Freedom Blueprint

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By David MacGregor

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David MacGregor Click Here To Visit My Website

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Table of Contents

Step 1: Free Your Mind
How to Escape The Matrix... The 8 Deadly Myths That Conspire to Enslave You The External Authority Myth The State Education Myth The Equality Myth The Victimhood Myth The Democracy Myth The Nation State Myth The Shortage of Money Myth The Self Sacrifice Myth

Step 2: Free Your Imagination

The Wealth Revolution... How to Discover The Secret of Money Creation

Step 3: Free Your Life

The Ultimate Wealth Plan... How to Create Your Own World of Freedom & Wealth

How to Build a Profitable International Business For Yourself

Additional Practical Resources For The Freedom & Wealth Seeker

The Freedom Blueprint is just that - a comprehensive two-part plan to achieve personal and financial freedom. But its much more than that. Its also a complete mind and attitude revolution, to get you thinking and acting in a totally different way. I take the view that ideas have consequences, and that in order to achieve a specific outcome (like personal and financial freedom), you first need the appropriate mindset. So much of what we experience in life is a direct result of the thinking (or non-thinking) that went on before. But its not just thinking (which I take to be a volitional act to apply ones mind to a particular issue), but habitual thinking - the type of thinking which is automatic - which influences so much of our everyday lives. So, as a result, Part 1 of The Freedom Blueprint is written in 3 distinct parts: Step 1: Free Your Mind - How to Escape The Matrix Here I disclose the 8 deadly myths that conspire to enslave you - the 8 habitual ways of thinking that you need to challenge and reassess if you want to be truly free. Step 2: Free Your Imagination - The Wealth Revolution Here I disclose why there is an endless supply of money just waiting for you to tap into - and the revolutionary tool that gives you access to it. Step 3: Free Your Life - The Ultimate Wealth Plan Here I disclose a step-by-step plan to propel you forward to your desired goal of personal and financial freedom - to build your own world of freedom and wealth. Part 2 of this report reveals a unique international business you can plug into. Much of what you read in this report may challenge your existing beliefs, so I ask that you proceed with an open mind, and leave your final judgment until the end. The three parts of this blueprint form an integrated whole - so I suggest you read it from beginning to end, rather than piecemeal. Certainly it is my wish that in reading this report your eyes will be opened to new ways of thinking, new ways of plugging into the limitless global economy, and new ways to make the money you need to fulfill your personal dreams. Yours in freedom David MacGregor
Please Note: All words in BLUE are hyperlinks to the internet.


STEP 1: Free Your Mind

How To Escape The Matrix... The 8 Deadly Myths That Conspire to Enslave You Have you ever asked yourself the question: "Why are things the way they are?" Have you ever got angry at the status quo - the stupidity, the injustice and the inertia? More importantly, have you ever tried to take off your cultural spectacles and view the world anew? It's certainly hard to do, if not near impossible for most people. And there's a good reason why. Our view of the world, and our relationship to it, is shaped by the world as it is - not how it could be. It is shaped by our genes, our family environment, our education, and the culture we grow up within - whatever nation or ethnicity. We are the product of the given, the existent - the accepted norm. Our traditional thinking is therefore a product of our past. But imagine you were a visiting alien from another planet - looking at the behaviour of humans and pondering on the meaning of it all. Your alien self would not be hidebound by earthly history, traditions, morality, politics, economics or education but instead be free to view things as they really are, and see where we've gone wrong, and where we could do better. Trouble is, even imagining ourselves as alien is fraught with difficulties, because we find it extraordinarily difficult to think outside the square we have been born into. It's all evolution's fault. Evolution is that slow process of adapting, biologically, to our surroundings. And adapt we certainly do - over millennia! Evolution has always been measured in millions of years - not in the span of a human lifetime. And that worked okay for our ancestors, whose lives and environment hardly changed one bit during their own, usually short, existence. For most of recorded history people have been born, grown up, worked, lived, played and died in a virtually unchanged world - often without even leaving the geographical area they were born in. But, unlike animals which have to adapt to their environment, humans can change their environment through the use of their minds. And with the advent of the Renaissance, the rise of science, and the consequent industrial revolution, man's

mind and life was liberated to an extent hitherto unimaginable. New ideas. New inventions. New ways of doing things. And all of a sudden, after a somnambulant gestation period, it appeared that humankind was rising from the primordial swamp to stake a claim to the earth, and its future - stepping into the driving seat, instead of being a passive passenger. Evolution was to be given a jolt. Within a matter of just a couple of hundred years, the very nature of human society had changed forever. What's more, the pace of change picked up speed and drew mankind into a vortex of societal upheaval. Now it is accepted we will see and experience enormous changes during our own lives. We no longer expect to stay in the same job, or even the same career. We no longer expect to be doing the same thing in ten year's time, nor even living in the same place. We expect change. When it comes to humans, evolution has given way to revolution. Just to put this into context, cast your mind back to 1995. Can you remember what you were doing then? Chances are you were not logging on to the internet, buying and selling via eBay, or booking your next holiday online. The changes the internet has wrought in our lives, in that short time, have been enormous. Back in 1995, I used to get the morning newspaper delivered daily. Now I read up on the news online. Not only that, I can now read news and commentary from around the world, and not from just the established news sources. Our access to information has been revolutionised by the internet. Back then I used to buy CDs and play them on my stereo. Now I can download music by the track and store and play them on my diminutive iPod. Back then I used to work at a normal career. Now I work exclusively on the internet. The advent of the internet is just one example of how things can change over a very short time frame. Technological progress is daunting. Whereas industrial and technological change would previously take generations, now - as is apparent in China - we are witnessing the phenomena of virtually instant industrial and information revolutions combined. You can see this working everywhere - from the increasing sophistication of your home entertainment system, to the computer you bought two years ago - which is now virtually obsolete. More for less. Fast replacing slow. Global replacing local.

No one can seriously doubt the exponential growth and advancement in technology. The problem is that while our technology is surging ahead, our social and moral systems are still effectively in prehistory. We're like children playing with adult toys. We know how to send email, download music, create a video, browse a blog, buy and sell on eBay, and send text messages to kingdom come - but we haven't figured out how to live fully human lives and get on with each other peacefully in an ever-shrinking global village. Our technology is from the world of science fiction, but our social order is from the world of cave men. Our ethical, social and economic thinking is in a time warp. We have the technical capacity to traverse space, but the morality to nuke ourselves into oblivion. Why is this? Our whole evolutionary history has been based on slow, incremental change - change so slow that our earlier ancestors never had to deal with any real change at all. And their social and ethical norms and forms were designed to work in that reality. But the world has been transformed. Each of us now faces change as a constant. Change is everywhere. Change is the order of the day. And unless we can come up with some new ways of thinking and acting in response to this, then our inability to change the fundamentals of our means of social organisation could bring about our own eventual downfall. This point in time has sometimes been called the "nuclear threshold". The nuclear threshold is that moment in history when our intellectual prowess meets our moral capacity to use it wisely. We are smart enough to develop nuclear technology, but do we have the ethical and social frameworks to stop it from destroying us? The 20th Century saw huge social upheavals - and the deaths of millions of people in the pursuit of various utopian social experiments. The most disastrous of these were Fascism and Communism - both totalitarian ideologies. The outward forms of these dangerous ideas were defeated: fascism by force of arms, in World War II, and Communism by the contradictions inherent in the economic ideas themselves, as witnessed by the demise of the Soviet Union. There are only a couple of communist countries left - Cuba, which apparently exists on the the pure charisma of its leader, and North Korea, which is in the grip of

