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Milk Collection System

By: Naresh G. Radadiya. (B.C.A. SEMESTER VI)

Exam No: - 802

Submitted as
Partial fulfillment of

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) degree 2012 201

!Sardar "atel College of Admi and Management# Sardar "atel $ni%ersity

!SA&'A& "A()* C+**),) +- A'M./.S(&A(.+/ 0MA/A,)M)/( #


This is to certi y that /aresh ,1 &adadiya o BCA ! SEM " VI (Seat /o1202) has #or$ed o% &ro'ect e%tit(ed Milk Collection System rom )*+),+,-), to ,.+/+,-)/. This ($S03CBCA04) is i%"house &ro'ect course o three credits. 0e+She #as re1u(ar i% his #or$ a%d de2e(o&ed arou%d 50 hours or the &ro'ect i%c(udi%1 a%a(ysis a%d desi1%. 0e has com&(eted the &ro'ect satis actori(y.

0ead + Coordi%ator
Ashish Sir

3ro'ect Guide
Ra4ita Mam

Milk Collection System


I #ou(d (i$e to e4&ress 5ho(ehearted tha%$s to a(( my rie%ds a%d #e(( #ishers6 or their co%ti%uous su&&ort6 e%coura1eme%t a%d 2a(uab(e ti&s. I am dee&(y tha%$ u( to Mrs. 0ira( Mac#a%6 3ri%ci&a( S3CAM Co((e1e #ho 1a2e me i%s&iratio% a%d a(#ays 1uided me throu1h my co((a1e (i e s&a% a%d he(&ed me to o2ercome se2era( &rob(ems to de2e(o& a% e4traordi%ary carrier a%d b(essed me or a %ice uture. My #ho(e hearted(y tha%$s to Ashish Bhatt 0786 BCA 8e&artme%t S3CAM Co((e1e6 #ho 1a2e me re(e2a%t mista$es a%d ma$e the &ro&'et to the &oi%t o success. I am a(so tha%$ u( to Ra4ita Mam6 Assista%t 3ro essor 9 3ro'ect Guide6 BCA 8e&artme%t S3CAM Co((e1e6 or co%sta%t(y he(&i%1 me thou1h out the &ro'ect duri%1 #hich I (ear%ed a 1reat amou%t o $%o#(ed1e #ithout the c(assroom sce%ario. 5ithout her Great Su&&ort I 3robab(y cou(d%:t ha2e com&(eted my &ro'ect. ;ast(y I am 2ery tha%$ u( to the BCA 8e&artme%t #ho to(erated me at odd hours o com&uter (aboratory time a%d a((o#ed me to do my &ro'ect #or$.

Sr1 8 'escription of (opic "age 8

) , / < . > @ * ? ))) ), )/

I%troductio% To The 3ro'ect Sco&e 7 5or$ A% E4isti%1 System Need o &ro&osed System =easibi(ity Study System =eatures 0ard#are a%d So t#are 8ata =(o# 8ia1ram 8atabase ;ayout 8esi1% 7 I%&ut Scree%s Testi%1 3rocedures 9 Im&(eme%tatio% 3hases ;imitatio%s Co%c(usio%

) / < . > ? ))) ). )@ /. // />

.ntroduction (o (he "ro9ect "ro9ect "rofile

"ro9ect (itle "ro9ect (ype +;9ecti%e (echnology 'uration -ront<end tool Back<end<tool +perating Sys1 "ro9ect ,uide Su;mitted By Su;mitted (o

: Mi($ Co((ectio% System : 5i%do#s Based A&&(icatio% : To de2e(o& a #i%do# based a&&(icatio% : Visua( Studio VB.NET ,--* : @- 0rs. : Visua( Studio VB.NET ,--* : SA; SERVER : 5i%do# B3 : Mrs. Ra4ita Mam : Naresh Radadiya : Sardar 3ate( Co((e1e o Admi%istratio% a%d Ma%a1eme%t Co((e1e6 Va((abh Vidhya%a1ar " /**),-6 Gu'arat (IN8IA) Page 1

