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Structural steel, plate gir ers, fra!ing !e!"ers, cross fra!es, stiffeners an splice plate !aterial. #. #aseplates, anc$or "olts, connectors, an e%pansion &oint e'ices. C. T$is section oes not inclu e !etal or steel fa"rications or attac$!ents for t$e Traction (o)er Catenar* S*ste!. See Section 0+1,+. 1.0, -ELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01 .. 01 / Su"!ittals. #. Section 01 0+ 11 2 3iel 4ualit* Control (roce ures. C. Section 01 0+ ,5 / Testing La"orator* Ser'ices. D. Section 0. .1 00 / Cast/in/(lace Concrete. E. Section .0 ,. 1..1. / Traction (o)er Metal 3a"rications. 3. Section 0. 1+ ,. / La!inate Neoprene #earing (a s 1.0. -E3E-ENCES A. ASTM A.1 2 51 / Structural Steel. #. ASTM A106 2 50a / Steel #ars, Car"on, Col /3inis$e , Stan ar 4ualit*. C. ASTM A.07 2 5,a / Car"on Steel E%ternall* T$rea e 3asteners. Stan ar

D. ASTM A.,+ 2 5,a / 8ig$ Strengt$ #olts for Structural Steel 9oints. E. ASTM A005 2 5,a / 4uenc$e an Te!pere Steel #olts an Stu s. 3. ASTM A050/57 2 8eat Treate Steel Structural #olts, 1+0 :si Mini!u! Tensile Strengt$.
Dece!"er 01, ,010
0+ 1, ,./1 Structural Steel for #uil ings

Master Specification

;. ASTM A+7, 2 5,a / 8ig$ Strengt$ Lo) Allo* Colu!"iu!/<ana iu! Steel of Structural 4ualit*. 8. ASTM A705 / 5, / =AAS8TO M,70> / Specification for Structural Steel for #ri ges. I. 9. A?S A,.0 / Stan ar ?el ing S*!"ols. A?S D1.1 / Structural ?el ing Co e. Erection of

@. AISC / Specification for t$e Design, 3a"rication an Structural Steel for #uil ings. L.

AISC / Specification for Arc$itectural E%pose Structural Steel.

M. SS(C / Steel Structures (ainting Council. N. Missouri Depart!ent of Transportation AStan ar 8ig$)a* Construction,B 1555 e ition. 1.00 SU#MITTALS A. Su"!it un er pro'isions of Section 01 .. 01. #. S$op Dra)ingsC 1. ,. .. 0. In icate profiles, siDes, spacing, an locations of structural !e!"ers, openings, attac$!ents an fasteners. Connections. Ca!"ers. In icate )el e connections )it$ A?S A,.0 )el ing s*!"ols. In icate net )el lengt$s. Specifications for

C. ManufacturerEs Mill CertificateC Su"!it un er pro'isions of Section 01 0+ 11 certif*ing t$at pro ucts !eet or e%cee specifie reFuire!ents. D. Mill Test -eportsC Su"!it un er pro'isions of Section 01 0+ ,5 ManufacturerEs Certificates, in icating structural strengt$, estructi'e an non/ estructi'e test anal*sis. E. ?el ersE CertificatesC Su"!it un er pro'isions of Section 00 0+ 00 ManufacturerEs Certificates, certif*ing )el ers e!plo*e on t$e ?or:, 'erif*ing A?S Fualifications )it$in t$e pre'ious 1, !ont$s.
Dece!"er 01, ,010
0+ 1, ,./, Structural Steel for #uil ings

Master Specification


4UALITG ASSU-ANCE A. 3a"ricate structural steel !e!"ers in accor ance )it$ AISC Specification for t$e Design, 3a"rication an Erection of Structural Steel for #uil ings. #. (erfor! ?or: in accor ance )it$ AISC / Specification for Arc$itectural E%pose Structural Steel. C. Maintain one cop* of eac$ ocu!ent on site.


4UALI3ICATIONS A. 3a"ricatorC Co!pan* specialiDing in perfor!ing t$e ?or: of t$is Section )it$ ocu!ente e%perience. #. ErectorC Co!pan* specialiDing in perfor!ing t$e ?or: of t$is Section )it$ ocu!ente e%perience. C. Design connections, not etaile on t$e Dra)ings, un er irect super'ision of a (rofessional Engineer license in t$e State of Missouri an e%perience in esign of t$is ?or:.