permanent famine and paranoia. China, while calling itself communist, is in fact not that at all. It is just an authoritarian regime, a ghost of its former communist self. Yes, the outward forms of these ideologies have largely disappeared, but the thinking that brought them into existence in the first place certainly has not. The philosophical themes of fascism and communism are alive and well on planet earth - and are woven into the very social order we now inhabit. Prior to the rise of the secular west, Christianity was the pre-eminent philosophy and the source of political power. And we have largely forgotten what a dark time in history that was. But it wasn't called the Dark Ages for nothing! With the rise of science and consequent technology, the political power of the Church declined - and has been doing so ever since. But today, we are witnessing a return of the religiously inspired political order - in the form of Islam. Islam is a religion of literal belief and rules-following. It is a complete code of conduct to be followed without question. The key word here is obedience. But this is not much different from the fundamentalist forms of the other major monotheistic religio - Christianity and Judaeism. The forces of social stagnation, of non-evolution, are mustering and regrouping for a counter attack. The ideologies of totalitarian philosophy, statism and religious fundamentalism are intent on stopping humankind from moving forward. There is much at stake - the very future of the human race in fact - and the reactionary social forces know this, and intend to do all they can to stop humankind from taking the next revolutionary step. What are their tools of trade? What is their modus operandi? What is their agenda? The last question is easy to answer. Their agenda is control. Control over society. Control over all forms of social organisation and progress. Control over you. They have only one known enemy - the individual thinking person. The person who thinks outside the square, has independent means, and refuses to simply accept what he or she is told. And the only way for them to defeat this enemy is to take pre-emptive control of the levers of power - the power to influence an individual's mind. before it matures. What, exactly, are those power levers, their tools of trade? They are ideas. Yes, each lever of power is an idea - an idea that is inculcated into each individual from birth, via family, religion, society and nation. When all these ideas are combined, they form a cultural matrix of force, fraud and fallacy - a nearperfect, total means of individual and societal control.

So, what exactly are these power-lever ideas? What sort of ideas can be so powerful as to render the believer an effective automaton - a willing participant in the slaveorder society? These ideas are in fact Eight Deadly Myths that support the current system of power and control. They act together in order to prevent the emergence of true individual freedom. They are myths precisely because each one fails to deliver on the promise implicit in its declared purpose - to make life better.

1. The External Authority Myth There is no valid, absolute external authority over your life - whether family, friends, church, society, nation, or cosmic Big Brother. Each individual human is a sovereign being, an autonomous self-owner - and no one has the right to one moment of your life - or to force you to do anything against your will. And yet, this is precisely the nature of most social systems and societies throughout history - an attempt to set up such external authorities as a means of control. Like most myths, it can be explained by looking at history, and understanding how our past has shaped our present. And so it is with the concept of external authority, which is ingrained into us as children - in relation to our parents - and as we grow up into the big wide world. But perhaps the main perpetrator of this external authority idea is organised religion. We first learn of a God or gods via organised religion. If you were brought up in a western country, chances are you were brought up to believe in the Christian God. If you were brought up in India, you would have been taught to believe in the Hindu Gods. And if you were brought up in the Middle East, you would have been brought up to believe in the Muslim God or the Jewish God. And there are plenty of other gods that humans can also choose to believe in. Just take your pick. The task of teaching you about God falls on organised religion. Religion is the hierarchical structure that preserves the stories and moral imperatives of each particular god. If you are a Jew, then Moses became the link between God and man, when he brought down the stone tablets from Mount Sinai. If you are a Christian, then Jesus Christ is that link. But the essential point is that the story is the official property of each respective religion - the ultimate guardian of the faith. In Christianity, prior to the Reformation, the only way to approach God was via the intermediary function of the priesthood. Martin Luther challenged this and gave birth

to Protestantism - which allowed believers supposedly direct access to God, via God's Word - the Bible. Of course this access had to be moderated by teachers and pastors those who had the knowledge to interpret God's Word. Interpreting it yourself was (and still is) considered far too dangerous! The Protestant Reformation was essentially a response to a technological advancement - the printing press. Before the advent of the printing press the very few books that existed were hand written and copied - as was the Bible. This limitation meant the Bible was not readily available to ordinary folk. The printing press changed that - and changed the form of Christianity as a consequence. But what if you'd never seen the Bible, or the Koran, or any of the other religious writings? Just imagine if you were brought up in a family that had no belief in a god. What would you believe in? Would it matter? Well, there is a good chance that you would believe in nothing supernatural at all. Then again you may, as an adult, come into contact with others who do believe in a god, and decide to investigate. In this way an adult can convert to a religious belief that was not previously held. But belief by societal osmosis is much more powerful and persistent. The essential point is that without religion, there would be no organised systems of spiritual belief in any sort of god. That wouldn't stop people believing in stuff of course! People are creative in every sort of way - including the beliefs they hold. You could believe in your ancestors, or in fairies, demons, animals, aliens, or any number of possible god-substitutes - including kings, presidents and prime ministers! But all of this misses the point. When you seek such a god, you are seeking something out there. You are placing your centre of spiritual gravity outside yourself - and exposing yourself to the influence of others. And this is the key, the willingness to abdicate your own moral authority and thinking processes, in favour of readymade solutions and guidance from others. Some people believe in an intensely personal god. This type of belief is likely to have the greatest impact on one's life - but also threatens to undermine the idea of one god for all. But there are believers who posit a remote god. They are usually called deists. To these believers, their god is not actually involved in human affairs at all - but stands aloof, simply watching from afar. In this belief system God does not intervene in human affairs, but is just like a spectator - possibly cheering, or booing, from the sidelines. In many ways, the deist's position is much closer to reality. For if God is remote and not involved in the daily grind of human life, then life is something quite separate 9

something that actually goes on without the influence of a god at all. In the deist's world view we are, for all practical purposes, alone. And so we are, each one of us, alone in this universe. The whole fabric of organised religion is an attempt to cover up this unsettling fact - to suggest there is some supreme authority over our lives, other than ourselves. The truth is, God is not out there at all. God is very much within. And we have this on good authority - as Jesus Christ said so himself. In fact, it's possible to render the historical story of Jesus in exactly these terms. Here was a man who challenged all earthly authority - and in particular the authority of the existing religious order. He held himself above such things, and acted as if he was a god, capable of judging and evaluating all things in the light of his own moral understanding. It was this godlikeness that brought the wrath of the priestly class against him. The story of Jesus shows he was a truly autonomous individual. He taught that God was not to be found with the priestly class, or inside the temple, but was within a man's own being. And that is a very revolutionary idea indeed! The external authority myth hides a very important fact from you. You are, in essence, your own god, your own moral compass. And when you wake up to that fact, you will find your whole view of life, and the world around you, changes.

