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Our Vision: To be a vibrant, Spirit-filled people, participating in Gods work in the world.

Our Mission: Loving God and loving neighbor, we witness to Christs saving grace, that others may believe and find life.

From Pastor Aaron

Come! Live in the light! Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord!
As a child, like many children, I was afraid of the dark. On Cub Scout campouts I had a flashlight with me at all times, and would use it as soon as dusk set in. I remember one evening my father and I were walking back to our campsite and he said, Lets turn the flashlight off and let our eyes adjust to the darkness. At first I was afraid, how would I see without my trusted flashlight? How would we navigate the trail back to our campsite? As I clung to my father, my eyes began to adjust and I slowly began to realize how much more I could see without the use of my flashlight. As we humbly walked down the trail, I found that when I relied on the moons rays, which are simply a reflection of the Sun, my field of vision grew and I could see farther down the trail. In life we find ourselves being led by artificial lights. Lights that can lead us forward, but with complete disregard to the world around us. Lights that are focused on the narrow path of ourselves. When we turn off these artificial lights and rely on the true light of the world, we began to see things differently. Our fear of the darkness does not go away, rather we can walk humbly into that fear clinging to our Father, trusting in the true light of the Son. A light which will never go out. We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly; we are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God. We Are Called, David Haas, ELW 720

Synod Assembly and Gathering

Something brand new! For families, youth groups, young adults, visitors of all ages, as well as voting members. Plan to come for a weekend filled with mission experiences, music, worship, fun, learning! May 15-18, 2013 at Kalahari Resort, Sandusky. Visit for detailed information and pricing

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Study 9:00 a.m. near the coffee pot! Womens Bible Studies (WELCA All women ar e invited to par ticipate! St. John Women meet on second Wednesday at 2:00 p.m., February 12th. St. Paul Women will meet 3rd Thursdays at 1:00. Next date is February 20th. Weekly Wednesday Bible Study 11:00 a.m. at St. Paul.

God saw everything he had made, and indeed, it was very good. Genesis 1:31

Green Bible Study with Pastor Aaron

Come to an informational meeting, Sunday, February 9, immediately after St. John and St. Paul. We will take 15 minutes to discuss a meeting time and the resources that we will be using.

The Tree of Life forms the bookends of the Scriptures; trees, together with branches, vines leaves, and bushes, punctuate a thousand passages in the Bible. J. Matthew Sleeth, M.D.

Building Friendships
Dartball See Newsletter Calendar By Still Waters, Care for the Caregiver Febr uar y 11th , 6:30 p.m. at the home of Brenda Rettig, in Bass Haven. Call Brenda at 419.217.6205 for more details. Not Older, Just Better - On Monday Feb. 10th, 11:30 a.m., all are invited to Marges house for soup, homemade French bread and wintery afternoon of fellowship, games, movies or just visiting. Call Marge at 419.798.8816 if you have questions or need a ride. Hospitality Lunch February 23th following Annual Meeting at St. Paul. St. John, please join us. Tuesdays at the Danbury Senior Center Come Tuesdays at 5:00. Call in your reservation in to Paula by the Friday before at 419.798.4101.


Confirmation Remember to come Sundays at 9:00 a.m., as well as Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. Sunday School 9:00 every Sunday, Preschool through 6th grade. 7th & 8th grade meet in Sanctuary.
Senior High meets the fir st Sunday of each month in Pastor s Office. Adults in the fellowship hall by the coffee.

Hello! We have some exciting events coming up with side by side youth! This month we will be headed to the indoor waterpark, Castaway Bay with the youth group with St. John Port Clinton! We are opening this event up to kids of all ages, so no matter what age of kid you are, your welcome to join us! Next month we are hosting a game night here at St. John, and in April we will be headed to the Trampoline Center in Cleveland. Pastor Aaron Be sure to join us for our outing this month with the youth of St. John Port Clinton at Castaway Bay on Sunday Feb 16! We will meet at the church at 4:30 pm and return at 10:00 pm. Please bring $15.00 to get in and if you want to eat while you are there, some cash for food.

Confirmation Schedule Wednesday 5The Sacrament of Communion Sunday 9Take and Eat

Side by Side Youth Schedule Sun. Feb 2, Souper Bowl Collection after church

Wednesday 12Lutheran Worship Practices

Sunday 16Saved by Grace Wednesday 18Review Saved by Grace Sunday 23Sharing Your Faith

Wednesday 5,12,18,26 to be decided by youth

Castaway Bay! Sunday Feb. 16, for kids of all ages. Bring $15 to get in and $ for food.

