CH 20

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Construction Operations

PROSIDYC: Simulation Program for Construction Operations 20.1 Modeling Construction Operations 20.2 Basic Modeling Elements 20.3 Building Process Models 20.4 Structure of Construction Operations 20.5 Modeling Procedure 20.6 Typical Repetitive Operations 20.7 Concrete Pouring Using a Crane and Bucket 20.8 Asphalt Paving Model 20.9 PERT Network Simulation Review Questions and Exercises

PROSIDYC: Simulation Program for Construction Operations The Need Currently 3D-modelling is the trend in the simulation area. However, developing 3D models of construction operations is very complex and time consuming. In general, the study of construction operations requires a tool that provides solutions without requiring the input of copious amounts of data. In order for a construction company to use a simulation tool, the methodology has to be presented in a very simple and graphical context. Pictorial and schematic tools are easily accepted. In contrast, if the methodology appears to be too theoretical or analytical it will be avoided by construction practitioners.

Construction of oating caissons utilized PROSIDYC as a tool to increase production.

The Technology PROSIDYC is a system for simulating construction operations jointly developed by the Planning and Methods Unit of Dragados y Construcciones, Madrid, Spain and the Division of Construction Engineering & Management at Purdue University.

Harbor site layout. PROSIDYC/CYCLONE Flow diagram.

Caisson Construction Valencia, Spain.

Chapter 20

Construction Operations

PROject SImulation Dragados Y Construcciones (PROSIDYC) is a computer based system for analyzing construction job site production processes. It is used to improve productivity in the eld by studying resource utilization and cycle times and identifying opportunities for production improvement. PROSIDYC uses the CYCLic Operations NEtwork (CYCLONE) modeling format. A set of graphical modeling elements are utilized to develop a network model of the process of interest. The model identies waiting or delay states as well as active productive states. The computer program allows the modeler to identify resources which are underutilized and bottlenecks in the process. The use of this approach has achieved 100% success in productivity improvement on the processes studied. Improvements range from 30% to 200%. Data support the fact that for every hour of analyst time used, a saving of $2,000 is realized. Therefore, for 100 hours of engineering-time invested, a saving of $200,000 is achieved. PROSIDYC was used to achieve major cost savings in the massive breakwater in Valencia shown here.


In Chapter 1, the hierarchy of construction management was described as shown in Figure 20.1. Activities dene the structure of projects. The basic building block required to understand and analyze construction operations is the work task. A meaningful description of a construction operation requires the denition of the basic work tasks and the manner in which the available resources (e.g., cranes, crews, materials, etc.) perform or process through the work tasks. In this sense individual resources can be said to traverse or ow through work tasks. The sequential and logical relationships between the various work tasks dene the technology being used. The actual working of the operation can then be

Figure 20.1 Hierarchical levels in construction management.


Basic Modeling Elements

described by locating and monitoring, from time to time, the various resource entities as they dynamically traverse the static structure of the operation. A simple graphical modeling system can be used to analyze the work ow and develop the productivity for a given construction operation.


A modeling format for ow modeling construction operations can be developed using four graphical symbols: 1. Active-state square node representing a work task 2. Idle-state circle representing a delay or waiting position for a resource entity 3. Directional ow arrow representing the path of a resource entity as it moves between idle and active states The symbols used (see Fig. 20.2) for each modeling element are designed to be simple and helpful in developing schematic representations of the construction operation being modeled. Two basic shapes (squares and circles) are used to model active and waiting resource states; together with directed arrows (arcs) for resource ow direction, they help to provide a quick visual grasp of the structure of a construction operation. These symbols are the basic modeling elements of the CYCLONE (CYCLic Operations Network) modeling system. They are used to build networks of active and idle states to represent cyclic construction processes. It is convenient to distinguish between the unconstrained (i.e., normal) work task and the constrained (i.e., requiring the initial satisfaction of conditions) work task. While all work tasks are modeled schematically as square nodes, the constrained work task is modeled as a square node with a corner slash. Thus a total of four symbols is required for the modeling of the structure and resource entity ow of construction operations (see Fig. 20.2). The active working-state models are the NORMAL and COMBI modeling elements. Both have a square-node format and model work tasks. Since the work task is the basic component of a construction operation, it should be chosen so that its name or description is sufcient to convey to a crew member or supervisor the nature, technology, work content, and resources needed to fulll the work task.