2. The State Education Myth Education is the process of learning. If you've ever enjoyed learning, then you will have discovered the nature of true education - which is learning about that which you have a passion to know about. Education should not be a chore or a bore, but a delight. And if you've ever voluntarily taken a course in any subject you are fascinated with - then you know this truth for yourself. Education is about expanding one's mind and horizons. It's about discovering the world as it really is. It's about learning how to use your mind to achieve your desired objectives. Education is also about creating a sense of life - a comprehensive world view. From a societal point of view, education is also about inculcating the values and traditions of society - as a means of preserving the existing social order. This function of education is paramount for many people - as it is a way of controlling the future. And because of that, education has always been the preserve of the existing power elite. First the church, and more recently the state.


The state insists on controlling education, on molding the minds of the young, precisely in order to control the thinking of its citizens and to ensure there is no challenge to its assumed role. What's more, the state controls even private education by defining what is to be taught (the curricula), and how. It not only creates the content of all education, but the process by which it is taught - often to disastrous effects. Just take one example - the teaching of that most basic of skills, reading. Because the state is a monolithic organisation, when it determines how something should be taught, there is no room for disagreement. What's worse, the method becomes a one size fits all policy which takes no account of differences between individuals. In the case of learning to read, there has been a war of ideas for some time, between those who believe reading should be taught by the whole word method, and those who believe it should be taught by the phonics method. The whole word method relies on the student's ability to memorise whole words, and to guess such words from the context of their use. On the other hand, teaching by phonics involves teaching children to understand the actual sounds of the letters - the vowels and the consonants - and their constituent combined sounds. This is the building block approach to teaching reading - where you lay a logical foundation on which to build vocabulary and understanding. Interestingly, the veracity or otherwise of each method is easily proven - and always comes down on the side of phonics. However, there is a huge vested interest in the whole word method - and trying to change the state's teaching methods is virtually impossible. But one can evaluate both these methods by looking at their foundational principles and come to a valid conclusion. The whole word method actually runs counter to the way the human mind works. It is essentially a pictographic way of learning - seeing the words as pictures (whole words with meaning). And as a result, a child has to learn literally thousands of such picture-words. Overload. On the other hand, the phonic method uses a building block approach by having just 26 components - the letters of the alphabet. By learning these correctly, and how to pronounce the various combinations of such letters, the mind is being used efficiently. In other words, phonics corresponds with the way the mind actually works. So why on earth would any state want to employ a teaching methodology that effectively dumbs down its children by making learning to read such a difficult task?

The answer is simple - the inertia and ineffectiveness of state bureaucracy makes responding to such an issue almost impossible. At its core, state education is a complete travesty of the idea of education, and is largely a means of social engineering and propaganda. The desired end product is a pliant population, one that doesn't think too much, doesn't ask too many questions, and in particular, doesn't question authority. It's an education for slaves. The only alternative is for parents to be given the freedom to choose the means of educating their own children - in any form whatsoever, and without interference and regulation by the state. In other words, a total free market in education.

3. The Equality Myth Nobody is equal. The only equality is that everyone has an equal right to their own life, and a right to pursue their own goals. The constant political attempts to create equality are forever doomed to failure. You know it, and I know it. You only have to look around you, talk to people, travel the world, and you will soon discover the huge differences between individuals. Whether in the areas of skills, intelligence, talent, emotional stability, intellectual sharpness, physical fitness, lifestyle habits, endurance, honesty or any other number of distinguishing characteristics displayed by humans. The blunt fact is that people are decidedly different - unequal. Humans are equal in one thing only - the right to their own life. In other words, the only equality that can be rightfully defined and defended is the equality of action the ability of people to freely act in their own interest, to achieve their own objectives, without impinging on the equally important interests of others. In the same way that individuals are not equal - nor are cultures, societies or nations. The idea that we are all the same is simply wrongheaded - and can only lead to absurd social policies. And so it has. Just take one example. The demand for "equal rights" produces some very bizarre attitudes and outcomes. And these demands are commonly accepted as legitimate. You have people demanding the right to a job, the right to an education, the right to health care. These demands are based on the assumption we are all equal, and therefore entitled to whatever we perceive others may have (a job, education or health care etc.). But there can be no right which imposes a unchosen obligation on another. I cannot claim the right to a job, without demanding that someone, who has worked hard to

create their own opportunity, be forced to employ me. I cannot claim the right to an education without demanding that someone else devotes their time to educating me. And I cannot claim a right to health care without demanding that some doctor or nurse give up their time to attend to me. In every case, these demands for equality are exposed as demands on the life of someone else. One person's right cannot result in another person's enslavement. A legitimate right cannot negate someone else's rights. And that's exactly what happens when bogus equality and entitlement become ascendant in society. There is just one right - the right to your own life, and the right to be able to take action to sustain your own life in the manner you determine. The push for equality has created a monster - a behemoth of a state, intent on righting all the wrongs of nature - and doing so using force of arms to take from some and give to others. Freedom means being able to retain just that one right - the right to your own life and the consequent right to act in your own interests.

4. The Victimhood Myth Freedom is a two-edged sword. If you want to be free, you also have take full responsibility for your own life. Modern society, with its socialist foundations, is making a virtue out of being a victim. In other words, someone whose life has been inextricably altered (for the worse) by someone, or something else. Someone who is not in control of his or her own life. You see it everywhere. Some careless person buys a cup of coffee, then spills it and scolds themselves. Nothing that unusual, except in this case the person feels aggrieved and sues the coffee shop. What's worse, is the totally over-the-top settlements that juries often award in such cases. Here, something as simple as an individual taking responsibility for his own actions is inverted into a case of someone being victimised by a coffee seller! The same victimhood mentality extends far into the social order. People without jobs claim to be victims of government or corporate policy. People without good health claim to be victims of some conspiratorial industrial coverup. People on low wages claim to be victims of cut-throat capitalism and rich people - and all demand compensation in the form of other people's money.

