pati%n(% till t#% 7ran$ Lo$g% ass%mbl%$ at ?%rusal%m< an$ t#%n/ if t#%y 4%r% foun$ 4ort#y/ t#%y s#oul$ r%(%i&% it< ot#%r4is% t#%y (oul$ not.5 5In 4#at mann%r 4%r% you a((ost%$C5 Ans. 5In att%mpting to r%tir% to t#% sout# gat%/ I 4as a((ost%$ by on% of t#%m/ 4#o $%man$%$ of m% t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$/ an$ on r%fusing to (omply 4it# #is r%;u%st #% ga&% m% a blo4 4it# t#% t4%nty0four in(# gaug%/ a(ross my br%ast/ on 4#i(# I fl%$ to t#% 4%st gat%/ 4#%r% I 4as a((ost%$ by t#% s%(on$/ 4it# mor% &iol%n(%/ an$ on my r%fusing to (omply 4it# #is r%;u%st #% ga&% m% a s%&%r% blo4 4it# t#% s;uar%/ a(ross my br%ast/ on 4#i(# I att%mpt%$ to ma3% my %s(ap% at t#% %ast gat%/ 4#%r% I 4as a((ost%$ by t#% t#ir$/ 4it# still mor% &iol%n(%/ an$ on my r%fusing to (omply 4it# #is r%;u%st #% ga&% m% a &iol%nt blo4 4it# t#% (ommon ga&%l on t#% for%#%a$/ an$ broug#t m% to t#% floor.5 5W#om $i$ you r%pr%s%nt at t#at tim%C5 Ans. 5Our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ 4#o 4as slain at t#% buil$ing of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%.5 5Was #is $%at# pr%m%$itat%$C5 Ans. 5It 4as/ by fift%%n %llo4 Crafts/ 4#o (onspir%$ to %8tort from #im t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$< t4%l&% of 4#om r%(ant%$/ but t#% ot#%r t#r%% 4%r% bas% %noug# to (arry t#%ir atro(ious $%signs into %8%(ution.5 5W#at $i$ t#%y $o 4it# t#% bo$yC5 Ans. 5T#%y (arri%$ it out at t#% %ast gat% of t#% T%mpl% an$ buri%$ it till lo4 t4%l&% at

