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Basic Electrical Engineering 3.1.0 Basic Elec !ical Ci!c"i A basic electric circuit contains a source of electrical energy, a load which changes electrical energy into a useful form of energy and a switch to control the energy delivered to the load. 3.1.1. S#"!ce$% Source is the device which furnishes the electrical energy used by the load. It may consist of a simple dry cell, a storage battery, or a power supply. L#a&$% The load is any device through which an electrical current flows and which changes this electrical energy into a more useful form. Some common e amples of loads are a bulb which changes electrical energy into light energy! an electric motor which changes electrical energy into mechanical energy, spea"er in a radio which changes electrical energy into sound. S'i c($% It permits control of the electrical device, interrupts the current delivered to the load. Ci!c"i &ia)!a*$%

#e energised



Basic Electrical Engineering

The bulb does not glow when the switch is open. There is no complete path for current %I& through the circuit. 'ut when the switch is closed, current flows in the direction of the arrows from the (ve terminal to the )ve terminal of the battery, through the switch, lamp and bac" to the )ve terminal of the battery. *ith the switch closed the path for current is complete. +urrent will continue to flow until the switch is moved to the open position or the battery is completely discharged. 3.1.+ Elec !ic ci!c"i An electric circuit is a conducting path through which either an electric current flows or is intended to flow. It can be divided into four categories. ,. +losed circuit -. .pen circuit /. Short circuit 0. $arth or lea"age circuit 1. Cl#se& Ci!c"i It is the complete path or flow of electric current through the load. $g1 The glowing of a bulb +. O,e- ci!c"i If any one of the supply wires is disconnected or the fuse burns out, then current will not flow through the circuit, it is called open circuit. $g1) The circuit in which the switch is in off position. 3. S(#! ci!c"i If the supply wires are connected directly by any means without any load, then the value of current will be very high and this circuit is "nown as short circuit. The fuse may blown off during short circuit. .. Ea! ( #! lea/a)e ci!c"i If any wire of the supply touches the body of an appliance, then it is "nown as earth or lea"age circuit. #epending upon the type of current flowing in the circuit it may be further classified as, ,. #+ +ircuit -. A+ +ircuit


Basic Electrical Engineering Se!ies ci!c"i s *hen the resistors are connected end to end, so that they form only one path for the flow of current, then resistors are said to be connected in series and such circuits are "nown as series circuits.

2et resistors 3,, 3- and 3/ be connected in series and potential difference 4 volts applied between A 5 # to cause flow of current of I Ampere through all the resistors Now according to ohm6s law voltage drop across 3, i.e. 4,7I3, Similarly 4-7I34/7I3/ Total voltage 74,(4-(4/ 7I3,(I3-(I3/ 7I%3,(3-(3/& or 7 3,(3-(3/

Thus when a number of resistors are connected in series, the e8uivalent resistance is given by the arithmetic sum of their individual resistances. i.e. 37 3,(3-(3/ Series circuits are common in electrical e8uipment. The tube filaments in small radios are usually in series. +urrent controlling devices are wired in series with the controlling e8uipment. 9uses are in series with the e8uipment they protect. A thermostat switch is in series with the heating element in an electric iron. Automatic house heating e8uipment has a thermostat, electro magnetic coils and safety cut out in series with a voltage source. 3heostats are placed in series in large motors for motor current control. Ammeters are always connected in series with the circuit.


Basic Electrical Engineering Mai- c(a!ac e!is ics #0 a se!ies ci!c"i ,. Same current flows through all parts of the circuit. -. #ifferent resistors have their individual voltage drops. /. Applied voltage is e8ual to the sum of voltage drops. 0. 4oltage drops are additive :. 3esistors are additive. 6. Powers are additive. Pa!allel ci!c"i s *hen a number of resistors are connected in such a way that one end of each of them is ;oined to a common point and the other ends being ;oined to another common point. Then the resistors are said to be connected in parallel and such circuits is "nown as parallel circuits. In these circuits current is divided into as many paths as the number of resistances.