Of course, there are legitimate cases of being wronged, of being a victim - and in a property protecting society this would be covered by the ability to claim damages from the perpetrator - where it is demonstrably their fault. But the victim mentality hardly recognises that fault can ever lie with one's self. The victim mentality is actually a revolt against personal responsibility - and therefore a revolt against freedom itself. One of the core ideas of socialism, as an ideology, is this very victimhood mentality. It looks for causes beyond the individual concerned. Thus, today's blacks in Africa are victims of previous colonialism - even though they were born after the fact. Today's poor are victims of grasping capitalist selfishness, because those with money don't want to share their hard-earned wealth (at the point of a gun) with others. Women are victims of a male-dominated society. Murderers are victims of bad childhoods. And child molesters are victims of child molestation themselves when young. I'm not saying you can't be at the blunt end of someone else's stick, but what I am saying is that a belief in victimhood undermines your capacity, as an individual, to overcome adversity. If you see yourself as a victim, then you are helpless against the tide of life. If you see yourself as a victim then you are at the mercy of those powerful others - those who for some reason are not victims, but manage to victimise you. This applies to even when you are a genuine victim - like being raped on your way home from an evening out, minding your business. True, in a cut and dried case like this, when a person is the victim of someone else's brutality - the perpetrator should be forced to make restitution. However, even in such a situation, it does not benefit the victim to dwell on her victimhood. It is much better to rise above the event and move on with life, than to allow it to consume one's sense of worth and being. Victimhood is a road to servitude - both to your own emotions and to the emotional game-playing and power plays of others. It's an admission that you are not in control of your own life. A society that elevates victimhood to some sort of cult status is doomed. Freedom means self responsibility. It means you are responsible for your life and what you make of it. The truth is you can become whatever you want to be, overcome whatever you choose, and nothing in your past should be used as an excuse for your failure to achieve what you want in the future.


Victimhood is the negation of your personal power. It is a false mindset that saps your inner strength and strengthens those others, who supposedly victimise you. By asserting your responsibility for everything in your life, you also free yourself to be able to determine the course of your own future.

5. The Democracy Myth Democracy is held up as the beacon of the free world - its badge of honour. Our politicians are more inclined to talk about the virtues of a democratic society, rather than a free one. It's the new religion of the secular state. Democracy is not a means to any particular end, but an end in itself. But just what is democracy? It's the idea that the majority is right. It's the idea that morality can be decided by the counting of heads. It's the idea that one man's vote is as good as another's. Historically, democracy is seen as a natural progression from Theocracy or Monarchy. Apart from the early democracy of Greece, human experience has largely be shaped by the rule of Church or King. So, shifting the balance of power to the ordinary person in the street was seen as a move in the right direction. At first, only male property owners were granted a vote. This was on the assumption they had proven their social responsibility, and had the best interests of society at heart. Later the franchise was extended to all men. And even later, to women also. Now we have the strange situation of a system for electing a government, which will give anyone 18 years or over the right to vote - while in many cases not allowing the same person to drink at the local pub! If someone can't be trusted to drink alcohol sensibly, why should they be more sensible when voting? The very idea that people are equally capable of voting sensibly is absurdity of the first order! Democracy is about creating an illusion of people power. Under the banner of democracy we are encouraged to think we actually have some sort of say in the running of things. Governments will even extend this illusion by holding consultative meetings, to give people a chance to air their opinions on whatever is of concern at the moment. We are exhorted to vote. We are told it is our duty. "If you don't vote, you can't complain" goes the slogan. When the truth is actually the opposite. Voting is a necessary subterfuge, to create an illusion of legitimacy to what the government gets up to. And what do they get up to? Well, they steal your money via taxation; control your business via regulation; proscribe your actions on your own property; tell you what you can and cannot put into your own body; give your money to others at home

and abroad - without any consideration as to whether you approve or not; wage wars and send your sons and daughters off to be killed - for purposes hidden from your view. The depressing list goes on. The important point is that democracy is used as a front for shoddy, dubious, and downright immoral public policy. If you don't like it, you're told to exercise your rights by voting for someone you do approve of - at the next election. Meanwhile, it's business as usual. Trouble is, in this rigged game, no matter who you vote for, you get more of the same. Arthur or Martha - your choice! The myth of democracy is that it is claimed you are free to control your own future, via the democratic process. When, even a moment's consideration shows this to be an complete and utter lie. You are not free. Your freedom is at the behest of the majority. In this topsy-turvy world, the majority is somehow right. If they vote to trample on your property rights - who are you to complain? The whole political process is a gigantic fraud. And democracy is just a system for fooling people into thinking they have some say in the running of their own lives. Nothing could be further from the truth - for democracy is just another word for the tyranny of the majority. Voting is a waste of time - and only perpetrates and legitimises the problem. There is only one moral alternative, and that's the full implementation of property rights - where your life and property are sacrosanct (as is everyone else's), and all social interaction has to take account of this fact. Under such a social organisation, there would be no need for voting at all. What would you vote on? Maybe TVs Big Brother would be sufficient! A society based on property rights law would function by contract, not voting. You, as an individual would have full rights to your life, and the results of your productive efforts. That principle alone lays the foundation for a free society. Democracy is but a smokescreen on the road to freedom.

6. The Nation State Myth The nation state is nothing more than cover for a sophisticated protection racket - a cleverly conceived illusion which imposes its world view on all of us, and demands we pay tribute. Learning how such states actually got started uncovers their criminal origins.

Imagine a small village, a few hundred years ago. The people are peace-loving and diligent. They work hard. They plant their crops and till the ground. And their reward is that at each harvest, the ground gives up its bounty and feeds them. Imagine another group of individuals. These people are too lazy to do their own work, and realise that for very little effort they can simply ride into that village and steal the product of its collective effort - its harvest crop. Such an event would be a catastrophe. And it was. However, these marauding gangs of thugs and thieves were not only immoral, but smart. It didn't take them long to realise that instead of riding around the country looking for villages to plunder, they could simply stay put in one village - and offer them protection from other marauders. For a price of course - the cost of their own luxurious upkeep. In this way, villages grew into towns, towns into cities, and cities into kingdoms while the governing class evolved from their marauding gang roots to a ruling elite. This could even turn into a hereditary "monarchy", where a chief passed on the leadership to his heirs. Over the centuries this form of social order developed into competing villages, tribes and even cities - each the mini-fiefdom of some head honcho. Those with ambition saw the opportunity to amass more power and wealth by attacking and subduing other villages and towns. Gradually greater areas came under monopolistic control. Boundaries became drawn. And so the nation state was born - but largely a fiction bought about by people's fears, and sustained by the power of violence. By definition, the state is that entity which has a monopoly on the use of legal violence, within a specific geographical area. A state is not like a business. A business cannot use force to find customers - although it will often cosy up in bed with the state in order to be granted some monopoly status of its own. However, left to its own devices, a business can only rely on voluntary agreement and mutual satisfaction as the basis for its existence. If people do not like a particular product or service, then a business cannot hold a gun to the head of the recalcitrant customer. Not so the state! The amount of control exerted by a particular state depends on many factors - not least the driving ideology of the ruling class. In Communist states, the control was complete and total. You couldn't even own your own property - let alone a business. All business was run by the state. In Fascist states, they'd let you own property, including a business, but would retain the right to control both.

