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MBBS (Melbourne) · BMedSc.


GPO Box 3163 · Melbourne · VIC 3001 ·· +61433206661

Career Summary and Objectives

I am an articulate and intelligent surgical resident medical officer aiming for a future
career as a surgeon in either the field of Urology or General Surgery. I am passionate,
hardworking, organised and knowledgeable.

My passion for surgery and medicine lead me to an energetic involvement in learning

surgical skills and procedures, involvement in research and the cutting edge of medicine
and ongoing learning and teaching. I have excellent medical and surgical knowledge and
am experienced and competent with a variety of minor surgical procedures as well as
acute medical care and resuscitation.

I am a balanced individual with a wide variety of skills and interests outside work. I have
always thrived in and enjoyed the hospital environment, stressful situations,
management positions and working in an interdisciplinary team and with patients.

Education and Qualifications

University of Melbourne

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) 2006

Bachelor of Medical Sciences (BMedSc.) 2006

Epsom Girls’ Grammar School

New Zealand University Entrance Bursaries Examination “A” pass (Equivalent ENTER:
99.5) 2000

Formal Training and Experience

Surgical Resident Medical Officer (PGY2)

Southern Health

Medical Internship (PGY1)

Monash Medical Centre, Dandenong Hospital, The Bendigo Hospital

Medical Degree and Clinical Training

MBBS - University of Melbourne, Royal Melbourne Hospital

Medical Electives

Infectious Diseases, Royal North Shore Hospital, NSW

General & Tropical Medicine, Peradeniya Hospital and University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

General & HIV Medicine, Mbabane Government Hospital, Swaziland

Research and Training

• Postgraduate Anatomy Course, Monash University
• Author of case report on severe atorvastatin related urinary retention, ileus,
somatic myopathy and hepatitis (submitted for publication)
• Involvement in multiple surgical research projects
• RMO representative on Prevocational Skills and Procedures Reference Group,
Southern Health 2009
• Primary or secondary assistant in multiple general surgical, neurosurgical and
urology cases.
• Strong involvement with preparing presentations for surgical and neurosurgical
• Responsible for clinical presentations at surgical/oncology/radiotherapy
multidisciplinary meetings
• Involved with clinical decision-making and resuscitation under supervision during
MET calls and Code Blue situations

• Winner of intern and resident end of year medical knowledge quiz, 2008
• Director of successful “Dead White Males” (David Williamson) production,
International House Theatre
• Entertainment manager of “Café Internationale” fundraising event
• Grade 8 Piano performance examination, Trinity College London - Merit pass
• Winner, 7th Form Creative Writing Competition (Prose), Epsom Girls’ Grammar
• Bronze Medal Duke of Edinburgh Award
• Selected for New Zealand chemistry Olympiad training group

Professional Memberships
Medical Practitioners’ Board of Victoria: Provisional Registration

Australian Medical Association: Member

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