Milk Collection System

.ntroduction of System
=Milk Collection System>
Mai%(y Mi($ Co((ectio% System is &ro i(e Based or1a%iCatio%6 #hich dea(s i% su&&(yi%16 &roducts to the customers a%d &roduct rom the 2e%dors. The com&a%y mai%tai%s a dy%amic amou%t o &roducts i% their stoc$ a%d u&dates the stoc$ as a%d #he% %ecessary. I a%yo%e #a%ts to 1et the &roduct rom the com&a%y the% he+she shou(d be re1istered #ith the com&a%y. The com&a%ies do this by addi%1 %e# record i% the customer master tab(e. The 2e%dor based o% the com&a%y:s reDuest se%ds them the a&&ro&riate %umber &roducts. By cha%ce i some 1ets out to be de ecti2e the% the com&a%y se%ds those &roducts bac$ to the 2e%dors a%d cou%t tota( &roducts recei2ed as tota( &roducts rom the 2e%dor mi%us the de ecti2e %umber o &roducts a%d com&ute the cost to be &aid to the 2e%dor accordi%1(y. The com&a%y a(so u&dates its stoc$ as soo% as it 1et the reDuired stoc$ rom the 2e%dor. The com&a%y a(so 1e%erate bi(( or the customer i% the orm o co%sumer tab(e based o% the %umber o &roducts he+she had to &ay to the 2e%dor rom #hom the com&a%y has &urchased the &roducts.

Page 2

Scope of ?ork
). This System #i(( he(& the Mi($ Co((ectio% System to e ecti2e(y mai%tai% the 2arious o&erati%1 a%d tractio% 1oi%1 o% i% the com&a%ies (i$e mai%tai%i%1 the customer detai(s6 detai(s o stoc$ a2ai(ab(e i% the com&a%y. ,. The #i(( %o# a(so be ab(e to ta$e order or the customer #ho #a%ts to buy &roducts rom them. /. It mi1ht ha&&e% that the 2e%dor 1e%ts some de ected &roducts rom the 2e%dor so these de ecti2e &roducts are subtracted rom the tota( recei2ed &roducts.

New Account:5e ca% o&e% a %e# accou%t usi%1 these co%tro(s i% this orm as$ or user%ame6 &ass#ord6 address6 co%tact %o.

Update or modify account:3ro2ide eature or u&date the accou%t i% ormatio% or remo2e accou%t.

Deactivate Account
This a(so &ro2ide the deacti2ate o your accou%t to %ot #or$ #ith com&a%y.

Calculation:It a(so &ro2ide the ca(cu(atio% o the mi($ (i$e i4 rate a%d at #ise ca(cu(atio%

About Us:It &ro2ide the about the system.


An )7isting System
E4isti%1 system is based o% ma%ua( #or$ a%d a(( the &rocess is do%e ma%ua((y6 so they mai%tai% re1isters or recordi%1 a(( the detai(s o the system.

I% the e4isti%1 system the ca(cu(atio% o mi($ co((ect is do%e o% the bases o accordi%1 to Dua%tity o mi($. The mo%ey o a customer is mai%(y based o% the at a%d Dua(ity. There are %umber o at i% the mi($ a%d Dua(ity o mi($. The ca(cu(atio% o each a%d e2ery ie(d is mai%(y based o% the customer. A%d some o the mi($ mai%tai%ed #ith i4 amou%t accordi%1 to the Dua%tity.

I% the e4isti%1 system the ca(cu(atio% o the ie(ds o the ear%i%1s a%d deductio% is ca(cu(ated ma%ua((y. So #hi(e ca(cu(ati%1 the amou%t o each a%d e2ery ie(d ma%ua((y the cha%ces o errors a%d ca(cu(atio% o #ro%1 2a(ues are a(#ays &ossib(e. So the &erso% #ho is doi%1 the dai(y mi($ #i(( ca(cu(ate a%d this mi($ #i(( be tota( a%d 1i2e the at #ise amou%t. a%d the% has to ca(cu(ate the 2a(ue o each a%d e2ery ie(d a%d the% tota( the a(( ie(ds o customer.

Page !