In our modern, democratic, welfare states, you're allowed just enough freedom to be productive. Just enough control over your property so as not to provoke open revolt. And just enough of your own money to stop you from rioting in the streets. It's a fine balancing act. The modern nation state is a top down hierarchical organisation that has proven to be incompetent at even those things that most people deem to be the responsibility of the state. Things like education, health care, roads, public services, policing, courts and national defence. No one bothers to ask the question, "If we can't trust the state to grow our food and run our supermarkets, why should we trust them with educating our children or keeping our communities safe?" And this is the lesson of history. States are incompetent and inefficient, yet we rarely sit up and take notice. We calmly hand over up to half our income in return for a completely shoddy service - a service we would never tolerate from our local supermarket or McDonalds. This is how well we have been indoctrinated to the idea of the state as lord and master - and benefactor. While the state poses as the keeper of order, no one points out they are in fact the perpetrators of disorder. While the state poses as champion of the poor, no one points out that the poor are likely so, precisely because of the state's economic policies. While the state puffs its chest while declaring it is keeping us safe and secure, no one notices that they are the instigators of war and rampant insecurity. Just ask yourself, if it were not for the existence of states, would the millions killed last century have remained alive? If it were not for states, would we now be told we are in constant danger from terrorists? The state, far from being a protector, is actually an aggressor - on a massive scale. It's just that is has brainwashed the entire human race into thinking there is no alternative. The nation state, while having some evolutionary function, is now an outmoded and dangerous idea. It is the source of all war and economic deprivation. It's a prison camp that claims ownership over you - simply because you were born in a certain place. The nation state is also the source of the poisonous ideology of nationalism which when linked with religion, is a potent force for evil. Witness again all the wars of the 20th Century. Fortunately, the nation state as a means of social organisation is in terminal decline and much of the troubles in this present world are the result of a rear guard action by such states, as they fight to maintain their grip on power.

The fact is, top down hierarchical control systems are proving incapable of dealing with an increasingly complex world. This can be seen in many, if not all, functions of government. None more so than the war on terror, where existing states are trying to fight an old style war - using military equipment and strategies designed for a bygone era - against an enemy who is fighting an asymmetrical war, adapting and changing day by day. The military might of the most powerful nation on earth has been shown to be ineffective against this new type of warfare. And in so doing, is proving its incapacity to defend us - the clients of such a state. Being able to defend its citizens is one the the prime reasons given for needing a state in the first place - so if it is seen to fail at that, then one can only guess at the consequences. Any future organisational model for free and prosperous societies will be more like a dynamic business than politics. Certainly it will not be an hierarchical authority structure, and most likely will have severely cut down powers from the states we know now. Its operational principles will have to be voluntary co-operation and contractual agreements. There are many precedents for non-coercive order. Just consider the internet itself, a virtual anarchy (absence of government), and yet things get done, businesses thrive, and self-organising mechanisms are developed. Another precedent for non-coercive order is the way apartment complexes are run by a communal body called a body corporate. To buy or rent in one of these complexes, you have to agree to the body corporate rules. But the essential point is you have to agree voluntarily. And if you don't like it, you can leave. Not so the state. The state offers no 'opt-out' mechanism, no right of secession. The myth of the nation state is dangerous precisely because it blinds us to other possible ways of organising ourselves. It is an arbitrary, artificial arrangement. It assumes that without the firm monopolistic hand of authority over a specific territory, we would all descend into chaos - an so uses fear to maintain its grip on power. As to the alternatives, there are many possible scenarios - the most likely of which are the rise of contractual city states or micro nations - with freedom of movement and open markets in all the areas currently reserved for the existing monopolised nation states. But whatever evolves will be precisely that - an evolution, not a top down imposed solution. Humans have enormous natural capacities to organise themselves for mutual benefit. The nation state model of such organisation is an idea whose time has passed.

7. The Shortage of Money Myth You've no doubt heard the slogan - the rich get richer, while the poor get poorer. And you've probably heard it said that someone can only become rich at the expense of someone else becoming poor. And to be sure, that is why being rich is usually treated with suspicion - as if being rich is an admission of having ripped off someone else. This idea is also contained in the one sized economic pie theory, which suggests there is only so much wealth in the world, and if someone takes 50% of it, then there is only 50% left. The essence of socialist economic theory is just that - the belief in static wealth. But nothing could be further from the truth. Wealth, far from being static, is truly dynamic, and capable of increasing indefinitely. The short-sighted view of wealth completely misunderstands how wealth is actually created - and is not something preexistent. Consider the following: Silicon is derived from sand, of which there is copious quantities around the world. You could say that sand, as a raw commodity, has little real value - except for sunning oneself at the beach. However, when a human mind created the idea of a microchip, and created that technology out of sand, then suddenly something which was not wealth before, became new wealth. Another example is oil. This nasty black stuff has been around for ages, and it certainly wasn't worth $50, $60 or $70 a barrel (or whatever it is now) back then. Why not? Because oil had no value until some human mind developed a use for oil. At that point oil became a form of wealth - precisely because it was brought into being by creative human action. It's the same with all wealth. And in the same way, things we take for granted now as virtually worthless, could some day be deemed valuable - if someone works out a way to turn that raw material into something of value. The true picture of wealth is that it is an ever-expanding pie, and therefore it is possible for everyone to benefit from it, with no losers at all. Money is a reflection of wealth, a tool to enable such wealth to be exchanged - a means of facilitating the division of labour. How do you get money? You get it by creating some form of value, something which someone else is prepared to pay for. The evidence for this is all around us, but because it's so common, we fail to see the wood for the trees. If I have a particular skill or knowledge, say creating delicious food, then I can find a ready market for my knowledge and skill - because other people value good food and

will happily pay for it. I might turn my skill into money in a number of ways. I could simply seek employment as a chef for an existing restaurant - where the owner pays me a salary for the time I put in. I could start my own restaurant and be in business for myself. Or I may even develop a range of nutritious food products and decide to manufacture these and sell them around the world. In each case, I am turning my own skill and knowledge into money - virtually right out of thin air. If I create a magnificent wedding cake, that process does not diminish the wealth of the world. On the contrary, it adds to the wealth - and in so doing, adds to the supply of money available. Money is a tool of freedom, as it allows you more choices in your own life. Just imagine, if you can think of something innovative - something which will better the lives of others, and therefore be in demand - then you can create that thing (product or service), and offer it to others in return for money. Money itself is arguably one of man's greatest inventions, because it allows value to be exchanged between people, by making possible the division of labour. The division of labour is that process which allows me to just be a chef, and to earn the money I require for the purchase of whatever other things I may I need. In this way, you can be a car mechanic, or a software engineer, and other people can be whatever they want - and in totality this allows us to trade with each other - sharing in an ever-expanding economic pie. If you want a picture of a world without the division of labour, then just imagine yourself as a Robinson Crusoe figure, alone on a desert island. In such a situation you would have to physically create everything you need (apart from any food and other raw materials you may find in your natural surroundings). You'd have become your own carpenter, your own clothes maker, your own vegetable grower, your own farmer, and even your own entertainer! Money is the oil for the division of labour machine. Money is the tool of your own increasing freedom. Money is not a static, limited thing, but a dynamic capacity to enable the constant creation and exchange of new wealth. The myth that money is in short supply, that there is only so much wealth in the world, is an idea that has horrendous social consequences. It gives rise to various totalitarian ideologies, in the attempt to equalise, to share the limited wealth that supposedly exists.