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan nig#t/ 4#%n t#%y t#r%% m%t/ agr%%abl% to appointm%nt/ an$ (arri%$ it a 4%st%rly (ours% from t#% T%mpl%/ an$ buri%$ it un$%r t#% bro4 of a #ill in a gra&% si8 f%%t $u% %ast an$ 4%st/ si8 f%%t p%rp%n$i(ular/ an$ ma$% t#%ir %s(ap%.5 5W#at tim% 4as #% slainC5 Ans. 5At #ig# t4%l&% at noon/ 4#%n t#% Crafts 4%r% from labor to r%fr%s#m%nt.5 5!o4 (om% #% to b% alon% at t#is tim%C5 Ans. 5-%(aus% it 4as t#% usual (ustom of our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ %&%ry $ay at #ig# t4%l&%/ 4#%n t#% Crafts 4%r% from labor to r%fr%s#m%nt/ to %nt%r into t#% san(tum san(torum or #oly of #oli%s/ an$ off%r up #is a$orations to t#% %&%r li&ing 7o$/ an$ $ra4 out #is plans an$ $%signs on #is tr%stl%0boar$/ for t#% Crafts to pursu% t#%ir labor.5 5At 4#at tim% 4as #% missingC5 Ans. 5At lo4 si8 in t#% morning/ 4#%n Eing Solomon (am% up to t#% T%mpl%/ as usual/ to &i%4 t#% 4or3/ an$ foun$ t#% Crafts all in (onfusion/ an$ on in;uiring t#% (aus%/ #% 4as inform%$ t#at t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ 4as missing/ an$ no plans or $%signs 4%r% lai$ $o4n on t#% tr%stl%0boar$ for t#% Crafts to pursu% t#%ir labor.5 5W#at obs%r&ations $i$ Eing Solomon ma3% at t#at tim%C5 Ans. 5!% obs%r&%$ t#at our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ #a$ al4ays b%%n &%ry pun(tual in att%n$ing/ an$ f%ar%$ t#at #% 4as in$ispos%$/ an$ or$%r%$ s%ar(# to b% ma$% in an$ about t#% T%mpl%/ to s%% if #% (oul$ b% foun$.5 5S%ar(# b%ing ma$% an$ #% not foun$/ 4#at furt#%r r%mar3s $i$ Eing Solomon ma3%C5 Ans. 5!% obs%r&%$ #% f%ar%$ som% fatal a((i$%nt #a$ b%fall%n our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff< t#at morning t4%l&% %llo4 Crafts/ (lot#%$ in 4#it% glo&%s an$ aprons in to3%n of t#%ir inno(%n(%/ #a$ (onf%ss%$ t#at t#%y t4%l&%/ 4it# t#r%% ot#%rs/ #a$ (onspir%$ to %8tort t#% Mast%r Mason6s 4or$ from t#%ir 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ or ta3% #is lif%< t#at t#%y t4%l&% #a$ r%(ant%$/ but f%ar%$ t#% ot#%r t#r%% #a$ b%%n bas% %noug# to (arry t#%ir atro(ious $%signs into %8%(ution.66 5W#at follo4%$C5 Ans. 5Eing Solomon or$%r%$ t#% roll of 4or3m%n to b% (all%$ to s%% if t#%r% 4%r% any missing.5 5T#% roll b%ing (all%$/ 4%r% t#%r% any missingC5 Ans. 5T#%r% 4%r% t#r%%/ &i=., ?ub%la/ ?ub%lo/ ?ub%lum.5 5W%r% t#% ruffians %&%r foun$C5 Ans. 5T#%y 4%r%.5 5!o4C5 Ans. 5-y t#% 4is$om of Eing Solomon/ 4#o or$%r%$ t4%l&% %llo4 Crafts to b% s%l%(t%$ from t#% ban$ of t#% 4or3m%n/ (lot#%$ in 4#it% glo&%s an$ aprons in to3%n of t#%ir inno(%n(%/ an$ s%nt t#r%% %ast/ t#r%% 4%st/ t#r%% nort# an$ t#r%% sout# in s%ar(# of t#% ruffians/ an$ if foun$ to bring t#%m for4ar$.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan 5W#at su((%ss C5 Ans. 5T#% t#r%% t#at tra&%l%$ a 4%st%rly (ours% from t#% T%mpl%/ (oming n%ar t#% (oast of ?oppa/ 4%r% inform%$ by a 4ay0faring man t#at t#% t#r%% m%n #a$ b%%n s%%n t#at 4ay t#at morning/ 4#o from t#%ir app%aran(% an$ $r%ss 4%r% 4or3m%n from t#% T%mpl%/ in;uiring for a passag% to Et#iopia/ but 4%r% unabl% to obtain on% in (ons%;u%n(% of an %mbargo/ 4#i(# #a$ r%(%ntly b%%n lai$ on all t#% s#ipping/ an$ #a$ turn%$ ba(3 into t#% (ountry.5 5W#at follo4%$C5 Ans. 5Eing Solomon or$%r%$ t#%m to go an$ s%ar(# again/ an$ s%ar(# till t#%y 4%r% foun$/ if possibl%/ an$ if t#%y 4%r% not foun$/ t#at t#% t4%l&% 4#o #a$ (onf%ss%$ s#oul$ b% (onsi$%r%$ as t#% r%put%$ mur$%r%rs/ an$ suff%r a((or$ingly.5 5W#at su((%ss C5 Ans. 5On% of t#% t#r%% t#at tra&%l%$ a 4%st%rly (ours%/ from t#% T%mpl%/ b%ing mor% 4%ary t#an t#% r%st/ sat $o4n un$%r t#% bro4 of a #ill to r%st an$ r%fr%s# #ims%lf/ an$ in att%mpting to ris% (aug#t #ol$ of a sprig of (assia/ 4#i(# %asily ga&% 4ay/ an$ %8(it%$ #is (uriosity an$ ma$% #im suspi(ious of a $%(%ption/ on 4#i(# #% #ail%$ #is (ompanions 4#o imm%$iat%ly ass%mbl%$/ an$ on %8amination foun$ t#at t#% %art# #a$ r%(%ntly b%%n mo&%$/ an$ on mo&ing t#% rubbis# $is(o&%r%$ t#% app%aran(% of a gra&%< an$ 4#il% t#%y 4%r% (onfabulating about 4#at m%asur%s to ta3%/ t#%y #%ar$ &oi(%s issuing from a (a&%rn in t#% (l%fts of t#% ro(3s< on 4#i(# t#%y imm%$iat%ly r%pair%$ to t#% pla(%/ 4#%r% t#%y #%ar$ t#% &oi(% of ?ub%la %8(laim/ 6O t#at my t#roat #a$ b%%n (ut a(ross/ my tongu% torn out/ an$ my bo$y buri%$ in t#% roug# san$s of t#% s%a/ at lo4 4at%rmar3/ 4#%r% t#% ti$% %bbs an$ flo4s t4i(% in t4%nty0four #ours/ %r% I #a$ b%%n a((%ssary to t#% $%at# of so goo$ a man as our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram AbiffI6 On 4#i(# t#%y $istin(tly #%ar$ t#% &oi(% of ?ub%lo/ 6O t#at my l%ft br%ast #a$ b%%n torn op%n/ an$ my #%art an$ &itals ta3%n from t#%n(% an$ t#ro4n o&%r my l%ft s#oul$%r/ (arri%$ into t#% &all%y of ?%#osap#at/ an$ t#%r% to b%(om% a pr%y to t#% 4il$ b%asts of t#% fi%l$/ an$ &ultur%s of t#% air/ %r% I #a$ (onspir%$ t#% $%at# of so goo$ a man as our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram AbiffI6 T#% t#ir$/ ?ub%lum/ 6O t#at my bo$y #a$ b%%n s%&%r%$ in t4o in t#% mi$st/ an$ $i&i$%$ to t#% nort# an$ sout#/ my bo4%ls burnt to as#%s in t#% (%ntr%/ an$ t#% as#%s s(att%r%$ by t#% four 4in$s of #%a&%n/ t#at t#%r% mig#t not t#% l%ast tra(3 or r%m%mbran(% r%main among m%n or Masons of so &il% an$ p%r'ur%$ a 4r%t(# as I am< a#I ?ub%la/ an$ ?ub%lo/ it 4as I t#at stru(3 #im #ar$%r t#an you bot# it 4as I t#at ga&% #im t#% fatal blo4 it 4as I t#at 3ill%$ #im outrig#tI6 On 4#i(# t#%y rus#%$ for4ar$/ s%i=%$/ boun$ an$ (arri%$ t#%m up to t#% T%mpl% of Eing Solomon. 5W#at $i$ Eing Solomon $o 4it# t#%mC5 Ans. 5!% or$%r%$ t#%m to b% %8%(ut%$ agr%%ably to t#% s%&%ral impr%(ations of t#%ir o4n mout#s.5 5Was t#% bo$y of our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ %&%r foun$C5 Ans. 5It 4as.5 5!o4C5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5-y t#% 4is$om of Eing Solomon/ 4#o or$%r%$ fift%%n 9in som% lo$g%s t#%y say t4%l&%: %llo4 Crafts to b% s%l%(t%$ from t#% ban$s of t#% 4or3m%n an$ s%nt/ t#r%% %ast/ t#r%% 4%st/ t#r%% nort#/ t#r%% sout# an$ t#r%% in an$ about t#% t%mpl%/ to s%ar(# for t#% bo$y.5 5W#%r% 4as it foun$C5 Ans. 5Un$%r a sprig of (assia/ 4#%r% a 4ort#y brot#%r sat $o4n to r%st an$ r%fr%s# #ims%lf.5 5Was t#%r% anyt#ing parti(ular too3 pla(% on t#% $is(o&%ry of t#% bo$yC5 Ans. 5T#%r% 4as/ &i=., on mo&ing t#% %art# till 4% (am% to t#% (offin/ 4% in&oluntarily foun$ our #an$s in t#is position/ to guar$ our nostrils against t#% off%nsi&% %fflu&ia 4#i(# aros% from t#% gra&%.5 5!o4 long #a$ t#% bo$y lain t#%r%C5 Ans. 5 ourt%%n $ays.5 5W#at $i$ t#%y $o 4it# t#% bo$yC5 Ans. 5Rais%$ it in a Masoni( form an$ (arri%$ it up to t#% t%mpl% for mor% $%(%nt int%rm%nt.5 5W#%r% 4as it buri%$C5 Ans. 5Un$%r t#% San(tum San(torum/ or #oly of #oli%s of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%/ o&%r 4#i(# t#%y %r%(t%$ a marbl% monum%nt/ 4it# t#is ins(ription $%lin%at%$ t#%r%on, A &irgin 4%%ping o&%r a bro3%n (olumn/ 4it# a boo3 op%n b%for% #%r/ in #%r rig#t #an$ a sprig of (assia/ in #%r l%ft an urn. Tim% stan$ing b%#in$ #%r/ 4it# #is #an$s infol$%$ in t#% ringl%ts of #%r #air.5 5W#at $o t#%y $%not%C5 Ans. 5T#% 4%%ping &irgin $%not%s t#% unfinis#%$ stat% of t#% t%mpl%< t#% bro3%n (olumn/ t#at on% of t#% prin(ipal supports of Masonry #a$ fall%n< t#% boo3 op%n b%for% #%r/ t#at #is m%mory 4as on p%rp%tual r%(or$< t#% sprig of (assia/ t#% tim%ly $is(o&%ry of #is gra&%< t#% urn in #%r l%ft #an$/ t#at #is as#%s ar% saf%ly $%posit%$ un$%r t#% San(tum San(torum/ or #oly of #oli%s of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%/ an$ Tim%/ stan$ing b%#in$ #%r/ 4it# #is #an$s infol$%$ in t#% ringl%ts of #%r #air/ t#at tim%/ pati%n(% an$ p%rs%&%ran(% 4ill a((omplis# all t#ings.5 SECTION SECOND. 5W#at $o%s a Mast%r6s lo$g% r%pr%s%ntC5 Ans. 5T#% San(tum San(torum/ or #oly of #oli%s of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%.5 5!o4 long 4as t#% t%mpl% buil$ingC5 Ans. S%&%n y%ars/ $uring 4#i(# it rain%$ not in t#% $ay0tim%/ t#at t#% 4or3m%n mig#t not b% obstru(t%$ in t#%ir labor.5 5W#at support%$ t#% t%mpl%.5

