Yummy Chocoate Treat Recipes

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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.

Chocoate Treats, for Chocoate Lovers!
1.) Chocoate Truffes
Cup unsated butter
2 1/3 C confectoners sugar
C cocoa
1/4 cup heavy or whppng cream 1 1/2 teaspoon vana
Centers: pecan, wanuts, whoe amonds or after-dnner mnts
Coatngs: coconut, crushed nuts,confectoners sugar
Makes about 3 dozen truffes
Cream butter n arge mxer bow. Combne 2 1/2 cups confectoners' sugar and the cocoa; add
aternatey wth cream and vana to butter. Bend we. Ch unt frm. Shape sma amount of
mxture around desred center; ro nto 1 nch bas. Drop nto desred coatng and turn unt we
covered. Ch unt frm.
Recpe courtesy www.FabuousFoods.com
2.) Chocoate Covered Truffes
1/4 C butter 1 1/2 bs. rea semsweet chocoate 3/4 C non-dary coffee creamer, any favor 1/2
teaspoon vana extract 1 1/2 pounds rea mk chocoate for dppng 1 cup fney chopped
chocoate, mk or semsweet for decoraton
Makes about 3 dozen truffes
Met semsweet chocoate n doube boer over hot water. Heat butter, creamer and vana n
another saucepan to 125 F on a candy thermometer. Add to semsweet chocoate a at once,
beatng unt smooth and creamy. Ch n refrgerator unt neary set but st pabe. Beat wth
mxer unt ght and fuffy. Spread n 9 nch buttered pan unt set enough to ro nto sma bas.
Meat mk chocoate over doube boer. Dp truffes n meted chocoate, then sprnke generousy,
or ro n, chopped chocoate
3.) Mocha Truffes
2 packages (12 oz each) Semsweet chocoate chps
8 oz. cream cheese, softened 3 T nstant coffee granues 2 tsp. water 1 b. good dark chocoate
cocoa confectonery coatng whte confectonery coatng, optona
Makes about 5 1/2 dozen In a mcrowave-safe bow or doube boer, met chocoate chps. Add
cream cheese, coffee and water; mx we. ch unt frm enough to shape. shape nto 1" bas and
pace on a waxed paper-ned cooke sheet. Ch for 1-2 hours or unt frm. Met chocoate coatng n
mcrowave-safe bow or doube boer. Dp bas and pace on waxed paper to harden. If desred,
met whte coatng and drzze over truffes
4.) Peanut Butter and Chocoate Truffes
1 C peanut butter chps 3/4 C butter 1/2 cup cocoa 1 can (14 oz) sweetened condensed mk 1
tabespoon vana
Coatngs: crushed graham cracker crumbs, confectoners sugar or crushed nuts
Makes about 3 dozen truffes
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In a heavy saucepan, over ow heat, met chps wth butter. Str n cocoa unt smooth. Add
condensed mk and vana. Cook and str unt thckened and we bended, about 4 mnutes.
Remove from heat. Ch unt frm enough to hande. Shape nto 1 nch bas. Ro n desred coatng.
Ch unt frm. Store, covered n refrgerator
4.) Whte Chocoate Truffes
1/4 C butter 1/2 C confectoner's sugar 1 teaspoon amond extract 1 egg yok 8 oz. whte chocoate,
broken nto sma peces 1 C chopped banched amonds, ghty toasted
Makes about 2 dozen truffes
Met chocoate and butter n the top of a doube boer over ow heat, strrng constanty. Remove
from heat. Add sugar, egg yok and amond extract; beat wth an eectrc mxer unt smooth.
Transfer to a shaow gass casseroe dsh. Cover and refrgerate 1 hour.
Shape mxture nto 1 nch bas. Ro n amonds. Cover and refrgerate at east 8 hours. Pace n
mnature fo cups at room temperature to serve. Store n artght contaner n refrgerator.
5.) Hazenut Or Amond Truffes
2/3 cup fney ground toasted amonds or hazenuts 7 T meted butter 3 oz. bttersweet chocoate 3
oz. mk chocoate 1 T Amaretto (for amond) or 1 T Frangeco (for hazenut) 4 egg yoks 2/3 cup
confectoner's sugar 1/2 tsp. vana extract 1 1/2 tsp. amond extract
Makes about 30 truffes
Note: Pregant or nursng women, young chren or any wth an mmune defceny shoud not eat
foods made wth raw eggs.
Chop toasted nuts n a bender or food processor unt fney chopped. Sowy drzze n 3
tabespoons of meted butter and process t we mxed. Set asde.
Heat remanng 4 T of butter n a sma saucepan unt very hot and bubby (be carefu not to et t
burn). Remove from heat and add the chocoate. Str constanty unt smooth and meted. Set asde.
In a arge bow, beat egg yoks unt foamy. Beat n the sugar graduay, add extracts and quer and
contnue to beat unt thck (see p|hoto). Wth mxer on sow to medum speed, graduay beat n the
nut mxture, then graduay beat n the meted chocoate mxture. Beat unt smooth and we
mxed. Cover wth pastc wrap and refrgerate for at east thrty mnutes or unt frm
Pace your choce of coatng n a bow. If you're gong to have more than one, use separate bows.
Some possbe coatng choces are: toasted coconut, chopped nuts, unsweetened cocoa, powdered
chocoate, crushed Oreo Cookes.
Scoop out a teaspoon fu of the truffe mxture and, usng your fngers, ro t nto a ba. Work
qucky as the heat of your hand w qucky start metng the chocoate. Drop ba n the coatng
bow. Repeat the process unt there are 4 or 5 bas n the coatng bow. Genty ro the truffes n
the coatng mxture and a sheet of waxed paper.
Wrap truffes n an ar tght contaner and store n the refrgerator for up to ten days or n the
freezer for up to a month.
6.) Grand Marner Truffes
4 T meted butter 4 oz. bttersweet chocoate, broken nto sma peces 4 oz. mk chocoate, broken
nto sma peces 4 T Grand Marner 4 egg yoks 1 1/4 cup confectoner's sugar 2 tsp. orangeextract
Makes about 30 truffes
Note: Pregant or nursng women, young chren or any wth an mmune defceny shoud not eat
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foods made wth raw eggs.
Heat butter n a sma saucepan unt very hot and bubby (be carefu not to et t burn). Remove
from heat and add the chocoate. Str constanty unt smooth and meted. Set asde.
In a arge bow, beat egg yoks unt foamy. Beat n the sugar graduay, add extract and quer and
contnue to beat unt thck (see photo). Wth mxer on sow to medum speed, graduay beat n the
meted chocoate mxture. Beat unt smooth and we mxed. Cover wth pastc wrap and
refrgerate for at east thrty mnutes or unt frm.
Pace your choce of coatng n a bow. If you're gong to have more than one, use separate bows.
Some possbe coatng choces are: toasted coconut, chopped nuts, unsweetened cocoa, powdered
chocoate, crushed Oreo Cookes.
Scoop out a teaspoon fu of the truffe mxture and, usng your fngers, ro t nto a ba. Work
qucky as the heat of your hand w qucky start metng the chocoate. Drop ba n the coatng
bow. Repeat the process unt there are 4 or 5 bas n the coatng bow. Genty ro the truffes n
the coatng mxture and a sheet of waxed paper.
Wrap truffes n an ar tght contaner and store n the refrgerator for up to ten days or n the
freezer for up to a month.
7.) Cookes And Cream Truffes
1 cup fney ground Oreo Cookes 12 T meted butter 6 oz. whte chocoate, broken nto sma
peces 5 egg yoks 1 1/4 cup confectoner's sugar 1 tsp. vana extract
Makes about 40 truffes
Note: Pregant or nursng women, young chren or any wth an mmune defceny shoud not eat
foods made wth raw eggs.
Chop cookes n a bender or food processor unt fney chopped. Sowy drzze n 6 tabespoons of
meted butter and process t we mxed. Set asde.
Heat remanng 6 tabespoons of butter n a sma saucepan unt very hot and bubby (be carefu
not to et t burn). Remove from heat and add the whte chocoate. Str constanty unt smooth and
meted. Set asde.
In a arge bow, beat egg yoks unt foamy. Beat n the sugar graduay, add vana and contnue to
beat unt thck (see photo). Wth mxer on sow to medum speed, graduay beat n the cooke
mxture, then graduay beat n the meted chocoate mxture. Beat unt smooth and we mxed.
Cover wth pastc wrap and refrgerate for at east thrty mnutes or unt frm.
Pace your choce of coatng n a bow. If you're gong to have more than one, use separate bows.
Some possbe coatng choces are: toasted coconut, chopped nuts, unsweetened cocoa, powdered
chocoate, crushed Oreo Cookes.
Scoop out a teaspoon fu of the truffe mxture and, usng your fngers, ro t nto a ba. Work
qucky as the heat of your hand w qucky start metng the chocoate. Drop ba n the coatng
bow. Repeat the process unt there are 4 or 5 bas n the coatng bow. Genty ro the truffes n
the coatng mxture and a sheet of waxed paper.
Wrap truffes n an ar tght contaner and store n the refrgerator for up to ten days or n the
freezer for up to a month.
8.) Strawberry Truffes
8 oz. cream cheese at room temperature 5 oz. whte chocoate 4 cups confectoner's sugar 1 tsp.
grated fresh gnger root 18 medum fresh strawberres 1/4 cup fney mnced crystazed gnger (get
t n a gourmet food store or we stocked supermarket) 1/2 cup toasted coconut 1/2 cup fney
chopped pstacho nuts
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Makes about 18 truffes
Met whte chocate n the top of a doube boer, et coo.
Beat together the cream cheese, sugar and gnger root unt smooth. Add meted whte chocoate
and mx we. Ch for at east 1 hour or unt easy to hande. Use a sma meon baer (or sma
spoon) to scoop out the center of each strawberry, haf way down each frut. Pat strawberry dry. Put
a tte crystazed gnger nto each strawberry. Shape the cheese mxture around the frut. Coat one
end n the toasted coconut, the other n the pstacho nuts. Pace truffes n candy cups and ch
unt servng tme.
Dense Thompson's
9.) Chocoate Truffes
2 pounds of Began chocoate (or any brand of good quaty chocoate) one quart of heavy cream
1/4 b. unsated butter 1/3 C queur of choce
cocoa powder
Serves 4 (|ust kddng.... ths makes over 2bs. of truffes, but they are ncredby addctve)
Met chocoate and cream over a doube boer. Whsk n butter and queur. Contnue to whsk as
the mxture coos and thckens. Pour nto quart contaners and refrgerate. To serve, scoop out wth
meon baer, ro n powdered cocoa.
10.) Fooproof Dark Chocoate Fudge
3 C semsweet chocoate chps 1 can (14 oz.) sweetened condensed mk dash sat 1 C chopped
wanuts 1 1/2 tsp. vana
In heavy saucepan over ow heat, met chps wth sweetened condensed mk and sat. Remove from
heat; str n wanuts and vana. Spread eveny nto aumnum fo ned 8 or 9 nch square pan. Ch
2 hours or unt frm. Turn fudge onto cuttng board; pee off fo and cut nto squares. Store oosey
covered at room temperature.
11.) Trpe Chocoate Fudge
3 1/3 C sugar 1 C butter 1 C packed dark brown sugar 1 can (12 oz) evaporated mk 32 arge
marshmaows, haved 2 cups (12 oz) semsweet chocoate chps 2 mk chocoate candy bars (7 oz
each), broken 2 squares (1 oz each) semsweet bakng chocoate, chopped 1 tsp. vana extract 2 C
chopped pecans
Makes about 5 1/2 pounds
In a arge saucepan, combne frst four ngredents. Cook and str over medum heat unt sugar s
dssoved. Brng to a rapd bo and bo for 5 mnutes, strrng constanty. Remove from the heat and
str n marshmaows unt meted. Str n chocoate chps unt meted. Add chocoate bars and
bakng chocoate and str unt meted. Fod n vana and pecans. Pour nto a greased 15" x 10" x 1"
bakng pan. Ch unt frm. Cut nto squares.
12.) Perfect Peppermnt Pattes
1 b. confectoners' sugar 3 T butter or margarne, softened 2 to 3 tsp. peppermnt extract 1/2 tsp.
vana extract 1/4 C evaporated mk 2 C (12 oz) semsweet chocoate chps 2 T shortenng
Makes about 5 dozen In a bow, combne frst four ngredents. Add mk and mx we. Ro nto 1-n
bas and pace on a waxed paper-ned cooke sheet. Ch for 20 mnutes. Fatten wth a gass to
1/4". Ch for 30 mnutes. In a doube boer or mcrowave-safe bow, met chocoate chps and
shortenng. Dp pattes and pace on waxed paper to harden.
13.) Marshmaow Puffs
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36 arge marshmaows 1-1/2 C semsweet chocoate chps 1/2 C chunky peanut butter 2 T butter or
Makes 3 dozen
Lne a 9-n. square pan wth fo and butter the fo. Arrange marshmaows n pan. In a doube boer
or mcrowave-safe bow, met chocoate chps, peanut butter and butter. Pour over the
marshmaows. Ch competey. Cut between marshmaows
14.) Honey Bas for Passover
1/2 C honey 1/3 C sugar 1 1/4 C chopped wanuts
1/4 C matzo farfe 2 tsp. grated orange or emon zest
Makes 18-24
In a medum szed saucepan over ow heat, heat the honey and sugar to bong. Str constanty. Add
the nuts and the farfe and str unt the mxture s thck. Add the grated zest. Remove from heat
and drop by teaspoonfu onto a wet cooke sheet or wax paper, formng sma bas. Coo.
Varaton: Ro the bas n fney grated nuts or coconut.
15.) Ouck & Easy Mcrowave Peanut Butter Fudge
12 oz. semsweet chocoate chps 12 oz. peanut butter 14 oz. sweetened condensed mk
Makes approxmatey 42 peces
In a 1-1/2 quart mcrowave-proof bow, met chocoate and peanut butter on hgh power for 3
mnutes. Str we. Add mk and str unt we bended. Pour mxture nto 8x8 dsh ned wth waxed
paper. Refrgerate to ch.
16.) Rum Bas
1 3/4 cups vana wafer cooke crumbs 1 cup ground pecans 1 cup confectoners sugar 1/4 cup
cocoa 3 tabespoons ght
corn syrup 1/4 cup ght rum 1/3 cup confectoners' sugar (for dppng)
Makes About 2 1/2 Dozen
Mx a ngredents, except for 1/3 cup confectoners sugar. Ro nto one nch bas. Ro bas n
remanng confectoners sugar to coat.
17.) Whte Chocoate Aprcot-Hazenet Truffes
(makes 28 truffes)
1 1/4 C hazenuts (aka fberts)
1/4 C fney chopped dred aprcots
24 ounces mported whte chocoate
6 Tb heavy cream
On a bakng sheet, spread out 1 1/4 C hazenuts. Bake at 350 F for 10
mnutes, or unt nuts are ght brown and the dark skns are cracked.
Remove as much of the skns as possbe by rubbng nuts n a terry-coth
towe. Fney chop nuts n a food processor.
In a 1-quart gass contaner, combne 12 ounces mported whte chocoate,
cut up and 6 Tb heavy cream.
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|Note: I used the Neste whte chocoate chps that are avaabe n
my oca supermarket. It worked we, but I am sure t woud be better
f you use a good mport nstead.|
Mcrowave mxture on MEDIUM (70% power), 3 to 4 mnutes, strrng twce,
unt chocoate s meted and smooth. |You can do ths step n a
doube-boer f you don't have a mcrowave.|
Str nto meted chocoate 3/4 C of the chopped nuts and 1/4 C fney
chopped dred aprcots.
Cover the mxture and refrgerate 1 to 2 hours, or unt mxture s frm
enough to hod ts shape. (If mxture gets too hard, et stand at room
temperature for 30 mnutes or so, unt frm but soft enough to shape.)
Form 28 smooth 1 1/4-nch dameter bas, ether by usng a 1 1/4-nch
automatc-reease ce cream scoop, or by rong 1 Tb of the mxture
between your (cean!) hands.
Pace on a wax paper-ned cooke sheet and refrgerate unt frm, 1
hour or onger.
In a sma gass dsh, pace another 12 ounces mported whte chocoate,
cut up.
18.) Easy Truffes
(Servngs: 64)
8 oz Sem-sweet chocoate
1/3 c Mk
1/3 c Unsated butter
2 ea Egg yoks, sghty beaten
1/4 t Vana extract
1 x Unsweetened cocoa
In saucepan, met chocoate wth mk and butter over ow heat, strrng
unt smooth. Remove from heat.
Str 1/4 cup hot mxture nto egg yoks, the whsk yoks nto chocoate
mxture n saucepan. Add vana; beat we. Pour nto sma bow; cover
and refrgerate unt frm. (You can store n refrgerator for up to 2
days at ths pont.)
Form teaspoonfus nto bas; ro n cocoa and shake off excess.
Makes 1 pound (about 2 dozen). About 75 caores each.
For gft-gvng: use a gass |ar wth d or candy dsh covered wth
pastc wrap. Store covered n refrgerator for 3 weeks and n freezer for
up to 2 months.
19.) Cognac Truffes
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3 1 oz square of unsweetened chocoate
1 1/4 c confectoners' sugar
1/3 c butter
3 egg yoks (I use the whtes to make macaroons or merngue cookes)
1 tsp vana or 2 TBSP of cognac
Met chocoate. Combne sugar and butter n bow. Cream together. Add
egg yoks, 1 at a tme. Str n meted chocoate and favourng. Ch
mxture. Break off peces and form nto bas. Ro n coatng.
Ar-dry 1 hour. Store n ar-tght contaner n very coo pace. Makes
about ffty truffes.
Suggested coatngs: ground amonds or other nuts, cocoa, more meted
chocoate, confectoners' sugar, coconut, chocoate or cooured
Note that ths uses raw egg yoks. I fnd a meon baer to be very
handy n formng the truffes.
20.) Chocoate Anse Truffes
1/4 cup Anse quor
1/2 cup butter
12 oz. sem-sweet chocoate
2 cups puverzed ansette cookes
In a doube boer met the chocoate, constanty strrng wth a wooden
spoon. When the chocoate has meted, add the butter and sowy str t
nto the chocoate as t mets. Contnue to str for another mnute
unt t s we mxed and smooth. Add n the Rum and str unt we
mxed, then sprnke n the puvarzed ansette cookes (a tte at a
tme, as sometmes t takes ess) unt the mxture s sghty
thckened but st smooth. You want the mxture to reman as a thck
sauce at ths pont.
When you have thoroughy mxed n the ansettes, rest the top of your
doube boer n a bucket of ce and WHISK the truffe mxture sowy
unt t has cooed (about 15 mnutes). Do not stop whckng or the
butter and rum w separate out of the chocoate-ansette. When the
sauce s competey cooed t shoud have a soft but sod consstency
whch you can then spoon out and form nto truffes and coat wth
chocoate powder or confectoners sugar.
21.)Babe Ruth Bars
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup whte corn syrup
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup whte sugar
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6 cups cornfakes cerea
1 cup semsweet chocoate chps
2/3 cup peanuts
1 In a arge saucepan over medum heat, combne
the peanut butter, corn syrup, brown sugar and
whte sugar. Cook strrng occasonay unt
smooth. Remove from heat and qucky mx n the
cornfakes, chocoate chps and peanuts unt
eveny coated.
2 Press the entre mxture genty nto a buttered
9x13 nch bakng dsh. Aow to coo competey
before cuttng nto bars.
22.) Carame Appes w/ Chocoate
Makes 8 appes
1 pece of Styrofoam
1 appes
8 ce cream stcks
12 packages (14 oz each) creamy carames
2 tbs. water
3/4 cup pstachos, chopped
8 fo cupcake ners
3 ounces semsweet chocoate
Pace Styrofoam on a fat surface. Lghty coat
bakng sheet wth cookng spray. Remove stems
from appes. Insert wooden stck nto stem of
each appe. Pace carames n saucepan. Add the
water, heat strrng unt carames are meted.
Workng qucky wth one appe at a tme, and
keepng carame over ow heat, dp the appe nto
the carame, turnng to coat the appe, remove
the appe from the carame and genty shake. Pat
pstachos onto top of appe, pace on prepared
sheet. Refrgerate unt carame s coo. Heat
chocoate n top of doube boer, unt meted.
Drzze chocoate over appes. Press appes
stcks nto Styrofoam. Refrgerate unt the
chocoate hardens. Remove from Styrofoam to fo
cupcake ners
23.) Chocoate Cake In A |ar
1 stck pus 3 T. butter or margarne
3 c. whte sugar
4 eggs
1 T. vana
2 c. appesauce, unsweetened
3 c. whte four
3/4 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
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1 tsp. bakng soda
1/2 tsp. bakng powder
1/8 tsp. sat
Prewash 8 pnt-szed wde mouth cannng |ars (be sure to use the knd
that have no shouders) n hot, soapy water. Rnse we, dry and et
them come to room temperat ure. Grease nsdes of |ar we wth
Beat together butter, and haf of sugar unt fuffy. Add eggs and
remanng sugar, vana and appesauce.
Sft dry ngredents together, and add to the appesauce mxture a
tte at a tme. Beat we after each addton.
Pour 1 c. of batter nto each |ar, and carefuy remove any batter
from the rms.
Pace |ars n a preheated 325 oven, and bake for 40 mns.
Whe cakes are bakng, brng a saucepan of water to a bo, and
carefuy add |ar ds. Remove pan from heat, and keep ds hot unt
ready to use.
When the cakes have fnshed bakng, remove |ars from oven. Make sure
|ar rms are cean. (If they're not, |ars w not sea correcty)
Pace ds on |ars, and screw rngs on tghty.
|ars w sea as they coo.
Cakes w sde rght out when ready to serve.
Eat wthn 1 month.
24.) Whte Chocoate Pretzes
1 pkg. ong pretze rods
1 pkg. amond bark, or vana candy coatng
Decoratons, such as red and green sprnkes, hoday M&Ms or crushed
up candy canes
Pace the candy coatng n a mcrowave-safe bow. Make sure you do
not get any water n the bow. Any water at a w cause the candy
coatng not to met propery and separate.
Mcrowave the candy coatng for 1 mn., then str and mcrowave an
addtona mn., unt t s competey meted and smooth.
Stck a pretze rod nto the chocoate, and wth a spoon, cover about
3/4 of the pretze wth chocoate. Let the excess drp back nto the
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Sprnke the chocoate wth ether red and green coored sprnkes,
crushed up peppermnts, or stck red and green M&Ms to the chocoate.
Pace the decorated pretze on a pece of waxed paper or aumnum
fo, and et t dry competey, about 1 hr. Genty pu the pretzes
off the paper.
25.) Pretze Bouquet
Lay about 10 Whte Chocoate Pretzes on a sheet of red or green
tssue paper.
Wrap the pretzes up ke a bouquet of roses woud be wrapped, and
te red, green and whte curng rbbon around the mdde to secure.
Wth scssors, cur the rbbon, then te on a sma gft card.
26.) Pretzes In A Gass
Fnd a ta gass, such as a parfat gass, or one of those neat
gasses mxed drnks are served n.
Pour some hoday candes, such as M&Ms or hard mnts, n the bottom
of the gass. Put as many pretzes as you can n the gass sttng on
the candes, but eave a tte room for them to move around, so they
don't break when they are pued out.
Cover the top of the gass wth a pece of coored pastc wrap, or
you can cut a pece of hoday fabrc, and doube the wdth of the
top wth pnkng shears to cover.
Te a pretty rbbon around the gass to secure, and you have a neat
gft for someone speca!
27.) Mocha Fondue
Update chocoate fondue wth a hnt of coffee, and serve t wth merngue
cookes as crspy dppers.
Source: Better Homes and Gardens
1 4-ounce package sweet bakng chocoate, broken up
4 ounces semsweet chocoate, chopped
2/3 cup ght cream or mk
1/2 cup sfted powdered sugar
1 teaspoon nstant coffee crystas
2 tabespoons coffee queur
Assorted fruts (such as star frut sces, pneappe chunks, kw
frut wedges, strawberres, pear sces, banana sces)
Merngue cookes
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1. In a heavy saucepan combne chocoates, cream, sugar, and coffee
crystas. Heat and str over ow heat unt meted and smooth. Remove from
heat; str n queur. Pour nto a fondue pot; keep warm over ow heat.
Serve wth frut and cookes. Makes 6 to 8 servngs.
Nutrtona facts per servng
caores: 316 , tota fat: 18g , saturated fat: 10g , choestero: 10mg ,
sodum: 19mg , carbohydrate: 41g , proten: 3g , vtamn A: 4% , cacum: 6%
, ron: 7%
28.) Oatmea, Peanut Butter, and Chocoate Chunk Cookes
Source: Better Homes and Gardens
3/4 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup peanut butter
1-1/4 cups packed brown sugar
1-1/4 cups granuated sugar
1-1/2 teaspoons bakng powder
1/2 teaspoon bakng soda
3 eggs
1-1/2 teaspoons vana
2-1/4 cups a-purpose four
2-2/3 cups roed oats
1 10-ounce packate mnature mk chocoate ksses
1. Beat butter and peanut butter n a arge mxng bow wth an eectrc
mxer on medum to hgh speed for 30 seconds. Add granuated sugar, brown
sugar, bakng powder, and bakng soda; beat unt combned, scrapng sdes
of bow occasonay. Beat n eggs and vana unt combned. Beat n
four. Str n roed oats wth a wooden spoon. Str n chocoate ksses.
2. Drop dough from a #50 or #60 scoop, or from a tabespoon, 3 nches apart
onto an ungreased cooke sheet. Sghty fatten dough wth your hand, f
desred. Bake n a 375 degree F oven about 8 to 10 mnutes or unt edges
are ghty browned. Transfer to wre racks and coo. Store n an artght
contaner or pastc bag at room temperature up to 3 days. Makes 60 to 72
Make-Ahead Tp: Coo cookes competey. In an artght or freezer
contaner, arrange cookes n a snge ayer; cover wth a sheet of waxed
paper. Repeat ayers, eavng enough ar space to cose contaner easy.
Freeze up to 1 month.
Nutrtona facts per servng
caores: 127 , tota fat: 6g , saturated fat: 3g , choestero: 17mg ,
sodum: 67mg , carbohydrate: 17g , fber: 1g , proten: 2g
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29.) Rch chocoate brownes
3/4 cups four
1/4 t. sat
1 1/2 squares unsweetened chocoate
1/2 c. margarne or butter
2 eggs
1 cup sugar
1 t. vana
1 rpe banana, we mashed
1/2 cup sem-sweet chocoate chps
1/2 cup broken wanut meats
No bakng powder or soda. Ths makes them extra dense and most.
Preheat oven to 350 F, (325 for a gass pan). Combne four and
sat n a sma bow. Set asde. Met margarne or butter and
unsweetened chocoate n a sma pan on ow heat. Coo to room
temperature. In a arge bow, beat eggs, sugar and vana. Add
mashed banana. Str n chocoate mxture. Graduay sft and
str n four mxture. Add chocoate chps and wanuts. Pour
nto an 8"x 8" pan that has been sprayed wth Pam or cookng
o. Bake for 30 to 35 mnutes.
30.) Mn Chocoate Chp Cheesecake Ba
1 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened
1/2 cup butter, softened
3/4 cup confectoners sugar
2 tabespoons brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon vana extract
3/4 cup mn semsweet chocoate chps
3/4 cup fney chopped pecans
In a medum bow, beat together cream cheese and butter unt smooth.
Mx n confectoners sugar, brown sugar and vana. Str n
chocoate chps. Cover, and ch n the refrgerator for 2 hours.
Shape ched cream cheese mxture nto a ba. Wrap wth pastc,
and ch n the refrgerator for 1 hour or overnght. Ro the
cheese ba n fney chopped pecans before servng. Serve wth
chocoate graham crackers.
1 1/2 c. graham cracker crumbs
1 c. peanut butter
1 c. meted oeo or butter
1 b. powdered sugar
12 oz. mk chocoate chps
1/2 bar paraffn
Form crumbs, peanut butter, oeo and sugar nto bas and freeze. Met chps
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and paraffn n doube boer. Dp bas nto chocoate mxture.
32.) M&M'S Hoday Brownes
A rch, coorfu, ayered treat that the famy can hep decorate.
What you' need:
1 box your favorte browne mx (for 13"x 9" bakng pan)
1 bag M&M'S Mk Chocoate Candes for the Hodays
2 8-ounce packages cream cheese
2/3 cup sugar
1/4 cup heavy cream
2 eggs
1/2 teaspoon vana extract
1 1/2 cups whpped cream (optona)
What to do:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
Prepare the browne mx accordng to the package drectons.
Spoon batter nto 13" x 9" bakng pan, spreadng eveny.
Cover batter wth 1 cup of M&M'S Brand Mk Chocoate Candes for the
In another mxng bow, thoroughy beat the cream cheese wth the sugar. Sowy
add the heavy cream, eggs and vana extract. Bend mxture unt smooth,
scrapng down the sdes of the bow severa tmes.
Eveny spoon the cream cheese mxture over the browne batter.
Bake for 50 to 60 mnutes, or unt a toothpck nserted nto the center of the
pan comes out amost cean.
Remove and coo competey.
Optona: |ust before servng, top wth a ayer of whpped cream.
Cut nto 2-nch squares.
Pror to servng, decorate wth M&M'S Brand Mk Chocoate Candes for the
Hodays. Refrgerate any eftovers.
33.) Cream Cheese Brownes
(from Ltte Rock Cooks... Recpes Handed Down from Generaton to
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4 ounce package German sweet chocoate
5 tabespoons butter
3 ounce package cream cheese
1 cup sugar
3 eggs
1/2 cup pus 1 tabespoon four
1-1/2 teaspoons vana
1/2 teaspoon bakng powder
1/4 teaspoon sat
1/2 cup nuts, chopped
1/4 teaspoon amond extrac
Met chocoate wth 3 tabespoons butter over ow heat, strrng
constanty. Coo. Cream remanng butter wth cream cheese unt
soft. Graduay add 1/4 cup sugar. Bend n 1 egg, 1 tabespoon
four, and 1/2 teaspoon vana. Set asde.
Beat remanng eggs unt thck. Graduay add remanng sugar. Add
bakng powder, sat, and remanng four. Bend n cooed chocoate
mxture, nuts, amond extract, and remanng vana. Measure 1 cup
chocoate batter and set asde.
Spread remanng chocoate batter n a greased 9-nch square pan. Top
wth cheese mxture. Drop measured chocoate batter from tabespoon
onto cheese mxture; swr to marbeze. Bake at 350F for 35 to 40
mnutes. Coo. Cut and store n refrgerator.
YIELD: 18 squares
34.) Cream Cheese Topped Brownes
Browne Batter:
1 c. butter or margarne
2 c. sugar
2 tsp. vana extract
4 eggs
3/4 c. powdered bakng cocoa (Hershey's or store brand)
1/2 tsp. bakng powder
1/4 tsp. sat
1 c. four
35.) Cream Cheese Marbng:
1 egg
1/4 c. sugar
4 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened
In a g. mxng bow combne n the foowng order: butter, 2 c.
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sugar, vana extract, 4 eggs, cocoa, bakng powder, sat and four.
Grease 9x13" bakng pan. Pour batter nto prepared pan.
Prepare the cream cheese toppng: n a separate mxng bow beat
unt smooth:
1 egg, 1/4 sugar and softened cream cheese.
Drop spoonfus of the cream cheese mxture on the browne batter. Run
knfe engthwse across pan draggng through the cream cheese. Turn
pan and drag knfe agan across the pan to marbe the mxture, but
not combne.
Bake n 350 oven for 30-35 mns. or unt brownes |ust begn to pu
away from sdes of pan. Coo. Cut nto bars.
Makes about 24 brownes
36.) Ecar Cake
1 1 b. box honey graham crackers**
2 sma reguar OR nstant vana puddng*
2 3/4 c. mk
1 8 oz. contaner Coo Whp
1 can Duncan Hnes Chocoate Butterceam frostng, softened for about
10 seconds n the mcrowave, so that t w spread easy across the
top ayer of the cake.
1 pkg. Choco-bake (unsweetened qud chocoate)
2 tsp. whte Karo
2 tsp. vana
3 T. soft margarne
1 1/2 c. powdered sugar
3 T. mk
Butter 9x13" pan, and ayer wth whoe graham crackers.
Prepare puddng accordng to pkg. drecton, and et coo, or for
nstant puddng, mx puddng and mk.
Bend n coo whp.
Put 1/2 puddng mxture over crackers. Layer more crackers over
puddng. Top wth rest of puddng. Cover wth a ayer of crackers.
You w have 3 ayers of crackers.
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Refrgerate for 2 hrs. before frostng.
Beat a frostng ngredents unt smooth. Frost cake and
refrgerate 2 hrs.
Cake can be frozen.
Makes 10-16 servngs
*Chocoate puddng can be used.
*French Vana puddng can be used.
**Chocoate graham crackers can be used.
37.) German Chocoate Chp Bread
2 boxes of German Chocoate cake mx
2 sma boxes of chocoate nstant puddng
1- 12 oz sour cream
10 eggs
1 1/2 cups of o
1/2 cup of water
12 oz of chocoate chps
1 cup of chopped nuts (f desred)
Mx together a ngredents. Pour nto three greased oaf pans. Bake
at 325 degrees for one hour or unt done when tested wth wooden
May be frozen, heated n mcrowave, and keeps we n refrgerator
for severa days.
38.) Cadbury's Creme Egg
Recpe By: Todd Wbur - Top Secret Recpes (topsecretrecpes.com)
Servng Sze: 12
Preparaton Tme:
1/2 cup ght corn syrup
1/4 cup butter, softened
1 teaspoon vana
1/4 teaspoon sat
3 cups powdered sugar
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4 drops yeow food coorng
2 drops red food coorng
1 bag mk chocoate chps (12 ounces)
2 tabespoons vegetabe shortenng
1) Combne the corn syrup, butter, vana, and sat n a arge bow.
Beat we wth an eectrc mxer unt smooth.
2) Add powdered sugar, one cup at a tme, mxng by hand after each
addton. Mx we unt creamy.
3) Remove about 1/3 of the mxture, and pace t n a sma bow. Add
the food coorngs, and str we.
4) Cover both mxtures, and refrgerate for at east 2 hours, or
unt frm.
5) When mxtures are frm, ro a sma, marbe-szed ba from the
orange fng, and wrap a porton of the whte fng (approx.
twce the sze) around t. Form ths fng nto the shape of an
egg, and pace t on a cooke sheet that has been brushed wth a
ght coatng of vegetabe shortenng. Repeat process wth the
remanng fng ngredents, then refrgerate these "eggs" for 3-4
hours, or unt frm.
6) Combne the mk chocoate chps wth the shortenng n a gass or
ceramc bow. Mcrowave chocoate on HIGH for 1 mnute, then str,
and mcrowave agan for 1 mnute more; str.
7) Use a fork to dp each center nto the chocoate; tap the fork
ghty on the sde of the bow, then pace each candy onto waxed
paper. Ch.
8) after 1-2 hours of chng, dp each candy once more, and ch
for severa hours, or unt competey frm.
2/3 c. evaporated mk
2 1/2 c. powdered sugar
12 oz. sem sweet chocoate bts
1 c. chopped nuts
7 oz. or more coconut
Mx chocoate bts and mk and mcrowave unt meted (about 3 mnutes).
Str n sugar, and nuts. Ch 1/2 hour. Ro nto bas. Coor coconut and
ro bas n the coconut.
1 pkg. Duncan Hnes Most Deuxe Butter Recpe Fudge Cake Mx
1 c. fney chopped pecans or wanuts
1 tbsp. rum extract
2 c. sfted confectoners' sugar
1/4 c. unsweetened cocoa
Pecans or wanuts, fney chopped
1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease and four 13x9x2 nch pan. Prepare,
bake and coo cake foowng package drectons. 2. Crumbe cake nto arge
bow. Str wth fork unt crumbs are fne and unform n sze. Add 1 cup
nuts, rum extract, confectoners' sugar and cocoa. Str unt we bended.
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3. Shape heapng tabespoonfus mxture nto bas. Garnsh by rong bas
n fney chopped nuts. Press frmy to adhere nuts to bas. Makes 6 dozen.
Tp: Substtute rea rum for rum extract.
41.) Cappuccno Bon-Bons
1 package famy-sze browne mx (13 x 9) sze
2 eggs
1/3 cup of water
1/3 cup cookng o
1 1/2 tbsp. nstant coffee
1 tsp. ground cnnamon
Whpped toppng
Sma or arge fo cupcake ners
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Pace fo cupcake ners on cooke sheet
Combne a ngredents except Whp Cream
F sma ners wth 1 tbsp. of fng
F arge ners wth 1/4 cup of mx.
Bake sma cupcakes 12-15 mnutes.
Bake arge 20-25 mnutes, or unt toothpck comes out cean.
Coo competey.
Garnsh wth a doop of whp cream and a sprnke of cnnamon before
1/2 c. butter favor shortenng
1/2 c. granuated sugar
1/4 c. frmy packed brown sugar
1 tsp. vana
1 egg
1 2/3 a purpose four, unsfted
36 chocoate ksses
36 peach haves
Cream shortenng, sugars, vana and egg n arge bow at medum speed of
mxer. Combne four, bakng soda, and sat. Str nto creamed mxture. Press
2 eve measurng teaspoonfus dough around each kss, coverng kss
competey. Genty pace pecan haf on top of each. Bake on ungreased bakng
sheet for 6-7 mnutes (cookes w not brown, do not over bake). Genty
press pecans nto hot cookes. Coo on bakng sheet for 1 mnute, then remove
to coong racks.
43.) Chocoate Brtte
1 LB Suger
1 LB Wanuts, fney chopped
1 LB Amonds
1 LB Sem Sweet Chocoate
1 LB Whoe Wanuts
In a saucepan cook butter and suger, bong 5 mnutes. Str n amonds and cook 10-20 mnutes or
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unt nuts begn to pop and turn brown. Pour nto a shaow pan and et coo. Met chocoate and
pour over mxture n pan. Sprnke w/ fney chopped wanuts. After mxture hardens, turn over and
sprnke bottom w/ wanuts. Break Candy nto peces.
1 prepared 9-nch pe she, baked
44.) Cherry Toppng Ingredents:
1-3/4 cups thawed frozen ptted tart cherres
(1/2 or a 1-pound bag)
1/2 cup sugar
1 tabespoon cornstarch
1/2 teaspoon amond extract
Chocoate Fng Ingredents:
6 ounces soft fat-free cream cheese
1/2 cup semsweet chocoate chps
3 tabespoons fat-free mk
For the toppng, combne the cherres, sugar, 1/4
cup water, and the cornstarch n a medum
saucepan. Str we to dssove the cornstarch.
Cook over medum heat, strrng often, unt the
sauce s thckened and cear. Add the amond
extract and str to bend. Refrgerate the sauce
to ch and frm.
For the fng, combne the cream cheese and
chocoate chps n a sma pan or n the top of a
doube boer. Cook over very ow heat, strrng
constanty, unt the chps are meted; add the
mk and str unt the mxture s smooth.
Pour the chocoate fng nto the baked pe
crust. Let coo at east 10 mnutes, or unt the
puddng sets. Genty spread the cooed cherry
toppng over the chocoate ayer. Ch the pe
at east 2 hours before servng.
At servng tme, cut nto 8 equa peces.
Nutrtona Informaton Per Servng: (1 sce)
Caores: 265, Fat: 11g, Choestero: 4mg,
Sodum: 274mg, Carbohydrate: 36g, Detary Fber:
1g, Sugars: 23g, Proten: 7g Dabetc Exchanges:
2-1/2 Other Carbohydrate, 1-1/2 Fat
44.) Venna Chocoate Bars
2 stcks butter
2 egg yoks
1 1/2 C sugar
2 1/2 C four
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1 (10 oz.) raspberry |ey (seedess)
1 C sem sweet chocoate chps
1/4 tsp. sat
4 egg whtes
Preheat oven to 350. Cream butter wth egg yoks
and 1/2 cup sugar. Add four and knead wth
fngers. Pat batter out wth fngers on greased
cooke sheet to about 3/8" thckness. Bake for
15 to 20 mnutes unt ghty browned. Remove
from oven. Spread wth |ey and top wth
chocoate chps. Beat egg whtes and sat unt
stff peaks form. Fod n remanng cup of
sugar. Genty spread on top. Bake for
addtona 24 mnutes. Coo and cut nto 2"x2" bars.
45) Carob Candy Bas
1/2 c Carob powder
1/2 c Honey
1/2 c Peanut butter
1/2 c Sesame seeds
1/4 c Wheat germ
1/4 c Dry mk powder
1 c Honey graham cracker crumbs
Bend together carob powder, honey, peanut butter, sesame seeds, wheat germ and powdered mk.
Form nto 1 1/2-nch bas. Ro n graham cracker crumbs. Refrgerate 1 hour before servng. Ths
candy s ow n sat, hgh n potassum. Makes 24 candy bas
46) Chocoate Bas
2 Stcks margarne
1 1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs
1/2 c Chopped pecans
1 c Coconut
1 Box powdered sugar
1 tb Vana
12 oz |ar crunchy peanut butter
6 oz Package semsweet chocoate chps
1/2 Cake paraffn wax (haf of 1/4 pound sze)
Met margarne n arge contaner. Str n graham cracker crumbs, pecans, coconut, powdered sugar
and vana; add peanut butter and mx we. Ro nto wanut sze bas and ay out on waxed paper.
Met chocoate and paraffn together over hot water. Usng 2 teaspoons (or any method you prefer)
dp each ba nto mxture returnng to waxed paper. The bas w coo qucky. Yed 6 dozen.
47). Chocoate Bourbon Bas
1/2 c Margane or butter
4 c Powdered sugar
1 c Fney chopped nuts
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1/4 c Bourbon
1 pk (6 ounces) mk chocoate chps
3 tb Haf-and-haf.
Pace margarne n medum bow. Mcrowave at HIGH (100%) unt meted, 1 to 2 mnutes. Mx n
sugar, nuts and bourbon. Refrgerate unt frm.
Shape nto 1-nch bas. Refrgerate unt frm. Combne chocoate chps and haf-and-haf n a sma
bow. Mcrowave at MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) unt chocoate chps are meted, 1 to 2-1/2 mnutes,
strrng once or twce. Str unt smooth. Drzze chocoate over candes. (Reheat chocoate as
needed.) Ch.
48)Chocoate Cream Hazenut Bas
1/2 c Fney chopped hazenuts
1 c Vana cooke crumbs
1 c Powdered sugar
2 tb Cocoa
2 tb Corn syrup
1/4 c Cream
1/2 ts Vana
Combne a ngredents and mx we. The mxture shoud be most to the touch. Ro nto bas
about the sze of a wanut. Ro n powdered sugar or fney chopped hazenuts. Store for at east 2
days n covered contaner.
49.) Chocoate Mnt Dessert Bas
9 oz Chocoate chps; meted
1/2 c Creme de menthe
24 oz Cream cheese; softened
1 ts Cnnamon, ground
2 c Pecans; fney chopped
Chocoate cooke wafers
In arge bow, mx together ngredents except pecans unt smooth. cover and ch 1 hour. Dvde
mxture nto 1 part per ba, and form nto bas. Ro bas n pecans. Serve wth chocoate cooke
wafers. Store n refrgerator.
50.) Chocoate Pecan Rum Bas
1 b Pecans, sheed and ground
8 1/2 oz Chocoate wafers; crushed
1/2 c Dark rum
1/3 c Honey
Powdered sugar
Combne a ngredents, except powdered sugar, n a arge bow. Mx we. Ch for 20 mnutes.
Shape by spoonfu nto round bas. Store n a tghty covered, artght contaner. |ust before servng
or gvng, ro n powdered sugar. Makes 100 bas.
Chocoate Wanut Rum Bas
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1 c Wanuts, ground or fney chopped
2 c Grated "German's sweet" or bttersweet chocoate
1 1/2 c Sfted confectoner's sugar
4 tb Rum
Cocoa powder
Combne nuts, sugar, and chocoate. Mosten wth rum to form a stff dough. Form nto sma bas
and ro n cocoa to coat.
Detetc Cream Cheese Bas
1 pk (8 0z. sze) cream cheese
3/4 c Fney chopped pecans
Mkcote or whtecoat chocoate
Cream the cream cheese and add pecans. Ch unt cheese w form bas. Dp bas nto meted
whtecote or mkcote chocoate coatng. Makes about 25 bas.
Doube Chocoate Cherry Bourbon Bas
1 6oz.pkg. chocoate chps
3 T Corn syrup
1/2 c Bourbon or 1/4 cup bourbon and 1/4 cup gnger ae
1 8 1/2 oz.pkg. chocoate wafers, crushed
1/2 c Confectoners sugar
1 c Fney chopped nuts
1/4 c Fney chopped canded cherres
Granuated sugar
Met chocoate n top of doube boer. Remove from heat, add corn syrup and bourbon. In arge
bow mx wafer crumbs, nuts, confectoners sugar and cherres. Add chocoate mxture. Str unt
bended. Refrgerate 1 hour. Ro nto 1-nch bas and ro n granuated sugar.
Swedsh Bas
1/2 b Butter
1 1/2 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 c Strong cod coffee (nstant)
2 ts Vana
1 c Cocoa
4 c Ouck-cookng oats, uncooked
Cream butter and sugar. Bend n eggs. Add coffee, vana, and cocoa. Mx. Add oats and mx we.
Ch 1 to 2 hours. Shape nto one-nch bas. Ro n sugar. Store n ar tght contaner. Keep
Makes 5 dozen.
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Sweet 'n' Peanutty Chocoate Bas
3 c Powdered sugar, sfted
1 1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs
1 c Pecans fney chopped
3/4 c Butter
3/4 c Peanut butter
1 1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps
4 tb Butter
1 tb Mk
Combne powdered sugar, graham cracker crumbs and pecans; str unt unform n coor. In a
saucepan, met butter and peanut butter together. Pour over sugar mx, and str unt |ust
mostened. Form nto one-nch bas. In a separate saucepan, combne chocoate chps, butter and
mk. Met together over ow heat, strrng |ust enough to bend. Coat bas wth chocoate by dppng
nto chocoate mxture one at a tme. Pace on waxed paper, and ch before servng. Makes 60 bas
Wanut Chocoate Rum Bas
1 c Wanuts, ground or fney chopped
2 c Grated "German's sweet" or bttersweet chocoate
1 1/2 c Sfted confectoner's sugar
4 tb Rum
Cocoa powder
Combne nuts, sugar, and chocoate. Mosten wth rum to form a stff dough. Form nto sma bas
and ro n cocoa to coat. Ths recpe s not ony smpe, t's fexbe. It can be made wth other knds
of quor (amaretto, sherry, and Southern Comfort work we), nuts (amonds or pecans, for nstance)
and coatngs (ground nuts, fney grated coconut, etc.) and aways comes out tastng great. Addng
sma chunks of nut for texture s aso effectve.
Back and Whte Chocoate Bars
1 b Rea whte chocoate, meted
1 b Chocoate chps; meted
3/4 c Evaporated mk
1/4 c margarne
1 ts Vana (or other extract)
1/2 c Toasted hazenuts (or wanuts)
To ensure that the recpe w set up propery, do not use whte bakng confectons that are not rea
whte chocoate. The word "cocoa" shoud appear n the ngredents.
Lne the nsde of an 8" square bakng pan wth pastc wrap and set asde.
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Toast nuts by pacng on a cooke sheet and bakng n pre-heated 350 degrees F. oven unt skn
begns to fake off. Remove skns by rubbng wth a cean towe. Chop nuts wth a knfe, or puse n a
food processor.
Met chocoate n a separate medum-szed bows over doube boers.
Combne and met the evaporated mk and GodnSoft margarne over medum heat. Remove
from heat and reserve.
Add haf the mk and margarne mxture to the meted chocoate chps. Mx we, pour nto ned
bakng dsh, an spread eveny. Refrgerate a few mnutes.
Add baance of mk mxture to the meted whte chocoate, then add the vana and mx unt we
Smoothy spread the mxture over the frst ayer and top wth nuts. Refrgerate unt frmy set (24
hrs.) and cut nto bars. Store ched.
Carame Fed Chocoate Bars
1 German Chocoate cake mx
3/4 c Margarne, meted
14 oz Bag carames
2/3 c Evaporated mk, dvded
1 c Chocoate chps
1 c Wanuts, chopped
Met carames and 1/3 cup evaporated mk over hot water or n mcrowave, strrng every thrty
seconds. Keep warm.
Mx the cake mx, margarne and 1/3 cup evaporated mk and beat we. Spread 1/2 the batter n a
greased 9x13 nch pan. Bake for 6 mnutes at 350 degrees. Coo about 2 mnutes. Spread carame
mxture over baked ayer and sprnke wth chocoate chps. Str 1/2 cup nuts nto remanng 1/2 of
batter and drop by haf teaspoonsfu over top. Sprnke wth remanng 1/2 cup nuts. Return to oven
and bake for 18 mnutes at 350 degrees. Coo n pan and cut nto 1 1/2 nch squares.
Chewy Chocoate Orange Bars
2 c Cake four
3/4 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
1 1/2 c Ouck-cookng oats
1 c Dark-brown sugar, packed
2 Egg whtes
Rasn Puree
3/4 c Chopped btttersweet chocoate
1/3 c Toasted wanuts, optona
1 tb Grated orange zest
Sft together four, bakng powder and sat nto arge bow. Str n oats and brown sugar. Beat egg
whtes ghty n another bow. Str n Rasn Puree. Str nto four mxture aong wth chocoate,
wanuts, and orange zest |ust unt bended. Spoon n 9-nch-square bakng pan sprayed wth
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non-stck vegetabe spray. Bake at 350 degrees F. 25 to 30 mnutes. Coo. Cut nto 24 bars.
Chocoate Bars
2 c A-purpose four;
1 c Sugar;
1/2 c Cocoa;
1 ts Bakng soda;
Dry substtute equa to 1/3 cup sugar
1/2 ts Cnnamon;
1/2 ts Sat;
1 c Margarne (2 Stcks); at room temperature
2 g Eggs;
2 ts Vana;
1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps;
Pace four, sugar, cocoa, bakng soda, dry sugar substtute, cnnamon, and sat n a mxer bow and
mx a ow speed to bend we. Add margarne, eggs, vana and water, and mx at medum speed to
bend we. Spread batter eveny n an 11" by 15" |ey ro pan that has been sprayed wth pan spray
or greased wth margarne. Bake at 325 degrees for 20 to 25 mnutes, or unt bars pu away the
sdes of the pan and a cake tester comes out cean from the center. Pace on wre rack and sprnke
chocoate chps eveny over the top of the hot bars. Mark four by eght and coo unt chocoate has
hardened. Cut as marked. (Mght be a good dea to cut even more sugar out of ths.)
Chocoate Candy Bar
1 Enveope SF Hot Cocoa Mx
2 tb Cod water
2 tb Goden rasns; or -
1 ts Peanut butter; or
1 ts Chopped nuts
In sma bow str cocoa mx wth water. Save enveope that mx came n. Str n rasns or peanut
butter or nuts. Spoon mxture back nto cocoa enveope. Fod over top and et stand aganst wa n
bottom of freezer for about 4 hours. When frozen pee off enveope and eat. Tastes ke fudge.
Chocoate Carame Nut Bars
14 oz Bag carames, remove wrappers
5 oz Can evaporated mk
1 Box German chocoate cake mx wth puddng
1/2 c Margarne, meted
1 1/2 c Wanuts, chopped
6 oz Semsweet chocoate chps
Met carames wth 1/3 cup mk n the mcrowave. Str unt smooth. Combne remanng mk, mx
and margarne. Mx we. Press haf of cake mxture nto the bottom of a greased 13 x 9 bakng pan.
Bake 350 degrees for 6 mnutes. Sprnke wth 1 cup wanuts, chocoate peces over the crust; top
wth carame mxture spreadng to the edges of the pan. Top wth teaspoonfus of remanng cake
mxture. Sprnke wth wanuts -- press ghty nto the top. Bake for 350 degress for 20 mnutes.
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Coo sghty; cut nto bars.
20. Chocoate Carame Shortbread
1 1/2 c Butter, softened, dvded
1/2 c Sfted ccng sugar
1/4 ts Sat
1 1/4 c A purpose four
1 cn Sweetened condensed mk
3 tb Corn syrup
1 ts Vana
3 Squares sem sweet chocoate, meted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In arge mxer bow, beat 1 cup butter, sugar and sat unt fuffy.
Add four, mx we. Wth foured fnger, press eveny nto greased 9 nch square pan. Bake 30-35
mnutes or unt ghty browned. Coo sghty. In 2 quart gass measure, wth hande,n mcrowave
oven, met remanng 1/2 cup butter on hgh. for 1 mnutes. Str n sweetened condensed mk and
corn syrup. Mcrowave on hgh for 6-8 mnutes, strrng after each mnute, or unt mxture turns a
ght carame coour. Str n vana. Spread over warm shortbread. Drzze wth chocoate. Ch unt
frm. Cut nto bars. Store covered at room temperature. Makes 24 bars.
21. Chocoate Cheese Bars
1 Dev's Food Cake Mx (wth or wthout puddng n t)
8 oz Cream cheese, softened
1/3 c O
3 Eggs (dvded use)
1/4 c Sugar
6 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps
1/2 c Wanuts or pecans, chopped
Mx dry cake mx, 2 eggs, and 1/3 cup o unt crumby; reserve 1 cup. Pat remanng mxture ghty
n an ungreased 13x9x2 nch pan. Bake for 15 mnutes at 350 degrees. Remove and sprnke top
wth chocoate chps and wanuts.
Beat cream cheese, sugar and remanng egg unt ght and smooth. Spread over chocoate chps
and wanuts. Sprnke wth reserved crumb mxture. Return to oven and bake for 15 mnutes onger.
Coo and cut nto bars. Makes 16 servngs.
22. Chocoate Cherry Bars
1 pk Fudge cake mx
1 cn (21 oz.) cherry pe fng
1 ts Amond extract
2 Eggs; beaten
Frostng: 1 cup sugar 5 Tabespoons butter or margarne 1/3 cup mk 6 ounces sem-sweet
chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350. Grease and four a 9x13 nch pan. Combne a ngredents for bars n a mxng
bow and str by hand unt mxed.
Spread batter n prepared pan and bake 25-30 mnutes. Be carefu not to over-bake. Coo on rack.
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To make frostng, combne sugar, butter and mk n sma saucepan. Bo, strrng constanty, for 1
mnute. Remove from heat, add chocoate peces and str unt smooth. Pour over cooed bars.
23. Chocoate Chp Bars
3/4 c Brown Sugar frmy packed
1/2 c Butter or margarne
1 Egg
1 1/4 c A-purpose four
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
1 ts Vana
6 oz Chocoate peces
1/2 c Chopped wanuts
Cream together sugar and butter. Beat n egg. Str n dry ngredents; add vana and mx. Fod n
chocoate and nuts. Spread n greased 15 x 10-nch pan (ths w be a thn ayer of batter). Bake n
375 degree oven 12 to 15 mnutes. Coo sghty before cuttng nto 48 squares.
24. Chocoate Chp Cooke Bars
3/4 c Frmy packed brown sugar
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Margarne or butter,softened
1/2 c Shortenng
1 1/2 ts Vana
1 Egg
1 3/4 c A purpose four
1 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Sem-sweet chocoate chps
1/2 c Chopped nuts or sheed
Sunfower seeds (opt)
Heat oven to 375 degrees F. In arge bow, combne brown sugar, sugar, margarne and shortenng;
beat unt ght and fuffy. Add vana and egg; bend we. Str n four, bakng soda, and sat; mx
we. Str n chocoate chps and nuts. Spread n ungreased 13 x 9-nch pan. Bake for 15 to 25
mnutes or unt ght goden brown. Coo competey. Cut nto bars.
25. Chocoate Chp Cranberry Cheese Bars
1 c Butter or margarne, (2 stcks or 1/2 LB)
1 c Brown sugar; packed
2 c Four
1 1/2 c Roed oats
2 ts Orange zest; grated
1 pk Semsweet chocoate chps, 12oz
1 c Cranberres; dred (4oz)
1 pk Cream cheese; (8oz)
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1 1/4 c Sweetened condensed mk, (1 can at 14oz)
Beat butter and brown sugar n arge bow unt creamy; beat n four, oats and orange pee unt
crumby. Str n chocoate chps and cranberres; reserve 2 cups mxture. Press remanng mxture
onto bottom of greased 13-by-9-nch bakng pan. Bake at 350 degrees 15 mnutes.