Milk Collection System

/eed of "roposed System

). Reduce the ma%ua( #or$ by ca(cu(ati%1 the bi(( a%d i% ormatio%. ,. Carry i% ormatio% stora1e a%d retrie2a(. /. To &er orm tas$ o customer i% ormatio% e icie%t(y a%d e ecti2e(y. <. A2oid crash im&(eme%tatio% o a %e# system. .. 8etermi%e the &ote%tia( o the e4isti%1 system. >. E%o# #hat shou(d be embedded i% the %e# system. @. Im&ro2e the e4isti%1 system. *. A2oid cost(y re&airs at a (ater sta1e #he% the system is im&(eme%ted. ?. Tech%ica( easibi(ity. )-. 7&eratio%a( easibi(ity o the &ro'ect.

Page "

-easi;ility Study

A easibi(ity study is u%derta$e% to determi%e the &ossibi(ity or &robabi(ity o either im&ro2i%1 the e4isti%1 system or de2e(o&i%1 a com&(ete(y %e# system. It he(&s to obtai% a% o2er2ie# o the &rob(em a%d to 1et rou1h assessme%t o #hether easib(e so(utio% e4ists. This is esse%tia( to a2oid committi%1 (ar1e resources to a &ro'ect a%d the% re&e%t o% it (ater.

/eed for -easi;ility Study:

The easibi(ity study is %eeded to 8etermi%e the &ote%tia( o the e4isti%1 system. Im&ro2e the e4isti%1 system. E%o# #hat shou(d be embedded i% the %e# system. 8e i%e the &rob(ems a%d ob'ecti2e i%2o(2ed i% a &ro'ect. A2oid cost(y re&airs at a (ater sta1e #he% the system is im&(eme%ted. A2oid crash im&(eme%tatio% o a %e# system. A2oid the F0ard#are A&&roach: i.e. 1etti%1 a com&uter irst a%d the% decidi%1 ho# to use it.

Page #

There are three as&ects i% easibi(ity study &ortio% o the &re(imi%ary i%2esti1atio%. 11 Tech%ica( =easibi(ity. 21 Eco%omic easibi(ity a%d 1 7&eratio%a( easibi(ity o the &ro'ect.

1)1(echnical -easi;ility:
Tech%ica( =easibi(ity determi%es #hether the #or$ or the &ro'ect be do%e #ith the &rese%t eDui&me%t6 curre%t &rocedures6 e4isti%1 so t#are:s tech%o(o1y a%d a2ai(ab(e &erso%%e(G I %e# tech%o(o1y is %eeded the% #hat a(ter%ati2es #i(( be %eeded i% the &rese%t structure a%d #or$ ethosG This #i(( reDuire a c(ose e4ami%atio% o the &rese%t system. The tech%ica( easibi(ity shou(d as$ Duestio%s re(ated to: )) ,) /) <) AdeDuacy o a2ai(ab(e tech%o(o1y. AdeDuacy o hard#are. A2ai(ab(e o com&uter. 7&erati%1 time a%d su&&ort aci(ities6 etc.

Tech%ica( easibi(ity determi%es #hether the tech%o(o1y %eeded or the &ro&osed system is a2ai(ab(e a%d ho# it ca% be i%te1rated #ithi% the HMI;E C7;;ECTI7N SISTEMJ The tech%ica( easibi(ity i% the &ro&osed system dea(s #ith the tech%o(o1y used i% the system. It dea(s #ith the hard#are a%d so t#are used i% the system #hether they are o (atest tech%o(o1y or %ot. Thus it is im&orta%t to chec$ the system to be tech%ica((y easib(e. Page $

Milk Collection System

2)1)conomic -easi;ility:
Eco%omic easibi(ity (oo$s at the i%a%cia( as&ects o the &ro'ect. Eco%omic easibi(ity co%cer%s #ith the retur%s rom the i%2estme%ts i% a &ro'ect. It determi%es #hether it is #orth#hi(e to i%2est the mo%ey i% the &ro&osed system. It is %ot #orth#hi(e s&e%di%1 a (ot o mo%ey o% a &ro'ect or %o retur%s. To carry out a% eco%omic easibi(ity or a system6 it is %ecessary to &(ace actua( mo%ey 2a(ue a1ai%st a%y &urchases or acti2ities %eeded to im&(eme%t the &ro'ect. The HMI;E C7;;ECTI7N SISTEMJ &(a%s to acDuire the %ecessary hard#are a%d so t#are reDuire or the system a%d there is %o hi%dra%ce #hether eco%omica( or other#ise to#ards its &urchase. A brie descri&tio% o the hard#are a%d so t#are reDuired i% the system is 1i2e% (ater i% the re&ort.

