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and who prorided trainedmanpower uria"riti,iiiiia"rship of Asst.

DirectorSri Miinal'Santra, the to all thanks our sincere We also express the primarydata collectionprocess. supervised blocksand priman'dataf romvarious of collecting who tookthe burden tCbSand SHC members of the district. municipalities handling of data uponenicrent DHDR is contingent taskof preparing Sucha monumental was oi Economics The DHDR DataEntryDeskat the Department analysis. and its appropriate Dasand Sri {mit \andi as SriMadhusudan by Ms MoumitaChaftopadhyay, handled effectiveiy speciallyDr. .\rindant Laha, of Economics proiectAss:stants and a group of young scholars in Economics, Ms' RunaRoy,Lecturer BurdwanUniversity, of Commerce, ia.tut"t, Depaftrnent Kumar Mondal,SriPankal SriTirthankar Chakraborty, SriDebasis CwernrnentCollege, Durgapur Lecturer, Battabyal. TibulHoqueand Debasis Sarkar, Haii, Krishanu Koushik Singh, Pal,SriKrishna this reportw'ouldnot efforts relentless and . Withouttheiractiveco-operations Durgapur DSMS, of their contributions.Department have got iti presentshape.We gratefullyacknowledge of types all extended Hooghly, the DHDR, fconoinicsbeing the nodal agencyof preparing of DRSprojectof UCC and infrastructure includingcomputerlaboratory, supports ins:itutional of the gratitude to all members our skilled man power. We take this opportunityto express and Sharma, Hati,SriPrabirSen SriSandipan officeassistants includingthe of Econornics Faculty and co-operation. assistance Sil for their selfJess Sri Harasit I to Prof. JaydevSarkhel,Departmentof commerce, Prof. Kalyanbrata we are gratefu Department Prof.Arup Chattapadhyay, of Economics, Department Rid. Professor, Bhattacharya, (ishor Datta, Depa.tment Universityof of Economics, and ProJ.Soumyendra of Economics and parts of the manuscripts time and labourin checking tlreirvaluable for extending Burdwan, to improveuponthe report' suggestions makingeffective re The uniquefeatu of Hooghly. reportfor the District Thisis the firsthumandevelopment at the subpictureof Human Development a comprehensive of this reportis that it provides of issues of identi{ied explanations analytical it gives of presentation: levelin threemodes district to identifl'the gapsin humandevelopment it attempts Human Development , simuttaneously and finalll',this indicesof development parameters at the su[jistrict level in termsof several developnrent oi social in terms of the district I ie*, of development a snapshot ieport provides and polio' to the planners would be useful of the report and findings We hopethe analysis radar. sustainable and polic,vactionsso as to achievea balanced makersfor adoptingappropriate for Hooghlt Di:t11ct humandevelopment Pravat Kumar Kuti, LeadCo-ordinator {DHDRTeam,HooghlY)


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