Beat cream cheese n sma bow unt smooth. Graduay beat n sweetened condensed mk. Pour
over hot crust; sprnke wth reserved oat mxture. Return to oven and bake 25 to 30 mnutes or
unt center s set. Coo n pan on wre rack.
Makes about 3 dozen.
26. Chocoate Chp Nut Bars
1/2 c Margarne
2 c Brown sugar, packed
1 ts Vana
2 Eggs
1 1/2 c Four
2 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Sat
1 c Chpts
1 c Nuts
Met margarne n arge pot. Remove from heat and add sugar and vana. Str we. Add eggs, one
at a tme. Str together four, bakng powder, and sat. Add to pan and mx we. Spread n pan 9X13.
Sprnke wth nuts and chpts over surface and press down ghty. Bake at 350 for 35-40 mnutes.
Coo and cut nto bars.
27. Chocoate Crunch Bars
1/2 c Honey
1/3 c Margarne
1/4 c Cocoa Powder, Sweetened --
1 c Granoa
1 c Dry Mk
Bend together everythng except the granoa to a stff dough. Knead n the granoa, or ro the
shaped bars n granoa.
* Carob powder may be used aso.
28. Chocoate Deght Bars
1/2 c Margarne -- softened
1 Egg yok
2 tb Water
1 1/4 c Four
1 ts Sugar
1 ts Bakng powder
12 oz Chocoate chps
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3/4 c Sugar
2 Eggs
6 tb Margarne -- meted
2 ts Vana
1 c 2c nuts -- chopped fne
Combne the frst sx ngredents and mx t smooth. Mxture w be very stff. Press nto a greased
9"x13" pan. Bake 10 mnutes at 350 degrees F. Remove from oven and sprnke wth chocoate
chps. Return to oven for 1 mnute. Spread meted chps over the crust. Beat eggs t thck, then
beat n sugar. Str n meted margarne, vana and nuts. Spread over chocoate. Bake 30-35
mnutes at 350 degrees F. Cut nto 48 squares when coo.
29. Chocoate Fudge Bars
1 Stck Butter
2 oz Unsweetened Bakng Chocoate Squares
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 c Four
1/2 ts Sat
1/2 ts Bakng Soda
1/2 ts Vana Or Peppermnt Extract
1 c Chocoate Chps
1 c Powdered Sugar
1 tb Mk -- or more
1/2 ts Peppermnt Extract
Met the butter and the unsweetened chocoate.
When the bow s coo, add the sugar, beat n the eggs, mx n the four, the sat, and the bakng
soda. Add the vana. Spread nto a greased |eyro pan.
Sprnke wth the chocoate chps, and bake at 350 F for 8 mnutes or so.
Gaze: Mx up the ngredents. It shoud be ke a gaze that w pour, thcky. Add a coupe of drops
of food coorng f desred. When the cookes come out of the oven, spread the gaze. Coo sghty,
and cut whe st warm.
30. Chocoate Mape Nut Bars
1 1/2 c Four; unsfted
2/3 c Sugar
1/2 ts Sat
3/4 c Margarne or butter; cod
2 Eggs
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk
1 1/2 ts Mape favorng
2 c Nuts; chopped
1 c Sem-sweet chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a arge bow, combne four, sugar and sat; cut n margarne unt
crumby. str n 1 beaten egg. Press eveny n a 9x13" pan. Bake for 25 mnutes. Meanwhe, n
medum bow, beat sweetened condensed mk, remanng egg and favorng; str n nuts. Sprnke
chocoate chps eveny over the prepared crust. Top wth the nut mxture. Bake for 25 mnutes more
or unt ghty brown. Coo. Cut nto bars. Store tghty covered at room temperature. Makes 24 - 36
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31. Chocoate Marshmaow Bars
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1/2 c Butter
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 c Four
1 ts Vana
1 c Chopped pecans
16 Large marshmaows
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease an 11 1/2 x 7 bakng pan. Met chocoate and butter n top of
doube boer over hot water. Set asde.
Cream sugar and eggs unt ght and fuffy. Add four. Beat. Add meted chocoate and butter. Beat
we. Mx n vana and pecans.
Pour nto prepared pan. Bake 18 mnutes. Remove from oven and cover wth marshmaows. Return
to oven and bake unt marshmaows are ghty browned.
Coo sghty and cut nto bars.
32. Chocoate Merngue Bars
1/2 c Margarne
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Brown sugar
2 Eggs -- separated
1 ts Vana
2 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sar
3 tb Mk -- or water
6 oz Chocoate chps
1 c Brown sugar
1/2 ts Vana
1/2 c Nuts -- , optona
Beat margarne, sugars, egg yoks, and 1 tsp. vana. Mx dry ngredents, and add wth mk. Spread
n 9"x13" pan. Sprnke wth chocoate chps. Beat egg whtes to soft peaks, beat n brown sugar and
vana. Fod n nuts. Spread carefuy over chps. Bake 30-35 mn. at 325 degrees F.
33. Chocoate Pecan Cheesecake Bars
1 pk Chocoate cake mx
1/2 c Butter or margarne -- Softened
1 Egg
1/2 c Pecans -- chopped
8 oz Cream cheese -- softened
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk
1 ts Vana
1 Egg
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Heat oven to 350. Grease 13 x 9 pan. In arge bow, combne cake mx, margarne and egg; mx at
ow speed unt combned. Str n pecans. Reserve 1 cup for toppng; set asde. Press remanng
mxture eveny n bottom of greased pan. Beat cream cheese n medum bow unt fuffy. Add
remanng fng ngredents and beat at medum speed unt smooth. Pour over crust; sprnke wth
reserved toppng. Bake at 350 for 35 to 40 mnutes. Coo competey. Cut nto bars. Store n
34. Chocoate Rasn Bars
1 3/4 c A-purpose four
1 pn Sat
8 ts Potato four
3/4 c Butter
1/3 c Rasns; chopped
8 oz Semsweet chocoate peces
1/4 c Vana sugar
Preheat oven to 350 F (175 C). Sft a-purpose four, sat, potato four and vana sugar nto a
medum-sze bow. Cut n butter unt mxture forms coarse crumbs; mx n rasns. Mx together to
form a soft dough. Ro out dough on a foured surface to a rectange sghty smaer than an 11" x
7" bakng pan. Pace roed-out dough n pan; press to ft. Smooth top; prck we. Bake about 25
mnutes or unt very ghty browned. Coo a few mnutes. Usng a sharp knfe, mark through surface
of mxture wth nes to use as a gude for cuttng. Let coo n pan. Cut mxture n 20 squares;
remove from pan. Pace chocoate n a sma bow over a pan of genty smmerng water; str unt
meted and smooth. Lne a bakng sheet wth fo. Dp bars n chocoate, coatng eveny; ft out wth
a fork and tap genty on sde of bow to remove excess chocoate. Pace on fo. Pace bakng sheet
n a coo pace unt chocoate sets. If desred, any remanng chocoate can be pped over bars for
35. Chocoate Raspberry Bars
1 1/2 c Roed oats
1/2 c Unbeached four
1/2 c Amonds, ground
pn Sat
1 ts Ground cnnamon
1/3 c Tny sem-sweet chocoate chps
2 Eggs
1/2 c Mape syrup
1/2 c A-frut raspberry |am
In a medum bow, combne the oats, four, amonds, sat, cnnamon and chocoate chps.
Combne the eggs and mape syrup n a sma bow and whsk unt very we combned. Pour nto
the oat mxture and combne we. About hafway through the mxng t w become much easer f
you use your hands.
Scoop haf of the dough nto the bottom of a 9-nch gass pe dsh and smooth t out, gong up the
sde a tte bt, to make a smooth ayer. If the dough s too stcky to work wth, wet your hands and
use them to press t n.
Spread the |am eveny over the dough n the pe dsh. Then use your hands to very genty dstrbute
the remanng dough over the the |am. In some paces the |am mght sqush up over the top of ths
new ayer of dough, but that s OK.
Mcrocook, uncovered, at fu power (100%) unt the dough fees dry to the touch, about 5 mnutes.
The raspberry |am w be bubby and very runny, but et t coo competey before cuttng nto bars
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and t w be fne.
Makes 12 bars.
36. Chocoate Wanut Bars
1 1/2 c Four 1/2 c Margarne 1/4 c Brown sugar 3/4 c Corn syrup 2 tb Margarne; meted 1 ts Vana
12 oz Chocoate chps
3 Eggs 3/4 c Sugar 1 1/2 c Wanuts; chopped
For crust, beat four, margarne and brown sugar n sma mxer bow unt crumby. Press nto
greased 13 x 9 pan. Bake n preheated 350 oven for 12 to 15 mnutes. For fng, beat eggs, sugar,
corn syrup, margarne and vana n medum bow wth wre whsk. Str n morses and wanuts. Pour
over crust. Bake n preheated oven for 25 to 30 mnutes or unt set. Ch for a few mnutes before
37. Chocoatey Poppers
1/2 c Land O'Lakes Butter
10 1/2 oz Marshmaows, mnature
2 oz Sem sweet chocoate
1 c A purpose four
1 ts Vana extract
1 c Sated peanuts
6 c Popcorn
Combne butter, marshmaows and chocoate n a 2 quart saucepan. Cook over ow heat, strrng
constanty, unt meted and we bended. Remove from heat. Graduay add four and sat, mxng
we. Str n vana and peanuts. Pour over popcorn, mxng we. Press nto we greased 13x9 nch
pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 mnutes. Coo; cut nto bars. Dust wth confectoners sugar, f
38. Congo Bars
2 3/4 c Unbeached A-Purpose Four
2 1/2 ts Bakng Powder
1/2 ts Sat
3 g Eggs
2 c Brown Sugar, Frmy Packed
1 ts Vana
2/3 c Vegetabe O
6 oz Chocoate Chps, 1 Cup
Sft the four, bakng powder and sat together, bendng we. In a separate bow, beat the eggs. Add
the sugar, vana and o. Str n the dry ngredents, then add the chocoate chps. Spread on a
greased |ey-ro pan and bake for 15 to 20 mnutes n a preheated 350 Degree F. oven. Coo
sghty before cuttng.
39. Crunchy Chocoate Peanut Butter Bars
1/2 c Lght corn syrup
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1/3 c Brown sugar, packed
1 c Peanut butter
3 c Rce cerea
1 c Sem-sweet chocoate peces
2 ts Vana
In a 2 quart saucepan, combne corn syrup and brown sugar,. Cook and str t mxture comes to a
fu bo. Str n peanut butter. Remove from heat. Str n cerea, chocoate peces and vana. Str n
cerea, chocoate peces and vana. Press nto an ungreased 9x9x2 nch pan. Ch 1 hour. Cut nto
40. Deuxe Chocoate Marshmaow Bars
3/4 c Butter or margarne
1 1/2 c Sugar
3 Eggs
1 ts Vana extract
1 1/3 c A-purpose four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
3 tb Bakng cocoa
1/2 c Chopped nuts, optona
4 c Mnature marshmaows
1 1/3 c Chocoate chps (8 oz.)
3 tb Butter or margarne
1 c Peanut butter
2 c Crsp rce cerea
In a mxng bow, cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and vana; beat unt fuffy. Combne four,
bakng powder, sat and cocoa; add to creamed mxture. Str n nuts f desred. Spread n a greased
|ey ro pan. Bake at 350 for 15-18 mnutes. Sprnke marshmaows eveny over cake; return to
oven for 2-3 mnutes. Usng a knfe dpped n water, spread the meted marshmaows eveny over
cake. Coo.
For toppng, combne chocoate chps, butter and peanut butter n a sma saucepan. Cook over ow
heat, strrng constanty, unt meted and we bended. Remove from heat, str n cerea. Spread
over bars. Ch.
41. Easy Chocoate Chp Layer Bars
1 Stck butter or margarne
1 1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs
1 c Faked coconut (opt)
12 oz Sem sweet chocoate morses
14 oz Can sweetened condensed mk
1 c Chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Met butter n oven n 13x9 nch bakng pan. Remove from oven.
Sprnke crumbs over butter. Sprnke wth coconut and morses. Pour sweetened condensed mk
eveny over mxture. Top wth pecans; press down.
Bake for 22 - 27 mnutes or unt goden brown around edges. Coo competey n pan on rack.
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42. Fundy Mud Bars
1 c Margarne
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
1 1/2 c A purpose four
1/3 c Cocoa
1 c Chopped wanuts
3 c Mnature Marshmaows
1/2 c Margarne
4 c Icng sugar
1/3 c Cocoa
1/2 c Evaporated mk
Cream margarne and sugar unt ght and fuffy. Add eggs, one at a tme, beatng we after each
addton. Sft cocoa and four together, beat n graduay. Str n wanuts. Spoon batter nto a
greased 9 x13 nch pan. Bake at 350 degrees F oven for 30 - 35 mnutes. Immedatey sprnke top
of cake wth marshmaows. Return to oven for 3 - 5 mnutes unt marshmaows are sghty puffed.
Coo 30 mnutes. For cng, cream margarne. Combne cng sugar and cocoa, and beat n
aternatey wth mk. Beat unt cng s ght and fuffy. Spread over marshmaow ayer. Ch to
serve - cut n bars.
43. Oatmea Chocoate Chp Bars
1 1/2 c Brown sugar, packed
1 c Shortenng
2 tb Moasses
2 ts Vana
2 Whoe egg
3 c Roed oats
1 c Four
1 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Sat
3/4 c Nuts -- chopped
12 oz Semsweet chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 15 x 10 or 13 x 9 nch pan. In arge bow, beat brown sugar
and shortenng unt ght and fuffy. Add moasses, vana, and eggs; bend we. Lghty spoon four
nto measurng cup; eve off. Str n oats, four, bakng soda and sat; bend we. Str n nuts and
chocoate chps. Spread n prepared pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 mnutes or unt ght
goden brown and center s set. Coo sghty; cut nto bars. Serve warm or coo. 48 bars.
44. Peanut Butter Bars
3/4 c Butter
2 c Peanut butter
1 1/2 c Crushed graham crackers
1 b Powdered sugar
6 oz Chocoate chps
1 tb Crsco o
Mx frst 4 ngredents - knead unt smooth. Press nto 9 x 13" pan. Met chocoate chps n saucepan
wth o. Spread over mxture n pan. Ch 1 hour & cut nto bars.
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45. Reeses Bars
1 c Meted butter
2 3/4 c Icng sugar
1 c Peanut butter
2 1/2 c Graham wafer crumbs
12 oz Chocoate chps
Mx together frst four and press nto an ungreased 9 x 13 pan.
Met the chocoate chps and pour over the peanut butter mxture. Let coo sghty and then cut nto
bars before the chocoate hardens competey.
46. Scrumptouse Chocoate Layer Bars
12 oz Chocoate chps
5 oz Can evaporated mk
8 oz Cream cheese
1/2 ts Amond extract
3 c Four
1 c Butter, softened
2 Eggs
1 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Amond extract
Mx chocoate chps, cream cheese and evaporated mk n a saucepan. Cook over ow heat, strrng
constanty, unt mxture s smooth. Remove from heat and str n 1/2 tsp. amond extract. Mx
we;set asde. Combne remanng ngredents. Bend we unt mxture resembes coarse crumbs.
Press 1/2 crumbs (not too hard) n greased 9 x 13 pan. Spread wth chocoate mxture. Sprnke
remanng 1/2 of crumbs over fng. Bake at 375 degrees F for 35-40 mnutes or unt goden brown.
Coo and cut nto bars. Makes approx. 36 bars.
47. Sncker Bars
11 1/2 oz Mk chocoate chps
2 tb Shortenng
30 Vana carames
2 tb Water
1 c Chopped peanuts
Met chps and shortenng n mcrowave. Str unt smooth. Pour 1/2 of chocoate mxture nto 8" fo
ned pan. Refrgerate unt frm (about 15 mnutes). Put carames, butter and water n bow and
heat n mcrowave. Str unt smooth. Bend n nuts. Pour over frst chocoate mxture; refrgerate
unt tacky (about 15 mnutes). Reheat remanng chocoate. f necessary, pour over top, ch, cut
and en|oy.
48. Thn Fudgy Chocoate Strppers
1 1/2 c A-purpose four
1/3 Cap unsweetened cocoa
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/4 ts Sat
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1 c Sugar
3 tb Stck margarne, softened
1 ts Instant espresso granues Or 2 ts Instant coffee granues
1 ts Vana extract
1 (2 1/2-ounce) |ar prune baby food
1 g Egg
Nonstck cookng spray
1 (1-oz) square semsweet chocoate, chopped
1 (1-oz) square whte bakng chocoate, chopped
Preheat oven 350 F. Mx four, cocoa, bakng soda and sat n bow; str we. Combne sugar,
margarne, espresso, vana, baby food and egg n arge bow. Beat at hgh speed wth mxer for 2
mnutes; str n dry ngredents (dough w be thck). Spoon dough nto 15xO-nch |eyro pan
coated wth cookng spray. Bake 13 mnutes. (Do not overcook.) Coo competey n pan. Cut nto 36
bars. Pace bars on wax paper. Pace semsweet chocoate n heavy duty zp-top pastc bag; pace
whte chocoate n a heavy-duty Tptop pastc bag. Mcrowave both bags at Medum-Low (30
percent power) for 1 mnute or unt chocoate mets. Knead bags unt smooth. Snp a tny hoe n
corner of each bag; drzze chocoates over bars. Aow drzze on bars to coo, before eatng. Makes
3 dozen. Note: Can be made ahead of tme, and stored n artght contaner. Drzze chocoates onto
bars on the day you wsh to serve them.
49. Chocoate Amond Bscott
1/2 c Butter or margarne softened
1 1/4 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 ts Amond extract
2 1/4 c A-purpose four
1/4 c Hershey's Cocoa -OR- European Stye Cocoa
1 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1 c Sced amonds
Addtona sced amonds (optona)
Chocoate Gaze:
1 c Hershey's Sem-Sweet Chps
1 tb Shortenng*
Whte Gaze:
1/4 c Premer Whte Chps (Hershey's)
1 ts Shortenng
*(do not use butter, margarne or o n Gaze recpes).
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. In arge bow, beat butter and sugar unt we bended. Add eggs and
amond extract; beat unt smooth. Str together four, cocoa, bakng powder and sat; bend nto
butter mxture, beatng unt smooth. (Dough w be thck.) Usng wooden spoon, work amonds nto
dough. Dvde dough n haf. Wth ghty foured hands, shape each haf nto rectanguar og about 2
nches n dameter and 11 nches ong; pace on arge ungr eased cooke sheet, at east 2 nches
apart. Bake 30 mnutes or unt ogs are set. Remove from oven; coo on cooke sheet 15 mnutes.
Usng serrated knfe and sawng moton, cut ogs nto 1/2-nch dagona sces. Dscard end peces.
Arrange sces, cut sdes down, cose together on cooke sheet. Bake 8 to 9 mnutes. Turn each sce
over; bake an addtona 8 to 9 mnutes. Remove from oven; coo on cooke sheet on wre rack. Dp
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
end of each bscott n Chocoate Gaze or drzze gaze over entre cooke. Drzze Whte Gaze over
chocoate gaze. Garnsh wth addtona amonds, f desred. About 2-1/2 dozen cookes.
Chocoate Gaze: In sma mcrowave-safe bow, pace 1 cup Hershey's Sem-Sweet Chocoate Chps
and 1 tabespoon shortenng (do not use butter, margarne or o). Mcrowave at HIGH (100%) 1 to
1-1/2 mnutes or unt smooth when strred. About 1 cup gaze.
Whte Gaze: In sma mcrowave-safe bow, pace 1/4 cup Hershey's Premer Whte Chps and 1
teaspoon shortenng (do not use butter, margarne or o). Mcrowave at HIGH (100%) 30 to 45
seconds or unt smooth when strred. About 1/4 cup gaze.
50. Chocoate Bscott
4 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1/2 c Butter
1/2 ts Vana extract
3 g Eggs
1 1/4 c Sugar
3 c A-purpose four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 c Hazenuts or wanuts; chop
1 Egg whte; ghty beaten
Met chocoate and butter n a heavy saucepan over ow heat. Beat eggs at medum speed wth an
eectrc mxer unt frothy; graduay add sugar, beatng unt thck and pae (about 5 mnutes). Add
chocoate mxture, strrng unt bended. Combne four and bakng powder; str nto chocoate
mxture. Str n nuts. Four hands, and form dough nto a 13" og. Pace on a ghty greased bakng
sheet. Brush wth egg whte. Bake at 350F for 45 mnutes; coo on a wre rack. Cut og wth a
serrated knfe crosswse nto 24 (1/2-nch) sces, and pace on an ungreased cooke sheet. Bake at
350F for 10 mnutes on each sde. Remove to wre racks to coo.
51. Chocoate Peanut Bscott
2 1/4 c A-Purpose Four
2 1/4 ts Bakng powder
1/3 c Butter, room temperature
2/3 c Granuated sugar
3 g Eggs, room temperature
1/2 c (3 oz) semsweet-chocoate chps, meted
1 ts Vana extract
3/4 c Unsated dry roaasted peanuts, chopped
1/2 c Mn-sze M&M's candes
Whte from 1 g egg
Mx four and bakng powder.
Beat butter and sugar n a arge bow wth eectrc mxer unt bended. Beat n eggs, then meted
chocoate and vana. Str n four mxture, peanuts and mn-sze candes.
Dvde dough n haf (2 cups per haf). Wrap n pastc wrap and refrgerate 3 hours or unt frm
enough to hande.
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Lghty grease one arge cooke sheet. Wth a fork, ghty beat egg
whte n a sma bow.
Put both peces off dough on cooke sheet, about 4 nches apart. Wth foured hands, shape nto
14x1 1/2-nch ogs. Brush wth egg whte.
Bake 25 to 30 mnutes unt frm when pressed n center. (Tops may crack sghty.) Remove cooke
sheet from oven to a wre rack. (Leave oven on.) Let ogs coo 10 mnutes, then sde them onto a
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cuttng board. Wth a arge serrated knfe, cut each og dagonay n 30 sces.
Lay sces on ungreased cooke sheets. Bake 8 to 10 mnutes onger, turng once, unt dry and
ghty toasted. Coo competey on cooke sheets on wre rack. Store artght up to 1 month or
Prep: 20 mn. Ch: 3 hr. Bake: 40 mn.
52. Chocoate Vana Chp Bscott
2 1/2 c A-purpose four
1/3 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
3 ts Bakng powder
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Brown sugar; packed
1/4 c Margarne or butter; softened
3 Eggs
1 c Whte vana chps
Heat oven to 350 degrees F Spray 1 arge or 2 sma cooke sheets wth nonstck cookng spray.
Lghty spoon four nto measurng cup; eve off. In med bow, combne four, cocoa and bakng
powder; mx we. In arge bow, combne sugar, brown sugar and margarne; beat we. Add four
mxture; mx we. Str n whte vana chops. Wth spray coated hands, frmy shape dough nto 3
ros, about 7 nches ong. Pace ros at east 3 nches aprat on sprayed cooke sheet; fatten each to
form 3/4 nch thck rectange, about 3 nches wde and 7 nches ong. Bake at 350 degrees F for
22-28 mn or unt rectanges are ght goden brown and centers are frm to the touch. Pace
rectanges on wre racks; coo 5 mn. Wpe cooke sheet cean. Wth serrated knfe, cut each
rectange nto 1/2 nch sces; pace, cut sde up, on cooke sheet. Bake at 350 degrees F for 6-8 mn
or unt top surface s sghty dry. Turn cookes over; bake an addtona 6-8 mn or unt top surface
s sghty dry. Remove cookes from cooke sheets; coo competey on wre racks. Store tghty
53. Chocoate Wanut Bscott
2 c Wanut Haves (about 8 oz)
3 oz Unsweetened chocoate
5 tb Unsated butter pus
1 ts Unsated butter
2 c Four
2 ts Bakng powder
3 Eggs
1 c Sugar
1 ts Grated orange zest
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Pace the wanuts on a cooke sheet and toast unt goden brown,
about 10 mnutes. Let coo and then chop coarsey. In a doube boer over smmerng water, met
the chocoate and butter together. Remove from the heat and str unt smooth. Let coo for 10
Sft together the four and bakng powder. In a arge bow, beat the eggs ghty. Graduay beat n
the sugar. Add the orange zest. Str n the cooed chocoate unt bended. Str n the four and
bakng powder unt ncorporated. Fod n the chopped wanuts. Dvde the dough n haf, wrap n
pastc wrap and refrgerate at east 1 hour or overnght.
Butter a arge cooke sheet and preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Shape each haf of the dough nto
a 14 x 2-1/2-nch og. Pace about 4 nches apart on the prepared pan. Smooth the tops and sdes
wth a rubber spatua. Bake for 40-45 mnutes, or unt the ogs are frm when pressed n the center.
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Remove the bakng sheet from the oven. Do not turn off the oven.
Sde the ogs onto a cuttng board. Wth a arge knfe, cut each og dagonay nto 1/2-nch sces.
Stand the sces uprght on edge on the prepared cooke sheet. Return to the oven and bake for 15
mnutes onger, or unt crsp. Transfer to wre racks to coo competey.
54. Chocoate-Chp Bscott
1 1/4 c A-purpose four
1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps - Mn-morses
1/3 c Sugar
3/4 ts Bakng powder
1 tb Water
1 ts Vana extract
1 Egg
1 Egg whte
Vegetabe cookng spray
Combne frst 4 ngredents n a arge bow. Combne water and next 3 ngredents; add to four
mxture, strrng unt we-bended (dough w be dry.)
Turn the dough out onto a ghty foured surface, and knead ghty 7 or 8 tmes. Shape dough nto a
16 nch ong ro. Pace ro on a bakng sheet coated wth cookng spray, and fatten ro to 1 nch
Bake at 350F for 25 mnutes. Remove ro from bakng sheet to wre rack, and et coo 10 mnutes.
Cut ro dagonay nto 24 (1/2 nch) sces, and pace, cut sdes down, on bakng sheet. Reduce
oven temp. to 325F, and bake 10 more mnutes. Turn cookes over and bake an addtona 10
mnutes (cookes w be sghty soft n center but w haren as they coo.) Remove from bakng
sheet; et coo competey on wre rack. Yed: 2 dozen (servng sze: 1 cooke.)
55. Amercan Chocoate Bread
1 1/2 c A-purpose four or bread four
1 c Warm water (105 - 115 F)
2 Enveopes dry yeast
2 tb Honey
1 c Lukewarm mk (95 F)
3 tb Butter, meted
4 To 5 cups a-purpose four or bread four
8 oz Semsweet chocoate, coarsey chopped
1 Egg beaten wth 2 Tbs whppng cream (gaze)
Makes 8 sma oaves
For sponge: Whsk four, water, yeast and honey n arge bow unt smooth. cover wth pastc. Let
stand n warm draft-free area 1 hour.
For dough: Str down sponge, usng wooden spoon. Bend n mk, butter and sat. Mx n enough
four 1/2 cup at a tme to form soft dough. Knead on foured surface unt smooth and no onger
stcky, addng more four f necessary, about 10 mnutes.
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Grease arge bow. Add dough, turnng to coat entre surface. Cover bow wth pastc. Let rse n
warm draft-free area unt doubed, about 1 1/4 hours.
Grease eght 2 1/2 x 4 1/2-nch oaf pans. Genty knead dough on ghty foured surface unt
defated. Pat out to 3/4 nch-thck rectange. Cut nto 8 even peces. Pat each out nto 4x7-nch
rectange. Spread 1 ounce chocoate on short end of each. Ro up |ey ro fashon. Pnch seam and
ends to sea. Arrange seam sde down n prepared pans. Cover wth ktchen towe. Let rse for 15
mnutes to ghten.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Brush oaves wth egg gaze and sprnke wth sugar. Bake unt ght
brown and oaves sound hoow when tapped on bottom, about 30 mnutes. Immedatey remove
from pans. Coo on racks 10 mnutes. Serve oaves hot.
56. Banana Chocoate Chp Bread
1/2 c Mk
1/2 c Very rpe bananas; mashed
1 g Egg
1 tb Butter or margarne
1 ts Sat
3 c Bread four
1/3 c Sem sweet chocoate peces
2 ts Bread machne yeast
Add ngredents n order gven, addng mashed bananas wth mk and chocoate wth four.
Basc/whte bread cyce. Lght coor settng.
57. Banana Nut Chocoate Chp Bread
1/3 c Butter or margarne, softened
3/4 c Sugar
1 ea Egg
1 c Mashed banana
2 c A purpose four
2 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Chopped pecans (or wanuts)
1/2 c Chocoate chps (or more f desred
1/2 c Buttermk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cream butter and sugar. Mx n egg and banana. Str together four,
bakng powder, bakng soda, sat, nuts and chocoate chps. Add ths mxture to creamed mxture
aternatey wth buttermk. Str unt |ust bended. Pour batter nto a greased and foured oaf pan (9
x 5 x 3 nches). Bake for 65 mnutes, or unt bread tests done. Coo n pan for about 5 mnutes, then
turn out on a wre rack. Makes 1 oaf.
58. Barey Bread
1 c Pus 2 tbsp water |80 degrees F.|
2 tb Honey
2 c A purpose four
1 c Whoe wheat four
1/2 c Barey four
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1 ts Sat
2 ts Cocoa
1 ts Instant coffee
1 tb Butter
2 ts Actve dry yeast
Add water and honey to the pan. Add fours, sat, cocoa and coffee to the pan. Tap pan to sette the
ngredents and eve ngredents wth your fngers or a spatua. Pace a pece of butter n each
corner of the pan. Make a sma we n the four and add the yeast. Program for whoe wheat and a
dark crust.
59. Chocoate Appe Bread
1 tb Sugar
1/2 ts Cnnamon
1/2 c Chopped wanuts or pecans
4 c A-purpose four
1 ts Sat
1 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Cnnamon
1/2 ts Nutmeg
1 c Butter,softened
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
2 ts Vana extract
1/4 c Buttermk
3 c Coarsey chopped appes
1 c Chopped wanuts
12 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps
Toppng: In cup, combne sugar, cnnamon and wanuts; set asde.
Bread: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease two 9x5x3" oaf pans. In sma bow, combne four,
sat, bakng powder, bakng soda, cnnamon and nutmeg; set asde. In arge bow, beat butter and
sugar unt creamy. Add eggs and vana extract; mx we. Graduay beat n four mxture
aternatey wth buttermk. Str n appes, wanuts, and chocoate chps. Pour nto prepared pans.
Sprnke wth toppng. 3. bake 50-60 mnutes unt cake tester nserted n center comes out cean.
Coo 15 mnutes; remove from pans. Coo competey. Makes 2 oaves.
60. Chocoate Banana Bread
1 c Bananas; mashed
1 1/2 Eggs
3 tb Butter
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 ts Cnnamon
1 1/2 tb Unsweetened cocoa
3 tb Sugar
3 c Bread four
2 ts Yeast
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3 tb Chopped wanuts; optona
As wth any bread whch derves qud from the frut, watch the dough and add mk or water, f
necessary, one Tabespoon at a tme, unt a nce round ba of dough s formed.
61. Chocoate Bunny Bread
3 1/4 -3 3/4 cups a-purpose four
2/3 c Sugar
1/3 c Unsweetened coca powder
2 pk Rapd rse yeast
3/4 ts Sat
2/3 c Mk
1/4 c Water
1/4 c Butter/margarne
1 Egg
1 tb Pure vana extract
1/3 c Mk chocoate or peanut butter morses
Decoratons (optona) are |ey beans, cng
In arge bow, combne 1 cup four, sugar, cocoa powder, undssoved yeast and sat. Heat mk,
water and butter unt very warm (120-130 degrees). Graduay add to dry ngredents; beat 2
mnutes at medum speed of eectrc mxer, scrapng bow occasonay. Add egg, vana and 1/2
cup four, beat 2 mnutes at hgh speed, scrapng bow occasonay. Wth spoon, str n enough
addtona four to make soft dough. Knead on ghty foured surface unt smooth and eastc, about
4-6 mnutes. Cover, et rest on foured surface 10 mnutes. Dvde dough n haf. For body, knead
chocoate morses nto 1 haf, form nto ba. Pace on bottom end of arge greased bakng sheet;
fatten to make 5-nch round. For head, remove 1/3 of remanng haf, form nto ba. Pace on arge
bakng sheet above body, fatten sghty, pnchng to attach. For nose, pnch off 1/2 nch ba from
remanng dough; pace on center of head. Dvde remanng dough nto 4 equa portons, ro each
to form 6-nch rope. For arms, arrange 2 ropes across body; attach by tuckng one end of each
under body. Shape remanng ropes nto ears; arrange above head. Attach by tuckng one end of
each under head. Cover, et rse n warm draft-free pace unt doubed n sze, about 30-45 mnutes.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 mnutes or unt done, coverng aumnum fo after 20 mnutes to
prevent excess brownng. Remove from sheet; coo on wre rack. Decorate as desred.
62. Chocoate Cherry Bread
3/4 c Water
1 1/2 c Whte bread four
1/2 c Wheat bread four
1 tb Dry mk
2 tb Moasses
1 ts Sat
1/3 c Chocoate chps
1/3 c Cherres, dred
2 ts Trpe Sec quer
1/4 ts Orange pee
1 ts Yeast, fast rse or machne or 2 ts Yeast, actve dry
Kds ove t, but for aduts, Chocoate Cherry turns a coffee break nto a peasant nterude. Wth a
sweet toppng, t becomes a new dessert bread.
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63. Chocoate Chp and Nut Bread
1 1/2 c Whoe Wheat Four
1 1/2 c Bread Four
2 tb Dry Mk
1 1/2 ts Sea Sat
1/3 c Toasted and Chopped Amonds
1/3 c Toasted and Ground Amonds
2/3 c Semsweet Choc. Chps
1 c Pus 3 tb. Water
3 tb Honey
2 tb Canoa, Sunfower or Saffower O
1 ts Amond Extract
4 ts Actve Dry Yeast
Add a ngred. at the same tme accordng to your mfg. nstructons. Bake on WHOLE WHEAT
64. Chocoate Chp Bread
1 pk Yeast
3 c Bread four
2 tb Brown sugar
2 tb Whte sugar
1 ts Sat
1 ts Cnnamon
4 tb Soft butter
1 Egg
1 c Warm mk
1/4 c Water
1 c Chocoate chps
Put the frst 10 ngredents nto the pan, seect whte bread and push start. When the Auto Bakery
"beeps" 5 mnutes from the end of the second mxng, add the chocoate chps.
65. Chocoate Chp Grape Nut Bread
1 c Grape nuts
2 c Buttermk (ow fat 1.5%)
2 c Sugar
2 Eggs or 1/2c egg substtute
1/2 ts Sat
3 1/2 c Four
1 ts Bakng soda
2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 c Chocoate chps
1 ts Vana
Soak Grape-Nuts n buttermk for 10 mnutes. Beat sugar and eggs or substtute together n a arge
bow. Add mk/Grape-Nuts mxture and vana. Sft four wth sat, soda and powder and str
thoroughy nto the Grape-Nuts mxture. Add chocoate chps and mx we. Pour nto 2 non-stck
sprayed 9 x 5 oaf pans and bake at 350 degrees F for about 45 mnutes, or unt a toothpck comes
out cean. Makes 2 oaves, or about 20 servngs.
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66. Chocoate Chp Mande Bread
3/4 c Sugar
1 c O
4 Eggs
3 1/2 c -4 cups four
1 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Vana
1 ts Amond favorng
8 oz Sheed wanuts
12 oz Chocoate chps
In a arge bow, mx together the sugar, o and eggs. Add the sfted four, bakng powder, vana
and amond extracts, and mx we. Add the wanuts and the chocoate chps.
Mxture shoud be very thck and stcky. Shape nto two oaves and pace on ether sde of a cooke
sheet. Bake at 325 degrees F for 30-35 mnutes and then remove from oven. Cut nto sces whe
st warm and return to the oven for another 5-10 mnutes, or unt sces are ght brown.
67. Chocoate Coconut Bread
1 c Heavy cream
1 1/2 Eggs
3 tb Frut |uce concentrate
3 tb Honey
1 1/2 tb Unsweetened cocoa
1/3 ts Sat
1/3 c Coconut fakes
3 tb Vta guten; optona
3/4 c Wheat fakes
3 c Whoe wheat four
1 1/2 ts Yeast
1/2 c Chocoate chps
1/3 c Chopped nuts
Use Rasn/Mx Cyce and add Chocoate Chps and Chopped nuts when ndcated; or 5 mnutes pror
to the end of the second kneadng cyce
68. Chocoate Cream of Wheat Bread
1 1/2 pound oaf:
1 c Mk
3 tb Butter or margarne
1 1/2 Eggs
1 ts Sat (up to 1 1/2 ts)
1/3 c Sugar
1 1/2 tb Unsweetened cocoa
1 c Cream of wheat; uncooked
2 c Bread four
1 1/2 ts Actve dry yeast
1/3 c Chocoate chps; optona
2 pound oaf:
1 1/3 c Mk
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4 tb Butter or margarne
2 Eggs
1 ts Sat (to 2 ts)
1/2 c Sugar
2 tb Unsweetened cocoa
1 1/3 c Cream of wheat; uncooked
2 2/3 c Bread four
2 ts Actve dry yeast
1/2 c Chocoate chps; optona
Add chocoate chps at the beep or approprate tme for your machne.
Cyce: whte, sweet, rasn; no tmer
Settng: ght
69. Chocoate Lover's Breakfast Bread
3 c Four
3 Eggs
2 c Sugar
1 c O
1 ts Vana
1 ts Each: ground cnnamon,
Bakng Soda and bakng powder
1/2 c Sour cream
2 c Shredded zucchn
1 c Sem-sweet chocoate bts
Combne four, eggs, sugar, o, vana, cnnamon, bakng soda, bakng powder and sour cream n a
mxng bow. Beat at medum speed for 2 mnutes or unt we bended. Str n zucchn and
chocoate bts. Pour batter nto 2 we-greased oaf pans and bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour and 15
70. Chocoate Peanut Butter Banana Bread
1/4 c Mnature choc. chps
1/4 c Four
1/4 c Peanut butter
2 tb Sugar
1 pk Psbury Banana Ouck Bread Mx.
1 c Water
3 tb O
2 Eggs
1/4 c Mn choc. chps
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Grease and four bottom ony of 8x4 or 9x5 nch oaf pan In sma bow,
combne a fng ngredents; mx we. Set asde. In arge bow, combne a bread ngredents
except 1/4 cup choc. chps. Str 50 to 75 strokes by hand unt mx s mostened, str n 1/4 cup choc.
chps. Pour haf of batter nto greased and foured pan. Sprnke fng eveny over batter, pour
remanng batter over fng. Bake for 55 to 65 mnutes for 8x4 nch pan; 45 to 55 mnutes for 9x5
nch or unt deep goden brown and toothpck nserted n center comes out cean. Coo 15 mnutes;
remove from pan. Coo competey. Wrap tghty and store n the refrgerator.
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71. Chocoate Truffe Loaf Wth Raspberry Sauce
2 c Heavy cream
3 Egg yoks; sghty beaten
16 oz Baker's semsweet chocoate
1/2 c Lt. Karo syrup
1/2 c Butter
1/4 c Powdered sugar
1 ts Vana
10 oz Frozen raspberres; pureed and straned
1/3 c Lt. Karo corn syrup
Fresh raspberres for garnsh
Lne a oaf pan wth pastc wrap. Mx a 1/2 C heavy cream wth the egg yoks. In a 3 qt pan, met
chocoate, corn syrup and butter over medum heat. Add the egg mxture and cook 3 mnutes,
strrng constanty. Co to room temperature. Beat the remanng heavy cream, sugar, and vana to
soft peak stage. Fod nto the chocoate mxture and pour nto the ned pan. Refrdgerate overnght.
Str the corn syrup nto the raspberry puree. Remove chocoate oaf from pan. Serve sced, topped
wth puree, a doop of whpped cream, and a coupe of fresh raspberres.
72. Chocoate Wanut Bread
1 Loaf 1 pound frozen bread dough
4 oz Semsweet chocoate, coarsey chopped
1/2 c Wanuts; chopped
3 tb Honey (or 2 tabespoons)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Thaw dough and et rse unt twce ts orgna sze. Punch down and
ro dough out to 6 x 12 nches. Sprnke chocoate and nuts down the center of the dough, eavng
about an nch on a sdes. Pu ong sdes up towards the center and press to sea. Pace dough, wth
seam sde on the bottom, nto stoneware oaf pan. Eveny spread honey over top. Bake for 50-60
mnutes unt crust s goden brown. Coo sghty n pan. Remove from pan and coo an addtona
10-15 mnutes before scng. Yed: 1 oaf
73. Chocoate Zucchn Bread
3 Eggs
2 c Whte sugar
1 c O
2 Squares unsweetened chocoate, meted
1 ts Vana
2 c Grated zucchn
3 c Four
1 ts Sat
1 ts Cnnamon
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Bakng soda
1 c Nuts, ground
Mx eggs, sugar and o WELL!! Str n meted chocoate and add vana and str n zucchn. Add dry
ngredents sowy and mx we. Pour nto 2 9x5x3 nch greased oaf pans. Bake at 350 degrees for
50 mnutes or unt they test done. Coo and turn out on cake rack to fnsh coong.
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74. Chocoate Zucchn Nut Bread
1 c Saad O
3 ea Eggs
1 ts Sat
1/4 ts Bakng Powder
1 ts Bakng Soda
2 oz Bakng Chocoate, Meted
2 c Grated, peeed Zucchn
1 c Chopped Nuts
2 c Sugar
3 c Four
1 ts Cnnamon
1 ts Vana
1/2 c chocoate Chps
chocoate nto egg mxture aong wth zucchn and vana. Sft four wth sat, cnnamon, bakng
powder and bakng soda. Wth a arge spoon, str nto zucchn mxture, aong wth nuts and chps.
Mx thoroughy. Spoon nto 2 we-greased 9" x 5" pans. Bake at 350 degrees F for 1 hr.
75. Orange Chocoate Chp Bread
1/2 c Skm mk
1/2 c Pan nonfat yogurt
1/3 c Sugar
1/4 c Orange |uce
1 Egg; sghty beaten
1 tb Orange pee; freshy grated
3 c A-purpose bscut bakng m
1/2 c Hershey's mn chps sem-sw
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 9 x 5 x 3-nch oaf pan or spray wth vegetabe cookng spray.
In arge bow, str together mk, yogurt, sugar, orange |uce, egg and orange pee; add bakng mx.
Wth spoon, beat unt we bended, about 1 mn. Str n sma chocoate chps. Pour nto prepared
pan. Bake 45 to 50 mns or unt a wooden pck nserted n center comes out cean. Coo 10 mns;
remove from pan to wre rack. Coo competey before scng. Garnsh as desred. Wrap eftover
bread n fo or pastc wrap. Store at room temperature or freeze for onger storage. Yed: 1 oaf (16
76. Orange Chocoate Tea Bread
1 Stck butter, softened
3/4 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 tb Pus 1 tsp. grated orange zest
2 tb Orange queur such as Grand Marner
3/4 c Haf and haf
2 c A-purpose four
1 tb Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Chopped wanuts
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7 oz Semsweet chocoate, chopped
1 tb Water
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease or spray a 9x5x3 nch oaf pan.
Cream together the butter and sugar unt ght and fuffy. Add the eggs and beat we. Beat n
orange zest and 1 tabespoon of queur. Pour n haf-and-haf and beat to combne. (Do not be
concerned wth curdng.)
In another bow, str and toss together four, bakng powder, and sat. Add to butter mxture and
genty beat |ust to combne. Str n nuts and 4 ounces chopped chocoate. Spoon batter nto
prepared pan and smooth top. Bake 1 hour, unt top s goden. Coo n pan on rack. Invert onto
servng patter and coo competey.
When bread s coo, combne remanng chocoate wth water and remanng tabespoon of orange
queur n heavy saucepan. Pace over ow heat and met, strrng constanty. Spread eveny over top
and ch to set. Yed: 1 Loaf
77. Rea Chocoate Bread
1 pk Yeast
3 c Four, bread
1/2 c Sugar
1/4 c Unsweeted cocoa
1 Egg, unbeaten
1/4 c Soft butter or margarne
1/2 ts Vana
1 c Mk, warm
Add a the ngredents n the order gven, seect whte bread, and push start.
78. Spendferous Chocoate Dessert Bread
1 c Betty Crocker Super Most Doube Chocoate cake mx
1 c A purpose four
1 c Whte bread four
1/2 c Whoe wheat bread four
3 tb Guten four
2 tb Sugar
2 tb O
1 tb Swr powder *
2 ts Yeast
1 g Egg
1/4 c Lqud (haf chocoate syrup and haf water)
1 c Water
11 oz Mandarn oranges dced
1/3 c Chopped wanuts or amonds
2/3 c Chocoate chps **
1/2 c Coconuts (shreaded)
1/3 c Maraschno cherres (dced
Or quartered)
* Swr powder comes n a separate enveope wth the cake mx. ** Use sem-sweet chps Ad|ust the
amounts of frut, nuts, and chps to sut.
Pat oranges and cherres dry between doube ayers of paper towes. Add fruts, nuts, and chps, at
the beep or near the very end of the second kneadng.
Varatons: Add more frut. Use some |uce from the oranges n pace of water porton of qud.
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Serve pan as a snack or dessert, or, add your favorte toppng for added en|oyment.
79. Super Chocoate Chocoate Bread
1 c Tepd water, PLUS 1 Tabespoon
2 3/4 c Bread four
2 tb Hot cocoa mx
1 1/2 tb Sugar
1 1/2 ts Sat
1 ts Cnnamon
2 tb Butter, or margarne
2 ts Actve dry yeast
1 1/4 c Chocoate chps, added at the *beep
Put a ngredents n your bread maker n the order gven by the manufacturer.... Use SWEET
80. A. B. C. Brownes
1/2 c Butter
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 c Brown sugar -- packed
1/2 c Amonds -- coarsey chop
2 Eggs -- beaten
1 ts Vana extract
1/2 c Chocoate chps
1 1/2 c Four
Met butter n saucepan. Str n brown sugar. Brng to a bo; turn off heat. Coo for 5-10 mnutes.
Rapdy str n eggs, beng carefu not to cook them. A dd vana. In bow, combne four and bakng
powder. Str nto sugar-egg mx. Pour nto a greased 8" square pan. Sprnke wth amonds and
chocoate chps. Bake at 375 degrees F for 20 mnutes.
81. Afternoon Tea Brownes
1 c Cake fower;
1/2 ts Sat;
1 ts Bakng powder;
2 tb Cocoa;
1 oz Bakng chocoate, meted;
1/4 c Vegetabe shortenng;
3 Eggs;
1/2 c Granuated sugar repacement
1/2 c Skm mk;
1/2 c Pecans, toasted and ground;
Sft fower, sat, bakng powder and cocoa together. Pour meted chocoate over shortenng and str
unt competey bended. Beat eggs unt thck and emon-coored; graduay add sugar
repacement. Add chocoate mxture and sma amount of fower mxture. Beat to thoroughy bend.
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Add remanng four mxture aternatey wth the mk. Fod n the pecans. Spread n two 8-n.
greased and paper-ned pans. Bake at 325 F for 17 to 20 mnutes. Cut nto 1 X 2 n. bars.
82. A Tme Brownes
2/3 c Butter
4 tb Cocoa
1/2 c Frut Sweet
2 Eggs
2/3 c Four
1 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Nuts; chopped (opt)
Preheat the oven to 325 F. Spray a 9" square pan wth a non-stck coatng spray. Bend the butter,
cocoa, and Frut Sweet. Add the eggs, one at a tme, beatng we after each addton. Mx the four,
bakng powder and sat; add to the mxture. Fod n the nuts. Pour nto the pan and bake 15 to 20
mnutes, unt the brownes sprng back when ghty touched n the center.
83. Amond Butter Brownes
1/2 c Amond butter
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 ts Amond extract
1/2 c Four
1/4 c Cocoa
1 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Grated coconut
Preheat the oven to 350. Combne the amond butter and sugar. Add the eggs and amond extract:
mx we. In another bow, combne the four, cocoa, bakng powder, and sat. Add the dry
ngredents to the wet, and mx we. Str n the coconut. Pour nto a greased 9-nch square bakng
pan. Bake for 35 mnutes.
84. Amond Macaroon Brownes
3 oz Cream cheese
6 tb Butter or margarne
3/4 c Sugar
3 Eggs
1/2 c Four
1 tb Four
1 2/3 c Faked coconut
1 c Whoe banched amonds
6 oz Semsweet chocoate
1/2 ts Vana
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
Beat cream cheese and 2 tabespoons butter unt softened. Beat n 1/4 cup sugar. Str n 1 egg, 1
tabespoon four and coconut. Reserve 16 whoe amonds, chop the rest. Str n 1/3 cup chopped
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amonds; set asde. Met 5 oz chocoate and remanng butter (4 T) over ow heat, unt meted.
Remove from heat. Str n 1/2 cup sugar and vana. Beat n 2 eggs. Str n 1/2 cup four, bakng
powder and sat. Add remanng chopped amonds. Spread cheese batter on top. Garnsh wth whoe
amonds. Bake for 40 mnutes unt cake tester comes out cean, don't overbake. Met remanng
square of chocoate and drzze over the brownes. Coo n pan. Cut nto squares. Recpe can be
85. Amost Fat Free Brownes
1/2 c Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
4 oz |ar Prune Baby Food
3 Egg Whtes
1 c Sugar
1 ts Sat
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Four
1/4 c Nuts -- (optona)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray an 8-nch square bakng pan wth cookng spray. Combne a
ngredents. Add nuts f desred. Bake about 30 mnutes or unt sprngy to touch. Coo on rack.
Cut nto 16 peces.
86. Amsh Appe Brownes
1 c Butter, softened
1 3/4 c Sugar
2 Eggs, we beaten
1 ts Vana
2 c A-purpose four
1 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Cnnamon
1/2 ts Sat
2 c Bakng appes,peeed,chopped
1/2 c Pecans or wanuts
In a arge mxng bow, cream butter, sugar, eggs and vana wth eectrc mxer. Combne dry
ngredents and add to butter mxture. Mx unt four s mostened. Fod n appes and nuts. Spread
n a greased 9 x 9 nch bakng pan and bake n 350 degree oven 45 mnutes or unt done. Serve
warm wth frozen vana yogurt or drzze wth vana gaze usng 1/2 cup powdered sugar, 1
tabespoon hot water and 1/4 teaspoon vana.
87. Appe Brownes
1 1/2 Stck margarne
1 1/2 c Sugar
3 Appes, chopped
3/4 c Nuts
2 Eggs
1 1/2 c Four
3/4 ts Soda
3/4 ts Bakng powder
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3/4 ts Cnnamon
Cream margarne, sugar and eggs. Add four, soda, bakng powder and cnnamon; mx we. Str n
appes and nuts. Bake at 375 degrees for 40 mnutes.
88. Appe Orange Brownes
6 tb Butter
1 c Brown Sugar
1 Egg
1/2 c Appe Sauce
1 ts Vana
1 ts Bakng Powder
1 1/4 c Four
1 ts Sat
1/4 ts Bakng Soda
1/2 c Chopped Nuts
2 tb Orange |uce
1 1/2 c Powdered Sugar
1/2 ts Vana
Mx everythng except the |uce and powdered sugar and haf of the vana.
Pour nto a greased 12x7x2 pan . Bake at 350 degrees for 25 mnutes. Mx remanng ngredents
and pour over the hot brownes.
89. Ark Brownes
1 b Butter
3/4 b Sem-sweet chocoate,(12 sq)
3 c Four (mnus 6 Tbsp.)
2 1/4 t Vana
7 Eggs
4 c Sugar
4 c Wanuts, chopped
Preheat oven to 350. Over ow heat, met butter and chocoate. Remove from heat. Str n four and
vana. Wth mxer, whp eggs and sugar unt mxture resembes a yeow rbbon. Bend n chocoate
mxture on sow speed. Str n wanuts. Spread batter nto a greased 9X13" and a greased 8" square
pan. Bake 35 mnutes for arge pan: 30 mnutes for sma pan. Makes 3 1/2 dozen.
90. Award Wnner Brownes
2 Eggs
3/4 c Sugar
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Butter or margarne; meted
3/4 c Chocoate; ground
2/3 c Unsfted four
1/4 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Wanuts; chopped
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Usng a spoon, str eggs wth sugar and vana; add butter. Sft Ground
Chocoate wth four, bakng powder and sat. Str nto egg mxture; add nuts. Spread nto greased 8
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or 9" square pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20-30 mnutes. For extra chewy brownes, use 8" pan
and ess bakng tme. For cake ke brownes use 9" pan and onger bakng. Cut nto squares.
91. Banana Berry Browne Pzza
1/3 c Cod water
1 15 oz pkg. browne mx
1/4 c O
1 Egg
8 oz Pha. Brand Cream Cheese, softened
1/4 c Sugar
1 Egg
1 ts Vana
Strawberry sces
Banana sces
2 1 oz squares Baker's sem-sweet chocoate, meted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brng water to a bo. Mx together browne mx, water, o and egg n
arge bow t we bended. Pour nto greased, foured 12 nch pzza pan. Bake 25 mnutes. Beat
cream cheese sugar, egg and vana n sma mxng bow at medum speed t we bended. Pour
over crust. Bake 15 mnutes. Coo. Top wth frut. Drzze wth chocoate. Garnsh wth mnt eaves f
92. Banana Cream Browne Squares
3/4 c Dry roasted peanuts; chopped
15 oz Browne mx
2 md Banana; sced
1 1/4 c Mk
5 1/8 oz Instant vana puddng & pe fng
8 oz Coo whp(r); thawed
9 Strawberres; optona
1 oz Unsweetened bakng chocoate, optona
1 md Banana; optona
Prepare browne mx accordng to package drectons & str n 1/2 cup chopped peanuts. Pour nto a
greased 9 nch square pan. Bake at 350F for 24-27 mnutes. Coo competey.
Layer 2 of the sced bananas over the browne. Whsk puddng mx & mk together unt puddng
|ust begns to thcken. Fod n 2 1/2 cups Coo Whp. Oucky spread puddng mxture over the sced
bananas. Refrgerate 30 mnutes.
Sprnke remanng 1/4 cup peanuts over puddng mxture.
To serve: Ppe remanng Coo Whp over the squares. Grate chocoate over the dessert. Top each
square wth banana & strawberry sces.
93. Banana-brownes, Lo Ca
1 c Four, a purpose
1/4 c Nonfat dry mk powder
1/4 ts Sat
1 c Sugar
1/4 c Buttermk
1/3 c Coca, unsweetened
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1/4 ts Bakng soda
1 ea Large very rpe banana
2 ea Large egg whtes
1 ts Vana
Preheat oven 350F. Coat 9 n. square bakng pan wth vegetabe cookng spray. Combne four,
cocoa, mk powder, bakng soda and sat n bow. Puree banana, sugar, egg whtes, buttermk and
vana n food processor unt smooth. Add dry ngredents and puse |ust unt bended. Pour nto
prepared pan. Bake 25 mnutes or unt toothpck comes out cean. Cut nto 2 n. squares.
94. Beacon H Brownes
8 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1 c Butter
5 Eggs
3 c Sugar
1 tb Vana
1 1/2 c Four
2 c Wanuts; coarsey chopped
Met chocoate wth butter n saucepan over very ow heat; strrng constanty unt smooth. Coo
sghty. Beat eggs, sugar, and vana n a arge mxng bow at hgh speed 10 mn. Bend n
chocoate at ow speed. Add four, beatng |ust to bend. Str n wanuts. Spread n greased 13x9"
pan. Bake at 375 degree Ffor 35-40 mnutes. (do not overbake). Coo n pan. Cut nto bars or
squares. Makes 24-32
95. Beane Brownes
1 c Brown tepary beans; cooked
1/2 c Carob powder;
3/4 c Md honey;
1/4 c Margarne; meted
1/2 c Four, a-purpose;
1/2 c Wanuts, chopped;
1/2 c Rasns (optona)
2 Eggs; we beaten
1 1/2 ts Vana essence;
1/2 ts Sat;
Butter an 8 nch square pan. Lne wth waxed paper and butter the paper. Whr the tepary beans n
a food processor unt smooth. In a arge bow, mx the processed beans wth rest of the ngredents.
Spread n prepared bakng dsh. Bake at 325 degrees F for 30 to 35 mnutes. Coo, before removng
from the pan. Pee off waxed paper and cut nto squares. Makes 16 2 nch squares.