The truth is almost stranger than fiction. We are the creators of money, by the use of our creative minds and consequent actions to bring our ideas to fruition. As Ayn Rand said in her famous novel Atlas Shrugged - "Wealth is the product of man's capacity to think." We are not limited in our thinking. Nor are we limited in the amount of wealth we can create. Money is but a reflection of that fact. But there is one limiting factor on our creativity in this regard - and that's the impact of the state on the very money system itself. No discussion of money is complete without mentioning the role the state plays as controller and manipulator of the money system. The shortage of money myth is bolstered by the existence of its corollary - the myth that the state must issue and control money - whether directly or by proxy, via monopoly status granted to other entities. And by the use of fiat money - money which is arbitrarily given value by the state, enabling it to loot the emerging wealth of potentially free people via the stealth tax known as inflation. Money is indeed a tool of freedom, and getting the state out of the money business is an essential prerequisite to allowing it to fulfill its purpose.

8. The Self Sacrifice Myth There is one myth which underpins all the others - a super-myth if you will. It is the idea that the highest moral action involves self sacrifice. This idea is preached by all external authorities - whether family, society, church or state. For some reason, we have elevated the idea of self sacrifice to the embodiment of what is considered the good. To ensure no misunderstanding, let me define self sacrifice before going any further. Self sacrifice is when you give up something of greater value (to you) for something of lesser value. For example, if I asked that you give me a $100 note in return for a $10 one, then in giving it to me you would be sacrificing your own self interest. You would be accepting something less in return for something more. On the other hand, if I was your best friend, and that money was meant to keep me from going hungry, then such a transaction would not be a self sacrifice to you - unless you valued your $100 more than you valued your best friend! As you can see, self sacrifice is not to be confused with benevolence, which is a voluntary act of good will - and which is something most people actually enjoy doing.

It's possible to see where this moral idea may have come from - in the evolutionary need to grant higher importance to the preservation of the species or tribe, rather than one individual life. So, at its root the idea of self sacrifice is one of the collective versus the individual. Here is not the place to get into examples of what is and what is not self sacrifice, suffice to say that you being asked to give up an evening at the cinema, in favour of visiting your best friend in hospital - is not self sacrifice, unless you actually value the movie more than your best friend! Self sacrifice is the morality of altruism - the belief that your life is inherently of less value than someone else's, and that you have a moral duty to satisfy such a person's needs above your own. This sense of moral duty is played to high heaven by organised religion, the media and the state. Certainly, the state has no qualms about invoking this sacred mantra - and does so frequently. Just take one example. Most wars of the last couple of hundred years have been fought by conscripting unwilling young men to fight. This form of compulsory servitude is justified on the grounds that the individual must be prepared to sacrifice his life for the greater good - in this case, the security of the nation state. In both World War I and II, the whole public psyche was whipped up to a frenzy in order to ensure compliance with this idea. So much so, that it took a brave lad indeed to become a conscientious objector, not to mention his willingness to spend time in jail. There is one question that is never asked, however, when people are being told to make sacrifices in this way - to sacrifice their own interests or life, for the benefit of others. And that is this: who collects the sacrifices? If someone is sacrificing something, then someone else is gaining that which has been sacrificed. And if altruism is the moral high ground, what morality is the receiver of sacrifices operating under? Applying this question in such situations, where one is being asked to commit an act of self sacrifice, provides an illustrative example of why the powers-that-be have a great interest in perpetrating this particular morality. Just ask yourself this one question. Why is your life inherently worth less than someone else's? Why should you consider it good to sacrifice your life in favour of another's? More importantly, why should you consider your life to be worth less than the group of lives - the collective? But there is an even more damning indictment of this whole false morality - and that is people simply don't go along with it! They may be cajoled, bullied, and even

forced - but the number of people who will voluntarily walk to their own slaughter is surprisingly small. In other words, in the real world this pseudo morality gets a short shrift. However, the power of this morality cannot be underestimated, because even while people are constantly acting in their own interests (selfishly), the organs of external authority have one further weapon. Guilt. Even though they, the non-sacrificers, cannot actually get people to voluntarily sacrifice their lives in favour of more worthwhile goals - forcing such people to do so is not their only option. Guilt can be even more effective in the hands of the would-be power-seeker. If you can create a sense of guilt in someone, you can manipulate him. If you can create a sense of guilt in a whole society, you can manipulate it. Of course, the power of guilt is well known, and has been applied by church, king and state down through the ages. To free yourself from the idea that you are simply a sacrificial animal, for the benefit of higher causes, or better people, you need to realise that your life is your own highest value - the supreme value, as far as you are concerned. And you need to shrug off the guilt that the sacrifice-demanders are constantly trying to lay on your shoulders.

Bad Ideas Have Bad Consequences These eight myths, as explained, all represent fallacious ideas, ideas that have wrought negative consequences - and in many cases been responsible for the destruction of millions of human lives, not to mention billions of destroyed or unrealised wealth. They are perpetrated by the society's organs of external authority, which seek to maintain and enforce the existing social order - an order where they are the prime beneficiaries. Think of these myths as similar to drugs - which alter your state of awareness, your concept of reality, and which are highly addictive. Just like drugs, you can get hooked, and not even know you have a problem. The more myths you accept and believe, the more you are bound by the cultural matrix. Conversely, the more myths you can offload and reject, the more you are capable of setting yourself free. To the extent you can pry yourself away from each or any of these myths, you can free yourself to think for yourself. And if you can exorcise all these myths from your mind, you are well on the way to becoming an autonomous person - a true sovereign individual.

Ridding oneself of one or more of these myths is no easy task however, as it requires a willingness to evaluate the source of one's own ideas, and to do so with an objective and enquiring mind. It then requires a willingness to abandon those ideas which are patently false, and which do more harm than good. And ultimately, these bad ideas need to be replaced by good ideas - new ideas which can create the fertile ground for freedom, prosperity and happiness on this earth. The big question is - where to start? You certainly cannot change this from within the organisations that disseminate these myths. You cannot change the society, the church, the state, or the world. You cannot infiltrate them in the hope of creating the required change. You cannot vote in the change via the political process. You can only change yourself. And this is good news, because - unlike the other options - this is actually doable in your own lifetime! Changing yourself, your thinking and your circumstances, is not nearly as hard as trying to change the whole world. And it's just as well, as a changed world requires changed individuals first - so it's a matter of getting the order right. This strategy is called direct action - where you apply your energies to bringing about the desired changes in your own life. This is in contrast to indirect action - where you direct your efforts at changing institutions. To make this distinction perfectly clear - consider this example. Say you are unhappy with the education your child is receiving, and you decide to do something about it. You could focus on your child and take direct action to remove him or her from the offending educational facility, and place them in a more beneficial one (or even educate them yourself). Or you could take indirect action and petition your local congressman or member of parliament - hoping to change the overall educational policy. But the fundamental question you need to ask is this: Which strategy is likely to impact on your child the most? The answer should be obvious. The same answer applies to you. You can achieve whatever you want in this life - if you act directly in your own interest. Freeing your mind of unnecessary, and even worse, harmful ideas is an essential first step down the freedom road, and understanding the opportunity awaiting you is the next step - which is what I discuss in Step 2 of this report: Free Your Imagination.