2et the resistances 3,, 3- and 3/ are connected in parallel and the potential difference of 4 volts be applied across it. The potential difference across each resistor is same and e8ual to potential difference applied to the circuit ie. 4 According to ohm6s law +urrent in resistor 3, is I, 7 similarly I- 7 I/ 7 Adding the above e8uations, I,(I-(I/ 7


Basic Electrical Engineering 74 I 7 I,(I-(I/ 7 4 or 7 7

where 3 is the e8uivalent resistance of the whole circuit 7

Power P 7 4I watts 7 I3I 7 I- 3 7 Thus when a number of resistors are connected in parallel, the reciprocal of the e8uivalent resistance is given by the arithmetic sum of the resistances parallel circuits are very common in use. 4arious lamps and appliances in a house are connected in parallel, so that each one can be operated individually. C(a!ac e!is ics #0 ,a!allel ci!c"i s ,. Same voltage acts across each resistor -. #ifferent resistors have their individual currents. /. Total circuit current is e8ual to sum of individual currents 0. 'ranch currents are additive :. Powers are additive Di1isi#- #0 c"!!e- i- ,a!allel ci!c"i


Basic Electrical Engineering Two resistances are ;oined in parallel across a voltage 4. The current in each branch, as given by ohm6s law is, I, 7 I- 7 7

<ence the division of current in the branches of a parallel circuit is inversely proportional to their resistances The total current I 7 I,(II- 7 I I, 7 I, 3, 7 3-%I I,& I, 7 I and I- 7 I

i.e. current in any one of the two branches7Total current

3.1.3 P!#2le*s P!#2le* 1 9our coils having resistance of /, :, ,= and ,- ohms are connected in series across ,-= 4. #etermine, i. $8uivalent resistance of the circuit ii. +urrent flowing through the circuit iii. 4oltage drop across each coil


Basic Electrical Engineering i& $8uivalent resistance of the circuit, 373, ( 3- ( 3/ ( 30 7 /(:(,=(,- 7 /= > Potential #ifference applied across the circuit 47,-= 4 ii& +urrent flowing through the circuit , I 7 7 iii& 4oltage drop in / > resistance 4oltage drop in : > resistance 4oltage drop in ,= > resistance 4oltage drop in ,- > resistance 4,7I3, 70 /7,-4 4-7I370 :7-=4 4/7I3/ 70 ,=70=4 407I3, 70 ,-70?4 70A

P!#2le* + A circuit consists of four ,==w lamps connected in parallel across a -/=4 supply. 9ind the current which will flow through each lamp.

34I+R 4 ,== 7 3 7 :-@A


Basic Electrical Engineering

P!#2le* 3 +alculate the effective resistance of the following combination of resistances and the voltage drop across each resistance when a potential difference of 6=4 is applied. 9ind the circuit current when :> resistor is removed.

3esistance between A and +7

7 ->

3esistance of branch A+# 7 ,?(-7-=> Now there are two parallel paths between points A and # of resistance -=> and :>. <ence resistance between A and #, 7 7 0>

3esistance between A and '70(?7,-> Total circuit current 7 7 :A 7 0A 7 ,A

+urrent through :> resistor 7 +urrent in branch A+# 7

P# across /> and 6> resistors 7 , - 7-4 P# across ,?> resistor P# across :> resistor P# across ?> resistor 7 ,? , 7,?4 7 : 07-=4 7 ? : 70=4


Basic Electrical Engineering

when :> is removed,

$8uivalent resistance

7 7 -(,?(?7 -?>

+urrent in this case

7 -.,0/A

P!#2le* . A resistance of -.- > is connected in series with a parallel circuit comprising - resistors ,-> and ?> respectively. +alculate the total power dissipated in the circuit when the applied voltage is -, volts.

P 7 4I I7

$8uivalent resistance of the parallel combination at ,-> 5 ?> 7

7 0.?>


$8uivalent resistance of the circuit

7 -.- ( 0.?

