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ME631/ME/IITK/Fall 2013

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ME631: Home Assignment 3 Due: on or before October 21, 2013, 6pm (in-class or at SL-210) Submit on or before October 4, 2013, 6pm to earn 10% extra credit 1. (40 points) Consider steady, incompressible, laminar boundary layer flow over a flat plate. The resulting Blasius solution is attached in the file blasius.txt (, f, f', f'' in four columns). Using the data file and any standard plot software, generate the following plots: a. f, f', f" as functions of b. Boundary layer thickness, wall shear stress, local and average (over 0 to x) skin friction coefficients as functions of x. Show one streamline over the same plot; part of the streamline should be within the boundary layer c. At a particular x-location, plot u, v, u', u'', u''' as functions of y (primes indicate derivative with respect to y). Submit the calculations also what you are doing. If you are using any program (like, MS excel or so) mail me the file. Otherwise submit with a sample calculation. 2. (20 points) Using the data file and/or the plots above solve the following problem. Kerosine ( = 2.410-6 m2/s, = 800kg/m3) flows, with a free-stream velocity of 0.5m/s, over a 1m long flat plate. Find the boundary layer thickness and the skin friction coefficient at the center and at the trailing edge of the plate. At the center of the plate, identify the y-location at which u/u0 reaches 0.5. Calculate the components of stress tensor at this point. For a plate width of 4m, calculate the drag force. What happens to the drag force if the plate is 4m long and 1m wide instead? 3. (20 points) Using Karman's integral method, find the expressions for the boundary layer thickness and the local skin friction coefficient for laminar boundary layer flow over a flat plate. Assume the following velocity profile

u y sin u0 2
Compare the results with the same from Blasius solution.

ME631/ME/IITK/Fall 2013

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4. (20 points) Review books/papers or any other materials to write about 1-2 page notes on each of the following topics: a. Steady vs. unsteady separation b. Laminar vs. turbulent separation c. Flow separation past a rotating circular cylinder d. Viscous vs. pressure drags in laminar and turbulent regime e. Jets and wakes Copying from books/papers or any other sources are considered as plagiarism and will be treated as per the institute guideline. For details, please go through the following link:

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