STEP 2: Free Your Imagination

The Wealth Revolution... How to Discover The Secret of Money Creation

I clearly remember the eureka moment - when I realised I had within me the power to create money out of thin air. It was after I had launched my very first successful business - which followed a previous "lifetime" of being a professional drummer. At that moment in time I discovered I no longer needed a job. I no longer needed a boss. I no longer needed someone else to hire and pay me. I can tell you, that was a most powerful awareness, one I have never forgotten. The high it created was amazing and I was surprised Id never discovered it earlier. But there it was, staring me in the face, the fact I had created a substantial monthly income from within my own mind and acting via my own will. At that moment I understood what all wealth-creators know - that money is not a finite resource, with only so much to go around, but that theres an unlimited supply just waiting to be tapped - if you know how. The mind-trap of the average employee is in believing money is created by others and that if youre lucky, they may do you the favour of offering you a job. All that changed when I discovered the secret - that the amount of money available is unlimited and that wealth is a product of the mind. All you have to do to create it, is apply your mind to the provision of products or services which other people will value sufficiently enough to pay you handsomely for. The exact how of doing that (and the shortcuts available to you) is discussed in Step 3 of this report. But before we go there I need to discuss the technological breakthrough that makes it possible for anyone, anywhere, to tap into this unlimited money pie. If you lived in a small village a hundred years ago, the opportunities for making money would be strictly limited. Perhaps you could become a baker, a greengrocer, or choose a profession like teacher, doctor or lawyer. Whatever you chose to do would be constrained by the hard fact that your village only consisted of so many people the people you would need to become your customers. Obviously, sticking to tried and true goods and services would be best - food, clothing, medicines etc. If you were an artist or musician you would likely have to keep your talent to yourself - as a hobby. If you were an inventor you would likely find it very difficult to find anyone willing to try your new contraption. In fact, if you had aspirations anywhere out of

the ordinary, you could probably kiss your dreams goodbye - and simply get on with the job of making a living. Fast-forward to the internet age, which only started back in 1996 for most of us, and you are staring a full-blown revolution in the face. I well remember my first exposure to this new communication medium. There I was, sitting in front of my Mac and logging on to some horrendously slow online service for the first time. I was in awe. I suddenly realised that this new tool allowed me to potentially communicate with anyone, anywhere. But more importantly, it also offered me the opportunity to make the whole world my marketplace. Wow! And that is what has happened. In just 10 years the internet has become as indispensable as cellphones. You just have to have an email address. You very likely either have a website, FaceBook page or blog - or something similar. And you likely already do a lot of stuff online. I know I do. I book my airline tickets. I book hotels. I buy vitamins. I pay bills. I buy music. I order books. I do my banking. I use Skype to call my friends. And email is the lifeblood of my communications with everyone. The list goes on and on. Whats more, I notice all the stuff that other people are selling and doing online - from the eager traders on eBay, to the programmers, graphic artists, web designers and various online marketers - who offer their personal services from the four corners of the globe. The internet has liberated hundreds of thousands of people from virtually every country - and given them a global marketplace in which to interact and do business. Never has the term global village been more real than now. When I first logged on in 1996 I just knew I would create a business online. I got started seriously at the beginning of 1998. I had been publishing a hard-copy newsletter for a couple of years - to do with international living and business, offshore banking and asset protection. Then it occurred to me that I could publish my newsletter in the form of a website and take my service online to the whole world. And thats exactly what I did. Thats when my personal revolution started. In my pre-internet life I had gotten myself into some serious financial problems - failed businesses, bad decisions, excess credit card debt etc. And there is no doubt I needed some sort of breakthrough. The internet provided the catalyst - and my mind came up with the idea. I decided to create an online community of like-minded people - people who were looking to break out of their individual ruts and see the world in a new way.


The moment I moved my business online and created a website things started to happen. My business boomed. I saw money flying in from every quarter. My bank balance grew like never before, and within a few months I had paid off all my debts and created what I called my freedom fund - the money I would need to begin my new life. My freedom revolution had begun in earnest. Id originally been inspired in this direction by the writings of WG Hill, who authored a series of books on how to live free, by using different countries for different purposes. Essentially, he formulated a strategy called the 5 Flags, in which he outlined how one could use the laws in various countries to advance ones personal goals. You could live on one country, while banking in another, while keeping your assets in another, and doing business in yet another. The rationale behind this was that in this increasingly authoritarian and regulated world, you could literally break free of most of it and live your life on your own terms. Well that was a message I certainly needed to hear at that time - and it inspired me to create a service that would cater to this potential market. Since 2000 I have been living that dream. I work exclusively off my laptop computer. I can work anywhere there is an internet connection. I am not beholden to anyone and can set my own hours of work. And as a result I have been living and traveling in various countries - Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand, China, United Kingdom, Costa Rica, Bahamas and more besides. I consider myself an international citizen, one not beholden to just one country - but able to enjoy the best of what each county has to offer. And the best part is I can do this without paying any income tax - legally. How? Because I do not live in any country long enough to become a resident for tax purposes. Instead Im treated as a tourist - a person who is welcome, and who spends money wherever I go. Im sure youve seen the ads inviting people to come and travel to your country? Well, Ive found that as a tourist I get treated a lot better than the locals! Of course this lifestyle is certainly not for everyone. But what Ive found is that many, many people would like to be able to use some of these strategies - like being able to bank offshore, travel more often, have access to profitable investments, protect their assets, globalise their business, make more money - or find a way to make a living online. And certainly there is one thing that everyone wants - more personal and financial freedom. Just ask yourself, wouldnt you like more money, more time, more freedom? Wouldnt you like to be your own boss, to not have to clock in for work anymore? Wouldnt you like the freedom to travel the world, enjoy the luxuries of life, taste the

variety that the world has to offer? Wouldnt you like to secure your future, build your wealth, protect what youve earned - and attain true financial independence? Sure you would. Who wouldnt? Okay, maybe there are some people who dont want those things - but in my experience simply millions upon millions of people around the world are looking for a way to seriously improve their lives. And I'm pretty sure you are one of them. Remember what I said earlier? To create money all you need to do is provide a product or service of value that enough people want, and are willing pay for. It really is as simple as that. If you look at any hyper-successful person, youll soon realise he or she got that way by providing what millions of people want. Take Bill Gates or Steve Jobs - the worlds premier computer whizzes. Both of these innovative gentlemen have become multi-millionaires by providing something that millions have willingly purchased - computers and software that make life easier (and more fun!). The key is to find a niche - a market where there are eager potential customers - then find a way to satisfy that market. The secret to creating money out of "thin air" is to use the creative power of your mind and develop, produce, invent, source or discover any product or service that other people value, want or need, and will willingly pay for. That's it. That's all of it. And every successful person has done just that. Imagine you found a proven blueprint for financial success - one you could use to build up your own financial resources and achieve financial freedom. And imagine you were not only able to achieve this for yourself - but earn an excellent income by showing others how they could do the same. Now, wouldn't that be something - a way to secure your own financial future, and build a portable, international business helping others do likewise? Well you can do both, and get a lot richer in the process, by reading Step 3 of this report - The Ultimate Wealth Plan.