Basic Electrical Engineering 7 B> I Power P 7 7 7 /A

7 -, / 7 6/*

P!#2le* 5 9our resistances are connected in series across a -:=4 supply. If the value of first three, resistors are ,=>, -=> and /=> respectively, find the value of the fourth resistor when the power consumed by the circuit is 6-:*.

P 7 6-:w P 7 4I I 7 7 7 -.: A 7 7 ,== >

$8uivalent resistance 3 7

$8uivalent resistance of the first / resistors 7 ,= ( -= ( /= 7 6= > the fourth resistor 7 ,==) 6= 7 0=> P!#2le* 6 Three resistors are connected in series across a ,-4 battery. The first resistance has a value of >, second has a voltage drop of 04 and third has a power dissipation of ,-*. +alculate the value of the circuit current.


Basic Electrical Engineering P!#2le* 7 A circuit consists of three resistors />, 0> and 6C in parallel and a fourth resister 0> in series. A battery of ,-4 is connected across the circuit. 9ind the total current in the circuit and the voltage across the fourth resistor of 0>.


Basic Electrical Engineering 3.1.. PO3ER Power is defined as the rate of doing wor" or the amount of wor" done in unit time. Dnit of power is EwattF or E;ouleGsecondF. ie. one watt of power consumed in one second. The output power capacity of electrical e8uipments is e pressed in watt. 9or commercial purposes the ma;or units of power and energy are used. A,,a!e- ,#'e! VA #! KVA The product of rms value of current and voltage is "nown as apparent power. The pf of the load is not ta"en into account in this case. It is measured in volt)ampere%4A& or Hilo4olt)ampere %H4A&. The losses of transformers and A+ generators are depending on 4oltage and current which it supply. So the output capacity of transformers and generators are rated in H4A. Kil# 3a Hilo watt is the widely accepted commercial unit of power. The output capacity of motors, heaters etc are e pressed in Hilo *att . I H* 7 ,=== * Me)a 3a Iega watt is normally used as the higher unit of electric power. The generating station capacity is e pressed in Iega *att . , Iega watt7 ,===H* 7, Kil# 'a %8#"! 9K3(: Hilo *att)<our %H*h& is used as the commercial unit of electrical energy. It is "nown as the 'oard of Trade unit %'.T& unit. The energy consumed when a power of , H* is delivered or consumed in an hour is called the "ilo *att)hour. .ne Hilo watt hours %H*h& often called one unit of electrical energy. Hilo *att) hours are calculated by the product. If power in H* and the time during which power is used in hours. ,H*h 7 Power in H* time in hrs 7 H* h 7 ,=6 watts


Basic Electrical Engineering 3.1.5 E-e!); C#-s"*, i#- a-& c#s $lectric energy used by a consumer is measured in Hilo watt )hours. The charges are made on the basis of number of "ilo watt) hours %units& used during a particular period. Jenerally the period is ta"en as one month. Total cost the energy consumption in a given period is given by the e8uation. +ost + 7 cost per H*h number of units used

E)$% 91: A 6= * lamp is connected to -0=4 supply. <ow much current does it drawn from the supplyK <ow much electric energy is used by the lamp in ,=<rs. Solution1) P 7 4I I7 7 7 =.-:A

$lectric energy consumed by the lamp, $ 7 Power L Time 7 6= L ,= 7 6== wh 7 7 =.6 Hwh

E)$% 9+: In a residential house, the following loads are connected, ,. ,= lamps of 0=* each switched on for : <rs a day -. : fans of 6=* each wor"ing ,= <rs a day /. .ne ,===* heater wor"ing - <rs a day 0. .ne refrigerator -:=* wor"ing -= <rs a day If the cost of energy is 3s. -G) per unit calculate the total cost of energy consumption for a month which has /= days. Solution1) $nergy consumed by 0=* lampsGday 7 0=L,=L: 7 -=== wh 7 $nergy consumed by 6=* fansGday $nergy consumed by ,===* heaterGday 7 7 Hwh 7 - Hwh 7 / Hwh 7 - Hwh 7 : Hwh