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Ans. 5 ourt%%n #un$r%$ an$ fifty0t#r%% (olumns an$ t4o t#ousan$ nin% #un$r%$ an$ si8 pilast%rs/ all #%4n from t#% fin%st )arian marbl%.5 5W#at furt#%r support%$ itC5 Ans. 5T#r%% gran$ (olumns/ or pillars.5 5W#at 4%r% t#%y (all%$C5 Ans. 5Wis$om/ str%ngt# an$ b%auty.5 5W#at $i$ t#%y r%pr%s%ntC5 Ans. 5T#% pillar of 4is$om r%pr%s%nt%$ Solomon/ Eing of Isra%l/ 4#os% 4is$om (ontri&%$ t#% mig#ty fabri(< t#% pillar of str%ngt#/ !iram/ Eing of Tyr%/ 4#o str%ngt#%n%$ Solomon in #is glorious un$%rta3ing< t#% pillar of b%auty/ !iram Abiff/ t#% 4i$o46s son/ 4#os% (unning (raft an$ (urious 4or3mans#ip b%autifi%$ an$ a$orn%$ t#% t%mpl%.5 5!o4 many 4%r% t#%r% %mploy%$ in t#% buil$ing of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%C5 Ans. 5T#r%% 7ran$ Mast%rs/ t#r%% t#ousan$ t#r%% #un$r%$ Mast%rs/ or o&%rs%%rs of t#% 4or3/ %ig#ty t#ousan$ %llo4 Crafts/ an$ s%&%nty t#ousan$ Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(%s< all t#os% 4%r% (lass%$ an$ arrang%$ in su(# a mann%r by t#% 4is$om of Solomon t#at n%it#%r %n&y/ $is(or$ nor (onfusion 4%r% suff%r%$ to int%rrupt t#at uni&%rsal p%a(% an$ tran;uillity t#at p%r&a$%$ t#% 4or3 at t#at important p%rio$.5 5!o4 many (onstitut%s an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(% lo$g%C5 Ans. 5S%&%n< on% Mast%r an$ si8 Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(%s.5 5W#%r% $i$ t#%y usually m%%tC5 Ans. 5On t#% groun$ floor of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%.5 5!o4 many (onstitut% a %llo4 Craft6s lo$g%C5 Ans. 5 i&%< t4o Mast%rs an$ t#r%% %llo4 Crafts.5 5W#%r% $i$ t#%y usually m%%tC5 Ans. 5In t#% mi$$l% (#amb%r of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%.5 5!o4 many (onstitut% a Mast%r6s lo$g%C5 Ans. 5T#r%% Mast%r Masons.5 5W#%r% $i$ t#%y usually m%%tC5 Ans. 5In t#% San(tum San(torum/ or #oly of #oli%s of Eing Solomon6s T%mpl%.5 5!a&% you any %mbl%ms on t#is $%gr%%C5 Ans. 5W% #a&% s%&%ral/ 4#i(# ar% $i&i$%$ into t4o (lass%s.5 5W#at ar% t#% first (lassC5 Ans. 5T#% pot of in(%ns%/ t#% b%%0#i&%/ t#% boo3 of (onstitutions/ guar$%$ by t#% Tyl%r6s s4or$/ t#% s4or$ pointing to a na3%$ #%art/ t#% all0s%%ing %y%/ t#% an(#or an$ ar3/ t#% forty0s%&%nt# probl%m of Eu(li$/ t#% #our0glass/ t#% s(yt#%/ an$ t#% t#r%% st%ps usually $%lin%at%$ on t#% Mast%r6s (arp%t. 4#i(# ar% t#us %8plain%$, T#% pot of in(%ns% is an