Modeling Element

Name of Element

Description of Modeling Element The normal work task modeling element can commence as soon as a unit (e.g. resource) arrives from a preceding element; it is unconstrained. The constrained work task modeling element requires multiple resources (e.g. cranes, crews) before it can begin. A combination of resources is required to start. Otherwise similar to the normal work task modeling element. The idle state of a resource entity symbolically represents a waiting location (i.e. a queue) where resources wait prior to being combined. The directional flow modeling element shows the logical flow of resources.





Figure 20.2 Basic modeling elements.

Chapter 20

Construction Operations

Figure 20.3 Schematic outline of earthmoving operation.

Simple examples of work task activities are breaking open brick pallets, preparing column formwork, and loading trucks with front-end loaders. The denition of a work task thus requires a verbal description, an indication of the resource entities involved, and a denition of the time required (duration) to complete the task.


The relative sequence and logic of the work tasks and processes that make up a construction operation constitute the technological structure of the operation. The modeling elements can be used in a variety of patterns to model construction operations. As an example, consider the development of a model for an earth-moving operation that involves the loading of trucks with earth for transport to a dump area. A pictorial representation of the operation is shown in Figure 20.3; it uses a front-end loader, some trucks, and earth. In order to develop the framework of the earth-moving operation, it is necessary to identify the major resources involved (i.e., trucks, front-end loader, and soil) and establish the various states (i.e., both the active working states and the passive waiting states) that the resources traverse in their work assignment paths and cycles. Finally, the integration of the resource paths and cycles establishes the basic structure of the operation. Each truck, for example, is idle while it waits (i.e., queues) for loading; it enters active working states when it is being loaded, dumping, traveling loaded to the work site, and returning empty for another load. A simple model of this work cycle is shown in Figure 20.4a using a single COMBI Load truck work task that requires earth and a front-end loader for initiation; three NORMAL work task elements, Loaded truck travel, Truck dump activity, and Empty truck return; a single QUEUE element, Join truck queue; and ve arrows indicating the logical relationships between the various truck states.


The front-end loader can be initially modeled by a unit cycle involving the active-state COMBI element FEL (front-end loader) loading, the idle QUEUE element FEL idle, and two entity ow directional logic arrows (see Fig. 20.4b).


Structure of Construction Operations

Figure 20.4 Development of operational structure; (a) truck cycle, (b) loader cycle, and (c) earthmoving operation.

In Figure 20.4c, a soil path model is shown that uses a source QUEUE node soil stockpile and a sink destination soil dump QUEUE node together with a COMBI work task Loaded into truck and NORMAL work tasks Transport by truck and Dumped to portray the soil involvement in active work states. Finally, four directional arrows are required to develop the path structure. The integrated model incorporating the truck and front-end loader cycles together with the soil path from stockpile to dump is shown in Figure 20.4d. Model integration is achieved by combining or overlaying active states which are common to two or more resource cycles. For instance, load truck in the truck cycle is the same active state (work task) as loaded into truck in the soil cycle and FEL Loading in the loader cycle. These three states are combined in the integrated model to be one active state LOAD. This model can be used as the basis for further development involving dump area spotters and queues, dozer stockpiling operations, and truck maintenance, as well as the basis for further detail such as a more precise description of the front-end loader loading cycle. An extension of the skeletal structure of the earth-moving operation to include dozer stockpiling and spreading operations together with a dump spotter foreman is shown in Figure 20.5. A counter element (represented by a ag) has been added to note the point in the network at which production will be measured.

Chapter 20

Construction Operations

Figure 20.5 Model of earth-moving operation.

The foregoing presentation illustrates that the structure of construction operations can be developed and illustrated through the proper use and labeling of the basic modeling elements. The model structure can be used in explaining the construction technology and construction method of the construction operation to eld personnel and managers.