$nergy consumed by -:=* refrigeratorGday 7 Total energy consumption per day $nergy consumption for a month +ost of energy

7 -(/(-(: 7 ,- Hwh 7 Total energy consumedLcost per unit


7 ,-L/=

7 /6= Hwh

Basic Electrical Engineering 7 /6=L- 7 3s. B-=G) E)$% 93: A factory has a -/=4 supply from which the following loads are ta"en, ,. 2ighting1) ,== nos. of ,:=* :== nos. of ,:* -. 9an1) := nos. of 0=* := nos. of 6=* /. <eating1) -= nos. of :===* 0. Iotors1) := nos. of -=Hw -= nos. of ,:Hw The consumption of loads are , a& The lighting load consumes an average of ,- <rs a day b& <eating load consumes an average of : <rs a day c& Iotor load consumes an average of ,: <rs a day 9ind the cost of energy for the month of April if the cost per Hwh is 3s. -.:=G). 3.1.6 S",,l; S#"!ces The ma;or supply sources are, ,. -. /. 0. 'attery +hemical fuel cells and other forms of energy storage systems Solar cells Jenerators or alternators

1. Ba e!; 'attery is a type of power supply that is independent of the availability of mains electricity, suitable for portable e8uipment and use in locations without mains power. +. <"el Cells 9uel cell is an electrochemical cell that converts a source of fuel into an electrical current. 3. S#la! Cell A Solar cell is a device that converts the energy of sunlight directly into electricity by the photovoltaic effect. .. DC Ge-e!a #! #! D;-a*# A #+ generator is a machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. It is a source of #+ supply.


5. AC Ge-e!a #! #! al e!-a #!

Basic Electrical Engineering An alternator is a machine which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. The output voltage of an alternator is always A+. Alternators are widely used for bul" power generation. A+ single phase and three phase supply can be obtained from alternators.


Basic Electrical Engineering AC <"-&a*e- als A current or voltage is called alternating if it periodically changes its direction and magnitude where as direct current are steady and in one direction. At present ma;or part of electrical energy being used for domestic and commercial purpose is generated as alternating current. The reasons for generation of electrical energy in the form of alternating current are mainly the following. ,. A+ can be generated easily at comparatively high voltages %Nearly at ,,H4& -. The level of alternating voltage can be raised or lowered easily by a ststic machine called transformer. /. A+ motors are cheaper in initial coast and in maintenance. 0. A+ transmission efficiency is high. An alternating emf can be generated either by rotating a coil within a stationary magnetic field or by rotating a magnetic field within a stationary coil. The emf generated, in either case, will be sinusoidal as the wave form as shown in figure,

Alternating emf following sine law is e pressed in the form e 7 $ m Sin, %7w.t& where EeF is the instantaneous value of alternating emf, $m is the ma imum value of the alternating emf and EwF is angular velocity of the coil. Since the rotating coil moves through an angle of - radians in one cycle, the angular velocity, w7-f where f is the number of cycles completed per second. ie. e 7 $m. Sin -.ft current flows through the circuit also varies sinusoidally. The e pression for the alternating


If an alternating voltage given the above e pression is applied across a load, the alternating

Basic Electrical Engineering current is given as, i 7 Im. Sin wt 7 Im. Sin -.ft The following are some of the important and regularly used terms in alternating circuits. 3a1e0#!*$ The shape of the instantaneous values of the voltage or current plotted on M a is against the time on L a is. The waveform varies sinusoidally. I-s a- a-e#"s 1al"e$ The value of any alternating 8uantity %voltage or current& at any particular instant is called the instantaneous value and is designated by a small letter, EeF or EiF e 7 $m. Sin -.ft C;cle$ It signifies the repetition of a set of positive and negative instantaneous values of the alternating 8uantity. .ne cycle consist of two halves ie, (ve and Nve half.

