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VOL. 16. NO. 56




EDITORIAL Africa, the World Must Stop the South Sudan Civil War Case Handling Compromised
See Pg. 4

Guinean Army Officer Assaults Liberian

Big Roundtable Conference on Oil, Gas Laws Underway
-Speaker Tyler Discloses
It is believed that Kamaras case was compromised

At Liberian Side of Ganta Border,

Advanced Malaise
See Pg. 4


National Road Network Needs GOL Priority

See Pg. 3



23 year-old Liberian identified as Momo Kamara was on the 9th of January, 2014, brutalized by a Guniean soldier at the Libe-

By Ishmael F. Menkor, Observer Nimba Correspondent

rianGuinea border in Ganta, Nimba County. According to eyewitnesses, the 23-year-old was dragged and his head banged against an iron bar that forms a part of the iron bridge linking the two countries. In tears, Momo told the Daily Observer that while at the

(L-r) Speaker J. Alex Tyler, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, Vice President Joseph N. Boakai and President-Pro-Tempore Gbehzongar Findley

Contd on pg.10

No Turning Back
See Pg. 9

Ganta Hospital May Collapse

Due to Shortages of Drugs, Others

By Leroy M. Sonpon, III

he Speaker of the House of Representatives has announced a round-table stakeholders conference to discuss the oil and gas sector

of post-conflict Liberia. The aim is to ensure that proceeds generated from the sector benefit the country and its citizens. The Speaker did not say much about the conferences schedule; he suggested, however, that it would reflect views and intelligence gleaned

(assembled, collected) from a recently-held, nationwide fact and view gathering activity. Speaker J. Alex Tyler was speaking on Monday, January 13, at the Rotunda of the Capitol Building (the Seat of the Legislature) during a program

Contd on pg. 10

Poor County Meet Organization Undermines Celebration of Peace

See Pg. 11


See story on Pg. 14

WATCH OUT FOR GRAND DRAW JANUARY 23, 2014! Main entrance of the Ganta United Methodist Hospital See story on Pg.10

Enjoy Bigger and Better 4G packs with Unbeatable Speed!!!




WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, 2014, vol. 16, No.indd 2

1/15/14 2:50 AM

DAILY OBSERVER Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Chinese Doctor Gets Death Sentence For Selling Babies to Traffickers

World News

(BBC) - A Chinese obstetrician has been given a suspended death sentence for stealing newborn babies and selling them to child traffickers. Zhang Shuxia was found guilty of abducting and selling seven babies in Fuping, Shaanxi province, the sentencing court said. She told parents their infants had serious diseases and convinced them to give up the babies, the court said. Zhang has been sentenced to death, with a two year reprieve. Suspended death sentences are normally commuted to life imprisonment in China. Zhang sold seven babies to child traffickers between November 2011 and July 2013, including a pair of twins, a judgement posted on the Weinan Intermediate Peoples Courts verified microblog on Tuesday said.

Zhang Shuxia was a respected doctor who had won quite a few awards in the province where she worked

(BBC) - A UN investigation into the conflict in the Central African Republic has found widespread sectarian killings of civilians and sexual violence. In December, Christian militiamen killed many Muslims, which led to reprisal attacks by Muslim fighters, the UN report says. UN human rights chief Navi Pillay said the situation was extremely volatile. She warned massive violations could re-occur without further significant international invention. More than 1,000 people have died in sectarian violence, which erupted when Seleka rebels seized power in March last year and Michel Djotodia became the countrys first Muslim leader. Although he disbanded his Seleka, they continued to attack Christian civilians around the country, prompting the formation of vigilante groups, which targeted Muslims. Mr Djotodia stepped down last Friday under intense pressure from CARs neighbours. Sporadic violence has continued, despite the presence of 1,600 French troops and 4,000 African Union peacekeepers. A meeting of the transitional national council got under way

UN Reports: Widespread Sectarian Killings, Sexual Violence in CAR

Page 2
Foreign Briefs
(BBC) - Japan should increase its business links with the fast-growing economies in Africa, the continent that carries the hopes of the world, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has said. Speaking in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa at the end of his first tour of the continent, he also pledged to increase aid and investment. Mr Abe said he would increase support for peacekeeping in South Sudan. His visit is seen as an attempt to rival Chinas huge influence in Africa. (BBC) - A car bomb has exploded in the north-eastern Nigerian city of Maiduguri, and there are fears of many casualties. Witnesses spoke of bodies on the ground and AFP news agency quoted police as saying 17 people had died. Blood-spattered people were seen fleeing the scene near a market. Vehicles collided trying to leave. No organisation has said it was behind the attack, but the Islamist militant group Boko Haram is active in the region. Boko Haram, which translates as Western education is sin, has been conducting a four-year campaign of violence to push for Islamic rule in northern Nigeria.


French and African peacekeepers are manning checkpoints across Bangui

on Tuesday, and is expected to choose a new interim president by the end of the week. Mutilation and executions The Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) deployed a four-man team to CAR from 12 to 24 December 2013. The investigators carried out more than 180 interviews with victims and witnesses to the violence. The report reveals a conflict that is increasingly sectarian in nature. In early December, Christian anti-Balaka forces attacked Muslim ex-Seleka groups, killing many, while also targeting Muslim women and children. In the reprisal attacks which followed, ex-Seleka forces killed civilian men and boys, including injured patients in hospitals. In Christian sections of the capital Bangui, armed groups entered homes, and separated the men from the women, before executing them, the report says. The investigators also documented several attacks on places of worship, in which anti-Balaka forces burned mosques, killing and mutilating those inside. It is the first report on evidence collected by the UN, which is setting up a formal Commission of Inquiry to investigate human rights abuses, in a first step towards possible prosecutions. It comes ahead of an emergency session of the UN Human Rights Council next Monday to discuss ongoing rights abuses in the country. Hundreds of thousands of the capitals residents are said to have fled their homes. Some 2.6 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance, the UN World Food Programme said on Tuesday. Correspondents in Bangui say police have returned to the streets, and French and African peacekeepers are manning checkpoints all over the city. Bangui is full of weapons and that remains a major issue, they say.


Nigeria Tightens Gay laws: Fears Looms

relationship in Nigeria commits an offence and shall each be liable on conviction to a term of 10 years in prison, the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act says. Heckled and booed President Goodluck Jonathan signed the act, which was adopted by the Senate in 2011 and passed by the lower house of parliament last May, earlier this month. This is a law that is in line with the peoples cultural and religious inclination. So it is a law that is a reflection of the beliefs and orientation of Nigerian people, presidential spokesman Reuben Abati told the Associated Press news agency. According to AP, the few Nigerian gay and human rights activists who tried to give evidence last year during the parliamentary debate were heckled and booed until one broke into tears and another could not be heard. The US has also expressed its concern about the new legislation. It dangerously restricted freedom of assembly, association and expression for all Nigerians, US Secretary of State John Kerry said.

Those who go to gay clubs in Nigeria now face 10 years in jail

(BBC) - Gay rights activists have expressed fears about Nigerias tightening of laws against homosexuals. New legislation, signed into law by the president without announcement, bans samesex marriages, gay groups and shows of same-sex public affection. It is already illegal to have gay sex in Nigeria - now samesex couples could face up to 14 years in prison. Nigerian activist Bisi Alimi told the BBC the law would also affect those trying to assist gay people. This is a law that is in line with the peoples cultural and religious inclination, Reuben Abati Presidential spokesman said. Youre not allowed to provide services to anyone who is perceived to be homosexual, said Mr Alimi, who heads the UK-based gay rights group Kaleidoscope International Diversity Trust. When you say that services will not be provided, what youre saying is that HIV services that are catering for men who have sex with men will have to stop, he told the BBCs Newsday programme. The new law recommends prison sentences of up to 10 years for anyone who participates in gay clubs or organisations and for samesex couples who publicly show affection. Any person who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies and organisations or directly or indirectly makes public show of same-sex amorous

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Wednesday, January 15, 2013

-2014 Must Bring Prosperity to Rural Farmers

any Liberian socio-economic and political commentators have always reminded the government that a good road network should be one of the nations top priorities. These commentators have also stressed that 99 percent of what Liberians do in terms of movement, interaction and economic activity, depend a very good road network throughout the country. They have further emphasized that that kind of road network would also boost vibrant economic and political activities throughout the country in 2014 and beyond.

Nations Road Network Needs Urgent GOL Priority

By Edwin M. Fayia, III
ria to enhance profit and meet the huge demands from Monrovias staggering population of 1.2 million. Education & Impediments: One commentator squarely reminded the Liberian Government that the best equipped school could be built in rural Liberia. However, if the road leading to that community where the school is, is in a deplorable condition, monitoring and supervision become illusive. Another nightmare the people have always asked for is the construction of medical posts in most of the remotest towns, including Lukasu, several miles from the Kolahun district headquarters in Lofa County. Several community colleges have been established in some strategic parts of Liberia in order to deter the huge urban migration by the nations youth in search of education. Reports gathered from those community colleges continue to herald difficulties in the timely provision of educational materials. If such conditions exist with large institutions, then what will become of a school placed in the remote village of Boutou, in Nimba County? Health & Medical Provision: The Liberian Government and support development partners have constructed many medical facilities in some hard-to-reach communities in both urban and rural Liberia. The intents and purposes according to health authorities are for Liberians and foreigners to have access and afford-

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This used to be one of the worst spots on the Buchanan road which is now paved and passable
Liberians, including farmers and business people have endured deplorable road condition for years. Urban markets, including supermarkets and restaurants depend on locally produced commodities from rural Libe-

r. T. Nelson Williams, Jr., Managing Director of the Liberian Petroleum Refining Corporation (LPRC), his wife Soni, and siblings, recently tendered a reception in honor of their parents, Mr. T. Nelson Williams, Sr. and his wife Mrs. Ethel Williams, in observance of their 50th wedding anniversary. The program was attended by family members, friends and well wishers. It was marked by a selection of songs and remarks from family members and friends. Several distinguished personalities attended the ceremony. They included Ms. Euphemia Weeks, Chair of the

By Judoemue M. Kollie

Williamses Celebrate 50th Wedding Anniversary

Liberia Telecommunications Authority (LTA); Dr. Ophelia Weeks, Dean of the T.J. Faulkner College of Science and Technology, University of Liberia (UL); and their brother, Mr. Rocheforte L. Weeks, Jr. The Weekses are close relatives of the Williamses, since Mrs. Williams mother was a sister of the Weekses grandmother, who was also a Ledlow from Grand Bassa. Among those who witnessed the occasion was Mr. Ben Tetteh, a Liberian architect, who was an early 1960s schoolmate of T. Nelson, Sr. at the American University in Beirut, Lebanon. Many who attended the program applauded the couple for their loving and sincere commitment to their marital vows, which they have been able to keep for over a half century. The speakers expressed the hope that the good Lord would grant the Williamses long life to enjoy many more anniversaries. Mr. Williams wedded his wife Ethel at the St. Peter Claver Church in Buchanan City, Grand Bassa County, on December 21, 1963. The marriage has been blessed with four childrenT. Nelson, Jr., Ulmaria, a daughter who is married and living in the United States, MP and Horatio as well as several grandchildren. T. Nelson, Jr. paid tribute to his parents for bringing up him and his siblings in the fear of God and love and respect for all people. They taught the children to study and work hard and to be achievementoriented.