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan %mbl%m of a pur% #%art/ 4#i(# is al4ays an a((%ptabl% sa(rifi(% to t#% .%ity an$/ as t#is glo4s 4it# f%r&%nt #%at/ so s#oul$ our #%arts (ontinually glo4 4it# gratitu$% to t#% gr%at an$ b%n%fi(%nt Aut#or of our %8ist%n(% for t#% manifol$ bl%ssings an$ (omforts 4% %n'oy. T#% b%%0#i&% is an %mbl%m of in$ustry/ an$ r%(omm%n$s t#% pra(ti(% of t#at &irtu% to all (r%at%$ b%ings/ from t#% #ig#%st s%rap# in #%a&%n to t#% lo4%st r%ptil% of t#% $ust. It t%a(#%s us t#at/ as 4% (am% into t#% 4orl$ rational an$ int%llig%nt b%ings/ so 4% s#oul$ %&%r b% in$ustrious on%s/ n%&%r sitting $o4n (ont%nt%$ 4#il% our f%llo40(r%atur%s aroun$ us ar% in 4ant/ 4#%n it is in our po4%r to r%li%&% t#%m 4it#out in(on&%ni%n(% to ours%l&%s. W#%n 4% ta3% a sur&%y of natur%/ 4% b%#ol$ man/ in #is infan(y/ mor% #%lpl%ss an$ in$ig%nt t#an t#% brut% (r%ation< #% li%s languis#ing for $ays/ 4%%3s/ mont#s an$ y%ars/ totally in(apabl% of pro&i$ing sust%nan(% for #ims%lf< of guar$ing against t#% atta(3s of t#% 4il$ b%asts of t#% fi%l$/ or s#%lt%ring #ims%lf from t#% in(l%m%n(i%s of t#% 4%at#%r. It mig#t #a&% pl%as%$ t#% gr%at Cr%ator of #%a&%n an$ %art# to #a&% ma$% man in$%p%n$%nt of all ot#%r b%ings/ but/ as $%p%n$%n(% is on% of t#% strong%st bon$s of so(i%ty/ man3in$ 4%r% ma$% $%p%n$%nt on %a(# ot#%r for prot%(tion an$ s%(urity/ as t#%y t#%r%by %n'oy b%tt%r opportuniti%s of fulfilling t#% $uti%s of r%(ipro(al lo&% an$ fri%n$s#ip. T#us 4as man form%$ for so(ial an$ a(ti&% lif%/ t#% nobl%st part of t#% 4or3 of 7o$/ an$ #% t#at 4ill so $%m%an #ims%lf/ as not to b% %n$%a&oring to a$$ to t#% (ommon sto(3 of 3no4l%$g% an$ un$%rstan$ing/ may b% $%%m%$ a $ron% in t#% #i&% of natur%/ a us%l%ss m%mb%r of so(i%ty/ an$ un4ort#y of our prot%(tion as Masons. T#% boo3 of (onstitutions/ guar$%$ by t#% Tyl%r6s s4or$/ r%min$s us t#at 4% s#oul$ b% %&%r 4at(#ful an$ guar$%$ in our t#oug#ts/ 4or$s/ an$ a(tions/ parti(ularly 4#%n b%for% t#% %n%mi%s of Masonry/ %&%r b%aring in r%m%mbran(% t#os% truly Masoni( &irtu%s/ sil%n(% an$ (ir(umsp%(tion. T#% s4or$ pointing to a na3%$ #%art/ $%monstrat%s t#at 'usti(% 4ill soon%r or lat%r o&%rta3% us< an$ alt#oug# our t#oug#ts/ 4or$s an$ a(tions may b% #i$$%n from t#% %y% of man y%t t#at all0s%%ing %y%/ 4#om t#% sun/ moon an$ stars ob%y/ an$ un$%r 4#os% 4at(#ful (ar% %&%n (om%ts p%rform t#%ir stup%n$ous r%&olutions/ p%r&a$%s t#% inmost r%(%ss%s of t#% #uman #%art/ an$ 4ill r%4ar$ us a((or$ing to our m%rits. T#% an(#or an$ ar3/ ar% %mbl%ms of a 4%ll groun$%$ #op% an$ a 4%ll sp%nt lif%. T#%y ar% %mbl%mati(al of t#at .i&in% ar3 4#i(# saf%ly 4afts us o&%r t#is t%mp%stuous s%a of troubl%s/ an$ t#at an(#or 4#i(# s#all saf%ly moor us in a p%a(%ful #arbor/ 4#%r% t#% 4i(3%$ (%as% from troubling/ an$ t#% 4%ary s#all fin$ r%st. T#% forty0s%&%nt# probl%m of Eu(li$, T#is 4as an in&%ntion of our an(i%nt fri%n$ an$ brot#%r/ t#% gr%at )yt#agoras/ 4#o/ in #is tra&%ls t#roug# Asia/ Afri(a an$ Europ%/ 4as initiat%$ into s%&%ral or$%rs of pri%st#oo$/ an$ rais%$ to t#% sublim% $%gr%% of a Mast%r Mason. T#is 4is% p#ilosop#%r %nri(#%$ #is min$ abun$antly in a g%n%ral 3no4l%$g% of t#ings/ an$ mor% %sp%(ially in 7%om%try/ or Masonry/ on t#is sub'%(t #% $r%4 out many probl%ms an$ t#%or%ms< an$ among t#% most $istinguis#%$ #% %r%(t%$ t#is/ 4#i(#/ in t#% 'oy of #is #%art/ #% (all%$ Eur%3a/ in t#% 7r%(ian languag% signifying/ I #a&% foun$ it< an$ upon t#% $is(o&%ry of 4#i(# #% is sai$ to #a&% sa(rifi(%$ a #%(atomb. It t%a(#%s Masons to b% g%n%ral lo&%rs of t#% arts an$ s(i%n(%s. T#% #our glass is an %mbl%m of #uman lif%. -%#ol$I #o4 s4iftly t#% san$s run/ an$ #o4 rapi$ly our li&%s ar% $ra4ing to a (los%. W% (annot 4it#out astonis#m%nt b%#ol$ t#% littl% parti(l%s 4#i(# ar% (ontain%$ in t#is ma(#in%< #o4 t#%y pass a4ay/ almost imp%r(%ptibly/ an$ y%t to our surpris% in a s#ort spa(% of an #our t#%y ar% all %8#aust%$. T#us 4ast%s manI To0$ay/ #% puts fort# t#% t%n$%r l%a&%s of

