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Its lunch time at Green Hills School.

Rosie and Tom have got to know what everybody eats at school for an assignment about healthy food. Com lete their conversation with the correct forms of H!"# G$T%H!S G$T. have
Be n :ike

Sam Clive 'en& /es( )))))))0 and I))))))))

3 1

:rs :artin

Rosie& 'en( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))) * +you, any fruit in your lunch bo-. a ham sandwich and fruit 2uice. Rosie& /ou ))))))))))))) a healthy lunch4 'en& 'ut I ))))))))))))5 +not, any cake. :rs. 'rown Tom& 6ucy ))))))))))) 7 some chocolate cookies. Share your a ask her for a cookie. Rosie& 8hat))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 9 + :rs. :artin, in her lunch bo-. Tom& )))))))))))))))))))))))+she, ;any salad. Rosie& <o( ))))))))=. She ))))))))))))))))))) Tom& 8hat about :rs 'rown( the ?.#. teacher. 6ucy yy Rosie& Hello( :rs. 'rown4 )))))))))))))))))))) ** +you, any fruit or salad in your lunch bo- today. :rs. 'rown& /es( I ))))))))
*1 *0 *>

le with her and

a hamburger and some coffee.


Im eating my chocolate cake and milk. 'ut I

))))))))))))))))) some fruit salad in my lunch bo-. Tom& @en and Sue are sharing their lunch. ))))))))))))))))))))) *3+they, any 2uice in those brown bags. Rosie& 6ook at Clive. He )))))))))))))))))))))))))) *5 a sandwich and a banana.

@ean and Sue

!fter Rosie and Tom finish their interviews( they talk about everybodys lunch.
Tom& 8ho )))))))))))) *7a healthy lunch in his or her lunch bo- today. Rosie& 'en and :ike ))))))))))) *9a healthy lunch bo-. Sam ))))))))))*; only :ary F Claudia iAAa and he wants some cola to drinkB Tom& :ary and Claudia )))))))))))))))*= an a le and some milkshake. Rosie & :r. and :rs. 8ood ))))))))))) 0> chicken sandwiches( a banana and fruit 2uice. Tom& Co you think we can say that most eo le ))))))))))) 0*a healthy lunch. Rosie& I think most of the students )))))))))))))))) Tom& Some teachers )))))))))))))))
:r. F :rs. 8ood :r.
01 00

a healthy lunch.

+not, any sandwich or fruit in their lunchbo-.

Rosie& :rs. Dields ))))))))))))))))) 03 a tuna sandwich and a chocolate bar. Tom& ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))05+she, got any fruit 2uice. Rosie& I dont think so. That tall boy is from China. He ))))))))))))))) 07 rice( chicken and vegetables and hes sharing his lunch with Susan and Een. Tom& Thats a good lunch48hat ))))))))))))))))))) 09in your lunch bo-( Rosie. Rosie& I )))))))))))))))))) 0; a cheese sandwich( a ear and some orange 2uice. ))))))))))))))))))))))))0=+you, a chocolate bar. Tom& <o( I )))))))0=. I )))))))))))))))))))1>+not, any sweets in my lunch bo-. Rosie& 8ell( lets ut u our osters on the wall. 8e need more information about eating healthy foodB


:rs. Dields

Rosie& 'en( H!"# /$G G$T * +you, any fruit in your lunch bo-. 'en& /es. I H!"#

and I"# G$T

a ham sandwich and fruit 2uice.

Rosie& /ou H"# G$T 3 a healthy lunch4 'en& 'ut I H!"#<T G$T

+not, any cakeB le with her and ask her for a cookie.

Tom& 6ucy S G$T 7 some chocolate cookies. Share your a

Rosie& 8hat H!S :RS. :!RTI< G$T 9 + :rs. :artin, in her lunch bo-. Tom& H!S SH# G$T +she, ;any salad. Rosie& <o( SH# H!S<T.=. She HS G$T

a hamburger and some coffee.

Tom& 8hat about :rs 'rown( the ?.#. teacher. Rosie& Hello( :rs. 'rown4 H!"# /$G G$T :rs. 'rown& /es( I H!"#.
*0 **

+you, any fruit or salad in your lunch bo- today.

Im eating my chocolate cake and milk. 'ut I H"# G$T*1 some fruit salad in

my lunch bo-. Tom& @en and Sue are sharing their lunch. H!"# TH#/ G$T *3+they, any 2uice in those brown bags. Rosie& 6ook at Clive4 H#S G$T*5 a sandwich and a banana. !fter Rosie and Tom finish their interviews( they talk about everybodys lunch.

Tom& 8ho H!S G$T


a healthy lunch in his or her lunch bo- today.


Rosie& 'en and :ike H!"# G$T *9a healthy lunch bo-. Sam S G$T drinkB Tom& :ary and Claudia H!"# G$T

only iAAa and he wants some cola to

an a

le and some milkshake. chicken sandwiches( a banana and fruit 2uice.


Rosie & :r. and :rs. 8ood H!"# G$T

Tom& Co you think we can say that most eo le H!"# G$T Rosie& I think most of the students H!"# G$T Tom& Some teachers H!"#<T G$T Rosie& :rs. Dields H!S G$T Tom& H!S SH# G$T
05+ 03 01 00

a healthy lunch.

a healthy lunch.

+not, any sandwich or fruit.

a tuna sandwich and a chocolate bar.

she, got fruit 2uice.


Rosie& I dont think so. That tall boy is from China. HeS G$T his lunch with Susan and Een. Tom& Thats a good lunch4 8hat H!"# /$G G$T Rosie& I H"# G$T
0; 09

rice( chicken and tomato and hes sharing

in your lunch bo-( Rosie. ))))))))))))))))))))))) 0=+you,

a cheese sandwich( a ear and orange 2uice.

a chocolate bar. Tom& <o( I H!"#<T1>. I H!"#<T G$T 1*+not, any sweets in my lunch bo-. Rosie& 8ell( lets ut u our osters on the wall. 8e need more information about eating healthy food.

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