able medical care at certain point in time. A nurse assigned at health post in Lukasu, Lawou Kazarku told the Observer that they see their supervisors and others associated with the health center, once in a blue moon---all owing to the deplorable condition of the road especially during the Rainy Season. Lawou, however, underscored the need for sustained and uninterrupted services to such remote parts of the country in order to ensure the safety and protection of rural Liberians. Nurse Kazarku concluded by urging the Liberian Government and support partners to prioritize for sustained services to rural Liberians in 2014 and beyond.

ew baby mothers were proud recipients of assorted items Tuesday, January 14, presented as a gesture of the Resident Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). Madam Ratidzai Ndhlovu handed out at least 50 Mama Baby Kits to the Chief Medical Officer of the Republic of Liberia, Dr. Bernice Dahn and Madam Yatta Sackie Wapoe, Medical Director of the James N. Davies Hospital in Jacob Town, along the Somalia Drive. Before the UNFPA Resident Rep. handed the kits over, she stated that she was glad that UNFPA can still put smile on the faces of people. Madam Ndhlovu also said the UN specialized organ wants to ensure that no woman dies giving birth, adding: This hospital is in our core mandate, so we are going to make sure that no woman dies

UNFPA Gives Mama Baby Kits to New Mothers

Young Williams stressed the importance of respecting time; a value their father instilled in them. Whenever we had to travel, we got to the airport at least four hours before departure, because my father insisted he did not want to be late. Speaking at the program, UL Science and Technology Dean, Dr. Ophelia Weeks, a neuroscientist, said the couple celebrating 50 years together was indeed commendable. You have done very well by working together to make your marriage a happy one, so we say congratulations! Kenneth Y. Best of the Daily Observer newspaper, who attended the Williams wedding ceremony in Buchanan 50 years ago, described the couple as role models for married people. I am highly gratified that

Mr. and Mrs. T. Nelson Williams, Sr. at the program marking their 50th wedding anniversary
we can join you in celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary. Your living together for this period of time is a great example for others to emulate, he told the couple. Mr. Best wished Almighty Gods continual blessings on them and their children and other descendants. In response, Mr. Nelson disclosed that their union has survived due to patience and hard work. We learned and kept the ancient principle always extended to newlyweds that says two people should not get angry at the same time. So I learned always to exercise restraint whenever Ethel, my wife, was vexed. This is what has kept our relationship going, he explained. For her part, Mrs. Ethel Williams recalled that during their regular prayer meetings in Buchanan her mother and grandmother always prayed that God would send someone for me. The fact that we have been able to remain together for so long has little to do with us. It is Jesus work. We are grateful to Him and we praise and thank Him for that, Mrs. Williams concluded. Liberia, it turned the facilities over to the Liberian Government, which now manages it. According to her, people got to know the hospital for its free services under MSF and so have continued to come there. The hospital caters for only mothers and children. CMO Dahn disclosed that it was among hospitals with the highest neonatal deaths in the country and that her office was thinking on ways to give care to babies and their mothers who go to the James N. Davies Hospital. Medical Director Yatta Sackie Wapoe thanked Madam Ndhlovu for the gesture and told CMO Dahn that she and the hospital staff would do all to provide good care for babies and their mothers. The Mama Baby Kit contains baby clothes, sanitary pads, soap, baby lotion, etc. The Observer was told that most mothers, who come there in labor, dont bring along those essential items with them.

Madam Ndhlovu (middle) hands kit over to Wapoe (left) and Dr. Dahn(right) A new mother holding her baby and nearby is her kit
giving life. A few weeks earlier, through the instrumentality of Madam Ndhlovu, UNFPA had given a facelift to the two-storey hos pital building, by painting its interior and exterior. She stated that UNFPA did that because they at UNFPA support institutional delivery. We support institutional delivery that is the only way we can reduce maternal and newborn mortality. When a woman comes to the institution, she should feel good and comfortable, she stated. Liberias Chief Medical Of- ficer, Dr. Bernice Dahn told the UNFPA Resident Rep, that during Liberias civil war the hospital was run by Mdecins Sans Frontires (MSF) and when it folded its operations in

Tuesday, November 5,14, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, January 2014 Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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Published by Liberian Observer Corporation P.O. Box 1858, Monrovia

Liberias First Independent Daily 0886812888, 0886472772

Honey, I thought South Sudan is Africas and the worlds newest nation, what are they killing one another for?

One of the most tragic and unfortunate situations on the international scene in recent times is the outbreak of civil war in Africas newest nation, the Republic of South Sudan. Barely a year after declaring independence from its northern neighbor, Sudan, petroleum-rich South Sudan, which holds Africas largest petroleum reserves outside Nigeria and Angola, broke out on December 13, 2013 into a brutal civil conflict that has already claimed over 10,000 lives and the displacement of nearly 300,000. Conflict erupted in South Sudan on Dec. 15 after President Salva Kiir accused former Vice President Riek Machar of trying to stage a coup, a charge Machar denies. The dispute escalated into clashes between members of Kiirs ethnic Dinka community and Machars Nuer group. After rumors about an alleged planned coup surfaced in Juba in late 2012, South Sudanese President Salva Kiir issued a series of decrees making major changes to the senior leadership of his government, party and military. In January 2013 Kiir replaced the inspector general of the National Police Service with a lieutenant from the army and dismissed six deputy chiefs of staff and 29 major generals. ] In February 2013 Kiir retired an additional 117 army generals but this was viewed as troublesome because it was seen by others as a power grab. The scale of these reorganizations was unprecedented. In July 2013 Kiir dismissed vice president Riek Machar, along with his entire cabinet. Kiir suspended the SPLM secretary-general Pagan Amum Okech, an ethnic Shilluk, and issued a decree preventing him from leaving Juba or speaking to the media. The decrees elicited fears of political unrest, with Machar claiming that Kiirs move was a step towards dictatorship and announcing that he would challenge Kiir in the 2015 presidential election. He said that if the country is to be united, it cannot tolerate one mans rule. In November 2013 Kiir disbanded all of the top-level organs of the SPLM, including the Political Bureau, the National Convention and the National Liberation Council. He cited their failed performance and the expiration of their term limits. Further, Machar and Kiir, while being members of the SPLM, are members of different tribes. Kiir is an ethnic Dinka, while Machar is an ethnic Nuer. This is the background to the conflict. It is very clear that there are two main factors here: first, the failure of leadership; and second, ethnic and tribal confrontations. President Kiir exposed himself to charges, clearly not unfounded, that the reorganization of the government by retiring so many officials and army generals looked very much like a power grab. He should have known better given the volatile (explosive, unstable, unpredictable) tribal arrangements that make up South Sudan. As an experienced military strategist and political actor, he should have known better and handled the situation far more prudently. East African and international leaders are to be commended for speedily convening the peace talks in Addis Ababa. The talks have, fortunately, been going well, except that one of the key conditions of the rebels, that the several ministers of the former government who were arrested should be released, has not yet been met. President Kiir has not yet yielded to this demand. That is not too much a concession to make in the search for peace. Moreover, President Kiir should be open to the evolution of a democratic culture in the government. He must learn from the mistakes of so many African leaders whose nations have gone down because of autocratic, dictatorial and personal rule. The whole continent, Nigeria, Zimbabwe and, of course the first African republic, Liberia, have gone under for the same reason. Let not South Sudan fall prey to the same conundrum (problem) that has caused so many African nations to lose nearly a half century of progress. Remember, those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Today, this is totally unnecessary.

Africa, the World Must Stop the South Sudan Civil War

Yeah-o. Its President Kiir who has turned himself into to a dictator. He has damaged the country that is so rich with oil.

Advanced Malaise
By Joseph E. Stiglitz (Courtesy of
Economics is often called the dismal science, and for the last half-decade it has come by its reputation honestly in the advanced economies. Unfortunately, the year ahead will bring little relief. Real (inflation-adjusted) per capita GDP in France, Greece, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the United States is lower today than before the Great Recession hit. Indeed, Greeces per capita GDP has shrunk nearly 25% since 2008. There are a few exceptions: After more than two decades, Japans economy appears to be turning a corner under Prime Minister Shinzo Abes government; but, with a legacy of deflation stretching back to the 1990s, it will be a long road back. And Germanys real per capita GDP was higher in 2012 than it was in 2007 though an increase of 3.9% in five years is not much to boast about. Elsewhere, though, things really are dismal: unemployment in the eurozone remains stubbornly high and the longterm unemployment rate in the US still far exceeds its pre-recession levels. In Europe, growth appears set to return this year, though at a truly anemic rate, with the International Monetary Fund projecting a 1% annual increase in output. In fact, the IMFs forecasts have repeatedly proved overly optimistic: the Fund predicted 0.2% growth for the eurozone in 2013, compared to what is likely to be a 0.4% contraction; and it predicted US growth to reach 2.1%, whereas it now appears to have been closer to 1.6%. With European leaders wedded to austerity and moving at a glacial pace to address the structural problems stemming from the eurozones flawed institutional design, it is no wonder that the continents prospects appear so bleak. But, on the other side of the Atlantic, there is cause for muted optimism. Revised data for the US indicate that real GDP grew at an annual pace of 4.1% in the third quarter of 2013, while the unemployment rate finally reached 7% in November the lowest level in five years. A half-decade of low construction has largely worked off the excess building that occurred during the housing bubble. The development of vast reserves of shale energy has moved America toward its long-sought goal of energy independence and reduced gas prices to record lows, contributing to the first glimmer of a manufacturing revival. And a booming high-tech sector has become the envy of the rest of the world. Most important, a modicum of sanity has been restored to the US political process. Automatic budget cuts which reduced 2013 growth by as much as 1.75 percentage points from what it otherwise would have been continue, but in a much milder form. Moreover, the cost curve for health care a main driver of long-term fiscal deficits has bent down. Already, the Congressional Budget Office projects that spending in 2020 for Medicare and Medicaid (the government health-care programs for the elderly and the poor, respectively) will be roughly 15% below the level projected in 2010. It is possible, even likely, that US growth in 2014 will be rapid enough to create more jobs than required for new entrants into the labor force. At the very least, the huge number (roughly 22 million) of those who want a full-time job and have been unable to find one should fall. But we should curb our euphoria. A disproportionate share of the jobs now being created are low-paying so much so that median incomes (those in the middle) continue to decline. For most Americans, there is no recovery, with 95% of the gains going to the top 1%. CommentsView/Create comment on this paragraphEven before the recession, American-style capitalism was not working for a large share of the population. The recession only made its rough edges more apparent. Median income (adjusted for inflation) is still lower than it was in 1989, almost a quarter-century ago; and median income for males is lower than it was four decades ago. Americas new problem is long-term unemployment, which affects nearly 40% of those without jobs, compounded by one of the poorest unemploymentinsurance systems among advanced countries, with benefits normally expiring after 26 weeks. During downturns, the US Congress extends these benefits, recognizing that individuals are unem-


