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(Temporary title until I found one suiting
This has no wizards, magic, vampires,
werewolves only humans, I hope you like it
but I am still new about writing things
which aren’t fantasy things.)

Chapter 1: Sweet 16 party disaster.

Chapter 2: Note, transformation and
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 1: Sweet 16 party disaster.

In an hour the party will start, my sweet 16 party, in an hour I will be

officionally 16! I looked at the mirror I had a yellow halter neck, a bit less
than knee length dress with yellow stilettos; the dress hugged my tiny waist
and curves. My platinum blonde hair hung in curls at the back. I heard the
doorbell ring and as I went down the stairs I shouted: “I’m coming!”Maybe
it’s Violet she told me she was coming a bit early and I was right “Hi V. how
do you like my dress and deco?” I asked her looking a bit smug as I took in
the view in front of me, the lighted candles around the pool, the millions of
balloons, the colorful lights and the colored ribbons swaying with the light
“I love it! And your dress girl it’s hot or hot! Like mine?” She asked and
twirled. I looked at her violet knee length backless dress with a huge bow at
the back dress.
“Welcome Violet the queen of Violet! It looks great don’t worry, you even
look better than me and I wanted to look the best at the party but you won”
I pouted jokily.
“Wear this and you will certainly be the best you will look like Sonny the
princess of the Sun” She joked as she gave me a tiara encrusted with yellow
“Ironic how our names affect us even though my name and maiden name are
total opposites, but then again I doubt I will become Amber the princess of
the Dark or Moon? Moon is the opposite of sun but dark seems to fit better.
Oh and thanks for the tiara! You really shouldn’t have!” I said but still wore
it, now I looked absolutely perfect; I really looked like the princess of the
Sun. I checked the clock again; the guest will be coming at any minute, I said
to myself.
“Ok it’s time to go out to meet our guests” I said and added jokily offering
my right arm and we crossed our elbows” ready to see ‘Sweet 16 Party Crash
1 sister’?”
“Will there be a two?” She chuckled amused.
“Of course your birthday, duh!” I said laughing.
“Of course how could I forget we were going to see ‘Sweet 16 Party Crash 2’
will there be a 3?” She asked cheekily.
“Doubting it but who knows?” I shrugged “We could be trio in the future.”
“Aren’t we already with Mike, the only guy who won’t leave a drooling trail
after following you?” She asked miming the big puppy dog eyes, with a tongue
rolling by the side of her mouth looking at a non-existent trail of drool.
“Oh shut up!” I mocked”The guests are coming!”
We walked together towards the gate and welcomed everyone and ticked
them of our list to know who came and who didn’t. When we checked of every
name from our list I closed the gate without the key and we went straight to
the stage and I shouted “Welcome to my SWEET 16 party” I shouted “So
let’s make this party as sweet as it sounds!!”
As I went down the stage the band started to play some rock. I felt a tap on
my shoulder and when I spun around I smiled.
“Hi Mike” I shouted because of the loud music.
“Hey, you look good” He shouted too, thank god I couldn’t blush or else I
totally would have.
“Thanks you don’t look bad yourself!” I once again shouted.
“I got you something hope you like it” He gave me from around his back a
small box. When he opened it I saw a beautiful necklace thee type where you
could put pictures on, it was encrusted in emeralds.
“Thank you so much!” I squeaked. I hugged him and gave him a kiss on his
cheek “You’re the best!”
“I know” he said looking smug.
A sound of a gun thrilled of, I heard screams of panic and the band stopped
“Where is the birthday girl we have a surprise” A man said. I went through
the throng of people but then somebody took my wrist… Mike.
“Don’t go” he whispered worried at what they might do.
“What if they hurt somebody didn’t you hear the gun shot?!” I whispered as
I took my wrist away from him.
Another sound of a shotgun I cast a last glance at Mike and I ran in front,