The procedure for modeling a given construction process involves four basic steps. The steps, as shown in Figure 20.6, are as follows: 1. Flow Unit Identication. As a rst step, the modeler must identify the system resource ow units (e.g., resources such as earth, cranes, crews, etc.) that are relevant to system performance and for which transit time information is available or obtainable from the eld. The selection of the ow entities is very important since it dictates the degree of modeling detail incorporated into the operation model. 2. Development of Flow Unit Cycles. Following identication of the ow units that appear relevant to the process being modeled, the next step in model formulation is


Typical Repetitive Operations

Figure 20.6 Steps in model formulation.

to identify the full range of possible states that can be associated with each ow unit and to develop the cycle through which each ow unit passes. 3. Integration of Flow Unit Cycles. The ow unit cycles provide the elemental building components of the model. The structure and scope of the model are obtained by the integration of activities that are common to two or more ow unit cycles. 4. Flow Unit Initialization. In order to analyze the model and determine the response of the system model, the various ow units involved must be initialized, both in number and initial location. Flow units are initialized at idle or waiting states (i.e., Queue Nodes). Models developed using these basic steps must also be modied to provide for monitoring of system performance. This leads to a fth stage of system design in which special elements for determining system productivity, ow unit characteristics, and other pertinent information are included in the model structure. These features as well as the use of the Web-CYCLONE program are described on the web at\college\halpin.


The key to modeling operations to determine productivity and balance among resources is to identify processes that are linear and repetitive. At the production level many processes are cyclic in nature and can be readily modeled using the CYCLONE modeling format. In general, processes that are linear or evidence linear characteristics are repetitive and good candidates to be modeled using a cyclic modeling environment. Some examples of repetitive or cyclic construction processes are: 1. Concrete pouring 2. Structural steel erection 3. Slurry wall construction 4. Pile Construction (Driven and Augered) 5. Caisson Construction 6. Pipe laying 7. Brick and masonry work 8. Reinforced earth construction 9. Exterior panel installation 10. Window or glass-curtain wall installation 11. Tunneling and tunnel excavation 12. Precast concrete member erection

Chapter 20

Construction Operations


Concrete is one of the most commonly used materials in construction. Its versatility and ease of placement have enabled it to hold its place in the market despite the development of more sophisticated materials. Concrete may be used in many different ways on a project to include monolithic foundation pours and precast panels to form the building exterior. Concrete can be either cast in place on-site or precast off-site and transported to the project for installation. The methods of placement at the site vary and depend on a number of considerations such as (1) the placement location, (2) the desired speed of placement, and (3) the types of equipment available. In this section, a simple model for the placement of cast in place concrete using a crane-bucket system will be discussed. It is assumed that forms and steel reinforcement are in place and that the system is not constrained by the batch plant (i.e., the quantity of concrete available is not a constraint). Required resources for the model include concrete hauling trucks, a crane with bucket(s), vibrating and nishing apparatus, and a crew of laborers at the placement site. To provide a context for this model, assume that the concrete is to be placed on a paving job and that the concrete is batched at a site 2 miles from the paving site. Rather than arriving at the site as a wet mix, ve-at-a-time dry batches are carried in an open-bay truck (with appropriate compartments) to a mixer near the paving site. The batches are then dumped individually and sequentially into the skip of the mixer and mixed sequentially, starting with batch 1 and ending with batch 5. As each wet batch exits the mixer, it is dumped into a concrete bucket and lifted by a crane to the placement location where it is dumped, spread, vibrated, and nished by a concrete crew. A schematic diagram of the process is shown in Figure 20.7a. Although dry-batching operations of this type are not common, this situation provides a good opportunity to utilize various modeling features. A crane and bucket placement operation is shown in Figure 20.7b. A CYCLONE model of the process is shown in Figure 20.8. The model consists of six cycles representing the various ow units involved. The units and cycles of interest are: 1. Batch plant 2. Trucks 3. Mixer 4. Crane 5. Bucket 6. Laborer crew for spreading, vibrating, and nishing The process begins with trucks being loaded at the batch tower (COMBI 2). The trucks consist of ve compartments, which are dened by bafes or dividers that are pinned in such a way that they can be released individually (one at a time) when the truck bed is elevated. Dry batches are loaded into each of the ve compartments. This requires ve individual loads at COMBI 2. The demand for ve loads is generated using the GENERATE function at QUEUE node 9. The GENERATE function takes a single truck unit arriving at 9 and splits it into 5 units to be processed (i.e., compartments to be loaded). When ve batches are loaded, the CONSOLIDATE at FUNCTION node 3 assembles the ve loads into a single truck for travel to the mixer. Upon arriving at the mixer, the truck is again recongured to represent the ve dry batches using the GENERATE function at QUEUE node 5. Each of the ve dry batches are dumped sequentially into the skip of the mixer. The mixer processes the batches in sequence and converts them into wet batches for transport to the placement site. The space in the mixer is represented by a ow unit at QUEUE node 13. If one unit is initialized at QUEUE node 13, this means that the mixer is a single-drum unit and only one batch at a time can be processed. If two units are dened at