ployed not because they are not looking for work, but because there are no jobs. But now congressional Republicans are refusing to adapt the unemployment system to this reality; as Congress went into recess for the holidays, it gave the long-term unemployed the equivalent of a pink slip: as 2014 begins, the roughly 1.3 million Americans who lost their unemployment benefits at the end of December have been left to their own devices. Happy New Year. Meanwhile, a major reason that the US unemployment rate is currently as low as it is, is that so many people have dropped out of the labor force. Laborforce participation is at levels not seen in more than three decades. Some say that this largely reflects demographics: an increasing share of the working-age population is over 50, and labor-force participation has always been lower among this group than among younger cohorts. But this simply recasts the problem: the US economy has never been good at retraining workers. American workers are treated like disposable commodities, tossed aside if and when they cannot keep up with changes in technology and the marketplace. The difference now is that these workers are no longer a small fraction of the population. None of this is inevitable. It is the result of bad economic policy and even worse social policy, which waste the countrys most valuable resource its human talent and cause immense suffering for affected individuals and their families. They want to work, but the US economic system is failing them. So, with Europes Great Malaise continuing in 2014 and the US recovery excluding all but those at the top, count me dismal. On both sides of the Atlantic, market economies are failing to deliver for most citizens. How long can this continue? About the Author Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate in economics and University Professor at Columbia University, was Chairman of President Bill Clintons Council of Economic Advisers and served as Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of the World Bank. His most recent book is The Price of Inequality: How Todays Divided Society Endangers our Future.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, January 14, 2014 Wednesday, January 15, 2014

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Conscience N. Tequah 0886345843

elebrating and conserving our culture is a way of life for many of our people. Even though many say the practice of culture has totally vanished from Liberia, while Western values have eaten up the soil of Liberia and Africa at large. For these reasons, there are many Liberian children who do not understand their culture and the way of life of their ancestors. Unlike many towns around Liberia, Dimeh Town in the Dowen District of Bomi County, has vowed to make culture a top priority in their community, noting that the way of their fathers cannot be forgotten. It was revealed by the Chair-

By: Conscience N. Tequah

Dimeh Women Prioritize Culture

Madam Rogers (left) and little Bendu showing her talent (right)
lady of the Town, Madam Janet Rogers that the community has been practicing its culture since they were born and took over from the elder people they met there. She noted that before a child becomes a matured man or woman, they are trained in the ways of their fore-fathers. Our main expression of our culture here is dancing, so all the women in this town --one way or the other--- know how to dance. Their Cultural education has nothing to do with their Western Education. We make it our duty to teach them our culture before they become old enough to go to school, she explained.

She said out of appreciation to their culture, the women of Dimeh founded a womens dance troupe to entertain visitors during important occasions and ceremonies. She said the masked dancer known as the Country Devil will wear a white clothe signifying Purity and togetherness. Because of the way we have treated our culture in this part of the country, we have had international guest from all parts of the world come and talk to us about how we respect our culture, Madam Rogers explained. When our culture is practiced in the midst of a certain group of people, there is much more love and unity than expected. Our children know the meaning of respect and they know what it means to be obedient, she said. Madam Rogers explained that girls in the Sande bush no longer spend a long amount

of time there. The bush only opens when the girls close their regular schooling activities. We decided it should be that way so that the girls would not get distracted from regular Western school, she said. However, she said the community would continue to attach values and respect to its cultural heritage. Like other Women performing on the ceremony marking the 26th anniversary of the late Bai T. Moore, 4 year old Bendu Sonnie, beautifully danced to one of the native songs that was sung in the Vai dialect. According to onlookers around, little Bendu has been a part of the cultural team for almost a year. It was revealed by others that she has expressed a lot of interest in cultural dance and it is possible that she might continue dancing in the future.

Wife Appreciates Husband

For conscious role played during illness

Mrs. Vaye loudly praises her husband before congregation as he (Rev. Vaye, far right) looks on with a smile

omen believe that it is a normal thing for their husbands to undertake their responsibilities. With this notion, many women take the fulfillment of these responsibilities for granted as it seen as the normal thing to do. But wives must learn to show appreciations to their husbands in order to keep the flame of love and care burning. This was the statement made by Fundamental Baptist Women Fellowship (FBWF) Missionary and Marriage Counselor, Esther K. Gbor, at the Calvary Baptist Church on January 12 when Mrs. Ruth Vaye honored her husband G. Larque Vaye, Sr., the Pastor of the church. Mrs. Gbor ---who has counseled many couples since she started work in Liberia in 1998--- stressed before the congregation that despite the fact that men are in the home to bear responsibilities, it is also incumbent upon the women to motivate their husbands when they do well instead of seeing it as an obligation to

By Joaquin Sendolo

compel them do it. She said such notion is responsible for poor relationship in many homes and has caused some men to abandon their wives. Let women learn to publicly honor their husbands when they (husbands) are doing well. Remember that these men God has blessed you with can be like any other men who are frustrating their wives. Do not have the notion that it is a normal thing but think that it is the love of God directing their attention to you, she noted. Mrs. Gbor in a chat with the Daily Observer noted that encouragement from a wife in a home keeps the husband therein, and he will always feel happy to do more when the wife shows that what he does is appreciative to her. Giving her testimony at a thanksgiving service in the Calvary Baptist Church following a major surgical operation in Ghana, Mrs. Roseline Vaye told the congregation that if God had not given her a good and caring husband, she would had found it difficult while she was sick. When time was reaching for us to go to Ghana for this operation, my husband, Rev.

Vaye was always on the computer and I complained why he should play with computer all day and night. At last I learnt that through communication on the computer we were able to get the money needed to transport us and for me to undergo the operation, she said. She noted that it takes Gods mercy and grace to get such a husband she has; something that caused her to remember her lovely song, The Lord is my Shepherd which she asked the churchs choir to sing. Mrs. Vaye during that time of her agony said her beloved husband, Rev. G. Larque Vaye identified with her in every way and manner unlike some men who cannot bear such patience. On this note, she certificated her husband and gowned him with a new coat suit that he can remember as tokens of gratitude for the major role God used him to play in her life. Also making a remark while presenting the certificate on behalf of Mrs. Vaye, Mrs. Ruth Whiangar of the church said Rev. Vayes role in his wifes life is not because he is a man of God, but he was prepared by Him for such a role.

hree weeks ago, the Observer Womens Desk made a promise to feature market women every time this column is printed. Unfortunately, due to some technical problems at our desk, we could not highlight the importance of these women in society for the past two weeks. Fortunately for us, this week we were able talk to women from the Old Road Market, a privately owned market. The Women we spoke to could not tell our womens desk who actually owns the market because there have been different people selling in it over the years. We are yet to provide our readers with the identity of who actually owns the market or how the market was founded. A seller of fresh pepper,Miss Alberta Whelyuu, mother of three and resident of Tarr Town community, located on the Old Road, said that she has been in the market prior to her getting married in 2006. She noted that her business has helped her and her family over the 7 year period. She said her fresh pepper has served as the major means of their familys monthly and daily income Mrs. Whiangar said there are many pastors all over the country and world at large who are cannot show such a concern, but it takes God to have good and caring pastors that include Rev. Vaye and her own husband Rev. Tuagar E. Whiangar. Meanwhile, appreciating husband in the public is something unusual for many women in Liberia. Many of them subscribe to the belief that it is the man

Market Women in the Spotlight: Part 2

on many occasions. Mrs. Whelyuu said there are many challenges in the market, especially concerning transporting their goods from one point to another. We have lots of difficulty transporting our goods from where we buy them to the market for sales. At times we but a bag of pepper costing LD$200,000 per bag and we sell it LD$10.00 per pile, so tell me how much profit we make from just one bag after you calculate the cost of transport? she asked. Sometimes, we have to buy about three bags before we can be convinced that we will have good income. In spite of all this, my little market has helped me to become independent. Even now that my husband isnt working, we can still pay our childrens school fees, feed the house and cater to other household needs through the income I generate from selling pepper, she declared proudly. I also think it has empowered me because I am not a high school graduate, It allows me to earn and mange my own money. It was through this business I was able to open a savings account at Liberty that seeks the woman for marriage or sexual relationship; therefore, he is responsible to underwrite the cost of living in the home. Many a time some say, You are responsible to feed me and provide me with clothes and other basic needs, and failure on your part means I have the right to take you to court. But for a relationship to hold and the flame of love keeps burning, it is also incumbent upon the woman to persuade Bank for my family. All I want to do now is create an avenue to educate my three children, she explained. Although she was not willing to speak much, we were able to capture the attention of 57 year old Oretha Nelson who sells beans and onions. Being a mother of 2, she noted that her business has made a significant impact on the life of her family. My Husband is just a security man so we use his salary to pay our kids school fees than my income, we use it cater to our family needs. Those people who will sit down and criticize government all the time are wasting their own time; because the government of Liberia cannot provide for everyone. So if you must survive in Liberia, then you must be ready to fight for yourself. That is what I am doing for my family through this little business I have. Leaving my house as early as 6:00 in the morning isnt easy for me at all, but I am satisfied because I know that all of us cannot work in offices and wear suits. I am happy here and will remain right here till God knows what happens, she concluded. her husband by showing him love, caring for his feeding, and appreciating the little he faithfully does to keep the relationship holding. But imperative and forceful demand, ingratitude, unfaithfulness, less concern for his feeding, amongst others, highly contribute to breaking of relationship thus causing another woman who meets the necessary criteria to take your place.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Page 6

he Liberian Agricultural Company (LAC) located in District #3, Grand Bassa County has vacancies for GRADER OPERATORS in its Road Maintenance Department.

The Liberian Agricultural Company (LAC) located in District #3, Grand Bassa County has vacancies in its ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT for the following positions. POWER PLANT ATTENDANTS(2) REQUIRED COMPETENCE: 1. Must be at least a High School Graduate and capable of reading and following instructions. 2. Age Requirement 20 to 30 years. 3. Practical mechanical knowledge that is, ability to check oil level, water level. belt tension, etc.) 4. Ability to carry out vision inspection, etc. B. FACTORY ELECTRICIAN(1)

REQUIRED COMPETENCE: Must have Diploma/Certificate or relevant documents to prove training in the career. Must be between the ages of 25 and 40 years old. Ability to work independently without much supervision. Must have a valid class C drivers license. Must have experience in operating heavy duty equipment. Effective verbal and listening communication skills. Knowledge of equipment maintenance and storage procedures. Ability to read and record daily activities Proficient knowledge in workplace safety requirements, equipment cleaning standards and procedures. WORKING EXPERIENCE: He/she must have worked in similar capacity for a minimum of three (3) to five (5) years. Application, Resume and Supporting Documents including contact cell phone numbers should be submitted to the: HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTANT MANAGER LIBERIAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY (LAC) 20TH STREET, SINKOR TUBMAN BOULEVARD MONROVIA, LIBERIA ONLY SHORT LISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED FOR AN INTERVIEW OR OTHERWISE. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION IS JANUARY 25, 2014.

