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PARTICULARS Introduction to Sony Corporation Introduction to Sony India Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility ETHICS OF SONY SONY CSR CSR Awards BIBLIOGRAPHY

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Sony's Story It was in 1946 that Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita together with a small team of passionate and committed group of employees started to build Tokyo Tsushin Kenkyujo (Totsuko), or Tokyo Telecommunications Research Institute to the billion dollar global conglomerate that it is today.

Their founders in the early years It was in 1946 that Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita together with a small team of passionate and committed group of employees started to build Tokyo Tsushin Kenkyujo (Totsuko), or Tokyo Telecommunications Research Institute into the billion dollar global


conglomerate that it is today. The main objective of the company was to design and create innovative products which would benefit the people.

The Electric Rice Cooker From early attempts at creating products like the rice-cooker to the later success of creating Japans first magnetic recorder, the innovative company went on to create other hit products which won the company widespread recognition and international acclaim as a truly global company known for its quality and innovative products. Significant product milestones included Japans first transistor radio (Trinitron Coltheir1955), ColtheirTelevision (1968), Walkman Personal Stereo(1979), HandycamVideoCamera (1989), PlayStation(1994), Blu-ray DiscRecorder (2003) and PlayStation 3 (2006). Sony employees in 1956 The company name of Sony was created by combining two words of sonus and sonny. The word sonus in Latin represents words like sound and sonic. The other word sonny means little son. Used in combination, Sony is supposed to represent a very small group of young people who have the energy and passion towards unlimited creations and innovative ideas. With the far-sight of expanding worldwide, it was in 1958 that the company formally adopted Sony Corporation as its corporate name. Easy to pronounce and read in any language, the name Sony, which has a lively ring to it, fits comfortably with the spirit of freedom and open-mindedness. One of the most recognized brand names in the world today, Sony Corporation, Japan, established its India operations in November 1994, focusing on the sales and marketing of Sony products in the country. In a span of 16 years, Sony India has exemplified the quest for excellence in the world of digital lifestyle becoming the countrys foremost consumer electronics brand. With relentless commitment to quality, consistent dedication to customer satisfaction and unparalleled standards of service.


Sony India operates in the following segments :

Electronics: White consumer goods like Colour Televisions (CTV), audio systems, digital cameras among many others. Movies: Does movie business through Columbia Tristar Films India Ltd. Television Entertainment/Media: Through Sony Entertainment Television it sells TV software and entertainment programs. Music: Sells audiocassettes through Sony Music India. Sony India broke even in 1997-98, two years ahead of initial plans. It employed over 900 people as of 2002 and had sales of over US$ 170 million in 2003-2004. Sony India has a strong network of distributors and sales force, which consists of 2000 dealers and distributors, 40 Sony World outlets, 60 Sony Exclusives and 12 direct branch locations. Sony India has a strong service presence across the country with five company-owned service centres and 119 authorised service centres. Sonys market share in the audio segment is 45 per cent (b y value) and 7.8 per cent in CTVs(by value). Sony Indias software division, Software Architecture Division (SARD) has been awarded the Software Engineering Institutes Capability Maturity Model (SEI-CMM) Level 5 rating. India challenges Sony faced a few challenges on entering India : Price and value sensitivity of Indian consumers Requirement of a robust and vast distribution network Tough competition from local players and MNCs Sony India is recognized as a benchmark for new age technology, superior quality, digital concepts and personalized service that has ensured loyal customers and nationwide acclaim in the industry. Withbrands names such as BRAVIA, VAIO, Tablet, Handycam, Cybershot, Walkman,Xplod, Sony hi-fi, Memory stick and PlayStation, Sony has established itself as a value leader across its various product categories of Audio/Visual Entertainment products, Information and Communications, Recording Media, Business and Professional products.


Sony India is one of the most recognized consumer electronics brand in the country, with a reputation for new age technology, digital concepts and excellent after sales service. In India, Sony has its footprint across all major towns and cities in the country through a distribution network comprising of over 10,400 dealers and distributors, 270 exclusive Sony outlets and 23 direct branch locations. Sony India also has a strong service presence across the country with 255 service outlets. Manned by customer friendly and informed sales persons, Sonys exclusive stores Sony Centre are fast becoming the most visible face of the company in India. A distinctive feature of Sonys service is its highly motivated and well -trained staff that provides the kind of attentive and sensitive service that is rare today. Sony is committed to ensuring that both the products and the marketing activities employed truly make a difference to peoples lifestyles and offer them new dimensions of enjoyment. Relentless commitment to quality, continuous dedication to customer satisfaction and unparalleled standards of service is what differentiates us from countless competitors and reflects a true image of all that is Sony.