Concrete Pouring Using a Crane and Bucket

Figure 20.7 (a) Drybatch delivery and placement and (b) cranebucket concrete placement.


Chapter 20

Construction Operations

Figure 20.8 Dry-batch and delivery placement model.

QUEUE node 13, then the mixer is a dual-drum unit and two batches can be processed simultaneously (in tandem). Once a batch is dumped into the skip of the mixer, it is moved to the drum, where water is added and it is mixed (NORMAL 10). Following mixing, it occupies space in the drum (QUEUE node 11) until it can be dumped to the concrete bucket. Therefore, the space in the drum is not free until the bucket is lled at COMBI 12, and this is represented by the feedback loop to QUEUE node 13 (the space QUEUE). That is, space becomes available after the bucket is lled. This availability of space is required before the next dry batch can be loaded into the mixer at COMBI 6. Once all ve batches on the truck have been loaded to the mixer at COMBI 6 is free to return to the batch plant. The fact that the truck is empty (ve batches loaded into the mixer) is established by the CONSOLIDATE at FUNCTION node 7. The empty compartments are reassembled into a single empty truck that returns to the batching power. When the bucket is lled, it is available to be lifted by the crane to the placement location in the pavement. If only one bucket is used, the crane and bucket can be considered a single unit, and the separate QUEUE node 17 for Crane ready is redundant. However, if two buckets are used, the crane is a separate unit. After swinging back, it drops one bucket and picks up the other. This is more efcient since the bucket at the mixer can be lled while the crane is swinging and placing the other. The second bucket provides a storage point and keeps the crane active, allowing it to pick up the next loaded bucket


Concrete Pouring Using a Crane and Bucket


without having to wait during the Fill bucket activity at 12. For this reason, the crane cycle and the bucket cycles are separated. One cycle is nested inside the other. Finally the concrete is placed, vibrated, and nished in one activity at NORMAL 21. This model uses only one NORMAL to address the spreading, vibrating, and nishing work. An alternate approach would be to dene these work tasks separately. Further, the model, as structured, does not allow the concrete bucket to dump the next batch until the previous batch has been nished. This is not realistic and, therefore, breaking the spreading, vibrating, and nishing into separate tasks would produce a better model. This is left to the reader as a simple exercise. Production in the system is measured at the COUNTER element 22. The production curve and queue idleness values for the system as simulated by the Web-CYCLONE system are given in Figure 20.9. The initial conditions for this system and the active-state

'DRYBATCH' PRODUCTIVITY INFORMATION Total Sim. Time Unit Cycle No. Prod./Min. (Prod./Hr) 569.8 100 0.17552 (10.53093)

Productivity Chart of 'DRYBATCH' with 60 cycles 0.201





0 0.022



No. Name Average Units Idle 0.0 3.1 8.5 0.1 Max. Idle Units 1 9 20 1 Times not % empty Idle 0.0 478.2 565.0 57.8 0.00 83.93 99.17 10.14 Total Sim Time 569.8 569.8 569.8 569.8 Average Units Wt Time at end 0.0 16.4 40.3 0.6 0 7 6 1





Figure 20.9 Concrete placement model: (a) production curve and (b) idleness.


Chapter 20

Construction Operations Table 20.1 Concrete Model Initial Conditions Flow Units One batch plant at 1 Four trucks at 9 One mixer at 13 Two buckets at 20 One crane at 17 One crew at 23 Set No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Durations Load truck, COMBI 25 min Travel to mixer, NORMAL 410 min Dump to skip, COMBI 61 min Return, NORMAL 88 min Mix, NORMAL 103 min Fill bucket, COMBI 120.5 min Swing crane, COMBI 150.25 min Empty bucket, COMBI 180.3 min Crane return, NORMAL 190.2 min Spread and nish, COMBI 215 min

durations are given in Table 20.1. The model described can be simulated and modied by visiting the Web-CYCLONE program at\college\halpin.