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan #op%< to0morro4/ blossoms/ an$ b%ars #is blus#ing #onors t#i(3 upon #im< t#% n%8t $ay (om%s a frost/ 4#i(# nips t#% root/ an$ 4#%n #% t#in3s #is gr%atn%ss is still rip%ning/ #% falls li3% autumn l%a&%s/ to %nri(# our mot#%r %art#. T#% s(yt#% is an %mbl%m of tim%/ 4#i(# (uts t#% brittl% t#r%a$ of lif%/ an$ laun(#%s us into %t%rnity. -%#ol$I 4#at #a&o( t#% s(yt#% of tim% ma3%s among t#% #uman ra(%< if by (#an(% 4% s#oul$ %s(ap% t#% num%rous %&ils/ in(i$%nt to (#il$#oo$ an$ yout#/ an$ 4it# #%alt# an$ &igor (om% to t#% y%ars of man#oo$/ y%t 4it#al 4% must soon b% (ut $o4n by t#% all0$%&ouring s(yt#% of tim%/ an$ b% gat#%r%$ into t#% lan$ 4#%r% our fat#%rs #a&% gon% b%for% us. T#% t#r%% st%ps usually $%lin%at%$ upon t#% Mast%rs (arp%t/ ar% %mbl%mati(al of t#% t#r%% prin(ipal stag%s of #uman lif%/ &i=., yout#/ man#oo$ an$ ag%. In yout#/ as Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(%s/ 4% oug#t in$ustriously to o((upy our min$s in t#% attainm%nt of us%ful 3no4l%$g%< in man#oo$/ as %llo4 Craft/ 4% s#oul$ apply our 3no4l%$g% to t#% $is(#arg% of our r%sp%(ti&% $uti%s to 7o$/ our n%ig#bors/ an$ ours%l&%s/ t#at so in ag%/ as Mast%r Mason/ 4% may %n'oy t#% #appy r%fl%(tions (ons%;u%nt on a 4%ll sp%nt lif%/ an$ $i% in t#% #op% of a glorious immortality. 5W#at ar% t#% s%(on$ (lass of %mbl%msC5 Ans. 5T#% spa$%/ (offin/ $%at#0#%a$/ marro40bon%s/ an$ sprig of (assia/ 4#i(# ar% t#us %8plain%$, T#% spa$% op%ns t#% &ault to r%(%i&% our bo$i%s 4#%r% our a(ti&% limbs 4ill soon moul$%r to $ust. T#% (offin/ $%at#0#%a$/ an$ marro4bon%s/ ar% %mbl%mati(al of t#% $%at# an$ burial/ of our 7ran$ Mast%r/ !iram Abiff/ an$ ar% 4ort#y of our s%rious att%ntion. T#% sprig of (assia is %mbl%mati(al of t#at important part of man 4#i(# n%&%r $i%s an$ 4#%n t#% (ol$ 4int%r of $%at# s#all #a&% pass%$/ an$ t#% brig#t summ%r6s morn of t#% r%surr%(tion app%ars/ t#% Son of Rig#t%ousn%ss s#all $%s(%n$/ an$ s%n$ fort# #is ang%ls to (oll%(t our ransom%$ $ust< t#%n/ if 4% ar% foun$ 4ort#y/ by #is pass 4or$/ 4% s#all %nt%r into t#% (%l%stial lo$g% abo&%/ 4#%r% t#% Supr%m% Ar(#it%(t of t#% Uni&%rs% pr%si$%s/ 4#%r% 4% s#all s%% t#% Eing in t#% b%auty of #olin%ss an$ 4it# #im %nt%r into an %n$l%ss %t%rnity. !%r% %n$s t#% t#r%% first $%gr%%s of Masonry/ 4#i(# (onstitut% a Mast%r Mason6s Lo$g%. A Mast%r Mason6s Lo$g% an$ a (#apt%r of Royal Ar(# Masons/ ar% t4o $istin(t bo$i%s/ 4#olly in$%p%n$%nt of %a(# ot#%r. T#% m%mb%rs of a C#apt%r ar% pri&il%g%$ to &isit all Mast%r Mason6s Lo$g%s 4#%n t#%y pl%as%/ an$ may b%/ an$ oft%n ar% m%mb%rs of bot# at t#% sam% tim%< an$ all t#% m%mb%rs of a Mast%r Mason6s Lo$g%/ 4#o ar% Royal Ar(# Masons/ t#oug# not m%mb%rs of any C#apt%r/ may &isit any C#apt%r. I 4is# t#% r%a$%r to un$%rstan$ t#at n%it#%r all Royal Ar(# Masons nor Mast%r Masons ar% m%mb%rs of %it#%r Lo$g% or C#apt%r< t#%r% ar% t%ns of t#ousan$s 4#o ar% not m%mb%rs an$ s(ar(%ly %&%r att%n$/ alt#oug# pri&il%g%$ to $o so. A &%ry small proportion of Masons/ (omparati&%ly sp%a3ing/ %&%r a$&an(% any furt#%r t#an t#% t#ir$ $%gr%%/ an$ (ons%;u%ntly n%&%r g%t t#% gr%at 4or$ 4#i(# 4as lost by !iram6s untim%ly $%at#. Solomon/ 3ing of Isra%l< !iram/ 3ing of Tyr%/ an$ !iram Abiff< t#% 4i$o46s son #a&ing s4orn t#at t#%y nor n%it#%r of t#%m 4oul$ %&%r gi&% t#% 4or$ %8(%pt t#%y t#r%% 4%r% pr%s%nt< @an$ it is g%n%rally b%li%&%$ t#at t#%r% 4as not anot#%r p%rson in t#% 4orl$ at t#at tim% t#at #a$ itA/ (ons%;u%ntly t#% 4or$ 4as lost/ an$ suppos%$ to b% for%&%r< but t#% s%;u%l 4ill s#o4 it 4as foun$ aft%r t#% laps% of four #un$r%$ an$ s%&%nty y%ars< not4it#stan$ing t#% 4or$ Ma#0#a#0bon%/ 4#i(# 4as substitut%$ by Solomon/ still (ontinu%s to b% us%$ by Mast%r Masons/ an$ no $oubt 4ill b% as long as Masonry attra(ts t#% att%ntion of m%n< an$ t#% 4or$ 4#i(# 4as lost is us%$ in t#% Royal Ar(# $%gr%%.

