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A history of Architectural designs The history of architectural designs traces the transformation that have taken place in relation

to the traditions, regions, dates and the overarching stylistic designs in architecture. There are several branches of architecture that include civil, naval, sacred, landscape and military architecture. Architecture This involves the process of designing, planning and construction of buildings by architects. Thus, buildings as the main form of architectural works are often thought to be cultural symbols and works of art. History of architectural Designs The civilizations in history are identified with the achievements of architectural designs in survival. Buildings and other physical structures evolved from the dynamics of different needs which include shelter, worship and security. Early structures were determined by the availability of means that included building materials and attendant skills. The modern structures, however came into being after the development of human culture and knowledge. They became more formal through the use of oral traditions and practices. At this time, building became a craft leading to the invention of architecture, which refers to the highly formalized and respected version of buildings as a craft. In order to achieve this, many architects were involved in the process of trail and errors. Progressively, they performed less trails and produced more replications as the results of their work brought about increased levels of satisfaction. The early human settlements were majorly comprised of rural settings. As a result of a surplus in the economy, most of the architecture started to expand. This resulted in urbanization which in turn contributed to the creation and growth of urban centers that ultimately underwent rapid evolution. As such, most architects have worked through a wide range of architectural structures which range from ancient, Asian, Islamic, Medieval, Renaissance, early Modern and Modern architecture.

The major types include: Ancient architecture: Most ancient civilizations include those of Egypt and Mesopotamia. At this time, architecture highly reflected the frequent engagement with the supernatural or divine powers. Most of the cultures thus resorted to the monumentality of buildings to represent political power among the ruling elites and the state. Asian Architecture: These developed along different lines of Hinduism and Buddhism. These religious designs were specifically meant to enhance the natural landscape. Medieval architecture: Architects during this time made guilds to represent their trades. They were used to represent their contracts while others were used in the cathedrals. Renaissance architecture: In this type architects revived the classical styles and were highly influenced by the introduction of scientific and engineering designs. They were based on the role of the individual in the society. Early modern: This was mostly created based on the influence of the emerging knowledge in the scientific fields. In addition, there was the introduction of new building materials. At this time, there was also the separation of engineering, technology and architecture. Currently, most parts of the world are built with what is commonly known as the vernacular architecture. It also continues to be produced in many parts of the world. These are the modern forms that represent elaborate designs and creativity.

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