3.+.0 Ci!c"i Pa!a*e e!s I-&"c a-ce 9L:$ It is the property of a coil to oppose the change in current in an alternating circuit. It is denoted by the symbol E2F and its SI unit is EhenryF %<&. To add inductance to a circuit, electronic components called inductors are used. It consists of coils with or without core to concentrate the magnetic field. +ho"e, motor winding, transformer winding etc. are the e amples for inductors. Ca,aci a-ce 9C:$ It is the property of a body to hold an electrical charge in it. A common form of energy storage device is a parallel plate capacitor. It is denoted by E+F. The SI unit of capacitance is EfaradF %9&. Reac a-ce$ It is the opposition of a circuit element %inductance or capacitance& to a change of current or voltage in it. An ideal resistor has Oero reactance while ideal inductors and capacitance consist entirely of reactance with Oero resistance. I-&"c i1e Reac a-ce 9=L:$ It is the reactance offered by an inductor in an alternating circuit. It is proportional to the supply fre8uency EfF and the inductance E2F. It is denoted by L 2 and is measured in EohmF %A&. Ca,aci i1e Reac a-ce 9=C:$ It is the reactance offered by a capacitor in an alternating circuit. It


Basic Electrical Engineering is inversely proportional to the supply fre8uency EfF and the capacitance E+F. It is denoted by L + and is measured in EohmF%A&. ie. L+ 7 , where EfF in hertO and E+F in farad.

I*,e&a-ce$ It is the effective opposition to an alternating current in a circuit. All alternating current circuits are made up of combinations of resistance 3, inductance 2 and capacitance +. The circuit elements 3, 2 and + are called circuit parameters. The effect of inductive reactance L2 is to oppose the effect of capacitive reactance. <ence, the net reactance in an alternating current circuit will be %L2 N L+&. The vector sum of resistance and the net reactance is the impedance in the circuit. It is denoted by EPF and measured in EohmF%A&. 3.+.1 Be(a1i#!s #0 AC ci!c"i s In d.c. circuits, voltage applied and current flowing are constant with respect to time. 'ut in a.c. circuits voltage applied to the circuit and the current flowing through it change from instant to instant. The variation of current with respect to time setup, magnetic field and variation in emf set up electrostatic fields. 'oth these effects should be ta"en into account while dealing with a.c. circuits. Iagnetic effect causes the inductive reactance and the electrostatic effect causes capacitive reactance in the circuit. To study a general a.c. circuit, it is necessary to consider the effect of each parameter 3, 2 and + separately. P"!el; !esis i1e ci!c"i

+ircuit #iagram


Basic Electrical Engineering 4ector #iagram 9ig. shows a circuit containing a resistance 3 connected across a sinusoidal voltage 4. The vector diagram for current, I and voltage 4 %both rms value& can be drawn as shown. 4oltage and current in this circuit are in phase with each other. In the circuit, I7

P"!el; i-&"c i1e ci!c"i

+ircuit #iagram

4ector #iagram 9ig. shows a purely inductive circuit containing only one inductor, 2 connected to an a.c. source, voltage with fre8uency, f The inductive reactance The current, L2 7 -.f2 I 7 7

measured from the voltage phasor, 7 )@==. ie. in a purely inductive circuit, current I is said to be


It is found that the phase difference between voltage and current is @= =. If the phase difference is

Basic Electrical Engineering lagging the voltage E4F by @==. P"!el; ca,aci i1e ci!c"i

+ircuit #iagram

4ector #iagram 9ig. shows a purely capacitive circuit containing only one capacitor, + connected to an a.c. source, voltage 4 with fre8uency EfF The capacitive reactance, L+ 7 The current, I 7 7 -.f+.4

It is also found that the phase difference between voltage 4 and current I is @= =. If the phase difference is measured from the voltage phasor, 7 (@==1 ie., in a purely capacitive circuit current leads the voltage by @== or voltage lags behind current by @==. 3.+.+ Se!ies R.L.C. ci!c"i


Basic Electrical Engineering

A circuit containing 3, 2, and + in series is called a general series circuit. +urrent is used as reference vector in the series circuit since it is common to all the elements in the circuit. 4oltage across 3, 43 is in phase with I 4oltage across 2, 42 is leading with I by @== 4oltage across +, 4+ is lagging with I by @== Total voltage 4 is the vector sum of 43, 42 and 4+. Since 42 and 4+ are in opposite direction, the resultant of 42 and 4+ is the arithmetical difference between them.