96. Bearde Brownes
1 pk |ffy Corn Muffn Mx
1 b Lver, pureed
Garc to taste
Foow the drectons on the corn muffn mx and add the ver and garc as we. Mx we and pour
onto a pzza pan. Bake at 350 F. for 15-20 mnutes. Coo and cut nto cubes. Refrgerate.
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97. Bege Brownes
1 ea Egg
1 c Brown sugar, packed
1 1/2 ts Vana
1/2 c Four
1/4 ts Bakng soda
1/4 ts Sat
1 c Wanuts, chopped (optona)
O an 8-nch square pan. Str together egg, sugar and vana. Add dry ngredents, then add
wanuts. Spread n pan, and bake at 350 degrees for about 20 mnutes; centers w be soft. Coo
before cuttng nto 2-nch squares. Makes 16 bars
98. Best Chocoate Brownes
1 c Butter or margarne
4 oz Unsweetened chocoate
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
1 c A purpose four
2 ts Vana
1 ts Bakng powder
1 c Chopped wanuts
1 c Sem-sweet chocoate
In a 2 quart saucepan met butter or margarne and unsweetened chocoate over ow heat. Transfer
chocoate mxture to a arge mxer bow.
Add sugar, mx we, add eggs, one at a tme, beatng |ust t bended. In a mxng bow str together
four and bakng powder. Add to chocoate mxture aong wth the vana, mx we. Pour batter nto
a greased and foured 13x9x2 nch bakng pan. Sprnke wth the chopped wanuts and chocoate
peces. Bake n oven at 325 degrees F about 45 mnutes or t done. Let coo on a wre rack. Cut nto
99. Best Chocoate Syrup Brownes
1/2 c Butter
1 c Sugar
3 Eggs
ds Sat
1 c A purpose four
3/4 c Chocoate syrup -- canned
2 tb Vana extract
3/4 c Chopped pecans
Pecans for garnsh
Cream together butter, sugar and eggs unt creamy and we bended. Add sat. Str n four, mxng
to bend. Add chocoate syrup, vana and chopped pecans. Turn mxture nto we greased and
ghty foured 9" square pan. Smooth top. Bake at 350 degrees for about 35 mnutes unt stck
nserted near center comes out cean. Coo n pan on wre rack but oosen cake at edges, cut nto
squares. Garnsh wth pecan haves, dust wth powdered sugar.
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100. Bsquck Fudge Brownes
2 c Chocoate chps
1/4 c Margarne
2 c Bscut bakng mx
1 cn Sweetened condensed mk
1 Eggs; beaten
1 ts Vana
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In arge saucepan, over ow heat, met 1 cup chps wth margarne;
remove from heat. Add bscut mx, condensed mk, egg and vana. Str n remanng chps. Turn
nto we-greased 13x9" pan. Bake 20 to 25 mnutes or unt brownes begn to pu away from sdes
of pan. Coo. Garnsh as desred. Cut nto bars.
101. Back & Whte Brownes
1 c Cake four
1 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Shortenng, softened
1/2 c Granuated sugar repacement
2 Eggs
1 ts Vana extract
1 tb Water
1/4 c Unsweetened coconut, grated
1 ts Coconut mk
1 oz Bakng chocoate, meted
Sft together the four, bakng powder and sat. Cream shortenng and sugar repacement unt ght
and fuffy.
Add eggs, one at a tme, beatng we after each addton. Beat n vana extract and water.
Dvde batter nto two equa parts. To one part add unsweetened coconut and coconut mk. Str to
competey bend. To the remanng haf, beat n the meted chocoate.
Spread coconut mxture on bottom of we-greased 8-n square pan. Spread chocoate ayer on top
of coconut ayer. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 to 30 mn. Cut nto 1 x 2 nch bars.
102. Back Forest Brownes A La Mode
21 1/2 oz Browne mx
1 c Cherry pe fng
1/4 c O
2 Egg whtes -- whpped
1 c Semsweet chocoate chps
2 c Low-fat vana ce cream
Preheat oven to 350. prepare a 13 x 9" pan wth cookng spray and four; set asde. In a mxng
bow, combne browne mx, cherry pe fng, o, and egg whtes. Pour nto prepared pan. Bake for
30 mnutes. Remove from oven, sprnke wth chocoate chps, spread when meted.
103. Bockbuster Brownes
8 Squares unsweetened chocoate
1 1/2 c Butter or margarne
6 Eggs
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3 c Granuated sugar
1 1/2 c Four
1 tb Vana
1 c Chopped wanuts
Met chocoate and butter or margarne over hot water or n mcrowave on medum 4 mnutes. Coo.
Beat eggs unt emon cooured. Graduay add sugar, beatng unt thck about 3 mnutes. Str n
chocoate mxture, fod n four, vana and nuts. Pour nto two greased 2 square pans. Bake at 350
for 35 to 40 mnutes. Toppngs: Sprnke wth chopped nuts and sem sweet chocoate chps before
bakng. Sprnke coo Brownes wth cng sugar
Gaze: Met 1 square of unsweetened chocoate wth 1 tb of butter and 1/4 cup of mk, bend unt
smooth. Add 1 1/4 cup of cng sugar, bend we. Spread over pan cooed brownes. Rocky Road:
Sprnke 2 cups mnature marshmaows over 1 pan of brownes. Bro under preheated broer unt
goden brown. Drzze wth 1 square meted sem sweet chocoate.
104. Bond Brownes
8 oz (1)pkg whte cake mx; NO-SUGAR
2 Eggs;
2 tb Granuated brown sugar; REPLACEMENT
2 tb Water
1/4 c Mnts chocoate chps;
1/4 c Peanut butter chps;
Combne cake mx, eggs, brown sugar REPLACEMENT and water n mxng bow. Beat n medum
speed unt we bended and thckened. Fod n chps. Pour batter nto two, greased and papered
8-n pans. Bake at 375 degrees for 12 to 15 mnutes or unt brownes test done. Cut nto 2-n
105. Bonde Brownes
1/2 c Butter Favor Crsco
1 tb Mk
1 c Brown Sugar, frmy packed
1 Egg
1 c Four, a purpose
1/2 ts Bakng Powder
1/8 ts Sat
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Wanuts, chopped
Heat oven to 350 F. Grease an 8x8x2 nch pan wth Butter Favor Crsco. Set asde.
Combne Butter Favor Crsco and mk n arge saucepan. Pace on ow heat unt Butter Favor
Crsco mets. Remove from heat. Str n brown sugar. Add egg. Str unt we Bended.
Combne four, bakng powder and sat. Str nto sugar mxture. Str n vana and nuts. Spread
eveny nto bakng pan.
Bake at 350 for 27 to 30 mnutes, or unt a wooden pck nserted nto center comes out cean. Coo
n pan. Cut nto 2x2 nch squares.
Makes 16 squares.
106. Bondes
6 tb Butter
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3/4 c Lght brown sugar
1 Egg
1 tb Mk
1 ts Vana
1 c Four
1/2 ts Soda
1/8 ts Sat
10 oz Chocoate chunks or chps
1/2 c Nuts; chopped (opt)
Mx four, soda and sat, set asde. Cream butter, sugar, brown sugar and vana. Add four mx and
beat unt creamy. Add chocoate chps and nuts f desred. Bake n 9x9" pan at 350- for 20-25
107. Bombshe Brownes
3 Coves garc; fney chopped
1/2 c Butter
1 c Unsweetened cocoa
4 Eggs; ghty beaten
1 c Sugar (some of t brown, f you prefer)
1 c Four; sfted
3/4 c Wanuts; chopped
1/3 c Amonds; banched
Preheat oven to 325F. Put the garc and butter nto a arge bow over a saucepan of water on a
gente heat. When the butter has meted, str n the cocoa and mx we. Add the eggs, sugar, four
and wanuts, strrng we after each addton. Pour the mxture nto a greased and foured 8X10 nch
cake pan and decorate wth the banched amonds. Bake for approx. 35 mnutes. The top shoud be
sprngy, but the nsde sghty most. Turn out onto a wre rack and cut nto squares or bars.
108. Boston Brownes
4 Squares unsweetened chocoat
1/2 b Butter or Parkay margarne
2 c Sugar
1 c Four
4 Eggs
2 ts Vana
1 c Nuts, chopped
1 c Semsweet chocoate chps
Met Chocoate and butter together n a sma saucepan over ow heat. In a arge bow, mx sugar,
four, eggs and vana. Add meted chocoate mxture and mx we. Str n nuts and chocoate chps.
Pour nto greased 9x13-nch pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 32 mnutes. Test corners to see f
done, as center w seem gooey. Coo 30 mnutes. refrgerate for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Cut nto squares.
109. Browne Bottom Bourbon Pe
Browne mx
3/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Cod water
3 c Heavy cream
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5 Egg yoks
1 pk Enveope unfavored geatn
1/2 c Bourbon
Bake 1 browne mx accordng to drectons, but bake a few mnutes ess, n the bottoms of 2 pe
tns. Beat egg yokes unt thck and emon coored.Sowy beat n sugar.Soften geatn n cod water
and add 1/3 of the bourbon. Heat ths mxture of bourbon over bong water unt geatn dssoves.
Pour nto yoks and str brsky. Add remanng bourbon. Whp 1-cup of cream and fod nto mxture.
Pour fng nto browne crust and ch 4 hours. Top wth remanng cream whpped wth a pnch of
sat & sugar to taste.Sprnke shaved chocoate on top.
110. Browne Bread
1 c Water
2 tb Water
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
2 1/2 ts Actve dry yeast
3 c Bread four
3/4 c Sugar
1 1/2 ts Sat=7F
2 tb O
1 Egg
1 Egg yok
1/2 c Wanut peces
Brng the water to a bo. Add the cocoa and str unt competey dssoved. Let coo to room
temperature. Add the cocoa and a remanng ngredents except the nuts n the order suggested
by your manua. Seect rasn bread settng. Start. Add the nuts at the beeper.
111. Browne Cake
1 pk Dev Food cake mx
1 Stck margarne
3 Eggs
1 (8 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
1 Box powdered sugar
Mx together cake mx, margarne and 1 egg. Press n bottom of greased Pyrex bakng dsh. Mx
cream cheese, 2 eggs, and powdered sugar. Spread over cake mxture. Bake at 350 degrees for 45
112. Browne Cake Deght
1 pk Fudge browne mx, reduced-fat
1/3 c Strawberry a frut spread
2 c Whpped toppng, reduced-fat, nondary -- frozen, thawed
1/4 ts Amond extract
2 c Fresh strawberres -- stemmed, haved
1/4 c Chocoate sauce, reduced-fat
Prepare brownes accordng to package drectons and use an 11x7-nch pan. Coo competey n
Bend frut spread and 2 tabespoons of water n sma bow unt smooth. Combne whpped toppng
and amond extract n a medum bow. Stem the strawberres and have them (tp to stem).
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
Cut browne crosswse n haf (two peces 5-1/2 by 7-nches). Pace haf of rowne, fat-sde down, on
servng dsh. Spread wth frut spread; top wth 1 cup whpped toppng. Spread rest of frut spread
on the second pece's crusty sde. Spread most of the whppng toppng on top of that, avod the
edges. Carefuy poston the prepared browne over whpped toppng of frst pece.
Arrange strawberry haves on the whpped toppng. Drzze chocoate sauce over that. Garnsh wth
sprgs of mnts (optona).
113. Browne Carob Oatmea Cookes
1/2 c Banana; mashed
1/3 c Vegetabe o
1/4 ts Vana extract
2 g Eggs
1/4 c Mk
1 1/4 c Unbeached four
1/4 c Carob powder
1/4 ts Bakng soda
1 c Chopped nuts
2/3 c Roed oats
In a medum-szed mxng bow beat together mashed banana, o, vana, eggs and mk unt
creamy. Add four, carob and bakng soda. Beat we. Str n chopped nuts and roed oats. Mx we.
Drop by teaspoonfus on oed bakng sheets. Bake at 350 for 8-10 mnutes or unt |ust frm. Coo on
wre racks.
114. Browne Cheesecake Bars
1 1/2 c A-purpose four
1 1/2 c Sugar
2/3 c Butter or margarne; meted
2/3 c Cocoa
3 Eggs; dvded
1/2 c Mk
3 ts Vana extract; dvded
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 c Chopped Nuts; optona
1 pk (8 oz)cream cheese; soft
2 tb Butter or margarne
1 tb Cornstarch
1 cn (14 oz)Sweetened condensed mk
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 13 x 9-nch bakng pan. In mxer bow. beat four, sugar, meted
butter, cocoa, 2 eggs, mk, 2 tsp. vana and bakng powder unt we bended. Str n nuts. Spread
nto pan. In sma mxer bow, beat cream cheese, 2 T butter and cornstarch unt fuffy. Graduay
add sweetened condensed mk, then remanng 1 egg and 1 tsp. vana, beatng unt smooth. Pour
over browne batter. Bake 35 to 40 mnutes or unt top s ghty browned. Coo; refrgerate. Cut nto
bars. Store covered n refrgerator.
115. Browne Crust Pe
1 pk Browne mx
1 pk Chocoate chps
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1 pk Cream cheese,softened
1 ct Coo Whp,thawed
1 cn Any ready-made pe fng
Make browne mx accordng to drectons on box. Add chocoate chps and bake n sprngform pan
as drected on box. Let coo. Mx cream cheese wth Coo Whp. Spread on browne crust and ch for
eght hours or overnght. Remove sprngform - draw knfe around the edge for easy remova. Top
wth pe fng and serve.
116. Browne Frut Pzza
1 pk Fudge browne mx (12.9 or 15 oz)
1 pk Cream cheese, softened (8 oz.)
1 cn Eage Brand Sweetened Condensed Mk (14 oz.)
1/2 c Frozen pneappe or orange |uce concentrate
1 ts Vana extract
Assorted fresh or canned frut (strawberres, bananas, kw, orange, pneappe, etc)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare browne mx as package drects. On greased pzza pan or
bakng sheet, spread batter nto 12-nch crce. Bake 15 to 20 mnutes. Meanwhe, n sma mxer
bow, beat cheese unt fuffy.
Graduay beat n sweetened condensed mk unt smooth. Str n |uce concentrate and vana. Ch
thoroughy. |ust before servng, spoon fng over cooed browne crust. Arrange frut on top.
Refrgerate eftovers. Makes one 12 nch pzza
117. Browne Ice Cream Loaf
1 1/2 c A-Purpose Four
1 ts Bakng Powder
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Margarne
1 c Fry's Cocoa
2 c Sugar
4 ea Eggs
1 1/2 ts Vana
1 c Nuts, chopped
4 c Strawberry Ice Cream, soft
1 x FRY's Chocoate Sauce
Str together four, bakng powder, and sat n a sma bow. Met margarne n a arge saucepan.
Remove from heat. Str n cocoa. Bend n sugar, eggs, and vana. Bend n dry ngredents and
nuts, f desred. Pour batter nto fo-ned and ghty greased 15x10x3/4-nch(2L) |ey ro pan. Bake
n 350F(180C) oven 15 to 17 mnutes or unt done. Coo. Invert pan; pee off fo. Cut browne
crosswse nto 3 equa peces. Pace one pece of browne on pate; spread wth haf the ce cream.
Layer the second pece of browne and remanng ce cream. Top wth remanng pece of browne.
Wrap and freeze unt frm. Remove from freezer 10 mnutes before servng. Sce and serve wth
Chocoate Sauce. Store eftovers n freezer. Makes 10 to 12 servngs.
118. Browne Mx
6 c Unbeached Four
4 ts Sat
1 cn (8 oz) Unsweetened Cocoa
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4 ts Bakng Powder
8 c Sugar
2 c Vegetabe Shortenng
Sft together a dry ngredents nto a arge bow and mx we. Usng a pastry bender, cut n
shortenng unt eveny dstrubuted. Put n a arge artght contaner and abe as Browne Mx. Store
n a coo, dry pace and use wthn 10 to 12 weeks.
Makes about 17 cups of mx.
119. Browne Mounds
3 1/2 c Sfted four
1 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
2/3 c Mazoa margarne
1 1/2 c Sugar
2/3 c Karo ght corn syrup
2 Eggs
6 oz Unsweetened chocoate, mete
2 ts Vana
1 1/2 c Coarsey chopped nuts.
Sft four, bakng powder, and sat together. Mx Mazoa margarne and sugar. Str n Karo syrup,
eggs, four, chocoate, vana, and nuts. Drop by heapng tb onto greased bakng sheet. Bake n 350
F oven 10 to 12 mnutes.
120. Browne Oatmea Cookes
2/3 c Whoe wheat four
1/3 c Sugar
1 c Ouck cookng roed oats
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat, (optona)
1 ea Powdered egg substtute, (1 1/2 tsp mxed wth 3Tbs Water)
1/3 c Corn syrup, ght or dark (or substtute honey)
1 ts Vana
Mx egg repacer, vana and syrup. In separate bow, mx dry ngredents, make a we, add qud
and str t mostened. On a sprtzed bakng sheet, form approx. 2 dozen cookes. Bake at 350F for
about 10 mnutes Coo on sheet/wre rack for 5/5 mnutes.
121. Browne Oatmea Gems
8 oz Sem sweet Chocoate
1/4 c Margarne or butter
2/3 c Corn syrup ght
2 Eggs; sghty beaten
1/4 ts Sat
4 c Oats od fashoned
2/3 c Brown sugar; frm pack
1 c Wanuts; coarsey chopped
In 2 quart saucepan, str chocoate and butter over ow heat |ust unt chocoate mets. Remove from
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heat. Str n corn syrup, eggs and sat. In arge bow, combne remanng ngredents. Pour chocoate
mx over dry ngredents and mx we. Drop by tabespoonfus on greased cooke sheet. Bake at 350
degrees F for 15 mnutes. Cooke w not change much durng bakng. Coo 5 mnutes on cooke
sheet. Remove; coo competey. For Chocoate Dpped Gems:Dp haf of each cooke n 4 oz. meted
sem sweet or German chocoate.
122. Browne Peanut Butter Btes
1 pk (15 oz) browne mx
1/3 c Hot water
1/4 c O
1 Egg
48 Mnature chocoate covered peanut butter cups
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combne browne mx, water, o and egg. Beat we wth spoon. F
paper-ned mn-muffn cups about 1/2 fu. Press one peanut butter cup nto batter n each cup.
Bake 15-20 mnutes or unt browne s set. Coo competey. Yed: 40-48 peces.
123. Browne Pe
1 pk (21 oz.) browne mx, prepared as drected
1 c Nuts, coarsey chopped
2 Frozen 8- or 9-nch pe shes
Add 1/2 cup nuts to prepared browne mx. Pour mxture nto 2 pe shes. Sprnke remanng nuts
on top. Bake 20 mnutes at 350 degrees F. The browne mxture shoud be sghty underdone. Serve
hot or cod wth mocha ce cream. Serves 12.
124. Brownes
1 b Butter
3/4 b Sem-sweet chocoate
3 c Four (mnus 6 Tbsp.)
2 1/4 ts Vana
7 Eggs
4 c Sugar
4 c Wanuts; chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Over ow heat, met butter and chocoate. Remove from heat. Str n
four and vana. Wth mxer, whp eggs and sugar unt mxture resembes a yeow rbbon. Bend n
chocoate mxture on sow speed. Str n wanuts. Spread batter nto a greased 9x13" and a greased
8" square pan. Bake 35 mnutes for arge pan: 30 mnutes for sma pan. Makes 3 1/2 dozen.
125. Brownes (fouress)
2 Egg
1 pk Chocoate aba
1/2 c Appesauce
2 tb Cocoa
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Bakng soda
2 pk Sweet & ow
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Put a ngredents n a bender and mx we. Spray 2 mn-oaf pans wth Pam and pour n batter.
Bake at 350 for 18 mn. Don't over bake. Shoud be chewy.
126. Brownes Dvne
1/2 c Det margarne
1 1/4 c Sugar repacement
1 Square unsweetened chocoate
1 ts Vana extract
2 Eggs
3/4 c Four
1 ts Bakng powder
1/2 c Nuts, chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cream margarne and sugar repacement unt ght and fuffy. Pace
chocoate n aumnum fo; met over bong water. Str chocoate nto margarne mxture; beat unt
smooth. Beat n vana and eggs. Sft and str together four and bakng powder; add nuts; str ths
mxture nto chocoate mxture unt smooth. Grease an 8" square pan; pour n batter; bake unt
brownes are shny, about 30 mnutes. Coo n pan; cut nto 16 peces. Serve coo.
127. Brownes In A Cone
12 Fat-bottomed ce cream cone
1 Box browne mx
6 oz Semsweet chocoate chps
6 tb Butter
Candy sprnkes
Preheat oven to 350F. Pace cones n 12 muffn tns. Prepare browne mxture. F cones 3/4 fu.
Bake 30-35 mnutes, or unt tops are cracked. Coo. Met chps wth butter, strrng unt smooth. Dp
tops of cones nto chocoate. Stand cones uprght and top wth sprnkes.
128. Butterscotch Brownes
1 c Sfted four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/8 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
1/2 c Chopped nuts
1/3 c Butter or margarne
1 c Brown sugar
1 Egg, sghty beaten
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Chocoate bts
Combne frst fve ngredents and set asde. Met butter n saucepan, add brown sugar, mx we.
Coo sghty. Add beaten egg and vana, bend. Add four mxture sowy, beatng wth each
Spread n greased 9x9 nch pan. Sprnke chocoate bts on top. Bake at 350 for 20 to 25 mnutes.
Do not overcook. Coo n pan. Cut nto bars.
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129. Cana Street Brownes
2/3 c Unsfted four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 c Sugar
2 pk Baker's Red-Bend chocoate
1/2 c Broken wanuts or pecans
1/4 ts Sat
2 Eggs
1/3 c Pareve margarne
1 ts Vana extract or favor
Combne four, sat, and bvakng powder; set asde. Beat eggs we; graduay bend n sugar. Beat n
margarne, and Red-Bend, then bend n the four mxture. Str n nuts and vana.
Pour nto greased 8 nch square pan and bake at 350 F. abt. 25 mn. Coo n pan; then cut n
squares. Makes abt. 20 brownes.
130. Carame Brownes
1/2 c Butter
1 c Brown sugar
1 c Sugar
1 ts Vana extract
2 Eggs
2 c Sef rsng four
Met butter, brown sugar and sugar. Remove from heat. Str n vana, eggs and four. Pour nto
12X9 pan. Bake at 350 for 15-20 mnutes.
131. Carame Chocoate Brownes
8 oz Wanut peces
1 Stck butter; softened-4oz
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
2 ts Vana extract
3 Squares unsweet. Chocoate, meted (1 oz each)
2/3 c Four pus 1/4 c Four
12 1/4 oz |ar carame toppng
12 oz Semsweet chocoate chps (about 2 cups)
1/4 c Heavy cream
1/2 c Faked coconut
Coarsey chop wanuts. Measure out 1 cup and set asde. Fney chop remanng wanuts.
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a medum bow, beat together 1 stck butter, sugar, eggs, and
vana wth an eectrc mxer on medum speed unt ght and fuffy, 2-3 mnutes. Beat n meted
chocoate. Add 2/3 cup four and beat unt we bended. Str n fney chopped nuts.
Spread batter eveny n greased, fo-ned 9x13-nch bakng pan. Bake 10 mnutes. In a sma bow,
mx together carame and remanng 1/4 cup four unt bended. Drzze over partay baked
brownes. Sprnke coarsey chopped nuts over top. Return to oven and bake 20 mnutes onger, or
unt bubby.
132. Carme Turte Brownes
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1 Bag Carmes (50)
2/3 c Evaporated mk
1 pk German chocoate cake mx
3/4 c Butter -- meted
1 c Nuts
1 c Chocoate chps
In sma saucepan, or doube boer, combne carames and 1/3 c. evaporated mk. Cook over ow
heat unt carames are meted, then set asde. Grease and four 9x13 pan.
Combne dry cake mx, butter, remanng mk, & nuts and mx unt dough stcks together. Press
haf of dough nto pan; bake for 6 mnutes. Then sprnke chocoate chps and carame mxture over
crust. Break remanng dough over top. Bake 15-18 mnutes. Coo before cuttng.
133. Carob Brownes
2 c Whoe-wheat pastry four
1/3 c Carob powder
2 ts Bakng powder
1/3 c Honey
1/2 c Unsweetened appesauce
1 c Water
1 ts Vana; 1/2 tsp f Watkns
1/4 c Chopped nuts (optona)
In a arge mxng bow, combne four, carob powder and bakng powder. In a separate bow,
thoroughy mx remanng ngredents, except nuts. Add dry ngredents to wet ngredents and mx
we. Str n nuts f desred.
Pour batter nto a nonstck or ghty oed 8-nch square bakng dsh. Bake at 350 for 35 mnutes.
Makes 16 brownes.
134. Chewy Chocoate Brownes
4 oz Unsweetened bakng chocoate
3/4 c Butter or margarne
2 ts Vana
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
1 1/2 c A-purpose four, sfted
1 c Pecans, chopped
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Butter a 12"x8" pan. Met chocoate wth butter over ow heat,
strrng constanty; or met n mcrowave bow, HIGH for 1-1 1/2 mnute. Remove from heat and str
n vana. Set asde. In arge bow, cream sugar and eggs about 5-6 mnutes unt sugar s dssoved.
Fod chocoate, four and nuts nto sugar mxture, |ust unt we bended.
Pour nto prepared pan. Bake for 25-35 mnutes. Coo. Frost wth your favorte frostng. Refrgerate
about 1 hour; cut nto squares. Garnsh wth pecans f desred. Store n refrgerator.
135. Chewy Peanut Butter Brownes
4 oz Semsweet chocoate
1/2 c Creamy beanut butter
1 c Margarne
4 Eggs
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2 1/2 c Sugar
1/2 ts Sat
2 ts Vana
2 c Four; sfted
1 c Wanuts; chopped
Met chocoate, peanut butter and butter. In a arge bow beat eggs, sugar, sat and vana. Add
meted chocoate mxture. Add four graduay. Mx we. Add the nuts. Pour nto a greased
13x9x2-nch greased pan. Bake at 350 F. for 45 mnutes to 50 mnutes. Let coo, cut nto squares.
136. Chppy Zucchn Brownes
6 oz Pkg chocoate chps
1/2 c Four
1/2 c Sugar
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 ts Bakng powder
2 Eggs, beaten
1 c Grated zucchn
1/2 c Chopped nuts
Met chocoate chps n doube boer; coo sghty. Combne dry ngredents n mxng bow. Add
cooed chocoate, eggs, zucchn, and favorng. Beat unt we mxed. Str n nuts. Spread batter n a
we-greated 8x8 nch pan. Bake at 350 for 35 to 40 mnutes.
137. Chocohoc Brownes
1/2 c Butter
4 oz Bakng chocoate (4 squares)
2 Eggs
1 ts Vana
3/4 c Four
1 1/4 c Sugar
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Ff. In a sma saucepan, met butter; remove from heat. Str n
chocoate. Coo competey. In a sma mxer bow, beat eggs and vana. Graduay add sugar,
beatng unt pae yeow. Bend n chocoate mxture. Graduay add four and sat. Str n nuts.
Spread n a greased 8 nch square pan. Bake for 30 mnutes or unt done. Coo competey n pan.
Cut nto 2 nch squares. Makes 16 brownes.
138. Chocoate Brownes, Low Ca
6 oz Chocoate, semsweet
4 ea Egg whtes
2/3 c Sugar
1 ts Bakng powder
1 ea Icng sugar
1/2 c Hot water
1 ts Vana
2/3 c Four, a-purpose
1 pn Sat
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In arge heatproof bow set over hot water, met chocoate wth water, strrng unt smooth. Remove
from heat; et coo sghty. Whsk n egg whtes and vana. Str together sugar, four, bakng
powder and sat; str nto chocoate batter |ust unt combned. Pour nto ghty greased 8 n. square
cake pan. Bake n 350F oven for 20 to 25 mnutes or unt edges pu away from pan. Let coo on
rack; dust wth cng sugar.
139. Chocoate Butterscotch Swr Brownes
1 c Chocoate chps
1 c Butterscotch chps
2 c Four
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Butter; softened
1 c Brown sugar; packed
2 ts Vana
3 Eggs
1 c Pecans; chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9x13" pan. Met chocoate and butterscotch chps,
SEPARATELY, over very ow heat; set asde. In sma bow, str together bakng powder, four and
sat. In arge bow, combne butter, brown sugar and vana; beat unt creamy. Add eggs, one at a
tme, beatng we after each. Graduay str n dry ngredents then the pecans. Dvde batter n haf.
Bend meted butterscotch chps nto one haf of the batter. To remanng batter add meted
chocoate. Str we. In pan, aterante gobs of butterscotch and chocoate batters, makng a
checkerboard effect. Swr together to marbeze. Genty smooth top of batter wth a wet hand to
make an even ayer. Bake about 35 mnutes or unt done. Coo competey n pan before cuttng.
140. Chocoate Che Pecan Brownes
4 oz Unsweetened chocoate
10 tb Unsated butter
1 1/2 c Sugar (castor)
3 Extra arge eggs
1 1/4 ts Pure vana extract
1 c Unbeached four
2 ts Hot ground red che
Generous pnch of sat
1 c Carmezed Pecans
Preheat oven to 350. Generousy butter and ghty four 9x13 n. bakng pan. Met chocoate and
butter n a heavy-bottomed pan over ow heat. Str we and et coo a few mnutes. Beat mxture w/
a wooden spoon unt bended. Str n sugar and mx we. Beat eggs and vana nto the batter unt
we bended. Str n four, ground che, and sat unt |ust mxed. Str n pecans and pour batter nto
pan, spread eveny. Bake for 25-30 mnutes.
141. Chocoate Chp Bond Brownes
2 c Four
1 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Sat
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1 c Chopped nuts
2/3 c Butter or margarne
2 c Packed brown sugar
2 Eggs, sghty beaten
2 ts Vana
6 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps (1 package)
Sft together four, bakng powder, soda and sat. Add nuts; mx we and set asde. Met butter n
saucepan; remove from heat. (If margarne s used, add 2 tabespoons hot water.) Add brown sugar;
beat we. Let coo. Add eggs and vana; Bend we. Add four mxture, a sma amount at a tme,
mxng we after each addton. Spread n greased 9x12-nch bakng pan. Bake at 350 degrees for
20 to 25 mnutes. Do not over bake. Coo n pan and cut n squares.
142. Chocoate Crunch Brownes
1 c Butter or margarne, softened
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
6 T Bakng cocoa
1 c A-purpose four
2 t Vana extract
1/2 t Sat
1 |ar marshmaow cream (7 oz)
1 c Creamy peanut butter
2 c Semsweet chocoate chps (12 oz.)
3 c Crsp rce cerea
In a mxng bow, cream butter and sugar; add eggs. Str n cocoa, four, vana and sat. Spread nto
a greased 13-n. x 9-n. x 2-n bakng pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 mnutes or unt brownes
test done. Coo. Spread marshmaow cream over cooed brownes. In a sma saucepan, met
peanut butter and chocoate chps over ow heat, strrng constanty. Remove from the heat; str n
the cerea. Spread over marshmaow ayer. Ch before cuttng. Store n the refrgerator.
143. Chocoate Kahua Brownes
1 1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Egg substtute or fresh eggs
3 tb Kahua
1/4 c Margarne, meted
1 1/4 c Sfted cake four
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ts Bakng powder
1/8 ts Sat
1/3 c Fney chopped wanuts
Vegetabe cookng spray
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Wth an eectrc mxer, beat together the sugar, egg, queur and
meted margarne unt bended. Combne cake four, cocoa, bakng powder and sat. Add to the
sugar mxture, beatng |ust to bend. Str n wanuts. Spray a 9" square pan wth vegetabe cookng
spray. Transfer batter to the pan and bake 30 mnutes, unt toothpck nserted comes out cean.
Coo competey. Makes 16 brownes.
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144. Chocoate Mnt Brownes
3 g Egg whtes
1/2 c Date sugar
1/4 c Carob powder
1/2 c Cake four, sfted
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 c Lowfat buttermk
1 ts Canoa o
1 ts Vana extract
1 ts Peppermnt extract
1/3 c Carob chps
1/4 c Rasns
1/4 c Sced dates
2 tb Sunfower seeds
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a oaf pan wth pam and set asde. Whp egg whtes unt
ght. Add date sugar, carob powder, four, bakng powder, buttermk, o and vana and mx unt
thoroughy combned. Add peppermnt favorng, carob chps, rasns, dates, and sunfower seeds.
Mx to combne. Pour nto pan and bake unt a toothpck nserted n center comes out cean.
Remove from pan and cut nto bars or squares.
145. Chocoate Nut Brownes
1 Square unsweetened chocoate OR 1 oz No-met unsweetened chocoate.
1/2 c Shortenng
2 tb Sweetener
2 ts Vana
2 Eggs; beaten
1 c Sfted a-purpose four
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/4 c Chopped nuts
Met shortenng and chocoate over ow heat. Remove from heat. Add qud sweetener, vana and
beaten eggs. Str unt we bended. Add four and bakng soda; mx we. Str n nuts. Pour nto
greased (can spray wth Pam) 8" cake pan. Bake at 325 for 20 mns; coo. Cut nto 30 squares.
146. Chocoate Raspberry Cheesecake Brownes
6 oz Semsweet chocoate; chopped
3 oz Unsweetened chocoate; chopped
2 Cream cheese; softened
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
1 tb Vana extract
1 c Butter; softened
1 c Four
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Raspberry |am
In heatproof bow set over hot (not bong) water, met semsweet wth unsweetened chocoate.
Remove from heat; str unt smooth. Let coo to ukewarm. In arge bow, beat cream cheese wth
1/3 cup of the sugar unt smooth. Beat n 1 of the eggs and 1 teaspoon of the vana unt we
combned. Set asde. In separate arge bow, beat butter wth remanng sugar unt smooth. Beat n
remanng eggs, one at a tme, beatng we after each addton. Beat n remanng vana, then
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chocoate, mxng we. Mx n four and sat |ust unt combned.
Lne a 13 x 9 nch cake pan wth fo, eavng overhand for "handes".
Reserve 1 cup of the chocoate batter. Spread remanng chocoate batter n pan. Spread wth
cream cheese mxture. Spoon reserved chocoate batter n doops over top.
Spoon |am n smaer doops among chocoate doops. Wth knfe, zgzag through ayers for marbe
Bake n 350 degrees F oven for 35 mnutes or unt tester nserted 2 nches from centre comes out
sghty most. Let coo on rack. Usng fo handes, ft onto cuttng board; cut nto squares.
147. Chocoate Syrup Brownes
1 c Four
1/4 ts Bakng powder
1/2 c Butter
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
3/4 c Chocoate syrup
3/4 c Chopped pecans
1 ts Vana
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mx four and soda together. Cream butter. Add sugar, graduay
beatng unt ght and fuffy. Add eggs (one at a tme) beatng we after each addton. Add dry
ngredents aternatey wth syrup. Add nuts and vana. Beat unt we bended. Spoon nto a 9 nch
square pan. Bake for 40 to 50 mnutes or unt done. Recpe may be doubed for a 9 x 13 pan.
148. Cocoa Browne Cooke Bars
4 Egg whtes
1/3 c O
1/4 c Nonfat yogurt
1 ts Vana
1 1/3 c Sugar
1/2 c Cocoa powder
1 1/4 c Four
1/4 ts Sat
1 tb Confectoners sugar
Heat oven to 350 degrees. O bottom of 9-nch square pan. Pace egg whtes n a arge bow. Beat
unt sghty frothy. Add o, yogurt and vana, mx we. Add sugar and cocoa, mx we. Add four
and sat. Mx unt bended. Pour nto pan. Bake at 360 degrees for 26-28 mnutes. Avod over
bakng. Dust wth confectoners sugar.
149. Cocoa Brownes
2/3 c Sfted a-purpose four
1/3 c Cocoa
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
2 Eggs; unbeaten
1 c Brown Sugar
1 ts Vana
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1/3 c Saad o
1 c Coarsey chopped nuts
Sft together four, cocoa, bakng powder, and sat; set asde. In mxng bow sghty beat the eggs.
Graduay str n sugar. Add vana and o and mx we. Str n four-cocoa mxture, then nuts.
Spread n greased shaow 11x7 or 9-nch square pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 22 to 25 mnutes.
Coo n pan, then cut n bars, squares, or damonds. Makes 20 to 24 fudgy brownes.
150. Coconut Pecan Brownes
1 pk 21.5 oz, fudge browne mx
1/2 c Water
1/2 c O
1 Egg
1 cn Psbury Coconut Pecan Frostng Supreme
1 c Sour cream
1/2 c Chopped pecans
1/2 c Mn chocoate chps
Heat oven to 350. Grease bottom (ony) of 13x9 pan. In arge bow, combne browne mx, water, o
and egg. Beat we. Add frostng and sour cream; mx we. Spread batter n pan. Sprnke pecans
and chocoate chps eveny over top. Bake for 42-52 mnutes (unt toothpck comes out cean). Coo
competey. Cut nto 36 bars.
151. Confectoners Sugar Brownes
1 b Powdered Sugar
1/2 c Butter or Margarne
4 Chocoate Squares, meted
4 Eggs, we beaten
1 ts Vana
1 1/2 c Four
1 c Wanuts, chopped
Cream sugar and butter unt ght and fuffy. Add meted chocoate and vana, beat we. Add eggs
and str n four. Fod n nuts. Grease and four a 9x13 pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and bake
for 25-30 mnutes. Coo and cut. DO NOT OVERBAKE.
152. Cornmea Brownes
1 c Cornmea
1 c Four
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Sat
4 Eggs
1 c Chopped nuts
2 c Sugar
1/2 c Pus 3 tbsp butter
3 Sqares unsweetened chocoate
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Pace cornmea n a bow. Sft four, bakng powder and sat nto bow
wth cornmea and mx the ngredents. To the beaten eggs add the sugar, meted butter, meted
chocoate ngredents to the egg mxture. Beat we. Mx chopped nuts and pour nto two greased
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
and foured 8-nch square pans. Bake 25 to 30 mnutes. Coo before cuttng nto squares. These are
better served hot.
153. Cream Cheese Brownes
4 oz Sweet cookng chocoate
5 tb Butter or margarne
3 oz Cream cheese, softened
1 c Sugar
3 Eggs
1/2 c Pus 1 T a-purpose four
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/4 ts Amond extract
1/2 c Chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Met butter and 3 T butter over ow heat; coo. Cream remanng
butter wth the cream cheese unt fuffy. Graduay add 1/4 c sugar, creamng unt ght. Add 1 egg,
1 T four and 1/2 ts vana; mx unt smooth and then set asde. Beat remanng eggs unt fuffy and
emon coored. Graduay add remanng sugar, beatng unt thck. Fod n remanng four and the
bakng powder and sat. Bend n chocoate mxture. Then add amond extract, remanng vana
and the nuts. Measure 1 cup batter and reserve. Spread remander n 9" square pan. Pour cheese
mxture over top. Drop reserved chocoate batter by tabespoonfus over top. Swr mxtures
together wth spatua to marbeze. Bake 35-40 mnutes. Coo n pan on cake rack. Then cut n 2 14"
154. Creamy Browne Frostng
6 tb Butter, softened
6 tb Cocoa
2 tb Lght corn syrup or honey
1 ts Vana extract
2 c Confectoners sugar
2 tb Mk (add more f needed)
In a sma bow cream butter, cocoa, corn syrup and vana. Add Confectoners sugar and mk. Beat
to spreadng consstancy.
Makes 2 cups of frostng.
155. Crustess Browne Pe
1/2 c Butter or margarne; softened
1 c Sugar
1/4 c Cocoa powder
1/2 c PLUS 1 ts Four; dvded
2 g Eggs; at room temperature
1 ts Vana
1/8 ts Sat
3/4 c Pecans or wanuts; sced
Usng mxer on medum speed, beat butter, sugar, cocoa, 1/2 cup four, eggs, vana and sat for 4
mnutes. Sprnke 1 teaspoon four on nuts. Str nuts nto mxture. Spread n buttered 9-nch pe pan.
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Bake at 325F for 35-40 mnutes. Coo.
156. Dark Chocoate Brownes
2/3 c Unsated butter
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate cut nto sma peces
2 oz Semsweet chocoate cut nto sma peces
1 c Granuated sugar
3/4 c Lght brown sugar, packed
3 |umbo eggs
1 1/2 c Sfted a-purpose four
1/2 ts Sat
2 ts Vana
1 1/2 c Coarsey chopped wanuts OR pecans
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F. Met the butter wth the four squares of chocoate n a arge
saucepan over ow heat, strrng often. Remove the pan from the heat and mx n the granuated
and brown sugars, eggs (one at a tme), four, sat, vana and nuts. Spread the batter nto a
we-buttered 9-by-9-by-2-nch bakng pan, pushng t we nto the corners and smoothng the top.
Bake the brownes uncovered for 35 to 40 mnutes, or unt the brownes fee fary frm and begn to
pu away from the sdes of the pan. Coo the brownes n the uprght pan on a wre rack for at east
30 mnutes. Cut them nto arge squares.
157. Decous Brownes
1 Doube Fudge Browne Mx
6 oz Nestes chocoate chps
4 oz Amonds; sced
In a 9x13 pan, sprnke the chocoate chps and nuts over the prepared Browne Mx and cook
accordng to package drectons. Be carefu not to overcook; f anythng, "undercook" and then et
them coo for at east an hour before you cut them n 2" squares (or 3" to be reay mpressve). And
f anyone asks you where you got the recpe, |ust sme and say t's a secret.
158. Dsappearng Marshmaow Brownes
6 oz Pkg. butterscotch chps
1/2 Cup butter or margarne
2/3 Cup brown sugar
1 1/2 Cup four
1 tsp vana
2 tsp bakng powder
1/2 Tsp sat
2 eggs
2 cups mnature marshmaows
2 cups semsweet chocoate chps
1/2 cup nuts chopped
Met butterscotch chps n heavy pan over medum heat. Remove from heat and coo. Add brown
sugar, four, vana, bakng powder, sat and eggs to butterscotch mxture. Mx we and add
marshmaows, chocoate chps and nuts. Bake n 9 x 13 bakng pan at 350 degrees for 20 to 25
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159. Doube Deuxe A Amercan Browne
2 c Sugar
1 1/2 c Four
3/4 c Cocoa powder
1/2 ts Sat
1/2 ts Soda
1 c Butter or margarne
4 Eggs
2 ts Vana
1 1/2 c Sem-sweet chocoate chps
1 c Nuts; chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease ghty 13x9" pan. Str sugar, four, cocoa, soda, and sat; set
asde. Mx meted butter, eggs and vana unt smooth. Add four mxture and str unt mostened.
Fod n chocoate chps and nuts. Spread batter n prepared pan. Bake for 35-40 mnutes. Do not
160. Easy Mcrowave Brownes
1/2 c Butter or marg
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 ts Vana extract
1/2 c Unsweetened Cocoa
1/2 c Four
Bend marg & sugar t creamy. Add eggs & vana. Beat we. Add dry ngredents. Mx unt we
bended. Pour nto greased & sugared round gass cake pan. Mcrowave on HIGH for 4 1/2 to 5
mnutes, or 8 to 9 mnutes on 50% power. (w be sghty most on top when done, and the browne
w come away from the sdes of the pan.)
161. Frst Pace Favortes Chewy Chocoate Brownes
1 c Four
1 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Det margarne, meted
3 tb Cocoa
Sugar subst. to taste
1 ts Vana
2 Eggs
1/4 c Canned evap. skm mk
5 Pecan haves, chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a bow mx four, bakng powder and sat. Beat eggs. Met
margarne. Add a ngredents to four mxture. Bake for 20 mnutes.
162. Four-mnute Browne Pe
2 Eggs
1 c Sugar
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1/2 c Butter or margarne softened
1/2 c Four
4 tb Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ts Vana
1 ds Sat
1/2 c Chopped wanuts
Ice cream
Pace eggs, sugar, butter, four, cocoa, vana and sat n sma mxer bow. Beat 4 mnutes. Str n
nuts and pour nto greased 8-nch pe pan. Bake at 325F 30 mnutes, or unt done. Pe w sette ke
merngue when coo. Cut n wedges and serve wth ce cream.
163. Fudge Browne Pe
1 9" unbaked pastry she
6 oz Semsweet chocoate chps
1/4 c Margarne or butter
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk
1/2 c Bscut bakng mx
2 Eggs
1 ts Vana extract
1 c Nuts,chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Bake pastry she 10 mnutes; remove from oven. Reduce oven
temperature to 325 degrees F. In saucepan, over ow heat, met chps wth margarne. In arge
mxer bow, beat chocoate mxture wth remanng ngredents except nuts unt smooth. Add nuts.
Pour nto prepared pastry she. Bake 35-45 mnutes or unt center s set. Coo. Serve warm at room
temperature wth ce cream f desred.
164. Fudge Browne Sundae
1 c Four
3/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Cocoa powder
2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
1/2 c Mk; skm suggested
1/4 c Appesauce
1 ts Vana extract
3/4 c Brown sugar
1/4 c Cocoa powder
1 3/4 c Water; hot
Preheat oven to 350. Spray an 8" square pan wth cookng spray. In a arge mxng bow, combne
four, sugar, cocoa, bakng powder and sat. Add mk, appesauce and vana to dry ngredents and
str to bend. Spoon batter nto pan.
In a medum sze bow, combne brown sugar, cocoa and hot water. Str to bend. Pour over batter n
prepared pan.
Bake for 40 mnutes. Remove cake from oven and coo n pan.
Serve wth schoo of owfat frozen yogurt and spoon the chocoate sauce that has formed on the
bottom of the pan over the brownes as a toppng.
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165. Fudge Brownes
2 c Chocoate chps
1/4 c Margarne
2 c Bscut bakng mx
1 cn Sweetened condensed mk
1 Eggs; beaten
1 ts Vana
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In arge saucepan, over ow heat, met 1 cup chps wth margarne;
remove from heat. Add bscut mx, condensed mk, egg and vana. Str n remanng chps. Turn
nto we-greased 13x9" pan. Bake 20 to 25 mnutes or unt brownes begn to pu away from sdes
of pan. Coo. Garnsh as desred. Cut nto bars.
166. Gooey Brownes
1 c Margarne
4 g Eggs
2 tb Vana
2 c Sugar
1 1/3 c Four
4 Unsweetened Chocoate squares, meted
Combne a the ngredents and mx we. Pour nto a greased 9 x 13 pan and bake n preheated 325
oven for 20 to 25 mnutes.
They are done when the brownes pu away from the edges of the pan.
167. Gutess Brownes
3 tb Unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 c Vegetabe o
2 Very rpe bananas
1/2 c Sugar
2 g Eggs
1 c Whoe-wheat four
1/2 c Chopped nuts
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Combne cocoa, o and bananas n a food processor or bender. Puree unt smooth. Combne sugar,
eggs, four and banana mxture n a mxng bow. Beat unt bended, then str n the nuts.
Pour the batter nto a ghty oed 9 x 13 nch bakng pan and bake for 15-20 mnutes or unt done.
Toothpck nserted nto center shoud come out cean.
168. Harvest Pumpkn Brownes
1 16 oz can pumpkn
4 Eggs
3/4 c Vegetabe o
2 ts Vana extract
2 c Four
2 c Sugar
1 tb Pumpkn pe spce
2 ts Ground cnnamon
2 ts Bakng powder
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1 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
6 tb Butter; softened
1 3 oz pkg cream cheese; softened
1 ts Vana extract
1 ts Mk
1/8 ts Sat
1 1/2 c Confectoner's sugar
In a mxng bow, beat pumpkn, eggs, o and vana unt we mxed. Combne dry ngredents; str
nto pumpkn mxture and mx we. Pour nto a greased 15x10x1 nch bakng pan. Bake at 350 20
to 25 mnutes or unt brownes test done wth a toothpck. Coo. In a sma mxng bow, beat the
butter, cream cheese, vana, mk and sat unt smooth. Add confectoners' sugar, mx we. Frost
brownes. Store n the refrgerator.
169. Hazenut Chunk Brownes
1/2 c Hazenuts
1 c Unsated butter
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs; beaten to bend
1/2 c Cocoa powder; unsweetened
1 tb Vana
1/3 c A purpose four
1/2 ts Sat
7 oz Semsweet chocoate; coarsey chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Toast hazenuts, husk and coarsey chop; set asde. Lghty butter
9x13" bakng pan. Met 1 cup butter n heavy arge saucepan over ow heat. Remove from heat and
whsk n sugar, eggs, cocoa and vana. Str n four and sat. Add chopped chocoate and nuts.
Spread batter n prepared pan. Bake unt tester nserted n center comes out barey most but not
wet, 25 to 30 mnutes. Coo n pan on rack. (Can be prepared 1 day ahead. Wrap tghty.) Cut nto 1
1/2-nch squares.
170. Honey Brownes
1 c Semsweet chocoate chps
6 tb Butter or margarne
2 Eggs
1/3 c Honey
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
ds Sat
1 c Wanuts; chopped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter an 8 nch square pan. Met chocoate and butter n medum
szed heavy saucepan over ow heat. Remove from heat; coo sghty. Str n eggs, honey and
vana. Combne four, bakng powder and sat n sma bow. Str n chocoate mxture wth wanuts.
Spread batter eveny n prepared pan. Bake 20-25 mnutes or |ust unt center fees sprngy. Coo n
pan on wre rack. Cut nto 2" squares.
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171. How Now Brownes
1 pk (12-oz) chocoate chps
3/4 c Unsated butter or margarne
4 Eggs
3/4 c Sugar
1 ts Vana
3/4 c Whoe wheat four
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Met chocoate and butter together n mcrowave or over medum heat.
Str and et coo sghty. Beat eggs by hand n arge bow; add sugar and vana; contnue to beat
unt smooth, 2-3 mnutes. Add chocoate mxture and four; str we. Pour nto greased 9" x 13"
pan. Bake for 20-25 mnutes. Coo; cut nto squares.
Yed 56 brownes.
172. Ice Cream Pzza Bobsead Browne
1 Browne crust
Use a chunke stye ce cream f possbe, f not bend bts of toppng nto t. st ce cream t
creamy, spread on crust, top w/ condments, drzze wth toppng. Refreeze. Bobsead Browne,
Browne crust topped wth a chocoate chp ce cream w/ browne chunks and chopped wanuts.
Drzze wth fudge and marshmaow sauce.
173. Kahua Fudge Brownes
1 1/2 c Four -- sfted
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
2/3 c Butter
3 Squares unsweetened bakng
3 g Eggs
2 c Sugar
1/4 c + 1 Tb Kahua
3/4 c Wanuts -- chopped
Grease a 9" square pan. Preheat oven to 350F. Sft four, bakng powder, and sat together. Met
butter and chocoate together over ow heat. Beat eggs and sugar unt ght. Add four mxture,
chocoate mxture and 1/4 cup Kahua. Bend we. Str n nuts. Bake 30 mnutes or unt done. Coo
n pan. Brush wth remanng Kahua.
174. Lght Brownes
1/3 c Butter, or repace wth: 1/3 c -Shortenng mxed wth 1 tb -Hot water
1 c Brown sugar
1 ea Egg
1 ts Vana
1 c Four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/8 ts Bakng soda
4 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps
1/2 ts Sat
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1/2 c Chopped nuts, optona
Met butter (or shortenng wth water) n sauce pan over medum heat. Remove from heat, add to
brown sugar and mx we. Aow mxture to coo. Str n egg and vana. Add remanng dry
ngredents and mx we. Pour mxture nto greased bakng pan (8x8 or 11x7).
Bake at 350 deg. F for 20 to 25 mnutes.
175. Low Fat Rocky Road Brownes
4 Egg whtes; whpped
1 c Sugar
1 tb Vana
1/2 c Cocoa powder; sfted
1/4 ts Bakng soda
1/4 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Four
1 c Marshmaow creme
Preheat oven at 325. Prepare a 9 x 13" pan wth cookng spray and four. In a mxng bow, combne
bakng soda, bakng powder, cocoa powder, sat, and four. In another mxng bow, combne egg
whtes, sugar, vana, and marshmeow creme. Mx dry ngredents wth wet ngredents |ust unt
mostened. Pour mxture nto prepared pan. Bake for 18 mnutes.
176. Low-ca Brownes
2 Egg
1 pk Aba chocoate drnk mx
1/2 c Appesauce
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Bakng soda
2 pk Sweet & Low artfca sweetener
Put a ngredents n a bender and mx we. Spray 2 mn-oaf pans wth Pam and pour n batter.
Bake at 350 for 18 mn. Don't over bake. Shoud be chewy.
177. Mcrowave Brownes
3/4 c Four
1/4 c Cocoa
2 Eggs
1/2 c Chopped pecans
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Soft margarne
1 ts Vana
Combne n order sted, pour n 8 x 8 x 2 nch greased pan. In mcrowave on medum heat 8-10
mnutes. Let stand 10 mnutes.
178. Mky Way Brownes
1/2 c Butter
4 Mky Way candy bars, (2.23 oz. each)
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1/4 c Sugar
1 ts Vana
2 Eggs
3/4 c Four
1/4 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
Str butter and sced Mky Way bars n medum saucepan over ow heat unt smooth; usng a wre
wsk f necessary. Remove from heat and str n sugar and vana. Add eggs one at a tme beatng
we after each. Str n four bended wth bakng powder and sat. Spread nto greased square dsh,
bake at 350 degrees F for 25 mnutes. Coo and cut nto squares, dust wth powdered sugar f
179. Mudsde Brownes
2 c A-purpose four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
2/3 c Unsated butter
4 oz Unsweetned choc, chopped
3 Eggs
1 1/2 c Sugar
4 tb Coffee queur
2 tb Irsh Creme queur
1 tb Vodka
3/4 c Coarsey ch. wanuts (opt.)
Kahua Gaze:
1 1/4 c Powdered sugar
3 tb Coffee queur
Sft four wth bakng powder and sat. In sma saucepan, combne butter and chocoate. Set over
ow heat, |ust unt chocoate s meted. Set asde. In bow, beat n dry ngredents, chocoate
mxture, coffee queur, Irsh creme queur and vodka. Fod n nuts. Pour nto 13x9-nch pan and
bake at 350 degrees F about 25 mnutes. Coo n pan. Spread wth Kahua Gaze. Decorate wth
whoe coffee beans, f desred. Cut nto squares and serve.
180. No Gut Brownes
3 oz Bakng chocoate
1 c Sugar
3/4 c Four
3/4 c Low-fat cottage cheese
3 Eggs
1 ts Vana
1/4 ts Sat
Powdered sugar
Heat oven to 350 deg f. Over very ow heat, met chocoate, coo sghty. In a food processor, puree
cheese and a other ngredents, except chocoate and powdered sugar unt smooth. Add meted
chocoate and bend we. Pour nto ghty buttered 8 nch square pan. Bake for 20 mnutes or unt
|ust set. Sprnke wth powdered sugar and cut nto 16 squares (cut pan four ways). Makes 16
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181. Okahoma Crude
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Vegetabe (not ove) o
3/4 c Chocoate favor syrup
1 ts Vana extract
1 Egg
1 c Four
1/4 ts Sat
1/4 ts Bakng powder
Preheat oven to 350-degrees. Grease an 8-nch square pan. In a mxng bow combne sugar, o,
syrup, vana, and egg and mx unt smooth. Don't overbeat. Add four, sat and bakng powder and
str |ust unt smooth. Spread n prepared pan and bake 35-40 mnutes, unt toothpck or cake tester
nserted near center comes out cean. Coo 15 mnutes n pan before removng to coong rack. Or, f
you can't wat, cut nto brownes whe they're warm and en|oy.
182. Oregon Hazenut Brownes
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1/2 c Butter or margarne
2 Eggs
1 c Sugar
3/4 c Sfted a-purpose four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1 c Roasted & chopped hazenuts
1 ts Vana extract
Met chocoate wth butter over hot water; coo. Add eggs and sugar, and beat unt we bended.
Combne four, bakng powder and sat; str nto chocoate mxture wth hazenuts and vana.
Spread mxture eveny n ghty-greased 8-nch square pan. Bake n a 350 oven for 25 to 30
mnutes. Coo 10 mnutes; cut nto squares wth sharp knfe.
183. Passover Brownes
3 Eggs
1 c Sugar
1/2 c O
2 tb Cocoa
1/2 c Potato starch
1 c Nuts, chopped
Beat eggs and sugar unt ght and fuffy. Graduay add o. Then add rest of ngredents. Bake at
350 degrees F. for haf an hour n a 9 nch spare pan.