REQUIRED COMPETENCE: 1. Must have Diploma/Certificate or relevant documents to prove training in the career from a recognized Vocational Training Institution. 2. Ability to work independently with minimum supervision. 3. Technical knowledge of safety equipment and regulation. 4. Good organizational skills 5. Ability to lead and motivate subordinates 6. Read and speak English fluently WORKING EXPERIENCE: He/she must have worked in similar capacity for a minimum of five (5) years. Application, Resume and Supporting Documents including contact cell phone numbers should be submitted to the: HUMAN RESOURCE ASSISTANT MANAGER LIBERIAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY (LAC) 20TH STREET, SINKOR TUBMAN BOULEVARD MONROVIA, LIBERIA ONLY SHORT LISTED CANDIDATES WILL BE CONTACTED FOR AN INTERVIEW OR OTHERWISE. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION IS JANUARY 25, 2014.

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Peace Corps/Liberia Education Programming and Training Specialist (ED PTS)
REPORTS TO: Programming and Training Manager (PTM) POSITION BRIEF: The ED PTS serves as a member of the Programming and Training (P&T) team and supports 80-100 Volunteers in training, program, administration, and other Volunteer support issues. The ED PTS has responsibility for supporting the planning, development, implementation and administration of Peace Corps Liberias programming and training activities. The ED PTS will support all P&T related activities for the Education Project with support and direction from the Education Program Manager (ED PM) and PTM. During the Pre-Service Training (PST) and In-Service Training (IST) cycles, the PTS will be the full-time technical trainer for the Education Project and will receive support and direction from the TM and ED PM. The ED PTS also represents Peace Corps Liberia with governmental officials and representatives of non-governmental and host country organizations. MAJOR DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES A. Project and Program Support Site Development Site Visits Administrative Program Support Volunteer Program Support B. Development and Implementation Of Training Activities C. Administrative and other Volunteer Support D. Grants Coordination and Management E. Information Resource Center Management F. Safety and Security QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED FOR EFFECTIVE PERFORMANCE Education: Bachelors degree in education, project management, community development or relevant field. Experience: Three years progressively responsible experience in Education field and/or community development. Trainer of trainers and adult training experience. Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes: Knowledge of and experience with adult education, education in Liberia, and participatory community analysis for development. Strong experience with group facilitation, session plan design, and cultural adaptation & sensitivity training. Computer skills with Microsoft Office required. Ability to work with minimal supervision Ability to manage and administer small grant programs. Position requires a valid Liberia drivers license and ability to drive a manual vehicle (stick shift). ED PTS must be available and willing to travel throughout Liberia approximately 50-60% of time either accompanied by PM or alone. For a complete Statement of Work please send a request to Submit a letter of interest, resume and three reference contacts as attachments via email to: No phone calls please. The deadline for applications is January 13, 2014. Applications received after this date may be considered at the discretion of the Contracting Officer. A detailed Statement of Work can be obtained at the guard stations of the Peace Corps Office in Congo Town. 1 December 2013

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Page6a 8

Call NoW: 0777472772 to Advertise



Invitation for Bids (IFB) Republic of Liberia Expand Support to County decentralized Health & Social Welfare Services IFB No: LCPS/NCB/001
1. This Invitation for Bids follows the General Procurement Notice for this Project that appeared online in Development Business of January 6, 2013. 2. The Liberia College of Physicians & Surgeons (LCPS) has received Financing from the Government of Liberia to expand support to strengthen the health care delivery system and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under this Contract. Bidding will be governed by the Public Procurement & Concession Art (PCCA) of Liberia. 3. The Liberia college of Physicians and Surgeons now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for the Supply of Vehicles under the following Lots:
Lot Description 1 2


Afriland First Bank Liberia Limited by & thru its ) President/CEO, Mr. Hamadou Ownarou Bayo ) Bayo of the City of Monrovia, Republic of Liberia. ) -----------------------------------------------PETITIONER ) ) PETITION FOR Versus ) FORECLOSURE OF A ) MORTGAGE DEED F.M.T. Construction Company by & thru its ) CEO, Mr. Gabriel K. Frimpong and all Authorized ) Officers of said entity also of the City of Monrovia, ) Republic of Liberia..RESPONDENT)

WHEREAS, Final Judgment in the above entitled captioned case was rendered against the said Respondent/Company by this Honorable Court on the 4th day of December, A. D. 2013, adjudging the Defendant liable to pay the amount owned Plaintiff Management of Afriland First Bank Liberia Limited in the sum of US$43,016.97 (Forty-Three Thousand Sixteen United States Dollars Ninety-Seven Cents), including interest and other charges. WHEREAS, Defendant failed to make settlement of the total amount of US$43,016.97 (FortyThree Thousand Sixteen United States Dollars Ninety-Seven Cents), a Writ of Execution was accordingly issued, served and returned served and the Sheriff of this Court levied upon the asset of the Respondent, F.M.T. Construction Company by & thru its CEO, Mr. Gabriel K. Frimpong and all Authorized Officers of said entity which property is situated and lying in the City of Monrovia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia with the properties herein described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the Northeastern corner of the adjoining parcel of land owned by Tuma E. George (FC 10) property, thence running on magnet bearing as follows; thence running North 730 - 15 inc. east 50 feet parallel with an existing twenty five (25) feet to a point, thence running on South 160 - 450 East 35 feet parallel with Felicia Y. Wolo (FC-12) Property to a point, thence running 160 450 west, 55 feet parallel to the point if commencement and Containing Zero point Two Five (0.25) Town Lot of Land with a house in it an no more. NOW THEREFORE, the general public is hereby informed that by virtue of this levy and pursuant to the Final Judgment and the Writ of Execution served on the herein described asset/property, said property will be sold to the highest bidder on the grounds of the Temple of Justice, Capitol Hill, Republic of Liberia, on the 21st day of January, A.D. 2014, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. in the morning to raise the total sum of US$43,016.97 (Forty-Three Thousand Sixteen United States Dollars Ninety-Seven Cents). Interested persons may inspect said property/asset through the Offices of the Sheriff of the Commercial Court of Liberia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia during Official working hours of the Commercial Court for further information as to the date and time of sale. SEALED OF COURT: GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF COURT THIS 10TH DAY OF JANUARY, A.D. 2014

Contracts will be awarded on Lot basis Delivery is expected within 12 weeks to the Liberia College of Physicians & Surgeons (LCPS). 4. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the Public Procurement & Concessions Act (PPCA) open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Guidelines. 5. Qualifications requirements include: i) Working capital/liquidity to be able to execute the contract ii) At least three contracts of similar nature completed within the last five years. iii) Availability in Liberia of spare parts and after sales services. No margin of preference for goods manufactured domestically shall be applied. Additional details are provided in the Bidding Documents. 6. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information from the LCPS and inspect the Bidding Documents at the address given below between 9:00am to 5:00pm on business days from 6 January 2013. 7. A complete set of Bidding Documents in English may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a Written Application to the address below and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of One Hundred United States Dollars (USD 100.00). The method of payment will be bankers draft or wire transfer. Banking details will be provided upon request. The Bidding Documents will be provided in hard copy. 8. Bids must be delivered to the address at or before 6 February, 2013. Electronic bidding will not be permitted. Late bids will be rejected. Bids will be opened in the presence of the bidders representatives who choose to attend in person at the address below on 6 February, 2013 at 11:00 hours GMT. All bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security of 2% of bid price or an equivalent amount in a freely convertible currency. 9. The addresses referred to above are: For obtaining information and bid submission: The Finance Manager Liberia College of Physicians & Surgeons (LCPS) Old Health Ministry, Capitol Bye-Pass Monrovia, Liberia For Bid Opening: Liberia College of Physicians & Surgeons (LCPS) Conference Room Old Health Ministry, Capitol Bye-Pass Monrovia, Liberia

Double Cabin Pickup Vehicles (4x4) Mini Van/Bus

Qty Unit Bid Security Amount 1 Ea 2% of Bid Price 1 Ea


Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Page 9 6b

Tel. 231-0886-511-590 E-mail:

Tel. 231-0886-511-590 E-mail:


JOB TITLE: MONITORING and EVALUATION COORDINATOR RESPONSIBILITY: data collected. Overall responsibility for the systematic and routine collection of data as well as assessing and analyzing

POSITION: DATA ENTRY CLERK RESPONSIBLE TO: ADMIN/LOG OFFICER Duty STATION: RIVER GEE COUNTY Medical Emergency & Corporative International [MERCI] is seeking for a qualify Liberian for a position of Data Entry Clerk for immediate employment at its River Gee County Field Office in Liberia. Job Summary/Objective: To maintain a computerized data of Health information such as morbidity, mortality, service provision by type, drug consumption etc. KEY TASKS: 1. Ensure data collection from Health Facilities in River Gee County 2. Ensure verification of data collected from the Health Facilities in River Gee County. 3. Submit monthly analysis report to MERCI Central Office to the M & E Officer. 4. Enter Data along with County Data Manager. 5. Work in close collaboration with the County M & E Officer. 6. Ensure the submission of monthly report on schedule at MERCIs Central QUALIFICATION: 1. A minimum of an AA Degree in any of the Social Sciences with certificate in Secretarial Science from a recognized and accredited institution. A College Degree will be an added advantage. 2. A minimum of two [2] years of experience working with a recognized Institution or Organization. 3. Strong computer knowledge in MS Word, Excel, Power point, DHIS and other statistical soft wares. 4. Ability to handle heavy work load and have experience in Data collection and making analysis for management decision making purposes. QUALIFICATION: 1. Letter of application with Curriculum vitae including education and experience. 2. Telephone number and Email address with two letters of references. 3. Medical certificate from a recognized medical institution. 4. Two letters of references. Deadline: Monday January 20, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Interested candidates must submit their application to: The office of the Administrator, Medical Emergency & Relief Cooperative International (MERCI) Paynesville Broad Street, Paynesville, Liberia

