Vigilance Corner List of Registers

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Site Order Book

Sl. No Date Instructions issued on the Inspection of work Contractor / with Signature and designation contractor's representative acknowledgeme nt with Signature, Name & Date 3 4 Compliance report by contractor / contractor's representative with Signature, Name & date 5 Final remarks of site Engineer with Signature, designation & date

2. Hindrance Register
Sl. No. Nature of Hindrance Date of Occurance Date of clearance Period Over laping Weightage of Net effective Remarks and references period if any hindrance days of hindrance Sign. of Site Contractor / contractor's Engineer representativ with date e Signature with Name & date 10 11

Sl. No 1 Drg. No. and revision no. if any 2 Date of receipt 3

Drawing Register
Date of Issue to Contractor 5 Acknowledgement of contractor 6 Signature of Site Engineer with date 7

Details of DRG 4

4. Cement Register
Sl. No. Date of Source of Bill/ Manufactur Quantity Progressive Receipt Receipt Challan turer Test Received Total of no. Ceritifcate (bags) Receipts reference (Bags) Date of Issue Qty. Issued (Bags) Net Qty Progressi Balance Qty. ve Total at the Returned issued of issue end of at the end (Bags) (Bags) the day of the (Bags) Day (Bags) 10 11 12 13 Items of Sign. of Remarks Sign of work for Site Contractor which Engineer with date Issued with date





5. Steel Register
Sl. No Date of Receipt Source of Qty Cum Qty Date of Receipt & Received Received Issue Ch. No. (MT) (MT) /Bill No. Qty issued (MT) Cummula tive qty issued (MT) Balance at the end of the Day (MT) Item of work in which consumed Sign. Of Sign. Of Site contractor Engineer with date with date Manufactu Remarks re Test certificate details






6. Sieve Analysis of Stone Aggregate Nominal Size

Sl. No. Date Weight of Size of sample in Sieves Gms Weight retained on each Sieve %age of weight retained Cummula %Age of tive %age weight of weight passing Retained Specified %age of weight Passing Sign. Of Sign. Of Remarks/action contractor Site taken with date Engineer with date




Note: Size of Sieve should be as per CPWD manual/BIS specification

7. Silt Contents of Fine Sand/Coarse Sand

Sl. No. Date Source Height of Silt after of material Setting (V-1) 3 5 Height of sand after setting (V-2) 6 %age Silt Acceptabili Sign. Of Sign. Of contractor Site ty as per Content V1/V2x100 specificatio Engineer with date with date n 7 8 9 10 Location Remarks/ action where taken sand used 11 12

8. Slump Test
Sl. No. Date of Testing Item of work and location Vibrators used Quantity of Yes / No water added per bag of cement (Litres) Height of Slump (mm) specimen after removal of mould in (mm) Acceptibilit Sign. Of Site Sign. of y of result Engineer contractor or action with date with date taken Remarks



9. Cube Test
Sl. No. Date of Grade of Mark of Specimen Collectio Mix n 7 days Test Result 28 days Test Result Required Approx. specified qty strength represent ed by Specimen Item of work from where the sample is collected Sign. Of Site Engineer with date Contractor / contractor' s representa tive Signature with Name & date

Date of Testing

Load in KN

Compre ssive strength (KN / mm2 ) 7

Average Date of compres Testing sive strength (KN / mm2 ) 8 9

Load in Compre Average KN ssive compres strength sive (KN / strength mm2 ) (KN / mm2 ) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

10. Density Test by Core Cutter Method

MDD as per lab test W5.. Sl. No Location Core (C.H.) / Cutter Area Nos. Represented by the Test Weight of Core Cutter + Weight of Soil (in gram) (W1) Weight of Empty Core cutter (in gram) (W2) Weight of Wet Soil (in gram) W= W1-W2 Volume of Core Cutter (in CC) V Bulk Density (gram/cc) W3= W/V Moisture Content of compaction layers (M) Dry Degree of Acceptabi Sign. of Contractor / Density compacti lity limit Site contractor's gram/cc on W4/W5 Engineer representativ W4 = W3/ with date e Signature (1+M) with Name & date






11. Test for Thickness and Density of the Compacted Layer (By Sand Replacement Method) for Asphalt Concrete / Bitumen Macadam / CC Pavement
Lab Test Density in gms/CC .. Sl. No Date of Test Qty. Location represent of holes ed by the test Thickness of Layer Weight of Initial Weight of Weight of Predetrmi Density = Remarks / Sign. Of A.d. Acceptabi Site materials weight of sand sand ned bulk removed Engineer sand filling in remaining density of W-(W1+W2) lity from the taken in cone of in sand carpet Cylinder cylinder cylinder Hole A gm 7 W gm 8 WI gm 9 W2 gm 10 d gm/CC 11 gm/CC 12 13 14 15 16 Contractor / Action contractor's Taken representati ve Signature with Name & date

Individual (mm) 5

Average (mm) 6

12. Density Test Register for Soil ---- By Sand Replacement Method
Unit Wt. of Standard Sand in grams/CC (W6)= . Lab Test MDD in gms/CC (W10) = . Sl. No Date of Test Location Qty. represente of holes d by the test Thickness of Layer Wt. of Material (mm) from the hole Moisture Initial weight Content of sand taken in the %age Cylinder before filling in hole in gms Wt. of sand after filling in hole in gms Wt. of sand in hole & cone in gms Wt. of sand in cone in gms Wt. of sand in hole in gms Volume of Bulk Density hole in in CC gms/CC Dry Density in gms/CC Degree of Remarks / Sign. Of compactio Acceptabi Site Engineer lity n with date Contractor / Action contractor's Taken representati ve Signature with Name & date

Individual Average 5 6

(W) gms 7

(Y) 8

(W1) 9

(W2) 10

(W3)= W1W2 (W4) 11 12

W5 = (W7)= (W3-W4) W5/W6 13 14

(W8)=W/ (W9)= W7 W8/Y 15 16

W9/W10 x100 17

W9/W10 x100 18 19 20 21

Sl. No Date of Date of collection of testing sample Wt. (in Kg)

Test of the Brick / Brick Tiles for Compressive Strength

Specified Acceptability Sign. Of Site Compressive Engineer with Strength in date Kg/Cm2 Contractor / Action contractor's Taken / representati Remark ve Signature with Name & date

No. of Size in Compressive Average Specimen Cms/Area in Strength Strength in Cm2 obtained fro Kg/Cm2 individual bricks in Kg. per Cm2





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