when I saw more or less 20 men fear gripped me as I saw they were all
armed and when one of them went near me I felt worse and he roughly took
me by my wrist as I stumbled behind him. He quickly spun me around and put
a gun on my head.
“Such a pretty girl, such a waste” he said and I shuddered and as he tried to
give me a kiss I stomped on his feet and kicked him in the ribs. He didn’t
like it and so this time he took me by my hair and pushed me on the ground
he then took a knife and pushed it into my cheek, it didn’t hurt me but I felt
blood slowly trickling out from the wound. I heard more sobs from my best
friend and more shouts from Mike I knew from his muffled shouting that
they were holding him.
“What do you want?” I asked, I was proud of myself I wasn’t scared
whatever they did to me even though the cut was now tingling a little bit.
“Oh just money from your daddy’s bank account and you will help us by being
the bait” he said. Bait, yep just great I knew how this happened first they
torture you then they wait for the money and then bye, adios, ciao, hasta la
vista to me. I felt as if I needed to throw up. I felt sick.
“Now give me your mobile” He said I gave it to him and he dialed my dad’s
number “If you say anything wrong you may count yourself dead meat!”
“D-dad can you give me your bank account number please?” I stammered.
“How much do you need?” He asked suspiciously.
“Oh just a thousand or two maybe three at the most” I said I hope he
“Of course call number 79940321 and say 3971310 for my account” He said
I remembered those codes help codes.
“Thanks daddy” I acted happy. I dialed the number.
“3971310” I said, the person on the other was our outside bodyguard, the
one who had our help codes.
“How much do you want?” He asked and I cast a questioning glance and they
“9 million $” The leader slash creepy perv said.
“9 million $” I said.
“Very well we will be coming shortly” He said.
“Thank you” I said.
“Good girl” He said to me and patted me on my head like a little puppy and I
just glared daggers at him. I looked at my guests looking scared and
frightened, why did I have to forget closing the gate without the keys and
why did I tell the bodyguards to have a free day. The man took me by my
hair and with two fingers lifted my chin and head up. His finger went up and
down my face until they stopped on my lips. I looked up and watched him, he
looked no older than 20 and he was not bad looking at all actually cute. But
he hurt me, ruined my birthday and scared my friends. I could see he was
staring from my eyes to my lips. It was strange a thief was lusting for a girl
he has to rob.
“Now it’s your turn to be played with” He chuckled darkly and leaned down
and as his lips nearly touching mine and I spit on him. And he slapped me
hard; I felt blood gushing from my lips. It did hurt a bit but I didn’t show,
not wanting them to know.
“You will pay” He said angrily and took me by my hair again and he again to
his knife out and took my arm he slowly put it on my shoulder and down until
it reached my elbow I winced. In the crowd I could see they were still
holding Mike down but it got more difficult for them.
“What a pity you don’t listen even if I shed your blood it is useless then how
about somebody of your friends eh?” He said cruelly.
“No please no, I will do anything just don’t hurt them!” I cried I couldn’t let
others get hurt instead of me. He looked smug and triumphant whereas I
looked sick and disgusted. I looked around and saw I wasn’t the only one I
looked at the unmoving crowd I was sorry it was my fault. I bent my head
down waiting and then I heard a car.
“Come with me to take the money” He gruffly said. I went there walking and
I saw the police armed and I ran towards them so he couldn’t use me as a
hostage. And then a policeman went near him and handcuffed him. I saw
other quietly walking to the men and catching them but most of them ran
away, I thought they all were gone but a heard the shot of a gun and I felt
as it lightly grazed my cheek. It didn’t hurt but then it started to sting and
burn so hard as I writhed in pain. Somebody must have injected me
something because I felt numb. I slowly closed my eyes and slept a dream-
less sleep.

Chapter 2: Transformation and transfer.

