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Put the verbs in the right tense Barry Kent lives in a small house. He wishes he ........................ (own) a small flat but he cant afford it. If he ........................ (have) a job, he ...................... (can) save some money. But Barry has no qualifications. I wish I ...................... (wor!) harder at school, he says. If I .................... ("ass) a few e#ams, I .......................... ($o) to colle$e. If I can, I ....................... ($o) to evenin$ classes. I hate this bedsit. I wish I ............................ (never%leave) home. But &um was always na$$in$ me. Barry has some advice for "eo"le at school. If I .................. (be) you, I ...................... (study) hard. I wish I ...........................(listen) to my teachers advice years a$o. 2. Put the verbs into the orre t tense '. If (lan ............................ (not%tease) the do$ yesterday, it ..................... (not%bite) him and he .................... (not%have) to $o to hos"ital. ). I ......................... (not%ma!e) the journey unless you .......................... (insist). *. +u""ose he ........................... (come) for an interview when you told him to, ..............................(you%$ive) him the job, -. .oud better hurry. /therwise, you................... (be) late for your a""ointment. 0. If you ............................... (listen) to the BB1 occasionallly while you were studyin$ 2n$lish, it ......................... (hel"). 3. .ou ........................... ($o) out toni$ht as lon$ as you .................... (come) bac! by midni$ht. 4. If you .......................... (buy) a la"to" com"uter, I ........................ (show) you how to use it, but you dont seem very interested in the idea. 5. If I ................................... (not%be) in time, ........................... (ma!e) yourself somethin$ to eat. 6. +u""ose he ........................... (come) tomorrow, ................................(we%still%meet) him, '7. 2ven if Ian ............................ (o""ose) the idea, I ........................... (invest) the money you su$$ested. !. Re"rite these senten es "ithout h#nging the $e#ning o% the origin#& one '. I thin! it will rain tomorrow. 8ell have to stay indoors. If................................. ). 9avid must "ractise more to be a really $ood "ianist. If ................................... *. If anyone com"lains, refer them to the mana$er. +hould.................................. -. you have to have a visa to enter 1hina. :nless................................... 0. I need a $rant in order to study at university. I wont ................................... 3. I cannot afford to buy a ;+;. If .................................................... 4. I couldnt finish the crossword because it was too difficult. I ............................................. 5. <ommy would love to have a baby sister. <ommy wishes................................ 6. <a!e my advice = dont move into that nei$hbourhood. I....................................... '7. It rained a lot when we were in 2n$land. I wish ........................................ ''. +u>i has to wor! very hard. +u>i cannot ta!e more e#ercise. +u>i .................................................... '). .ou missed a $ood $ame on +unday. I wish .......................... '*. 8hen I was youn$er, I didnt learn how to "lay a musical instrument. If ................................................ '-. I didnt brin$ a ma". 8e $ot lost. Had................................................... '0. <om was sent to bed last ni$ht because he didnt behave himself. If .......................................