3IELD MEASU-EMENTS A. <erif* t$at fiel !easure!ents are as s$o)n on Dra)ings.

PART 2 PRODUCTS ,.01 MATE-IALS A. Structural Steel Me!"ers an E%pansion De'icesC ASTM A.1, A+7, ;ra e or A705 ;ra e, .1 or +0, as esignate on t$e Dra)ings. #. S$ear Stu ConnectorsC ASTM A106, ;ra e 101+, forge steel, $ea e , uncoate . C. #olts, Nuts, an ?as$ersC ASTM A.,+ or A050 as esignate on t$e Dra)ings. See Section 0+1,+ for t*pes to "e use on catenar* foun ations. D. Anc$or #oltsC Dra)ings.
Dece!"er 01, ,010
0+ 1, ,./. Structural Steel for #uil ings

ASTM A.07,

A005 or A705 as


on t$e

E. Structural Tu"esC ASTM A+00, ;ra e #.

Master Specification

3. (ipeC ASTM A+., A+01 or A,+, as esignate on t$e Dra)ings. ;. ?el ing MaterialsC A?S D1.1H t*pe reFuire for !aterials "eing )el e . 8. S$op, Touc$/Up (ri!er an (aintC S$all "e in accor ance )it$ Section 05500, (ainting. T$e color of t$e final coat for all e%pose surfaces of structural steel on "ri ges s$all "e Concrete ;ra* =Lig$t ;ra*, ANSI No. 70>, su"&ect to appro'al of t$e sa!ple su"!itte to t$e Construction Manager. ,.0, 3A#-ICATION A. All structural steel s$all "e fa"ricate an inspecte in accor ance )it$ Missouri Depart!ent of Transportation AStan ar Specifications for 8ig$)a* Construction,B 1555 e ition, Section 71,.., an in accor ance )it$ AISC specification for t$e Design, 3a"rication an Erection of Structural Steel for #uil ings. ,.0. 3INIS8 A. (repare structural co!ponent surfaces in accor ance )it$ Section 05500. #. (ainting of structural steel s$all "e in accor ance )it$ Section 05500 of t$is specification an Missouri Depart!ent of Transportation AStan ar Specifications for 8ig$)a* Construction,B 1555 e ition, Section 71,.1,, Article 0/5. ,.00 SOU-CE 4UALITG CONT-OL AND TESTS A. Testing an anal*sis of co!ponents )ill "e perfor!e un er pro'isions of Section 01 0+ ,5. PART 3 EXECUTION ..01 EIAMINATION A. <erif* t$at fiel con itions are accepta"le an are rea * to recei'e ?or:. #. #eginning of installation !eans erector accepts e%isting con itions.

Dece!"er 01, ,010

0+ 1, ,./0 Structural Steel for #uil ings

Master Specification ..0, E-ECTION A. Allo) for erection loa s, an for sufficient te!porar* "racing to !aintain structure safe, plu!", an in true align!ent until co!pletion of erection an installation of per!anent "racing. #. Do not fiel cut or alter structural !e!"ers )it$out appro'al of Construction Manager. C. After erection, pri!e )el s, a"rasions, an surfaces not s$op pri!e , e%cept surfaces to "e in contact )it$ concrete. D. Erect structural steel per Missouri Depart!ent of Transportation AStan ar Specifications for 8ig$)a* Construction,B 1555 e ition, Section 71,.+. E. 8ig$ Strengt$ #olts s$oul "e installe per Missouri Depart!ent of Transportation AStan ar Specifications for 8ig$)a* ConstructionB, 1555 E ition 71,.10.,. Special care s$oul "e ta:en )it$ t$e installation of ASTM A050 "olts. Do not o'ertig$ten "olts. ..00 E-ECTION TOLE-ANCES A. Ma%i!u! <ariation 3ro! (lu!"C 1J0 inc$, non/cu!ulati'e. #. Ma%i!u! Offset 3ro! True Align!entC 1J0 inc$. ..0+ 3IELD 4UALITG CONT-OL A. 3iel inspection )ill "e perfor!e un er pro'isions of Section 01 0+ 11. END OF SECTION 05 12 23

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0+ 1, ,./+ Structural Steel for #uil ings

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