I woke up with a monster head ache and I felt strange all over. I felt
something stir on both of my sides. It was Violet and Mike asleep each
holding one of my hand. I smiled, all ways with me whatever happens.
“Good morning, I guess” Mike said groggily, he looked so cute when he was
sleepy with his shaggy brown hair.
“Good morning, how long have I been out?” I asked.
“One weeks and 4 days” He said.
“Why so long?” I asked and exclaimed at the same “Oops, sorry V.”
“There was a chance you wouldn’t wake because when they shot you there
was poison on it they found an antidote but they were scared it was too late”
Mike said.
“Thank god it all finished. Were they all captured?” I asked and when I
remembered what happened I shuddered.
“Unfortunately no although I did catch 3 of them” Mike said triumphantly.
“Yeah yeah he was great running like hell and punching them” Violet said
“Mike you shou-” I was interrupted by a police officer.
“I’m sorry but you two have to go” She roughly told them. As they went away
hurrying, they stole a last glance at me and said bye to me.
“Ok I have something important to say” she said seriously and took a chair
by my right and never broke eye contact.
“Spill” I said normally although I felt a bit uneasy.
“We think that the people who we didn’t catch will try to track you, kidnap
you and/or kill you, and we know that they are a famous band of thieves and
when they don’t get what they want they destroy obstacles in their path
which is you and now that their leader is in prison they will get their revenge
on you. We decided that you should change how you look and relocate to
another school in an apartment preferably with more than 1 person living
with you.” She said.
“What?! No, no, no!” I screamed “I can’t, I won’t and I shan’t!”
“Then you will die but we can try to protect you but one way or another they
always will find away to get you unless you don’t go.” She said before
standing up and going out and shortly after she left Mike and Violet came.
“Hi” I said in a voice no louder than a whisper.
“What’s wrong” They said at the same time and came running towards me.
“I have to go I don’t know where but I’m sure when I go there I won’t look
like this” I said and just at the thought of moving silent tears fell down my
“Why?” Violet asked.
“Protection I guess” I said
“They will go after you right.”It wasn’t a question but a statement.
“Yes” I said as if answering a question which was never asked.
“When will you… go?” Violet asked.
“Don’t know” I choked through my tears “Tell her to come”
They understood who it was and Mike went for her. She came there
soundlessly and told me “You will be let out of here now and then we will go
to a place and their you will dye your hair, cut it, change your clothes and
other things which will make you look as different as possible.” She said. A
nurse came in and then took away everything on my skin and inside, needles,
plugs and other things which I didn’t know and didn’t care what they were.
Then everyone went away to let me dress and as I took away all amount of
clothes I had on and looked at myself in the mirror I saw I have lost a couple
of pounds and my cheek and arm scars were noticeable on my pale skin and
my hair was long I never knew it could grow so fast and so much in such a
short time well not so short. I had hand mark bruises everywhere although
they were fading. I never looked so bad, not even when I wake up. I went and
wore a turquoise long sleeved top with faded denim jeans with holes on the
knees. I looked good but weary. And I took my bags checking the room for
anything I forgot and then I saw a piece of paper and read it aloud:
Beware we will come for you and this time will be the last, don’t get too
comfortable it won’t take long…
The Follower