4oltage triangle

4- 7 43- ( %42 N L+&7 %I3&- ( %IL2 N IL+&-


7 I-Q3- ( %L2 N L+&-R

Basic Electrical Engineering ie. 47I

If the total impedance in the circuit is given by EPF, 4 7 IP IP 7 I or P 7

9rom, this e8uation the impedance triangle for a series 32+ circuit can be drawn as shown

The power factor of the circuit, +os can be found from the Impedance Triangle +os 7 7

P!#2le* 1 A coil has an inductance of -:m< and negligible resistance. +alculate its reactance at :=<O and -H<O. Inductance of the coil, 2 7 -:m< 7 -:L,=)/ < f 7 :=<O L2 7 -f2 7 -L:=L-:L,=)/ 7 B.?:0A 3eactance at :=<O 7 B.?:0A 3eactance at -H<O, L2 7 -f2

7 /,0A


7 -LL-L,=/L-:L,=)/

Basic Electrical Engineering

P!#2le* + +alculate the reactance of a -S9 capacitor at a fre8uency at :=<O. f 7 :=<O

L+ 7 7 7 ,:@,A P!#2le* 3 A coil has an inductance of -=m< and a resistance of :A. It is connected across a supply voltage of -0=4, :=<O single phase a.c. supply. 9ind the current flowing through the coil. I 7

P 7 L2 7 -f2 7 -L:=L-=L,=)/ 7 6.-?A P 7 7? I 7 7 /=A P!#2le* . An a.c. series circuit consists of a /=A resistor, a B.@:S9 capacitor and a -.=6< inductor. If the supply voltage is -:=4 at :=<O, +alculate, %a& inductive reactance %b& capacitive reactance %c& total impedance %d& current %e& power factor %a& Inductive reactance, L2 7 -f2


7 -L:=L-.=6

Basic Electrical Engineering 7 60BA

%b& +apacitive reactance, L+ 7 7 7 7 0==A %c& Impedance in the circuit, P 7 7 7 /??.6A

%d& +urrent in the circuit, I 7 7 7 =.60/A %e& Power factor, +os 7 7 7 =.BB-

P!#2le* 5 A circuit consists of a resistor of :A, a coil of resistance 0A and inductive reactance 6A and a capacitor of reactance @A connected in series across a -0=4, :=<O supply. +alculate the total impedance and current in the circuit. 3, 7 :A, 3- 7 0A, L2 7 6A, L+ 7 @A, Total resistance, 3 7 3,( 37 @A Impedance, P 7


Basic Electrical Engineering 7 @.0@A

The circuit current, I 7 7 7 -:./A

P!#2le* 1 A resistance of -=A, an inductance of =.-< and a capacitance of ,==S9 are connected in series across --=4, :=<O supply. #etermine, ,& Inductive reactance -& +apacitive reactance /& Impedance 0& Total current in the circuit :& Power factor

P!#2le* + A circuit is made up of ,=A resistance, ,-m< inductance and -?,.:S9 capacitance in series. The supply voltage is ,==4, :=<O1 calculate the impedance and circuit current. P!#2le* 3 A coil having a resistance of ,=A and an inductance of =.-< is connected in series with a capacitor of :=.BS9. If the circuit is connected across a ,==4, :=<O a.c supply, calculate ,& The impedance of the circuit -& +urrent /& Power factor

3.3.1 Dis !i2" i#- #0 Elec !ical E-e!); There are various systems by which power is distributed to the domestic consumers viO. %ii& Three phase ) Three wire system



Single phase )