Operations related to road and highway construction are excellent candidates for production modeling since they are highly linear and repetitive. As noted in Chapter 9, the construction is subdivided into stations located along the route of the work. Operations such as rough grading, nish grading, aggregate base preparation, and paving are performed along sections of the right-of-way in a repetitive fashion. In asphalt paving operations, a paving train consisting of a spreader, a break-down roller, and a nish roller move linearly along the area to be paved. Trucks haul hot-mix asphalt from the plant to the job site and dump the material into the spreader skip. The asphalt is distributed via the spreader to the road surface, and the skip becomes available for another batch of asphalt. A pictorial diagram of this situation is shown in Figure 20.10a. In this model, it will be assumed that a parking lot is being paved and that after 15 spread cycles, the spreader must reposition to make a new pass parallel to the justcompleted pass. Further, it will be assumed that after ve spread cycles, the spread section is released to the breakdown roller for compaction of the hot-mix asphalt. The following resources and cycles should be studied when modeling an asphalt paving operation: 1. Spreader 2. Trucks 3. Breakdown roller 4. Finish roller 5. Asphalt plant The individual cycles for each of these resources are shown in Figure 20.10a-f. The integrated model is shown in Figure 20.11. This model is similar to that already discussed for concrete placement. Some special features have been introduced, however, to handle the repositioning of the spreader and the release of spread sections for nal processing. After 15 loads have been spread, the spreader turns and makes a parallel pass. This continues until the parking lot has been totally paved. The truck cycle is similar to those encountered in other models. It should be noted, however, that the dump to spreader and the spread work task have been represented separately. This is to allow the truck to depart on its return travel as soon as the asphalt has


Asphalt Paving Model


Figure 20.10 (a) Asphalt paving train, (b) plant cycle, (c) truck cycle, (d) spreader cycle, (e) breakdown roller cycle, and (f) nish roller cycle.

been dumped. If the dump and spread work tasks are modeled as a single COMBI element, the truck would be required to wait until the spread is complete before departing. If the spreader is self-propelled, this is not necessary. In order to divert the spreader to the Reposition for new pass activity at COMBI 5, a CONSOLIDATE element (11) has been introduced following Spread (NORMAL 10). After 15 spreads have occurred, a single unit is released from FUNCTION node 11 to QUEUE node 12. Since the Reposition task is a lower numbered COMBI (5) than the Dump to spreader COMBI (9),1 the spreader is diverted to node 5 and held there to

Lower numbered activities receive priority.


Chapter 20

Construction Operations

Figure 20.11 Integrated asphalt paving model.

represent the duration of the repositioning activity. Once the spreader has been delayed at node 5 for the requisite period to represent positioning, it is returned to QUEUE 8 and becomes available for spreading. In the interim, any trucks arriving at QUEUE node 4 must wait for the repositioning to complete. The requirement to release sections to the breakdown roller in ve spread packages is implemented by using another CONSOLIDATE at FUNCTION node 13. Each time ve spreads have been made, a single unit is released to QUEUE node 14 representing a section ready for compaction. If the roller is available, it will start the compaction work. If it is busy with a previous section, the spread section waits until the roller is available. Once the section is compacted, it is moved to QUEUE node 17 and is ready for nish rolling. The units that arrive at the COUNTER (20) represent ve truck loads of hot mix, or 33.3% of a lane of parking lot paving. The production curve for the model and the QUEUE node idleness information are shown in Figures 20.12 and 20.13. The initial conditions for this model are given in Table 20.2. Again, this operation can be studied using Web-CYCLONE.

ASPHALT PAVING PRODUCTIVITY INFORMATION Total Sim. Time Unit Cycle No. Prod./Min. (Prod./Hr) 1617.1 20 0.01237 (0.74208)

Asphalt Paving Model


Productivity Chart of ASPHALT PAVING with 20 cycles 0.015





0 0.007


Figure 20.12 Asphalt paving production curve.

