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Grand Master Symbols: By Reiki30

This guide is a brief, but easier to use reference for the Reiki Grand Master Le els!

Some say that the Reiki symbols are 'sacred or secret'. Others say they just help to focus the intent. Others say they are not really needed. You should make up your own mind regarding Reiki symbols. See what you reckon when using them etc.... I, personally don't find a need for these symbols, e cept maybe the !ntahkarana "#oogle Search this symbol for further info$. %hile being attuned myself to the #rand &aster 'e(els ")eb. *++, onwards$ I found that some past e(ents didn't bother me as much and things just made more sense etc.... Such as- the bullying I had through school . college didn't phase/bother/bug me as it once did. %hile recei(ing attunements to #rand &aster 'e(els you may e perience similar. 0he easiest way to use the symbols would be to state the symbol name 1 times, mentally or aloud. 2ust as you would do for 3ho 4u Rei, Se 5e 4i, 5on Sha 6e Sho 7en etc...... I'(e been trying to find a reliable source for decent 8uality Reiki Symbols, as those in the manuals can be hard to make out. 9ut no luck -/ You can howe(er, if you wish to meditate on all the symbols. Some are harder to draw/(isuali:e.

7amaste. ; "*+<<$ Reiki #rand &aster 'ynda %ard R5, I75! "aka Reiki1+$ or http-// =mail- wardlynda>

Le els "#$: '?- @ai 3ho %a A #reat 5armony '?- @ai Ro Se A 0he %isdom Symbol 'B- @ai )u Shu A #reat Separation

Left: @ai 3ho %a A #reat 5armony Middle: @ai Ro Se A %isdom Symbol Right: @ai )a Shu A #reat Separation

%&' T& (S): &entally/aloud state symbol name 1 times to acti(ate. "7ot essential$. &editate on symbol. Rela and (isuali:e appropriate symbol. @raw it in the air a few times, if that helps. Cisuali:e symbol surrounded by a bright light. #o with the flow.

Le el *: 'D- @ai 2i Yu A #reat 'iberty/)reedom 'D- @ai 4iro A 0he %isdom Symbol 'D- 4om A =mpower yourself and to grow spiritually

Left: @ai 2i Yu A #reat 'iberty/)reedom Middle: @ai 4iro A 0he %isdom Symbol Right: 4om A =mpower yourself and to grow spiritually

%&' T& (S): &entally/aloud state symbol name 1 times to acti(ate. "7ot essential$. &editate on symbol. Rela and (isuali:e appropriate symbol. @raw it in the air a few times, if that helps. Cisuali:e symbol surrounded by a bright light. #o with the flow.

Le els +#,: 'E- !ntahkarana A 3onnects us to our 5igher Self. 9eneficial for 3hakra's and !ura's 'E- @ai 5ey %a A #reat Feace ',- @ai )u 4u A #reat 5appiness/9lessing

Left: !ntahkarana A 3onnects us to our 5igher Self. 9eneficial for 3hakra's and !ura's Middle: @ai 5ey %a A #reat Feace Right: @ai )u 4u A #reat 5appiness/9lessing

%&' T& (S): Re- !ntahkarana A #oogle search 'uses for !ntahkarana'. &entally/aloud state symbol name 1 times to acti(ate. "7ot essential$. &editate on symbol. Rela and (isuali:e appropriate symbol. @raw it in the air a few times, if that helps. Cisuali:e symbol surrounded by a bright light. #o with the flow.

Le els -0#-.: '<+- @ai 4i 9o A #reat 5ope '<<- @ai 3hi 4ara A #reat Strength/)orce '<*- @ai !i A #reat 'o(e

Left: @ai 4i 9o A #reat 5ope Middle: @ai 3hi 4ara A #reat Strength/)orce Right: @ai !i A #reat 'o(e

%&' T& (S): &entally/aloud state symbol name 1 times to acti(ate. "7ot essential$. &editate on symbol. Rela and (isuali:e appropriate symbol. @raw it in the air a few times, if that helps. Cisuali:e symbol surrounded by a bright light. #o with the flow.

Le els -3#-": '<1- @ai 5ana A #reat 0eacher '<G- @ai &oku A #reat =ye '<?- @ai &ichi A #reat %ay

Left: @ai 5ana A #reat 0eacher Middle: @ai &oku A #reat =ye Right: @ai &ichi A #reat %ay

%&' T& (S): &entally/aloud state symbol name 1 times to acti(ate. "7ot essential$. &editate on symbol. Rela and (isuali:e appropriate symbol. @raw it in the air a few times, if that helps. Cisuali:e symbol surrounded by a bright light. #o with the flow.

Le els -$#-+: '<B- @ai 4ei A #reat Re(elation '<D- @ai 2i A #reat 0emple '<E- @ai 0etsu A #reat %isdom

Left: @ai 4ei A #reat Re(elation Middle: @ai 2i A #reat 0emple Right: @ai 0etsu A #reat %isdom

%&' T& (S): &entally/aloud state symbol name 1 times to acti(ate. "7ot essential$. &editate on symbol. Rela and (isuali:e appropriate symbol. @raw it in the air a few times, if that helps. Cisuali:e symbol surrounded by a bright light. #o with the flow.

/hakra Symbols:
Mentioned in the Le els " 0 $ Manual 1 2o s3ecific 3ur3ose4techni5ue etc is mentioned! Therefore 6ust use ho7e er you like!

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