)1+perational feasi;ility:
7&eratio%a( easibi(ity co2ers t#o as&ects. 7%e is the tech%ica( &er orma%ce as&ect a%d other is the acce&ta%ce #ithi% the HMI;E C7;;ECTI7N SISTEMJ 7&eratio%a( easibi(ity determi%es ho# the &ro&osed system #i(( it i% the curre%t o&eratio%s a%d #hat6 i a%y 'ob restructuri%1 a%d retrai%i%1 may be %eeded to im&(eme%t the system. I% the system o&eratio%a( easibi(ity chec$s6 #hether the user #ho is 1oi%1 to use the system is ab(e to #or$ #ith the so t#are:s #ith #hich the system is coded a%d a(so the mi%d o the user 1oi%1 to use the system. I the user does %ot u%dersta%d or is ab(e to #or$ o% the system urther de2e(o&me%t is o #aste.

Page %

System -eatures

The HMi($ Co((ectio%J o the or1a%iCatio% is de2e(o&ed to o2ercome the most o the &rob(ems occurri%1 i% the ma%ua( system by com&uteriCi%1 the e4isti%1 system. The eatures o the %e#(y &ro&osed com&uteriCed system are described i% brie as be(o#: A ter com&uteriCi%1 the system6 the user o the system ca% i%ish their #or$ i% (east amou%t o time a%d e orts. The com&uteriCed systems ha2e ma%y 1ai%s a%d e orts that the ma%ua( system ca%:t 1i2e i% a%y ty&e o situatio%s. I% a%y ma%ua( system i #e ta$e6 the mai% &rob(em arisi%1 is to mai%tai% the %umber o records a%d i%di%1 a &articu(ar record.

Page &

@ard6areA Soft6are
Soft6are &eBuirement Specification @ard6are
I%te( 3e%tium &rocessor <.- M0C a%d abo2e. ,.> MB RAM <- GB 0ard 8is$ ).<< =(o&&y 8is$ Eeyboard 9 Mouse


+perating System :< 5i%do#s B& -ront<)nd Back<)nd :< Visua( Studio VB.NET ,--* :<SA; SERVER

Page 1'

'ata -lo6 'iagram

8ata =(o# 8ia1ram is 1ra&hica( re&rese%tatio% o the out(i%e o the system study. 8=8 co2ers a(( the &rocesses a%d data stora1e area #hich ta$es &(ace duri%1 a%y tra%sactio% i% the system. The 8=8 are u%ctio%a((y di2ided i%to conte7t le%elC Dero le%elC first le%el and second le%el diagrams . Various ty&es o symbo(s are used i% 8=8s.

). 3rocess
0ere (o# o data is tra%s ormed.

,. E4ter%a( E%tity
A source or desti%atio% o data #hich is e4ter%a( to the system

/. A data (o#
It is a (o# o data.

<. 8ata store

A%y store data but #ith %o re ere%ce to the &hysica( method o stori%1

Page 11

Conte7t *e%el 'iagram



-0)1 CA)CU)A+0,N

Page 1

Kero ;e2e( 8ia1ram

Create New Account



Update Account


Milk or 'ary +6ner

Delete Account

'ata;ase *ayout *ogin (a;le

-ield /ame
id &#d Name Address Auestio% a%s#er

'ata (ype
Varchar(,-) Varchar()-) Varchar(,-) Varchar(,-) Varchar(,-) Varchar(,-)