Corporate Social Responsibility

Purpose The concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has a long history associated with how it impacts on organizations' behavior. In order to understand CSR's impact on organization behavior, therefore, it is necessary to comprehend its progression. Subsequently, the purpose of this paper is to trace the conceptual evolution of CSR. Design / Methodology / Approach The paper reviews the literature and adopts a chronological structure organized on a decade-by-decade basis. The results demonstrated that CSR research has changed constantly during the last 60 years. Findings In the 1950s the primary focus was on businesses' responsibilities to society and doing good deeds for society. In the 1960s key events, people and ideas were instrumental in characterizing the social changes ushered in during this decade. In the 1970s business managers applied the traditional management functions when dealing with CSR issues, while, in the 1980s, business and social interest came closer and firms became more responsive to their stakeholders. During the 1990s the idea of CSR became almost universally approved, also CSR was coupled with strategy literature and finally, in the 2000s, CSR became definitively an important strategic issue.


Sony corporation recognizes the importance of protecting the natural environment that sustains all life on the earth for future generations. Sony strives to achieve a zero environmental footprint throughout the life cycle of its products and business activities. the corporation reduces environmental footprint and prevents environmental pollution by complying with all environmental regulations. Climate changes: Sony reduces energy consumption and strives to achieve zero emissions of greenhouse gases. Chemical substances: The corporation minimizes the risk of chemical substances that it uses and eliminates the use of substances that have potentially significant impacts on the environment. Resources conservation: Sony uses water efficiently, minimizes waste from sites and maximizes the effort for take back and recycling products from marketers. The Sony corporation established its Green Management 2010 mid-range group environmental targets. these targets guide Sony in its effort to prevent global warming, recycle resources, ensure appropriate management of chemical substances and address a broad range of other environmental issues.


SONY CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) CSR AT SONY

"It is the core corporate responsibility of Sony Group to the society to pursue its corporate value enhancement through innovation and sound business practice." Sony's corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities reflect its philosophy of implementing sound business practices; innovating to realize products, services and content that inspire and excite; assisting the communities in which we operate; and helping to shape a better, more sustainable society. Sony believes that these activities both benefit society and enhance corporate value. Society's expectations of Sony constantly evolve in line with the diversification of markets and customer lifestyles, advances in Sony products and services, and the changing concerns of the Company's stakeholders. As the Sony Group presses forward with strategies aimed at strengthening its operating foundation and achieving its business targets, it will also continue to promote bold initiatives, including in its CSR agenda.


Relations with Stakeholders

Sony understands that addressing issues of interest to its many stakeholders is intrinsically linked to its ability to ensure a strong operating foundation, which is in turn vital to ensuring the well-being and sustainability of its business activities and to achieving sustainable growth. Sony's CSR initiatives reflect this understanding. Sony works to earn the trust of its stakeholders through its business activities, as well as through a range of CSR initiatives.
Stakeholders Principal Goals Provide products that deliver satisfaction, safety and peace of mind from the customer's perspective Provide customer service that further enhances customer satisfaction Enhance usability and accessibility Page to Visit


Quality and Services


Promote swift and appropriate disclosure Achieve continued growth in corporate value

Investor Relations

Business partners

Ensure appropriate, transparent and fair procurement practices, in line with the Sony Group Code of Conduct Ensure that procurement practices are in harmony with the environment and society (including labor issues, human rights and conflict minerals)

Responsible Sourcing


Support employees with diverse backgrounds Promote diversity in hiring Foster global business leaders and engineers who will drive growth in the future Support individual career-building efforts) Promote dialogue through employee surveys and town hall meetings

Human Resources

Local communities

Promote initiatives that contribute to communities in fields where Sony is best able to do so Provide emergency relief Work with NGOs and NPOs to help resolve

Community Community Engagement Environment


issues facing society

Reduce the environmental footprint of Sony's business activities and products throughout their life cycle to zero - Reduce CO2 emissions of Sony's business activities and products throughout their life cycle to zero - Reduce the volume of virgin resources used and maximize the use of recycled resources; conserve water resources; and promote the collection and recycling of end-of-life products - Prevent pollution by reducing the volume of chemical substances used - Promote the conservation and restoration of biodiversity and the sustained use of biodiversityfriendly products

Global environment


NGOs, NPOs and other organizations

Collaborate with NGOs and NPOs to help address social challenges Participate in global frameworks Participate in CSR-related organizations and projects

Community Engagement Partnership and Participation in frameworks

CSR Organizational Structure

Sony has established an office for CSR that is responsible for formulating policies concerning Sony's social responsibilities, implementing these policies throughout the Group and communicating with third parties through, among others, the sharing of information.