184. Peanut Butter Banana Browne Pzza
1 pk Browne mx
1 pk Cream cheese, softened
1/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Creamy peanut butter
3 Large bananas,peeed,sced
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1/4 c Coarsey chopped peanuts
2 Squares sem-sweet chocoate
2 ts Butter or margarne
Prepare browne mx as drected on package. Spread butter eveny n greased 12 nch pzza pan.
Bake 20 mnutes. Coo competey on wre rack. Mx cream cheese, sugar and peanut butter wth
eectrc mxer on medum speed unt we bended. Spread over browne. Arrange banana sces
over cream cheese mxture; sprnke wth peanuts. Cook chocoate and butter n heavy saucepan on
very ow heat, strrng constanty unt |ust meted. Drzze over bananas and peanuts. Makes 12
185. Peanut Butter Browne Cups
1 pk Betty Crocker Fudge Browne Mx
15 ea Up to 18 Reeses Mn Peanut butter Cups
Make browne mx per drectons. F paper-ned muffn cups 2/3 fu. Unwrap peanut butter cups &
press nto the center of each 'muffn' unt the batter meets the top edge of the candy. Bake at 350
degrees for 20 to 25 mnutes. Makes 15 to 18.
186. Peanut Butter Chp Brownes
4 Egg whtes
1/2 c Buttermk
2 1/2 oz Prunes -- 1 |ar of baby food
1 ts Vana
3/4 c Cocoa
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 c Bong water
1 3/4 c Sugar
1 c A-purpose four
1/2 c Whoe-wheat four
1 1/4 c Peanut butter chps
Preheat oven to 350F. Beat egg whtes unt foamy. Str n buttermk, prunes and vana. Set asde.
In a arge mxng bow, combne cocoa and bakng soda; ass bong water and str unt mxture
thckens. Str n egg-whte mxture unt smooth. Add sugar and fours; bend competey. Str n
peanut butter chps. Pour batter nto a 13x9 nch bakng pan ghty ocated wth nonstck cookng
spray. Bake for 30 mn. Let coo before cuttng.
187. Peanut Butter Swr Brownes
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate
2 1/4 c Four
2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
10 tb Unsated butter
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Vana
3 Eggs
1/2 c Smooth peanut butter
1 1/2 7 oz mk-choc candy bars
Heat oven to 325-degrees. Butter a 13"x9" bakng pan. Chop the unsweetened chocoate and met
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
t. Combne the four, bakng powder and sat. In a arge pot, met the butter. Let coo. Str n the
sugar and vana. Beat n eggs one at a tme. Graduay str n the four mxture. Dvde dough n
haf. Str the meted chocoate nto one haf and the peanut butter nto the other. Drop the batters
by arge tabespoonfus nto the pan. Wth the tp of a knfe, swr the batters to marbeze. Bake
unt edges start to pu away from the sdes of the pan, about 25 mnutes. Chop the mk chocoate
and sprnke over the brownes. Return to the oven for 1 mnute. Spread the meted chocoate over
brownes. Coo competey before cuttng.
188. Peanut-butter-banana Browne Pzza
1 pk Browne mx
1 pk Cream cheese, softened
1/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Creamy peanut butter
3 Large bananas,peeed,sced
1/4 c Coarsey chopped peanuts
2 Squares sem-sweet chocoate
2 ts Butter or margarne
Prepare browne mx as drected on package. Spread butter eveny n greased 12 nch pzza pan.
Bake 20 mnutes. Coo competey on wre rack. Mx cream cheese, sugar and peanut butter wth
eectrc mxer on medum speed unt we bended. Spread over browne. Arrange banana sces
over cream cheese mxture; sprnke wth peanuts. Cook chocoate and butter n heavy saucepan on
very ow heat, strrng constanty unt |ust meted. Drzze over bananas and peanuts. Makes 12
189. Pecan Turte Brownes
1 ts Vegetabe shortenng; sod
2 pk |ffy fudge browne mx; 8 oz each
1/2 pk |ffy whte frostng mx; 8 oz package
1 tb Butter or margarne; meted
1/4 ts Mape syrup
1 tb Lght corn syrup
2 tb Water
2 Eggs
1/2 c Pecans; chopped
Usng shortenng, grease 7 1/2-by-11-nch bakng dsh.
In arge bow, combne browne mx, frostng mx, butter or margarne, mape syrup, corn syrup,
water and eggs. Spread batter n prepared dsh; sprnke wth pecans.
Bake at 350 degrees 30 to 32 mnutes. Remove from oven; coo unt |ust warm. Cut nto squares.
Makes 2 dozen.
190. Peppermnt Candy Brownes
3/4 c A-purpose four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1/3 c Unsated butter
2 g Eggs
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1 c Sugar
1/2 c Chopped nuts
1/2 c Coarsey crushed peppermnt candy
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease an 8-nch square bakng pan. Combne four, bakng powder and
sat; set asde.
Met chocoate wth butter; coo sghty.
Beat eggs and sugar unt ght. Add chocoate mxture and str unt smooth. Fod n dry ngredents,
the nuts and candy.
Transfer to prepared pan. Bake unt a toothpck nserted n the center comes out wth most, but
not wet, crumbs, 30 to 35 mnutes. Coo before cuttng nto squares.
191. Pesach Brownes
1/2 c Cocoa
2 c Sugar
1 pk Vana sugar
1/2 c Margarne
1 c Matzo cake mea
1/4 ts Sat
Met margarne, add cocoa str t dssoved. Coo.
Beat eggs t ght, beat n sugars. Beat n cocoa mxture. Mx n matzo mea.
Put nto greased 9"x13" pan. Bake 25-30 mn. at 350F.
192. Pstacho Chocoate Swr Brownes
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1 c Butter; softened
2 c Sugar
1 1/2 ts Vana
4 Eggs
1 3/4 c Four
1/2 ts Sat
1/2 ts Amond extract
1 c Pstachos; chopped
Green food coorng
1 c Chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 9x13" pan. Met chocoate; set asde to coo. In arge bow,
beat together butter, sugar and vana unt ght and fuffy. Beat n eggs, one at a tme. Bend n
four and sat. Dvde batter n haf. To one haf, add amond extract, chopped pstachos, and
enough green food coor to tnt batter a ght green (2-4 drops). To other haf of batter, str n meted
chocoate and chocoate chps; mx we. Spoon batter aternatey nto pan, checkerboard fashon.
Swr batters to get a marbed effect. Bake for 45 mnutes or unt tested done. Coo competey; cut
nto bars.
193. Puddng Brownes
4 oz Chocoate puddng
1/2 c Unsfted four
1/4 ts Bakng powder
1/3 c Butter
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2/3 c Sugar
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Nuts; chopped
2 Eggs
Combne: Four, puddng mx and bakng powder. Mx we. Met butter n sauce pan. Remove from
heat. Beat eggs n one at a tme. Bend n vana and puddng mxture. Spread n 8" square pan and
bake at 350 degrees F for 35 mnutes. Do not overbake. Coo n pan. Ice or cut nto bars.
194. Ouck Brownes
16 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps
2/3 c Sweetened condensed mk
1 ts Vana extract
1 c Wanuts; coarsey chopped
In top of doube boer, paced over smmerng water, met chocoate. Str n Sweetened condensed
Mk. Remove from heat. Str n remanng ngredents. Turn nto greased, waxed paper OR meta
fo-ned and greased agan 8x8" pan. Bake n 375 degree F oven unt toothpck nserted n center
comes out cean, about 25 mnutes. Turn out of pan onto cake rack. Pee off paper. Coo. Wth sharp
knfe cut nto 2" squares.
195. Rasn Oatmea Brownes
3/4 c Roed Oats
6 oz Chocoate Chps, semsweet
6 tb Butter
1/2 c Brown Sugar
2 g Eggs
1 ts Vana
3/4 c Four
1/2 c Rasns
1/4 ts Bakng Soda
1/4 ts Sat
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Sprnke 2 T of the oats over bottom of greased 9 X 9 X 2-nch bakng pan; set asde. In saucepan
met chocoate and butter over ow heat; str constanty.
Remove from heat; bend n sugar. Beat n eggs and vana. Str together four, remanng oats,
rasns, soda and sat; str nto chocoate mxture. Spoon nto prepared pan. Bake 30 mnutes. Coo;
cut nto bars.
196. Ravne Brownes
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1/2 c Butter
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 c Four
1/2 ts Vana
1/2 c Chopped Nuts
Met chocoate and butter together. Coo thoroughy. Add sugar, eggs, four, vana and nuts. Beat
we. Spread eveny n greased pan (8x8 nches). Bake n 350F oven for 15 to 20 mnute, or unt
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done. Test wth a toothpck; f tester comes out stcky -- but not doughy -- brownes are done. They
w be soft and chewy.
197. Rch Browne Mx
4 c Sugar
2 c Four
1 1/3 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
2 ts Bakng powder
2 ts Sat
1 c Vegetabe shortenng
Put a ngredents except the shortenng n a arge bow; use a spoon to mx unt unform. Cut n
shortenng usng ether a pastry bender or your fngertps unt mxture ooks ke chocoate
cornmea. Sea tghty n a pastc bag or |ar, abe and store at room temperature.
Makes 8 cups of mx; enough for 4 pans of brownes
TO USE: Put 2 eggs and 1 teaspoon vana or orange extract n a mxng bow; beat sghty. Str n 4
tabespoons meted butter or margarne whch has been cooed. Lghty spoon 2 cupsof the mx nto
the mxng bow; do not pack the mx when measurng. Beat we wth a spoon to make a somewhat
smooth batter; str n 1/2 cup chopped nuts, f desred. Spread nto a greased and foured 8 x 8 x 2
nch pan. Bake n a preheated 350 degree F. oven for 30 to 35 mnutes or unt a knfe nserted n
the center comes out cean. Coo n pan then cut nto squares.
198. Saucepan Fudge Brownes
1/2 c Butter Or Margarne; Meted
2 oz Chocoate; Unsweetened
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs; Large
1 ts Vana
3/4 c Four; Unbeached
1/2 c Nuts; Chopped
Met butter or margarne and chocoate n a saucepan. Remove from heat; str n 1 cup sugar. Bend
n eggs, one at a tme. Add vana. Str n four and nuts and mx we. Spread n greased 8 X 8 X
2-nch bakng pan.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 mnutes. Coo; cut nto squares.
Makes 16 brownes.
199. Sness Brownes
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 c Four
1/3 c Cocoa
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
3 Egg whtes
1/4 c Water
2 tb Butter; softened
1 tb Extract, vana
Vegetabe cookng spray
Preheat oven to 350 F. In medum bow, combne sugar, four, coco, bakng powder, and sat. Add
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egg whtes, water, butter, and vana; str unt we bended. Spoon batter nto 8" square bakng
pan sprayed wth cookng spray. Bake 25-30 mnutes, unt dry on top and set n center. Cut nto 2"
200. S'more Brownes
2/3 c Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1/2 c Packed Lght Brown Sugar
1/2 c Granuated Sugar
1/4 c A-Purpose Four
1/2 ts Bakng Powder
4 Egg Whtes
1 Egg
1/4 c Vegetabe O
2 ts Vana
3/4 c Mn-Marshmaow
3/4 c Graham Crackers Broken In
-Sma Peces
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Lne an 8-nch square pan wth fo, ettng ends extend above pan on 2
sdes. Spray fo wth nostck cookng spray.
Str cocoa, sugars, four, and bakng powder n a arge bow, unt bended. Add egg whtes, egg, o
and vana and str unt beneded. Str n 1/2 cup each graham cracker crumbs and marshmaow.
Spread batter eveny n prepard pan.
Bake 10 mntues. Sprnke remang marshmaows and graham crackeers over top, pressng them
genty unt partay submerged n batter. Bake 18 to 20 mntues onger unt marshmaows on top
are goden brown.
Coo competey n pan on wre rack. Lft fo by ends to a cuttng board. Pee off fo and cut nto
201. Snackng Brownes
1/2 c Butter or margarne softened
1 c Sugar
1 1/2 c Hershey's Syrup
4 Eggs
1 1/4 c A-purpose four
1 c Sem-Sweet Chocoate Chps
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease 13x9x2-nch bakng pan. In arge mxer bow, beat butter and
sugar. Add syrup, eggs and four; beat we. Str n chocoate chps. Pour batter nto prepared pan.
Bake 30 to 35 mnutes or unt brownes begn to pu away from sdes of pan. Coo competey n
pan on wre rack. Cut nto bars. About 36 brownes.
202. Snckers Bar Brownes
1 German Chocoate Cake Mx
3/4 c Margarne; meted
2/3 c Sweetened condensed mk
1 Large bag Snckers -OR- Mk Way Bars
Mx cake mx wth meted margarne and condensed mk, Spread out 1/2 of the mxture nto a
9x13" pan. Bake at 350 degrees F for 10 mnutes. Sce candy bars nto tte sces. Lay these on top
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of the baked crust. Wth the remanng crumby texture. No need to spread t on top to make t
smooth. Put t back nto the oven and bake t at 350 degrees F for 20 mnutes.
203. Texas Longhorn Touchdown Brownes
1 1/4 c Butter or margarne
3/4 c Unsweetened cocoa
2 c Sugar
6 g Eggs
1 tb Vana
2 c A-purpose four
2 c Pecan haves
3/4 b Semsweet chocoate; cut n 1/2" chunks
In a 3-4 quart pan over ow heat, str butter wth cocoa unt meted. Off the heat, beat n sugar. Add
eggs and vana; beat we. Add four, pecans, and chocoate; mx we. Spread batter n buttered
9x13" pan. Bake n a 325 degree oven unt top fees dry n center, about 35 mnutes. Coo n pan. If
bakng ahead, wrap artght when coo and hod up to a day. Cut nto 12 to 16 peces.
204. Toffee Fudge Brownes
6 Heath bars; 6 3/8 oz; broken
1 c Wanuts; chopped
1 1/4 c Sugar
5 oz Unsweetened chocoate; chop
1/2 c Butter; soft
4 Eggs
1 tb Vana
1/4 ts Sat
2/3 c Four
Poston rack n center of oven and preheat to 325-F. Grease and four 9 nch square bakng pan.
STEEL KNIFE: Combne toffee and wanuts n work bow and chop coarsey usng 6 to 8 on/off turns.
Remove from work bow and set asde. Combne sugar and chocoate n work bow and mx usng 6
on/off turns, then process unt chocoate s as fne as sugar, about 1 mnute. Add butter and bend 1
mnute. Add eggs, vana and sat and bend unt fuffy, about 40 seconds, stoppng as necessary to
scrape down sdes of work bow. Add four and toffee mxture and bend usng 4 to 5 on/off turns,
|ust unt four s ncorporated; do not overprocess (remove Stee Knfe and bend mxture genty
wth spatua f necessary to mx n four competey). Turn batter nto prepared pan, spreadng
eveny. Bake unt tester nserted n center comes out amost cean, about 50 mnutes (for frmer,
cakeke brownes, bake about 5 mnutes onger). Let coo n pan on rack. Cut nto 1 3/4-nch
squares. Store n artght contaner. These are dark, most and crunchy wth bts of toffee candy.
205. Tohouse Goden Brownes
3/4 c Margarne, softened
3 Eggs
3/4 c Sugar
2 c Unsfted four
3/4 c Packed dark brown sugar
2 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Vana
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1 ts Sat
1 c Chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combne margarne, sugar, brown sugar and vana n a arge bow.
Beat unt creamy. Add eggs one at a tme, beatng we after each. Add the four, bakng powder
and sat, and mx we. Str n chocoate chps. Spread the batter eveny n a we-greased 9"x13"
pan. Test the batter. Bake the remanng browne (heh, heh, |ust kddng) for 30-35 mnutes. Coo
and cut nto squares.
206. Try Some More Brownes
2 c A-purpose four
1 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Bakng powder
1 c Cocoa powder
1 pn Sat
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 c Soy mk
2 tb Lemon |uce
2 tb O
1/2 c Wanuts, optona
Preheat oven to 350F & ghty o a 8 X 8 nch bakng pan. Combne a the dry ngredents n a arge
mxng bow. Mx we. Combne the qud ngredents & str nto the dry ngredents. Mx we & mx
n the wanuts f usng.
Pour batter nto prepared bakng pan & bake n the preheated oven for about 40 to 45 mnutes or
unt the brownes test done. Coo before servng.
207. Wanut Raspberry Brownes
3 Squares chocoate unsweetened
1/2 c Crsco
3 Eggs
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 1/2 ts Vana
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Four
1 1/2 c Wanuts, chopped
1/3 c Raspberry |am
Met chocoate and Crsco over warm water; coo sghty. Bend together eggs, vana, sugar and
sat; str n chocoate mxture, then four. Fod n wanuts. Turn nto we greased 8-nch square pan.
Bake at 325 degrees F for about 40 mnutes. Spoon |am over hot brownes; spread carefuy. Let
208. Whtey's
1/3 c Vegetabe shortenng
3/4 c Granuated sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 ts Vana
3/4 c Four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
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1/3 c Rasns (optona)
Preheat oven to 350F. Grease 8x8 nch bakng pan. Met shortenng. Mx wth sugar, eggs, and
vana. Add four, bakng powder and rasns. Pour nto bakng pan. Bake 30 mnutes. Makes 16
209. Whoesome Brownes
6 oz Chocoate chps; semsweet
1/3 c Butter
1 c Roed oats; quck-cookng
1/4 c Brown sugar; packed
1/4 c Wheat germ
1/3 c Mk
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Wanuts; chopped
2 Eggs
2 tb Whte sugar
1 ts Vana
Preheat the over to 350 degrees. Met the chocoate chps and the butter n the top of a doube
boer or n a sma heavy saucepan over - NOT IN - |ust smmerng water. Remove the pan from the
heat. Str unt smooth. Set asde. Combne the oats, wheat germ, dry mk, bakng powder, sat and
nuts n a medum sze bow. Set asde. Beat the eggs n a arge mxng bow. Mx n the brown and
whte sugars and the vana unt thck. Str n the meted-chocoate mxture. Fod n the oats
mxture unt |ust bended. Pour the batter nto a greased (8") square bakng pan. Bake for 20 to 25
mnutes or unt the top s crsp but a toothpck nserted n the center comes out sghty most. Set
the pan on a rack to coo competey before cuttng. Yeds 25 Brownes
210. Zucchn Brownes
4 Eggs
1 1/2 c O
2 c Sugar
2 c Four
2 ts Soda
2 ts Cnnamon
1 ts Sat
4 tb Cocoa
1 ts Vana
3 c Grated zucchn
1 c Chopped nuts
Beat together eggs, o and sugar. Mx together the dry ngredents unt smooth.
Mx a together we and spread nto greased |ey ro pan. 350 degrees for 25-30 mnutes
211. 18 Mnute Chocoate Cake
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2 c Four
1 3/4 c Sugar
1/4 ts Sat
4 tb Cocoa
1 c Cod Water
1/2 c Vegetabe O
1/2 c Butter
1/2 c Buttermk
2 Eggs
1 ts Soda
Combne four, sugar, sat and cocoa n a arge bow. Mx n a sauce pan, water, o and butter. Brng
to a bo. Pour nto dry mx and beat unt smooth. Add buttermk, eggs and soda. Beat; batter w
be thn. Pour nto we greased |ey ro pan. Bake at 350 degrees F unt done. Coo on a wre rack;
whe st a tte warm, frost wth your favourte frostng.
212. A-Amercan Chocoate Cake
4 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1 c Shortenng or 1/2 b butter
2 ts Vana
2 c Cake four
2 c Sugar
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Sat
1 c Mk
4 Eggs
Preheat oven to 350F. In a sma, heavy-bottomed pan, met chocoate and shortenng, strrng over
ow heat unt smooth and meted. Remove from heat and str n vana. In arge bow, combne
four, sugar, bakng powder, bakng soda and sat. Add chocoate mxture, mk and eggs, beatng
unt smooth. Spread mxture n two greased and foured 9-nch round cake pans. Bake for 30-to-35
mnutes or unt toothpck nserted n center of cake comes out cean. Coo n pans 5 mnutes before
turnng out onto wre rack.
213. Bacard Rum Chocoate Cake
1 Package chocoate cake mx (2 ayer sze)
1 |e-o chocoate nstant puddng mx (4 servng)
4 Eggs
1/2 c Bacard dark rum
1/4 c Cod water
1/2 c Wesson o
1/2 c Svered amonds, optona
1 1/2 c Cod mk
1/4 c Bacard dark rum
1 |e-o chocoate nstant puddng mx (4 servng)
1 Dream whp toppng mx
Preheat oven 350 degrees F. Grease and four 2 - 9 nch ayer cake pans. Combne a cake
ngredents together n a arge bow. Bend we, then beat at medum speed for 2 mnutes. Turn nto
prepared pans/ Bake for 30 mnutes or unt cake tests done. Do not underbake. Coo n pans for 10
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mnutes. Remove from pans, fnsh coong on racks. Spt ayers horzontay. Spread one cup fng
between each ayer and over top of cake. Stack. Keep cake we ched. Serve cod. Fng: Combne
mk, rum, puddng mx and toppng mx n deep, narrow bow. Bend we at hgh speed for 4
mnutes, unt ght and fuffy. Makes 4 cups.
214. Banana Chocoate Cake
6 tb Butter
3/4 c Sugar
3/4 c Moasses
3 Eggs
2 1/2 c Mashed overrpe bananas
2 3/4 c Four
1 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
1 ts Vana extract
1 c Chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350F. Cream together the butter and sugar n a mxer. Add to the moasses and
mx unt combned. Add the eggs, then mx n the bananas. Mx n the four, bakng soda, sat and
extract unt smooth, then fod n the chocoate chps. Pace the batter n a buttered and foured
9-nch sprngform mod. Bake for about 1 hour. Let the cake coo on a rack, cut t n haf to form 2
ayers, frost wth your favorte chocoate frostng and serve.
215. Bar Cake
4 Eggs
16 oz Can Hershey syrup
6 Reguar Hershey bars, met
1 tb Vana
2 c Sugar
1 c Butter,soft
3 c Four
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1 c Buttermk OR
1 c Mk + 1 Tb vnegar
Mx syrup, candy bars and vana. Cream sugar and butter and add to chococate. add eggs to mk.
Soft four and bakng soda and add 1/3 at a tme. Add buttermk and mx we. Pour nto greased
ange food pan and bake at 350 degrees F for 1-1/2 hours.
216. Bavaran Spce Chocoate Cake
1 pk Psbury Pus Dev's Food Cake Mx
1 ts Cnnamon
1/2 ts Nutmeg
1 c Cod mashed potatoes
1/2 c Butter, softened
1/2 c Water
3 Eggs
1/2 c Sem-sweet chocoate chps
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1 tb Butter
2 tb Mk
1/2 c Powdered sugar
Heat oven to 350 degrees (F). Grease and four a 12-cup futed tube pan.
In arge bow, bend cake mx, cnnamon, nutmeg, potatoes, butter, water, and eggs unt
mostened. Beat 2 mnutes at hghest speed.
Pour nto prepared pan. Bake at 350 degrees (F) for 40-50 mnutes. Coo uprght n pan 25 mnutes;
nvert onto servng pate. Coo competey.
In sma saucepan, bend chocoate chps, 1 Tabespoon butter and mk over ow heat unt
chocoate mets, strrng constanty. Remove from heat; str n powdered sugar unt smooth. (If
needed, add a few more drops of mk for desred consstency.) Spoon over top of cake, aowng
some to run down the sdes.
Garnsh as desred.
Makes 16 servngs.
217. Best Chocoate Cake wth Fudge Frostng
2 c Four
2 c Sugar
1/2 c Shortenng
3/4 c Water
3/4 c Buttermk
1 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Sat
1 ts Vana
1/2 ts Bakng powder
2 Eggs
4 oz Unsweetened chocoate, meted and cooed
Fudge frostng (see beow)
Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
Grease and four 13 x 9 x 3 pan, 3 8" round pans or 2 9" round pans.
Beat a ngredents except fudge frostng n a arge bow on ow speed for 30 seconds, scrapng
bow constanty. Beat on hgh speed for 3 mnutes, scrapng bow constanty. Pour nto pan(s).
Bake for 40-45 mnutes (rectange pan) or 30-35 mnutes (round pans), or unt wooden pck comes
out cean. Coo rounds 10 mn.; remove from pans. Coo competey. Frost.
Fudge Frostng
2 c sugar
1/2 c shortenng
3 oz unsweetened chocoate
2/3 c mk
1/2 t sat
2 t vana
Mx a ngredents except vana n a 2 1/2 quart saucepan. Heat to a rong bo, strrng
occasonay. Bo 1 mnute wthout strrng. Pace saucepan n a bow of ce and water. Beat unt
frostng s smooth and of spreadng consstency; add vana.
218. Better Than Sex Cake
1 pk Sem-sweet chocoate chps (6oz)
3/4 c Pecans; chopped
1 pk Chocoate cake mx
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4 Eggs
1 pk Instant chocoate puddng (4 servng sze)
1 ct Sour cream (8oz)
Toss the chocoate chps and pecans n a tabespoon of the dry cake mx. Beat the remaong
ngredents together for 3 mnutes then fod n the chps and pecans. Pour nto greased and foured
Bundt or tube pan and bake 50 mnutes at 350 degrees, or unt cake test done.
219. Bttersweet Chocoate Pound Cake
6 oz Chocoate, unsweetened
2 c Four
1 ts Bakng soda
3/4 ts Bakng powder
2 tb Instant coffee
2 tb Water, hot
Water, cod
2 c Sugar
1 c Butter; softened
1 ts Vana extract
3 Eggs
Rch Chocoate Gaze:
1 oz Chocoate, unsweetened
1 c Sugar, confectoners
3 tb Butter; softened
1/2 ts Vana extract
1 tb ;Water, hot tap, to 2 T
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Over hot (not bong) water, met chocoate bars, strrng unt
smooth. In sma bow combne four, bakng soda and bakng powder; set asde. In 2-cup gass
measure, dssove nstant coffee n hot water; add cod water to measure 1-1/2 cups.
In a arge mxer bow, beat sugar, butter and vana unt creamy. Beat n eggs one at a tme. Beat
at hgh speed 5 mnutes. Str n meted chocoate. Add four mxture aternatey wth coffee mxture.
Pour batter nto greased and foured 10-nch Bundt pan or ange food cake pan.
Bake 65-70 mnutes or unt cake tester nserted n center comes out cean. Coo n pan 30 mnutes;
remove from pan and coo competey. Drzze wth Rch Chocoate Gaze.
Gaze: Over hot (not bong) water, met chocoate, strrng unt smooth. In the sma mxer bow,
combne meted chocoate, confectoners' sugar, butter and vana. At ow speed, graduay beat n
water unt smooth. Drzze over cake.
220. Back Chocoate Cake
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Mk
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Butter
1 c Mk
2 Eggs
2 c Four, sfted
1 ts Soda
Bo frst 3 ngredents unt thck; set asde to coo. Mx together remanng ngredents. Add cooed
chocoate; beat wth eectrc mxer 2 mnutes on medum speed. Bake n 9 x 13" pan 25 mnutes at
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350 degrees.
221. Back Forest Puddng Cake
1 1/4 c Sugar
1 c Four
3 tb Cocoa, unsweetened
2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/3 c Butter, meted
1 1/2 ts Vana
1/2 c Packed brown sugar
1/4 c Cocoa, unsweetened
1 1/4 c Hot water
1/4 c Krsch or 2 tb. water pus
1/2 ts amond or rum extract
1 Can cherry pe fng
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a medum-sze bow, combne 3/4 cup of the sugar, four, three
tabespoons of the cocoa, bakng powder and sat. Bend n mk, meted butter and vana; beat
unt smooth. Spread nto an 8 nch square pan. In a sma bow, combne remanng 1/2 cup sugar,
brown sugar and remanng 1/4 cup cocoa; sprnke mxture eveny over batter. Combne hot water
and krsch; pour over batter. Do not str. Bake for 40 mnutes, or unt center s amost set. Let stand
15 mnutes. Transfer to dessert dshes and spoon puddng from bottom of pan over cake. Serve wth
cherry pe fng as sauce.
222. Back Russan Cake
1 pk Yeow cake mx
1 pk Instant chocoate puddng
2 ts Cnnamon
2 ts Instant coffee
4 Eggs
Mk Chocoate Frostng
1/2 pk Mk chocoate frost mx
2 tb Hot water
2 tb Butter, softened
1 tb Brandy
1 tb Orange Favor queur
1/4 ts Amond extract
2 tb Powdered sugar
3/4 c Water
3/4 c O
1/4 c Vodka
1/4 c Ta Mara or cream de cacao
Combne a ngredents, bend for 1 mnutes wth mxer at ow speed; beat at hgh speed for 2
mnutes. Spoon nto greased and foured Bundt pan. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 mnutes. Coo at
east 10 n pan; turn out to coo. Ice wth the mk chocoate frostng. Frostng: Combne a
ngredents n sma mxng bow, beat 1 mnute at ow speed, beat for 1 mnute at hgh speed. Str
n a few more drops of water unt mxture reaches desred spreadng consstency.
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223. Bender Doube Fudge Cake
1/4 c Nuts
1 Egg
3 tb Shortenng
1 c Mk
3 oz Unsweetened chocoate; Premeted enveopes
1/2 ts Vana
1 1/4 c Four
1 1/3 c Sugar
1 1/4 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
1/4 ts Soda
1/2 c Semsweet chocoate peces
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and four bakng pan, 9x9x2". Measure nuts nto bender; chop
on ow speed. Set nuts asde. In order sted, measure remanng ngredents except chocoate
peces nto bender. Bend 30 seconds on hgh speed, stoppng bender occasonay to scrape sdes
wth rubber spatua. (Batter may be sghty umpy). Pour batter nto pan. Bake about 35 mnutes or
unt wooden pck nserted n center comes out cean. Immedatey sprnke chocoate peces over
cake. Pace bakng sheet over pan so contaned heat w soften chocoate peces. Spread softened
chocoate eveny over cake; sprnke wth reserved nuts. Serve warm.
To prepare cake wth eectrc mxer, measure a ngredents except nuts and chocoate peces nto
arge mxer bow. Bend 1/2 mnute on ow speed, scrapng bow constanty. Beat 3 mnutes hgh
speed, scrapng bow occasonay. Bake as drected.
If usng sef-rsng four, omt bakng powder and sat.
224. Bourbon Chocoate Cake
1 pk Chocoate cake mx, wth puddng
3 Eggs
1/2 c Bourbon whskey
1/2 c Water; cod
1/3 c Vegetabe o
1 pt Whppng cream
1/3 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 c Powdered sugar
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Bourbon
1 c Nuts; chopped
Butter and four two 9" round cake pans. Combne cake mx, eggs, bourbon, cod water and
vegetabe o n arge bow of mxer. Beat for 2 mnutes on hgh speed unt very ght. Pour nto
pans. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30 mnutes or unt tests done. Coo n pans 10 mnutes. Remove.
Coo competey. Spt ayers n haf horzontay. Spread frostng over each cake ayer. Sprnke wth
wanuts. Stack ayers. Cover sdes wth frostng. Ch at east 2 hours.
Frostng: In arge mxng bow, combne whppng cream, cocoa, powdered sugar and vana. Beat
unt stff then fod n the bourbon.
225. Butterfnger Cake
1 pk German Chocoate Cake mx
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8 oz Butterscotch toppng for ce cream
2 g Butterfnger bars
1 g Coo Whp
1 c Pecans; chopped
Bake cake n a 9x13 pan. Whe cake s st hot, pour butterscotch toppng over cake, pokng sma
hoes n cake so that toppng can soak n. Coo competey. Crush Butterfnger bars. Reserve 1/2 of
one bar and mx the rest nto a arge carton of Coo Whp aong wth the pecans. Spread over cooed
cake and top wth reserved Butterfnger. Refrgerate unt ready to serve.
226. Cape Cod Chocoate Cake
1 3/4 c Cake four
2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Soda
1 ts Sat
1 1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Shortenng
1 c Pus 2 T evaporated mk
2 Unbeaten eggs
2 Squares meted chocoate
1 ts Vana
Str four, bakng powder, soda, sat and sugar nto a mxng bow. Drop shortenng and mk nto dry
ngredents. Do not dute the evaporated mk, use fu strength. Beat, beat, beat for about 2
mnutes on ow speed n an eectrc mxer. Add eggs and meted chocoate. Lasty add vana. Beat
a together for 1 mnute. Scrape bown and beat agan for another mnute. Turn nto two ayer cake
pans and bake at 350 degrees for 35 mnutes. Frost wth butter cream frostng to whch 1/2 c
wanuts, chopped fne have been added.
227. Carame Chocoate Chp Cake
2 c A-purpose four
1 c Packed brown sugar
1/2 c Granuated sugar
1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps, fney chopped
1/2 c Shortenng
1 1/4 c Mk
3 ts Bakng powder
1 ts Sat
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
3 Eggs
1 Carame fuff frostng recpe
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and four a 13 x 9 x 2" rectanguar bakng pan. Beat a
ngredents except Carame Fuff n a arge bow on ow speed for 30 seconds, scrapng bow
constanty. Neat on hgh speed for 3 mnutes, scrapng bow occasonay. Pour nto pan. Bake unt
a wooden pck nserted n center comes out cean, about 40 to 45 mnutes; coo competey. Frost
wth Carame Fuff. Store n refrgerator.
228. Cheese & Chocoate Tunne Cake
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1 Two ayer chocoate cake mx wth puddng
1/3 c Margarne or butter
16 oz Cream cheese, softened
1/2 c Sugar
2 Eggs
2 ts Margarne or butter, meted
2 oz Sem sweet chocoate
2 ts Corn syrup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Prepare cake mx accordng to package drectons, substtutng
margarne for o. Reserve 1 cup of batter. Pour remanng batter nto a 12 cup greased and foured
futed tube pan. Combne cream cheese and sugar, mxng we at medum speed on an eectrc
mxer unt we bended. Bend n eggs, one at a tme. Pour over batter n the pan. Spoon reserved
batter over cream cheese mxture. Bake 1 hour or unt toothpck nserted n center comes out
cean. Coo 30 mnutes; remove to a wre rack. Combne margarne, chocoate and corn syrup n a
sma saucepan. Cook over ow heat unt chocoate s meted. Pour over cooed cake.
229. Chocoate Amond Pound Cake
1/2 c Fney chopped amonds
1 1/2 c Sugar
4 oz Butter, meted
4 Eggs
4 oz Btter chocoate, meted
1 1/2 ts Amond extract
2 c Four
1 c Corn mea
1 ts Sat (optona)
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 c Mk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Generousy grease a 12 c bundt pan. Coat sdes wth amonds.
In a arge bow, beat sugar and butter unt ght and fuffy. Add eggs, one at a tme, mxng we
after each egg. Str n chocoate and amond extract.
Combne four, corn mea, sat and bakng powder. Add aternatey wth mk to chocoate mxture,
mxng at ow speed unt we bended. Spoon nto pan.
Bake 50-60 mnutes. Coo 10 mnutes. remove from pan and coo on rack.
Serves 16
230. Chocoate Ange Food Cake
1 c A-purpose four
1 1/2 ts Cream of tartar
1/4 c Cocoa
1/2 ts Sat
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 1/2 ts Vana
10 Egg whtes
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
In medum bow, sft four. Sft four agan twce wth cocoa and 1/2 cup sugar. Set asde. In arge
bow, beat egg whtes, cream of tartar, and sat unt soft peaks form. Graduay add remanng
sugar, 2 Tbsp at a tme unt stff peaks form. Fod n four mxture and vana.
Pour nto ungreased tube pan. Bake for 55 to 65 mnutes. Invert pan for about 1 hour or unt the
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cake s coo.
231. Chocoate Appesauce Cake
2 c Unsfted Unbeached Four
2 tb Cocoa
1 1/2 ts Bakng Soda
1/2 ts Sat
1/2 c Shortenng
1 1/2 c Sugar
2 g Eggs
2 ts Vana Extract
2 c Unsweetened Appesauce
6 oz Semsweet Chocoate Chps
1/2 c Chopped Wanuts
Sft the four, cocoa, bakng soda and sat together and set asde. Cream the shortenng and sugar
together n a arge mxng bow unt ght and fuffy, usng an eectrc mxer set on medum speed.
Add the eggs, one at a tme, beatng we after each addton. Bend n the vana extract. Add the
dry ngredentss aternatey wth the appesauce to the creamed mxture, beatng we after each
addton, usng the mxer set on ow speed. Pour the batter nto a greased 13 X 9 X 2-nch bakng
pan. Sprnke wth the chocoate chps and chopped wanuts. Bake n a preheated 350 degree F.
oven for 35 mnutes or unt the cake test done. Coo n the pan on a wre rack.
232. Chocoate Beer Puddng Cake
1 1/2 c A purpose four
3/4 c Sugar
1 tb Unsweetened cocoa
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/4 ts Sat
3/4 c Beer
1/3 c O
1 Egg, sghty beaten
1 tb Unsweetened cocoa
3/4 c Beer
1/3 c Packed brown sugar
1/3 c Granuated sugar
For batter, mx dry ngredants; make a we n center, Add beer, o and egg. Beat |ust unt smooth.
For syrup, make a paste of cocoa and a tte beer. Add remanng beer and sugars. Heat to bong.
Pour batter nto a greased 8-nch square bakng pan. Drzze syrup over top Bake at 350 deg F 40
mnutes. Coo about 5 mnutes, Loosen sdes of cake from pan; nvert onto pater. Even out puddng
ayer wth knfe. Serve warm or coo. Best outsde, aroma s qute powerfu
233. Chocoate Cake
3/4 c Margarne; at room temperature
1/4 c Sugar;
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1/2 c Lqud egg;substtue at room temperature
Lqud sugar;substtue equa to 1/3 cup sugar
2 t Vana;
2 c Cake four;
2 t Bakng powder;
1/4 c Instant dry mk;
1/3 c Cocoa;
1 c Water; at room temperature
Cream together margarne and sugar at medum speed unt ght and fuffy. Add egg substtue,
sweetener, and vana to creamed mxture and beat at medum speed for 1/2 mnute. Str together
four, bakng powder, dry mk, and cocoa to bend. Add 1 cup water to creamed mxture aong wth
four mxture and mx at medum speed ony unt smooth. Spread eveny n a 9 nch square pan
that has been greased wth margarne. Bake at 350 degree F. for 30-35 mnutes or unt a cake
tester comes out cean and the cake pus away from the sdes of the pan. Coo to room
temperature and cut 4 x 4 to yed 16 equa servngs.
234. Mrace Whp Cake
2 c Four
3 tb Cocoa
1 c Sugar
1/2 ts Sat
Sft above together 3 tmes. Put n mxng bow and make a we n the mdde. Put one cup of
Mrace Whp Saad Dressng and 3/4 cup of bong water to whch has been added 1 1/2 tsp. of
soda and 1 tsp. vana nto the we you have made n four. Mx we by hand. Bake n greased and
foured ayer cake pans (two 8-nch) or arge gass pan. Bake at 350 degrees about 35 to 40
mnutes, or unt cake sprngs back when tested.
235. Chocoate Cake Wth Rum Spked Fgs
1 1/2 c Dred Msson Fgs
1/3 c Dark Rum
1/3 c Water
8 oz Semsweet Chocoate
8 oz Unsated butter
6 Eggs
1 c Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 c Whppng cream, soft wpped
Wth a sma knfe remove the hard bt of stem at the tp of each fg. Pace the fgs n a sma
saucepan wth the rum and water. Brng to a bo over hgh heat. Cover pan, reduce heat to smmer
and contnue cookng unt fgs are tender, about 20 mnutes. Set asde.
Grease botton and sdes of a round bakng pan - 9 nches n dameter and 2 nches hgh - wth
shortenng or vegetabe o. Lne the bottom wth a crce of parchment or aumnum fo. Set asde.
Cut the chocoate nto sma peces and met t wth the butter n the top of a doube boer. Remove
from heat and str unt smooth.
Crack the eggs nto a arge bow. Add cocoa and sugar to the eggs and beat wth an eectrc mxer
unt bended eveny. Dran the fgs, dscardng the qud. Str fgs and chocoate nto the egg
mxture and mx we. Spoon the batter nto the prepared pan.
Bake n a preheated 350 degree oven unt the cake rses to the top of the pan and fees set n the
center, about 40 mnutes. Let t coo n the pan on a wre rack. When coo, turn t out onto a rack.
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Remove the parchment or fo, nvert the cake nto a arge servng pate. Cover t and refrgerate
unt ready to serve. Accompany wth whpped cream.
236. Chocoate Carrot Cake
1 1/2 c Fney grated carrots
3/4 c Granuated sugar
1/2 c Canoa o
1 c Bong water
1 1/2 c Whoewheat four
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ts Cnnamon
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F.
In a arge bow, combne carrots, sugar & o. Pour water over the mxture. In a separate bow,
combne the rest of the ngredents. Add to the carrot mxture & mx we.
Pour nto a non-stck or ghty oed 8" square pan. Bake for 35 mnutes.
237. Chocoate Cherry Sheet Cake
1 pk Psbury Pus Dev's Food Cake Mx
1 Can (21-oz.) cherry frut pe fng
1 ts Amond extract
2 Eggs; beaten
1 c Sugar
5 tb Butter or margarne
1/3 c Mk
1 pk (6-oz.) sem-sweet chocoate chps
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and four 13x9-nch pan. In arge bow, combne a cake
ngredents. By hand, str unt we mxed. Pour nto greased and foured pan. Bake at 350 degrees
F. for 25 to 30 mnutes or unt toothpck nserted n center comes out cean.
In sma saucepan, combne sugar, butter and mk. Brng to a bo; bo 1 mnute, strrng constanty.
Remove from heat; str n chocoate chps unt smooth. Pour and spread over warm cake. Makes: 12
to 16 servngs.
238. Chocoate Chp Butter Cake
8 oz Butter or Margarne
2 c Sugar
4 Eggs, separated
2 2/3 c Sfted Cake Four
2 ts Bakng Powder
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Mk
2 ts Vana
5 oz German Sweet Chocoate Bars
Cream butter and sugar together. Add yoks one at a tme, beatng we after each addton. Add
sfted dry ngredents, aternatng wth mk and vana. Add n thrds, beatng unt smooth after
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each addton. Grate chocoate coarsy, reservng 1/3 cup for the toppng. Beat whtes unt stff and
fod nto batter, add remanng chocoate to batter and mx. Pour n a greased and foured 9x13 pan.
Sprnke the top wth the 1/3 cup of grated chocoate. Bake n a preheated 350 degree F oven for 40
239. Chocoate Chp Sour Cream Pound Cake
3 c Unsfted four
1/4 ts Bakng soda
2 c Sugar
1 c Butter, softeded
6 Eggs
1 ts Vana extract or favor
1 pk Sour cream (8 oz)
1 c Mn chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Str together four and bakng soda. In mxer bow, beat sugar and
butter unt fuffy. Beat n eggs, one at a tme, unt smooth; add vana. Beat n sour cream
aternatey wth four mxture. Fod n chocoate chps. Pour nto we-greased and foured 10- nch
futed tube cake pan. Bake 1 hr. and 15 mn. or unt wooden pck comes out cean. Coo; remove
from pan. Sprnke wth confectoners' sugar f desred. Yed: 1 ten-nch cake
240. Chocoate Cnnamon Ange Food Cake
1 1/2 c Egg whtes (10-12 eggs)
1 c Sfted four
1 1/2 c Sfted confectoners sugar
3 tb Unsweetened cocoa
1/2 ts Cnnamon
1 1/2 ts Cream of tartar
1 ts Vana
1 c Sugar
Brng egg whtes to room temperature, about 1 hour. Meanwhe, sft four, cocoa, powdered sugar,
and cnnamon together three tmes. Set asde. In a arge mxer bow, beat the egg whtes, cream of
tartar, and vana wth an eectrc mxer on medum speed unt soft peaks form. Graduay add the
sugar, 2 Tabespoons at a tme, beatng on hgh speed unt stff peaks form. Transfer to a arger
bow f needed. Sft about 1/4th of the four mxture over the beaten egg whtes. Fod n genty.
Repeat, fodng n the remanng four mxture n fourths. Pour nto ungreased 10 nch tube pan.
Bake on the owest rack n the oven at 350 degrees F for 40-45 mnutes or unt the top sprngs back
when touched. Immedatey nvert cake (eave n pan); coo thoroughy. Loosen sdes of cake from
pan; remove.
Makes 16 sces.
241. Chocoate Cranberry Cake
1/2 b Butter; room temperature
2/3 c Sugar
1 ts Vana
3 tb Cranberry queur, (optona)
8 oz Sem-sweet chocoate; meted
4 Eggs; separated
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1/3 c Cake four
1 1/3 c Fresh cranberres; chopped
3 tb Sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lne bottom of a 9-nch sprngform pan wth parchment.
Whp butter wth eectrc beater unt ght and fuffy. Add sugar and beat for 2 to 3 mnutes. Mx n
vana, queur and chocoate. Add yoks one at a tme. Mx n four and cranberres.
Whp egg whtes n cean bow unt soft peaks form. Add 3 tabespoons sugar and contnue
whppng unt stff.
Fod 1/3 of whtes nto batter. Then fod remanng whtes nto mxture. Pour nto prepared pan and
bake for 25 mnutes. Let coo 5 mnutes, then cover wth fo and coo competey.
242. Chocoate Cream Ro
6 tb Four
6 tb Cocoa
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
4 md Eggs
3/4 c Sugar
1 ts Vana
Icng sugar
Whpped Cream
Sft four, cocoa, bakng powder and sat, THREE tmes, onto a sheet of waxed paper. Beat egg
whtes t thck and fuffy. Add sugar graduay whe beatng, then add yoks and vana. Mxture
shoud be thck and emony. Sft dry mxture over egg mx and fod n genty. Pepare an edged
cooke pan by greasng and nng wth waxed paper. Pour batter onto pan and spread eveny. Bake
at 400 F for 12-15 mnutes. When baked, remove from pan and ro n a damp tea towe on whch
you have sprnked some cng sugar. When coo, unro, trm off any crusty edges. Spread whpped
cream on cake and ro up. Serve wth a doop of whpped cream on the sde.
243. Chocoate Ecar Cake
1 Box whoe graham crackers
6 oz Package nst vana puddng mx
3 c Mk
8 oz Carton whpped toppng
1 c Sugar
1/8 ts Sat
1/3 c Cocoa
1/4 c Mk
1/4 c Butter
1 ts Vana extract
Butter 13 x 9 nch pan and cover bottom wth ayer whoe graham crackers. Mx puddng mx and
mk beatng we. Fod n whpped toppng. Spread haf of mxture over crackers n pan. Cover wth
another ayer of crackers. Spread remanng mx over crackers. Top wth a ayer of crackers.
In saucepan, combne sugar, sat, cocoa and mk. Brng to a bo and bo one mnute. Remove from
heat and add butter and vana. Beat unt smooth and spread on top of crackers. Refrgerate. Much
more decous f not served unt next day.
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244. Chocoate Hazenut Cake
6 oz Chocoate, semsweet
3/4 c Butter
2/3 c Sugar
8 Eggs; separated
1 1/3 c Hazenuts; ground
2/3 c Bread crumbs or matzo mea
1 ts Cnnamon, ground
Chop chocoate nto sma peces. Pace n sma bow over hot water to met, strrng occasonay.
Beat butter wth haf the sugar unt soft and ght. Beat n egg yoks, one at a tme. Combne
hazenuts, bread crumbs and cnnamon and str n.
Whp egg whtes. Beat n remanng sugar n sow stream and whp unt frm peaks form. Str 1/4 of
whtes nto batter. Fod n rest wth a rubber spatua.
Pour batter nto greased 10-nch cake pan ned wth parchment paper. Bake at 350 degrees F unt
we rsen and frm n center, about 45 mnutes. Invert cake onto rack and coo a few mnutes. Lft
off pan and coo competey. If prepared n advance, wrap cake n pastc and refrgerate up to 5
days or freeze up to 1 month. Brng cake to room temperature before servng.
245. Chocoate Ice Box Cake
1/2 b German sweet chocoate
3 tb Bong water
1 c Powdered sugar
2 Egg yoks
1 ts Vana
2 Beaten egg whtes
1 pt Cream, whpped
3/4 Of an ange food cake (mx can be used)
Met chocoate and bong water together, remove from stove and add cup of powdered sugar and
2 egg yoks, beaten. Add vana, egg whtes beaten moderatey stff, and fod n whpped cream.
Break ange food cake nto rreguar peces. Pace haf the cake bts n a pan, cover wth haf the
chocoate custard. Add remanng cake, and cover generousy wth remanng chocoate. Ch tweve
hours, or overnght, n refrgerator.
246. Chocoate Cherry Ice Cake
1/2 b German sweet chocoate
1/2 c Cherres
3 tb Bong water
1 c Powdered sugar
2 Egg yoks
1 ts Vana
2 Beaten egg whtes
1 pt Cream, whpped
3/4 Of an ange food cake (mx can be used)
Met chocoate and bong water together, remove from stove and add cup of powdered sugar and
2 egg yoks, beaten. Add vana, egg whtes beaten moderatey stff, and fod n whpped cream.
Break ange food cake nto rreguar peces. Pace haf the cake bts n a pan, cover wth haf the
chocoate custard. Add remanng cake, and cover generousy wth remanng chocoate. Ch tweve
hours, or overnght, n refrgerator.
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247. Chocoate Layer Cake
2 1/4 c Sfted Unbeached Four
1 ts Bakng Powder
1/2 ts Bakng Soda
1/2 ts Sat
3/4 c Butter Or Reguar Margarne
1 1/2 c Sugar
2 g Eggs
1 ts Vana
2 oz Unsweetened Chocoate, Meted And Cooed (2 Sqrs)
1 c Cod Water
Dark Chocoate Icng (Beow)
Sft the four, bakng powder, bakng soda, and sat togher n a sma bow and set asde.
Cream the butter and sugar together, n a mxng bow, unt ght and fuffy, usng an eectrc mxer
set on medum speed. Add the eggs, one at a tme, beatng we after each addton. Bend n the
vana and cooed chocoate.
Add the dry ngredents aternatey wth the water to the creamed mxture, beatng we after each
addton. Pour the batter nto 2 greased and waxed paper-ned 9-nch round cake pans.
Bake n a preheated 350 degree F. oven for 30 mnutes or unt the cake tests done. Coo n the
pans on racks for 10 mnutes. Remove from the pans and fnsh coong.
Pace one cake ayer on a servng pate upsde down (scng the top off n needed to eve the cake)
and frost the top. Pace the second ayer on top of the frst rght sde up (agan scng the top f
needed to square the cake up) and use the remanng frostng to frost the sdes and top. Use the
foowng cng or one of your choce.
Met 3 ozs (3 squares) of unsweetened chocoate over hot water and coo to room temperature.
Combne 1/2 cup of butter or reguar margarne, cooed chocoate, 3 egg yoks n a mxng bow.
Beat wth an eectrc mxer, set on medum speed, unt we bended. Graduay beat n 1 pound (1
box) of sfted confectoners' sugar and 1/4 cup hot water. Beat n 1 tsp vana and beat unt
248. Chocoate Marbe Cake
1/3 c Butter
1 c Sugar
2 ts Bakng powder
1 ea Chocoate, unsweetened, squares
1 ts Vana
2 ea Egg, we beaten
1 1/2 c Four
1/2 c Mk
1 tb Butter
Cream the 1/3 cup butter and sugar together, add the we beaten eggs and mx we. Sft four and
bakng powder and add aternatey wth the mk to the frst mxture. Put 1/3 of mxture nto a bow
and add the 1 Tbsp of butter and chocoate whch have been meted together. To the whte batter,
add the vana. Drop whte batter, then chocoate, by spoonfus nto a we-greased, deep cake pan
and bake at 350 degrees F about 40 mnutes.
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249. Chocoate Mnt Layer Cake
1 c Mnt-Chocoate Chps;Nestes
1 1/4 c ;water, dvded
2 1/4 c Four; Unbeached
1 ts Sat
1 ts Bakng Soda
1/2 ts Bakng Powder
1 1/2 c Brown Sugar; Frmy Packed
1/2 c Butter, Softened
3 ea Eggs; Large
Chocoate Mnt Frostng
1/2 c Mnt-Chocoate Chps;Nestes
1/4 c Butter
1 ts Vana Extract
1/4 ts Sat
3 c Confectoners' Sugar
6 tb Mk
Chocoate Leaves
Chocoate Curs
Chocoate Gratngs
Cake:Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. In a sma saucepan, combne mnt-chocoate chps and 1/4
cup of water. Cook over medum heat, strrng constanty, unt chps are meted and mxture s
smooth. Coo 10 mnutes. In medum bow, combne four, sat, bakng soda, and bakng powder; set
asde. In a arge bow, combne brown sugar and butter; beat unt creamy. Add eggs, 1 at a tme,
beatng we after each addton. Bend n chocoate mxture. Graduay beat n four mxture
aterantey wth remanng 1 cup of water. Pour nto 2 greased and foured 9-nch round bakng
pans. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 25 to 30 mnutes, or unt cake tests done. Coo competey on wre
racks. F and frost wth Chocoate Mnt Frostng. Garnsh as desred.
Chocoate-Mnt Frostng: Combne over hot (not bong) water, the mnt-chocoate chps and butter.
Str unt chps are meted and mxture s smooth. Str n vana extract and sat. Transfer to a arge
bow. Graduay beat n the confectoners' sugar aternatey wth mk; beat unt smooth. (f
necessary add more mk unt desred consstency s reached.)
Garnshes: Use chocoate curs and grated chocoate on top of the cake. Form a rng of grated
chocoate peces around the outsde edge and use the curs n the center. To make chocoate
eaves, seect severa sma eaves, wash and dry them and pant one sde of them wth meted
chocoate. Ch unt frm and pee the eaf off the ched chocoate. Use as garnsh.
250. Chocoate Orange Cake
Veg spray
1 Egg, or substtute
1/2 c Low fat buttermk
2 ts Very rpe banana
2 tb Fresh orange |uce
1 ts Orange pee, grated fne
1 ts Vana
3/4 c Sugar
1 c Sef rsng four
1 ts Soda
1/2 c Tny semsweet choc chps
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Cocoa powder and o| pee for garnsh
Preheat oven 350. Use bundt pan or 8x8 pan coated wth nonstck spray.
Beat egg 2-3 mns on medum speed. Add sugar graduay. Add a ngredents except garnsh and
mx genty.
Put n pan. Bake 30 mns, or unt t passes the toothpck test. Coo before removng from pan and
garnsh wth cocoa powder and orange zest.
251. Chocoate Raspberry Marbed Cake
10 oz Frozen red raspberres; thawed and draned, reservng syrup
1/4 c Red raspberry |am
4 tb Cornstarch
1 Chocoate cake mx
8 oz Cream cheese; softened
2 tb Margarne; softened
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk
1 Egg
1 ts Vana
Preheat oven to 350 F. In 1-quart gass measure wth hande, combne reserved 2/3 cup syrup from
raspberres, red raspberry |am, and 2 tabespoons cornstarch. Mcrowave on 100% power 1-1/2 to
2-1/2 mnutes or unt thckened and cear. Genty str n raspberres. Set asde. Prepare cake mx as
package drects. Pour haf the batter nto ghty greased 13x9x2 nch bakng pan; bake 15 mnutes.
Meanwhe, n sma mxer bow, beat cheese, margarne and remanng 2 tabespoons cornstarch
unt fuffy. Graduay beat n sweetened condensed mk, then egg and vana. Pour eveny over
cake n pan. Spoon raspberry mxture n sma amounts over top. Return to oven; bake 10 mnutes
onger. Top eveny wth remanng cake batter. Return to oven; bake 30 mnutes onger or unt cake
sprngs back when ghty touched. Coo. Ch thoroughy. Garnsh as desred. Refrgerate eftovers.
252. Chocoate Zucchn Cake
1/2 c Butter
1 3/4 c Sugar
2 1/2 c Four
4 tb Cocoa
1 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Cnnamon
1/2 ts Sat
2 Eggs
1/2 c Sour mk; (a tsp of vnegar added to mk)
1/2 c O
1 ts Vana
2 c Grated zucchn
Chocoate chps
Whpped cream
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease a 9x13 nch pan. Combne butter, sugar, four, cocoa, soda,
bakng powder, cnnamon, sat, eggs, mk, o, vana, and zucchn. Pour nto pan. Top wth
chocoate chps. Serve wth whpped cream.
