Cbse Computer Science Project

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I take this opportunity to express my profound sense of gratitude and respect to all those who helped me throughout this venture. I owe my regard to Mrs. Sri Vidhya Mouli, Principal of TVS cademy , for her cooperation and valua!le support and for giving me the opportunity to undertake this pro"ect work and providing the necessary infrastructure. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my revered teacher and guide Mrs. #ithya marnaath for her valua!le guidance, encouragement and support throughout my studentship under her at the institute. This pro"ect is her visuali$ation and owes a lot of its functionality to her. %ast !ut not the least& I owe my overwhelming gratitude to my family and friends who gave me constant support and motivation to continue with this 'ndeavour.


System description at a glance Pro!lem (escription o o )e*uirement nalysis +ardware and Software re*uirements

System specification o o o o System (esign (ata (esign rchitectural (esign (ata (ictionary

,ile (esign Structures Procedure-,unction (escription Program Source .ode

System Desc !"t!#$ %t % G&%$ce

TELEPHONE DIRECTORY is a listing of telephone su!scri!ers in a geographical area or su!scri!ers to services provided !y the organi$ation that pu!lishes the directory. Its purpose is to allow the telephone num!er of a su!scri!er identified !y name.
My aim is to develop a computer program to ensure that the entries in the telephone

directory is kept track and data is easy to access.

,iles/ There is a file for recording the details such as name and phone num!er of all the customers.

I$"'ts % e:
To add new records to the data!ase To delete a record 0 uthorised cess1 To modify the details of an individual record 0 uthorised cess1

O't"'ts % e:
To show the phone num!er for a re*uested name To show the name for a re*uested phone num!er To list the names and phone num!er of all the entry

P #(&em Desc !"t!#$ Re)'! eme$t A$%&ys!s:

2e have studied the existing system in detail. The finding of our study yields various pieces of information which are descri!ed in the following manner. ,or keeping track of the phone num!ers, we enter the following details/ #ame Phone num!er

REQUIRED OUTPUT OF THE SYSTEM: The computeri$ed system generates the following reports as/ To show the entered details of a name To show the phone num!er of the re*uested person To list all the entries To show the details of all the entries after the re*uired modifications are made.

HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS: ssuming that a general system offers entry of a!out 3444s in num!er, the volume of the information to !e handled is a!out thousands of characters. ll this suggests that the choice of a computer 567 or e*uivalent to a!out 894 M: +ard (isk and a!out 6 to 37 ;: ) M. The availa!ility of sophisticated programming tool is imperative. Thus, .<< is chosen to program the system. +aving done this the next step is to carefully analy$e the data, identify processing element and design appropriate data !ase file.

System s"ec!*!c%t!#$s System +es!,$-t.e /e $e& #* system e$,!$ee !$,

The importance of software design can !e stated with a single word *uality. (esign is the place where *uality is fostered in software development. (esign provides us with representations of software that can !e accessed for *uality. System design serves as the foundation for all software engineering and maintenance steps that follow. (esign sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering process and is applied regardless of the development paradigm that is used. =nce software re*uirements have !een analy$ed and specified, the software design is first of the three, technical activities > design, code and test that are re*uired to program the software. The flow of information during this technical phase of the software engineering process is illustrated in the given figure/

D%t% Des!,$
(ata design is the first of the three design activities that are conducted during system development. The impact of data structure on program structure and procedural complexity leads data design to have a profound influence on systems *uality. ll the data o!"ects re*uired !y this system are listed !elow/ 1. Td.txt #ame of entry>maximum of 84 characters Phone num!er

Tempt.txt Stores temporary values of name and phone num!er

The a!ove data can !e designed in the form of a relational data!ase with course name as the key field.

A c.!tect' %& Des!,$ System Des!,$ D!%, %m

Search Phone num!er using name

Insert entries


Search name using Phone num!er


uthenticated ccess



pn n #ame Phone num!er

W.e e 0se+
.lass @Ph!ook? lso stored in file @td.txt? To get phone num!er that needs to !e searched for the name To get name that needs to !e searched for the phone num!er To get name that needs to !e modified To get name that needs to !e deleted To contain the password

Desc !"t!#$
.har 84 characters 8 characters

.har >84characters .har>84 character

pass Int Int inpass To get the password from the user


Phone num!er #ame

W.e e 0se+
,ile>To specify the phone num!er of the individual entry ,ile>to specify the name of the entry

Desc !"t!#$
.har>84characters .har>84 characters

Cla e!t"#: mem$e" %&!'t()!

getdata01 putdata01 modify01 getname01

Ret' $ +%t% ty"e

Void Void Void char

P' "#se
function to get data from user function to show data on screen function to get new data from user function to return type of entryAs name

Desc !"t!#$
ccepts values from user 0#ame and phone num!er1 (isplays the details 0no input re*uired1 sks whether the old details are re*uired and needs input of the new details of the modified entry details ccessor function to return the name of entry

N)!*mem$e" %&!'t()! :)&t (de 'la


writeBentry01 displayall01 search!yBpho01 search!yBname01 delete01 update01

Ret' $ +%t% ty"e

void void void void void void

P' "#se
function to write record in !inary file function to all display phone num!er given !y user function to search name !y given phone num!er function to search phone num!er !y given name function to delete a record function to update a given record !y getting the customer name