I. LOCATION: will be based in Monrovia but May be sent to any part of Liberia Summary The Monitoring and Evaluation coordinator is responsible for all MERCIs monitoring and evaluation activities. She/he will report to Medical Coordinator. Duties and Responsibilities Develop database for maintaining data needed for monitoring MERCI activities Develop and implement M&E plan for all projects. Coordinate with MERCI-supported health facilities to ensure accurate and timely data reporting Build capacity of project staff to implement M+E activities. Serve as on site point person for all Monitoring and Evaluation related work Work in collaboration with other MERCIs monitoring and evaluation staff to prepare monthly report to senior management. present timely and accurate reporting to senior management meetings Design and conduct survey as needed in MERCIs operating areas Support routine reporting processes related to data collection. Contribute to the compilation, sharing and presenting of program findings, trends and results with staff. II. III. Qualification Bachelor Degree from recognized institution/university/college with major/option in statistics/Health Information Management/ Public Health or similar field Advanced computer skills especially MS Office. In-depth knowledge of and experience with MS Access is desirable, with statistical software. 3-5 years experience in monitoring/Evaluation; specific experience required in survey design and analysis( Ideally conducting KPC surveys and barrier analysis) Personal qualities Result oriented Willingness to travel extensively throughout Liberia where MERCI works Ability to work in a team setting Good communication skills Good organization and electronic file management skills Able to take initiative and work independently

Method of Application: All candidates must include the following: a. A detailed curriculum vitae describing the relevant professional and academic experiences, competencies, and skills: b. A statement of interest and names and contacts of minimum three (3) references Deadline Monday January 20, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Interested candidates must submit their application to: The office of the Administrator, Medical Emergency & Relief Cooperative International (MERCI) Paynesville Broad Street, Paynesville, Liberia



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Job Title: Responsible to: Procurement Assistant Administrator

Information Memorandum

Job summary/objective: staff shall be responsible for volume purchasing services and exercises considerable independent judgment in making purchasing decisions in accordance with organizations and/or State(PPCC) policies and procedures. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Plans, prioritizes, assigns, supervises and reviews work of any staff involved with purchasing including technical and specialized procurement of supplies, equipment and services. Requires extensive knowledge of policies, procedures and practices. Assumes responsibility and oversight of large and complex purchases involving use of Requests for Proposals. Assists departments with specification development, drafts RFP, obtains State approval, serves on evaluation committee. Provides input on budget. Proposes salary raise within budget. Monitors and obtains best price for office expenditures. Approves payment of invoices and directs purchasing card expenditures for office. Negotiates copier maintenance contracts. Represents department at various meetings with administration, faculty, vendors, external agencies, professional organizations, and other groups. Develops and delivers speeches, presentations, and training as required. Corresponds with same groups. Reviews, analyzes and approves all purchases where award is not made to the low bidder to ensure justification exists and policy is followed. Reviews, analyzes, researches and approves purchases of a non-competitive nature. Resolves problems and protests concerning bid solicitations, contract awards or contract performance as the need arises. Addresses unauthorized purchases. Conveys decisions both verbally and in writing referencing law and policy. Meets with or speaks to interested vendors concerning potential source for supply and service. Develops and maintains an effective working relationship with vendors and fosters relations between suppliers and MERCI EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE Completion of a Bachelors degree in Accounting, Business Administration or related field and four years experience in governmental or commercial accounting with emphasis on internal auditing or an equivalent combination of experience, training and/or education. Deadline: Monday January 20, 2014 at 4:00 p.m. Interested candidates must submit their application to: The office of the Administrator, Medical Emergency & Relief Cooperative International (MERCI) Paynesville Broad Street, Paynesville, Liberia

LBDI Central Monrovia Branch Ashmun & Randall Streets Monrovia, Liberia.

Private Placement of 206,572

Common Stocks of the Liberia Cement Corporation at US$12 per Stock Payable in Full On Application
This offer document is simply an Information Memorandum and does not in any respect represent a prospectus. The offer document and the securities that it bears are directed at selected investors as well as the members of the general public. Every prospective investor to whom this document has been addressed is expected to conduct independent evaluation of the Financial Position and operating results of the Liberia Cement Company.

LBDI Sinkor Branch 9th Street, Sinkor, Tubman Boulevard, Monrovia, Liberia

Individual: Minimum of 5 stocks at US$12 each Institutions: Minimum of 1,000 Common stocks and additional common stock in multiple of 100.

Procedures: 1. Application forms are free and available at LBDI Branches on 9th Street Sinkor and Randall & Ashmun Streets 2. Payment can be made by Cash, Managers Check or Debit Authorization

NOV. 18, 2013: Close of Offer: Feb. 18, 2014


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Page 7


JOB TITLE: REPORT TO: JOB PURPOSE: institution. Office/Clerical Assistant Administrator To assist the secretariat in the effective day-to-day operation of a newly established


SPECIFIC DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Assist with office and clerical support, including back-up services to receptionist. Assist in maintaining all relevant personnel files. Ensure that the secretariat has the supplies and equipment to undertake its work. Ensure that the office premises are maintained and utilities are available. Assist with logistical arrangements for meetings, including refreshments, etc. Deliver necessary materials and supplies to various members and departments. Maintain office space and premises. Assist with filing, data entry, basic typing (circular, memo, etc.), dispatching documents, etc. Keeping simple inventory of storeroom. Perform other duties as may be directed by the secretariat. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE Must be a graduate of a recognized high school with prior experience as an office/clerical assistant. One to two years of college experience will be an added advantage. Must be computer literate with a certificate of competence in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. OTHER QUALITIES OR REQUIREMENTS Good interpersonal skills. Must be an effective team player, polite and tactful. Good oral communication skills, as well as relatively good writing skills. Must be an Ability to meet deadlines. COMPENSATION Salary and/or incentives will be attractive. APPLICATION DEADLINE Friday, January 17, 2014 REQUIRED APPLICATION MATERIALS Letter of application stating relevant qualifications and/or experience for the position. Curriculum Vitae (CV). Names, addresses, e-mails and/or phone numbers of three references. SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS TO Administrative Assistant/Secretary Liberia College of Physicians & Surgeons (LCPS) Ground Floor, Old Ministry of Health Building Capitol Bye-Pass Monrovia, Liberia Or E-mail relevant documents in word versions to with the Job Title as the Subject of the electronic communication.

1. Introduction
The Government of Liberia has received a grant from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of strengthening Governance Improving Access to Justice and Accountability and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under the contract for the recruitment of a National Consultant.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), including various forms of mediation, arbitration and other justice services, is regularly referenced as a solution to challenges faced by the Liberian justice system, including: increasing congestion of court dockets; high numbers of land disputes; significant costs of litigation; procedural delay; and the adversarial nature of proceedings. The Ministry of Justices three-year ADR project will explore ways by which the justice system can be more responsive to the needs of Liberians and examine means of resolving disputes outside of the formal legal process. The overall objective of the ADR project is to determine how ADR is being used in the Liberian context and pilot models that increase the effectiveness, accountability and sustainability of local ADR initiatives through some form of institutionalization or support by the MOJ.

2. Background


JOB TITLE: Driver REPORT TO: Administrator JOB PURPOSE: The newly created Liberia College of Physicians & Surgeons (LCPS) wishes to employ the services of a driver on a full time basis to operate vehicle(s) for the institution. ELIGIBILITY The applicant must be in good health. He/she must have not less than a 9th grade education and must be able to read and write in simple English. He/she must be able to follow instructions and directions, log driving records and perform proper documentation, where applicable. The applicant must have a valid drivers license and must be able to operate both a standard shift vehicle and an automatic transmission vehicle. The applicant must have been a licensed driver for at least five (5) ears. Males and females may apply. RESPONSIBILITIES AND EXPECTATIONS The selected applicant will work under the supervision of the Council on a full time basis from Mondays to Fridays, and on Saturdays and Sundays when required. He/she may be required to travel across the country, both urban and rural areas, as is scheduled by the Secretary General or other officials of the LCPS. The successful applicant will be expected to monitor scheduled vehicle servicing and ensure that normal servicing and maintenance procedures of vehicles under his/her care are strictly adhered to. COMPENSATION Salary and/or incentives will be attractive. APPLICATION DEADLINE Friday, January 17, 2014 REQUIRED APPLICATION MATERIALS Letter of application stating relevant qualifications and/or experience for the position. Curriculum Vitae (CV). Names, addresses, e-mails and/or phone numbers of three references. SUBMIT APPLICATION MATERIALS TO Administrative Assistant/Secretary Liberia College of Physicians & Surgeons (LCPS) Ground Floor, Old Ministry of Health Building Capitol Bye-Pass Monrovia, Liberia Or E-mail relevant documents in word versions to with the Job Title as the Subject of the electronic communication.

The objective of the assignment is to provide management, administrative and technical advice and support to the Ministry of Justice on the establishment of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Liberia through the piloting of ADR system in four counties. Duties & Responsibilities: Under the supervision of the Program Manager, the National Consultant in collaboration with the International Consultant will be responsible for helping to facilitate, consensus building and design of the pilot ADR activities; and establishment of pilots in four counties. The consultant will work in close collaboration with officials in the MOJ, in partnership with key strategic partners including the Judiciary, the Law Reform Commission, the Land Commission, the Liberia National Bar Association, Tribal Governors Association, representatives of civil society groups, community leaders / elders and chiefs and justice actors. The Ministry of Justice now invites eligible individual Liberian nationals to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (CVs, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions).


Objective of the Assignment

The Access to Justice (ADR) National Consultant shall have the following educational and professional qualifications: a. Graduate degree in Law, Public Administration, Political Science, or related areas; b. A minimum of five years of relevant working experience; c. Experience working on Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) and working with traditional communities in Liberia strongly preferred; d. Excellent writing and communication skills; e. Demonstrated experience in conducting research on issues related to Dispute Resolution in similar contexts; f. Familiarity with Liberias social and legal systems An Individual consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Banks Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011. Interested individual consultants may obtain further information at the address below from Monday to Friday between 0830 hrs and 1630 hrs during working days. Expressions of Interest, clearly marked Access to Justice (ADR) Advisor National , must be delivered to the address below by hand, mail or email, by 1400 Hrs no later than January 14, 2014. Only short listed candidates will be contacted. The ADR Program Ministry of Justice, Third Floor Ashmun Street, Monrovia, Liberia Or By e-mail:


Tuesday, November 5,14, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, January 2014 Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Page84 Page

resident Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has issued Executive Order No. 53; ordering a moratorium on public land sales and all transactions including the issuance of Tribal Certificates and Town Lot Certificates with immediate effect. Executive Order No. 53, signed by President Sirleaf on Friday, December 20, further directs that the moratorium applies to individuals, government functionaries, local officials, traditional authorities, communities, groups, business and associations involved in public land transactions. The moratorium also applies to all activities involved in the issuance of Tribal Certificates by traditional or other government authorities or the issuance of Town Lot Certificates by municipal authorities. The Executive Order warns that all Tribal Certificates or Town Lot Certificates issued by any local authority during the period of the moratorium shall be considered illegal and void. In the meantime, President Sirleaf has constituted a ninemember Screening Committee to vet all Public Land Deeds in the country and work in accordance with the Interim Guidelines and Procedures for the Sale of Public Land (2011) as recommended by the Land Commission. Members of the Committee include: the Chairperson of the Land Commission, as Chair; the Ministers of Justice, Internal Affairs, Public Works, Agriculture, and Lands, Mines & Energy. Others are the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, the Managing Director of the Forestry Development Authority, and