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253. Cocoa Chffon Cake
3/4 c Bong water
1/2 c Cocoa
1 1/2 c Four -- sfted
1 3/4 c Sugar
1 1/2 tb Bakng powder
1/2 tb Sat
1/2 c O
1 ts Vana
1/2 ts Amond extract
1 c Egg whtes -- 7-8
1/2 ts Cream of tartar
Bend cocoa and water and coo. Mx four. bakng powder and sat. Beat yoks wth haf of sugar. In
another bow, beats whtes wth cream of tartar, graduay addng rest of sugar t stff peaks form.
Fod n yok mxture and dry ngs. Spoon nto ungreased tube pan. Bake about 65 mn. at 325
degrees F. Invert to coo.
254. Cranberry Whte Chocoate Coffee Cake
2 c Fresh or frozen cranberres
3/4 c Butter
1 1/4 c Packed brown sugar
2 Eggs
2 1/2 c A-purpose four
1 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Bakng powder
Pnch of sat
1 c Buttermk
1 c Whte chocoate chps
If usng frozen cranberres, thaw and dran berres.
In arge bow, beat butter wth 1 cup of the brown sugar unt ght. Beat n eggs, 1 at a tme,
beatng we after each addton. In separate bow, mx together four, bakng soda, bakng powder
and sat. Add to butter mxture aternatey wth buttermk, makng 3 addtons of four mxture and
2 of buttermk.
Genty str n cranberres and 3/4 cup of the whte chocoate chps. Spoon nto greased 9 nch
sprngform pan, smoothng top. Sprnke wth remanng brown sugar and chocoate chps.
Bake coffee cake n centre of 350 degrees F oven for about 1 hour and 15 mnutes or unt frm
when genty pressed n centre. Let coo n pan on rack for 20 mnutes before removng from pan.
Serve warm or coo. (Coffee cake can be wrapped n pastc wrap, then fo and frozen n artght
contaner for up to 2 weeks.) Makes 12 servngs.
255. Death By Chocoate
4 Eggs
1/2 c Water
1/2 c Vegetabe o
8 oz Sour cream
1 Box chocoate or devs food cake mx
1 sm Box of nstant chocoate puddng
1/2 ts Instant coffee (opt)
Butter buds (to taste, opt)
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12 oz Bag mn chocoate chps
Beat eggs. Mx n water, o and sour cream. Add dry ngredents and beat unt smooth. Str n
chocoate chops ast.
Pour nto a greased bundt pan, and bake 1 hour at 350 F.
256. Decadent Fat Free Chocoate Cake
No stck cookng spray
1 1/3 c Four
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa
1/4 c Argo Corn Starch
1 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
1 1/4 c Sugar
1 c Water
3 Egg whtes
1/2 c Karo ght Corn Syrup
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray 9x9-nch square bakng pan wth cookng spray. In a arge
bow combne four, cocoa, cornstarch, bakng powder and sat. In a medum bow wth wre whsk or
fork, str together sugar and water 1 mnute. Add egg whtes and corn syrup; str unt bended.
Graduay str nto dry ngredents unt smooth. Pour nto pan. Bake 35 mnutes or unt toothpck
nserted nto center of cake comes out cean. Coo. If desred, sprnke wth confectoners sugar.
Makes 16 servngs.
257. Dev's Food
4 oz Unsweetened Chocoate
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Buttermk or sour mk
1/2 c Cake Four; sfted
1 1/2 ts Bakng Powder
3/4 ts Soda
1/2 ts Sat
1/2 c Butter or shortenng
3/4 c Sugar
3 Eggs; we beaten
1 c Buttermk or sour mk
1 ts Vana
Met chocoate over bong water; add 1 cup sugar and 1/2 cup buttermk and str over bong
water unt sugar s dssoved. Coo. Sft four once, measure, add bakng powder, soda, and sat and
sft together three tmes. Cream butter thoroughy add 3/4 cup sugar graduay, and cream together
unt ght and fuffy. Add eggs and beat we. Add about 1/4 of four mxture, mx thoroughy; add
chocoate mxture and bend. Add remanng four, aternatey wth buttermk, a sma amount at a
tme; beat very thoroughy after each addton. Add vana. Bake n greased 15x9x2- nch pan, n a
moderate oven ( 350 degrees F.) 30 mnutes, or unt cake s done. When cod, trm edges, cut n
haf crosswse, and put together as a two-ayer cake, matchng edges carefuy. Spread tops and
sdes wth Fudge Frostng. Or add chopped nut meats to part of frostng and use as fng.
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258. Dabetc German - Chocoate Cake
4 oz Bakng chocoate
1/2 c Bong water
1/2 c Butter
1/2 c Granuated sugar repacement
3 T Granuated fructose
4 ea Egg yoks
2 t Vana extract
2 1/4 c Four
1 t Bakng soda
1/2 t Sat
1 c Buttermk
4 ea Egg whtes,stffy beaten
Met chocoate n bong water and coo.Cream next 3 ngredents together unt fuffy.Add egg
yoks,one at a tme,beang we after each addton.Bend n vana and chocoate water.Sft four
wth bakng soda and sat.Add aternatey wth buttermk to chocoate mxture,beatng t
smooth.Fod n egg whtes.Grease and ne 3 9-n. pans.grease agan and four.Pour batter nto pans
and bake 25-30 mnutes at 350 degrees F. Remove paper nng and coo.Frost wth Dabetc
Coconut-Pecan Frostng. yed: 60 servngs
259. Fat Free Chocoate Cake
1 1/4 c Four
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa
1/4 c Corn starch
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
4 Egg whtes
1 c Water
1/2 Lght or dark corn syrup
Mazoa No-stck cookng spray
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray 9" square bakng pan wth cookng spray.
In arge bow, combne dry ngredents unt we mxed. In medum bow, whsk egg whtes, water
and corn syrup. Str nto dry ngredents unt smooth. Pour nto prepared pan. Bake 30 mnutes or
unt cake sprngs back when ghty touched. Coo on wre rack 10 mnutes.
Makes 16 servngs.
260. French Chocoate Cake
7 oz Semsweet chocoate
14 tb Butter or margarne
4 Eggs
3/4 c Sugar
1 c Four
1/3 c Hazenuts, coarsey chopped
1 ts Bakng powder
Makes about 10 servngs
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Grease a sprngform pan wth detachabe bottom that has a
dameter of about 9 1/2 nches.
Met cookng chocoate and butter n a thck-bottomed pot over ow heat. Beat eggs and sugar unt
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ght and ary. Carefuy str the somewhat cooed chocoate mxture nto egg mxture.
Bend four, nuts, and bakng powder together, and fod carefuy nto batter. It's mportant to fod t
n genty.
Pour batter nto pan and bake n the oven for about 15 mnutes. The cake shoud not become frm.
The "unbaked" batter tastes ke a decous fng.
You may garnsh cooed cake wth a bt of grated chocoate and a rng of whpped toppng.
261. German Chocoate Cake
4 oz Bakng chocoate;
1/2 c Water; bong
1/2 c Butter;
1/2 c Granuated sugar repacement
3 tb Granuated fructose
4 Eggs yoks;
2 ts Vana extract;
1 ts Bakng soda;
1/2 ts Sat;
1 c Buttermk;
4 Egg whtes; stffy beaten
Met chocoate to bong water. Coo. Cream butter, sugar repacement amd fructose unt fuffy.
Add egg yoks, one at a tme, beatng we after each addton. Bend n vana and chocoate water.
Sft four wth bakng soda and sat, add aternatey wth buttermk to chocoate mxture, beatng
we after each addton unt smooth. Fod n beaten egg whtes. Grease three 3 9" bakng pans; ne
them wth paper, grease agan, and ghty four pans; pour batter nto the three pans. Bake at 350
degrees for 25 to 30 mnutes or unt cakes test done. Remove from pans onto racks, remove paper
nng. Coo.
262. Goden Cream Chocoate Cake
2 c Cake four; sfted
2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Butter
1 1/4 c Sugar
2 Eggs; unbeaten
3 oz Unsweetnd choc
1 c Mk
1 ts Vana
Sft four once, measure, add bakng powder, soda and sat and sft together three tmes. Cream
butter thoroughy, add sugar graduay, and cream together unt ght and fuffy. Add eggs, one at a
tme, beatng thoroughy after each. Add meted chocoate and bend. Add four aternatey wth
mk, a sma amount at a tme, beatng after each addton unt smooth. Add vana. Bake n two
greased 9-nch ayer pans n moderate oven, 350 deg. F., 30 mnutes.
263. Hershey Lght Chocoate Cake
1 1/4 c Four
1/3 c Hershey's Cocoa
1 ts Bakng Soda
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6 tb Extra Lght Corn O Spread
1 c Sugar
1 c Skm Mk
1 tb Whte Vnegar
1/2 ts Vana Extract
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray two 8 nch round pans wth cookng spray. In bow, str four,
cocoa and bakng soda. In saucepan, met corn o spread, str n sugar. Remove from heat. Add
mk, vnegar and vana to mxture n sauce pan, str. Add dry ngredents, wsk unt we bended.
Pour eveny nto pans. Bake 20 mnutes or unt wooden pck nserted comes out cean. Coo. F and
frost top. Refrgerate. Lght Cocoa Frostng: In sma mxer bow, str together 1 enveope dry
whpped toppng mx, 1/2 cup cod skm mk, 1 T Hershey's CoCoa and 1/2 t vana extract. Beat on
hgh speed of mxer about 4 mnutes or unt soft peaks form.
264. Hot Fudge Puddng Cake
1 1/4 c Sugar, dvded
1 c A-purpose four
7 ts Hershey cocoa, dvded
2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Mk
1/3 c Butter, meted
1 1/2 ts Vana
1/2 c Lght brown sugar; packed
1 1/4 c Hot water
Heat oven to 350 degrees. In medum mxng bow, combne 3/4 cup sugar, four, 3 tbsp cocoa,
bakng powder and sat. Bend n mk, meted butter and vana; beat unt smooth. Pour batter nto
square pan, 8 x 8 x 2" or 9 x 9 x 2". In sma bow, combne remanng 1/2 cup sugar, brown sugar
and remanng 4 tbsp cocoa; sprnke mxture eveny over batter. Pour hot water over top; do not
str. Bake 40 mnutes or unt center s amost set. Let stand 15 mnutes; spoon nto dessert dshes,
spoonng sauce from bottom of pan over top. Garnsh as desred.
265. Hot Fudge Sundae Cake
1 c Four
2 tb Cocoa
1/4 ts Sat
2 tb Saad O
1 c Chopped Nuts
1 3/4 c Hottest Tap Water
3/4 c Sugar
2 ts Bakng Powder
1/2 c Mk
1 ts Vana
1 c Brown Sugar
Ice Cream
Heat oven to 350 degrees F. In an ungreased square pan, 9" X 9" X 2", str together four, sugar,
cocoa, bakng powder and sat. Mx n mk, o and vana wth fork unt smooth. Str n nuts. Spread
eveny n pan. Sprnke wth brown sugar and 1/4 cup cocoa. Pour hot water over batter. Bake for 40
mnutes. Let stand for 15 mnutes. Spoon nto dessert dshes or cut nto squares. Invert each square
onto dessert pate. Top wth ce cream and spoon sauce over each square.
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266. Od Fashoned Chocoate Cake
3/4 c Butter or margarne, softened
1 2/3 c Sugar
3 Eggs
1 ts Vana extract
2 c A-purpose four
2/3 c Hershey's Cocoa
1 1/4 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Sat
1/4 ts Bakng powder
1 1/3 c Water
1/2 c Hard peppermnt candy, opt. (fney crushed)
Add' hard peppermnt candy (crushed), optona
6 tb Butter or margarne, softened
2 2/3 c Powdered sugar
1/2 c Hershey's Cocoa
1/3 c Mk
1 ts Vana extract
Heat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenhet. Grease and four two 9-nch round bakng pans or one
13x9x2-nch bakng pan. In arge mxer bow, combne butter, sugar, eggs and vana; beat on hgh
speed of eectrc mxer 3 mnutes. Str together four, cocoa, bakng soda, sat and bakng powder;
add aternatey wth water to butter mxture, beatng unt bended. Add candy, f desred. Pour
batter nto prepared pans. Bake 30 to 35 mnutes or unt wooden pck nserted n center comes out
cean. Coo 10 mnutes; remove from pans to wre racks. Coo competey. Frost. |ust before servng,
garnsh wth peppermnt candy, f desred. 8 to 10 servngs.
267. Peach Chocoate Cake
1 1/2 c Four
1 c Sugar
1/4 c Cocoa powder
1 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Water
1/4 c O
1 ts Vnegar
1 ts Vana extract
2 c Peach sces
Combne four, sugar, cocoa, bakng soda and sat n a arge bow. Add water, o, vnegar and vana
extract. Beat wth a wre whsk or wooden spoon |ust unt batter s smooth and ngredents are we
bended. Pour nto 2 - 8" round cake pans that have been sprayed wth non stck vegetabe coatng
spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 25 mnutes or unt wood pck nserted n center comes out
cean. Coo 10 mnutes, then remove from pan. Coo competey on a wre rack. |ust before servng,
pace 1 ayer on servng pate and arrange 1 cup peach sces on top. Top wth second cake ayer
and remanng peaches.
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268. Pneappe Chocoate Cake
2 1/3 c Cake four; sfted
2 1/4 t Bakng Powder
3/4 t Sat
1/2 t Soda
2/3 c Butter; or shortenng
1 1/4 c Sugar
1 ea Egg; unbeaten
2 ea Egg yoks; unbeaten
3 oz Unsweetened Choc.; meted
3/4 c Mk
1 t Vana
1/3 c Bong water
Sft four once, measure, add bakng powder sat and soda, and sft together three tmes. Cream
butter thoroughy, add sugar graduay, and cream together unt ght and fuffy. Add egg and egg
yoks, one at a tme beatng we after each. Add chocoate and bend. Add four aternatey wth
mk, a sma amount at a tme, beatng after each addton unt smooth. Add vana, then add
bong water, beatng qucky and thoroughy Bake n two greased deep 9-nch ayer pans n
moderate oven (350 degrees F) 30 to 35 mnutes, or unt done. Spread Pneappe Fuff Frostng (see
recpe) between ayers and on top and sdes of cake. Doube recpe for three 10-nch ayers. Ths
cake may be baked as foows: bake about 2/3 o batter n greased pan, 8x8x2 nches, n sow oven (
325 degrees F. ) 45 mnutes, or unt done; remanng 1/3 of batter may be baked n 15 greased
medum cup-cake pans n moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 25 mnutes, or unt done.
269. Pneappe Cherry Chocoate Cake
2 1/3 c Cake four; sfted
1/2 c Cherres
2 1/4 t Bakng Powder
3/4 t Sat
1/2 t Soda
2/3 c Butter; or shortenng
1 1/4 c Sugar
1 ea Egg; unbeaten
2 ea Egg yoks; unbeaten
3 oz Unsweetened Choc.; meted
3/4 c Mk
1 t Vana
1/3 c Bong water
Sft four once, measure, add bakng powder sat and soda, and sft together three tmes. Cream
butter thoroughy, add sugar graduay, and cream together unt ght and fuffy. Add egg and egg
yoks, one at a tme beatng we after each. Add chocoate and bend. Add four aternatey wth
mk, a sma amount at a tme, beatng after each addton unt smooth. Add vana, then add
bong water, beatng qucky and thoroughy Bake n two greased deep 9-nch ayer pans n
moderate oven (350 degrees F) 30 to 35 mnutes, or unt done. Spread Pneappe Fuff Frostng (see
recpe) between ayers and on top and sdes of cake. Doube recpe for three 10-nch ayers. Ths
cake may be baked as foows: bake about 2/3 o batter n greased pan, 8x8x2 nches, n sow oven (
325 degrees F. ) 45 mnutes, or unt done; remanng 1/3 of batter may be baked n 15 greased
medum cup-cake pans n moderate oven (350 degrees F.) 25 mnutes, or unt done.
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270. Sour Cream Chocoate Cake
2 c Sef-rsng four
2 c Sugar
1 c Water
1/4 c Shortenng
4 oz Meted unsweetened chocoate (cooed)
1 ts Vana
2 Eggs
3/4 c Dary sour cream
1/4 ts Soda
Sour Cream Frostng
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and four pans. Measure a ngredents except cng n a arge
mxng bow. Mx 1/2 mnute on ow speed, scrapng bow constanty. Beat 3 mnutes hgh speed,
scrapng bow occasonay.
Pour nto pans. Bake ayers 30-35 mnutes or unt top sprngs back when touched ghty wth
fnger. Coo.
271. Strawberry Chocoate Shortcake
1 pt Strawberres, rnsed, hued and sced
1/2 pt Raspberres, rnsed
1 c Sugar
2 c A-purpose four
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tb Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
6 tb Unsated butter, cut nto
Bts and ched
1/2 c Mk
1 ts Vana
1 c Heavy cream
Fresh mnt sprgs, for garnsh
Botted hot fudge sauce Optona
Preheat oven to 425. Pace strawberres and raspberres n medum sze bow. Genty str n 1/4 cup
sugar; toss to coat. Let stand 20 mnutes, strrng occasonay. Meanwhe, prepare chocoate
shortcake: Combne four, cocoa powder, remanng sugar, the bakng powder and sat n arge bow.
Wth pastry bender or 2 knves used scssor fashon, cut n butter unt mxture resembes fne
crumbs. Sowy add mk and vana, toss wth fork, unt mxture |ust come together. Turn dough
out onto ghty foured surface. Knead ghty about 10 tmes. Pat or ro dough to 3/4-nch
thckness. Cut out wth 4-nch round futed cooke cutter. Pace on ungreased bakng sheet, about 1
nch apart. Rero the scraps and cut out more shortcakes, for a tota of four. Bake n 425 oven for
12 mnutes or unt wooden pck nserted nto center comes out cean. Remove shortcakes to wre
rack to coo competey. Cut each shortcakes n haf horzontay. Pace bottom haves on pates.
Spoon some |uce from strawberry mxture over bottoms. Spoon strawberry mxture on each bottom
haf, reservng a few berres for garnsh. Spoon about 1/2 cup whpped cream over each. Cover wth
top haf. Garnsh wth frut and mnt. Drzze wth fudge sauce f desred. Cut n haf for two servngs.
272. Toffee Chocoate Cake
6 oz Pkg semsweet chocoate chp
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2/3 c Sour cream
11 oz Ready-to-serve pound cake
2 Engsh Toffee Candy Bars chpd 1 1/8oz ea
In sma saucepan, over ow heat, heat chocoate unt meted, strrng often. Remove from heat; str
n sour cream unt smooth. Cut pound cake horzontay n haf. Pace 1 cake ayer on servng pate;
spread wth one-thrd frostng; sprnke wth one-thrd chopped candy. Top wth second ayer; frost
cake wth remanng frostng. Sprnke top wth remanng candy.
273. Bourbon Bas
1 c Pecans
4 tb Maker's Mark
1 Stck of butter
1 b Box powdered sugar
1/2 Box sem-sweet chocoate squares
1/2 Rectange of paraffn
Combne pecans and bourbon; wat at east 3 hours for pecans to absorb bourbon favor. Cream
butter and powdered sugar wth mxer, addng bourbon and pecan mxture. Ro mxture nto sma
bas and ch n refrgerator for 1-1/2 hours. Met chocoate n doube boer, addng shaved paraffn.
Heat unt thoroughy meted. Dp bas nto chocoate and put on waxed paper to dry. (use fork or
ong skewer when dppng bas.)
274. Chewy Chocoate Ros
2 tb Butter
1/2 c Lght corn syrup
2 oz Chocoate, meted
1 ts Vana
3/4 c Powered dry mk
1/4 ts Sat
3 c Confectoners' sugar
Mx together butter, syrup, chocoate, vana, powdered mk, and sat. Graduay add confectoners'
sugar; mx and knead. Ro out n 3/4-nch ros, cut nto 2 1/2-nch engths. Let stand for about one
hour, then wrap n pastc wrap. Makes about 18 ros.
275. Chocoate Amond Morses
8 1/2 oz Chocoate wafer cookes
1 1/2 c Amonds; banched & svered
1/3 c Amond favored queur
3 tb Corn syrup
Powdered sugar
In a food processor or bender, process the cookes and the amonds unt fney ground. Add the
queur and the corn syrup, and process to mx. Lne a arge cooke sheet wth wax paper. Spread
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about 1/2 cup of powdered sugar n a sha dsh, and dust your hands ghty wth some addtona
powdered sugar. Ro amond mxture nto 30 bas. Ro ba n the powdered sugar to coat
competey. Pace on the prepared cooke sheet and refrgerate for at east 8 hours unt frm.
Makes 30 candes.
276. Chocoate Brtte
1 b Butter
1 b Sugar
1 b Amonds
1 b Wanuts; fney chopped
1 b Sem-sweet chocoate
1 c Wanuts; whoe
In a saucepan cook butter & sugar, bong 5 mnutes. Str n amonds & cook 10-20 mnutes or unt
nuts begn to pop & turn brown. Pour nto a shaow pan & et coo. Met chocoate & pour over
mxture n pan. Sprnke wth fney chopped wanuts. After mxture hardens, turn over and sprnke
bottom sde wth wanuts. Break candy nto peces.
277. Chocoate Candy
10 1/2 oz Marshmaows
1/4 c Butter
1 c Coconut
1 1/4 c Sem sweet choc. chps
2 c Rce Chrspe
Lne a 13 X 9 pan wth fo. Grease or spray wth Pam. Combne marshmaows, butter, and
chocoate n a mcrowavabe bow. Mke for 4-6 mn. checkng and strrng every 2 mn. unt meted.
Str n Rce Chrspes and coconut. Spread n pan qucky usng a buttered spatua. Ch. Cut nto
sma bars, fnger sze.
278. Chocoate Candy Cooke Brtte
1/2 c Butter, softened
1/2 c Brown sugar
1 Egg yok
1 c Four
1/2 ts Vana
1 8 oz Mk chocoate bar
1/2 8 oz dark chocoate bar
1 4 oz German's sweet chocoate bar
1 c Pecans, chopped
Cream butter and sugar unt fuffy. Add egg yok, four and vana, mxng we. Spread on
ungreased |ey ro pan approxmatey 1/4 nch thck. Bake at 350 degrees F for for mnutes.
Met chocoates n top of doube boer. Whe cooke s st warm, spread on chocoate. Sprnke wth
pecans. Pace n freezer unt frozen, Remove and break nto peces wth pont of knfe. Best served
shorty after removng from freezer.
279. Chocoate Carames
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2 c Sugar
3/4 c Lght corn syrup
1/8 ts Sat
3 Or 4 squares unsweetened chocoate
2 c Lght cream
1 ts Vana extract
1/2 c To 3/4 cup chopped nuts
Combne sugar, syrup, sat, chocoate and 1 cup cream n arge heavy saucepan. Str constanty
unt mxture comes to a fu fo. Graduay add remanng cream so that bong does not stop.
Contnue cookng, strrng constanty, to frm-ba stage (248-F.). Remove from heat. Str n vana
extract and nuts. Pour nto buttered 8 nch square pan. When cod, turn out on cuttng board and
cut nto 3/4 nch squares.
280. Chocoate Chp Lopops
1 pk Duncan Hnes Chocoate Chp Cooke Mx
1 Egg
2 ts Water
24 Fat ce cream stcks
Assorted decors
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
Combne cooke mx, buttery favor packet from Mx, egg and water n arge bow. Str unt
thoroughy bended. Shape dough nto 24 (1") bas. Pace bas 3" apart on ungreased bakng
sheets. Push ce cream stck nto center of each ba. Fatten each ba wth hand to form round
opop. Decorate by pressng decors onto dough.
Bake at 375 degreesF. for 8-9 mnutes or unt ght goden brown. Coo 1 mnute on bakng sheets.
Remove to coong racks. Coo competey. Store n artght contaner.
Makes 2 dozen cookes.
281. Chocoate Chrstmas Candes
1 c Butter Or Reguar Margarne
1/2 c Peanut Butter; Cream Stye
2 1/3 c Graham Cracker Crumbs
2 c Confectoners' Sugar; Sfted
2 c Faked Coconut
1 c Wanuts; Chopped
6 oz Chocoate Chps; Sem-Sweet
1 Paraffn Pece; 2 1/2",Cut Up
Combne the peanut butter and butter n a 2-quart saucepan. Cook, over medum heat, strrng
constanty, unt meted. Remove from the heat. Combne the graham cracker crumbs,
confectoners' sugar, coconut, and wanuts n a bow. Pour the peanut butter mxture over a then
toss unt we bended. Shape the mxture nto 1/2-nch bas. Pace on waxed paper ned bakng
sheets. Cover wth aumnum fo. Ch n the refrgerator. Combne the chocoate chps and paraffn
n the top of a doube boer. Pace over hot water and str unt meted. Dp the bas n the
chocoate. Pace on waxed paper ned bakng sheets and et stand unt the chocoate s set. Cover
wth aumnum fo and store n the refrgerator. Makes about 2 bs of candy
282. Chocoate Coconut Candes
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1 c Cod or warm mashed potatoes
1 b Powdered sugar
1 ts Amond extract
1 b Faked coconut
12 oz Bag chocoate chps
2 tb Shortenng
Mx potatoes, powdered sugar, and amond extract n arge bow. Str n coconut. Drop by rounded
teaspoonfus onto waxed paper; shape nto bas. If mxture s too soft, refrgerate unt abe to
hande. Heat chocoate chps and shortenng over ow heat unt meted. dp 1 ba at a tme unt
coated; pace on waxed paper. Ch bas unt frm. About 4 dozen candes.
Coconut Bars: Press nto an ungreased 13x9x2 pan. Spread wth meted chocoate. Ch unt frm;
cut nto bars 2x1". About 4 dozen bars.
283. Chocoate Crunch Candy
1 c Nonfat dry mk powder
1/2 c Cocoa
2 tb Lqud fructose
3 tb Water
1 1/2 c Chow men noodes
Combne mk powder and cocoa n food processor or bender; bend to a fne powder. Str n
fructose and water and beat unt smooth and creamy. Sghty crush the chow men noodes and
fod them nto chocate mxture. Drop by teaspoonfus onto waxed paper. Coo at room
284. Chocoate Dpped Candes
Cut 1 pound dppng chocoate nto sma peces. Pace n upper part doube boer. Pace n ower
part, whch s 1/4 fu of ukewarm water (120 F). Str constanty unt meted. Beat thoroughy. Pace
candy on a fork or confectoner's dpper. Dp one pece at a tme nto meted chocoate. When the
surface s entrey coated, dran. Pace on waxed paper. Make a swr over the top. Set n coo pace
to harden. Cauton: Keep water n doube boer at even temperature. Work n a coo room, free from
steam, f desrabe resuts are to be obtaned. Fruts, nuts, mnts, and other candes may be dpped
n chocoate.
285. Chocoate Drop Candy
6 oz Chocoate chps
1 c M&ms
1 c Peanut butter chps
1 c Marshmaows
1 c Roasted peanuts
1 c Rasns
Pace chocoate chps n a 2 qt. mxng bow. Mcrowave 2-3 mnutes on hgh (100%). Str unt
smooth. Choose any of the other ngredents to measure 4 cups. Str nto the chocoate chp
mxture. Drop by spoonsfu onto waxed paper. Coo. Yeds 2 1/2 dozen peces of candy.
286. Chocoate Marbe Bark
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
8 oz Bttersweet chocoate -- OR sem-sweet chocoate -- chopped 3 1/2 oz bar (2/3 c.)
1 oz whte chocoate bakng bar meted
macadama nuts -- chopped
Lne cooke sheet wth parchment paper. In medum saucepan over Low heat, met bttersweet
chocoate |ust unt soft. Str unt smooth. Coo 5 mnutes. Str n nuts. Spread mxture on
paper-ned cooke sheet to 1/4" thckness. Drzze wth meted whte chocoate bakng bar, swr
wth toothpck. Refrgerate unt frm. Break nto peces. Makes 18 (2x2") peces.
287. Chocoate Mnts
12 oz Chocoate chps 14 oz Can condensed mk 1 ts Peppermnt favorng
Met chocoate and mk sowy over ow heat. Str n peppermnt. Drop by sm spoonfus onto waxed
paper. Aow to dry and set for severa hours or overnght. Store n a covered contaner, but do not
288. Chocoate Nut Brtte
2 c Sugar
1 c Lght corn syrup
1/2 c Water
1 ts Sat
2 tb Butter
3 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1 ts Bakng soda
2 ts Vana
2 c Peanuts
In a heavy saucepan over medum heat brng to bo sugar, syrup, water, sat, and butter, strrng
constanty. Then cook *Wthout Strrng* to hard-crack stage (300 on candy thermometer). Remove
from heat. Oucky str n chocoate, then bakng soday, vana and peanuts. Turn nto greased
|ey-ro pans; wth greased spatua spread to cover pan. Coo. Turn out of pan onto waxed paper.
Wth maet break nto rreguar peces.
289. Datetc Bark Candy
1 b Mkcote or whtecoat chocoate
1 c Crunchy cerea
Watermeon seeds or any other crunchy food
In the top of a doube boer, met coatng over hot, not bong, water. Add cerea and seeds. Bend
together thoroughy, then pour onto waxed paper and spread thny. Let stand unt frm. Break nto
290. Easy Chocoate Peanut Candy
12 oz Chocoate Chps
20 oz Peanut Butter Chps
1 1/2 c Peanuts
Put two 10-ounce bags of peanut butter chps and one 12-ounce bag of sem-sweet chocoate chps
n gass or ceramc mcrowaveabe bow. Heat on hgh for 90 seconds. Str. Contnue heatng n
about 20 second ntervas unt chocoate and peanut butter chps are meted. Str we and then str
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n peanuts. Put by spoonfus on cooke sheet covered wth waxed paper or parchment. Let coo. Can
be frozen.
291. Easy Turte Candy
4 oz Pecan haves (about 72)
24 Carame candes
1 ts Shortenng
6 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps
Heat oven to 300 degrees . Cover cookes sheet wth aumnum fo, shny sde up; ghty grease.
For each candy, pace 3 pecan haves n a "Y" shape on fo. Pace 1 carame candy n center of each
"Y". Bake |ust unt carame s meted, about 9 - 10 mnutes. Heat shortenng and chocoate chps
over ow heat |ust unt chocoate s meted. Spread over candes and refrgerate 30 mnutes.
292. Engsh Butter Chocoate Toffee
2 Butter
1 c Sugar
1 tb Corn syrup
1 ts Vana extract
6 oz Semsweet chocoate chps; m
3/4 c Amonds, roasted; dced
In a arge heavy 4 1/2-qt saucepan, combne butter, sugar, corn syrup, and 3 Tbs water. Heat over
medum heat, strrng often, unt butter mets. Cover and heat to bong over medum-hgh heat.
Bo 1 mn. Remove cover; pace a candy thermometer n pan. Cook over medum-hgh heat unt
syrup reaches 300 F, strrng often after mxture reaches 250 F to prevent scorchng. If mxture
begns to darken at sdes of pan, reduce heat to medum.
Str n vana. Pour toffee mmedatey nto a we-buttered 9-nch square meta pan (do not use
gass, or candy w be too dffcut to remove). Let coo competey at room temperature.
Turn toffee out of pan onto a sheet of wax paper or fo. Spread haf of meted chocoate over toffee
and sprnke haf of amonds on top, pressng ghty nto chocoate. Let stand unt chocoate s
amost set. Turn over and spread uncoated sde wth remanng chocoate and sprnke wth
remanng nuts. Let stand overnght unt chocoate s set and competey dry. Break nto peces.
Store n an artght contaner at room temperature.
293. Layered Mnt Chocoate Candy
10 Squares sem-sweet chocoate
1 cn Sweetened condensed mk, dvded
2 ts Vana
1 pk Whte chocoate squares
1 tb Peppermnt extract
Few drops of green food coorng
In heavy saucepan, over ow heat, met semsweet chocoate wth 1 cup sweetened condensed mk.
Remove from heat; str n vana. Spread haf the mxture nto wax paper ne 8 or 9 nch square
pan. Ch 10 mnutes or unt frm. Hod remanng chocoate mxture at room temperature. In heavy
saucepan, over ow heat, met whte chocoate wth remanng sweetened condensed mk. Remove
from heat; str n peppermnt extract and foo coorng. Spread on ched chocoate ayer. Ch 10
mnutes onger or unt frm. Spread reserved meted chocoate mxture on mnt ayer. Ch 2 hours
or unt frm. Turn onto cuttng board. Pee off paper and cut nto squares. Store oosey covered at
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room temperature. Makes about 1-3/4 bs.
294. Never Fa Toffee
2 c Sugar
1 1/2 c Butter or margarne
2 tb Water
1/2 c Svered amonds
1 g Mk chocoate bar broken nto sma peces
Combne sugar, butter and water n a heavy saucepan, cook, strrng constanty to the soft-crack
stage. Add the aomds, cook, strrng to hard-crack stage. Pour mmedatey on unbuttered cookes
sheet, spreadng as thn as possbe. Pace chocoate on hot toffee, spread metng chocoate to
cover the toffee.
295. Orange Chocoate Crunch
2 c Orange sectons; about 6 oranges
1/2 c Orange |uce
2 Eggs
1 ts Vana
1/4 ts Amond extract
1 2/3 c Four
1 c Sugar
1 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 c Brown sugar
1 c Wanuts; chopped
6 oz Sem sweet chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Pee and secton oranges. Cut sectons nto sma peces. Combne
the orange peces and orange |uce. Beat eggs and add oranges, vana and amond extract. Mx
we. Sft dry ngredents together and add a at once. Pour nto a greased and foured 9x13 pan.
Combne the brown sugar, chocoate chps and nuts. Sprnke on top of cake. Bake at 350 degrees F
for 45-50 mnutes.
296. Peanut, Rasn And Chocoate Custers
1 Egg whte
1/4 c Sugar
3/4 c Rasns
3/4 c Rasns
3/4 c Chocoate chps
Beat egg whte t frothy, add sugar graduay; contnue beatng t ght. Str n rasns, peanuts and
chocoate chps. Pace n mounds on cooke sheet ned wth parchment (or buttered and foured).
Bake n preheated 375F oven 8 to 10 mnutes or t browned. Coo. Makes: 24 candes
297. Rocky Road Candy
6 oz Chocoate chps
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1 oz Chocoate, unsweet.
1 tb Butter
2 Eggs
1 1/4 c Powdered sugar
1/2 ts Vana
2 c Peanuts, sated cockta
2 c Marshmaows, mn
Met chocoate peces, chocoate and butter n a arge saucepan over ow heat, strrng unt smooth.
Remove from heat.
Beat eggs unt foamy. Mx n sugar, sat and vana. Bend n chocoate mxture. Str n peanuts and
marshmaows. Drop by teaspoonfus onto waxed paper. Ch 2 hours or unt frm. Store n
refrgerator; remove |ust before servng. Makes about 4 dozen.
298. Soft Chocoate Carames
1/2 b Sugar
9 oz Fresh heavy cream
2 oz Cocoa powder
1 1/4 oz Honey
Cook together n a copper pan (or a pan not ned wth tn) unt the mxture reaches th 'ba'stage.
(To test the stage of the cookng by fnger, dp the thumb and ndex fnger nto cod water, then nto
the mxture, brngng the 2 fngers together and dppng them agan nto water. Ths shoud be done
qucky to avod burnng. The mxture forms a sma ba that can be roed wth the tp of the
fngers) Pour ths cooked sugar onto an oed marbe sab, keepng t at an even thckness of 2/3 n.,
usng 4 oed ruers to make a framework. Let coo and cut.
299. Trpe Chocoate Candy Cane Ksses
4 3-oz. chocoate bars, 2 semsweet, 1 mk & 1 whte chocoate
1/2 c Crushed candy canes
Met the 3 knds of chocoate n 3 separate bows. Str haf of the crushed candy nto the semsweet
chocoate. Reserve a bt for sprnkng; str the remander nto the mk and whte chocoates. Drop
teaspoons of the semsweet onto a parchment-ned tray. Top wth 1 doop each of the mk and
whte chocoates. Sprnke wth crushed candy. Let harden.
300. Back & Whte Cheesecake
1/2 c Marshmaow creme OR 3/4 c Mk; heated to bong
1 c Mn-marshmaows
16 oz Cream Cheese, softened
9 oz Prepared Graham cracker crust
3/4 c Sugar
1/4 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 pk Unfavored geatn
1 ts Vana (opt)
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1/4 c Mk; cod
Spread marshmaow creme or scatter marshmaows over bottom of prepared crust; set asde.
In bender, sprnke unfavored geatn over cod mk; et stand 2 mnutes. Add hot mk; process at
ow speed unt geatn s competey dssoved, about 2 mnutes. Add cream cheese, sugar, cocoa
powder and vana; process at hgh speed unt bended.
Genty pour nto prepared crust and ch unt frm, about 2 hours.
301. Cappucno Chocoate Cheesecake
1 1/4 c Chocoate wafers, crushed
1/8 ts Cnnamon
1 pk Lght cream cheese (8 oz)
1 c Sugar
1 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 ts Cocoa powder for garnsh
2 1/2 c Sour cream
2 Eggs
2 tb Coffee queur
1 ts Vana
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Str together wafer crumbs and cnnamon. Pat nto bottom of 9-nch
sprngform pan.
Beat cream cheese unt ght and fuffy. Beat n sugar and cocoa powder. Beat n egg. Str n 2 cups
sour cream, coffee queur and vana. Turn nto prepared pan. Bake for 30 mnutes or unt set.
Spread remanng sour cream eveny over top. Return to oven 1 mnute to gaze top. Coo to room
temperature, then ch thoroughy, covered. Remove from sprngform pan. |ust before servng, dust
top wth cocoa powder.
302. Chocoate Amond Cheesecake
6 Chocoate wafers, fney crushed
1 1/2 c Lght cream cheese
1 c Sugar
1 c 1% ow-fat cottage cheese
1/4 c Pus 2 tbs unsweetened cocoa
1/4 c A-purpose four
1 ts Vana extract
1/4 ts Sat
2 ts Amond favorng
1 Egg
2 tb Semsweet chocoate mn-morses
Chocoate eaves (optona)
Sprnke chocoate wafer crumbs n the bottom of a 7 nch sprngform pan. Set pan asde. Poston
knfe bade n food processor bow; add cream cheese and next 7 ngredents, processng unt
smooth. Add egg and process |ust unt bended. Fod n chocoate morses.
Sowy pour mxture over crumbs n pan. Bake at 300 degrees F. for 65 to 70 mnutes or unt
cheese cake s set. Let coo n pan on wre rack. Cover and ch at east 8 hours. Remove sdes of
pan, transfer cheese cake to a servng patter. Garnsh wth chocoate eaves, f desred.
Chocoate Leaves: Met chocoate n doubes boer or mcrowave. Usng a non-posonous eaf, brush
on meted chocoate; pace n freezer for 2-3 hours. once hardened, pea eaf from the chocoate to
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303. Chocoate Amaretto Cheesecake
6 Chocate wafers, crushed
1 1/2 c Lght cream cheese
1 c Sugar
1 c Lowfat cottage cheese
6 tb Unsweetened cocoa
1/4 c Four
1/4 c Amareto
1 ts Vana
1/4 ts Sat
2 tb Mn chocoate chps
Chocoate curs (optona)
Sprnke chocoate wafers over bottom of a 7" sprngform pan. Set asde. Poston knfe bade n food
processor bow; add cream cheese add a other ngredents except for egg and chocoate chps.
Bend unt smooth. add egg and bend |ust unt mxed n. Fod n chocoate chps and bake at 300
deg f for 65 to 70 mnutes. Let coo n pan, on wre rack. Cover and ch for at east 8 hours. Remove
sdes of pan and transfer cake to servng patter. Garnsh wth chocoate curs f desred. Makes 12
304. Chocoate Carame Cheesecake
2 c Low-fat graham cracker crumb
1/4 c Margarne; meted
14 oz Carame candy
5 oz Evaporated skm mk
16 oz Fat-free cream cheese
1/2 c Granuated sugar
1 ts Vana
2 Egg whtes; whpped
1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350. Prepare a 9" pe pan wth cookng spray and four; set asde. To prepare crust,
combne graham cracker crumbs and margarne n a sma mxng bow. Press nto prepared pan.
Bake for 10 mnutes; set asde. In 1 1/2-quart heavy saucepan, met carame candy wth mk over
ow heat, strrng frequenty, unt smooth. Pour over crust. To prepare remanng fng ngredents,
combne cream cheese, sugar, vana, egg whtes, and chocoate chps. Pour over crust. Bake for 40
mnutes. Loosen cake from rm of pan. Coo.
305. Chocoate Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Graham wafer crumbs
5 tb Butter - meted
2 tb Sugar
2 tb Chocoate - semsweetened, grated
3 Eggs
1 ts Vana
1 c Sugar
3 pk Cream cheese - 8-oz.
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12 pk Chocoate - semsweet, 1-oz. squares
1 c Sour cream
3/4 c Butter - meted
Whpped cream (optona)
Combne frst four ngredents and press nto the bottom of a 8-nch sprngform pan. Beat eggs and
sugar wth eectrc beater unt a pae mxture. Mx we. Met chocoate n doube boer. Str n sour
cream, butter and vana. Add to cheese mxture and str. Pour batter nto pan. Bake at 325 degrees
F for 2 hours or unt centre s frm. Coo on wre rack. Remove from pan. Ch and serve wth
whpped cream.
306. Chocoate Cheesecake Pe
36 Vana wafers, n crumbs
1/3 c Confectoners' sugar
1/3 c Cocoa
1/3 c Butter or margarne, meted
8 oz Cream cheese, softened
14 oz Condensed mk, sweetened
1 c Chocoate chps, sem-sweet
2 Eggs
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Combne crumbs, sugar, cocoa and margarne; press frmy on
bottom and up sde to rm of 9" pe pate. In mxer bow, beat cheese unt fuffy. Graduay beat n
sweetened condensed mk then meted chocoate chps. Add eggs and vana; mx we. Pour nto
prepared crust. Bake 30-35 mnutes or unt center s set. Coo. Ch thoroughy. Garnsh as desred.
Refrgerate eftovers.
307. Chocoate Chp Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Fney crushed creme-fed chocoate sandwch cookes
2 To 3 tabespoons margarne or butter, meted
3 (8-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed mk
3 Eggs
2 ts Vana extract
1 c Mn chocoate chps
1 ts Four
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combne crumbs and margarne; press frmy on bottom of 9-nch
sprngform pan. In arge mxer bow, beat cheese unt fuffy. Graduay beat n sweetened
condensed mk unt smooth. Beat n eggs and vana. Toss 1/2 cup chp s wth four; str nto
cheese mxture. Pour nto prepared pan. Top wth remanng chps. Bake 55 mnutes or unt center
s set. Coo. Ch. Refrgerate eftovers.
308. Chocoate Mnt Cheesecake Cups
3/4 c Lght cream cheese
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Cottage cheese, 1% fat
2 tb A-purpose four
3 tb Unsweetened cocoa powder
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3 tb Creme de menthe
1/2 ts Vana extract
1/8 ts Sat
1 Egg
2 Chocoate-covered mnt
Preheat oven to 300 degrees; ne two mn muffn pans wth paper ners. Pace cream cheese,
sugar, cottage cheese, four, cocoa, creme de menthe, vana extract, sat and egg n a bender;
cover and process unt smooth. Spoon batter eveny nto prepared pans. Bake for 18 mnutes. Coo
n pans on wre racks. Cover and ch for at east 2 hours. Pu a vegetabe peeer down the sdes of
the candes, makng tny shavngs. Top cheesecakes wth shavngs.
309. Chocoate Orange Supreme Cheesecake
1 c Chocoate Wafer Crumbs
1/4 ts Cnnamon
3 tb Margarne, Meted
32 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
3/4 c Sugar
4 Large Eggs
1/2 c Sour Cream
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Sem-sweet Choc. ChpsMeted
2 tb Orange Favord Lqueur
1/2 ts Grated Orange Pee
Combne crumbs, cnnamon and margarne; press onto bottom of 9-nch sprng- form pan. Bake at
325 degrees F., 10 mnutes. Combne cream cheese and sugar, mxng at medum speed on eectrc
mxer unt we bended. Add eggs, one at a tme, mxng we after each addton. Bend n sour
cream and vana. Bend chocoate nto 3 cups batter; bend queur and pe nto remanng batter.
Pour chocoate batter over crust. Bate at 350 degrees F., 30 mnutes. Reduce oven temperature to
325 degrees F. Spoon remanng batter over chocoate batter contnue bakng 30 mnutes more.
Loosen cake from rm of pan; coo before removng rm of pan. Ch.
310. Chocoate Vevet Cheesecake
1 c Vana Wafer Crumbs
1/2 c Chopped Pecans
3 tb Granuated Sugar
1/4 c Margarne, Meted
16 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1/2 c Brown Sugar, Packed
2 ea Large Eggs
6 oz Sem-sweet Chps, Meted
3 tb Amond Favored Lqueur
2 c Sour Cream
2 tb Granuated Sugar
Combne crumbs, pecans, granuated sugar and margarne; press onto bottom of 9-nch sprngform
pan. Bake at 325 degrees F., 10 mnutes. Combne cream sheese and brown sugar, mxng at
medum speed on eectrc mxer unt we bended. Add eggs, one at a tme, mxng we after each
addton. Bend n chocoate and queur; pour over crust. Bake at 325 degrees F., 35 mnutes.
Increase oven temperature to 425 degrees F. Combne sour cream and granuated sugar; carefuy
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spread over cheesecake. Bake at 425 degrees F. 10 mnutes. Loosen cake from rm of pan; coo
before removng rm of pan. Ch.
311. Impossbe Chocoate Kauha Cheesecake
16 oz Cream cheese; soft; cubed
3/4 c Sugar
2/3 c Bsquck bakng mx
2 Eggs
2 oz Semsweet chocoate; meted
2 tb Kauha
1 ts Vana extract
1/2 ts Amond extract
8 oz Sour cream
1 oz Semsweet chocoate square
2 tb Sugar
1 tb Kauha
1 ts Vana extract
Mx a ngredents except chocoate toppng n a mxer; beat at HIGH speed 2 mnutes, scrapng
bow often. Pour nto a greased 9-nch pe pate. Bake at 350 degrees F for 25 mnutes or unt
puffed wth a dry center. Coo 5 mnutes; carefuy spread chocoate toppng on top of cheesecake.
Ch 3 hours before servng. YIELD: One 9-nch pe.
CHOCOLATE TOPPING: Combne frst 3 ngredents n a sma saucepan; cook over ow heat, strrng
constanty, unt chocoate mets. Remove from heat, and str n Kahua and vana; coo.
312. Mnt Chocoate Chp Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Crushed oreos
2 1/2 tb Meted butter
24 oz Cream cheese, softened
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk
3 Eggs
3/4 ts Mnt extract
1/4 ts Green food coorng
1 c Mn-chocoate chps
1 ts Four
Combne crumbs and butter and press on bottom of 9" sprngform pan. Beat cheese unt fuffy.
Graduay beat n mk unt smooth. Add eggs, extract and coorng. Toss 1/2 cup of the chps wth
four to coat and str nto cheese mxture. Pour nto crust. Sprnke remanng chps on top. Bake at
300 degrees for 1 hour. Coo to room temperature and ch thoroughy. Garnsh as desred.
313. Raspberry Chocoate Cheesecake
1/8 c Graham cracker crumbs
1/8 c Sugar
2 b Cream cheese; softened
2 1/2 c Sugar
4 Eggs
1 1/2 b Sem-sweet chocoate
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20 dr Raspberry candy concentrate;
9 In sprng-form pan
Pre-heat the oven to 375 degrees.
For the crust: Lghty spray the sprng-form pan wth a non-stck spray such as PAM. Mx graham
crackers and sugar n a bow and dust the pan.
For the fng: Soften the cream cheese by mcrowavng n a bow approx. 30 seconds for every
haf-pound (2 - 2 1/2 mnutes). Add two eggs and mx wth an eectrc mxer unt we ncorporated.
Sowy add the sugar; about 1/2 cup at a tme unt ncorporated. Add the remanng two eggs and
mx unt there are no more umps and the batter s smooth (about three mnutes).
In a seperate contaner met the chocoate. Ths coud be done n the mcrowave. I prefer to met t
over the stove. The ater method requres a tte more attenton to the chocoate. Do not scortch
the bottom. Not ony w the chocoate taste btter but t's not fun tryng to cean.
Add meted chocoate to the batter. Mx on hgh. Whe mxng, add the candy concentrate wth an
eye-dropper. Experment wth ths step. The more concentrate you add, the stronger the favor. You
don't want too much, though. I have made cheesecake that tasted ke cough syrup. So, don't
Pour the mxture n the sprng-form pan and bake unt the center s set (The top of the cheesecake
w be gossy whe bakng. When the uster of the center begns to du, t s ready.) The cheesecake
may st be "|ggy" (ke |e-o).
314. Rch Chocoate Cheesecake
1 1/2 c Chocoate wafer crumbs
1/4 ts Ground nutmeg
1/2 c Butter -- meted
24 oz Cream cheese -- softened
3/4 c Sugar
3 Eggs
8 oz Sour cream
6 Squares semsweet chocoate meted
1 tb Cocoa
3/4 ts Cocoa
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
1/2 c Whppng cream -- whpped
Addtona whpped cream (optona)
Chocoate curs (optona)
Amonds (optona)
Maraschno cherres (optona)
Combne frst 3 ngredents, mxng we. Press mxture nto bottom of a 9-nch sprngform pan; ch.
Beat cream cheese wth eectrc mxer unt ght and fuffy; graduay add sugar, mxng we. Add
eggs, one at a tme, mxng we after each addton. Str n sour cream, meted chocoate, cocoa,
and vana, mx we. Genty fod n whpped cream; spoon nto prepared pan. Bake at 300 for 1
hour. Turn oven off; aow cheesecake to coo n oven an addtona 30 mnutes. Refrgerate 8 hours.
Remove sdes of pan and garnsh wth addtona whpped cream, chocoate curs, amonds, and
cherres. Yed: 10 to 12 servngs.
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315. Amond |oy Cookes
2 Squares unsweetened chocoate
1 cn Sweetened, condensed mk
3 c Sweetened, faked coconut
1 ts Vana extract
pn Sat
Amonds for garnsh
Heat n a doube boer, 1 can sweetened condensed mk and 2 squares of unsweetened chocoate,
unt chocoate s meted. Str unt mxture s smooth. Pour over a bow contanng 3 cup of
sweetened, faked coconut. Add 1 tsp of vana extract and a pnch of sat. Mx we unt coconut s
competed coated. Drop on a cooke sheet whch s ne wth parchment paper, by tspfus. Press a
whoe amond nto the top.
Bake at 350 degrees F. for 10 to 12 mnutes. Check at 8 mnutes, as bottoms of cookes brown
qucky. Remove from oven, coo, remove from pan.
316. Baked Chocoate Marshmaow Treats
6 Graham crackers, haved
6 arge marshmaows, haved
3 Mk chocoate bars
Preheat oven to 500 degrees F. Pace cracker haves on ungreased cooke sheet.
Top each haf wth two 1" squares of chocoate. Add marshmaow haf on top of chocoate. Bake
unt marsmaow roasts, about 2 mnutes.
Serve open faced. May aso be served "sandwch stye" by pacng another haf of graham cracker
on top.
317. Banana Oatmea Chocoate Cookes
3/4 c Margarne
1 Egg
1 c Bananas -- mashed
1 c Whte sugar
1 1/2 c Four
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Sat
1/4 ts Nutmeg
1 ts Cnnamon
1 3/4 c Ouck oats
1 pk Chocoate chps
1/2 c Nuts
Mx a the ngredents together. Then drop by teaspoon on an ungreased cooke sheet. Bake 10 to
15 mnutes at 400 degrees.
318. Bttersweet Chocoate Chunk Cookes
1/2 c Butter or margarne
1/2 c Sugar
1/4 c Packed brown sugar
1 Egg
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1 ts Vana
1 c Pus 2 Tbsp unsfted four
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
2/3 c Chopped wanuts or pecans
8 oz Ghrarde Bttersweet chocoate
For food processor method, pace butter (cut up), sugar, brown sugar, egg, and vana nto
processor bow; process about 10 seconds. (Or n a mxer, cream softened butter wth same
ngredents.) Str four wth bakng powder and sat; bend nto creamed mxture. Add nuts. Chop
chocoate bars nto sma peces; str nto dough. Drop by rounded teaspoon onto ungreased bakng
sheets. Bake at 375 degrees F for 8 to 10 mnutes or unt ght goden brown. Coo on racks. These
cookes are decous served warm when the chocoate s st soft. To reheat cookes n the
mcrowave, process 2 or more cookes for 15 to 20 seconds.
319. Browne cookes
4 oz Semsweet chocoate
1 oz Unsweetened chocoate
2 1/3 c Sfted a-purpose four
1 1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 b Unsated butter
1 c Granuated sugar
1 tb Vana extract
2 ea Egg
1 tb Mk
3/4 c Fney chopped wanuts
Met the chocoate over hot water. Sft the four, bakng soda, and bakng powder together. Set
asde. In the bow of a mxer, cream the butter. Add the sugar sowy and contnue to beat. Add the
vana, then the eggs 1 at a tme. Add the chocoate and str to bend. Str n the dry ngredents
and the mk by hand. When |ust bended, mx n the wanuts. Cover and refrgerate dough for 30
mnutes before rong. Preheat oven to 375 degres. Lghty grease a cooke sheet. To form the
cookes, scoop out a porton of dough and ro out on a we-foured surface. When dough s 1/4 nch
thck, cut t nto rounds or other desred shapes. Re-ro scraps and cut agan. Pace on cooke sheet
(eave room for expanson) and bake for 6 to 8 mnutes. Watch for any hot spots n the oven and
don't et these cookes overbrown.
320. Butterscotch Chocoate Chunk Cookes
1 c Unsated butter - room temp
1 c Lght brown sugar
1/2 c Dark brown sugar
3/4 ts Vana (optona)
1 Egg
1/8 ts Sat
1 1/2 c Unbeached a purpose four
2 c Semsweet chocoate cut nto coarse chunks
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lne two bakng sheets wth parchment paper.
Cream the butter wth both sugars unt very we bended. Mx n the vana and egg, then fod n
the sat, four and chocoate chunks.
Form nto sma (wanut szed) or arge (gof ba szed) bas as desred.
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Pace on the bakng sheets and press down sghty. Bake unt done about 10 to 12 mnutes. Coo
on racks.
Makes 2 dozen arge cookes or 4 dozen sma cookes.
321. Carob Chp Cookes
1/4 c Mashed banana
1/4 c Vegetabe o
1 g Egg
1 c Unbeached Whte Four
1 c Roed Oats
3/4 c Carob Chps
Mash rpe banana wth a fork, to measure 1/4 cup. Beat together wth o unt creamy. Beat n egg.
Add four, oats, and chps; mx we. Drop batter by teaspoons onto ghty oed bakng sheets. Bake
at 350 degrees for 10 mnutes or unt cookes |ust start to brown around the edges. Coo on wre
322. Cherry Chocoate Cookes
1 c Margarne or butter
3/4 c Packed brown sugar
2 Egg yoks
2 oz Semswet chocoate; meted and cooed
1 1/2 ts Fney shredded orange pee
1 ts Ground cnnamon
1 ts Vana
1/4 ts Sat
2 1/4 c A-purpose four
1 1/2 c Fney chopped pecans (to 2)
2 Egg whtes
3/4 c Cherry |ey or preserves
In arge mxng bow beat margarne or butter and brown sugar wth an eectrc mxer on medum
speed for 30 seconds. Add egg yoks, beatng we. Bend n meted chocoate, orange pee,
cnnamon, vana, and sat. Str n four. Pace pecans and egg whte n two separate sma, shaow
bows. Sghty beat egg whtes wth a fork. Shape dough nto 1-nch bas. Dp eah ba nto egg
whte; ro n pecans to coat. Pace bas, 2 nches apart, on ghty greased bakng sheets. Usng
your thumb, make sght ndentaton n top of each cooke. Bake n 350 degree oven about 12
mnutes or t edges are frm. Coo cookes on a wre rack. F centers of cooed cookes wth a sma
spoonfu of |ey or preserves. Makes about 60 cookes.
323. Chewy Chocoate Cookes
1 1/2 c Butter (or marg.); softened
1 c Sugar
1 c Sugar, brown; frmy packed
3 Eggs
2 ts Vana extract
4 1/2 c Four, a-purpose
2 ts Soda
1/2 ts Sat
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1 c Pecans; chopped
6 oz Chocoate chps, sem-sweet
Cream butter; graduay add sugar, beatng unt ght and fuffy. Add eggs and vana, beatng we.