Special Events Souper Bowl of Caring

Youth around the United States are once again working to transform the time around the Super Bowl into the nation's largest celebration of giving and serving. On Feb. 2, large soup pots will be waiting outside many places of worship, including St. John and St. Paul, to collect money that will go directly to our Danbury Food Pantry. Thank you for joining in the celebration!

Pulpit Swap
Pastor Chris and Rev. Dale Schaefer will be swapping pulpits on Sunday, February 23. Pastor Chris has been asked to lead worship at St. Paul in New Rochester, Ohio, for Bold Womens Sunday.

Our Lenten Season begins with Ash Wednesday services, March 5th, 12:00 noon at St. John, and 7:00 p.m. at St. Paul.

Special Prayer.
Prayers for Cameroon - The Central African Republic (CAR), which borders Cameroon, is in a state of chaos. Militants have taken over the capital city, Bangui, and are killing Christians. Missionaries have left and even the President of the country has fled. This has been going on for several months but has gotten to the point where the peace keepers from other countries cannot contain it. It was under French leadership until 1960 so the French sent 6000 soldiers to help. The Christians have left their homes and some are residing in tents outside the major cities trying to stay alive. Others have fled to nearby Cameroon. The militants plan to enter other countries surrounding the CAR and do the same thing. The UN became involved in December but so far nothing is happening and no one seems to be able to stop them. So

A Study of Meditation

Join us on the First Thursday of each month at 6:30 p.m. at St. Paul. Learn about a wide range of meditation practices from guided meditation to laughter yoga. Meditation is a way to help center your day around God and a great way to find relaxation in a busy day. For more information call Pastor Aaron at 614.746.5119 or We meet the first Thursday of each month. Our Next meeting will be February 6.

Serving Others
Internship Team Meeting Thursday, February 13th, 5:00 p.m. at St. Paul Church Councils Meet St. Paul is Thursday, Feb. 13 at 6:30 p.m. St. Johns is Thursday, Feb. 20th at 7:00 p.m. Noisy Offering for February 13 will benefit Joyful Connections in Oak Harbor, a valuable service to children and their families. Danbury Food Pantry - Sat., February 15th; St. John/Applesauce; St. Paul/Canned Fruit. Prayer Chain St. Paul contact Joan Harris at 419.734.3971 or 419.341.6373 or St. John contact Myra Prokop at 419.798.5101 or God promises that our prayers are heard! Prayer Shawl Plus Ministry - Meets Wed. before Bible Study at St. Paul, around 10 a.m. Lutheran World Relief Project Nail Clippers SNAP Ministries (Suppor ting Native Afr ican Pastor s) For cur r ent ministr y infor mation go to (Welcome. to Home) Volunteer Opportunities - Current and most urgent needs at St. Paul include a Sunday School Superintendent (see Ruth Scott), and help with weekly Power Point (See Pastor Aaron). Current opportunities for persons from both St. John and St. Paul include a Red Cross Disaster Training and/or an AED training (see Pastor Chris). See for more opportunities for serving.

Thank You
St. Paul and St. John Lutheran Church, Thank you so much for donating the December noisy offering and the Christmas Eve noisy offering to Danbury Food Pantry. Also we are very grateful for allowing us to use the St. Paul Church Hall for our distributions as well as the storeroom for our freezer and our supplies. Thank you sincerely, The Danbury Food Pantry,


Council highlights: January 9, 2014 The reports of the treasurer, secretary, and financial secretary were presented and accepted as written. Many thank you cards and letters were read for St. Johns Christmas donations to various groups and organizations. With the onset of the winter weather, snow removal has begun. Unfinished Business: The new Dell computer has been ordered and will arrive within the week. New Business: A class for learning how to operate the new AED will be forming in the near future. Pastor Aaron has been working with Larry Hattan to schedule an energy audit of the church and parish hall. This knowledge could lead to savings on our energy bills in the future. We might consider doing a Super Bowl of Caring offering on Super Bowl Sunday, February 2. The offering will go to the food pantry. Pastor Aaron and Sunny are working on bringing contra dancing to the peninsula. This will be at St. Johns parish hall.

History Happenings
November 1926- A special meeting was held. A new parish house was discussed and voted on by a standing vote. All in favor of building and a committee was elected to take charge of same. Mrs. Charles Dress, Mrs. Alfred Sauvey, Wm. Miller, Ed Webber, Walter Shirley, John Teitzen. February 11, 1931 hosts for Martin Luther Brotherhood are William Miller and Charles Miller.