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan W#at 4as t#% 4or$ of t#% Royal Ar(# $%gr%% b%for% t#%y foun$ t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ 4#i(# 4as lost at t#% $%at# of !iram Abiff/ an$ 4as not foun$ for four #un$r%$ an$ s%&%nty y%arsC W%r% t#%r% any Royal Ar(# Masons b%for% t#% Mast%r6s 4or$ 4as foun$C I 4is# som% Masoni( g%ntl%man 4oul$ sol&% t#%s% t4o ;u%stions. T#% (%r%moni%s/ #istory/ an$ t#% l%(tur%/ in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%/ ar% so similar/ t#at p%r#aps/ som% on% of t#% t#r%% mig#t #a&% b%%n $isp%ns%$ 4it#/ an$ t#% sub'%(t 4%ll un$%rstoo$ by most r%a$%rs/ not4it#stan$ing/ t#%r% is a small $iff%r%n(% b%t4%%n t#% 4or3 an$ #istory/ an$ b%t4%%n t#% #istory an$ t#% l%(tur%. I s#all no4 pro(%%$ 4it# t#% Mar3 Mast%r6s $%gr%%/ 4#i(# is t#% first $%gr%% in t#% C#apt%r. T#% Mar3 Mast%r6s $%gr%%/ t#% )ast Mast%r6s/ an$ t#% Most E8(%ll%nt Mast%r6s ar% (all%$ lo$g%s of Mar3 Mast%r Masons/ )ast Mast%rs/ an$ Most E8(%ll%nt Mast%rs< y%t/ alt#oug# (all%$ lo$g%s/ t#%y ar% a (ompon%nt part of t#% C#apt%r. As3 a Mar3 Mast%r Mason if #% b%longs to t#% C#apt%r/ #% 4ill t%ll you #% $o%s/ but t#at #% #as only b%%n mar3%$. It is not an un(ommon t#ing/ by any m%ans/ for a C#apt%r to (onf%r all four of t#% $%gr%%s in on% nig#t/ &i=., T#% Mar3 Mast%r/ )ast Mast%r/ Most E8(%ll%nt Mast%r/ an$ Royal Ar(# $%gr%%.

)ag% FF of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan FREEMASONRY AT A GLANCE. ENTERE. A))RENTICE .E7REE.

T#% !oly -ibl% on t#% altar is usually op%n%$ at t#% *1>$ )salm an$ t#% s;uar% an$ (ompass pla(%$ t#%r%on/ t#% latt%r op%n an$ bot# points pla(%$ b%lo4 t#% s;uar%. @s%% pi(t.*A

)RE)ARATION O CAN.I.ATE ENTERE. A))RENTICE .E7REE. !% is us#%r%$ into t#% 5preparation roo /5 4#%r% #% m%%ts t#% ?unior .%a(on an$ St%4ar$s 4#o $i&%st #im of all #is (lot#ing %8(%pt #is s#irt. !% is t#%n #an$%$ an ol$ pair of $ra4%rs 4#i(# #% puts on< t#% l%ft l%g is roll%$ up abo&% t#% 3n%%< t#% l%ft sl%%&% of t#% s#irt is roll%$ up abo&% t#% %lbo4/ a #oo$4in3 is fast%n%$ o&%r bot# %y%s/ a rop%/ (all%$ a (abl%0to4/ is put on(% aroun$ #is n%(3/ an$ a slipp%r 94it# t#% #%%l slip0s#o$: is put upon t#% right foot. @s%% pi(t.1A

)ag% F+ of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

.UE, 7UAR. O AN ENTERE. A))RENTICE00!OL. out t#% l%ft #an$ a littl% in front of t#% bo$y an$ in a lin% 4it# t#% lo4%r button of t#% &%st/ t#% #an$ b%ing op%n an$ palm turn%$ up4ar$. No4 pla(% t#% rig#t #an$ #ori=ontally a(ross t#% l%ft an$ about t4o or t#r%% in(#%s abo&% it. @s%% pi(t.>A )ENAL SI7N O AN ENTERE. A))RENTICE MA.E from t#% $u%0guar$ by $ropping t#% l%ft #an$ (ar%l%ssly< at t#% sam% tim% rais% t#% rig#t arm an$ $ra4 t#% #an$/ still op%n/ a(ross t#% t#roat/ t#umb n%8t t#% t#roat/ an$ $rop t#% #an$ p%rp%n$i(ularly by t#% si$%. T#%s% mo&%m%nts oug#t to b% ma$% in an off #an$ mann%r/ 4it#out stiffn%ss. SI7N WIT!OUT .UE07UAR.S 9T#% usual 4ay outsi$% t#% lo$g%.: Simply $ra4 t#% op%n #an$ (ar%l%ssly a(ross t#% t#roat an$ l%t it fall $o4n by t#% si$%.