Combne four, soda, and sat; add to creamed mxture, beatng |ust unt bended. Str n chopped
pecans and chocoate morses.
Shape dough nto 3 ong ros, 2 nches n dameter. Wrap each n waxed paper, and freeze
Unwrap ros, and cut nto 1/4" sces; pace on ungreased cooke sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for 12
to 14 mnutes or unt ghty browned.
324. Chocoate Banana Peanut Cookes
1 c Brown Sugar, packed
3/4 c Peanut Butter
1/2 c Shortenng, Butter favored
3/4 c Banana, rpe mashed
2 ea Eggs
1 c A-Purpose Four
1 c Whoe Wheat Four
2 ts Bakng Powder
1/4 ts Sat
300 g Chpts Semsweet or Mk chocoate chps
3/4 c Peanuts, unsated, coarsey chopped
Wth fork beat together sugar, peanut butter and shortenng unt we bended. Str n banana and
eggs; bend.we. Str n remanng ngredents. Drop by tabespoon measure onto ungreased bakng
sheets. Bake n 350F(180C) oven 12 to 15 mnutes or unt cookes are goden brown. Coo. Store n
an artght contaner. Makes about 4 dozen. NOTE: Cookes freeze we.
325. Chocoate Brown Sugar Cookes
1/2 c Brown sugar
1/2 b Butter
1/3 c Honey
1 g Egg
1/2 ts Vana extract
Four (1.1 C --> gass measurng cup fed to the top)
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1 c Chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Cream together the butter and the brown sugar, add egg and
vana. Mx we. Add honey.
Measure four and bakng soda (I usuay |ust mx the soda n wth the four.) Add four and soda to
batter a tte at a tme and mx. Add chocoate chps.
Drop by spoonfus onto an ungreased cooke sheet and bake for 5-8 mnutes at 375 degrees F.
326. Chocoate Browne Oatmea Cookes
12 oz Semsweet chocoate peces, meted
8 oz Cream cheese; softened
1/2 c Margarne or butter, softened
1 c Brown sugar, frmy packed
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1/2 c Granuated sugar
2 Eggs
1/2 ts Vana
1 1/2 c A-purpose four
1 1/2 ts Bakng soda
3 c Ouaker Oats, uncooked (quck or od-fashoned)
1 c Chopped nuts
Powdered sugar (optona)
Beat together cream cheese, margarne and sugars unt creamy. Add eggs and vana; beat we.
Add meted chocoate; mx we. Add combned four and bakng soda; mx we. Str n oats and
nuts; mx we. Cover; ch at east 1 hour. Heat oven to 350 F. Shape dough nto 1-nch bas. Pace
3 nches apart on ungreased cooke sheet. Bake 8 to 10 mnutes or unt cookes are amost set.
(Centers shoud st be most. Do not overbake.) Coo 1 mnute on cooke sheet; remove to wre
rack. Coo competey. Sprnke wth powdered sugar, f desred.
327. Chocoate Chews
1 c Four; MINUS: 2 tb Four, Sfted
2 tb Cocoa
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/8 ts Cnnamon
1/8 ts Sat
3 tb Powdered sweetener
2 tb Vegetabe o
1/4 c Skm mk
Sft together four, cocoa, soda, cnnamon, sat and sweetener. Bend together o and mk n
separate sma bow. Str mk mxture nto dry mxture graduay. Drop by tabespoonfus onto a
Pam sprayed pan. Bake at 350 for 10 mns. Coo and serve.
328. Chocoate Chp Cookes
1 c Margarne -- meted
3/4 c Sugar
3/4 c Brown Sugar
2 Eggs
1 1/2 ts Vana
1 ts Sat
1 ts Bakng Soda
2 2/3 c Four
2 1/2 c Chocoate Chps
Nuts -- optona
Met margarne n a gass bow n mcrowave. Add rest of ngredents. Str we. Let harden up. (Set
out for about an hour. )
Bake on ar-bake pan at 350 for 10-12 mnutes. If usng a reguar cooke sheet, cover wth waxed
paper before puttng cooke dough on t. Bake wth same drectons.
329. Chocoate Dpped Cherry Cookes
1/2 c Whoe amonds;, chopped & dvded
1 pk (18.25 oz) cherry-favored cake mx
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1 Egg
1/3 c Vegetabe o
2 tb Water
1 1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps, meted
2 ts Vegetabe o
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Fney chop amonds wth food chopper. Reserve about 2 tabespoons
amonds for garnsh. Combne remanng amonds, cake mx, egg, o and water n mxng bow. Mx
thoroughy. (Mxture w be dry) Wth sma staness stee scoop, drop dough 2 nches apart onto
13" bakng stone. Bake 13-15 mnutes or unt tops are ghty browned. Coo 2 mnutes on stone;
remove to non-stck coong rack. Coo competey. Pace chocoate chps and o n covered
mcro-cooker. Mcrowave on hgh 2-21/2 mnutes, strrng every 30 seconds, unt smooth. Dp haf
of each cooke n chocoate; shake to remove excess. Sprnke wth reserved amonds. Pace on
parchment paper and refrgerate unt set. Yed: about 3 dozen.
330. Chocoate Kss Cookes
1/2 c Shortenng
1/2 c Peanut butter
1 3/4 c Four
2 tb Mk
1 sm Bow sugar
1 Egg
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Brown sugar
1/2 ts Bakng soda
Hershey's Ksses
Combne a ngredents except the sma bow of sugar and Hershey's Ksses. Ro dough nto sma
bas, then ro nto the sma bow of sugar. Bake at 375 degrees for 7 to 8 mnutes. Take out of the
oven and press a Kss n the mdde of each cooke. Bake for an addtona 2 mnutes.
331. Chocoate Mnt Browne Cookes
3/4 c Mnt chocoate chps; meted
1/2 c Margarne; softened
2 ts Vana
2 Egg whtes; whpped
1 3/4 c Unbeached four
3/4 c Mnt chocoate chps
1/2 c Granuated sugar
1/2 c Brown sugar
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/4 ts Sat
Preheat oven at 350. Met 3/4 cups chocoate chps, n a saucepan over owest heat. When chps
begn to met, remove from heat; str. Return to heat for a few seconds at a tme, strrng unt
smooth. Coo to room temperature. In a mxng bow, combne meted chocoate chps, margarne,
vana, and egg whtes. In another mxng bow, combne four, remanng chcocoate chps, sugars,
bakng soda, and sat . Mx wet ngredents wth dry ngredents |ust unt mostened. Drop dough by
rounded tabespoons onto prepared bakng sheets. Bake for 12 mnutes or unt edges are set but
centers are st soft.
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332. Chocoate Oatmea Cookes
2 c Sugar
4 tb Cocoa
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Mk
1/2 c Butter
3/4 c Peanut butter
3 c Oats
Brng the frst 5 ngredents to a bo & remove from heat. Add peanut butter & oats; mx we. Drop
by tsp. on to wax paper. Let coo unt set.
333. Doube Chocoate Cookes
18 1/4 oz Package dev's food cake mx wth puddng
1/2 c Vegetabe o
2 g Eggs
1 c (6 ounces) semsweet chocoate morses
Combne frst 3 ngredents, and beat at medum speed wth an eectrc mxer unt bended. Str n
chocoate morses.
Drop dough by rounded teaspoonfus about 2 nches apart onto ungreased cooke sheets.
Bake at 350 degrees F for 10 mnutes. Coo cookes on cooke sheets 5 mnutes; remove to wre
racks to coo competey. Yed: 3 dozen.
334. Goden Chocoate Treasure Cookes
1 1/2 c Four
1 Egg
3/4 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Vana
3/4 ts Sat10 oz.
1 1/2 c Sem-sweet Treasures bakng peces
3/4 c Brown sugar
3/4 c Butter, softened
1 c Chopped pecans or wanuts
Beat brown sugar and butter unt creamy, 3 to 5 mnutes. Add egg and vana. Graduay bend n
dry ngredents. Str n Treasures and nuts. Drop by rounded tabespoonfus onto ungreased cooke
sheets. Bake at 375 for 8 to 10 mnutes. Let stand 2 mnutes before removng from sheets. Makes
about 18 cookes, 2-1/2 nches.
335. Peanut Chocoate Chp Cookes
4 oz Soft Brown Sugar
4 oz Butter, Room temperature
1 g Egg, Beaten
4 oz Crunchy Peanut Butter
2 oz Chocoate, Chopped
3 oz Whoemea Four
3 oz Pan Four
pn Sat
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Preheat oven to gas mark 6/200C/400F.
In a arge bow, beat together the sugar and butter unt fuffy and whte. Beat n the egg, then add
the peanut butter and pan chocoate. Fod n the whoemea and pan fours and sat. Combne the
mxture thoroughy. Put generous teaspoonfus of the mxture on a bakng sheet and fatten nto
rounds wth a fork. Bake cookes n preheated oven for 10 to 15 mnutes unt goden and crsp on
the outsde.
336. Pzza Pan Chocoate Chp Cookes
1 c Butter Or Margarne, Softened
3/4 c Granuated Sugar
3/4 c Packed Brown Sugar
8 oz Cream Cheese, Softened
1 ts Vana
2 Eggs
2 1/4 c A-Purpose Four
1 ts Bakng Soda
1/4 ts Sat
12 oz Semsweet Chocoate Chps
1 c Chopped Wanuts Or Pecans
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Lghty grease two 12-nch pzza pans. Cream butter, sugars, cream
cheese and vana n arge bow. Add eggs; beat unt ght. Combne four, bakng soda and sat n
sma bow. Add to creamed cheese mxture; bend we. Str n chocoate chps and nuts. Dvde
dough n haf; press each haf eveny nto a prepared pan. Bake 20 to 25 mnutes or unt ghty
browned around edges. Coo competey n pans on wre racks. To serve, cut nto sm wedges or
break nto peces.
337. Sweet Chocoate Chp Cookes
1/2 c Butter, softened
1/3 c Sugar, granuated
1/3 c Brown sugar, packed
1 Egg
1 tb Water
1/2 ts Vana extract
1 1/4 c Four, a-purpose
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/4 ts Sat
8 oz Sweet cookng chocoate, coarsey chpped
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Cream together thoroughy butter and sugars, usng eectrc mxer.
Add egg, water and vana and beat we.
In a separate bow, str together four, soda and sat. Bend dry ngredents nto creamed mxture.
Str chpped chocoate peces nto batter by hand so they do not get too broken up. Drop from
teaspoon 2" apart onto greased cooke sheet. Bake for about 13 mnutes. Coo on racks.
338. Vana Chp Cookes
1/2 c Butter or margarne; softened
1/2 c Sugar
1/4 c Lght brown sugar; packed
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1 ts Vana
1 Egg
1 c Four
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1 c Whte chocoate chps
1/2 c Faked coconut
1 c Macadama nuts; chopped, ghty toasted
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Cream butter unt ght. Graduay add sugars, creamng we unt
bended. Beat n vana and egg. Str together four, sat and bakng soda. Add four mx to creamed
mx, bendng we. Str n whte chocoate, nuts and coconut. Drop by eve tabespoonfus onto
ungreased cooke sheets. Bake for about 12 mnutes or unt goden. Remove to wre racks to coo.
NOTE: Whte coatng chocoate may be substtuted for whte chocoate chps. It can be cut nto chp
sze peces.
339. Amost Fat-Free Chocoate Cupcakes
1 1/3 c A-purpose four
1/2 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1 1/2 ts Bakng soda
2 ts Sat
3/4 c Packed dark brown sugar
1/4 c Cnnamon appesauce
1 Egg
1 Egg whte
1 tb O
1 ts Vana extract
2/3 c Skm mk
Powdered sugar, optona
Preheat oven to 350F. Lne 12 muffn cups wth paper ners. Combne four, cocoa, bakng powder,
soda and sat. Beat the next sx ngredents unt combned, about 1 mnute. Str n four mxture
aternatey wth mk unt |ust combned. Pour batter nto muffn cups. Bake 22-25 mnutes or unt
toothpck comes out cean. Remove cupcakes from pan; coo on wre rack 30 mnutes. Sprnke wth
sugar, f desred.
340. Back Bottom Cupcakes
12 oz Cream cheese
2 Eggs
1 2/3 c Sugar
10 oz Semsweet chocoate chps
1 1/2 c Four -- sfted
1/4 c Cocoa powder
1 ts Bakng soda
1 ts Sat
1 c Water
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1/3 c Cookng o
1 tb Vnegar
1 ts Vana
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Arrange 24 cupcake ners n muffn tns or beray grease a
cake/bundt pan. Bend together the cream cheese, eggs and 2/3 cup of the sugar n a arge bow.
Str n the chocoate chps. Sft the remanng sugar, the four, cocoa, bakng soda and sat nto a
mxng bow. Str n the water, o, vnegar and vana; beat unt smooth. F cupcake ners 1/3 fu
wth the chocoate batter; spoon the cheese mxture on top. If usng a cake or bundt pan, scrape the
batter nto the pan, then top wth severa ayers of the cream cheese toppng, spreadng t thny
because t w snk n deeper after each appcaton. Bake unt the cakes test done -- 30 to 35
mnutes for cupcakes, 40 to 45 mnutes for cake. Let coo 10 mnutes before turnng out on wre
racks to coo competey.
341. Chocoate Cupcakes
1/4 c O
3/4 c Sugar
1 Egg
1 ts Vana
1/4 ts Sat
1/4 ts Cnnamon -- optona
1 ts Bakng soda
2/3 c Mk
2 tb Lemon |uce
1/3 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 c A-purpose four
Beat o and sugar wth egg wth an eectrc mxer unt smooth. Beat n vana, sat, and bakng
soda unt we bended. Put mk and emon |uce together n cup unt curded and pour nto batter,
beatng to bend we. Beat n cocoa powder and fnay the four, beatng 3 mnutes after ast
addton, scrapng down sdes and bottom of bow often. Dvde batter equay between 12
paper-ned cupcake wes. Bake at a 350 degree F for 25 mnutes or unt a toothpck nserted
comes out cean. Coo n pan on rack 20 mnutese. Remove to patter to contnue coong. Frost as
342. Deep Chocoate Cupcakes
6 g Prunes, ptted
3 g Egg whtes
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
18 tb Four, a-purpose
3/4 c Sugar, granuated
1/2 c Cocoa powder, unsweetened
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Bakng soda
1/4 ts Sat
1 1/2 tb Sugar, powdered
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lne 12 2-3/4" muffn cups wth paper ners. In food processor,
puree prunes and 1/2 cup water unt smooth. Scrape puree nto arge bow.
Wth eectrc mxer, beat together prune puree and 1/2 cup water. Add egg whtes and vana; beat
unt thoroughy combned. Str n remanng ngredents; mx competey. Spoon batter eveny nto
prepared cups, fng each about 2/3 fu. Bake 10 to 12 mnutes, unt toothpck comes out cean.
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Remove from pan; coo on rack. Sprnke eveny wth powdered sugar.
343. Ouck Chocoate Cupcakes
1 1/2 c A-purpose four
3/4 c Sugar
1/4 c cocoa
1 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Water
1/4 c Vegetabe o
1 tb Whte vnegar
1 ts Vana extract
Heat oven to 375 degrees F. Lne muffn cups (2 1/2" n dameter) wth paper bake cups. In medum
bow, str together four, sugar, cocoa, bakng soda and sat. Add water, o, vnegar and vana; beat
wth a whsk |ust unt batter s mooth and ngredents are we bended. F muffn cups 2/3 fu wth
batter. Bake 16-18 mnutes or unt wooden pck nserted n center comes out cean. Remove from
pan t wre rack. Coo competey. Frost as desred. Makes 18 cupcakes.
344. Anges Deght Chrstmas Drnk
1/4 c Whppng cream
7 Scoops Ice cream
1/2 c Chopped pecans
1/4 c Chocoate syrup
1 Banana
Put a of these n a bender. Put whpped cream and nuts on top of gasses.
345. Austran Chocoate Cup
30 oz Semsweet chocoate, broken n peces
10 sm Fney grated orange pee
2 1/2 ts Ground cnnamon
15 c Mk
2 1/2 c Whppng cream
Grated chocoate
30 Cnnamon stcks (3")
Combne chocoate, orange pee, cnnamon and 3 tabespoons of mk n a saucepan and heat very
genty unt chocoate mets, strrng frequenty.
Add remanng mk and heat through genty unt ppng hot, strrng frequenty. Whsk whppng
cream unt soft peaks form.
Pour hot chocoate nto mugs or heatproof gasses. Top wth whpped cream. Sprnke wth grated
chocoate and add a cnnamon stck to each one for strrng.
NOTE: Wnd a cury strp of orange pee around cnnamon stcks for a pretty effect, f desred.
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346. Baey's Irsh Cream
3 Eggs
15 oz Canned mk or "Eage Brand"
1/2 pt Whppng cream
1/2 ts Coconut extract
3 tb Chocoate syrup
13 oz Scotch Whskey, (mckey)
Combne a ngredents n a bended for 1 mnute. Let stand over nght. Botte the next day. No
watng tme.
347. Banana Chocoate Mkshake
1 c Skm mk
2 tb Hershey's Cocoa
Granuated sugar substtute equa to 1/3 cup sugar
1 ts Vana extract
1 md Rpe banana, sced
8 g Ice cubes
In bender contaner, pour mk. Add cocoa. Cover, bend on ow speed unt we mxed. Add sugar
substtute, vana and banana. Cover; bend unt smooth. Add ce cubes, one at a tme, bendng
unt thck. Serve mmedatey. Makes 2 12-ounce servngs.
348. Chocoate Amond Coffee
1/3 c Ground coffee
1/4 ts Freshy ground nutmeg
1/2 ts Chocoate extract
1/2 ts Amond extract
1/4 c Toasted amonds, chopped
Process nutmeg and coffee, add extracts. Process 10 seconds onger. Pace n bow and str n
amonds. Store n refrgerator. Makes 8 sx ounce servngs. To brew: Pace mx n fter of an
automatc drp coffee maker. Add 6 cups water and brew.
349. Chocoate Banana Smoothe
3 c Skm mk
2 Bananas, arge
1/2 t Vana extract
1/2 c Chocoate syrup
In a bender or food processor, combne 1-1/2 c. mk, bananas vana and chocoate syrup. Bend
unt smooth. Add remanng mk and bend agan. Serve mmedatey.
350. Chocoate Back Russan
1 f Kahua
5 oz Chocoate Ice Cream
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1/2 f Vodka
Bend ngredents and pour nto a arge cockta gass.
351. Chocoate Brandy Cream
1 1/2 tb Cocoa powder
1 tb Confectoners sugar
1 c Heavy whppng cream
1 tb Brandy
1 1/2 ts Vana
Sft together the cocoa and confectoners sugar and set asde. In a ched bow wth ched beaters,
combne a ngredents and beat the cream unt stff peaks begn to form. Wth a spoon or pastry
bag ftted wth a star tp, use cream to garnsh sces of Doube Chocoate Ice Box Pe.
352. Chocoate Coffee
4 (1oz) Semsweet chocoate squares
2 c Haf-and-haf
4 c Hot brewed coffee
3/4 c Coffee queur
Sweetened whpped cream
Brng chocoate and haf-and-haf to a bo n a arge saucepan over medum heat, strrng
constanty; str n coffee. Remove from heat; str n queur.
Serve wth sweetened whpped cream.
353. Chocoate Fudge Shake
2 c Cod 2% owfat mk
1 pk (4-servng sze) |e-O Chocoate Fudge Favor Sugar-Free Instant Puddng and Pe Fng
2 c Crushed ce
Pour mk nto bender contaner. Add remanng ngredents; cover. Bend at hgh speed 15 seconds
or unt smooth. (Mxture w thcken as t stands. Thn wth addtona mk, f desred.) Makes 4 cups
or 4 servngs.
354. Chocoate Lqueur
2 ts Pure chocoate extract
1/2 ts Pure vana extract
1 1/2 c Vodka
1/2 c Sugar syrup (see recpe)
1/2 ts Fresh mnt (optona)
dr Peppermnt extract(optona)
Mx a ngredents and et mature 2 weeks. The chocoate tends to sette on the bottom and may
need to be strred before servng. Fnshed verson w tend to be thn, but s st qute tasty and
exceent for mxng n coffee or pourng over desserts. Add gycerne to thcken f desred. For
chocoate mnt, add 1/2 teaspoon fresh mnt and a few drops of peppermnt extract. Let mature 2
addtona weeks. Yed: 1 pnt. Contaner: Ouart |ar
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355. Chocoate Mk Shake
1/4 c Cocoa
1/3 c Hot water
3 ts Lqud sucary
1 1/2 c Skm mk
1 c Low-caore chocoate ce
In bender,combne cocoa,hot water,and sucary;buzz to bend.Add mk and ce mk; buzz a few
mnutes unt foamy.
356. Chocoate Mnt
6 Peppermnt tea bags
6 c 2-percent mk (1 1/2 quarts)
6 tb Hot chocoate mx, dvded
Pace peppermnt tea bags n bottom of pan. Add mk and heat to |ust under bong. Genty
squeeze tea bags and remove. Pace 1 tabespoon chocoate n each mug and pour 1 cup of hot
mnted mk over chocoate. Serve wth fresh mnt eaf on sde or peppermnt stck candy.
357. Chocoate Mnt Oreo Drnk
3 Scoops vana ce cream
2 Oreo cookes, crushed
2 Andes Creme de Menthes
10 oz Crushed ce
1 1/4 oz Whte creme de menthe
1 1/4 oz Whte creme de cacao
Makes one drnk. Pour nto bender and bend two mnutes on hgh speed.
358. Chocoate Peanut Shake
3 tb Chocoate syrup
1 tb Peanut butter
1 g Scoop vana ce cream
Put syrup and peanut butter nto a shaker. F wth cod mk; shake vgorousy. Top wth scoop of
ce cream. Or, bend a n a bender.
359. Festa Hot Chocoate
1/2 c Cocoa
1/4 c Dark Brown Sugar; Packed
3 ea Coves; whoe
2 tb Powdered Sugar
Whpped Cream
1 tb Four; Unbeached
4 c Mk
1 ea Cnnamon Stck;Broken In 1/2
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1 1/2 ts Vana
4 ea Cnnamon Stcks
Mx cocoa and four n 2-quart saucepan. Str n brown sugar, mk, coves, and 1 stck cnnamon.
Heat |ust to bong over medum heat, strrng constanty; reduce heat. Smmer uncovered for 5
mnutes (DO NOT bo). Remove from heat; remove coves and cnnamon. Str n powdered sugar
and vana. Beat wth mono, wre whsk or hand beater unt foamy. Pour nto 4 cups or mugs.
Serve wth whpped cream and cnnamon stcks.
360. Hot Chocoate
1 oz (generous) good sweet chocoate; broken to peces
Sma quantty of mk; or water
2 tb To 3 tbsp water or mk; bong
1 c Mk or water; bong
Put the chocoate broken up nto peces wth a sma quantty of water or hot mk n a casseroe on
a gente heat. Cover the pan, et the chocoate soften, remove from the fre and whp nto a smooth
paste wth a whp or wooden spoon; add frst of a two or three tabespoons of bong qud (water
or mk) to dute the paste, then the rest of the qud, st bong, contnung to str a the tme. To
retan the fu aroma of the chocoate (the same appes to cocoa) t must never be aowed to bo.
361. Hot Chocoate Eggnog
1 Egg;
3/4 c Mk;
1/2 c Water;
3 tb Unsweetened cocoa powder;
1/2 ts Ground nutmeg;
In contaner of eectrc bender of food processor, combne egg, mk, water, cocoa and nutmeg,
bend unt we mxed. Transfer mxture to top of a doube boer. Hear strrng occasonay, unt
mxture s steamng. Do not bo. Serve mmedatey.
362. Hot Cocoa For A Crowd
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 1/4 c Cocoa
1/2 ts Sat
3/4 c Hot water
4 qt Mk
1 tb Vana extract
In 6-quart saucepan, combne sugar, cocoa and sat; graduay add water. Cook over medum heat,
strrng constanty, unt mxture bos. Bo and str 2 mnutes. Add mk. Heat to servng
temperature, strrng frequenty. Do not bo. Remove from heat; str n vana. Serve hot. About
twenty-two 6-oz. servngs.
363. Hot Peppermnt Patty
1 oz Peppermnt syrup;
6 oz Chocoate;
Whpped cream to taste;
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Mx syrup nto warm chocoate and garnsh wth whpped cream.
364. Instant Hot Chocoate Mx
22 oz Non-dary creamer powder
32 oz Nonfat dry mk powder
1 1/2 b Dry chocoate mx
1/4 c Powdered sugar (opt)
Mx a ngredents thoroughy. Store n tghty covered contaner. To serve: F a cup about 1/2 fu
of mx. Add hot water. OR add cod water and mcrowave on HIGH for 2 mnutes.
365. Mnt Chocoate Chp Mk Shake
3 c Cod skm mk
1 pk (4-servng sze) |ELL-O Pstacho Favor Sugar-Free Instant Puddng and Pe fng
1 1/2 c Vana ce mk *
1/4 ts Peppermnt extract
1/2 oz (square) BAKER'S Sem-Sweet Chocoate, grated
* For dabetcs, be sure to use a Sugar Free frozen dary dessert n pace of the ce mk.
Pour mk nto bender contaner. Add puddng mx, ce mk and extract; cover. Bend at hgh speed
15 seconds or unt smooth. (Mxture thckens as t stands. Thn wth addtona mk, f desred.)
Sprnke ndvdua servngs wth grated chocoate. Makes 5 cups or 5 servngs.
366. Whte Hot Chocoate
3 1/2 c Mk
2 tb Sugar
3 1/2 oz Whte chocoate; fney chopped
1 oz Mk chocoate; fney chopped
Creme de cacao; optona
Heat mk and sugar to |ust beow a bo. Remove from heat and add chocoate. Let stand 2 mnutes.
Transfer to a bender and whp unt frothy. Add creme de cacao f desred. Serve hot.
Be sure to use a top-quaty whte chocoate nstead of a "coatng chocoate."
367. Word's Best Hot Chocoate
2 oz Semsweet chocoate; chopped
1 1/2 tb Sweet butter
1/4 c Whoe mk
1 c Heavy cream
In a sma saucepan, mx everythng together. Heat over medum heat, genty. When t reaches a
bo, str wth a wooden spoon unt the chocoate s competey meted. Ths may take a whe as
sma specks reman t the very end. When chocoate s practcay dssoved (that s f ony tny
specks reman undssoved), turn down fame and smmer to reduce to very dense, dark brown hot
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368. Chocoate Bar Fng
1/2 c Sugar
5 tb Cornstarch
3 tb Brown sugar
1/4 ts Sat
3 c Mk
3 Egg yoks,beaten
1 ts Vana
8 oz Chocoatebar
Combne a but vana and chocoate bar n a saucepan. Str constanty unt mxture bos; bo and
str 1 mnute. Remove from heat; add vana and chocoate bar, broken nto peces. Str unt
chocoate s compety meted. Pour nto bow and press pastc wrap drecty on surface; coo. Yeds
about 4 cups fng.
369. Chocoate Cream Fng
3 oz Unsweetened Chocoate
2 c Mk
3/4 c Sugar
4 tb Cake Four
1/2 ts Sat
2 Egg yoks; sghty beaten
1 tb Butter
1 ts Vana
Add chocoate to mk and heat n doube boer. When chocoate s meted, beat wth rotary egg
beater unt bended. Combne sugar, four, and sat; add graduay to chocoate mxture and cook
unt thckened, strrng' con- stanty; then contnue cookng 10 mnutes, strrng occa- sonay. Pour
sma amount of mxture over egg yoks. strrng vgorousy; return to doube boer and cook 2
mnutes onger, strrng constanty. Add butter and vana. and coo. Makes 2-1/2 cups fng, or
enough fng to spread between three 9-nch ayers. Use ths fng n sma cup cakes. Use 1/2
recpe for fng 2 1/2 to 3 dozen sma cup cakes.
370. Chocoate Fng
2 tb Cornstarch
1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Water
1 tb Butter or margarne
2 oz Semsweet chocoate square
Combne cornstarch, sugar, and water n a sma saucepan, strrng we; cook over medum heat,
strrng constanty, unt thckened. Remove from heat; add butter and chocoate, strrng unt
meted. Let coo. Yed: 1 cup.
371. Chocoate Pe Fng
1 6 oz. pkg chocoate chps
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1 Egg
2 Egg yoks; beaten
2 Egg whtes
1 pt Whppng cream; whpped
1 ts Vana
1 Baked pe she; 8 or 9 nches
Met 1 package chocoate chps wth 1 beaten egg. Remove from the heat and add eggs yoks. Beat
two egg whtes n another bow and add to the whpped cream and vana; fod ths nto frst
mxture. F Pe she. Ch.
Serves 6
372. Coconut Cream Fng
1/3 c Sugar
3 tb Cornstarch
1/8 ts Sat
1 1/2 c Skm mk
2 Egg yoks
1/2 c Shredded coconut
1/4 c Lght cream cheese
3/4 ts Vana extract
1/4 ts Coconut favorng
Combne sugar, cornstarch and sat n a medum saucepan. Str n mk and egg yoks. Pace over
medum heat and cook for 5 mnutes, or unt thckened and bubby, strrng constanty. Remove
from heat and str n coconut, cream cheese, vana extract and coconut favorng. Coo competey.
373. Cream Cheese Fng
8 oz Cream cheese; softened
1/2 c Sugar
1/8 ts Sat
1 Egg
6 oz Semsweet chocoate chps
Beat cream cheese, sugar, sat and egg n sma bow on medum speed about 1 mnute, scrapng
bow constanty, unt smooth and creamy. Str n chocoate chp.
374. Chocoate Cnnamon Fondue
1/4 c Margarne
8 oz Bttersweet chocoate
1/4 c Four
2 c Lght corn syrup
1/4 c Kahua
1/2 ts Cnnamon
Met margarne and chocoate. Whsk n four unt bended; cook 1 mnute, strrng. Remove from
heat, bend n cnnamon. Pour nto fondue dsh; keep warm.
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Suggested dppers: bananas, strawberres, oranges, owfat pound cake. Makes 3 cups.
375. Chocoate Dessert Fondue
1 ts Butter or margarne
1 c Mnature marshmaows
1/3 c Whppng cream
6 oz Chocoate candy wth amonds
2 tb Mk
Break candy nto peces. Rub crock wa wth butter. Pace candy, marshmaows and mk n crock
pot. Cover and heat, strrng every 15 mnutes, unt meted and smooth. Graduay add whppng
cream. Cover and contnue heatng 30 mnutes, Serve wth bte-szed peces of pound cake,
marshmaows or frut.
376. Chocoate Fondue
2/3 c Dry unsweetened cocoa
1/4 ts Cnnamon
1 c Skm mk
1/2 ts Vana or amond extract
1/2 c Granuated whte sugar twn
In a heavy saucepan, combne cocoa, cnnamon and mk; str or whsk unt there are no dry umps
of cocoa. Str and cook over medum heat unt mxture comes to a bo. Reduce heat; bo genty,
strrng often for 5 mnutes or unt mxture s thck and smooth. Coo sghty. Str n vana and
Sugar Twn. Pour nto a sma enameed fondue pot or heat-proof ceramc bow. Makes 8 servngs of
1/4 cup each.
377. Low Fat Chocoate Fondue
2 ts Cornstarch
1 c Water
1/4 c Unsweetened cocoa
1/4 c Granuated sugar
1 ts Vana extract
Few grans sat
Cut up fresh bananas
Fresh strawberres
Mx cornstarch and water n a sma saucepan. When smooth, add remanng ngredents except
frut and str over moderatey hgh heat unt mxture bos 1 mnute. Pour nto fondue pot to keep
378. Back Chocoate Cake Frostng
1 Egg whte
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1 c Sugar
1/4 c Brown sugar
1/4 ts Cream of tartar
1/3 c Water
Sat; pnch
1 ts Vana
Combne ngredents n doube boer on ow heat. Beat wth eectrc mxer 4 mnutes. Spread on
coo cake.
379. Chocoate Butter Cream Frostng
1/2 c Ghrarde Cocoa
1/3 c Water; bong
3 c Powdered sugar
2 Egg yoks
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Butter; very soft
Dssove cocoa wth hot water. Beat sugar wth cocoa mxture. Add yoks and vana; beat unt
fuffy. Pace n bow of ce and water. Add butter, n four addtons, beatng unt frostng s ghter n
coor and thck enough to spread. Frost cake. Refrgerate to set.
380. Chocoate Buttercream Frostng
1/2 c Fructose
3 tb Skm mk
2 tb Cornstarch
2 tb Unsweetened cocoa powder
1 g Egg yok
1/2 ts Vana extract
1/2 ts Sat - optona
4 tb Cod unsated butter
4 tb Cod margarne
In a sma saucepan, combne fructose, mk, cornstarch, and cocoa powder. Brng to a bo, strrng
constanty. Remove from heat and str unt smooth and thck, about 3 mnutes.
Usng an eectrc mxer, beat egg yok, vana, and sat. Add chocoate mxture; beat unt smooth.
Add butter and margarne, 1 tbsp. at a tme, beatng after each addton unt frostng has
consstency of whpped butter. Use to frost one cake; refrgerate unt ready to serve.
Makes about 1 cup; 16 servngs.
381. Chocoate Frostng
4 ts Butter
1 ts Chocoate extract
1/4 ts Lemon |uce
1/3 c Non-fat dry mk
Artfca sweetener to -equa 1 tbsp. sugar or to taste
Met butter. Add remanng ngredents and bend we. To drzze cng or make thnner sauce-type
frostng add a sma amount of skm mk. Makes 4 servngs.
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382. Chocoate Fudge Frostng
1 c Granuated sugar
4 tb Unsweetened cocoa
3/4 c Mk (whoe mk s best)
1 tb Butter or margarne
1 ts Vana
Combne sugar, cocoa and mk n sma heavy saucepan; cook unt mxture begns to bo. Cover,
cook for 2-3 mnutes unt steam washes sugar crystas down from sdes of pan. Uncover, reduce
heat and cook wthout strrng unt mxture reaches soft ba stage (234 degrees). Remove from
heat. Coo mxture unt t reaches temperature of 110. Add butter and vana, strrng unt butter s
dossoved. Pour over warm cake. Yed enough to cover a 13x9 nch cake. Frostng not sutabe for
ayer cake.
383. Chocoate Gaze
2 tb Cocoa
1 tb Each of o and corn syrup
2 tb Pus 1 teaspoon water
1/2 ts Cnnamon
1 c Icng sugar
In sma saucepan combne 1 st four ngredents. Str over ow heat unt smooth, graduay beat n
sugar unt smooth and shny.
384. Chocoate Mocha Icng
1/2 c Margarne
2 ts Instant coffee
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Cocoa
1 ts Vana
1 Egg
1/3 c Mk
4 c Icng sugar
Beat to-gether wth mxer the egg, sat, cocoa and coffee. Aternatey add the mk and cng sugar
and vana. Ths makes ght, fuffy and extremey sweet cng and s foo proof.
385. Chocoate Sour Cream Frostng
1/2 c Sour cream
3 1/2 c Powdered sugar
1 ts Vana
2 oz Ghrarde Unsweetened chocoate, meted
Servngs: Makes enough for 9 x 13" cake
Beat sour cream wth sugar and vana unt smooth. Mx n meted chocoate. Spread over 9 by 13"
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386. Deuxe Chocoate Frostng
3 c Confectoners sugar
1/3 c Mk
1/4 c Butter
2 oz Bakng chocoate
2 ts Vana
1/4 ts Sat
In a sma bow, mx a ngredents unt smooth and creamy. Makes enough to frost one 13 x 9 nch
387. German Chocoate Cake Icng
1 c Sugar
3 Egg yoks; sghty beaten
1 ts Vana
1 c Evaporated mk
1/2 c Butter
1 1/3 c Coconut
1 c Chopped pecans
Combne sugar, mk, egg yoks, butter and vana. Cook and str over medum heat unt thckened,
about 12 mnutes. Remove from heat, add coconut and pecans. Coo and beat occasonay unt
spreadng consstency.
W frost & f 8", 2-ayer cake.
388. Mky Way Icng
4 tb Butter
2 Mky Way bars; 2.15 ozs.each
1 tb Vana extract
1 c Powdered sugar; sfted
Met butter and candy together n a heavy saucepan. Str constanty over ow heat unt mxture s
fuy meted and smooth. Beat n vana and sugar. Spread on warm cake whe frostng s warm and
pabe. Do top and sdes.
389. Ouck Chocoate Butter Cream Frostng
4 oz Butter; softened
2 c Powdered sugar
1/4 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1/4 c Heavy cream
1 ts Vana extract
ds Sat
In a medum bow, beat butter wth an eectrc mxer on medum speed 1 mn. Add powdered sugar,
cocoa, cream, vana, and sat. Beat on ow speed unt we mxed, then beat on medum speed
unt fuffy, 1 to 2 mns.
Ths makes enough for one 9 x 13 sheet cake or one 8-nch 2-ayer cake. For a 9-nch 2-ayer cake,
make 1 1/2 recpes.
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390. Whpped Cream Chocoate Frostng
1 1/2 c Heavy whppng cream; cod
1/4 c Sugar
2 tb Cocoa
1/2 ts Vana extract
Mx (do not whp) a ngredents n a bow. Set n the refrgerator to ch for at east 2 hours. Then
beat unt mxture s so thck t hods t's shape and w stand n peaks. Ths makes enough frostng
for top, sdes and between ayers of 3 ayer cake, even when you use a generous hand. Note: Pop
cake n refrgerator after frostng to aow to set. Store cake n refrgerator so frostng w not spo.
391. Chocoate Bananas
4 Bananas
7/8 oz Cornstarch
1 3/4 oz Sugar
1 tb Mk
1 3/4 oz Bakng chocoate
Pee bananas and cut n haf engthwse. Met chocoate and str n mk and cornstarch. Brng to
Put bananas n a dessert dsh, pour the sauce over them. Garnsh wth coo whp or whpped cream,
or add a scoop of vana ce cream.
Serve warm or cod.
392. Chocoate Covered Strawberres
1 Fresh strawberres
1 pk Chocoate bark.
Wash and dran strawberres. Pat dry wth paper towe. Leave stems ntact. Pace haf of the
chocoate n a mcrowave safe bow. Mcrowave on hgh unt meted (appx 2 mn). Hodng berres
by the stem, dp one at a tme nto the chocoate. Genty shake excess and pace on waxed paper
unt frm. If chocoate becomes too thck reheat for a few seconds. Chocoate basket: cover a dsh
of desred shape (pe pan) wth fo and spray ghty wth Pam. Pace meted chocoate n a zpoc
bag and sea. Snp a sma hoe n the corner and drzze the chocoate to create a basket. Ch unt
frm. Carefuy remove the basket. Pace on a servng tray and f wth chocoate covered
393. Chocoate Mnt Fgs
1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps
4 tb Fney chopped fresh mnt
48 Amonds, toasted and coarsy chopped
24 Fresh fgs, haved
Preheat the oven to 350. In a sma mxng bow, combne the chps, mnt, and amonds, strrng
we. Press a bt of ths mxture nto each fg haf. Lghty spray or wpe a bakng sheet wth
vegetabe o. Pace the fgs on the bakng sheet and bake for 15 mnutes. Serve warm or at room
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394. Chocoate Pear Dessert
2 c Cod skm mk;
1 pk |e-O chocoate favor fat-free Sugar Instant Reduced Caore Puddng & Pe Fng
1/2 ts Orange extract -=OR=- 1/2 ts Amond extract;
4 Fuy rpe pears; haved
2 ts Wanuts; chopped fney-=OR= 2 ts Amonds; chopped fney;
Pour mk and extract n medum bow. Add puddng mx. Beat wth wre whsh 1 mnute. Let stand 5
mnutes. Pace pear haves n 8 dessert dshes. Spoon puddng eveny over pears. Sprnke wth 1/4
ts wanuts over each servng. Refrgerate unt ready to serve.
395. Chocoate Punge For Fresh Frut
2/3 c Karo ght or dark corn syrup
1/2 c Heavy or whppng cream
1 pk (8 oz.) Baker's sem sweet chocoate or 2 pkgs. (4 oz. each) Baker's German sweet chocoate
In medum saucepan str corn syrup and cream. Brng to bo over medum heat. Remove from heat.
Add chocoate, str unt competey meted. Serve warm as a dp for frut. Makes 1 1/2 cups.
396. Chocoate-covered Cherres
2 1/2 c Confectoners sugar
1/4 c Butter or margarne softened
1 tb Mk
1/2 ts Amond extract
16 oz Marchno cherres
Wth stems we draned
2 c Sem-sweet chocoate chps
2 tb Shortenng
In mxng bow combne sugar, butter, mk and extract. Mx we. Knead n to arge ba. Ro n to 1
nch bas and fatten each n to 2 nch crce. Wrap around cherres and ghty ro n hands. Pace
wth stem up on waxed paper-ned bakng sheets. Cover oosey and refrgerate 4 hours or over
nght. Met the chocoate chps and shortenng n a doube-boer or mcrowave-safe bow. Hodng
on to stem, dp cherres n to chocoate. Set on waxed paper to harden. Store n a covered
397. Frozen Chocoate Banana
1 md Banana; peeed and cut n haf crosswse
2 Graham crackers; (2-1/2 n. squares) fney crushed
1 ts Chocoate syrup
Wrap banana haves n wax paper or fo and freeze t hard. On sheet of wax paper spread haf the
cracker crumbs; coat 1 banana haf wth 1/2 tsp syrup, then ro n crumbs. Repeat procedure wth
remanng banana haf. Serve mmedatey or wrap n mosture- and vapor- resstant wrappng and
store n freezer t ready to use.
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398. Godva Chocoate Covered Banana
2 oz Godva Lqueur
1/2 oz Myers's Rum
1/2 Banana, Sced
1/2 c Vana Ice Cream
Pour Godva nto bender. Add rum, banana and ce cream. Bend unt smooth. Pour nto servng
gass. Garnsh wth banana sce. Makes 2 drnks.
399. 10 Mnute Fudge
3 oz Chocoate, unsweetened; 3 sq 4 tb Margarne 4 1/2 c Sugar, powdered 1/3 c Mk, nstant
nonfat dry 1/2 c Syrup, ght corn 1 tb Water 1 ts Vana extract 1/2 c Nuts; chopped (opt.)
Met chocoate and margarne n top of 2 quart doube boer. Sft together powdered sugar and dry
mk. Str corn syrup, water, and vana nto chocoate mxture. Str n sugar and dry mk n two
addtons. Contnue strrng unt mxture s we bended and smooth. Remove from heat; str n
nuts. Turn nto greased 8-nch square pan. Coo. Cut nto squares.
400. Appe Peanut Butter Fudge
6 oz Semsweet chocoate peces
1/2 Marshmaow fuff |ar
1/2 c Peanut butter
1 ts Vana
2 c Sugar
2/3 c Appe |uce
Chopped peanuts (opt.)
Mx semsweet chocoate peces, haf |ar marshmaow fuff, peanut butter and vana. Set asde. In
buttered heavy 2-quart saucepan, mx sugar and appe |uce. Cook and str unt sugar dssoves and
mxture bos. Cook to soft-ba stage or unt candy thermometer regsters 240 F, str frequenty.
remove from heat, qucky add marshmaow mxture. str unt |ust bended. Pour nto buttered 9"
square bakng pan. top fudge wth chopped peanuts, f desred. coo. Cut nto squares. Makes 3
dozen 1-1/2 nch peces.
401. Baked Fudge Drops
2/3 c Sweetened condensed mk
1/8 ts Sat
1 1/2 c Cocoanut
1/4 ts Vana
Mx a we and drop from tsp. onto greased bakng sheet. Decorate wth brght coored candes and
bake n moderate 350 degrees F oven for 15 mnutes.
402. Bourbon Fudge
2 c Sem-sweet chocoate chps
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1 cn 14oz sweetened condensed mk
1/4 c Maker's Mark
1/2 ts Orange extract
1 pk 3/4oz svered amonds
Combne chocoate chps and mk n arge bow and cover oosey. Cook n mcrowave for 3 mnutes
on Hgh. Remove from mcrowave and str unt smooth. Add bourbon and orange extract; mx we.
Grease an 8 nch square pan and sprnke bottom of pan wth amonds. Pour mxture n pan; et
stand unt frm or ch n refrgerator.
403. Buttermk Fudge
1 Stck of margarne
2 c Sugar
1 c Buttermk to whch
1 ts Soda has been added
2 tb Whte syrup
1 ts Vana
1 c Chopped nuts
Cook to soft ba stage (drop n cod water to test), gets done before candy thermometer reaches
soft ba. Add 1 ts. vana and 1 cup of chopped nuts. Beat unt t ooses ts goss and pour nto a
buttered pate. Ths foams a ot so cook sowy n a arge contaner.
404. Butterscotch Fudge
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Butter
3/4 ts Sat
7 1/2 oz |ar marshmaow creme
5 1/3 oz Can evaporated mk
12 oz Butterscotch chps
1/2 ts Vana
1/2 c Pecans, chopped
Combne the sugar, butter, sat, marshmaow creme, and mk n a heavy saucepan. Cook to rong
bo over medum ow heat. Contnue to bo for 5 fu mnutes, strrng frequenty. Remove from heat
and add butterscotch chps, vana, and pecans. Str unt chps are meted. Pour nto we-buttered
9x9 nch square pan. Coo and cut nto squares.
405. Candy Bar Fudge
1/2 c Butter or margarne
1/3 c Bakng cocoa
1/4 c Packed brown sugar
1/4 c Mk
3 1/2 c Confectoners' sugar
1 ts Vana extract
30 Carames, unwrapped
1 tb Water
2 c Sated peanuts
1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps
1/2 c Mk chocoate chps
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In a mcrowave-safe bow, combne the butter, cocoa, brown sugar and mk. Mcrowave on hgh
unt mxture bos, about 3 mnutes. Str n confectoners' sugar and vana. Pour nto a greased
8-n. square bakng pan. In another mcrowave-safe bow, heat carames and water on hgh for 2
mnutes or unt meted. Str n peanuts; spread over chocoate ayer. Mcrowave chocoate chps on
hgh for 1 mnute or unt meted; spread over carame ayer. Ch unt frm.
Makes 2-3/4 pounds.
406. Carame Fudge
3 c Sugar
1 c Cream
1/4 c Butter
2 tb Whte corn syrup
1/8 ts Sat
In a heavy pan or sket ghty brown 1 cup sugar. Sowy add cream, remanng sugar, butter, syrup
and sat. Cook to soft ba stage or 235-degrees on candy thermometer. Remove from heat; beat
unt thck. Pour n buttered patter.
407. Cheese Fudge
1 c (2 stcks) butter, softened
8 oz Pasteurzed process cheese, cubed
1 1/2 b Powdered sugar
1/2 c Cocoa
1/2 c Non-fat dry mk
2 ts Vana
2 c Coarsey chopped nuts
In a arge saucepan over medum heat met butter and cheese, strrng frequenty. Remove from
heat. Sft together sugar and cocoa; add to cheese, mxng we. Str n non-fat dry mk, vana and
Turn nto a 9x9x2-nch pan. Ch unt frm. Makes 3 pounds.
408. Cherry Vana Fudge
3 c Sugar
1/2 ts Sat
1 c Lght cream
1/2 c Mk
1/4 c Lght corn syrup
2 tb Butter or margarne
2 ts Vana
1 c Canded cherres; quartered
Combne sugar, sat, cream, m, corn syrup and butter n a arge heavy saucepan.
Cook over medum heat, strrng constanty, unt mxture comes to bong. Contnue cookng,
strrng occasonay, unt candy thermometer reaches 238F. (soft-ba stage)
Remove from heat, eavng thermometer n the saucepan. Coo to 100F.
Add vana. Beat brsky unt fudge thckens and begns to ose ts goss. Str n cherres.
Pour nto buttered 8" square pan. Coo. Cut nto squares when frm.
Makes 1 3/4 pounds
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409. Chocoate Creme Fudge
3 c Sugar
3/4 c Margarne
2/3 c Mk, evaporated
12 oz Chocoate chps, sem-sweet
7 oz Marshmaow creme
1 c Nuts
1 ts Vana
Combne sugar, margarne, and mk n heavy 2.5 qt. saucepan; brng to fu rong bow, strrng
constanty. Contnue bong 5 mnutes over medum heat or unt candy thermometer reaches
234oF, strrng constanty to prevent scorchng. Remove from heat; str n chps unt meted. Add
marshmaow creme, nuts and vana; beat unt we bended. Pour nto greased 9"x13" pan. Coo at
room temperature, cut nto squares. Makes approx 3 b.
410. Chocoate Fudge
2 1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Margarne or butter
2/3 c Evaporated mk
1 |ar (7 oz.) marshmaow creme
2 c Sem sweet chocoate chps
3/4 c Chopped wanuts
1 ts Vana
Lne 9 nch square or 13x9 nch pan wth fo so that fo extends over sdes of pan; butter fo. In
arge saucepan, combne sugar, margarne and evaporated mk. Brng to a bo over medum heat,
strrng constanty. Bo 5 mnutes, strrng constanty. Remove from heat. Add marshmaow creme
and chocoate chps; bend unt smooth. Str n wanuts and vana. Pour nto buttered, fo-ned
pan. Coo to room temperature. Score fudge nto 36-48 squares. Refrgerate unt frm.
Remove fudge from pan by ftng fo; remove fo from sdes of fudge. Usng arge knfe, cut through
scored nes. Store n refrgerator.
Makes about 3 pounds--36-48 squares.
411. Chocoate Marshmaow Fudge
1 g Can Evaporated mk
1/4 b Butter
4 c Sugar
2 pk Chocoate peces (6 Ozs ea)
1/2 |ar marshmeow cream
Combne frst three ngredents n saucepan and cook to 234 deg.F or unt t forms a soft ba n cod
water. Str often. Remove from heat and fod n remanng ngredents. If desred add chopped nuts.
Pour nto greased 8 X 13 nch pan. Refrgerate unt frm. Cut nto squares.
412. Chocoate Mnt Cooke Crunch Fudge
1 1/2 cup, granuated sugar
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 can (5 oz) evaporated mk
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1/2 stck (1/4 c) butter or margarne
1 cup (6 oz) mnt-favored semsweet chocoate chps
16 round chocoate sandwch cookes
Lne a 8" square pan wth fo; grease fo.
Mx sugar and cocoa n heavy 3 quart saucepan. Str n mk and butter. Brng to a bo over medum
heat, strrng constanty. Wthout strrng, bo vgorousy 5 mn. Remove from heat; add chps and
str unt meted and smooth. Spread 1 cup n ned pan, top wth cookes, then spread remanng
fudge eveny over top. Refrgerate 6 hours unt frm. Invert pan, pee off fo, nvert fudge and cut n
1" squares.
413. Chocoate-Peanut Butter Fudge
1 c Semsweet chocoate chps
1/4 c Lghtbrown sugar
2 tb Soy mk
1/2 c Oatmea
1/3 c Peanut butter, room temp.
Combne chocoate, sugar & soy mk n a steamng bow & pace n a arger pot wth some water n
t. Cook over ow heat unt the chocoate has been smoothy meted. Str n the oatmea. Drop the
peanut butter n by rounded teaspoonfus. Swr t around unt t s eveny dstrbuted but not
bended n.
Lne a sma, shaow bakng dsh wth wax paper. Pat the chocoate mxture n wth the hep of a
cake spatua. Refrgerate for severa hours unt ched & frmy set. Cut nto 1" squares.
414. Coffee Fudge
3 c Sugar
3/4 c Mk
2 tb Instant coffee
1/2 c Non-dary qud coffee cream
1 tb Lght corn syrup
2 tb Butter
1 ts Vana
1 1/2 c (6 oz.) chopped chocoate coatng or wafers
1/4 c Fney chopped nuts.
Combne sugar, mk, nstant coffee, coffee cream and syrup n a 3-quart saucepan. Cover and brng
to a bo. Uncover and pace thermometer n pan; cook wthout strrng to 236 degrees F. Remove
from heat; add butter and vana wthout strrng. Coo to ukewarm. Beat unt candy begns to
thcken; pour nto a buttered 8-nch square pan. Met the chocoate coatng over hot, not bong
water n a doube boer. Spread eveny over fudge, sprnke nuts over chocoate. Cut nto squares
before candy becomes frm. Makes about 49 peces.
415. Cookes 'n Cream Fudge
2 1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Margarne or butter
2/3 c (5 oz) Evaporated mk
2 c (7 oz) |ar Marshmaow creme
8 oz Amond bark or vana favored candy coatng cut nto peces
1 ts Vana
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12 Oreo cookes, broken nto Bte-sze peces
Lne 8-nch-square pan wth fo so that fo extends over sdes of pan; butter fo. In arge heavy duty
saucepan, combne sugar, margarne, and mk. Brng to a bo over medum heat, strrng
constanty. Contnue bong 3 mnutes over medum heat, strrng constanty. Remove from heat.
Add marshmaow creme, candy coatng and vana; bend unt smooth. Pour haf of mxture nto
fo-ned pan. Sprnke cooke peces over entre surface. Top wth remanng mxture. Coo to room
temperature. Refrgerate 1 to 2 hours or unt set. Remove fudge from pan by ftng fo; remove fo
from fudge. Usng arge knfe, cut nto squares. Store n refrgerator. Makes 36 squares (about 1-1/2
416. Creamy Mocha Fudge
1/2 c Cocoa
3 1/2 c Icng sugar
1/4 c Whppng cream
1/2 c Butter
2 tb Coffee; very strong
1/2 c Pecans; coarsey chopped
Str together cocoa and cng sugar n arge bow t we bended. There shoud be no umps. Met
butter over medum heat. Add coffee and beat wth an eectrc beater t smooth. Fod n pecans.
Turn nto wax paper ned oaf pan. Smooth top wth knfe dpped n warm water. Refrgerate t set.
When set, turn and cut nto squares.
417. Creamy Peanut Butter Fudge
3 c Sugar
1 c Evaporated mk
1/8 ts Sat
1 b Peanut butter
1/2 b Marshmaow fuff
1 tb Butter
2 ts Vana
Combne sugar, mk and sat n saucepan. Cook over medum heat unt mxture reaches soft ba
stage. Remove from heat; add peanut butter, marshmaow fuff, butter and vana. Str unt
ngredents are thoroughy combned. Pour nto arge cake pan to coo.
418. Dabetc Fudge
1 14 1/2 oz. evaporated mk
3 tb Cocoa
1/4 c Oeo
Lqud Sweetner to equa to 1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 ts Sat
1 ts Vana
2 1/2 c Graham cracker crumbs
1/4 c Nuts
Combne mk and cocoa n saucepan. Beat we. Add oeo, sweetner, sat. Brng to bo. Remove
from heat. Str n remanng ngredents except 1/4 cup graham crackers. Coo about 15 mnutes.
Dvde mxture nto 32 bas. Ro n remanng cracker crumbs and ch.
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419. Dvnty Fudge
2 1/2 c Sugar
1/2 c Water; hot
1/2 c Corn syrup; whte
1/4 ts Sat
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Nut meats
1/4 c Canded cherres
1/4 c Canded pneappe
Put sugar, hot water, corn syrup nto saucepan, heat sowy to bong, strrng unt sugar s
dssoved. Wpe down sugar crystas from sde of pan before syrup starts to bo. When syrup begns
to bo, beat egg whtes wth sat unt foamy. Pour 2 T. of syrup on egg whtes and contnue beatng.
Cook syrup to soft ba stage, 234 F. Pout haf syrup onto beaten egg whtes very sowy and
contnue beatng.
420. Doube Chocoate Fudge
2 c (12 oz) sem-sweet chocoate chps
1 (11 1/2 oz) package mk chocoate chps
1 (14 oz) can sweetened condensed mk
2 TB cream or mk
2 ts vana extract
1 c chopped wanuts (optona)
In saucepan, over ow heat, met sem-sweet chocoate chps wth 2/3 cup sweetened condensed
mk, 1 TBSP cream and 1 tsp vana. Remove from heat; str n 1/2 cup wanuts. Spread eveny nto
fo-ned 9-nch square pan. In another saucepan, over ow heat, met mk chocoate chps wth
remanng sweetened condensed mk, 1 TBSP cream and 1 tsp vana. Remove from heat; str n
remanng wanuts. Spread over fudge n pan. ch 2 hours or unt frm. Turn fudge onto cuttng
board; pee off fo and cut nto squares. Store oosey covered at room temperature. Makes about 2
1/2 pounds.