ASPHALT PAVING CYCLONE PASSIVE ELEMENTS STATISTICS INFORMATION Average Max. Times Total Average % not Wt No. Name Units Idle Sim Idle Idle Units empty Time Time PLANT IDLE 0.5 1 1 759.7 46.98 1617.1 7.3


Units at end 0 0 1 1

4 7 8


0.0 0.3 0.7

1 5 1


2.48 1617.1

0.4 4.0 10.9

328.6 20.32 1617.1 1172.0 72.48 1617.1

Figure 20.13 Queue node idleness for asphalt paving operation (typical output).

Table 20.2 Initial Conditions for the Asphalt Paving Model Durations 1 Plant at 1 4 Trucks at 7 1 Spreader at 8 1 Compaction roller at 16 1 Finish roller at 19 COMBI 2 NORMAL 3 COMBI 5 COMBI 6 COMBI 9 NORMAL 10 COMBI 15 COMBI 18 5 min 10 min 22 min 8 min 2 min 12 min 35 min 20 min


Chapter 20

Construction Operations


In Section 8.3, it was noted that the total project duration given by PERT network calculations is optimistic due to the merge event bias. The impact of this underestimation of the duration can be shown using network simulation. Simulation can be conducted using Web-CYCLONE. PERT networks can be considered non-cyclic or acyclic networks. To simulate the PERT network shown in Figure 8.2, it must be converted from arrow notation to a Web-CYCLONE precedence notation. The conversion of an arrow notation acyclic network to a CYCLONE network is relatively straight-forward. CPM activities become either NORMAL or COMBI activities in CYCLONE. Figure 20.14 illustrates the correspondence between CPM and CYCLONE. In Figure 20.14a, a CPM activity path between nodes i, j, and k becomes a CYCLONE series of NORMAL work tasks. In this instance, the CYCLONE work task is roughly equivalent to an activity in a precedence network. There is no constraint on activity B other than the completion of activity A in either CPM or CYCLONE. In Figure 20.14b, activity D cannot start until the completion of activities A, B, and C. In the CYCLONE network, this relationship is modeled with a COMBI work task as follows. Work tasks A, B, and C all release a single entity to their following QUEUE node. Further, entities must be present in all three QUEUE nodes in order for COMBI D to start. The above considerations are essentially all that are required to convert a CPM network in CYCLONE; however, the relationships in Figure 20.14c may be instructive for the somewhat more complex condition shown. Again (except for the QUEUE nodes), the similarity to precedence networks is evident. And, it should be noted, the similarity to PERT networks is also evident. A Web-CYCLONE model of the PERT network is shown in Figure 20.15. The 9 activities of the PERT network are shown as NORMAL and COMBI elements (i.e. elements 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18). Three of the activities are shown as COMBI


Activity A

Activity B

Activity A

Activity B

Activity A

Activity A


Activity B

Activity D

Activity B

Activity D

Activity C

Activity C

Activity A (c) Activity A Activity C

Activity C

Activity B

Activity D

Activity B

Activity D


Figure 20.14 CPMCYCLONE correspondence.

2 5

PERT Network Simulation


4 (a) 4 '1-2' 7 '2-3' 8 1 3 'START' 5 '1-3' 9 10 '3-4' 12 17 '3-6' 20 7 'END' 23 15 '2-5' 16 '5-6' 19


13 21

6 '1-4'


18 '4-6'


Figure 20.15 PERT Network with Web-CYCLONE equivalent.

elements since they are proceeded by more than one activity. For instance, activity 3-4 (COMBI 10) is preceded by activity 2-3 and activity 1-3. Queue node 8 presents the end of 2-3. Queue node 9 represents the end of activity 1-3. COMBI 10 cannot commence until units arrive at both Queue nodes 8 and 9. Units are initialized into the Web-CYCLONE network at COMBI 3 (START) and proceed one at a time to the End activity (COMBI 7). This network is can be modeled by visiting the CYCLONE simulation home page. In order to reect the 3-estimate for each activity, a triangular distribution has been used. A triangular distribution is dened by three parameters as shown in Figure 20.16. ta is the most optimistic duration, tb is the most likely duration and tc is the most pessimistic duration. For activity 1-2 (NORMAL element 4 in the Web-CYCLONE model), the time is dened as TRI 1 3 5, where 1 is the most optimistic value, 3 is the most likely value, and 5 is the most pessimistic value. The individual triangular distribution values for each of the nine PERT activities is as follows:

Prob (x)




Figure 20.16 Triangular Distribution Parameters.