President Sirleaf Issues Executive Order No. 53, Declaring Moratorium on Public Land Sales
the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency. Current issues surrounding the sale of public land continue to pose serious challenges to ensuring equal access, security of tenure and the rule of law with regards public land transactions. Because the continuation of public land sales under the current procedures, as outlined in the Public Land Law of 1973, will exacerbate problems of unequal access, insecurity of tenure and the rule of law in public land transactions, the Executive Order states that it is imperative that a moratorium is placed on the sale of public land to allow for new law, regulations and procedures to be formulated; also recognizing that during the formulation of the new land laws, regulations and procedures, some public land transactions must be undertaken to secure land for public use and development initiatives which will require thorough vetting procedures. In another news, the Chairman of the Land Commission, Dr. Cecil Brandy has been outlining major accomplishments of the Land Commission during the year 2013. He said during the course of 2013, the Commission undertook a number of major activities as articulated in its five-year Liberia Land Reform Program, and in fulfillment of its mandate. These activities included the formulation of a draft Act for the establishment of a new Land Agency. The draft Act has been forwarded to the President for review and appropriate action. Speaking in an UNMIL Radio Coffee Break Program Tuesday, Dr. Brandy said a Land Rights Policy was developed and endorsed by the Government

and people of Liberia through country-wide rigorous consultations and validation processes. He made mention that a draft New Land Rights Law is completed and public consultations on the draft law will commence shortly. Additionally, the Land Commission in partnership with UN-HABITAT completed a four-month urban land inventory pilot project in Gbarnga, Bong County and two additional pilots are to be implemented in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County and Ganta, Nimba County, respectively. Chairman Brandy said a Criminal Conveyance of Land Bill was submitted to the National Legislature and the Bill has been passed by the House of Senate awaiting passage by the House of Representatives. He noted that the passage of this Bill will enhance access to land and improve tenure security. In line with Governments decentralization agenda, the Land Commission has established five Land Coordination Centers (LCCs) which are staffed, equipped and fully operational in five (5) counties: Lofa, Margibi, Bong, Nimba and Maryland, Dr. Brandy said. The Commission has launched Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) pilots for dealing with land disputes in all LCC counties and trained land disputes resolution practitioners selected from within their various communities. The Commission anticipates completing policies, on Land Administration, Land Use and Management as well as Land Dispute Resolution, followed by the drafting of new Land Laws based on the Policies, Chairman Brandy concluded.


he Central Bank of Liberia wishes to express serious concern over the story carried on the front page of two journals, the News newspaper and the Concord Times, that the Liberia Bank for Development & Investment (LBDI) is becoming insolvent. The CBL hereby informs the public that LBDI is liquid, solvent and financially sound. As the public is aware, as part of the CBLs regulatory requirements, LBDI, like other banks in Liberia, publishes its financial statements on a quarterly basis in local dailies. The publication of these financial statements is a manifestation of transparency and information disclosure, a requirement under the new Financial Institutions Act of 1999 and the International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) adopted by the CBL.

The CBLs financial soundness indicators show that LBDIs liquidity ratio is 47% - 32% above the minimum 15% prudential requirement; the capital adequacy ratio is 19% - 9% above the minimum capital requirement. The banks reserves with the CBL collectively are more than US$40 million. Against this background, it is quite obvious that the story about the Government of Liberia writing to the CBL to loan LBDI US7.5 M is untrue, baseless, and malicious. The CBL, being the regulator of banks and nonbank financial institutions, has been very robust in the examination of financial institutions, using Risk-Based Supervision as one of its key examination tools. The CBL has on-site examiners that conduct examination of financial institutions on a routine basis, and respond to early warning signals from any bank. There is also an off-site surveillance team that analyzes various financial reports submitted at different intervals to the CBL. Let it be emphatically clear that the CBL has at its disposal the requisite resources, which, in its capacity as lender of last resort, could provide a cushion for any bank should there be a liquidity crisis.

Know Your Lawmakers

In an effort to adequately cover the National Legislature and inform our audience about individual lawmaker(s), the Daily Observer introduces a new column titled, KNOW YOUR LAWMAKERS. KNOW YOUR LAWMAKERS is published every Monday and Wednesday weekly beginning January 13, 2014. This column intends to profile all 103 legislators from family background to their current professional careers. In every edition, we will feature at least two lawmakers to enable us cover the entire Legislature. Management further encourages members of the First Branch of Government to kindly provide it with the necessary pieces of information in order to achieve this goal.

Tuesday, November 5,14, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, January 2014 Wednesday, January 15, 2013

Page94 Page

-LBDI Management Tells Detractors

is near insolvency due to the failure of borrowers, the government of Liberia, mainly, to pay their debt to the Bank. In their Monday, January 13 editions, the Concord Times and the News newspapers alleged that LBDI was on the verge of applying to the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL) for insolvency. The two papers also alleged that the CBLs US$10 million mortgage financing scheme with LBDI was intended to rescue the Bank from collapse. The papers also published that LBDI is applying to the CBL for the bailout because most of the Banks borrowers, mainly the government of Liberia, have failed to repay debts owed the Bank. But Mr. Davies denied these claims and clarified that during the time of the CBLs US$10 million mortgage initiative, LBDIs cash balances were in excess of US$40 million. He explained that given the long- term nature of the resources required for financing mortgages and the fact

No Turning Back

he management of the Liberian Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI) has defended its policy of financing both government and privately-owned development projects across the country. The Banks management has maintained that it wont shy away from providing resources to help rebuild Liberia and create jobs for its people. According to the management, development financing is the core objective of the LBDI which became a hybrid bank prior to the civil war in 1989. Addressing a crowded news conference at the Banks Corporate Headquarters on 9th Street yesterday, the president &CEO Mr. John B. S. Davies, III, insisted that LBDI will not renege on its fiduciary responsibility of financing road infrastructure, housing, and manufacturing projects, amongst others. The LBDI boss was reacting to media reports suggesting that the Bank

With all the Billions of Investment, Poverty Remain High in Liberia

-LIBA Boss Opines

Mr. Dee-Maxwell S.Kemayah, President of the Liberian Business Association (LIBA)

By David A. Yates

he president of the Liberian Business Association (LIBA), Dee-Maxwell S. Kemayah, said in spite of that the country contin-

ues to boast of 16 billion United States dollars of foreign direct investment; poverty remains high in all sectors of the society. As owner of these natural resources, Liberians should not be beggars, but should be direct benefi-

but the CAR of LBDI is 19%, meaning it is 9% in excess of the minimal capital requirement. The LBDI boss declared that LBDIs onshore and offshore cash position as at December 31, 2013 is that LBDIs resources US$53.5 million, while (deposits) are short term, the Banks balance sheet the CBLs intervention grew by 17% last year. to provide a stimulus for In the writers flawed mortgage lending was understanding of the reprudent and necessary. lationship between the LBDI and the regulator (CBL), they incorrectly suggested that the US$10 million placement done by the CBL to stimulate the home mortgage sector was meant to rescue the Bank from liquidity problems. But the writers failed to note that LBDIs cash balances were in excess of US$40 million at the time of the initiation of the mortgage stimulus. He described the publication as planted adverts loaded with a barrage of misinformation intended to cause panic and create confidence crises by causing a run on the Bank. Flashback: Mr. Davies makes remarks at LBDI 49th Anniversary as Mr. Reginald In the meantime, the Bropleh beams with smile LBDI CEO disclosed that the Bank is considering Touching on the Banks This approach to infra- unhindered, as the bene- commencing a legal suit transaction with the gov- structure financing, the fits to our country are imagainst the two papers. ernment, Mr. Davies not- LBDI CEO said is not mense, the CEO stated. He, however, clarified ed that LBDI and GOL On the financial sound new in development fithat the Banks managethrough the CBL entered ness of LBDI, the CEO ment will first meet with nancing and Liberia is no disclosed that as of Deinto a two-year bridge the management of the cember 31, 2013, LBDIs two media institutions in minimum reserve holding order to ascertain (find at the CBL was US$23.71 million and L$1.29 bil- out) the motives behind the publications. lion. Mr. Davies has meanAccording to him, the while assured the Banks market environment for ciaries of their countrys minimum liquidity ratio shareholders, customers, the Tailors Union by giv- set by the CBL is 15%, wealth, Kemayah said. The LIBA boss spoke re- ing them 25 percent of but LBDIs liquidity ratio investors, and the public cently at the signing cere- security uniforms to be as at December 31, 2013 at large that LBDI remony of Chevron Liberia made by local tailors. was 47% and reflects a mains strong, viable, and Mr. Kemayah also liquidity surplus of 32%. solvent, and is compliant Economic Development sponsored training project stressed the need for more Mr. Davies also clari- with the requisite finanfor Liberia National Tai- investment in the private fied that the CBLs capi- cial soundness indicators lors Textile Garment and sector; something he said tal adequacy ratio (CAR) governing banking in LiAllied Workers Union in will help to transform Li- requirement is 10%; beria. Paynesville outside Mon- beria. signed document with ria for the initiative with a I am also urging Libe- Chevron-Liberia, calling rovia. repeated call for foreign According to him, Li- rians to rise up and fight on them to make use of investors to emulate the beria can only make a poverty collectively from the funding. example of Chevron-Lichange if Liberians sup- the country and by engagWe as Liberian Busi- beria. port each others busi- ing themselves into business Association will fulness. nesses. He reiterated that povly monitor the agreement LIBA boss further asHe said that Liberians erty remains a major chalneed to promote locally serted that Liberia can to ensure that it yields the lenge to the economic made clothing in order make a change if Liberi- needed impact in the Ligrowth of Liberia noting to empower tailors and ans support each others beria economics. Mean while, the Libe- that solutions can only be seamstresses in the coun- businesses. He also warned the Tai- rian Business Association found if all citizens are try, and as such it is important for the Govern- lor Union to respect the boss also use the occasion willing to freely fight for ment of Liberia to create implementation of the to thanked Chevron Libe- success.

exception. He emphasized that some of the locally generated resources will be needed to finance critifinancing agreement for cal infrastructure projects the placement of US$10 in the country and the million for infrastructure local banking industry lending to enable GOL must play its role. We will continue to work road contractors to be with all stakeholders to bridge-financed by LBDI ensure that infrastructure for the successful execu- development continues tion of those contracts.