Customer .nformation (a;le

-ield /ame
No Name Address 3i%code City Co%tact

'ata (ype
Numric()*6-) Varchar(,-) Varchar(,-) Numric()*6-) Varchar(,-) Numric()*6-)

Milk Supply (a;le -ield /ame

8ary%ame date TotL(tr =atL&er(tr TotL at RateL&er at TotLamou%t

'ata (ype
Varchar(,-) datetime Numric()*6-) Numric()*6-) Numric()*6-) Numric()*6-) Numric()*6-)

Page 1"

(a;le1 ($ser -orm)

id Admi% Naresh Naiti$ Eaushi$ &#d Admi% Naresh Naiti$ ),/ %ame Mai% Nares Nait$ Eaushi$ address S&cam Amre(i Nadiad Eaushi$ Duestio% Co((e1e Scho(( Schoo( Boo$ a%s#er S&ec 3&s 0d 1$

(a;le2 (Customer 'etails -orm)

No ) , / < Name Aa$ash Guara%1 Mdat 3rati$ Address A%a%d V.V. %a1ar Nadiat Surat 3i%code /**),/**),/**),< /**@*City A%a%d V2 %a1ar Nadiat Surat Co%tact ?@,.>,*>./ @*@*.)/)@* *>?-),.,@* @*<.),<.@*

(a;le (Customer 'etails -orm)

8airy%ame Sumu( Amu( dudhsa1ar 2idhyadiry 8ate ,<+-/+)/ )-+-<+)/ ).+-<+/ ,-+-/+)/ TotL(tr )-)--.-.-=atL&er(tr . ... <.@. > TotL at .-..,/@. /--RateL&er at > > > > TotLamou%t /--//-)<,.)*---

Page 1#

'esign +f .nput Screens

1) "rocess -orm

-orm 1 This orm is dis&(ay the &rocess o the &ro'ect is o&e%i%1 a ter #i(( dis&(ay the abo2e (o1i% orm to authe%ticatio% reDuired.

Page 1$

2) *ogin -orm

-orm 2 5he% user e%ters %ame a%d &ass#ord correct(y the% a ter (o1i% other#ise ca%%ot (o1i% a%d dis&(ay messa1e to e%ter correct user%ame a%d &ass#ord.

Page 1%

) Main M'. -orm

-orm This is the mai% orm o the &ro'ect. This mai% orm or user o&e% other sub orms to ma%i&u(ate other orm (i$e Ca(cu(atio% orm6 create user orm6 customer i% ormatio% etc. It co%tai% di ere%t me%u %amed master tra%sactio% uti(ity6 e4it. This orm co%tai% me%u %amed I% ormatio%. This mai% me%u has three subme%us (i$e Create Mser6 Cha%1e 3ass#ord6

Page 1&

8eacti2ate Mser a%d ;o1out the system By se(ect a%y o them you u&date your accou%t. Admin Menu )) Create Mser ,) Cha%1e 3ass#ord. /) 8eacti2ate Mser -orm E

Page 2'

1) Create $ser -orm 3

This scree% or is dis&(ayi%1 you a ter create %e# user a%d be ore &ressi%1 create butto%. E2ery ie(d has 2a(idatio%s (i$e te4t ie(d ta$es o%(y te4t a%d %umeric ie(d ta$es o%(y %umbers. Page 21

2) Change "ass6ord -orm 5

This scree% orm dis&(ayi%1 is user #a%t to cha%1e his+her accou%t &ass#ord to ca% be easi(y cha%1es. The orm a(so chec$ the user%ame is a(ready e4ist other#ise #i(( %ot cha%1e &ass#ord.

Page 22

) 'eacti%ate Account -orm 2

This scree% orm a(so dis&(ayi%1 the #he% user #a%t to %ot #or$ #ith com&a%y the% user ca% deacti2ate this accou%t. This user i% ormatio% #i(( be de(eted so other ca%:t 1et detai(s this user.

Page 2

-i7 &ate Menu

-orm F

This me%u co%tai% the ca(cu(atio% o i4 rate based orm to ca(cu(atio% ty&es o mi($

Page 2!

