Making A Difference: It Is What We Do Differently That Makes Us Better

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Making a Difference

A Youngster was walking down a beach at sunset. As he walked along, he began to see another man in the distance. He noticed that the local native kept leaning down, picking smoothing up and throwing it out into the water. As the youngster approached even closer, he noticed that the man was picking up starfish that had been washed up on the beach and, one at a time, he was throwing them back into the water. The youngster was puzzled. He approached the man and said, Good evening, friend .I was wondering what you are doing. Im throwing these starfish back into the ocean. Its low tide now and all of these starfish have been washed up onto the shore. If I dont throw them back into the sea, theyll die up here from the lack of oxygen. I understand, the youngster replied, but there must be thousands of starfish on this beach. You cant possibly get to all of them. And dont you realise this is probably happening on hundreds of beaches all up and down this coast? Cant you see that you cant possibly make a difference?. The local native smiled, bent down and picked up yet another starfish, and as he threw it back into the sea, he replied, Made a difference to that one!.

It is what we do differently that makes us better.

Secret to mastery

The Chinese sage Chuang TZU told the story of a man who forged swords for a maharaja. Even at the age of ninety, his work was carried out with exceptional precision and ability. No matter how rushed he was, he never made even the slightest slip. One day, the maharaja asked the old man, Is this a natural talent or is there some special technique that you use to create your remarkable results? It is concentration on the essentials, replied the sword crafter. I took to forging swords when I was twenty-one years old. I did not care about anything else. If it was not a sword, did not look at it or pay any attention to it. Forging swords became my passion and my purpose. I took all the energy that I did not give in other directions and put it in the direction of my art. This is the secret to my mastery.

Concentrate on the Essentials.

Guests are God

The family went to Disney world. The parents felt the children were just old enough to roam a bit around the park without being monitored. Mom and Dad told them to be careful, picked a spot where they would meet ninety minutes later, and then they let them take off. The children were also extremely grateful to their parents for taking them there, and for recognizing children were mature enough to be by themselves. So they decided to thank the parents by pooling their allowances and getting them a present. The children went into a store and found what they considered the perfect gift: a ceramic salt and proper shaker. They paid the amount for the gift, and went out in search of the next attraction. The young boy was holding the gift, and suddenly it slipped out of his hands. The thing broke on impact. The boy and his sister were in tears An adult guest in the park saw what happened and came over to them. Take it back to the store; Im sure they ll give you a new one, the guest suggested. I cant do that; it was my fault. I dropped it. Why would the store give us another one? the boy said. Try any way the adult said. So they went back to the store and explained what happened. The employees in the store listened to their sad story, smiled at them and told them they could have a new salt and pepper shaker. They even said it was their fault because they hadnt wrapped the ceramic salt and pepper shaker well enough!

Their message was, Our packing should have been able to withstand a fall due o a very young boys over excitement. The children were in shock, not just gratitude, but disbelief. They left the store completely giddy. When their parents learned of the incident, it really increased their appreciation of Disney world. In fact that one customer-service decision over a small amount of salt and pepper shaker would end up earning Disney a very huge amount and an experience of WOW! to the customers.

There is more than one way to measure profits and losses. On every level, every one can and should have a heart.

Embrace the Right Perspective

The train has started moving .It is packed with people of all ages, mostly with the working men and women and young guys and girls. Near the window, seated an old man with his 20 year old son. The son looking out towards the window shouted, Dad! Look, the trees are going behind! Dad Smiled, and young couple sitting near looked at the son behaving childishly, with pity. Suddenly the son exclaimed,Dad! Look, the clouds are running with us! The couple couldnt resist and said to the old man, Why dont you take your son to a good doctor? The old man smiled and said, I did and we are just coming from the hospital. My son was blind from birth and he just got his eyesight today.

Dont jump to conclusions directly, because What you see is most Probably not the Truth.

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