421. Fudge
1 Bag semsweet chocoate chps
1/2 Bag butterscotch chps
1 Reguar-sze can Eage mk (evaporated mk)
Vana extract
Combne a ngredents n a mcrowave-safe bow. Mcrowave for 2 mnutes. Str. Pour nto 8 x 8
nch bow and et coo.
422. Gr Scout Samoa Fudge
1/2 c Samoas Gr Scout cookes, crushed
2 c Sugar
6 oz Heavy cream
12 Reguar marshmaows
1/2 c Butter
1 ts Vana
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6 oz Chocoate chps
Heat and bo together sugar, heavy cream, marshmaows and butter for 5 mnutes. Remove from
heat and add vana and chocoate chps, mxng unt the chps have meted. Add crushed Samoas;
mx we. Pour nto 8-by-8-nch buttered pan and coo.
423. Hazenut Fudge
3 c Sugar
1 c Mk
1/2 c Corn syrup
3 oz Unsweetened chocoate
1 c Butter
2 ts Vana
1 c Oregon hazenuts
Cook sugar, mk, corn syrup and butter to 238. Pour nto mxng bow; add vana; coo 15 mnutes.
Beat unt thck. Str n nuts and pour nto buttered pan.
424. Honey Fudge
2 c Sugar
2 Squares unsweetened chocoate
2/3 c Evaporated mk
1/8 ts Sat
1 ts Vana
2 tb Butter or butter substtute
1/4 c Honey
Dssove sugar n mk and honey. Add grated chocoate, butter, and sat. Str unt we bended.
Cover unt bong pont s reached. Bo to soft ba stage (234 - 238 F). Coo to room temperature.
Add favorng. Beat unt mxture s thck, creamy, and w hod ts shape when dropped from a
425. |eo Puddng Fudge
1 pk |eo chocoate puddng and pe fng; not nstant
2 tb Butter
1/4 c Mk
1 1/2 c Confectoners' sugar; sfted
1/4 c Nuts; chopped
Combne puddng, butter and mk. Brng to a fu bo. Bo genty for 1 mnute; strrng constanty.
Remove from heat. Oucky bend n sugar; add nuts. Pour nto greased 8x4-nch pan. Coo; cut nto
squares. Makes 1 b.
Note. Any favor of puddng w do.
426. Kahua Creamy Fudge
1 1/3 cups Granuated sugar
1 7 ounce |ar marshmaow creme
2/3 cup Evaporated mk
1/4 cup Butter
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1/4 cup Kahua
1/4 teaspoon Sat
2 cups Sem-sweet chocoate. peces
1 cup Mk chocoate peces
2/3 cup Chopped nuts
1 teaspoon Vana
Lne 8" square bakng pan wth fo. In 2 quart saucepan, combne sugar, marshmaow creme, mk,
butter, Kahua and sat. Brng to a rapd bo, strrng constanty for 5 mn. Remove from heat; add
a chocoate. Str unt meted. Add nuts and vana. Turn nto prepared pan. Refrgerate unt frm.
To serve, cut n squares. Makes about 2 3/4 pounds.
427. Mape Fudge
2 c Sugar, granuated
1 c Mape syrup
1/2 c Lght cream; 10%
2 tb Butter
Combne a ngredents n a medum saucepan. Cook abnd str over medum hgh heat unt bong.
Cp candy thermometer to sde of pan, cook and str over medum heat, t syrup reached
temperature 238F (155C) on candy thermometer (soft ba stage) 25 to 35 mnutes,. Remove from
heat and coo wthout strrng to ukewarm (110F/45C) about 50 to 60 mnutes.
Remove candy thermometer and beat mxture wth wooden spoon unt coour ghtens and fudge
begns to qucky set. Oucky press nto we greased 8 nch square pan. Make n squares before
fudge sets. When frm, cut nto squares. Makes 20 to 25 peces.
428. Marshmaow Fudge
2 c Brown sugar
1 c Powdered sugar
2 oz Chocoate
Cream of tartar; a pnch
1 c Water
1/4 c Marshmaows
Cook a ngredents, except marshmaows to soft ba stage. Remove from fre and beat unt
creamy. Add marshmaows cut up. Pour nto buttered pan, mark n squares.
429. Mcrowave Fudge
2 c Mnature marshmaows
14 oz Can condensed mk
1 ds Sat
12 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps
1 c Mk chocoate chps
1/2 c Nuts
1 1/2 ts Vana
In 2 qt. gass measure, combne marshmaows, mk, and sat. Mcrocook on HIGH 3-4 mnutes. Str
unt marshmaows met and mxture s smooth. Add chps and str unt meted. Str n nuts (may
use up to 1 cup) and vana.
Lne 8 or 9 nch square pan wth wax paper. Spread fudge eveny n pan. Ch 2 hours, unt frm.
Turn on to cuttng board, pee off paper and cut nto squares.
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Serves 32
430. Nutty Chocoate Mnt Fudge
7 oz Marshmaow Cream; (1 |ar)
1 1/2 c Sugar
2/3 c Evaporated Mk
1/4 c Butter
1/4 ts Sat
1 1/2 c Mnt-Chocoate Chps;Nestes
1/2 c Chopped Nuts
1 ts Vana Extract
In heavy gauge saucepan, combne marshmaow cream, sugar, evaporated mk, butter and sat.
Brng to a FULL ROLLING BOIL over medum heat, strrng constanty. Remove from heat. Add
Mnt-Chocoate chps; str unt chps are meted and mxture s smooth. Add nuts and vana
extract. Pour nto fo-ned 8-nch square pan. Ch unt frm, about 2 hours. Cut nto 1-nch squares.
431. Od Fashoned Chocoate Fudge
1 1/2 c Mk
4 oz Unsweetened chocoate (sqs)
4 c Sugar
3 tb Lght corn syrup
1/4 ts Sat
3 tb Butter or margarne
1 1/2 ts Vana
Combne mk and chocoate n medum-sze heavy saucepan; cook over ow heat unt chocoate s
meted. Add sugar, corn syrup and sat and cook, strrng constanty, to bong.
Cook, wthout strrng to 234F on a candy thermometer. (A teaspoonfu of syrup w form a soft ba
when dropped nto cod water.) Remove from heat at once. Add vana and butter or margarne, but
do not str n.
Coo mxture n pan to 110F, or unt ukewarm; beat wth wooden spoon unt mxture thckens and
begns to ose ts goss. (Ths w take about 15 mnutes.)
Spread n a buttered 8x8x2" pan. Let stand unt set and coo; cut nto squares. Makes about 2
432. Peanut Butter Fudge
4 cups sugar
2 cups mk
1/4 stck oeo
1 teaspoon vana
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 arge |ar marshmaow cream.
Bo sugar, mk and oeo to soft ba stage, fu rong bo, strrng constanty, at east 10 mnutes on
medum heat. Remove from heat and add remanng ngredents, and beat t bended. Pour nto
buttered 9 X 13" pan.
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433. Pstacho Swr Fudge
1 pk (3-oz.) cream cheese
1 cn (14-oz.) sweetened condensed mk, dvded
1/2 ts Vana
3 pk (6-oz. each) semsweet chocoate peces
1 tb Sweet butter or margarne
1/2 c Coarsey chopped pstacho nuts
Pace cream cheese n sma gass bow of eectrc mxer or n a 1-quart mcrowave-safe bow.
Mcrowave on HIGH (100%) 15 to 25 seconds or unt cream cheese has softened. Add 2
tabespoons of the sweetened condensed mk and the vana. Beat on ow speed |ust unt mxture
s smooth; set asde.
Pace remanng sweetened condensed mk, semsweet chocoate and butter n a 2 1/2-quart
mcrowave-safe bow. Mcrowave on medum (50%) 2 to 3 1/2 mnutes or unt mxture can be
strred smooth and s gossy, strrng twce. Str n pstacho nuts.
Spread chocoate mxture eveny nto prepared pan. Drop cream cheese mxture, by spoonfus, over
chocoate; swr ghty over chocoate. Let stand unt frm or pace n refrgerator. Cut nto 25 even
squares by makng 4 engthwse and 4 crosswse cuts equdstant from each other, then cut each
square dagonay n haf. Store n artght contaner wth waxed paper between ayers. Keeps best f
refrgerated. Makes 50.
434. Pumpkn Fudge
2 cup granuated sugar
1/4 tsp. cornstarch
1/2 cup evaporated mk
2 Tbsp. pumpkn
1/4 tsp. pumpkn pe spce
1/2 tsp. vana extract
1 cup chopped nuts (optona)
In a 2 quart saucepan, cook together sugar, pumpkn, spce, cornstarch and mk, strrng frequenty,
unt mxture reaches 234 degrees on a candy thermometer or a sma amount forms a soft ba n a
tte cod water. Add vana and nuts and coo n a pan of ce water to 110 degrees. Beat unt fudge
oses ts goss. Pour nto a ghty buttered 8x8x2" pan and coo. Score and cut when amost cod.
Store n wax paper ned meta can. W keep for severa weeks.
435. Sugar Free Fudge
16 oz Cream cheese, softened
2 Unsweetened chocoate squares (1oz ea) meted and cooed
1/2 c Sugar substtute(aspartame sweetner)
1 ts Vana extract
1/2 c Chopped pecans
In a sma mxng bow, beat the cream cheese, chocoate, sweetener and vana unt smooth. Str
n pecans. Pour nto 8-nch square bakng pan ned wth fo. Cover and refrgerate overnght. Cut
nto 16 squares. Serve ched.
436. Vana Fudge
4 c Sugar
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2 tb Butter
1 g Can evaporated mk
1 sm |ar marshmaow fuff
1 ts Vana
1 c Chopped nuts
Cook sugar, butter and evaporated mk, strrng constanty, unt a medum frm ba s formed when
dropped n cod water (about 25 mnutes). Coo sghty. Add marshmaow fuff and vana. Beat
unt coo and creamy. Pour nto a buttered 8 nch square pan. Ch unt frm.
437. Whte Chocoate-Cherry Amond Fudge
1 1/2 cup granuated sugar
2/3 cup mk (whoe)
1/2 stck (1/4 c) butter or margarne (not spread)
1 1/2 cup whte chocoate chps (vana chps)
1 tsp. vana extract
1/2 cup sced amonds, toasted
1/2 cup dred cherres or cranberres
Lne a 8" square pan wth fo; grease fo.
Mx sugar and mk n a heavy 3 quart saucepan. Add butter and brng to a bo over medum heat,
strrng constanty. Wthout strrng, bo vgorousy 5 mn. Remove from heat. Add chps and vana.
Str, then whsk unt chps met and mxture s smooth. Str n amonds and cherres; spread n
prepared pan. Refrgerate 6 hours unt frm. Invert pan, pee off fo, nvert fudge and cut n 1"
438. Whte Fudge
2 c Sugar
1/2 c Sour cream
1/3 c Whte corn syrup
2 tb Margarne
1/4 ts Sat
2 ts Vana
1/4 c Candes cherres, chopped
1 c Pecans, chopped
In arge heavy sket, mx frst 5 ngredents; cook to softba stage or 236F. Remove from heat; et
stand 15 mnutes. Add vana and beat; add cherres and nuts. Pour nto buttered 8x8 nch pan.
439. Chocoate Gaze
1/2 c Semsweet chocoate chps
2 tb Butter
1 tb Lght corn syrup
1 ts Vana
Combne chocoate chps, butter, and corn syrup n saucepan. Str over ow heat unt chocoate s
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meted. Remove from heat and add vana.
440. Chocoate Rum Gaze
4 oz Bttersweet Chocoate
6 tb Butter
1 tb Lght corn syrup
1 tb Dark rum (optona)
In heavy saucepan on ow heat, met broken chocoate wth butter, strrng constanty unt smooth.
Remove from heat. Str n corn syrup and rum. Pace torte upsde down on a rack over tray to catch
excess gaze. Spread a very thn ayer of gaze over top and sdes of torte to set surface. Ch 15
mnutes to frm gaze. Reheat remanng gaze to thn and pour over top and sdes of torte. When
gaze s frm, remove cake from rack to arge pate. Decorate top and sdes wth shaved chocoate, f
desred. For shny gaze, store cake at room temperature unt servng tme.
441. Chocoate Yeast Bread Gaze
1 c Powdered sugar
3 tb Cocoa
2 tb Butter, softened
1 ts Vana
2 tb Mk
Combne ngredents. Use as gaze for Chocoate Yeast Bread.
442. Dark Chocoate Gaze
4 oz Ghrarde Sweet Dark Chocoate
3 tb Butter
1 tb Mk
1 tb Lght corn syrup
1/4 ts Vana
1/3 c Ground or chopped amonds or wanuts
In sma, heavy saucepan or mcrowave oven on medum, met broken chocoate wth butter. Str
frequenty unt smooth. Remove from heat. Str n mk, syrup and vana. Pace 9" cake ayer on
rack over a bakng sheet. When gaze s coo, pour onto center of cake. Let gaze run down sdes.
Use spatua to smooth gaze and coat sdes. Decorate sde of cake wth nuts. Ch about 10 mnutes
to set gaze.
443. Ouck Chocoate Gaze
1 c Sfted dark unsweetened cocoa
2/3 c Heavy cream
1/3 c Unsated butter
1 1/3 c Sugar
1 ts Vana
Combne cocoa, heavy cream, butter and sugar n a saucepan. Over ow heat cook, strrng
constanty, unt smooth and thck, about 5 mnutes. Remove from heat, add vana. Drzze gaze
over sces of amond cake topped wth ce cream. Store remanng gaze n covered |ar, n the
refrgerator for severa weeks; reheat to bong before reusng.
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444. Rch Chocoate Gaze
1 c Confectoners sugar
3 tb Butter, softened
2 tb Hot tap water
1 oz Bakng chocoate
1/2 ts Vana
In sma mxer bow, beat confectoners sugar, butter, water, chocoate and vana unt smooth.
Pour drzze over cake. Makes 3/4 cup gaze.
Ice Cream
445. Banana Mocha Ice Cream
3 md Bananas, extra rpe; peeed 4 Eggs; cean, uncracked 2 c Whppng cream 1 c Haf & haf 1 c
Sugar 1/2 c Chocoate syrup 2 tb Instant coffee crystas 2 ts Vana 1/4 ts Ground cnnamon 1/8 ts
Sce bananas nto bender; process unt pureed (1-1/2 cups). Add eggs; process to bend. Pour
banana mxture and remanng ngredents nto ce cream freezer contaner. Str unt sugar
dssoves and mxture s bended. Freeze accordng to manufacturer's drectons. Makes 1-1/2
446. Bttersweet Chocoate Ice Cream
4 Extra arge egg yoks
3/4 c Sugar
1 c Mk
1 c Heavy or whppng cream
7 oz Good-quaty bttersweet chocoate
3/4 c Buttermk
Break chocoate nto sma peces. Usng eectrc mxer, cream egg yoks and sugar unt thck and
ght. Combne mk and cream n a 2 quart mcrowave safe casseroe and cook, uncovered, at 100%
for 2 mnutes. Wth mxer runnng, add hot mk+cream to egg yok mxture. Bend unt smooth.
Pour mxture nto casseroe and cook at 100% for 60 seconds. Whsk the mxture. Cook for 60 more
seconds. Whsk agan. Cook for 60 more seconds and whsk once more. The mxture shoud be thck
enough to coat the back of a spoon. Remove from the mcrowave and add the chocoate, whskng
unt smooth. Whsk n the buttermk. Coo to room temperature. Ch, oosey covered, at east 3
hours. Freeze n an ce cream maker accordng to manufacturer's drectons.
447. Bender Ouck Chocoate Ice Cream
1/4 c Evaporated skm mk;ched
1/3 c Non-fat dry mk;nstant
Sugar substtute to equa 6 ts Sugar
1 ts Chocoate extract
1 ds Back wanut or mape extract,optona
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1 ds Brown food coorng
6 To 8 ce cubes
Combne mks, sweetner and extracts n bender; whp at ow speed unt smooth, carefuy add
food coorng to make chocoate brown. Wth bender on hgh speed, add ce cubes, one at a tme,
makng certan each cube s ncorporated n mxture before addng the next one. Transfer to
freezng tray for 1/2 hour. Serve at once or keep frozen and et soften n refrdgerator 10 mnutes
before servng. Makes 4 servngs.
448. Brach's Chocoate Mnt Ice Cream
1 Egg
2 tb Sugar
1 c Whppng cream
3/4 c Mk
1/2 c Brach's chocoate mnts, chopped, about 8 mnts
In sma bow, whsk together egg and sugar. Str n cream and mk. Str n chocoate covered mnts
peces. Freeze accordng to manufacturer's drectons. Garnsh wth addtona mnts. Makes 1 pnt.
449. Buttermk Fudge Ice Cream
3/4 c Sugar
1/3 c Cocoa, unsweetened
3/4 c Mk
2 2/3 c Buttermk
1/2 ts Vana
In saucepan, combne sugar and nonsweetened cocoa; add mk and heat. Str unt sugar dssoves.
Coo. Beat smooth buttermk and vana. Combne wth chocoate mk. Ch and str freeze.
Note: Ths recpe s for a 1-quart machne. Doube or trpe ngredents f needed for your machne.
450. Chocoate Buttermk Ice Cream
1 1/2 c Mk
1/3 c Unsweetened cocoa
1/2 c Sugar
1 ts Instant espresso coffee powder
2 c Buttermk
3 tb Nonfat dry mk
2 ts Vana extract
1 ds Sat
Combne 1/2 cup mk, cocoa, sugar and coffee n a sma saucepan. Heat unt sugar mets and
ngredents are we combned. Remove from heat and pace saucepan n another bow of cod or ce
water to coo to room temperature. Pour mxture nto a bender or food processor and add
remanng ngredents. Process unt smooth. Cover and ch n the refrgerator unt ready to freeze.
Bend for a few seconds before pourng nto the ce cream maker. Foow the manufacturer's
nstructons for freezng.
451. Chocoate Ice Cream
1 c Heavy cream; (1/2 pnt)
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
3 g Egg yoks
1/2 c Sugar
4 oz Bttersweet chocoate; roughy chopped,
1 c Lght cream; (1/2 pnt)
1 ts Vana extract
In a medum saucepan, scad the heavy cream over medum heat, |ust unt the mk gves off steam
and bubbes begn to form around the edge. Remove the pan from heat. In a medum bow, whsk
the egg yoks unt they turn a pae emon coor. Add the sugar and whsk to dssove. Sowy whsk
n 1/4 cup of the scaded cream unt competey ncorporated. Pour ths mxture nto the saucepan
and whsk to bend wth the scaded cream. Over ow heat, whsk the cream mxture constanty for
about 5 mnutes, unt t has thckened and reached a temperature of 178 to 180F, regstered on an
nstant-read or a dary thermometer. Remove the pan from the heat. Add the chocoate, whskng
unt t s thoroughy meted and ncorpotarted. Whsk n the ght cream and vana. Transfer the
mxture to a medum bow, cover, and refrgerate for at east 8 hours. Prepare the ce cream n an
ce-cream maker accordng to manufacturer's drectons. Store the ce cream n the freezer, where t
has a shef fe of about 1 week.
452. Chocoate Mnt Ice Cream
1 1/2 c Heavy Cream
1 c Mk
1/3 c Sugar
1 1/2 c Mnt-Chocoate Chps; Nestes
2 Egg Yoks; Large
1/8 ts Sat
In heavy gauge saucepan, combne 1 1/4 cups heavy cream, mk, sugar and 1 cup of mnt
chocoate chps. Cook over ow heat, strrng wth wre whsk, unt chps are meted and mxture s
smooth. Remove from heat. In a medum bow, beat egg yoks and sat unt thck. Graduay add
chocoate mxture, beat unt we bended. Ch 30 mnutes. In a sma heavy gauge saucepan,
combne remanng 1/2 cup of chps and 1/4 cup of heavy cream. Cook over ow heat, strrng
constanty, unt chps are meted and mxture s smooth. Remove from heat and set asde. Pour
ched chocoate/egg mxture nto an eectrc ce cream freezer; churn unt thck, about 25 mnutes.
Pour n reserved chocoate mxture; churn 10 seconds more. Remove dahser; cover and store n
freeze unt ready to serve.
453. Chocoate Peanut Crunch Ice Cream
1 Egg
3 tb Sugar
1 c Whppng cream
3/4 c Mk
2/3 c Brach's chocoate covered peanuts; fney chopped
In sma bow, whsk together egg and sugar. Str n cream, mk and peanuts. Freeze accordng to
manufacturer's drectons. Makes 1 pnt.
454. Chocoate Rum Ice Cream
1 c Sugar
2 tb A-purpose four
2 c Lght cream; ched
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1 Egg; sghty beaten
2 oz Unsweeten bakng chocoate; (2 sq.) broken n peces
1/2 ts Rum extract
In arge mcrowave-safe bow combne sugar and four; graduay str n mk. Bend n egg and
bakng chocoate peces. Mcrowave at HIGH (100%) 2 to 2 1/2 mnutes, strrng frequenty, |ust unt
mxture bos and thckens. Add rum extract; bend wth wre whsk unt mxture s smooth. Ch
thoroughy. Add ght cream to ched mxture; bend we. Freeze n 2-quart ce cream freezer
accordng to manufacturer's drectons.
455. Chocoate Yogurt Ice
3 c crushed ce
8 oz pan nonfat yogurt
2 oz bakng chocoate, meted
3 tb granuated sugar repacement
4 tb nondary whpped toppng
Combne a ngredents n food processor or bender. Whp unt thoroughy bended but not meted.
Pour nto 4 ta gasses. Pace n freezer unt mxture s sghty frozen. Str, top wth 1 tbsp. (15 m.)
nondary whpped toppng and serve.
456. Creamy Chocoate Ice
13 oz Pkg. sugar-free nstant chocoate puddng mx
1 qt 2% ow-fat mk
Combne puddng mx and mk n arge bow. Wth a wre whsk, rotary beater, or eectrc mxer on
ow speed, bend thoroughy. Pour nto ce-cream maker. Freeze as drected by manufacturer. Then
serve mmedatey or pack n freezer contaner for ater use.
457. Easy Doube Chocoate Ice Cream
1 pt Cod whppng cream
2 tb Hershey's Cocoa
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk
1/3 c Hershey's Syrup
Lne 9x5x3-nch oaf pan wth fo. In arge mxer bow, beat whppng cream and cocoa unt stff.
Str together sweetened condensed mk and syrup; fod nto whpped cream mxture. Pour nto
prepared pan. Cover; freeze unt frm, about 6 hours. 6 servngs (5 cups).
458. German Chocoate Ice Cream
1/2 c Sugar
2 tb Four
1/8 ts Sat
1/8 ts Cnnamon
2 c Mk
4 oz Sweet chocoate; meted
2 Eggs; beaten
1/2 c Shredded coconut
2 c Lght cream -OR- Haf & Haf
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1/2 c Pecans; chopped
Combne sugar, four, sat and cnnamon n a 2 qt saucepan. Graduay add mk. Cook over medum
heat, strrng constanty, unt thckened. Cook addtona 2 mnutes. Remover from heat. Bend n
meted chocoate. Bend a sma amount of hot mxture nto eggs; return a to pan, strrng
constanty. Cook 1 mnute (DO NOT BOIL). Remove from heat; add coconut. Coo. Bend n cream;
ch. Str n nuts. Churn-freeze. Makes 2 quarts.
459. Home Made Fudgy Chocoate Ice Cream
5 oz Unsweetened chocoate
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk (not evaporated mk)
4 Egg yoks
2 ts Vana
2 c Haf-and-haf
2 c Whppng cream, unwhpped
1 c Chopped nuts, optona
Met chocoate n a doube boer. In a arge bow, beat the chocoate, mk, egg yoks and vana.
Str n the haf-and- haf, whppng cream, and nuts f desred. Pour nto ce cream freezer contaner
and prepare as norma. Store eftovers n freezer. Makes about 1.5 quarts.
460. Home-made Fudgy Chocoate Ice Cream
5 oz Unsweetened chocoate
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk (not evaporated mk)
4 Egg yoks
2 ts Vana
2 c Haf-and-haf
2 c Whppng cream, unwhpped
1 c Chopped nuts, optona
Met chocoate n a doube boer. In a arge bow, beat the chocoate, mk, egg yoks and vana.
Str n the haf-and- haf, whppng cream, and nuts f desred. Pour nto ce cream freezer contaner
and prepare as norma. Store eftovers n freezer. Makes about 1.5 quarts.
461. Ice Cream Rbbon Pe
6 oz |unor Mnts (4 1.6-oz box)
2 c Ice cream, softened strawberry, backberry, cherry, peach, etc.
1 Prepared crust; vana, chocoate, or graham crumb
1 tb Butter or margarne
3 c Ice cream, softened vana or chocoate
Pace one box of |unor Mnts n freezer. Met remanng |unor Mnts wth butter -- mcrowave for
about 1 mnute or str over ow heat. Str unt smooth. Spread the 2 cups of ce cream nto crust;
drzze wth meted |unor Mnts. Pace n freezer unt chocoate s set, about 10 mnutes. Chop cod
|unor Mnts; str nto vana (or chocoate) ce cream. Spoon nto crust. Loosey cover and freeze
severa hours or overnght. Garnsh as desred.
462. Mocha Ice Cream Cake
3 oz Ladyfngers
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1/2 ga Coffee ce cream; softened
1 qt Chocoate ce cream; soften
2 tb Instant coffee granues
1/2 c Coffee favored queur
6 Toffee bars; crushed
Chocoate sauce
1 c Heavy cream; whpped
Lne adyfngers around sde of 9" sprngform pan. Mx softened ce creams together. Add coffee
granues, queur and crushed toffee bars. Pour nto sprngform pan. Spread a thn ayer of chocoate
sauce on top. Freeze. Before servng, spread cake wth whpped cream. Do not et ths cake defrost
before servng. Serve mmedaty upon removng from freezer.
463. Od Fashoned Chocoate Ice Cream
2 c Sugar
2/3 c Hershey's Cocoa
1/4 c A-purpose four
1/4 ts Sat
2 c Mk
2 Eggs, sghty beaten
1 tb Vana extract
1 qt Lght cream
1/2 pt Whppng cream
In medum saucepan, combne sugar, cocoa, four and sat; str n mk and eggs. Cook over medum
heat, strrng constanty, unt mxture bos; bo and str 1 mnute. Remove from heat. Str n vana,
ght cream and whppng cream. Refrgerate unt cod. Freeze n ce cream freezer accordng to
manufacturer's drectons. About 2-1/2 quarts ce cream.
464. Super Chocoate Sorbet
1/2 c Water
2 oz Semsweet chocoate; 2 sq.
1/3 c Lght corn syrup
2 tb Coffee-favored queur
1 c Low-fat (1%) mk; at room temperature
Heat water, chocoate, corn syrup and queur n medum saucepan over ow heat unt chocoate s
meted. Str n mk.
Immedatey transfer to ce-cream maker and freeze accordng to manufacturer's drectons.
Tota prep tme: 10 mnutes pus freezng.
465. 60 Second Chocoate Mousse
1 c Chocoate chps
1 c Heavy cream
1 Egg
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Whpped cream
1 ts Vana
Pace chocoate; egg, and favorng n bender and chop. Heat cream unt sma bubbes appear at
edge. Do not bo. Wth machne runnng, pour n hot cream. Bend unt chocoates meted and
mxture s smooth. Pour nto dessert dshes and cover wth pastc and ch. Serve wth whpped
cream doops.
466. Amond Mousse au Chocoate
1 Enveope Unsweetened Geatn powder
1/4 c Cod Water
2 Unsweetened Bakng Chocoate Squares
1 Semsweet Chocoate Square
1/2 c Mk
1/2 c Sugar
1 pt Heavy Cream
1/4 ts Amond Extract
1/2 c Banched Amonds -- toasted & chopped
Soften geatn n water. Met chocoate n mk over bong water. Add sugar and str unt t
dssoves competey. Let t coo. Whp cream unt t stands n soft peaks. Str amond extract and
chopped amonds nto cooed chocoate. Fod 1/3 of the whpped cream nto chocoate mxture.
Then fod n remanng cream. Pour nto an attractve servng bow and et set n refrgerator,
covered wth pastc wrap, for at east 2 hours or overnght. Decorate wth whpped cream, canded
voets, grated sweet chocoate or toasted amonds before servng.
Serves 6.
467. Best Chocoate Mousse
12 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps
4 Eggs -separated
1/4 c Confectoners sugar
12 oz Whpped toppng ke Coo Whp
Ground nuts for toppng
Met chocoate chps sowy and carefuy so they do not burn. Try the mcrowave. Let coo sghty.
Beat egg whtes wth sugar unt stff peaks form. Into the cooer chocoate beat the egg yoks one
at a tme to make a nce creamy mxture. Now fod the whpped toppng, then the egg
whtres....GENTLY....If you ke, et t have a streaked appearance, a marbe-ke ook. Pace nto a
pretty servng dsh and sprnke wth nuts. Refrgerate at east 2 hours before servng.
468. Chocoate Banana Mousse
1 oz square chocoate unsweetened
1 c (250 mL) evaporated skm mk
3 tb (45 mL) granuated sugar repacement
2 Egg yoks
1/4 ts (1 mL) sat
1 ts (5 mL) vana extract
2 Bananas (sced)
Combne chocoate, 1/4 cup ( 60 mL) of the mk and the sugar repacement n top of doube boer.
(Ch remanng mk n freezer.) Cook and str over smmerng water unt chocoate mets. Pour
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amount of hot chocoate mxture over egg yoks and beat we. Pour egg mxture nto chocoate
mxture on top of doube boer. Str n sat. Cook and str over hot water unt mxture thckens. Coo
competey. Scrape cod or sghty frozen mk nto mxng bow and beat unt very stff. Fod
chocoate mxture nto stffy beaten mk. Fod n vana and banana sces. Spoon nto moud,
freezer tray or ndvdua cups and freeze unt frm.
469. Chocoate Cream Mousse
1 pk (1-oz) Low ca chocoate puddng
1 1/2 c Skm mk
1/2 ts Grand marner
1/2 ts Butter favorng
1 Egg whte
2 ts Fructose
4 Tb Prepared ow caore toppng
In sma bow, combne puddng mx and mk. Mcrowave at HIGH 5-7 mnutes, or unt sghty
thckened, strrng 2-3 tmes. Str n Grand Marner and butter favorng. Cover top of puddng wth
wax paper. Let coo. In sma bow combne egg whte and fructose. Whp unt egg whtes form stff
peaks. Fod n puddng. Spoon n servng dshes, ch. Serve wth ow-caore whpped toppng.
470. Chocoate Mousse
7 Squares Sem-Sweet chocoate, meted and cooed
3 Eggs
2 tb Of your favorte queur
3 tb Icng sugar
2 c Whpped cream
1 Square sem sweet chocoate, grated
Icng sugar
Combne 7 squares chocoate, 1 whoe egg and 2 egg yoks. Mx we. Bend n queur. Beat 2 egg
whtes unt foamy. Add cng sugar and beat unt stff shny peaks form. Fod whpped cream nto
egg whtes. Carefuy fod chocoate mxture nto egg whte mxture. Pour nto pastc wrap ned 4
cups mxng bow. ch unt set, at east 3 hours. Unmoud onto servng pate. Remove pastc wrap.
Decorate wth grated chocoate and cng sugar.
471. Chocoate Mousse W/strawberres
1 pk Puddng mx, nstant choc. fudge, sugar-free
1 c Mk, skm; cod
1 3/4 c Whpped toppng, ght
Strawberres, fresh; whoe
In a mxng bow, beat puddng and mk unt bended, about 2 mnutes. Fod n whpped toppng.
Serve wth strawberres for dppng. Can aso be served over sces of ange food cake.
472. Chocoate Orange Mousse
8 oz Pan Chocoate, broken nto cubes
|uce and Grated Rnd of 1 orange
1/2 oz Butter
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1 tb Orange-Favoured Lquer
4 g Eggs, Separated
1/2 pt Doube Cream, whpped
2 oz Pan Chocoate, Grated
Pace chocoate n a heatproof bow over a pan of smmerng water. Add |uce of orange and str
occasonay unt chocoate has meted.
Remove from heat and str n butter, orange quer and egg yoks. Whsk egg whtes unt they form
stff peaks and genty fod nto the chocoate mxture. Pour nto a gass servng bow. Ch for at
east two hours unt set.
Spoon whpped doube cream nto a ppng bag ftted wth a star nozze. Ppe around top of mousse
and arrange orange rnd and grated chocoate aternatey around the cream to decorate.
473. Coffee Lqueur Chocoate Mousse
1/4 c Sugar
4 oz Sem-sweet chocoate chps
2 Egg whtes, beaten stff
1/4 c Coffee queur
3 tb Cream
1 c Whpped cream, beaten
In saucepan over very ow heat, mx coffee queur and sugar; strrng unt dssoved. Remove from
heat. In top of doube boer, met chocoate wth cream, coo 20 mnutes. Str chocoate nto coffee
queur mxture. Carefuy fod n egg whtes, then whpped cream. Ch 3 hours before servng.
474. Mnt Whte Chocoate Mousse
4 oz Chocoate, whte
3 tb Creme de menthe, green
1 c Cream, heavy
2 Egg whtes (at room temperature)
Met the whte chocoate n a doube boer. When meted, str n the creme de menthe. Let t coo a
bt and str n about 2 1/2 T of cream. Let coo.
Beat the egg whtes unt stff, but not dry. Fod the chocoate-creme-cream mxture nto the beaten
egg whtes. The more carefuy you fod, the ghter w be the mousse.
Whp the remanng cream, unt soft peaks form. Fod the egg whtes-chocoate mxture nto the
whpped cream. Agan, the more ar you preserve, the ghter the mousse. Spoon carefuy nto sma
bows or cups and ch for about two hours.
475. Mousse au Chocoat
400 m Heavy cream
2 Egg yoks
2 Egg whtes
125 g Whoe mk chocoate
125 g Btter chocoate
1 tb Sugar
Beat the eggwhtes unt stff. Str the sugar under the egg yoks and beat unt they are creamy.
Whp the heavy cream unt stff. Met carefuy both knds of chocoate, the chocoate shoudn't be
warmer than 20 C. Str carefuy the meted chocoate under the whpped cream. Add the egg yoks,
str the eggwhtes spoon by spoon under the cream. Put the Mousse au Chocoat for at east two
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hours n the refrgerator.
476. Od Fashoned Chocoate Mousse
4 oz Good quaty bttersweet chocoate
5 g Eggs -- separated
2 ts Instant espresso dssoved n 1 teaspoon Or two of bong water so It makes a Paste -- cooed
Svered toasted amonds
Whpped cream -- optona
Met chocoate n the top of a doube boer. Add yoks, 1 at a tme and str (take care not to
scrambe). Add the coffee paste and et coo to room temperature. Beat the egg whtes unt stff
and fod nto cooed chocoate mxture.
Refrgerate n a bg bow or n ndvdua wne gasses. Serve garnsh wth svered toasted amonds
and whpped cream pped through a pastry bag.
477. Orange Chocoate Mousse
1/2 c Brown rce syrup
2 ts Vana
1 b Frm tofu, cut nto chunks
1/4 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 ts Grated orange zest
Water as needed
Pace rce syrup & vana n a food processor. Process, addng the tofu a few chunks at a tme. Then
add cocoa & orange zest. Add water to thn as needed.
Pour nto servng dshes & ch.
478. Peachy Chocoate Mousse Parfats
1 pk (1.3 oz. enveope) dry whpped toppng mx
1/2 c Cod ow-fat mk
1 ts Vana extract
1/4 c Sugar or equvaent n sugar substtute
1/4 c Cocoa
10 tb Chopped peaches
5 tb Vana wafer crumbs
In a sma mxer bow, combne whpped toppng mx, mk and vana; beat unt stff.
Str together sugar (or sugar substtute) and cocoa; graduay add to whpped toppng, beatng unt
smooth. Spoon mousse nto 1/3 cup measure; pace haf of ths amount nto bottom of parfat gass
or wne gass.
Layer 2 tabespoons peaches, then 1 tabespoon vana wafer crumbs over mousse. Top wth
remanng mousse. Repeat procedure n four gasses. Cover; refrgerate unt servng tme. Makes 5
479. Rch Chocoate Mousse
8 oz Semsweet chocoate
3 tb Powdered sugar
3 tb Hot strong coffee
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3 Egg yoks
8 oz Frozen whpped toppng; Thawed, dvded
In a doube boer over smmerng water, met chocoate. Remove top pan from heat; str n sugar
and coffee. Add one yok at a tme, strrng unt smooth. Pace top pan over bong water; cook and
str for 3-4 mnutes or unt thck. Pour nto bow; ch 6-8 mnutes. Fod n 3 cups whpped toppng.
spoon nto dshes. Top wth whpped toppng.
480. Rch Chocoate Mousse
8 oz Semsweet chocoate
3 tb Powdered sugar
3 tb Hot strong coffee
3 Egg yoks
8 oz Frozen whpped toppng; Thawed, dvded
In a doube boer over smmerng water, met chocoate. Remove top pan from heat; str n sugar
and coffee. Add one yok at a tme, strrng unt smooth. Pace top pan over bong water; cook and
str for 3-4 mnutes or unt thck. Pour nto bow; ch 6-8 mnutes. Fod n 3 cups whpped toppng.
spoon nto dshes. Top wth whpped toppng.
481. Soft Chocoate Mousse
10 oz Extra bttersweet chocoate
4 Eggs, separated
2/3 c Powdered sugar
1/3 c Granuated sugar
1 c Extra heavy cream
1 tb Backberry brandy or rum
Met chocoate over smmerng water of a water bath. Whp egg yoks wth 1/3 cup powdered sugar
unt pae and ary, pace whpped yoks n medum szed bow. Add warm meted chocoate and fod
unt |ust mxed. Wash bow and wpe thoroughy. Dssove 1/3 cup granuated sugar and 1/4 cup
water n sma pot, brng to a bo, cook to 230 degrees on a candy thermometer. Whe sugar s
bong sowy whp whtes to soft peak. When sugar s ready, sowy pour nto whtes whe beatng
at a medum speed n a steady stream. Contnue to whp unt stff peaks form. Remove whtes,
spoon whtes on top of yoks but do not fod n. Whp cream and 1/3 cup powdered sugar unt
medum stff peak, now fod n whtes unt |ust mxed. Add cream and fod unt ncorporated, do not
over fod. Store n refrgerator unt ready to use (shoud be used as soon as possbe).
282. Sod Chocoate Mousse
10 oz Extra bttersweet chocoate
12 oz Extra heavy cream
Met chocoate hot, over doube broer (do not burn chocoate), heat unt t s warm to the touch.
Whp cream unt very soft peaks form (nes show n sghty whpped cream). Very, very qucky add
chocoate to cream and fod n, mxture may ook broken but keep fodng unt everythng s
smooth, but do not overmx. Pace n bow, cover and refrgerate unt set. To serve, pace the two
mousses n composton to contrast each other. Garnsh wth berres and crsp a cooke, f desred
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483. Banana Chocoate Chp Muffns
2 md Rpe bananas
2 Eggs
1 c Brown sugar
1/2 c Butter, meted
1 ts Vana
2 1/4 c Four
2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Ground cnnamon
1/2 c Mn-chocoate chps
Puree bananas, eggs, sugar, butter and vana unt we bended. Add four, bakng powder and
cnnamon, mx unt |ust bended. Fod n chps. Spoon nto we-greased muffn pans. Bake at 350F
for 10 mnutes.
484. Cappuccno Chocoate Chp Muffns
1 1/2 c Four
1 Enveope Maxwe House Cappuccno, any favor
1/2 c Sugar
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Ground cnnamon
1/4 ts Sat
2 Eggs, sghty beaten
1/2 c Ched coffee or mk
1/2 c Sour cream
1/4 c Butter or margarne, meted
1/2 c Sem sweet chocoate chps
Heat oven to 375 degrees.
Mx four, cappuccno, sugar, bakng powder, cnnamon and sat n a arge bow; set asde. Str eggs,
coffee, sour cream and meted butter n a sma bow unt we bended. Add to four mxture; str
|ust unt mostened. Str n chocoate chps. Spoon batter nto greased or paper ned muffn pans,
fng each cup 2/3 fu.
Bake 30 mnutes or unt toothpck nserted n center comes out cean.
485. Chocoate Chp and Orange Muffns
3 c A-purpose four
1 1/4 c Sugar
2 ts Bakng powder
1 1/4 c Mk
3/4 c Vegetabe o
2 g Eggs
4 ts Orange pee; grated
1 pk Semsweet chocoate chps 12 oz. sze
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Lne 1/2-cup muffn cups wth fo ners. Combne four, sugar, and
bakng powder n arge bow. Make we n center of four mxture. In another bow, mx mk, o,
eggs, and orange pee. Str mk mxture nto dry ngredents (mxture w be umpy). Add chocoate
chps to batter. Dvde batter among muffn cups. Bake muffns unt tester nserted nto center
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comes out cean, about 20 mnutes. Transfer muffns to rack. Serve warm or at room temperature.
486. Chocoate Chp Mn Muffns
1 c + 2 Tb. A purpose four
1/3 c Granuated sugar
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Skm mk
1/4 c Canoa o
1/4 c Egg substtute
1 1/2 oz Mn semsweet chocoate morses
1 tb Grated orange pee
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F. Lne 24 mn muffn cups wth paper ners.
In arge bow, combne four, sugar, bakng powder and sat. Add mk, o and egg substtute; str
|ust unt combned. Str n chocoate and orange pee; mx |ust unt combned.
Spoon batter eveny nto prepared cups, fng each about two-thrds fu. Bake 12-15 mnutes, unt
goden and toothpck nserted n center comes out cean. Remove from pan; coo competey on
487. Chocoate Chp Muffns
3/4 c Mk
1/4 c Butter, meted
1 Egg
1 3/4 c Four, a-purpose
1/3 c Brown sugar, packed
2 1/2 ts Bakng powder
3/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Chocoate chps, semsweet
1/2 c Wanuts, chopped
Heat oven to 400 degrees F.; ne 12 medum muffn cups wth paper bakng cups or grease bottoms
ony of muffn cups.
Beat mk, margarne and egg. Str n remanng ngredents, a at once, |ust unt four s mostened
(batter w be umpy). F muffn cups about 2/3 fu. Bake 18 to 20 mnutes or unt goden brown.
488. Chocoate Chp Nut Muffns
1 c Chocoate Chps
2 1/3 c Whoe Wheat Four
2 ts Bakng Powder
3/4 ts Sat
3/4 c Sugar
1 ea Egg; Lg, Sghty Beaten
3/4 c Skm Mk
1/2 c Orange |uce
3/4 c Wanuts; Chopped
2 ts Orange Pee; Grated
Chop the chocoate chps nto sma chps, (Or use the mn-chps). Combne the four, bakng
powder, sat and sugar. Beat the egg wth the mk and orange |uce. Add the mxture to the dry
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
ngredents and contnue to beat by hand for 1 mnute. Str n the chocoate chps, wanuts and
orange pee. Spoon nto muffn tns that have been sprayed wth a non-stck coatng, fng 2/3rds
fu. Bake at 35o degrees for 15 to 20 mnutes or unt goden brown. Remove from the tns and coo
on a rack. Spread wth a combnaton of 1/4 cup of chocoate chps, 1 tb of margarne and 1 ts of
corn syrup that has been heated unt the chps have meted and the mxture s we bended.
489. Chocoate Chunky Mghty Muffns
1 1/2 c Four
1 c Bran cerea fakes
1 c Roed oats
1 1/2 c Brown sugar
1 1/2 ts Bakng soda
6 tb Buttermk powder
1 1/4 c Water
1 ea Egg
4 c Butter; or marg, meted
1 c Chocoate chunks
1 c Chopped nuts
Mx dry and wet ngreds separatey. Combne--w be umpy. Str n chunks and nuts.
Bake n ned muffn cups 25-30 mns, unt toothpck test passes, and muffns are browned.
490. Chocoate Sour Cream Muffns
5 oz Semsweet chocoate
2 Bakng chocoate squares
1/3 c Margarne
3/4 c Sour cream
2/3 c Packed brown sugar
1/4 c Corn syrup
1 Egg
2 ts Vana extract
1 1/2 c A-purpose four
1 ts Bakng soda
1/4 ts Sat
1/2 c Chocoate chps
Mx semsweet chocoate, bakng chocoate, and margarne together; met carefuy n mcrowave or
over smmerng water n doube boer. Aow to coo to ukewarm. Mx sour cream, sugar, corn
syrup, egg and vana. Bend wth meted chocoates. Bend four, soda and sat; add the chocoate
mxture and bend very we. Add the chocoate chps. Pour batter nto 12 paper-ned or greased
muffn tns. Bake n preheated 400-degree oven for about 20 mnutes. Remove from muffn tns and
aow to coo on wre racks.
491. Peanut Butter Chocoate Chp Muffns
2/3 c Peanut butter, chunky or smooth
2 tb Butter; meted
3/4 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
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1 1/2 c Four
1 1/2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 c Mk
6 oz Semsweet chocoate chps
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. In a arge mxng bow, combne peanut butter and meted butter;
str unt we bended. Mx n sugar, eggs, and vana. Combne four wth bakng powder and bakng
soda. Add to peanut butter mxture aong wth mk and chocoate chps. Str |ust unt combned.
Spoon batter nto 12 paper-ned 2 1/2- to 3-nch muffn tns. Bake 20 to 25 mns, or unt muffns
sprng back when ghty touched n center. Serve warm or at room temperature.
492. Pumpkn Chocoate Chp Muffns
1/2 c Sced amonds
1 2/3 c A-purpose four
1 c Sugar
1 tsp pumpkn pe spce
1 tsp bakng soda
1/4 tsp bakng powder
1/4 tsp sat
2 eggs
1 c pan canned pumpkn
1/2 c meted butter
6 ozs chocoate chps
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Put amonds on a bakng sheet or pe pan and bake about 5 mn., |ust
unt ghty browned. Grease muffn cups or ne wth muffn papers. Thoroughy mx four, sugar,
spce, bakng soda, bakng powder, and sat n a arge bow. Break eggs nto another bow. Add
pumpkn and butter to eggs and whsk unt we-bended. Str n chocoate chps and amonds. Pour
over dry ngredents and fod n |ust unt mostened. Scoop nto tns and bake 20-25 mnutes.
493. Raspberry Chocoate Chp Muffns
2 c Four
2 ts Bakng powder
1 c Mnature chocoate chps
1/2 c Mk
2 c Fresh/frozen unsweetened raspberres
3/4 c Sugar
1/2 c Butter
1 ts Vana
1 tb Orange zest
Mx together four, bakng powder and chocoate chps. Cream butter and sugar. Add vana and
orange zest. In two addtons aternatey add the dry ngredents and the mk. Fod n raspberres.
Bake at 375 degrees for 25-30 mnutes.
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494. 10-Mnute German Sweet Chocoate Cream Pe
4 oz Package German sweet chocoate,
1/3 c Mk,
2 tb Sugar,
3 oz Package cream cheese, softened,
3 1/2 c Whpped toppng, thawed
1 8-nch graham cracker pe crust.
Heat chocoate and 2 TBSP of the mk n saucepan n saucepan over ow heat, strrng unt
chocoate s meted. Beat sugar nto cream cheese; add remanng mk and chocoate mxture and
beat unt smooth. Fod n whpped toppng, bendng unt smooth. Spoon nto crust. Freeze unt
frm, about 4 hours. Garnsh wth chocoate curs, f desred.
495. Bavaran Chocoate Pe
1 9" baked pe crust, or crumb Crust.
1 Enveope unfavored geatn
1 2/3 c Mk, dvded
2/3 c Sugar
1/3 c Hershey's cocoa
2 tb Butter or margarne
3/4 ts Vana
1/2 c Ched whppng cream
In medum saucepan sprnke geatn over 1 c. mk; aow to stand 2 mnutes to soften. Str together
sugar and cocoa; add to mxture n saucepan. Cook over ow heat, strrng constanty unt mxture
bos. Remove from heat; add butter, strrng unt meted. Bend n remanng 2/3 c. mk and vana.
Coo; ch, strrng occassonay, unt mxture begns to set. Beat whpppng cream unt stff;
carefuy fod nto chocoate mxture.
496. Berry Chocoate Pe
1 Pe crust, baked empty
1 c Mk chocoate chps
3 tb Mk
1 ts Vana extract
1 pk Frozen sced strawberres n syrup (thawed)
1 pk (8 oz for reguar crust; 12 oz for deep dsh crust) frozen whpped toppng (not te) thawed
In medum mcrowave safe bow, combne chhocoate chps and mk. Mcrowave on MEDIUM (50%
power) 1 1/2 mnutes strrng every 30 seconds. Str unt chocoate s competey meted and
smooth. Str n vana.
Pour chocoate not baked pe crust. Refrgerate at east 2 hours.
Before servng, str together strawberres and whpped toppng n medum bow. Spread over
chocoate ayer. Garnsh wth chocoate nonpares (optona)
497. Back Bottom Pe
1/4 c Butter or margarne
1 1/2 c Chocoate cooke crumbs
3 tb Sugar
3 oz Pk vana puddng and pe fng (not nstant)
1 1/2 c Mk
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1 c Heavy cream, ched
3 tb Creme de cocoa
2 tb Chocoate sprnkes
In a 9-nch, heat-resstant, non-metac pe pan met butter n Mcrowave Oven 1 mnute. Combne
cooke crumbs and sugar n a sma bow unt we bended. Str cooke mxture nto butter. Press
mxture onto bottom and sdes of pe pan. Heat, uncovered, n Mcrowave Oven 2 mnutes or unt
crust has a crunchy texture. Aow to coo whe preparng fng. In a medum-szed, heat-resstant,
non-metac bow empty package of puddng mx. Graduay str n mk unt smooth. Heat,
uncovered, n Mcrowave Oven 2 mnutes. Str and heat an addtona 3 1/2 mnutes or unt mxture
bos. Str occasonay. Pace wax paper on top of puddng so that a skn does not form and ch n
refrgerator. Whe puddng s chng, whp cream. Str 3 tabespoons creme de cocoa nto puddng.
Fod whpped cream nto ched puddng. Pour nto prepared crust and ch 3 to 4 hours or unt set.
Garnsh top wth chocoate sprnkes.
498. Bourbon and Chocoate Pecan Pe
1 c Sugar
1/4 c Butter -- meted
3 Eggs -- sghty beaten
3/4 c Lght corn syrup
1/4 ts Sat
2 tb Bourbon
1 ts Vana
1/2 c Pecans -- chopped
1/2 c Chocoate chps
1 9 nch pe she
Cream sugar and butter. Add eggs, syrup, sat, bourbon and vana. Mx unt bended. Spread
pecans and chocoate chps n bottom of pe she. Pour fng nto she. Bake n 375 degree oven for
40-50 mnutes.
499. Cafe au mnt chocoate pe
2 pt Coffee ce cream
1/2 c Sem-sweet chocoate chps
3 T Whppng cream (or condensed Mk)
1 1/2 Seeves of Gr Scout Thn Mnt Cookes (crushed)
Heavy grease sdes and bottom of a 9 nch pe pan wth reguar (not ght) stck margarne. Crumb
cookes n food processor and press nto pe pan. Bake ths for 10 mnutes at 350 degrees. Soften
ce cream n refrgerator for four hours (or 1 hour room temperature). F baked coo pe she wth
ce cream and cover wth wax paper. Freeze. Met chocoate chps and whppng cream over owest
heat and spread over pe. Refreeze.
500. Chocoate Cheese Pe
1 pk 8 oz. cream cheese,softened
3/4 c Sugar
2 ea Eggs
1/2 c Ched whppng cream
1 c Cherry pe fng
1 pk 3 oz. cream cheese,softened
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1/4 c Hershey's cocoa
1 ts Vana extract
1 ea 8" packaged crumb crust
Heat oven to 350 degrees.In arge mxer bow, combne cream cheese and sugar; beat we. Bend n
cocoa, scrapng sdes of bow and beaters frequenty. Add eggs and vana; bend we. Bend n
whppng cream. Pour nto crust. Bake 35 to 40 mnutes. (Center w be soft but w set upon
coong. Coo to room temperature. Cover and ch severa hours or overnght. Garnsh wth cherry
pe fng. Serve 6 to 8.
501. Chocoate Cherry Cream Pe
22 Graham Crackers
2 tb Sugar
6 tb Butter, meted
1 pk 4 servngs, nstant chocoate puddng mx
1/2 Tub Coowhp
1 cn Cherry Pe Fng
Crush crackers wth rong pn, between waxpaper. Combne wth sugar and butter, str we. Press
frmy nto 9" pepate. Bake at 350 F for 8 mnutes, coo before fng. Prepare puddng as drected
for pe fng. Ch for 30 mnutes, spread nto crust. Spread coowhp carefuy on top. Spoon
cherres on top. Ch for 2 hours before servng.
502. Chocoate Chess Pe
2 Eggs, beaten
1 t Vana
1 Stck margarne, meted
1 1/2 c Sugar
1 cn Evaporated mk
3 1/2 T Cocoa
Mx sugar, cocoa and margarne. Str we. Add eggs and beat wth eectrc mxer for 2 1/2 mnutes.
Add mk and vana. Mx we. Pour nto unbaked Deep Dsh pe she. Bake for 45 mnutes at 325.
503. Chocoate Chp Amond Pe
6 Chocoate bars wth amonds
17 Marshmaows
1/2 c Mk
1 c Heavy cream, whpped
1/2 c Chocoate chps
1/2 c Svered amonds
1 Baked graham cracker crust
Met chocoate bars and marshmaows n mk n top of doube boer. Coo. Fod n whpped cream,
chocoate chps and svered amonds. Pour nto graham cracker crust. Garnsh wth shaved
chocoate. Refrgerate for at east 4 hours.
504. Chocoate Chp Cherry Pe
40 Chocoate wafers, reduced caore(5.3oz)
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2 tb Sugar
2 tb Stck Margarne, meted
1 g Egg
Cookng Spray
4 c Vana ow-fat Yogurt
1 c Cherres, ptted,
1/2 c Semsweet choco mnchps
1/2 c Back cherry preserves, meted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Pace cookes n a food processor; process unt crumby. Add sugar, margarne, and eggwhte; puse
5 tmes or |ust unt most. Press crumb mxture eveny nto a 9-nch pe pate coated wth cookng
spray. Bake at 350 degrees for 8 mnutes. Freeze pecrust 30 mnutes.
Pace an extra arge bow n the freezer. Remove yogurt from freezer; et stand at room temperature
whe crust s coong. Spoon yogurt nto ched bow. Str cherres and mnchps nto yogurt; freeze
30 mnutes or |ust unt set but not sod. Spread preserves over bottom of prepared crust. Spoon
yogurt mxture eveny over preserves; freeze unt set. Cover wth pastc wrap; freeze 6 hours or
unt frm. Pace pe n refrgerator 30 mnutes before servng to soften.
505. Chocoate Chp Pe
1 c Sugar
2 Eggs
1 Stck of margarne, meted
1/4 c Cornstarch
1 ts Vana
1 c Pecans
1 c Chocoate chps (6 oz.)
Mx sugar, eggs and margarne; str we. Add cornstarch, vana and chocoate chps. Pour nto
unbaked pe she. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 to 50 mnutes.
506. Chocoate Cream Pe
1 c Sem-sweet chocoate peces
1/3 c Mk
2 c Sugar
3 oz Cream cheese, softened
1 c Whppng cream
1 ea Pe crust, baked
Beat together cream cheese and sugar; set asde. Heat chocoate and mk over ow heat, strrng
unt meted; remove from heat. In a separate bow, whp cream unt soft mounds hod ther shape.
Beat n cream cheese mxture ony unt bended. Beat n chocoate mxture ony unt coor s
unform. Turn nto 9-nch baked pe she (graham cracker, pastry or creme de menthe). Ch at
east 2 hours before servng. Garnsh wth shaved chocoate f desred. Serves 6
507. Chocoate Crunch Pe
1 pk Chocoate favored puddng pe fng (4 serve sze)
1 c Cod mk
3 1/2 c Coo whp (8 oz sze)
20 Chocoate sandwch cookes, ground up
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1 1/2 c Chocoate chps or other rocks (peanuts, peanut butter chps, etc.)
