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The softening point is defined as the temperature at which a bitumen sample can no longer support the weight of a 3.5-g steel ball. Basically, two horizontal disks of bitumen, cast in shouldered brass rings are heated at a controlled rate in a liquid bath while each supports a steel ball. The softening point is reported as the mean of the temperatures at which the two disks soften enough to allow each ball, enveloped in bitumen, to fall a distance of 25 mm. Determining softness temperature (softening point) of bitumen. Hard grade bitumen has a high degree of softness temperature compared with soft bitumen grade. As the temperature rises, the bitumen will change the nature of the solid state to the liquid bitumen hardness decreases. We are managed to complete the experiment given to us by the given period of time. During the experiment, weve gain many experience and knowledge on how to done the experiments and acquired the information about the softening point of bitumen. With the work procedure we were well versed on how to use the equipment and execute the experiment. From the data above, the temperature of the first specimen for A is 7.5C and B is 35.4C for softening then increases toto drop is 45C while for the second specimen is 46C. From these last two data, we can determine the softening point by taking the average, and the value that we get is 45.5C. Based on the results that we obtained from the experiment, the temperature of bitumen to become soft for test number 1 is 48.40 while for the test number 2, the temperature is 49.10 Besides that, the average temperature of softening point that we calculated is 48.75 The theoretical value of the optimum temperature of bitumen softening point is between 48 to 52 according to Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) standard. The temperature than we recorded is 48.75 which is situated in the theoretical standard. Cause and error during experimental; i. ii. iii. The bath temperature not maintained for 15minutes. The bath temperature is not in the 5 2 range.

Surrounding temperature may affect the water temperature.

While doing the experiment, some safety measures have to be follow. Be alert and make sure your hand doesnt touch the hot burner while taking the reading as it may cause minor severe burn. After the experiment, the apparatus are washed using hazards chemical. Ensure that you wash the apparatus in a fume chamber with your gloves on.

Asphalt (bitumen) and tar, including tar pitches, do not change from solid to liquid at any definite temperature. They gradually become softer and less viscous as the temperature rises. For this reason, the determination of softening point must be made by fixed, arbitrary, and closely defined method if the results obtained are to be comparable. Softening point is useful in the classification of certain asphalts and tars, including tar pitches. It is indicative of the tendency of the material to flow at elevated temperatures encountered in service. To conclude, the final temperature of the softening point is 48.75 which match the theoretical value which is 48 to 52 . The objective of this experiment was achieved. During conducting the experiment, there are some errors that occurred which will affect the final result. In order to prevent this from happening, there are methods to improve the experiments result. Before doing the experiment, make sure the Ring holder does not hold the Ball guide in stationary. Adjust the ring until the ball can pass through freely. In addition, to get good results, ensure you conduct the experiment in room temperature condition. The purpose of this test in the industry is to estimate viscoelastic properties of both asphalt and a paving mixture especially in road design. This is to test the consistency of bitumen.

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