CSR department also handles CSR-related disclosure, promotes dialogue with stakeholders, ensures feedback reaches management and any pertinent Sony department (e.g., legal, compliance, environment, product quality, procurement, human resources, marketing) as well as interdepartmental meetings, and is incorporated into management's actions. The relevant departments promote CSR activities throughout the Group by ensuring policies and initiatives thus incorporated are conveyed to Group companies. Raising Awareness Recognizing the importance of raising employee awareness with regard to the effective promotion of CSR, Sony offers a variety of educational programs based on a three-level approach, whereby employees are encouraged first to learn about CSR, second to participate in CSR activities and third to incorporate CSR into their day-to-day work.


(1)E-learning CSR training for new employees focuses on instilling know-how and introducing Sony's CSR program. Sony also offers in-person training sessions aimed at management. (2)CSR Update (Newsletter) Sony publishes CSR Update, a monthly newsletter for Sony Group employees detailing Sony's principal CSR initiatives and reporting on related awards received from third parties and CSR trends. (3)CSR Forum Held after hours and completely voluntary, the CSR Forum provides Sony employees in Japan with the opportunity to increase their knowledge of CSR. This event features lectures by invited experts, film screenings and other activities, and addresses a variety of themes, including emergency relief, the environment, human rights, poverty, international understanding, employment opportunities for the disabled, worklife balance and diversity, base-of-the-pyramid (BOP) businesses and social innovation. Employees of Sony Group companies were able to view the proceedings via streamed video or other media, substantially boosting participation in the event. (4) Employee Participation Sony believes that employee participation is crucial to ensuring its community engagement activities are truly meaningful. Accordingly, Sony encourages employees to be aware of social issues, strive constantly to deepen their understanding and then to participate in fundraising initiatives, community projects and/or other activities. Sony also encourages employees to act as instructors for workshops organized for children and students and in other capacities that capitalize on their specialized skills, as well as to participate in Public Viewings and other social contribution initiatives in developing countries.



Sony Science Program

The original education workshop program designed for children to learn about the principles and rules of science

Sony Student Project Abroad

International youth program as part of Sony's social contribution activities

South Africa Mobile Library Project

Sony's activity to bring books to children in remote areas

Youth on Assignment (YoA) project

Providing on-the-ground opportunities for tomorrows professional photo journalist

Sony Music Foundation

The Sony Music Foundation advances and popularizes music as form of art by means of promotion of international exchanges, encouragement of creative development, and fostaerage of young and talented artists.


Sony Education Foundation

The Sony Education Foundation provides support for educators and institutions with the sense of purpse needed to awaken enquiring and creative attitudes in children through the stugy of science.

People Need Nature to Thrive Sony's contribution to conserve the biodiersity on this beautiful planet with Conservation International

Project for Forest Conservation in Sumatra Sony helps to protect a World Heritage site forest on the island of Sumatra, with WWF Japan


CSR Awards and Recognition from External Organizations (fiscal 2012)

Award during FY 2012


Sponsor American Chemistry Council Japan Institute of Design Promotion Consumer Electronics Association USA

Acquired 2012.11 2012.11

Innovation in Plastics SoRPlas Recycling Award Good Design Sustainable Design Award CEA Innovations 2013 Design and Engineering Awards: Eco-Design and Sustainable category Home Energy Server CP-S300E / CPS300W -Blu-ray Home Theater System BDV-N790W (employs magnetic fluid speakers) Digital Camera DSCHX30/20 series (employs SoRPlas) 2012 Environmental Excellence Awards: Technology Innovation EISA Green Smart Phone Award Smartphone Xperia P SoRPlas


Technologies product -Cyber-shot Cioact

Industrial Environmental Association (California, USA European Imaging and Sound Association





AWARDS. (2013). Retrieved from CSR / Environment. (2013, SEPTEMBER). Retrieved from


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