)ag% FG of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Wors#ipful Mast%r to Can$i$at%, 5"ou 4ill a$&an(% to t#% altar/ 3n%%l upon your na3%$ l%ft 3n%%/ your rig#t forming a s;uar%/ your l%ft #an$ supporting t#% #oly -ibl%/ s;uar% an$ (ompass/ your rig#t r%sting t#%r%on/ in 4#i(# $u% form you 4ill say/ I/ 4it# your nam% in full/ an$ r%p%at aft%r m%.5 @s%% pi(t.*A

7RI) O AN ENTERE. A))RENTICE. Ta3% #ol$ of %a(# ot#%r6s #an$s as in or$inary #an$0s#a3ing an$ pr%ss t#% top of your t#umb #ar$ against t#% first 3nu(3l%0'oint of t#% first fing%r n%ar t#% #an$. If t#% p%rson 4#om you ar% s#a3ing #an$s 4it# is a Mason/ #% 4ill g%n%rally r%turn a li3% pr%ssur% on your #an$. @s%% pi(t.1A ENTERE. A))RENTICE WOR. -oa=. It is T#% nam% of t#is grip. ENTERE. A))RENTICE STE). St%p off on% st%p 4it# t#% l%ft foot an$ bring t#% #%%l of your rig#t foot to t#% #ollo4 of your l%ft.

T#% !oly -ibl% oug#t to b% op%n%$ at t#% Ft# (#apt%r of Amos an$ on% point of t#% (ompass %l%&at%$ abo&% t#% s;uar%. @s%% pi(t.*A

)ag% +H of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

)RE)ARATION O CAN.I.ATE ELLOW CRA T .E7REE. !% is us#%r%$ into t#% 5preparation roo 5 as b%for%/ an$ $i&%st%$ of all #is (lot#ing as in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%. In t#is (as% t#% right l%g of t#% ol$ $ra4%rs is rais%$ up abo&% t#% 3n%%/ t#% right sl%%&% of t#% s#irt is roll%$ up abo&% t#% %lbo4/ t#% slipp%r is no4 put upon t#% left foot/ t#% left #%%l b%ing slip s#o$. T#% #oo$4in3 is again put o&%r bot# %y%s an$ t#% (abl%0to4 is put t4i(% aroun$ t#% na3%$ right ar an$ an apron ti%$ on/ in 4#i(# (on$ition #% is 5$uly an$ truly pr%par%$5 an$ l%$ by t#% ?unior .%a(on to t#% $oor of t#% lo$g% as b%for%. @s%% pi(t.1A

)ag% +* of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan Wors#ipful Mast%r to Can$i$at%, "ou 4ill a$&an(% to t#% altar/ 3n%%l upon your na3%$ rig#t 3n%%/ your l%ft forming a. s;uar%/ your rig#t #an$ r%sting on t#% !oly -ibl%/ s;uar% an$ (ompass/ your l%ft forming a rig#t angl% support%$ by t#% s;uar% in 4#i(# $u% form you 4ill say/ 5I/5 4it# your nam% in full/ an$ r%p%at aft%r m%. @s%% pi(t.*A

.UE 7UAR. O A ELLOW CRA T. !ol$ out t#% rig#t #an$ a littl% from t#% bo$y an$ on a lin% 4it# t#% lo4%r button of t#% &%st/ t#% palm b%ing op%n an$ turn%$ $o4n0 4ar$< also rais% t#% l%ft arm so as to form a rig#t angl% at t#% %lbo4/ from t#% s#oul$%r to t#% %lbo4 b%ing #ori=ontal an$ for%0arm p%rp%n$i(ular. @s%% pi(t.1A

)ag% +1 of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan SI7N O A ELLOW CRA T. Ma$% from t#% $u%0guar$ by $ropping t#% l%ft #an$ (ar%l%ssly to t#% si$% an$ at t#% sam% tim% rais% t#% rig#t #an$ to t#% l%ft br%ast/ 4it# t#% palm to4ar$s t#% br%ast an$ t#% fing%rs a littl% (roo3%$< t#%n $ra4 t#% #an$ smartly a(ross t#% br%ast from l%ft to rig#t an$ l%t it $rop p%rp%n$i(ularly to t#% si$%. @s%% pi(t.>A SI7N WIT!OUT .UE 7UAR.. T#% usual 4ay on outsi$% t#% lo$g%:. .ra4 t#% rig#t #an$/ palm op%n an$ fing%rs a littl% (roo3%$/ smartly a(ross t#% br%ast from l%ft to rig#t an$ $rop it (ar%l%ssly by your si$%.

)ASS 7RI) O A ELLOW CRA T. Ta3% %a(# ot#%r6s #an$s as in or$inary #an$0 s#a3ing an$ pr%ss t#% top of your t#umb #ar$ against t#% spa(% b%t4%%n t#% first an$ s%(on$ 3nu(3l%s of t#% rig#t #an$. S#oul$ t#% p%rson 4#os% #an$ you #ol$ b% a %llo4 Craft/ #% 4ill r%turn a li3% pr%ssur% on your #an$/ or %ls% may gi&% you t#% grip of an Ent%r%$ Appr%nti(%. @s%% pi(t.BA )ASS O ELLOW CRA T S#ibbol%t#. It is t#% nam% of t#is grip.

REAL 7RI) O A ELLOW CRA T. Ta3% %a(# ot#%r by t#% rig#t #an$ as in or$inary #an$0s#a3ing an$ pr%ss top of your t#umb #ar$ against t#% s%(on$ 3nu(3l%. S#oul$ t#% man 4#os% #an$ you s#a3% b% a %llo4 Craft/ #% 4ill r%turn a similar pr%ssur% on your #an$/ or may possibly gi&% you any on% of t#% t4o pr%(%$ing grips. @s%% pi(t.*A WOR. O ELLOW CRA T ?a(#in. It is t#% nam% of t#is t#% r%al grip. ELLOW CRA T OR SECON. STE). St%p off on% st%p 4it# t#% rig#t foot an$ bring t#% #%%l of t#% l%ft foot to t#% #ollo4 of t#% rig#t your f%%t forming t#% angl% of an oblong s;uar%.