-i7 &ate Calculation -orm

-orm 10

This scree% orm dis&(ay the i4 Rate ca(cu(atio% ty&es o mi($. The mi($ i% #hich orms the rate #ise ca(cu(atio% is %ot ca(cu(atio%.

Page 2"

-at 6ise Calculation -orm

-orm 11

This orm ca(cu(ates the at #ise ca(cu(atio%. Iou e%ter the tota( ;tr. 7 mi($ a%d e%ter at &er ;tr. A%d A(so e%ter the Rate 3er =at a ter #i(( a(so dis&(ay the tota( at a%d tota( amou%t.

Page 2#

.nsert Customer 'etails -orm

-orm 12

This orm a(so uses to $ee& the a(( record o the customer. This orm a(so &ro2ides the aci(ity o the i%sert6 M&date a%d de(ete.

Page 2$

Gie6 Customer 'etails -orm

-orm 1

This scree% orm dis&(ays the i% ormatio% o the a(( customer to $%o# about the customer. These orms a(so &ro2ide the aci(ity o the irst6 (ast6 %e4t a%d &re2ious.

Page 2%

Milk Supply 'etails .nsert

-orm 14

This scree% orm dis&(ays the a(( i% ormatio% o the mi($ su&&(y. This orm a(so uses to $ee& the a(( record o the mi($ su&&(y. These orms a(so &ro2ide the aci(ity o the i%sert6 M&date a%d de(ete.

Page 2&

Milk Supply 'etails

-orm 1E

This scree% orm dis&(ays the i% ormatio% o the a(( su&&(y to $%o# about su&&(y. This orm a(so &ro2ides the aci(ity o the irst6 (ast6 %e4t a%d &re2ious.

Page '

A;out $s -orm
-orm 13

This orm a(so use to the #hat te((s about the system a%d ho# the #or$i%1 the system

Page 1

(esting "rocedures 0 .mplementation "hases

System chec$i%1 is 'ust see that the system is #or$i%1 error(ess6 user rie%d(y or i% other #ords #or$i%1 &ro&er(y or %ot6 i% order to obtai% the desired out&ut.

8uri%1 de2e(o&i%1 each modu(e it #as tested by some ste& i%&ut data to it a%d reDuired modi icatio% #ere do%e to 1et &ro&er out&ut rom that #ere ta$e% i% a #ay that it #ou(d co2er a(( mai% &ossibi(ity.

I% this system #hi(e e%teri%1 the data i% A88 NE5 =7RM it #i(( be stored i% database o mo2ie tab(e a%d at the time o curre%t a%d ad2a%ce boo$i%1 o tic$et it #i(( be etched rom that tab(e. So this remo2es the error to be do%e a%d #or$s success u((y.

A ter i%ishi%1 the de2e(o&me%t &rocess o the system #ho(e system is tested by usi%1 test data. This data #ere &rocessed by the system #ere com&ared. Cha%1es #ere do%e accordi%1 to the reDuireme%ts o out&ut rom the system.

Page 2

*imitation of "ro9ect

3rob(em Ide%ti icatio%

The &hase o system a%a(ysis &rocess dea(s #ith &rob(ems #hich are a ecti%1 i% the curre%t ma%ua( system. The &rob(ems are those #hich are a ecti%1 the or1a%iCatio% i% it dai(y routi%e #or$. As the 1ro#i%1 tre%d i% I% oTech 5or(d o com&uters %eed o accuracy6 &er ect %ess6 s&eed a%d hi1h memory data stora1e is a must. Each a%d e2ery &rob(em must be so(2ed #ith a (east amou%t o time a%d e%er1y. The &rob(ems aced by e4isti%1 system are described as be(o#: 8i icu(ty i% Mai%te%a%ce o Records. Time Co%sumi%1. Editi%1 o data becomes a tedious 'ob. No Security o 8ata. Mista$es 7ccurri%1 i% (o%1 Ca(cu(atio%s NBi(( Ca(cu(atio%s6 =i%e Char1es6 etc.O 3ro&er Ge%eratio% o 8ai(y Sheet (i.e. 8ai(y Sheet) ;ac$ o E icie%cy a%d Ma% 3o#er. 0i1h 8ata Redu%da%cy. 8ata I%co%siste%cy.