1 (6 oz.) chocoate crumb crust
Prepare puddng mx wth mk as drected on package. Fod n whpped toppng. Str n 1 cup
cookes and the "ROCKS" nto the puddng mxture. Spoon the mxture nto the pe she. Sprnke
wth remanng cookes. Freeze unt frm. Garnsh wth gummy worms or gumdrops, f desred. Let
stand 10 mnutes, at room temperature before servng. Store eftover pe n freezer. Makes 6
508. Chocoate Dream Pe
2 Enveopes whpped toppng mx
2 3/4 c Cod mk
2 pk Chocoate Favor Instant Puddng mx
1 9-nch prepared pe she
1 ts Vana
repare whpped toppng mx per package drectons n a arge mxng bow. Add remanng 1 1/2
cups mk and puddng mx. Whp, then beat at hgh speed for 2 mnutes, scrapng bow
occasonay. Spoon nto pe she. Ch at east 4 hours.
509. Chocoate Eggnog Layer Pe
1 Enveope unfavored geatn
1/2 c -Water, cod
1/3 c Sugar
2 tb Cornstarch
1/4 ts Sat
2 c Commerca eggnog
1 1/2 Squares unsweetened chocoate, meted
1 ts Vana
1 9" pe she; baked
1 ts Rum extract
2 c Whppng cream
1/4 c Confectoners sugar
Chocoate curs; optona
In a sma bow, soften the geatn n the water. Set asde. In a 1-qt. saucepan, combne the sugar,
cornstarch, and sat. Graduay str n the eggnog. Cook over med. heat, strrng constanty, unt
thckened. Cook for 2 mns. Remove from the heat and add the geatn mxture, strrng unt
Dvde the fng n haf, settng haf asde to coo. Add the meted chocoate and vana to haf; str
we, and pour nto the pe she. Ch unt set.
Add rum extract to the remanng fng. Whp 1 cup of cream and fod nto the cooed mxture.
Spoon over the chocoate ayer and ch.
Whp the remanng cream and add the confectoners sugar. Spread over the pe, or ppe from a
pastry bag, and garnsh wth chocoate curs, f desred. Serves 6 to 8.
510. Chocoate Mat Shoppe Pe
1 1/2 c Chocoate cooke crumbs
1/4 c Butter, meted
1 pt Vana ce cream, softened
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1/2 c Mated Mk Ba Candy, crushed
2 tb Mk, dvded
3 tb Instant chocoate mat powdr
3 tb Marshmaow Cream Toppng
1 c Whppng cream
Combne crumbs and butter. Press nto a 9-nch pe pan. Freeze whe preparng fng. In a mxng
bow, bend ce cream, crushed mated mk bas and 1 T mk. Spoon nto crust. Freeze for 1 hour.
Meanwhe, bend mated powder, marshmaow cream and the remanng mk. Str n whppng
cream; whpped unt soft peaks form. Spread over ce cream ayer. Freeze severa hours or
overnght. Before servng, garnsh wth whpped cream and mated mk bas.
511. Chocoate Mnt Ice Cream Pe
1 Chocoate cooke crumb pe crust
1 qt Mnt chocoate chp ce cream; softened
8 Thn mnts
Whpped cream
F pe crust wth softened mnt chocoate chp ce cream. Re-freeze unt frm. Garnsh before
servng wth whpped cream and thn chocoate covered mnts.
512. Chocoate Pe
2 tb Four, (heapng)
1 c Sugar
1 c Large can evaporated mk
1/2 ea Stck margarne or butter
1/4 c Cocoa
2 ea Egg yoks
1 c Mk, 1 cup (mxed)
1 ts Vana
Mx four,cocoa,sugar.Add egg yokes.Add mk a tte at a tme unt you have the dry ngredents
and eggs mxed we. Add vana and butter. Cook over medum heat unt thck strrng
constanty.Pour nto baked pe she. Top wth merngue and brown. Makes 2 - 8 nch pes from
513. Doube Chocoate Pe
2 pk |eo chocoate or chocoate
1 Favor puddng and pe f
3 1/2 c Mk
2 tb Butter or margarne
2 ea Squares baker's sem-sweet c
1 ea Baked 9 pe she,cooed
Combne pe fng and mk n saucepan;add butter and chocoate Cook and str over medum heat
unt mxture comes to a fu bubbng bo.Remove from heat.Coo 5 mnutes,strrng twce. Pour nto
she and ch 3 hours.Garnsh wth whpped toppng and chocoate curs,f desred.Note:Pastc wrap
may be paced on surface of pe fng before chng.
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514. German Chocoate Pe
3 c Sugar
7 tb Bakng Cocoa
13 oz Evaporated Mk
4 Eggs: Lg, Beaten
1/2 c Butter Or Reguar Margarne
1 ts Vana
2 c Coconut; Faked
1 c Pecans; Chopped
2 Unbaked 9-nch Pe Shes
Met the margarne and set asde. Combne the sugar and bakng cocoa n a bow. Str n the
evaporated mk, eggs, meted butter or margarne, and vana, bendng we. Str n the coconut
and pecans and turn nto two unbaked pe shes. Bake n a 350 degree F. oven for 40 mnutes or
unt set around the edges. Coo on racks. Makes 2 pes of 6 servngs each.
515. Impossbe Chocoate Cream Pe
2 Eggs
1 c Mk
1/4 c Butter (1/2 stck) or marg.
2 oz Unsweetened chocoate (2 sqares) meted & cooed
1 c Sugar
1 ts Vana extract
1/2 c Bscut bakng mx*
Preheat oven to 350. Combne a ngredents n a bender and bend on hgh for 1 mnute/ Pour
mxture nto a greased 9" pe pate. Bake for 30 mn. or unt set. Coo competey before servng.
SErve topped wth whpped cream. nuts, cherres, of chocoate sprnkes. (*-Bsquck)
516. Kentucky Derby Pe
1 c Sugar
1/4 c Four
2 Eggs; beaten
4 oz Butter; meted & cooed
1 c Engsh wanuts
1 c Chocoate chps
1 ts Vana
1 Pe she, 9"; unbaked
Mx sugar & four; add eggs, then butter. Add wanuts, chocoate chps & vana. Pour a nto pe
she & bake 30 mnutes at 350. Test wth a toothpck n the center & bake onger f necessary. The
pe shoud be somewhat chewy.
517. Lght Chocoate Pe
2 tb Vegetabe shortenng
1 c Graham cracker crumbs
2 tb Sugar PLUS 2/3 c Sugar
3 c Mk (1%)
1 Egg
5 tb Cornstarch
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6 tb Cocoa
1/2 ts Vana
2 c Non-dary toppng
Heat oven to 375 degrees. Met shortenng. Combne the graham cracker crumbs and 2 tbsp sugar.
Str n meted shortenng. Spray a 9 nch pe pan wth non-stck cookng spray. Presh the crumb
mxture nto bottom and up the sdes of pan. Bake unt edges start to brown, 5-8 mnutes. Coo.
Beat mk and egg together. In a saucepan, combne the remanng 2/3 cup sugar, cornstarch, cocoa
and a pnch of sat. Graduay str n the mk mxture. Cook over medum ow heat, strrng
frequenty, unt mxture thckens and comes to a bo, 10-12 mnutes. Bo, strrng, 1 mnute.
Remove from heat. Str n vana. Pour nto cooed pe crust. Ch t set, severa hours or overnght.
Spread whpped toppng on pe and ch t ready to serve.
518. Monares Pe
1 10" pe she, partay baked n ts pan
1 c Coconut fakes
1 c Sem-sweet chocoate chps
1 c Chopped pecans
1/2 c Brown sugar
3/4 c Whte sugar
Pnch of sat
1 1/2 T Margarne, meted
1/2 c Lght corn syrup
1/4 t Vana
4 Eggs, beaten
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Toss together the coconut fakes, chocoate chps and chopped
pecans. Pace n pe she. Mx sugars, sat and meted margarne. Beat n corn syrup and vana.
Genty fod eggs nto sugar mxture. Pour eveny over ngredents n prepared pe she. Bake 55-65
mnutes, or unt deep goden brown on top and neary set n center. Coo at room temperature.
519. Pecan Pe
2 Eggs
4 oz Sugar
6 oz Corn syrup
2 oz Butter - meted
1/4 ts Sat
3 oz Chocoate - semsweet, grated
6 oz Pecans
10 Inch pe she
Bake pe crust bnd at 400F for 10 mnutes. (ne wth fo and f wth beans or pe weghts before
bakng). Remove fo, weghts before bakng). Remove fo and weghts and coo. Beat eggs and str
n sugar, corn syrup, meted butter, sat and chocoate. Scatter pecans n unbaked pe she and
pour egg mxture over top. Bake at 300F for 30-45 mnutes.
520. Sncker Pe
5 Sncker bars, kng sze
1 1/2 tb Haf & haf
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1/2 c Peanut butter
4 c Coo whp
1 Graham cracker crust (Deep-Dsh -OR- Chocoate)
In doube boer, met together sncker bars, peanut butter and haf & haf. Fod n 4 cups coo whp.
Pour nto crust and freeze 4-5 hours before servng. Top wth coo whp and chocoate syrup.
521. To House Pecan Chocoate Pe
2 Eggs
1/2 c A-purpose four
1/2 c Whte sugar
1/2 c Brown sugar -- frmy packed
3/4 c Butter or margarne, softened
1 (6 oz.) pkg. To House Sem-sweet Chocoate
1 c Pecans -- chopped
1 (9 nch) pe she -- Unbaked
Beat eggs unt foamy. Bend four, sugar and brown sugar nto eggs. Add butter or margarne. Str
n chocoate chps and pecans. Pour nto a 9 nch unbaked pe she. Bake for one hour at 325
522. Turte Pe
1/3 c Chopped pecans
1 Baked 9 nch pe she
1/2 c Sweetened condensed mk
1/2 c Brown sugar, packed
1/2 c Butter or margarne
2 tb Corn syrup
16 Pecan haves
2/3 c Semsweet chocoate chps
2 tb Butter or margarne
Sprnke chopped pecans over bottom of baked pe she. Combne next 4 ngredents n heavy
saucepan over medum heat. Str and brng to bo. Keep strrng as t contnues to bo for 5
mnutes. Be carefu because t stcks to the bottom of the pan qute ready. Remove from heat.
Sowy beat wth spoon about 2 mnutes unt t shows sgns of thckenng; not too ong or t w
harden when coo. Carefuy spoon over chopped pecans. Vsuaze the pe beng cut nto 8 wedges.
Now pace pecan haves around outsde edge n uprght poston aganst crust sothere w be 2
pecans n each wedge. These are the turte's feet. Push them down nto fng so they stay uprght.
Coo. Met chocoate chps and butter n sma saucepan over ow heat. Spread over pe. Ch. Makes
1 pe.
523. Amaretto Chocoate Puddng
1 3.4 ounce box (cook and serve) chocoate puddng mx
2 oz Semsweet chocoate, fney chopped
1 1/2 c Pus 2 Tbsp. mk
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7 tb Amaretto queur
1/2 c Ched whppng cream
1 tb Sugar
Pour dry chocoate puddng mx nto heavy medum saucepan. Add chopped semsweet chocoate.
Graduay mx n mk and 6 Tbsp. Amaretto queur. Str puddng over medum heat unt chocoate
mets and puddng comes to bo and thckens. Dvde puddng equay among four 3/4-cup ramekns
or custard cups. Refrgerate unt cod, at east 1 hour. Whp cream, sugar and remanng 1 Tbsp.
Amaretto n sma bow unt stff peaks form. Top ched puddngs wth arge doop of whpped
cream. Garnsh wth raspberres and chocoate curs, f desred.
524. Bttersweet Chocoate Puddng
1 pk Puddng mx, chocoate (6 servng sze)
1 c Water
6 1/2 oz Coa beverage
Whpped toppng (optona)
Combne puddng mx, water and coa n saucepan. Cook and str over medum heat unt mxture
comes to fu bo. Remove from heat, pour nt ndvdua dessert dshes. Ch, serve pan or wth
whpped toppng, f desred.
525. Bread Puddng
Bread; to f dsh 2/3 fu
2/3 c Sugar
2 tb Cocoa
2 c Mk
2 Eggs
1 ts Vana
Into a greased casseroe dsh break up enough bread to f t 2/3 fu. Over ths pour 2/3 cup sugar, 2
Heapng Tbsp cocoa that have been mxed together. Toss a together ghty ( to coat the bread). To
2 cups of mk add 2 we beaten eggs and 1 tsp vana. Pour ths over the bread and t shoud |ust
cover the peces. Bake at 350 for about 45 mnutes. Serve wth mk ...or wth a ump of butter
metng nto the nce warm puddng. or wth Coo Whp, etc.
526. Broed Banana Chocoate Puddng
2 c Skm mk
1 pk Reduce caore nstant chocoate puddng
1 md Banana peeed and thny sced
2 ts Packed brown sugar
In mxng bow combne mk and puddng mx. Into a fame proof dsh pour n the puddng and ch.
Can be prepared a day n advance. Arrange the banana sces over top of puddng and sprnke wth
sugar. Pace n oven and bro unt sugar mets and s bubby about 1 mnute. Do Not Burn
527. Chocoate Bread Puddng
Bread; to f dsh 2/3 fu
2/3 c Sugar
2 tb Cocoa
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2 c Mk
2 Eggs
1 ts Vana
Into a greased casseroe dsh break up enough bread to f t 2/3 fu. Over ths pour 2/3 cup sugar, 2
Heapng Tbsp cocoa that have been mxed together. Toss a together ghty ( to coat the bread). To
2 cups of mk add 2 we beaten eggs and 1 tsp vana. Pour ths over the bread and t shoud |ust
cover the peces. Bake at 350 for about 45 mnutes. Serve wth mk or wth a ump of butter metng
nto the nce warm puddng. or wth Coo Whp, etc.
528. Chocoate Cheesecake Puddng
1 c Vana Yogurt
1 pkg (4 servng) chocoate nstant puddng (can use other puddngs f desred)
1 c cod owfat or skm mk
Pour mk and puddng mx nto a bow. Beat unt we bended, 1-2 mnutes, usng a mxer to mx
we. Mx n yogurt unt bended. Spoon nto dessert dshes f desred can garnsh wth chocoate
sprnkes or coconut.
529. Chocoate Chffon Pots
1 1/2 c Skm mk
2 Enveopes unfavored geatn
3 tb Unsweetened cocoa
2 tb Granuated sugar
Few grans sat
2 ts Vana extract
1 c Ice cubes (6 to 8)
4 ts Semsweet chocoate shavngs
Pace mk n a medum-szed saucepan and add geatn, cocoa, sugar and sat. Str over moderate
heat unt geatn s competey dssoved. Remove from heat; add vana and str brsky wth fork or
wre whsk to mx ngredents we. Pour nto bender, add ce cubes, cover and bend at medum
speed unt ce cubes dssove. Uncover, str once wth rubber spatua and et stand 2-3 mnutes to
|e. Spoon nto 4 dessert dshes or parfat gasses and top each servng wth 1 tsp chocoate
530. Chocoate Dream Dessert
1 pk Sken tofu (10 1/2 oz)
6 tb Honey or rce syrup
1/4 c Cocoa powder
1 ts Vana extract
Bend the tofu n a bender or food processor unt creamy. Heat honey n mcrowave for 90 seconds
or unt very hot. In a sma mxng bow, pour heated honey over the cocoa powder and str unt
smooth and fuy dssoved. Add vana extract. Add mxture to tofu n bender or food processor and
process unt fuy bended. Pour nto custard cups and ch 2 hours.
531. Chocoate Pear Puddng
1/4 c Mk
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3/4 c Four, sfted
1 b Pears, 4 or 5 medum, bosc
1 tb Sugar
2 tb Butter, cut n bts
1 tb Cocoa, heapng
1/2 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Bakng powder
3/4 c Sugar, dark brown
2 tb Corn syrup, ye's goden
1 Egg, arge beaten
4 tb Butter; meted
Whpped or ce cream, for toppng
1/4 c Mk
3/4 c Four, sfted
Pee, core and sce thn (or cut nto chunks) 1 poound of pears, whch you arrange on the bottom of
a buttered bakng dsh ( a souffe dsh s fne). Sprnke the pears wth sugar, and dot wth butter.
Then mx together the four, the cocoa powder, the bakng soda and powder, add the goden corn
syrup, the brown sugar, and then the egg, the butter and mk. Beat together nto a batter. Pour the
batter on top of the pears and bake the puddng for 45 to 50 mnutes n a 325 degree oven.
532. Chocoate Puddng
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Bakng cocoa
1/4 c Four
2 c Water
3/4 c Evaporated mk
1 tb Vana extract
pn Sat
In a saucepan, combne sugar, cocoa, and four. Add water and mk; str unt smooth. Cook over
med. heat, strrng constanty, unt mxture comes to a bo. Cook unt thck, about 1 mnute.
Remove from heat; str n vana and sat. Coo to room temp, strrng severa tmes. Pour nto a
servng bow or ndvdua dshes. Serve warm or ch. Yed - 4 to 6 servngs.
533. Chocoate Ranch Puddng
1/4 c Margarne
2 oz Semsweet chocoate
1 c Packed brown sugar
3/4 c Corn syrup
1/4 c Bourbon
3 Eggs, sghty beaten
1 1/2 c Chopped pecans, toasted
1 c Ched whppng cream
1 ts Bourbon (optona)
Preheat oven to 400 F. Heat margarne and chocoate n 1 1/2 quart saucepan over ow heat,
strrng constanty, unt chocoate s meted and mxture s smooth. Remove from heat; str n brown
sugar, corn syrup, 1/4 cup bourbon and eggs. Sprnke pecans over bottom of greased 2 quart
casseroe. Pour chocoate mxture over pecans. Bake uncovered 10 mnutes. Reduce oven to 350 F.
Bake unt puddng s set, 20 to 25 mnutes onger. Beat whppng cream n ched sma bow unt
stff; fod n 1 teaspoon bourbon. Serve puddng warm wth whpped cream.
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534. Chunky Chocoate Puddng
2 c Skm mk
1 pk Reduced-caore nstant chocoate puddng mx (4 1/2 cup servngs)
1 1/4 oz Mn chocoate chps
1 oz Sheed wanuts; toasted and chopped
1/4 c Frozen dary whpped toppng thawed
1 ts Chocoate syrup
Usng mk, prepare puddng accordng to package drectons. Cover and refrgerate unt soft set,
about 30 mnutes.
Str n chocoate chps and wanuts. Into each of four 6-ounce dessert dshes spoon 1/4 of the
puddng; top each wth 1 tabespoon whpped toppng and then drzze 1/4 teaspoon chocoate
syrup over whpped toppng. Refrgerate unt ready to serve.
535. Dark Chocoate Puddng
3 c Mk
3/4 c Hershey's European Stye Cocoa
3/4 c Sugar
4 tb Cornstarch
1 ts Vana
1/8 ts Sat
3 tb Butter or Margarne
Mx a ngredents together, strrng unt chocoate s dssoved.
Pace mxture n the top part of a doube boer (have water bong at start of cookng) Str
contnuousy unt puddng s thck and smooth. Cook for severa mnutes onger. Pour nto servng
dshes or cups and refrgerate. Ths puddng s aso exceent served hot.
536. Low Fat Chocoate Puddng
2 Egg whtes
2/3 c Unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tb Cornstarch
2 1/4 c Mk, nonfat -- dvded
1/2 c Granuated sugar
1/8 ts Sat
1 ts Vana extract
In a sma bow, ghty beat egg whtes and set asde. In a arge bow, combne cocoa and
cornstarch. Whsk 3/4 cup of mk nto cocoa mxture unt cometey smooth.
In a arge heavy saucepan, combne remanng mk, sugar, and sat. Mx we. Brng to a bo over
hgh heat,, whskng constanty. Remove pan from heat.
Whsk cocoa mxture nto hot mk mxture. Brng to a bo over medum-hgh heat; bo for 2
mnutes, whskng constanty. Remove pan from heat.
Graduay whsk 1 cup hot cocoa mxture nto egg whtes. Pour mxture back nto pan. Cook over
medum-ow heat for 2 mnutes, whskng constanty. DO NOT BOIL! Remove from heat and add
vana; bend we. Pour nto servng dshes. Coo to room temperature. Cover and ch for 1 hour.
Garnsh wth fresh strawberres, mnt eaves and a dustng of cocoa powder.
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537. Strawberry Chocoate and Cheese Parfat
1 c Strawberres, sced
1 tb Strawberry queur
1/2 c Part-skm rcotta cheese
1 1/2 ts Each granuated sugar and whppng cream
1/2 oz In chocoate chps
In sma mxng bow combne strawberres and queur; set asde. Usng a fork, n separate sma
mxng bow combne cheese, sugar, and cream; fod n chps. Into each of 2 ong-stemmed gasses
or ndvdua dessert dshes spoon haf of the cheese mxture, then top each wth haf of the
strawberry mxture. Serve mmedatey or cover and refrgerate unt ched.
538. Very Chocoate Puddng
2 c Mk
2 Squares unsweetened chocoate
1 1/2 tb Cornstarch
1/4 c Sugar
1/2 ts Sat
2 Eggs, separated
1/4 c Sugar
1 ts Vana extract
Scad mk and chocoate n the top of a doube boer, strrng frequenty to make t smooth. In a
bow, mx together cornstarch, sugar and sat. Sowy add chocoate mxture whe strrng
constanty. Return mxture to doube boer. Cook whe contnung to str unt mxture thckens,
then cover and cook 25 mnutes strrng occasonay to keep smooth. Beat egg yoks wth sugar.
Pour chocoate mxture over them whe beatng constanty. Return to doube boer and cook 1
mnute more. Let coo. Add vana and beat we. Beat egg whtes unt stff and fod nto chocoate
mxture. Turn nto ndvdua bows and ch thoroughy before servng. For Chocoate Pe, pour nto
8-nch baked pe she and ch. Serves 4
539. Bttersweet Chocoate Sauce
1 c Whppng cream
2 tb Sugar
4 oz Bttersweet Hawaan chocoate, chopped
1 tb Unsated butter
Combne the cream and sugar n a sma saucepan and heat to a bo. Pour the hot mxture over the
chocoate and butter n a medum bow. Str unt competey meted and smooth. Stran through a
fne wre mesh straner nto a servng bow. Serve warm. Reheat n a doube boer f made n
advance and refrgerated.
540. Back Chocoate Sauce
1 c Water
1 1/2 c Sugar
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1 c Cocoa powder
1 tb Vana
Bo water and sugar. Cook 5 mnutes. Remove from heat and add cocoa, strrng constanty. Return
to ow heat and smmer 5 mns unt cocoa s thoroughy dssoved. Remove from heat and str n
541. Chocoate Dppng Sauce
3 |ars hershey's hot fudge sauce
2 Bottes hershey's syrup (the knd for makng chocoate mk)
Mx a n crockpot and keep warm as ong as you need t.
Good for partes, for dppng frut and pound cake.
542. Chocoate Mnt Sauce
3 oz Unsweetened chocoate (3 sq)
1/4 c Water
1 c Sugar
1/2 c Lght corn syrup
1/8 ts Sat
2/3 c Lght cream or
2/3 c Unduted evaporated mk
1/8 ts Peppermnt extract
Pace chocoate and water n a deep, 1 1/2-quart, heat- resstant, non-metac casseroe. Heat,
uncovered, n Mcrowave Oven 45 seconds or unt chocoate s meted. Str to bend chocoate and
water. Add sugar, corn syrup and sat. Heat, uncovered, n Mcrowave Oven 9 mnutes or unt a
candy thermometer reaches 240 degrees F. (If a candy thermometer s not avaabe, drop a sma
amount of the mxture nto very cod water. The mxture shoud form a soft ba whch fattens when
removed from the water. DO NOT PLACE THERMOMETER IN MICROWAVE OVEN.) Str every mnute.
Graduay bend n cream and favorng. Makes 2 cups
543. Chocoate Sauce
1 c Cocoa powder
3/4 c Granuated sugar
3/4 c Water
1/2 c Corn syrup
1 t Vana
In sma saucepan, combne cocoa and sugar. Str n water and corn syrup. Pace over medum heat;
brng to the bo. Bo 2 mnutes, strrng constanty. Remove from heat, str n vana and aow to
coo competey. Sauce w thcken when t coos.
544. Chocoate Sauce Dabetc
1 tb Butter
2 tb Cocoa
1 tb Cornstarch
1 c Skm mk
1/2 ts Vana
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Artfca sweetener to equa 1/3 cup sugar
Mx a ngredents unt we bended n suacepan. Cook over medum heat strrng constanty unt
sghty thckened. Remove from heat and set pan n ce water and str unt competey cod. Sauce
thckens as t coos. If not cooed over ce, the chocoate sauce w get a puddng-ke skn and be
545. Dark Chocoate Sauce
1 1/2 c Heavy cream
2/3 c Dark brown sugar, packed
4 oz Bttersweet chocoate, chopped
3 oz Unsweetened chocoate, chopped
1/4 c Unsated butter, softened
3 tb Amaretto, or to taste
In a sma heavy saucepan, combne the cream and brown sugar. Brng the mxture to a bo over
mod-hgh heat, whskng occasonay, and bo t, whskng, unt sugar s dssoved. Remove pan
from heat and add chocoates, whskng, unt they are meted. Whsk n the butter and the
Amaretto. Contnue to whsk unt the sauce s smooth. Let coo sghty.
Makes about 3 cups.
546. Deuxe Chocoate Sauce
2 c Semsweet chocoate chps
1/2 c Butter or margarne
1 T Instant coffee powder
1/8 t Sat
1 T Vana
2 c Icng sugar
1 c Lght corn syrup
1 c Hot water
Measure frst 5 ngredents nto saucepan. Heat and str over medum heat unt smooth. Remove
from heat.
Beat n cng sugar, syrup and water unt smooth. Pour nto |ar. Store n refrgerator. Makes 4 1/2
547. Fat Free Hot Fudge Sauce
3/4 c Sugar; (can be sugar subttute)
1/3 c Cocoa;
4 ts Cornstarch;
1/2 c Evaporated skm mk
1 ts Vana
In a sma saucepan str together the sugar, cocoa, cornstarch and evaporated skm mk. Cook and
str constanty unt sauce s bubby and thck. Cook and str two mnutes more. Remove from heat
and str n 1 tsp. vana. (For sugar-free sauce skp sugar at the start and str n NutraSweet spoon
on at the end wth the vana.)
548. Hot Fudge Sauce
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2 c Sugar
1/3 c Cocoa
1/4 c Four
1/4 ts Sat (optona)
2 c Mk
2 tb Butter
1 1/2 ts Vana
Mx dry ngredents together n saucepan. Sowy str n mk. Add butter. Brng to a bo over
medum heat, strrng constanty. Lower heat and cook 8 mnutes, strrng constanty. Remove from
heat and str n vana. Serve warm over ce cream. Makes about 2 1/2 cups.
549. Phy Chocoate Sauce
1 8 oz pkg. Cream Cheese, cubed
1/3 c Mk
1 oz Unsweetened Chocoate Squares
2 c Sfted powdered sugar
1 ts Vana
Combne cream cheese, mk and chocoate; str over ow heat unt smooth. Bend n remanng
ngredents. Serve over poached pears, ce cream or cake.
Note ths sauce can be refrgerated and then reheated.
Makes 2 cups
550. Rch Chocoate Sauce
6 oz Bttersweet chocoate
6 oz Semsweet chocoate
1 c Heavy cream
1/2 c Coffee
1 tb Cognac
Met everythng over a doube boer.
551. Super Hot Fudge Sauce
4 oz Semsweet chocoate; coarsey chopped
5 tb Butter; unsated
1/4 c Cocoa
3/4 c Sugar
3/4 c Water
1/4 c Corn syrup
2 ts Vana
In heavy medum saucepan, combne the chocoate, butter, cocoa, sugar, water and corn syrup.
Whsk over medum hgh heat unt the chocoate and butter are meted and the sugar s dssoved.
When the sauce |ust comes to a bo, reduce the heat to ow and cook at a ow bo for 8 to 10
mnutes; the sauce w thcken as t coos. Add the vana and str to combne. Store n the frdge
tghty covered.
552. Utmate Raspberry Chocoate Sauce
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12 oz Frozen raspberres (ndvduay quck-frozen), defrosted
3/4 c Dutch-process cocoa
3/4 c Heavy cream
4 tb Unsated butter; softened
1 1/2 c Sugar
1/3 c Lght corn syrup
Puree the raspberres n a food processor ftted wth a stee bade, then pass them through a fne
straner. Or pass them through a food m. Set asde. In a medum-sze heavy saucepan, whsk
together the cocoa and heavy cream. Add the butter, sugar, corn syrup and raspberres and str
unt we bended. Pace the pan over medum heat and sowy brng the mxture to a bo, strrng
often. Once t reaches a bo, et t contnue to bo sowy for 8 mnutes wthout strrng. Remove the
pan from the heat and pour the sauce nto a contaner. Let t coo for 15 mnutes f servng hot, or
cover and refrgerate unt needed. It w ast for at east 1 month. The sauce may be reheated
sowy. Makes 2 1/2 Cups.
553. Carame Dpped Chocoate Covered Pretzes
1 ts Vegetabe o
20 Kraft carames
2 1/2 ts Water
36 Pretze nuggets
4 oz Semsweet chocoate,fney
1 Chopped
Grease a cooke sheet wth the vegetabe o.Combne the carames and the water n a saucepan
and met over ow heat,strrng frequenty,or n a covered dsh n a mcrowave at fu power,for 1 1/2
mnutes. Dp the pretze nuggets,a few at a tme,n the carame and remove wth a fork to the
greased cooke sheet.Refrgertate unt carame s frm. Met the 3 ounces of the chocoate.Remove
from heat.Whe the chocoate s st hot,mx the remanng 1 ounce of chocoate nto the meted
chocoate,n 2 addtons,strrng unt each addton s competey meted before addng the next. Lft
the carames from the sheet and dp,one at a tme,nto the chocoate.Coat competey and ft wth a
sma fork.Shake off excess chocoate by rappng the fork on the edge of the bow ghty.Remove
any drps from the bottom by runnng the fork across the edge of the bow. Sde the candy onto a
cooke sheet ned wth parchment paper or wax paper.Aow to coo unt sod.Let chocoate set at
room temperature or n the refrgerator.Makes 3 dozen chocoates,about 18 servngs.
554. Chex and Chocoate Party Mx
9 c Your favorte chex brand cereas
2 c Shredded coconut optona
1 c Peanuts
1 c Packed ght brown sugar
1/2 c (1 stck) butter
1/2 c Lght corn syrup
1 ts Vana extract
1/2 ts Bakng soda
12 oz Pkg (2 cup) sem-sweet chocoate morses
1 1/2 c Rasns
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Preheat oven to 250 degrees. Combne cerea, coconut and peanuts n arge, sma roastng pan. In
sma saucepan over medum heat, heat brown sugar, butter and corn syrup to bong, strrng.
Wthout strrng, bo 5 mnutes. Str n vana and bakng soda. Pour over cerea mxture, str unt
eveny coated. Bake 1 hour, strrng every 15 mnutes. Coo, strrng frequenty. Str n morses and
rasns. Store n artght contaner.
555. Chocoate Butterscotch Haystacks
2 c Butterscotch chps
2 c Chocoate chps
12 oz Chow men noodes
Met chps. Add n noodes. Drop onto waxed paper and ch unt frm.
556. Chocoate Covered Potato Chps
8 oz Sweet or mk chocoate chopped fney
24 Thck sced,rdged potato chps
Met 6 ounces of chocoate.Remove from heat.Whe chocoate s st hot,mx the reamanng 2
ounces of chocoate nto the meted chocoate,n 3 addtons,strrng unt each addton s
competey meted before addng the next. Dp the potato chps,1 at a tme,n the chocoate.Coat
competey and ft wth a sma fork.Shake off excess chocoate by rappng the fork on the edge of
the bow ghty.Remove any drps from the bottom by runnng the fork across the edge of the bow.
Sde the chps onto a cooke sheet ned wth parchment or wax paper.Aow to coo unt sod.Let
chps st at room temperature or n the refrgerator.Makes two dozen chps about 12 servngs
557. Chocoate Lovers Snack Mx
3 c Whte chocoate pretze -=OR whte yogurt pretze stck
2 c Bte-sze chocoate chp cookes
2 c Bte-sze fudge cream wafers or wafer candy bars
1 c Mn shortbread cookes wth chocoate center
In arge bow, combne a ngredents; toss genty. Store n tghty covered contaner.
558. Chocoate Marshmaow Chow
1 c Mnature marshmaows
1/3 c Chocoate chps
1 Stck det margarne
9 c Wheat Chex cerea
1/2 c Powdered sugar
1/2 c Rasns
Met margarne, marshmaows, rasns and chocoate chps. Pour mxture over cerea and toss. Put
mxture nto paper bag and add powdered sugar. Shake unt a cerea s covered.
559. Chocoate Pops
1 ct (8-oz) chocoate-favored - ow-fat or non-fat yogurt
1 Very rpe banana;
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3/4 c Cub soda; -=OR=- 3/4 c Sparkng water
Combne yogurt and banana n bender or food processor. Whr unt smooth. Str n cub soda.
Freeze unt frm n a pastc mod f you have one. IF NOT, freeze mxture n sma paper cups. Add a
stck or pastc spoon when pops are haf frozen. To eat, pee away the paper. Eat rght away or
transfer to a pastc bags for ong-term freezng.
560. Cooke and Candy Snack Mx
10 oz Mn butter cookes; -=OR=- mn chocoate chp cooke
7 1/2 oz Bte-sze oreos
3 c Candy bar mnatures; unwrap
1 1/2 c M&M's, pan or peanut
In arge bow, combne a ngredents; toss genty. Store n tghty covered contaner.
561. Peope Chow
1/2 Stck butter
1/2 c Peanut butter
2 c Powdered sugar
6 oz Pk chocoate chps
6 c Crspx cerea OR Corn Chex
Mx butter, peanut butter and chps together n saucepan over med heat or met n bow n
mcrowave. Pour over cerea n a g bow. Str to coat. Put powdered sugar n a brown grocery bag
and pour cerea nto bag; shake to coat. Cut open bag to ay fat and spread out coated cerea.
Sprnke wth extra sugar f necessary.
562. Super Crunchy Snack Mx
4 c Popcorn
2 c Super Goden Crsp cerea
2 c Mn marshmaows
2 c Sem sweet chocoate peces
1 c Peanuts
1 c Rasns
Combne a ngredents. Makes 11 cups.
563. Baeys Irsh Cream Truffes
12 oz Sem-sweet chocoate morses
1/4 c Heavy cream
1 tb Sweet Butter
2 Egg yoks
1/4 c Baeys Irsh Cream
Met chocoate, Baeys and heavy cream together over very ow heat. Whsk n yoks, one at a tme;
mxture w thcken. Whsk n butter. Refrgerate overnght, or unt frm. Wth spoon make sma
bas. Ro n powdered sugar, cocoa, chopped nuts, sprnkes, etc.
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564. Chocoate Truffes
1 2/3 c Heavy cream
2 Unsated butter; stcks
16 oz Semsweet chocoate; cut n to sma peces
1 ts Vana favorng; or to taste
Brng cream and butter to a bo n medum saucepan. Remove from heat and add chocoate. Aow
to st for 5 mnutes. Str unt smooth. Add vana. Let coo n refrgerator, and str wth whsk every
15 mnutes or so unt very thck. Ch unt frm. Usng meon baer or sma spoon, scoop out
tabespoon szed portons, and pace on sheet sprnked wth cocoa. Pace n refrgerator to harden.
Usng pams of hands, genty and qucky ro each porton of chocoate nto a ba. Ch agan to
harden. Ro each truffe n powdered cocoa, fney chopped nuts, or dp nto meted chocoate. Store
n artght contaner n refrgerator. Makes about 3 dozen
565. Dark Chocoate Truffes
8 oz Semsweet chocoate; chopped nto 1 1/4 nch peces
4 oz Unsweetened chocoate; chopped nto 1/4 nch peces
2/3 c Heavy cream
2 tb Unsweetened cocoa; sfted
2 tb Confectoners' sugar; sfted
Pace 8 ounces semsweet chocoate and the unsweetened chocoate n a 4-quart bow. Heat the
heavy cream n a 1 1/2-quart saucepan over medum heat. Brng to a bo. Pour the bong cream
over the chocoate. Aow to stand for 5 mnutes, thn str unt smooth (now you have ganache).
Refrgerate the ganache for 1 hour unt frm but not hard. Lne a bakng sheet wth parchment
paper. Usng a tabespoon of ganache for each truffe (approxmatey 3/4 ounce), porton 24 truffes,
eveny space onto the parchment ned bakng sheet. Refrgerate the ganache portons for 15
mnutes (so the ganache w be frm enough to ro nto truffes). When the ganache s frm enough
to hande, remove from the refrgerator and ndvduay ro each porton of ganache n your pams,
n a gente crcuar moton, usng |ust enough pressure to form smooth rounds. Ro 16 of the rounds
n 2 tabespoons cocoa and separatey ro 8 n the confectoners sugar unt competey covered.
Store the truffes n a tghty seaed pastc contaner, n the refrgerator. Remove about 1 hour
before servng.
566. Easy Chocoate Truffes
1 1/2 pk Chocoate;sem sweet; 12 squares
1 8 ounces Pkg Cream Cheese; softened
3 c Powdered Sugar
1 tb Coffee queur
1 tb Orange queur
1 tb Amond queur
Nuts; chopped
Unsweetened cocoa
Fake coconut
Sprnkes; coored
Cook chocoate n arge mcrowave-safe bow on HIGH for 2 mnutes, strrng hafway through
heatng tme. Str unt chocoate s meted. Beat cream cheese n arge bow wth eectrc mxer on
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
medum speed unt smooth. Graduay beat n sugar unt we bended. Str n chocoate unt
bended. dvde mxture nto thrds, add 1 favor queur to each thrd; mx we. Refrgerate about 3
hours or unt frm. Shape nto 1-nch bas. Ro n nuts, cocoa, coconut or sprnkes. Keep n
Refrgerator. Makes 5 dozen.
567. Irsh Cream Truffes
1/4 c Baeys Irsh Cream
12 oz Sem-sweet chocoate morses
1/4 c Heavy cream
1 tb Sweet Butter
2 Egg yoks
Met choc, Baeys and heavy cream tog over very ow heat. Whsk n yoks, one at a tme, mxture
w thcken. Whsk n butter. Refrgerate overnght, or unt frm. Wth spoon make sma bas. Ro n
powdered sugar, cocoa, chopped nuts, sprnkes, etc.
568. Marshmaow Truffes
10 oz Marshmaows
12 oz Semsweet chocoate chps
Coconut -- toasted
Decoratve candes
Arrange marshmaows on cooke sheet or |ey ro pan; freeze 15 mnutes. Mcrowave chocoate
chps on hgh- 2 1/2 mnutes or unt smooth, strrng every mnute. Usng skewer or fondue fork, dp
each frozen marshmaow nto meted chocoate unt marshmaow s competey coated. Ro n
coconut or decoratve candes. Use another fork or meta spatua to pace marshmaow on waxed
paper ned cooke sheet or |ey ro pan. Ch or keep n coo dry pace.
569. Rch Chocoate Pumpkn Truffes
2 1/2 c Vana wafers, crushed
1 c Amonds, toasted & ground
1/2 c Powdered sugar, sfted
2 ts Cnnamon
6 oz Chocoate chps (sem-sweet)
1/2 c Pumpkn (canned)
1/3 c Coffee queur
1/4 c Powdered sugar, sfted
*Note: Appe |uce may be substtuted for coffee queur f desred.
In medum bow, combne vana wafer crumbs, ground amonds, the 1/2 cup powdered sugar, and
cnnamon. Bend n chocoate, pumpkn, and coffee queur. Form nto 1-nch bas. Ch. Dust wth
remanng powdered sugar |ust before servng.
570. Whte Russan Truffes
1 3/4 b Mk chocoate, dvded
1 c Whppng cream
1/4 c Kahua
Chop fney 1 b of the chocoate. Met n a doube boer to 120 degrees. Measure the cream nto a
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Yummy Chocoate Treat Recpes.txt
3-quart saucepan and brng |ust to the bo. Remove from the heat and coo to 120 degrees. Add the
chocoate to the cooed cream and str unt the mxture s smooth.
Str the Kahua nto the chocoate, mxng we. scrape onto a bakng sheet and refrgerate unt frm.
Fney grate the remanng 3/4 b of the chocoate. (Ths s easest to do usng the grater bade of a
food processor.) Remove the fng from refrgeraton and form nto sma rough bas. Pace on a
bakng sheet ned wth wax paper.
Ro the truffes n the grated chocoate, pressng genty to adhere.
Refrgerate overnght. Remove from refrgeraton 15 mnutes before servng. Note: these truffes do
not hod we at room temperature.
Whte Chocoate
571. Peanut Butter Whte Chocoate Candy Dreams
1/2 c Peanut butter -- crunchy or smooth
1/2 c Powdered sugar
2 tb Heavy cream
12 oz Imported whte chocoate
1/2 c Amonds -- toasted and fney chopped
18 Whoe natura amonds
In a sma gass bow or dsh, heat peanut butter n a mcrowave oven on Hgh 30-40 seconds to
soften. Mx n powdered sugar and cream; mxture shoud be stff, not runny.
In a medum gass bow, met whte chocoate n mcrowave oven on Medum 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 mnutes,
strrng once hafway through cookng tme, or unt meted and smooth. Str n chopped amonds.
Spoon a tte whte chocoate mxture nto bottom of each of 18 paper candy cups 2 nches n
dameter, swrng wth back of a teaspoon to make an even ayer. Drop a tte peanut butter
mxture on top of whte chocoate n each cup and spread around wth back of spoon to make an
even ayer. Spoon remanng whte chocoate over peanut butter, usng back of spoon to swr
eveny. Top each cup wth a whoe amond. Refrgerate unt frm. Store candes n refrgerator for up
to a week.
572. Whte Chocoate Amond Pecan Pe
4 Eggs; beaten
1 c Lght corn syrup
2/3 c Sugar
3 tb Butter; meted
1 tb Vana
1 tb Amond extract; (or to taste)
1 tb Chocoate extract
6 oz Whte chocoate; meted
1 c Pecan haves
1 c Sced or svered amonds
Unbaked 9-nch pastry she
Combne frst eght ngredents, beat wth an eectrc mxer unt bended. Str pecans and amonds
nto mxture. Pour mxture nto pastry she. Bake at 350 for 50-55 mnutes.
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573. Whte Chocoate Brownes
6 oz Whte chocoate, mported, cut-up
3/4 c Sugar
4 oz Butter
2 Eggs
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
1 c Four
1/2 ts Bakng powder
ds Sat
6 oz Semsweet or bttersweet chocoate; cut-up
1/2 c Wanuts; chopped
Preheat oven to 350 F. In a 2-qt gass bow, combne whte chocoate peces, sugar, and butter. Heat
n mcrowave on Hgh about 1 1/2 mns, or unt meted and smooth when strred. Wth a whsk or
fork, beat n eggs and vana unt we bended. Add four, bakng powder, and sat and str unt
we mxed. Str n bttersweet chocoate and wanuts. Spread eveny n a buttered, fo-ned 7 x
11-nch bakng pan. Bake 20 to 25 mns, or unt goden brown. Do not overbake. Let coo, then cut
nto 24 peces.
574. Whte Chocoate Butter
1 Stck butter
2 tb Whte chocoate; meted & cooed
Cnnamon to taste
Mx a ngredents we. Serve wth scones, etc.
575. Whte Chocoate Butter Cream Frostng
6 oz Whte Chocoate -- chopped
1/4 c Whppng Cream
1 c Unsated Butter -- cod, cut up
1 c Powdered Sugar
Mcrowave whte chocoate and cream n medum bow on hgh for 1 1/2 mnutes or unt whte
chocoate s amost meted, strrng hafway through heatng tme. Str unt whte chocoate s
competey meted. Coo to room temperature. Beat butter and sugar graduay nto cooed mxture
on hgh speed unt ght and fuffy.
Makes enough to frost 2 9-nch cake ayers.
576. Whte Chocoate Cheesecake
1 b Whte chocoate; chopped
12 oz Cream chesse; room temp
2 Egg yoks
1 c Sour cream
1 ts Vana
3 Egg whtes
1 ts Cream of tartar
2 tb Superfne sugar
Met chocoate; set asde beat cream cheese unt fuffy-beat n egg yoks 1 at a tme and mx
we,mx n sour cream,vana,chocoate and set asde Beat egg whtes w/tartar unt
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peaks-graduay add sugar, beat t stff. Str 1/3 of the whtes nto chocoate mx (to ghten) then
fod n remanng whtes. Spoon nto a pan wth a graham cracker crust and bake n a water bath t
center s set.
577. Whte Chocoate Chunk Brownes
3 tb Instant coffee powder
1 tb Water
2 c Brown sugar; frmy packed
3/4 c Unsated butter
2 g Eggs
2 tb Coffee queur
2 c Four
2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
5 oz Whte chocoate; cut 3/4"
3/4 c Pecans; coarsey chopped toasted
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Butter a 10" dameter pan and ne the bottom wth parchment.
Combne coffee powder and 1 tb. water n a heavy med. saucepan. Str over medum ow heat unt
coffee dssoves. Add sugar and butter and str t butter mets. Pour nto arge bow and coo to
room temperature, strrng occasonay. Add eggs and coffee queur to butter mxture, whsk to
combne. Sft four, bakng powder, and sat n sma bow. Add to butter mxture and str to bend.
Str n chocoate and pecans. Pour batter nto prepared pan. Bake unt tester nserted n center
comes out amost cean about 35 mnutes. Coo n pan on rack. Run sma sharp knfe around sdes
of pan to oosen browne. Turn out on pate; pee off parchment. Cut nto wedges to serve. Serve
wth carame sauce and ce cream.
578. Whte Chocoate Cream Fng
1 1/2 ts Unfavored Geatn
3 tb Cod Water
6 oz Whte Choc.-fav. bakng bar
1 1/4 c Whppng Cream
1 ts Vana Extract
* Whte Chocoate-favored bakng bar shoud be grated.
Sprnke geatn over water n a sma saucepan; et stand 1 mnute. Cook over ow heat, strrng
unt geatn dssoves. Add grated bakng bar and str constanty unt chocoate mets; coo sghty.
Combne whppng cream and geatn mxture n a mxng bow; beat at medum speed of an eectrc
mxer unt thckened. Str n vana. Makes 3 cups.
579. Whte Chocoate Fondue
12 oz Whte chocoate
1 oz Krsche's cherry brandy
8 oz Heavy whppng cream
Combne chocoate and cream n a doube boer. Str unt the chocoate mets competey. The
mxture shoud be creamy; do not overcook. Mx thoroughy. Put mxture n a fondue pot and keep a
ow fame on to keep t warm. Serve wth any type of frut or frm cake. Strawberres, appes, and
bananas are especay good wth t.
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580. Whte Chocoate Fudge
2 c Sugar
3/4 c Sour cream
1/2 c Margarne
12 oz Whte chocoate
1 (7 oz.) |ar marshmaow cream
3/4 c Wanuts
Mx together sour cream and margarne brng to fu rong bo, bo to soft ba stage. Remove from
heat, add chocoate unt meted, add marshmaow creme and nuts, put n greased 8 or 9 nch pan,
coo at room temperature, cut n squares.
581. Whte Chocoate Ice Cream
2 c Haf and haf
12 oz Whte chocoate, coarsey chopped
4 Eggs
1 1/2 c Sugar
2 c Whppng cream
Scad haf and haf n top of doube boer set over smmerng water. Add chocoate. Reduce heat so
water barey smmers and cook unt chocoate s meted, strrng occasonay. Remove from heat.
Usng eectrc mxer, beat eggs n medum bow to bend. Add sugar and beat unt dssoved. Sowy
mx n chocoate mxture. Beat n cream. Refrgerate unt we ched.
Process chocoate mxture n ce cream maker accordng to manufacturer's nstructons. Freeze n
covered contaner at east 4 hours to meow. If frozen sod, et ce cream soften sghty n
refrgerator before servng. Makes 2 quarts.
582. Whte Chocoate Macadama Cookes
1/2 c Butter
1/2 c Shortenng
3/4 c Brown sugar; packed
1/2 c Whte sugar
1 Egg
1 1/2 ts Vana
2 c Four
1 ts Bakng soda
1/2 ts Sat
6 oz Whte chocoate chps
7 oz Macadama nuts
Beat butter, shortenng, sugar, eggs and vana we. Combne dry ngredents and add to butter
mxture. Str n whte chocoate and nuts. Drop by teaspoonfus 2 nches apart on greased cooke
sheets. Bake at 350 for 8-10 mnutes. Makes 5 dozen cookes.
583. Whte Chocoate Mnt Truffes
1/2 b Whte chocoate; cut nto sma peces
1/2 c Packed, fresh mnt eaves (green or whte)
1/4 c Heavy cream
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2 tb Creme de menthe
6 tb Unsated butter; cut nto sma peces
To make the truffes: Met the chocoate n a arge heatproof bow set over genty smmerng water.
When chocoate s amost meted, turn off the heat and et stand unt competey meted, strrng
Meanwhe, n a sma saucepan, steep mnt eaves n cream and creme de menthe unt qud s
very favorfu (amount of tme depends upon the strength of the mnt eaves). Then brng |ust to a
smmer, stran, pressng down on the mnt eaves to gve as much favor as possbe, and whsk nto
the meted chocoate. Pace the peces of butter around the warm mxture and et the butter met.
When meted, str to mx we. Pour mxture nto a shaow pan, gvng you a 1-nch-thck ayer of
chocoate. Coo competey and then refrgerate or freeze unt very frm.
To form the truffes: Have a sma bow of very hot water ready and repace the water as t coos
down. Lne a bakng tray wth parchment paper. Remove truffe base from the refrgerator or
freezer. Before scoopng out a ba of chocoate, dp the meon baer nto the hot water, shakng to
remove any excess water. Scoop out a truffe, tappng the meon baer on a frm surface to reease
the truffe. Oucky ro between the pams of your hands and pace on the prepared bakng tray. You
w have to wash your hands n cod water often to prevent the chocoate from stckng to your
hands. Repeat ths procedure unt a the bas have been scooped and roed. If the truffe base
begns to soften too much, refrgerate or freeze unt frm and then contnue to scoop out the
truffes. Refrgerate or freeze unt needed. Makes 45 to 50 sma truffes.
584. Whte Chocoate Mousse
1 pk Baker's Premum Whte Chocoate (6 squares)
1 1/2 c Whppng cream, dvded
Mcrowave whte chocoate and 1/4 cup of the cream n a arge mcrowaveabe bow on Hgh for 2
mnutes or unt whte chocoate s amost meted, strrng haf way through the heatng tme. Str
unt whte chocoate s competey meted. Coo 20 mnutes or unt at room temperature, strrng
Beat remanng 1 1/4 cups of cream n ched medum bow wth eectrc mxer on medum speed
unt soft peaks form. DO NOT OVERBEAT! Fod 1/2 of the whpped cream nto the whte chocoate
mxture. Fod n the remanng whpped cream unt |ust bended. Spoon nto 6 one-haf cup dessert
Refrgerate 2 hours or unt ready to serve. Garnsh as desred.
585. Whte Chocoate Mousse Cheesecake Wth Sun Dred Cherres
9 oz Whte chocoate
3 ts Geatn powder
1 qt Soft whppng cream
8 oz Sugar
2 b Cream cheese
4 oz Carame DeLtes Cookes, dced and crumbed
4 oz Shortbread Cookes, dced and crumbed
4 oz Prane Royae Cookes, dced and crumbed
6 oz Sun-dred cherres
1 oz Meted butter
Met chocoate. Dssove geatn wth 1 ounce of water. Pace cream cheese and sugar n mxng
bow. Use medum speed for 10 mnutes. When mxture s soft and creamy add meted whte
chocoate and geatn. Mx for two mnutes. Add whpped cream and sundred cherres.
To assembe: Grease a 10-nch mod wth butter and cover sdes wth the Shortbread crumbes. Pour
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Carame DeLte crumbes on bottom, then pour the cheesecake mxture over the frst ayer of
cookes.. On top of that pour the Prane Royae mxture. Aternate the cheese and cooke ayers.
Makes 10 servngs.
586. Whte Chocoate Pecan Corn
1 pk Mcrowave popcorn; popped
8 oz Vana favor candy coatng
1/2 c Pecan haves
Pace popped popcorn n arge bow. Put candy coatng n 1 quart gass measure; mcrowave on
HIGH for 1 to 1-1/2 mnutes or unt shny; str to met competey. Str n pecans. Add to popcorn;
str we to coat. Spread on cooke sheet and aow to coo competey.
587. Whte Chocoate Pretzes
1 b Whte chocoate
1 sm Bag mn pretzes
Met chocoate n doube boer. Put handfu pretzes n chocoate, str to coat. Usng arge tong meat
fork remove and pace on fo ned cooke sheet. Put cooke sheet fu of pretzes n freezer for a few
mnutes (1-2 mnutes), then remove. Store n artght contaner.
588. Whte Chocoate Raspberry Cake
1/4 b Whte chocoate
6 tb Unsated butter
6 Eggs
2 tb Sugar
1/4 c A-purpose four
2 pt Raspberres
Preheat oven TO 325 degrees F. Met the chocoate n the top of a doube boer. Cut the butter nto
tabespoon peces, pace n the bow of a mxer and mx unt smooth. Sowy add the meted
chocoate unt ncorporated. Add the eggs, one at a tme, as each one s absorbed. Add the sugar,
then the four. Lghty grease a 9-by-11-nch bakng pan. Pour n the batter and smooth the top.
Pace n the oven and bake for 25 to 30 mnutes. When the cake s cooked, remove from the oven
and et coo before removng from the bakng pan. To serve, cut the cake nto ndvdua portons
and top wth fresh raspberres. Accompany wth whpped cream or raspberry sauce, f desred.
589. Whte Chocoate Rbbon Fudge
1 1/4 b Whte chocoate; cut-up
14 oz Sweetened condensed mk
1 1/2 ts Rum extract
1 1/2 ts Whte vnegar or emon |uce
ds Sat
1 1/2 c Wanuts; chopped
6 oz Semsweet chocoate chps meted
In a 2-qt gass bow, met whte chocoate wth sweetened condensed mk n mcrowave on Medum
3 to 4 mns, or unt meted and smooth when strred. Str n rum extract, vnegar, and sat; mx we.
Str n wanuts. 2. Spread haf of whte chocoate mxture nto a buttered 8- or 9-nch square bakng
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pan. Refrgerate about 10 mns, or unt amost set. Spread meted semsweet chocoate over whte
chocoate. Carefuy top wth remanng whte chocoate mxture, spreadng eveny over a.
Refrgerate unt frm, about 2 hours or onger. Cut nto 25 squares. Store n refrgerator n tghty
covered contaner.
590. Whte Chocoate Scones
2 c A-purpose four
1/3 c Granuated sugar
2 ts Bakng powder
1/2 ts Sat
1/4 c Unsated butter, ched
1/2 c Heavy (whppng) cream
1 g Egg
1 1/2 ts Vana extract
6 oz Whte chocoate, cut nto 1/2 nch chunks
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. In a arge bow, str together the four, sugar, bakng powder, and sat.
Cut the butter nto 1/2 nch cubes and dstrbute them over the four mxture. Wth a pastry bender
or two knves used scssors fashon, cut n the butter unt the mxture resembes coarse crumbs. In
a sma bow, str together the cream, egg, and vana. Add the cream mxture to the four mxture
and knead unt combned. Knead n the whte chocoate. Wth ghty foured hands, pat the dough
out on a foured work surface to a thckness of 5/8 nch. Cut crces n the dough wth a bscut
cutter. Gather the scraps of dough together and repeat t a the dough s used. Bake scones on
ungreased bakng sheet for 15 to 20 mnutes, or unt ghty browned on top. Pace bakng sheet on
wre rack for 5 mnutes, then transfer scones to wre rack to coo. Serve warm or coo competey
and store n an artght contaner. Makes 8 or 9 scones.
591. Whte Chocoate Truffes
12 oz Whte chocoate, coarse chop
1/3 c Whppng cream
2 tb Orange quer
1 ts Grated orange zest
1 1/4 c Confectoner's sugar
Met whte chocoate wth whppng cream n heavy, medum saucepan over ow heat, strrng
constanty. Whsk n quer and zest unt bended. Pour nto pe pan. Refrgerate unt mxture s
fudgy, but soft, about 2 hours., Shape about 1 tabespoon of the mxture nto 1 1/4 nch bas. To
shape, ro mxture n your pams.,Pace bas on waxed paper. Sft sugar nto shaow bow. 4.Ro
bas n sugar, pace n pett four or candy cases. Truffes can be refrgerated 2-3 days or frozen
severa weeks. Makes about 35 truffes.
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