)ag% +> of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan MASTER MASON'S DEGREE.

T#% !oly -ibl% oug#t to b% op%n%$ at t#% *1t# (#apt%r of E((l%siast%s an$ bot# points of t#% (ompass %l%&at%$ abo&% t#% s;uar%.

)RE)ARATION O CAN.I.ATE MASTER MASON6S .E7REE. !% is (on$u(t%$ into t#% pr%paration room as in t#% pr%(%$ing $%gr%%. All #is (lot#ing is r%mo&%$ as b%for%< bot# l%gs of t#% $ra4%rs ar% tu(3%$ up abo&% t#% 3n%%s/ bot# sl%%&%s of t#% s#irt ar% tu(3%$ up abo&% t#% %lbo4s/ bot# br%asts of t#% s#irt ar% turn%$/ ma3ing bot# br%asts bar%. T#% #oo$4in3 is again fast%n%$ o&%r bot# %y%s an$ t#% (abl%0to4 is put t#r%% tim%s aroun$ #is bo$y. No slipp%r is us%$ in t#is $%gr%%. S#oul$ t#% s#irt b% (los%$ in front/ it must b% ta3%n off or turn%$ front ba(34ar$s/ as bot# br%asts must b% bar%. An apron is t#%n ti%$ on an$ 4orn as a %llo4 Craft/ an$ t#us #% is 5$uly an$ truly pr%par%$.5 @s%% pi(t.>A

)ag% +B of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

Wors#ipful Mast%r to Can$i$at%/ 5"ou 4ill a$&an(% to t#% altar/ 3n%%l upon bot# your na3%$ 3n%%s/ bot# #an$s r%sting on t#% !oly -ibl%/ s;uar% an$ (ompass in 4#i(# $u% form you 4ill say/ 5I/5 4it# your nam% in full an$ r%p%at aft%r m%.5 @s%% pi(t.*A

.UE07UAR. O A MASTER MASON. E8t%n$ bot# #an$s in front of t#% bo$y on a lin% 4it# t#% lo4%r button of t#% &%st 4it# t#% palms op%n an$ turn%$ $o4n4ar$/ bot# #an$s b%ing (los% tog%t#%r/ t#umbs n%arly tou(#ing. @s%% pi(t.1A

)ag% +D of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan SI7N of A MASTER MASON. Ma$% from t#% $u%0guar$ by $ropping t#% l%ft ban$ (ar%l%ssly an$ $ra4ing t#% rig#t a(ross t#% bo$y from l%ft to rig#t si$% on a lin% 4it# t#% lo4%r button of t#% &%st/ t#% #an$ b%ing op%n as b%for%/ palm $o4n4ar$ an$ t#% t#umb to4ar$s t#% bo$y. T#%n $rop t#% #an$ p%rp%n$i(ularly to t#% si$%. @s%% pi(t.1A SI7N WIT!OUT .UE07UAR.. 9Or$inary mann%r outsi$% t#% lo$g%.: Simply $ra4 t#% rig#t #an$ as abo&% $%s(rib%$/ (ar%l%ssly a(ross t#% bo$y an$ $rop it by t#% si$%.

)ASS07RI) O A MASTER MASON Ta3% #ol$ of %a(# ot#%r6s #an$s as in or$inary #an$ s#a3ing an$ pr%ss t#% top of your t#umb #ar$ against t#% spa(% b%t4%%n t#% s%(on$ an$ t#ir$ 3nu(3l%s. S#oul$ t#% man 4#os% #an$ you s#a3% b% a Mason #% may r%turn or gi&% any pr%&ious grip. @s%% pi(t.>A )ASS O MASTER MASON Tubal Cain. It is t#% nam% of t#is grip.

STRON7 7RI) O A MASTER MASON OR LION6S )AW. 7rasp %a(# ot#%r6s rig#t #an$s &%ry firmly/ t#% spa(%s b%t4%%n t#% t#umb an$ first fing%r b%ing int%rlo(3%$ an$ t#% tops of t#% fing%rs b%ing pr%ss%$ #ar$ against %a(# ot#%r6s 4rist 4#%r% it 'oins t#% #an$/ t#% fing%rs of %a(# b%ing som%4#at spr%a$. @s%% pi(t.*A

)ag% +2 of ++

Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan

CAN.I.ATE AS !IRAM A-I ALLIN7 INTO T!E CANLAS/ #a&ing b%%n stru(3 in t#% for%#%a$ by t#% s%tting maul of t#% suppos%$ t#ir$ ruffian/ ?ub%lum. @s%% pi(t.1A



Wors#ipful Mast%r, W#i(# ar% t#% fi&% points of f%llo4s#ipC

S%nior .%a(on, oot to foot 9Mast%r an$ (an$i$at% %8t%n$ t#%ir rig#t f%%t/ pla(ing t#% insi$% of on% against t#at of t#% ot#%r:. En%% to 3n%% 9t#%y bring t#%ir rig#t 3n%%s tog%t#%r:< br%ast to br%ast 9t#%y bring t#%ir rig#t br%asts tog%t#%r:< #an$ to ba(3 9Mast%r pla(%s #is l%ft #an$ on t#% (an$i$at%6s ba(3/ t#% (an$i$at%6s is pla(%$ by t#% .%a(on on t#% Mast%r6s ba(3:< (#%%3 to (#%%3 or mout# to %ar 9Mast%r puts #is mout# to (an$i$at%6s rig#t %ar t#us bringing t#% rig#t (#%%3 of %a(# tog%t#%r. @s%% pi(t.>A

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Illustrations of Masonry by Capt. William Morgan MASTER6S WOR.S 94#isp%r%$ in t#% %ar of t#% (an$i$at%:/ *ah+hah bone/ aft%r 4#i(# t#% (an$i$at% 4#isp%rs t#% sam% 4or$ in t#% Mast%r6s %ar. 9T#% En$: Sour(%, #ttp,PP444.utlm.orgPna&onlin%boo3s.#tm

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