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The Bride Of Frankenstein

Mary Shelley , author of Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, reveals to Percy

Shelley and Lord Byron that Henry Frankenstein and his Monster did not die. Both lived,
and went on to even stranger misadventures than before.

We flashback to scenes from Frankenstein (1931), which lead up to our new story. After
the mill collapses, and it seems the Monster has been destroyed, the burgomeister urges
everyone to return to their homes. But the father of the little girl whom the Monster had
killed (accidentally) in the first film, wants to see the creature's dead body with his own
eyes before he can have peace. His wife tries to stop him; but when the man wanders
through the still-burning debris, he falls through a hole that leads to a flooded cavern
below the mill. The Monster rises out of the water and kills the poor man, later doing the
same for his wife. The Frankensteins' hysterical servant Minnie also meets with the
Monster, but manages to escape with her life. But no one believes her when she screeches
that the Monster is still on the loose.

Henry wants nothing more than to settle into a peaceful life with his new bride. But his
old professor, the sinister Dr. Pretorius, now disgraced, appears unexpectedly and
convinces him to continue his work of creating new life. Pretorius has been conducting
his own experiments but can do no better than to create people who are a few inches tall.

Soon the village learns that the Monster is still alive. They capture him, but the powerful
creature escapes his prison and goes wandering through the forest as the villagers hunt

The Monster discovers an isolated cabin occupied by an old blind hermit who is playing
the violin. The creature and the lonely hermit soon become friends, as the old man
teaches the Monster the joys of music, cigars, bread and wine. The Monster understands
human speech and soon learns to speak himself. They've both finally found happiness,
which is dashed when two travelers stop by to ask directions. They recognize the Monster
and attack him, inadvertently burning down the hermit's cabin in the battle. The Monster
runs away, miserable once again.

A chance meeting in a tomb brings Dr. Pretorius and the Monster together; and Pretorius
uses the Monster to kidnap Mrs. Frankenstein and blackmail Henry into returning to his
castle and continuing his experiments. The Monster wants his creator to build him a
friend; and Pretorius wants to see dead tissue become a living woman. Henry is forced to
give his creature a bride.

Henry and Pretorius succeed in following the creation of Man with the creation of
Woman again). But Woman is not happy with Man and backs away from him, hissing in
horror and fear. The Monster is despondent. He frees Henry and his wife, and then
releases a lever that blows the castle to atoms, thus destroying himself, his bride and Dr.
I think this is the best film in the series. Karloff gives a stunning performance as the

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