CincludeDiostream.hE CincludeDfstream.hE CincludeDconio.hE CincludeDstdio.hE CincludeDstring.hE class ph!ook F pu!lic/ char nameG84H,phnoG84H& void getdata01 F coutDDI'nter #ame/ IDDIJnI& cinEEname& coutDDI'nter Phone #o/ IDDIJnI& cinEEphno& K void putdata01 F coutDDI#ame/ IDDnameDDIJnI& coutDDIPhone #o/ IDDphnoDDIJnI& K charL getname01 F return name& K void modify01 F char nmG84H,phG84H& coutDDI#ame/ /IDDname&

coutDDIJnPhone no/ IDDphno& coutDDIJn'nter new detailsJnI& coutDDI#ew #ame/ 0'nter M.M to retain old values1I& cinEEnm& coutDDI#ew Phone no/ 0'nter M.M to retain old values1I& cinEEph& if0strcmp0nm,I.I1NO41 strcpy0name,nm1& if0strcmp0ph,I.I1NO41 strcpy0phno,ph1& K Ka,!& void insert01 F fstream f& f.open0Itd.txtI,ios//inPios//outPios//atePios//!inary1& a.getdata01& f.write00char L1 Qa,si$eof0a11& f.clear01& f.flush01& K

void displayall01 F fstream f& f.open0Itd.txtI,ios//inPios//outPios//atePios//!inary1& f.seekg041& while0f1 F f.read00char L1 Qa,si$eof0a11& if0Nf.eof011

a.putdata01& K f.clear01& f.flush01& getch01& K

void search!yBpho01 F int pnoO4& char pnG84H& fstream f& f.open0Itd.txtI,ios//inPios//outPios//atePios//!inary1& coutDDI'nter Phone num!er/I& cinEEpn& f.seekg041& while0f.read00char L1 Qa,si$eof0a111 F if0Nstrcmp0a.phno,pn11 F a.putdata01& pnoO3& K K if0pnoOO41 coutDDI#o Such )ecord 'xistsNNNNI& f.close01& getch01& K

void search!yBname01

F int naO4& char nG84H& fstream f& f.open0Itd.txtI,ios//inPios//outPios//atePios//!inary1& coutDDIJn'nter #ame/I& cinEEn& f.seekg041& while0f1 F f.read00char L1 Qa,si$eof0a11&,n1OO41 a.putdata01& naO3& K f.clear01& if0naOO41 coutDDI)ecord #ot ,oundI& getch01& K

void deleteentry01 F fstream f& f.open0Itd.txtI,ios//inPios//!inary1& fstream f3& f3.open0Itemp.txtI,ios//out1& char foundOMfM,nG84H& coutDDI'nter name whose record is to !e deletedJnI& cinEEn& f.seekg041&

while0f1 F f.read00char L1 Qa,si$eof0a11& if0strcmp0a.getname01,n1OO41 foundOMtM& else f3.write00char L1 Qa,si$eof0a11& K if0foundOOMfM1 coutDDI)ecord not foundNNNJnI& f.close01& f3.close01& remove0Itd.txtI1& rename0Itemp.txtI,Itd.txtI1& coutDDI#ow the file contains/I& displayall01& K

void update01 F fstream f& f.open0Itd.txtI,ios//inPios//outPios//atePios//!inary1& int pos& char foundOMfM,nG84H& coutDDI'nter name whose record is to !e modifiedJnI& cinEEn& f.seekg041& while0f1 F posOf.tellg01& f.read00char L1 Qa,si$eof0a11&

if0strcmp0a.getname01,n1OO41 F a.modify01& f.seekg0pos1& f.write00char L1 Qa,si$eof0a11& foundOMtM& !reak& K K if0foundOOMfM1 coutDDI)ecord not foundNNNJnI& coutDDIJn#ow the file containsJnI& f.clear01& displayall01& K

void main01 F char pnG84H,nG84H& int c,pnoO4,naO4,passO38R59,inpass& fstream f& f.open0Itd.txtI,ios//inPios//outPios//atePios//!inary1& char chOMyM& coutDDIJnJnJnJnJnJnJnJnJtJt2'%.=M' T= T'%'P+=#' (I)'.T=)S S')VI.'SJnJnJnI& coutDDIJtJtPress 'nter to .ontinue...I& getch01& while0chOOMyM1 F clrscr01&

coutDDIJnJnJtJt2'%.=M' T= T'%'P+=#' (I)'.T=)S S')VI.'SJnJnJnI& coutDDIJtJt3. 'nter recordJnI& coutDDIJtJt8. (isplay all recordsJnI& coutDDIJtJtR. Search Ph noJnI& coutDDIJtJt5. Search #ameJnI& coutDDIJtJt9. Tpdate recordJnI& coutDDIJtJt7. (elete recordJnI& coutDDIJtJtU. 'xitJnJnJnI& coutDDIJtJt'nter your choiceJnI& cinEEc& switch 0c1 F case 3/ F insert01& !reak& K case 8/ F displayall01& !reak& K case R/ F search!yBpho01& !reak& K case 5/ F search!yBname01&

!reak& K case 9/ F coutDDIJtJt PasswordJnJtJtI& cinEEinpass& if0passOOinpass1 update01& else F coutDDIJtJt2rong PasswordI& !reak& K K case 7/ F coutDDIJtJt'nter PasswordJnJtJtI& cinEEinpass& if0passOOinpass1 deleteentry01& else F coutDDIJtJt2rong PasswordI& !reak& K K case U/

chOMnM& f.clear01& f.flush01&

!reak& K K K

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