DAILY OBSERVER Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Guinean Army

Page 10
ary, by which time the victim had been sufficiently treated. But the Chairman of the Mano River Joint Border Security and Administrative Assistant at the Ganta City Corporation, Mr. Emmanuel Paye, said the case had been compromised, based on our bilateral relationship with Guinea. He said even though they held the Guinean officer liable for the offense, the Government of Liberia was taking all responsibility to treat the boy. The Guinean soldier was wrong for crossing over to Liberia, assaulting the boy; but the time that the boy entered Guinean territory was after the normal border opening. So we harmonized everything, he added. Houses decision to recast the oil and gas proposed laws have been informed by feed-back they received from consultations with the rank-and-file (ordinary members without power and influence) across the country. We promised our people during the nationwide consultation that upon our return from break, we would improve the livelihood of our people by enacting appropriate legislation the Speaker indicated. Detailing further, he said that members of the legislature have a number of outstanding Bills in Committee Room---before Plenary---and with the Liberian Senate. They include the Decent Work Bill, The Ganta United Methodist Hospital is one of the busiest referral hospitals in Nimba where patients from all around Nimba and even beyond are brought, despite the shortage of drugs and other needed facilities. When health workers strike last year, most of the critical patients in Bong County were referred to Ganta for treatment. The financial constraint the hospital faces is creating hardship for citizens who have their loved one at the hospital where all fees have gone up. Fees here are so hard, it takes a lot of money to keep someone here for days; there The Senators letter concluded: We would like to recommend that the Senate institutes an immediate investigation of the security apparatus, mainly the security veil around the President to determine the following: whether the security of the state is guaranteed in the face of present developments under the current leadership; and whether the Police Director and the Minister of National Defense will assist in the investigation to determine the challenges within the security network of our country, towards identifying potential ineffectiveness and incapability to serve as deterrent for the future. It may be recalled that last Christmas, during a reception held at his Blamasee residence for his workers and a few journalists, Sen. Wotorson among other things said he was going to push the Senate to investiThere had been conflicting reports of harassment of Liberians on the Guinean side of the border by the Guinean authority in Tio, the first bordering town in Guinea from the Yekepa side of the border. Sometimes they hamper movement and trade, it has been reported. Security at Ganta Border had been complaining of the baggy boys who, on many occasions, were accused of allegedly of stealing travelers luggage but whether Kamara was one of the baggy boys roaming around the border, as well as how he crossed with this while lady through all checkpoints is yet to be established. the Code of Conduct Bill, the Level Playing Field Bill, and the Petroleum Oil and Gas Reform Sector. We shall immediately resume working on those laws and others already before us. Speaker Tyler said that following the just-ended nationwide consultations, they have begun receiving lots of positive comments from citizens across the country. The draft proposed laws, the NOCAL 2013 and the Petroleum and Exploration 2013, were submitted to the National Legislature by the Executive through the National Oil Company Liberia (NOCAL).

border point during the evening hours of the 9th of January 2014, an Italian woman, traveling by way of Guinea, asked him to assist her through security from the Liberia side, in order to get to Guinea. According to him, the woman did not speak English well, and needed someone to help her through the Liberian security. After I assisted her in getting through the Liberian check point, she asked me to escort her to the Guinean side to find me something, he said. After crossing over to the Guinean side of the border around the second gate, this

Guinean military man asked me to get away from the woman; I told him that the woman had asked me to follow her so she could find me something; but this soldier insisted that I stayed away, he added. He added that when he left the woman and crossed over to the Liberian side of the border, this officer identified as Olisee Maneh followed him and knocked him down, and began kicking and hitting his head against the iron bar of the bridge. I received a deep cut in my head and began bleeding terribly on the ground before I was rushed to the Power House

Clinic, he said. The registrar at Power House Clinic confirmed registering the man during the late evening hours of January 9, for treatment; they were unable to explained in detail, the severity of the wound. Eyewitnesses narrated that after the officer assaulted the young Liberian and noticed that he had inflicted a serious wound to his head, he immediately took him and rushed him to the clinic in Ganta. Why should a Guinean officer cross over to a neighboring country and behave the way he did? an onlooker asked. The action of the Guinean nearly caused an outbreak of mob-violence against Mr. Olisee Maneh at the clinic. Tyler. The consultation took members of the House to all the 15 political sub-divisions of the country including Bong, Bassa, Margibi, Maryland, River-gee, River-cess, Bomi, Cape Mount, Nimba, Sinoe, Grand Gedeh, Gbarpolu, Lofa, Grand Kru and Montserrado. Speaker Tyler hinted that following the nationwide consultation, the planned roundtable meeting to compile and harmonize views and interventions emanating from the justended consultations across the country---is soon to follow. He said that the conference should pave the way for the drafting of two bills: a draft legislation to deal with local content; the other, to treat ers things, he said. Due to the shortage of drugs at the hospital, people are seen around in pharmacies and drug stores, buying drug to be taken to the hospital to treat their sick relatives. I am going to find drug stores around Ganta for my sick daughter; she has been hospitalized in this hospital for the past week, said a young lady. We were given slips with a listing of medicines to buy so I have to rush, she added. What happens when it is a holiday or hours during which all of the drug stores are closed? We then leave everything to God or wait until

But with intervention by the police, he was taken into protective custody at the police station, where he remained until UNMIL took him to their camp. The following day, UNMIL and local security authorities escorted him to Guinea. Effort to get the side of the Guinean army personnel was not possible because according to some Liberian security, the issue was already put to rest---so there was no need to push it further. Security authorities at the border remained tight-lipped about the incident; but one of the officers who spoke on condition of anonymity said the incident was finally resolved on Wednesday, the 15th Januwith the revenue management component, including the National Oil Company and the Petroleum Exploration Bill, forwarded to the House of Representatives by the Liberian Senate. That Bill will be presented at the National Conference. It is intended to ensure the participation of all stakeholders inclusive of political parties, civil societies, the media, and all interested parties. During the pending round table conference, the Speaker said the draft Bill will be presented on the floor for discussion, debate, and consideration for passage. He told the gathering that members of the Lower daybreak or when the stores open. There had been no film for the xray machine in the hospital for the past two weeks. Mr. Patrick Martor: We used to buy film for cheap, but now the price has gone up and we do not have enough funding. So when we finish the few we have left in stock, we have to look for funding to get some more. The salary payment is the key problem the management of GUMH has been faced with since October last year. This is something that brought a goslow among workers after their salaries had not been paid up to mid-November. tigation of the security apparatus, mainly the security veil around the President. The communication reads: We present our compliments and hereby bring to your kind and urgent attention troubling developments surrounding secret recordings involving important elements of the Liberian security sector leadership reported daily in our media. While the government has informed the public of efforts mainly to bring Madam Ellen Corkrum (former Managing Director) to justice for her alleged corruption at the Robert International Airport (RIA), we believe such recordings uncover the fragility of our national security canopy surrounding the Chief Executive of the Government and also exposes the basis of public trust by public officials other than just those who have been indicted for corruption.

marking the reopening of the 3rd Session of the Liberian Legislature. Beginning November 4 through the 9th of December, members of the House of Representatives had concluded consultations on the oil and gas sector throughout the 15 counties. It was formulated as an initiative to build consensus. That consensus would in turn, inform effective lawmaking processes in the hydrocarbon sector, as a wheel to sustain the countrys post-war development program. The nationwide oil and gas consultation was intended to

Big Roundtable

solicit the views, opinions, input and recommendations from ordinary Liberians. The expectation was that lawmakers would be granted the opportunity to make informed decisions regarding the exploration and production of oil in Liberia. The passage of appropriate legislation would be factored into the end product of the countrys oil law, if a marketable cache of the product were discovered. The nationwide consultation was led by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Bomi lawmaker J. Alex

By Ishmael F. Menkor

Ganta Hospital

he oldest referral hospital in Nimba County, the Ganta United Methodist Hospital (GUMH) is said to be on the brink of collapse, due to what the management claimed is the shortage of drugs and other supplies. The associate administrator of the Hospital, Mr. Patrick Martor, told this paper that presently, the hospital is facing an acute shortage of drugs and neither has a vehicle---nor an ambulance to enhance opera-

tions at the hospital. He disclosed that the government had stopped all subsidies to the hospital since last June, as the hospital was a faithbased organization. He added that what the hospital is currently receiving from the government is what is referred to as Legislative Support: about US$100,000 annually. One-half of this was given last year; the other is yet to come. The monthly budget for running this hospital is about US$90,000, which includes, salary, fuel, drugs, among oth-

is no blood, the fees for drips and blood bags have all gone up. We need help, said a caretaker from the adult ward. The hospital, with employees of about 256, is struggling to cope with the many challenges it faces serving the people. Meanwhile, Mr. Patrick Martor is calling on the citizens, including, the government to support the hospital fully in every sector saying, This hospital is no different from Tappita or Sanniquellies hospitals that are receiving adequate funding from government; if they are forced to close because of funding it would be to the detriment of all Gantas citizens. gation the security network in the country. I am very concerned about the security breach around our Head of State; that is a very serious threat for someone to have breached that security veil around our President. It is very troubling, and I am going to push in the Senate for an investigation into the security network in our country. Such A security breach is almost unheard of, Sen. Wotorson declared. He continued: It involves our Police Director and our Minister of Defense. Both of whom are in important sectors of the joint security of this country. We depend on them to sleep, and now I am so frightened that I cannot sleep. Meanwhile, discussions on the communication were differed to the Thursday sitting.

Senators Wotorson, Jallah Seek Immediate Investigation

Ellen Corkrum Secret Recordings Worry Senate

Retiring Grand Kru Senator Wotorson; Gbarpolu Senator Armah Zulu Jallah

urrent publications in both local and international media surrounding the secret recordings of Liberian senior security and government

By J. Burgess Carter

officials have finally claimed the attention of the 3rd Session of the 53rd Senate during its first day sitting Tuesday, January 14, 2014. In a communication dated January 7, 2014 and addressed to the President Pro Tempore

of the Senate Gbehzohngar Milton Findley, outgoing Senior Senator of Grand Kru County Cletus Segbe Wotorson, and Gbarpolu County Senator Armah Zulu Jallah, recommended that the Senate institutes an immediate inves-

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, 2014, vol. 16, No.indd 10

1/15/14 3:25 AM

Tuesday, November 5,14, 2013 DAILY OBSERVER Tuesday, January 2014 Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Page 11 Page 4

Fo r ad qu ve ick rt ise bu in sine th ss is re sp su ac lts e ,

r. Alfred Sayon, technical committee chairman of the Grand Kru Sports Association, has indicated that the poor organization of the 2014 National Meet has brought disunity to celebrate the ten years of peace in the country. He said the theme of Celebrating 10 years of Peace through sports, could not be achieved due to poor organization in handling and managing resources to counties. Sayon, in an interview yesterday in Monrovia, raised concerns on three important issues: organization, financial contribution and officiating of the games, particularly outside Monrovia. Sayon suggested that the Ministry of Youths & Sports must establish a National Steering Committee, comprising of representatives from all the counties. The steering committee will then be able to understand what it takes to prepare teams and be able to come up with appropriate recommendation that will make a difference, he said. Sayon said that will create confidence in the organization of the County Meet since it will involve technical profes-

Poor County Meet Organization Undermines Celebration of Peace

Read more sports articles on the Daily Observer website @

Mr. Alfred Sayon and Minister Eugene Nagbe

sionals from outside the Ministry of Youths & Sports. He said since the County Meet is an annual event funds for the counties must be provided ahead of time to ensure adequate preparation. Grand Krus players could not be pacified despite the fact that the check of U$4,000.00 was on hand, Sayon said. The amount should have been $6,000.00. He added that the check was released when there was no chance to cash it, and as a result the players could not see reason to wait and it was a day before a scheduled game. The money was needed to pay the players but we could not get to cash the check so it meant that we were in for trouble, Sayon said disappointed. And the trouble was the teams elimination by Nimba. He made reference to the late distribution of funds to the counties, even as county teams qualify from one stage to another. In last years county meet, Sayon said, we received funds for the game three days before the meet and since this years was not even better, it leaves much to be desired. We dont seem to learn from what we did wrong three years ago, Sayon said. This is because past mistakes have been repeated in every County Meet. He explained that the U$20,000.00 provided to each county is not enough to cover preparation, transportation and remuneration to players. Due to the late release of funds for this years meet, some disappointments where teams have lost due to mistakes by players, (Lofa v Grand Gedeh and Grand Kru v Nimba), the general standard has been impressive. It is the expectation of the

there were overwhelming problems, including the one in Sinoe County, where players set up roadblocks, demanding for funds entitled to them, he noted. The County Meet is an annual affair, Sayon said, and as a result the ministry must be able to learn from past mistakes to make the future ones better. The third concern is how games were officiated in the preliminary rounds in the counties. Officiating games in the counties is not the same as handling matches in Monrovia, he said, there was a high degree of favoritism where the norm was loyalty over professionalism. He recommended a check and balance or a system that can oversee the performance of match officials to ensure fair play which he said was lacking in the 2014 preliminary rounds. At a press conference last week, Youth and Sports Minister Eugene Nagbe admitted that clearance for the distribution of the funds came two weeks before the tournament. He explained that his administration followed the PPCC law to set the standard for the future.