A small scream escaped through my mouth as I fell on my knees onto the

floor and my watering eyes threatening to spill. I heard running footsteps. It
came from nowhere they even could be here!
“Are you all right?” Mike said concern all over his face I just shook my head
saying no and handed him the paper. He helped me stand up and I was soon
steady again. I walked silently and clutching the paper tightly, Mike
squeezed my hand reassuringly as if trying to tell me it will be alright. I
walked towards the officer and gave them the paper I saw her eyes go wide
and Violet reading it from behind and when she was done she ran by my side.
“Come with me” She said and I don’t know how I got there so fast inside a
police car with my friends near me and police motorbikes surrounded around
the car we sat in, I started fidgeting and when the car stopped I practically
jumped out from the car. Immediately four policemen surrounded me
protecting me from well uh… bugs? If I wasn’t scared because of that note I
would have laughed. They hurried me to the door and when I entered I
immediately smelled leather. They then showed me through a door and I
smelled hair products, time for a new haircut fantastic. NOT.
“What color would you like to dye your hair?” A woman with strawberry blond
hair asked me. I freaked out. I didn’t want to dye my hair!
“V. what should I do?!” I asked her.
“Black with a yellow highlights and pink highlight on the fringe which will
cover your right eye and very layered and you should make it a bit longer
than shoulder length” Violet said off handedly.
“Won’t I look to different? Too… depressed or something?” I asked scared
for the new change but I liked change, change is good… right?
“That is exactly what you need to do say goodbye to Sonny and hello to
Amber” Violet mocked me with my middles name: Sonny Amber Santiago, I
never use it though it doesn’t seem to fit in.
“OK do it how she said to do it” I told the hairdresser.
After she washed my hair from the glitter she dyed my hair onyx black,
then she washed it again, she added the highlights, washed again and then
she cut and she brushed hair from and I opened my eyes and saw that it
actually looked good, before I looked like an angel sweet and innocent now I
looked like the true me a bad-ass only my real friends knew that I was
actually bad and that I used this sweet angel face and my super acting skills
as a cover up. I looked around and saw that nobody was there except a
woman and when I stood up she showed me though a door and when I
entered all I saw clothes and clothes and more clothes. I walked to the
teenage section I saw beautiful golden clothes but it wouldn’t suit my
makeover and character. I picked black clothes with yellow I just couldn’t
remove yellow from my closet. So I wore a beautiful black halter top with
yellow lightening, black leggings and black denim shorts with faded yellow on
the front and black knee length boots with a two inch stiletto heel. I looked
in the mirror and I looked at the stranger in front of me! As I walked around
searching for my friends I felt something fly by my cheek from the window.
It was an arrow and on it there was another note, I breathed in and out
slowly as fear seeped in me.
Trying to change my dear, it won’t work and as I told you it won’t take long. I
will get revenge for our leader. Goodbye for now.
The Follower.
I slowly let out a breath which I didn’t even know I was holding. I heard a
noise behind me I was scared they were still here I quickly spun around and
a little scream escaped from me as I clutched where my heart was supposed
to be.
“Mike! You nearly gave me a heart attack!” I said as my heart beat calmed
“Do I know you? Wait is that you Sonny?” He asked looking at me as if trying
to recognize if it really was me.
“No, I’m not Sonny my name is Amber” I said faking outrage “How can you
forget the name of your best friend?!”
“Last time I checked my best friend’s name was Sonny” He said with a
mocking voice. For a moment I forgot what happened and I remembered why
he always my best friend. My smile turned in a frown as I remembered the
note that The Follower gave me. Why couldn’t I have a normal life? Ugh!
“Sonny what happened?” He asked me, he always knows when something is
“Why should anything be wrong?” I asked.
“You are trembling, you look as if you want to cry and you look-” He said but
I cut him of abruptly and shoved the note in his hand. His face changed from
mocking to angry to furious. He took make elbow roughly but at the same
time softly. I never saw Mike so angry he looked as he just wants to rip
those people apart, I shuddered at the thought. I put my not occupied hand
on his and told him:
“Calm down Mike, even I am calmer just barely more” I said to him as calmly
as possible.
“You’re right but I still am angry” He said as if that was an enough reason. I
scowled at that answer thinking about the comeback.
“Ugh! Ok you won.” I pouted.
“I always do” He said smugly.
“Stupid, ego-maniac best friend” I grumbled.
“What?” He asked me, I hoped he didn’t hear a word but he must have
catched-on something. Yikes!
“What what?” I asked putting my sweet, innocent and angelic face. I could
see his defenses fall but as my best friend he knew all my tricks. Damn!
“I’m not going to fall for it you know.” He said
I huffed at that and crossed my arms hoping that by doing this we would
continue are bickering and he would forget what I said.
“You are still going to pay for that” He said. And here my hope says bye. I
squeaked as he put me over his shoulders and as I hit his back with my
fisted hands.

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