Chapter 20

Construction Operations

SET 4 TRI 1 3 5 SET 5 TRI 3 6 9 SET 6 TRI 10 13 19 SET 7 TRI 1 3 8 SET 10 TRI 4 7 13 SET 15 TRI 3 9 12 SET 16 TRI 3 6 9 SET 17 TRI 8 9 16 SET 18 TRI 1 3 8 After one hundred simulations of the PERT network, the average duration of the project (average of 100 individual runs) is found to be 19.10 days.
Results of Running WebCyclone SIMPLE PERT PROCESS PRODUCTIVITY INFORMATION Sim. Time 1909 Cycle No. 100 Productivity Per Time Unit 0.052368 Duration (Days) 19.10

This is considerably higher than the 17.5 day duration determined using the PERT calculations. This supports the fact that the PERT approach, due to the merge event bias, predicts a total project duration which is too optimistic (i.e., shorter than one would expect based on the simulation).


20.1 Three trucks haul material from a loading tower to an aireld construction job. At the ll (i.e., aireld) a spotter shows each truck where to dump. After the trucks dump material, they return to the loading tower. A front loader is used to load the tower. The tower can hold up to three loads. Draw a circle-andsquare (CYCLONE) diagram of this system. Indicate all cycles and where the units in the system would be initialized at time zero. 20.2 A number of tractor scrapers are being push-loaded by one pusher dozer. The average push time is 1.5 min. After pushing a scraper, the dozer returns to the push point to await another scraper. If another scraper is available to push, the dozer engages the booster bar and resumes pushing. The return time to push point is 1.0 min. After loading, the average travel time for a scraper to the ll area is 15.0 min. The average empty return time is 10.0 min. Dumping the material at the construction site takes 1.0 min. Draw a model of this system using circle-andsquare notation (include a COUNTER ag). What is the balance point of the system? 20.3 Brick pallets are picked up from the supplier and transported by truck to the job site, where they are off-loaded and stockpiled. Draw a model of this process similar to the one developed for the earth-hauling operation shown in Figure 20.5. 20.4 Visit a job site and select a process for investigation. Draw a schematic diagram of the process and/or site layout. Identify the major ow units in the process selected and list the active and waiting states through which each unit passes. 20.5 Develop CYCLONE models similar to that of Figure 20.15 for the following labor and craft situations: a. Erection of column formwork by a carpenter and laborer crew. b. Field operation of a drilling machine. c. Placement of concrete in a slab using buggies and vibrators with a concrete crew made up of laborers, cement nishers, and a supporting ironworker and carpenter. 20.6 Steel sheet piles 12 feet long are being driven using a double-acting compressed-air hammer. The steel is positioned initially using a driving template. A driving cap is placed on the pile once it is in position and driving commences. When the pile has been driven 8 ft, the hammer and cap are withdrawn and another 12foot section is welded to the rst. After this, driving continues. This

Review Questions and Exercises process continues until four sections have been welded to the original and driven. The last section is trimmed to a uniform elevation using a cutting torch. The next section of wall is started by positioning the initial sheet pile in the template with interlock to the just-completed drive. Assume that the sheets are stacked initially in a stockpile location. Identify the active and waiting states through which each sheet pile must pass from beginning to end of the process. What resource units might constrain the movement of the pile from stockpile to nal driven location? 20.7 Transit mix trucks are hauling to a high-rise building construction where a oor slab pour is in progress. The concrete


is lifted from street level using a tower crane-concrete bucket system. Two concrete buckets are used for the lift. After being lifted, the concrete is stored temporarily in a storage hopper at the oor level of the pour. The concrete is removed from the hopper and carried to the placement location by rubber-tired buggies. Determine the major cycles in this system and diagram the active and idle states in each cycle showing the direction of ow of processed units. Integrate the cycles to show transfer points between one cycle and any interface it has with other cycles. What is the effect of having two concrete buckets? How big should the storage hopper be?

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