LNOC Clinic for Wrestlers, Coaches Opens at Sports Commission

Wrestling expert Victor Kodei giving instructions to trainees

County Meet Semi-finals Thursday

remaining four counties that good football will be demonstrated as they challenge each other to march to claim the crown that Grand Cape Mount could not defend.

oaches, referees and wrestlers from the Liberia Wrestling Federation (LWF), schools, including universities have begun a 6-day intensive training at the open-air Sports Commission on Broad Street, Monrovia. The training is under the sponsorship of Olympic Solidarity, through the Liberia National Olympic Committee (LNOC). The facilitator is the former Nigerian wrestling champion Victor Kodei. The 6-day training is aimed at building the capacity of Liberian coaches, referees and wrestlers, in accordance with the LWFs Take Wrestling to the Schools. The Secretary General of LWF, Boakai K. Davis, who is also the chief referee, disclosed that about 20 wrestlers, two coaches and two referees amss left-hand post in the fourth minute. Congos Gildas Mouyaki was forced into a good save in the 10th minute to keep out a stinging effort from Ghanaian Yahaya Mohammed before Nuru Sulleys scuffed effort from close range grazed Moyakis post five minutes later. Ghana opened the scoring in the 35th minute through Theophilus Anobaah in rather fortunate circumstances. The midfielders feeble strike struck Andzouana before ricocheting of his knee and ending up in the back of the net. Congo pressed forward in search of the equaliser and went within inches of doing so in quick succession. First Lorry Nkolo struck the upright before Boris Ngounga failed the hit the target from close range with the goal at his mercy.

By Leroy M. Sonpon, III

from the federation, as well as two technicians (coach and ref) from nine schools and a University, are also participating. The schools are Tubman High, G. W. Gibson, J.J. Roberts, D. Twe, E.J. Goodridge and Haywood Mission, Matilda Newport, Paynesville Community School, A. Glenn Tubman Junior High School and the University of Liberia (UL). Wrestling expert Kodei is a 14-time Africa champions (undisputed), 5 times champion for Commonwealth and 4 times Olympics champion. He was also a champion in the Free-Style Wrestling. The closing program is scheduled for Saturday, 18 January 2014, at the Sports Commission, beginning 12noon. Representatives from the Ministry of Youth & Sports and the LNOC, including the media are expected to grace the program. Ghana led Congo 1-0 at the break. In contrast to the first stanza, the second half got off to a slow start with neither side really threatening the opposition defence in the opening minutes. Both sides lacked penetration and patience at times, with both side opting for shots from long range rather than building up into the oppositions box. Congo desperately went in search of the equaliser in the dying moments but were unable to break down an organised Ghanaian outfit. Other results: South Africa 3-1 Mozambique Mali 2-1 Nigeria Zimbabwe 0-0 Morocco Uganda 2-1 Burkina Faso DR Congo 1-0 Mauritania Libya 2-0 Ethiopia

imba County will clash with Grand Gedeh in the first semi-final soccer match on Thursday. Grand Bassa will also take on Bong County in the second semi-final encounter. The winners from the two encounters will play for the finals of the 2014 County Meet in the soccer edition and the

Cape Mounts Varney Kobba could not believe his side lost against Bong
losers will clash for the 3rd place. The four teams have gone through the preliminary and the qualifying rounds to reach thus far. Nimba versus Grand Gedeh; Bassa versus Bong will be the finest games to climax a tournament that is celebrate ten years of peace in Liberia. Though there have been

hana beat Congo 1-0 in the Orange African Nations Championship (Chan) Group C encounter at Free State Stadium in Bloemfontein last Monday evening. Theophilus Anobaahs 35thminute striker proved to be enough as the Black Stars edged the Red Devils. Stephen Adams started between the sticks for the Black Stars, with starlet Sulley Mohammed spearheading the attack. Asante Kotoko midfielder Jordan Opoku captained the side. Seventeen-year old Bersyl Ngatsongo Obassi started up front for the Red Devils, while former Golden Arrows

CHAN 2014: Ghana Beats Congo 1-0

Theophilus Anobaah
midfielder Kevine Andzouana skippered the side. The game got off to an electric start with both sides piling forward in search of the opener. The first chance of the encounter fell to Congo striker Bersyl Ngatsongo whose driving effort from close range went narrowly wide of Ad-

Fo r ad qu ve ick rt ise bu in sine th ss is re sp su ac lts e ,


VOL. 16. NO. 56 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2014

What Did Dr. Owl Say?

Good fences make good neighbors.

Fake Degree Granting Institution


n an effort to streamline (update, reorganize) Liberias post-war messy education sector, the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) has embarked on a vigorous exercise by inspecting the sectors higher divisions across the country. During one of their routine exercises on Monday, NCHE deputy director-general, Dr. Kadiker Rex Dahn, and the Commissions director for monitoring and evaluation (M&E), S. Reginald Mehnpaine, uncovered what was observed as an established fake degree granting institution in the country. Interestingly, the fake university is being administered

By C.Y. Kwanue

A Civil Society Organization Calls Voters Roll Update Postponement

Recipe for Chaos

low the timeline which was drawn for the conduct of the VRU. The Commission named delay in the passage of the 2013/2014 National Budget and Public Procurement and Concession Commission (PPCC) regulations which have a trickle-down effect on all of our operations and programs as factors responsible for the suspension. However, in counter-argument to the Commissions claim, Campaigners for Changes national director, Vandalla Patricks, Tuesday, 14 January told a news conference in Monrovia that the action by the electoral body sets the stage for confusion and disorder in Liberia. He called NECs pronouncement a clever attempt to play games with the results of the Special Senatorial Elections leading to the certification of a selected few. Patricks further warned postponing a critical component of the election process without announcing an alternative date for the start of the process shows the inability of the Commission to preside over electoral matters, and as such, Chairman Korkoya who has the Unity Party DNA in him must resign to save the country from civil unrest. He maintained that tampering with this critical election in Liberia could mean that the

by one Dr. Austin Okafor, president and founder, who has in his employ, a fake doctorate degree-holder, Ndien Peters as one of the professors. NCHE recently booked the terminal degree holder, Peters with fake academic credentials at the St. Clements University while serving as the vice president of academic affairs, thus prompting the Commission to close it down. The CUSWORTH International Business School (C.I.B.S.) Liberia had reportedly begun operating in the country about four years ago, at the corner of 20th Street and Coleman Avenue, in the Fiama Community. It is located in the courtyard of Global Trust Insurance Company. The institutions bulletin claimed that it is an affiliate

The university is located in the courtyard of this building. Mr. Menphaine inspects its classrooms.
of several universities around the world including the South African-based, Anointed University located in the City of Johannesburg, and some locally-based tertiary institutions. It also claimed that in Liberia, it is being accredited by authorities at the Ministry of Education (MOE), but interestingly, the so-called accreditation was reportedly approved by the Ministrys Bureau of Insurance---which is not consistent with the accreditation processes in Liberia. Both the claims have been vehemently denied and protested by authorities of the MOE and NCHE respectively. As a result, the two institutions have cited C.I.B.S.s selfproclaimed administration to make itself available for questioning. MOE director of communications, J. Maxime Bletahn told this paper via mobile phone late Monday, that the Ministrys Bureau of Insurance does not accredit schools; instead, it deals with the documentation of deceased personnel including teachers. The two officials from the NCHE (Dr. Dahn and Mr. Mehnpaine) promised to investigate as to how the C.I.B.S (university) was established. Their pending investigation, according to them, will involve personnel from the Ministry of Justice and other stakeholders. The fake degree granting university, according to the Daily Observers investigation has a college of insurance, and also offers courses in business management/strategic studies; economics, finance, investment and banking; accounting, marketing, entrepreneurship studies, computer networking, engineering, etc. C.I.B.S. also graduates students with diplomas, Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) bachelor of business administration (BBA) and master of business administration (MBA) in insurance and risk management, management, marketing, and computer engineering. Meanwhile, CIBS has announced in its recent bulletin that admission for 2013/2014 is in progress, while clearances are being processed for a pending Commencement Convocation.

By Keith Morris

he recent postponement of Voters Roll Update by the National Elections Commission (NEC) is a recipe for chaos a civil society organization, Campaigners for Change, has alarmed. Campaigners for Change is one of few civil society organizations that championed the failed April 12, 2013 demonstration against President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Cllr. Jerome G. Korkoya, Chairman of NEC at the weekend announced that The Commission is unable to fol-

country is on the path to war, something he said the nation is unwilling to experience at the moment. If you suspend a crucial part of the election process---without telling the Liberian people the new date---shows that the Commission has confirmed that there will be a series of irregularities during the election, Patricks said. Meanwhile, the local CSO called on President Johnson Sirleaf to quickly intervene in the ongoing situation affecting the University of Liberia. Campaigners-for-Change believe that if the situation is not handled with caution, theres a likelihood of it degenerating into a bigger problem that could affect national security.

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Published by the Liberian Observer Corporation (LOC), 23 McDonald Street, P.O. Box 1858, Monrovia, Liberia; Tel: 06 812-888; 06 578476; and 06 472772; Printed by the Observer Printing Press; Bai S. Best, Marketing Manager; Lindiw Khumalo Yasiah, Business Strategist; Publisher & Managing Director, Kenneth Y. Best.

WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, 2014, vol. 16, No.indd 1

1/15/14 2:52 AM

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