1931 Officers: Fred Webber-President; Wm. TietjenV. Pres.; Fred Schroeder Secretary; Raymond Merckens Treasurer

December 2013 Financial Statement

December 2013 Budget Highlights

General Fund Restricted Funds Revenue Revenue $21,877.64 $10,907.36 Expense Expense $ 9,349.90 $14,895.38

St. Paul Church Council Highlights for January 9, 2014 Pastor Chris and Intern Aaron both reported on planned programs for January. Pastor provided a summary of the increase in visits she has noticed. No financial report due to year-end and date of meeting. Council welcomed Jim Deer as an at-large member. It was agreed by council that Tammy and Joe Bartzen will assume the role of Sunday School superintendent for January and February Window replacement in parsonage and church basement is completed. Parsonage furnace is replaced but still needs some work for job to be fully completed. Looking to have quote for ADA door opener at February meeting. Furnace in church office failed during cold spell and has been repaired, water line froze to womens restroom. The church is investigating conducting an energy audit and looking at ways to reduce our utility cost and energy use. Discussed projects for 2014. The 2014 church council was installed on January 12th. Please give them your support. Please remember in your prayers: Vince Adams, Bar b Agne, Dick Ar n, Mar y Butchko, J an Cieslak, Delta Cooley, Audrey Dayton, Phyllis Dress, Jean Fatiga, Paul Flickinger, David Heinzl, Bill Hirt, Steve Hosko, David Mahler, Hillary Newman, Christine Priddy, Karen Ruth, Kathy Stine, Sarah Tanner, Gordon Wahlers, Brenda Young, and Michael Young. We pray for family and friends in the armed forces. The Congregational meeting was held on J anuar y 19th after worship. The Reports were reviewed and approved. Still some reports available. The Giving Statements are ready for you to take home. Youll find them in the Fellowship Hall. This years Christian Unity Sunday potluck was held at Chapel on the Lake on January 19th. It began with a potluck meal, followed by fellowship and presentations by Pastor Aaron and Sunny about Caring for Gods Creation Together. The regular meeting and Bible study of the Women of the Church will be Feb. 20th at 1:00 pm. in the Fellowship Hall. All women are invited. Betty Easton will have refreshments. The Bible Study will be from the Gather February study, In Good Company: Stories of Biblical Women. This month -Woman of Endor, a Seer and Communicator. WELCA received Thank You notes from many of the organizations to which we send donations.

B IRTHDAYS 2 Thelma Goodyear 3 Diana Schenko Chantel Walton 4 Shelley Seamon 7 Garrett Holmes 8 Brett Pahl 9 Evelyn Bodi Ann Schmidt Landon Funk Colleen Byrne Kirk Gangl 10 Scott Bradbee 11 Katie Lenner 12 Connie Kihlken Grayden Boss 14 Valerie Mahler Joshua Schenko Justin Waugh 15 Robert Glovinsky
Matthew Mahler Vincent Manuella


Baptismal Anniversaries 12 14 15 18 19 Elizabeth Laubner Alandra Willis Zachery Tokar Lee French Jim Kovach Mia McDonald Darlene Mahler Frank Mahler Mike Doski Gerald Mackey Christina French Sharon Salyers Christina Grimm

17 18 19 20 21 22 24


26 27 28

Steve Nevin Pastor Chris Young Dustin Deluca Kirsten Thompson Gail Bergman Forrest Hornbeck Helmi Freeh Ed Keller Zach Kihlken Daniel Bergman Phyllis Humphrey Ryann Steinbrick Riley Steinbrick Graham Bartzen Sarah Boss Collin Bush Elizabeth Bush Trudi Steinbrick Matthew Seamon

21 26 27

Wedding Annivarsaries 4 Dennnis & Linda Berhent Roland & Lauren Berhent David & Sharon Allen Scott & Maureen Kerik Bill & Debbie Lenner Charles & Norma Fannin

7 15 17 26

St. Pauls December Special Ministries

Feb. 2
Greeters Lectors Ushers

Feb. 9

Feb. 16
Diane Wadsworth

Feb. 23
Laurel Berhent Chrissy French Betty Kovach Deanna Warren Mason French John Rhodes Justin Tibbels
Cong. Lunch-Council

Joan Harris Sandra Reep & Tegan Allison Lauren Berhent Vicky Doski Sandy Reep Vicky Doski Coni A. Limpert Jack Easton Nancy Kihlken Betty Kovach Nate Ahrens Seth French Maddie Harris Devon Grosswiler

Laurel Berhent Vicky Doski Gloria Nielsen Nancy Kihlken Heather Lambert Brandon Mooney

Hospitality Bulletins Steeple Lights Sandy Reep Coni & Jeff Limpert Perpetual Light Sandy Reep Mary Sennich Flowers Assisting Minister & Communion HelpersTim Mackey, Tammy Davis Altar Guild Trish Ahrens, Vicky Doski CountersNancy Kihlken, Betty Kovach

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