'3. I dont li!e <ony because he is always sayin$ nasty thin$s. I wish................................... '4. 9rivers do not "ay attention to the rules of the road. <here are a lot of accidents. :nless ........................................ '5. I advise you not to tell anyone. 8ere ............................................ '6. He didnt recover soon. He didnt follow the doctors order. (;?/@I929) ........................... )7. He may $o to "rison. He refuses to "ay the fine. :nless ................................................. )'. <he +miths re$ret cancellin$ their tri" to <ur!ey. <he +miths wish..................................................... OTHER WA'S O( SA'ING )I(* A+ S,PPOSE -THAT+.S,PPOSING -THAT+ / WHAT I(0. <he clause which e#"resses the result a""ears in the interro$ative form +u""ose he comes tomorrow, will we still meet him, +u""ose he went by train, would it be any quic!er, +u""osin$ that he had come for an interview, would you have $iven him a job, 1+ AS LONG AS. SO LONG AS 2 ON -THE+ CONDITION THAT 2 PRO3IDED -THAT+. PRO3IDING -THAT+. <hese e#"ressions are used to e#"ress a stron$ limitation. <hey follow the structure of the three ty"es of conditional sentences. <hey could be translated as follows siem"re que% con tal de que % a condiciAn de que B subjuntivo .ou can $o out toni$ht as lon$ as you come bac! by midni$ht. He could have recovered "rovided (that) he had followed the doctors orders C+ IN CASE is used with the "resent or the "ast tenses to say that a condition can ta!e "lace or not. IC 1(+2 refers to actions we can do in advance to be "re"ared for somethin$ <a!e an umbrella in case it rains. IN CASE O( 4 NO,N5 )I( THERE IS A .AN* In case of an accident, notify the "olice. D+ OTHERWISE. ( condition can be understood althou$h it is not e#"ressed. /<H2?8I+2 is used in the "lace of a conditional clause. Its translation could be de lo contrario .oud better hurry. /therwise, youll be late for your a""ointment. (/therwiseD if you dont hurry) E6ERCISES 1+ Co$7&ete the %o&&o"ing senten es '. +u""ose 9an as!s her for a date, EEEEEEEEEEE. ). <he sun wouldnt have dama$ed your s!in "rovided that EEEE.. *. <a!e my "hone number in case EEEEEEE -. Ill lend you the car on condition that EEEEEE 0. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE so lon$ as the "olice "atrolled the nei$hbourhood. 2. (i&& in the b&#n8s "ith the suit#b&e "or9s '. 9ont leave your medicine there EEEEEEEE. /ne of the children $ets hold of it. ). EEEEEEE.. I lend you the money, when will I $et it bac!, *. .ou can come to the meetin$ EEEEEE.. you dont say anythin$. -. .ou should $o with &ary EEEEEEEE she needs hel". 0. <om will ma!e a $ood footballer EEEEEEE. he trains more. !. Write the $e#ning o% OTHERWISE in e# h o% the %o&&o"ing senten es '. Her dau$hter translates everythin$ for her. /therwise, she wouldnt mana$e at all. /therwise means If EEEEEEEEE ). He used the dictionary in the test. /therwise, he wouldnt have !nown the answers. /therwise means If EEEEEEEEEEEEEE *. .ou must a""ly for the scholarshi" this wee!. /therwise your a""lication wont be acce"ted. /therwise means If EEEEE..

-. +hes $ot a deadline to meet. /therwise she would be here now. /therwise means If EEEE :. Re"rite the %o&&o"ing senten es "ithout h#nging the $e#ning '. &a!e a note of it because you may for$et. (in case) ). If that actor doesnt im"rove, he will be re"laced. (otherwise) *. I wonder how he would react if he received the tele$ram now. +u""oseEEEE -. .ou must eat only fresh fruit and ve$etables in that country. /therwise, you may $et food "oisonin$. ;rovided EEEEE.. 0. <hey didnt ma!e any noise because they didnt want to wa!e u" the baby. (in case) 3. Fearnin$ a forei$n lan$ua$e is easy for those who start at an early a$e. (as lon$ as) ;I6ED CONDITIONALS. 8e do not always have to stic! ri$idly to the three ty"es of conditional sentences. (ll ty"es of conditionals can be mi#ed. (ny tense combination is "ossible if the conte#t "ermits it. If I am clever as you say I am, I would have been rich by now. (<y"e ' B <y"e *) If you !new me better, you wouldnt have said that. (<y"e ) B <y"e *) If I had had your advanta$es, Id be better off now. (<y"e * B <y"e )) 1. ,se $i<e9 tenses in these senten es '. If I EEEEEEEEEEE. (be) you, I EEEEEEEEEEEEEE.. (chec!) my facts before I wrote that letter. ). If you EEEEEEEEE. (be) so hun$ry, you EEEEEEEEEEE. (not miss) brea!fast. *. If he EEEEEEEEEEEE (not%catch) the 0.*7 train, he EEEEEEEEEEE (not arrive) for another two hours. -. He EEEEEEEEEEEE. (feel) very tired today if he EEEEEEEEEEEE.. ("lay) ru$by yesterday. 0. If the sna!e bite EEEEEEEEEEEE.. (be) "oisonous, you EEEEEEEEEEEEEE (feel) very ill now. 3. If I EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. (be) in your "osition, I EEEEEEEEEEEEEE (answer) his letter by now. 2. Re"rite the %o&&o"ing $i<e9 on9ition#& senten es '. +he isnt at the meetin$ because she wasnt told about it. ). I didnt a""ly for the job. I dont want to wor! there. *. He didnt ta!e his job seriously. Hes unem"loyed now. -. He didnt train every day. He wont win the race. 0. I didnt warn me. Cow Im in a difficult situation. 3. I dont !now him very well so I didnt $ive him any advice.

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