Two wire system

Basic Electrical Engineering %iii& Three phase ) four wire system

The most commonly used system for the ordinary domestic consumer is the -)wire system or the /)phase, 0)phase system. In the case of /)phase, 0)wire system, domestic consumers are supplied between one of phases and neutral conductor, thus giving -/=4, :=<O single phase supply. The loads on the three phases are balanced by connecting various consumers or group of consumers to different phases of the / phase)0 wire system. The system of distribution of electrical energy from the supply mains to the consumers circuit is shown in fig. 9ollowing are the important components of a circuit of an installation. ,. Incoming cable or service main -. +ut)out /. $nergy meters 0. Iain switch :. $2+' 6. I+' The incoming insulated cable that supplies electrical power from the feeder pole is termed as service connection. This incoming cable is connected to the energy meters through supply authorityFs cut)out. The energy meter and cut)outs are the property of the supplies and are properly sealed by the supplies at the time of installation. The consumer is not supposed to brea" the seal. The maintenance of this is to be carried out by the supply authority only. After the energy meter, the consumerFs distribution starts and these terminals are called as consumer terminals, the supply cables are entirely under the control of consumer.


Basic Electrical Engineering $lectrical circuit of an installation After the energy meter, the consumer must provide a main switch which would control the complete lighting and power circuit of the house. This switch operates simultaneously on the live phase and neutral. It is "nown as iron clad switch and is enclosed in a bo made of iron. Iron clad switches are normally available in the following types. %a& #ouble pole iron clad switch %b& Triple pole iron clad switch %c& Triple pole iron clad switch with neutral lin" %TPNI+& #PI+ is used for controlling single phase -)wire circuits. This is normally used in domestic wiring. TPI+ switch is used for controlling /)phase power in /)wire system. This is normally used for industrial installations. TPNI+ switch is used for controlling a /)phase power with 0) wire systems. In modern practice, complete consumer units, housed in a sheet)steel or plastic enclose, are available for simple installations. These consumer units have are main switch or isolator and a number of graded fuse)ways or miniature circuit brea"ers of :A and ,6A capacity for lighting and power. Ea! ( Lea/a)e Ci!c"i B!ea/e! 9ELCB: +onductor carrying current should be well insulated *ea"ness and lea"age of insulation may result in electric shoc" and other accidents. *hen the element or winding of refrigerator, A+, Iron, wet grinder, Ii ie, .ven, *ater heater or <ot plate is defective current lea"s to its metal body, which causes electric shoc". *hen the phase is thus connected to the metal body of the appliance, current flows from this body to the earth through the earth wire. This is called earth lea"age. $arth lea"age circuit brea"er opens the circuit and cut off the power supply, even when there is very little earth lea"age. *hen an electrical appliance earth lea"age is put on, current through phase and neutral connected to it are different. The current passing through the phases splits into two, which flows through neutral and earth. $2+' operators by this difference of phase and neutral currents.


Basic Electrical Engineering

Mi-ia "!e Ci!c"i B!ea/e! 9MCB: Iiniature circuit brea"er %I+' is connected& is the circuit to prevent the accidents due to short circuit or over current. Short circuit is prevented by tripping unit which consist of a relay. Thermal overload protector %bimetal& to prevent over current. Now day miniature circuit brea"ers are used for domestic and commercial wiring instead of fuses. I+' can be put E.nF or E.ffF by moving the handle EupF and EdownF. I+' with different current carrying capacity is available. 3.3.+. Ea! (i-) $arthing means connections of the neutral point of a supply system or the non current carrying parts of electrical apparatus, such as metallic frame, metallic sheathing of cables, motor frame, stay wires etc. to the general mass of earth in such a manner that at all times an immediate discharge at $arthing is done electric energy ta"es place without danger. %,& To ensure Oero potential an all non current carrying parts of an apparatus. %-& To avoid the electric hoc" to the human beings. %/& To protect e8uipments using lea"age circuit brea"er. Li)( -i-) A!!es e! A lightening arrester is a device used on electrical power system to protect the insulation on the system from the damaging effect of lightening. Ietal o ide varistors %I.4S& have been used for power system protection. 2ightening arrester is also "nown as surge arrester. *hen a surge occurs due to lightening the arrester provides a path to it to the earth through its ground terminal.


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