'ifficulty in Maintenance of &ecords:

It is 2ery di icu(t to mai%tai% data record i% the system as a(( the records are e%tered i% the re1ister or the res&ecti2e record boo$s. There are cha%ces o the record boo$s or i(es i% #hich a(( the data is $e&t may be tor% or #earied out or some other dama1es #hich resu(ts i% the destroyed data. A(so a &rob(em occurs i the data i(e or re1ister is mis&(aced some#here e(se a%d is %ot 1etti%1 at the time o actua( reDuireme%t o the data stored. It is a(so di icu(t to mai%tai% o(d i(es a%d re1isters #hich ha2e data o &ast years #hich the Sho& o#%er has $e&t or uture re ere%ces.

(ime Consuming:
It is 2ery time co%sumi%1 &rocess to #rite each a%d e2ery e%try i% the database re1ister. A(so it ta$es a (ot o time i a(( the e%tries are re&eated. I% the system &rocesses such as ma$i%1 di ere%t ty&e o re&orts6 bi((i%16 tedious ca(cu(atio%s are e4am&(es o time co%sumi%1 &rocess i% the system. It is a(so time co%sumi%1 &rocess to $%o# the tota( %umber o Customer has the %umber o C8s a%d 8V8 a%d a(so Bi(( 1e%erated a%d the &ayme%t o each bi((. It is di icu(t to $%o#6 #he% #ritte% ma%ua((y but throu1h com&uteriCed system it ta$es (ess time as it is s&eedy a%d accurate.

@igh 'ata &edundancy:

As me%tio%ed i% the curre%t system6 due to mai%te%a%ce o so ma%y re1isters there is a hi1h redu%da%cy o data i.e. same data is recorded re&eated(y. Page !

)diting of 'ata:
Ma%ua( #ritte% data ca%%ot be cha%1ed or edited o%ce #ritte%. I there is a mista$e a%d i #e try to rub a%d #rite it a1ai% it ma$es the re1ister 2ery dirty a%d u%tidy6 #hich creates a bad im&ressio% o the busi%ess. I data is e%tered i%correct #ho(e docume%t 1ets i%correct #hi(e errors ca%%ot be easi(y so(2ed by editi%1 #ro%1(y e%tered data. I o%e had do%e some #ro%1 e%try the% to edit the data o%e has to 1o throu1h (ots o records a%d6 a1ai% a%d a1ai% editi%1 the record ma$es it di icu(t to read.

'ata .nsecurity:
As the data is stored i% i(es or re1isters6 it is %ot i% a secure &(ace. As the stora1e media here are i(es a%d boo$s or re1isters there are cha%ces o 1etti%1 these stora1e media (ost6 tor%6 or it may 1o i% the ha%d o #ro%1 &erso% #hich ca% destroy the database or it ca% a(so be destroyed accide%ta((y. I the data 1oes i% the ha%d o #ro%1 &erso% the% he+she may ta$e the ad2a%ta1e o the data a%d that may (oose its mar$et 2a(ue. So security is the ma'or as&ects o the system.

'ata .nconsistency:
0ere as me%tio%ed i% the abo2e ste& the same i% ormatio% is #ritte% i% more tha% o%e &(ace that creates the &rob(em6 #he% there is a cha%1e or de(etio% i% the recorded data. Page "

This &ro'ect has bee% do%e #ith utmost care a%d u%dersta%di%1 as &er the reDuireme%ts o the com&a%y or the %e# system to he(& the customer. It a(so he(&s the com&a%y i% ma%y #ays. This &ro'ect is 'ust a &rototy&e o the %e# system. This &ro'ect urther %eeds the cha%1es a%d im&ro2eme%ts. As this #as my irst &ro'ect I ha2e tried to ma$e it as user rie%d(y as &ossib(e a%d ma$e the system a success.

Bi;liography Books )) ,) Visua( Basic >."By Ste2e% 0o(tC%er SA;6 3;+SA; "By I2a% Bayross

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