STEP 3: Free Your Life

The Ultimate Wealth Plan... How to Create Your Own World of Freedom & Wealth

This is the nitty-gritty - the bit youve been waiting for. This is where you will discover exactly how you can create a new lifestyle for yourself - where money is increasingly no object and freedom is the order of the day. You will learn how to achieve financial freedom for yourself by following a proven plan for asset protection, international investing, financial privacy, international living and business. And if you want to accelerate your financial progress you can also build an international business for yourself recommending these solutions to others. Your market is every single person who wants the same as you - more money and more freedom - but who doesnt know where to start. One of the constant questions Ive been asked over the years, by clients and associates, is simply this: How can I create the sort of lifestyle youve created for yourself? And my answer has always been a less than inspiring. I guess you need to do what I have done - and follow a plan to achieve more practical freedom in your own life. Of course the answer is accurate as far as it goes. Trouble is, most people are not able to break out of their rut and see the possibilities that exist. What they need is a leg up, a helping hand, and pointer in the right direction. Why is this? The short answer is fear. Most people want the good life, but fear the process by which they will need to attain it. Let me clarify what I mean with a couple of examples: Imagine youve been offered information on a very lucrative investment - one that could earn you a 100% on your capital in one year. You realise what you could do with that extra money, but something stops you - the fear of losing your money should the investment prove unsound. Or again, imagine youve been told about a new business venture, one you can buy into. You can see the potential, you even get excited as to how much it would improve your life - but in the end you cannot bring yourself to step out and do it. Fear can stop you in your tracks. So how to overcome fear? One way is to be given a success template - a proven way to succeed no matter what. One example of a success template is a franchise, which is a proven business system - one you can simply plug into and run (after youve paid for it of course!). There are many examples - McDonalds, Subway, etc. What they have in common is a proven and tested business model. Those who start such businesses are not flying "in the dark" and are virtually guaranteed to succeed.


Mentoring is another form of success template. Just like a franchise, where all the factors necessary for success are already in place, a mentor can provide you with an effective shortcut to the achievement of your goals - by allowing you to tap into his or her own experience. Finding a good mentor can dramatically shorten the learning curve in your quest for financial freedom. Yet another example of a success template is a mastermind group. This is when you join a group of like-minded individuals who are focused on the same goal. This focus, by a number of people in concert, multiplies the resources, experiences and available solutions, and provides an effective strategy for arriving at your chosen goal faster. So for you to realise your dreams, and create the money you need to make it happen, you need to be following a proven template for success. If you can do that then there is literally nothing to stop you. But imagine if you could access and utelise all three templates for success as outlined above? Well you can.

Achieving Your Financial Freedom Dream A private club, dedicated to a specific purpose, is the ideal vehicle for providing the sort of success template you need. In fact, such a club can provide the success model of a franchise, the accelerated learning of a mentorship, and obvious advantages of a mastermind group. So instead of struggling by yourself - and possibly falling by the wayside due to shysters, scams and other inherent online dangers - a private club provides an environment where questions can be answered, information shared, and solutions provided. Under the right leadership, a private club can become a haven for those who seek to achieve specific goals, who wish to shorten their learning curve considerably, and who want to avoid taking rash or ill-conceived action in the wrong direction. A membership to such a club can speed you on your way, and reduce the timeline you would otherwise have to deal with in reaching your financial goals. And that's exactly what I have for you... not one, but two private online clubs which are both dedicated to the idea and pursuit of personal and financial freedom, and will not only provide a wealth of knowledge to get you going, but the precise tools you will need to create your own financial freedom. One, or the other, or both of them could be just what you need to jumpstart your dreams.


1. A Private Club For Those Starting Out On The Freedom Road SovereignLife is a private club for those who seek to break out of the "matrix" and explore the big wide world of the International Citizen and Sovereign Individual. It does this by offering extensive information resources and a member forum - which cover such topics as offshore banking, investing, lifestyle, business, privacy etc. I created SovereignLife to provide a starting point for the many people who are looking to think outside, and step outside, the "square" they are currently in. It's a transformative service, which concentrates on not only finding solutions, but also challenging one's mindset. Within SovereignLife you will find a community of like-minded individuals on a similar path, and be able to not only benefit from my real-life experience in this regard, but also the combined wisdom and experience of the whole group. To learn more about SovereignLife click HERE. Once people have discovered the possibilites available to them on the road to financial freedom, and had their conditioned thinking challenged through exposure to the many alternatives available, people usually fall into one of two camps. There are those who are like sponges soaking up all this new information and using it to formulate their own plans, who are then eager to get on with it and act. And there are those who ruminate endlessly over their present situation, over-analyse their possible course of action, and become paralysed by indecision. However, for those who have their thinking straight, their goals clarified, and their appetite for real freedom whetted, it's time for the nitty-gritty. It's time to do. For example, once you have decided you want to maximise the earnings on your available investment capital, it's time to act and start investing. Once you have decided you need to protect your assets, it's time to act and set up structures to achieve your objectives. Once you have decided on the need for more financial privacy, it's time to set your financial house in order and open the appropriate alternative financial accounts. And to do this you need specific services you can plug into - services designed to assist you achieve your goals. When you're ready to do this, you're ready for my second recommended private club - a club dedicated to providing you with all the tools and resources you need to achieve true financial freedom.


2. A Private Club For Those Ready to Achieve Financial Freedom Venture Resources Group (VRG) is my second recommended private membership club with the focus on assisting you gain financial freedom as an investor and/or business person. It does this in a number of ways - including education and training. But its real value is in the information and access to innovative services it provides to its members. This includes access to private banking, private MasterCard debit card, innovative asset protection structures, multi-trading platform for accessing various global markets, and profitable private investment opportunities. VRG provides you with access to the sort of financial services, investments and structures you need to achieve your financial freedom goals in a much shorter time than is usually possible. Whether you simply want a better return on your money than what you currently receive from your bank, are looking to diversify into more profitable offshore investments, or just want more financial privacy - VRG can introduce you to a range of products and services designed to directly assist you achieve financial freedom. To learn more about VRG click HERE Joining either one (or both) of the above private clubs could be a breakthrough decision for you. Yes, you will have your existing ideas challenged. Yes, you will be exposed to freedom strategies that are "below the radar". And yes, you will be presented with opportunities that are protable but not mainstream. The question is: "Are you ready?" I urge you to take a good, hard look at what I am offering - and to take your time considering if it is right for you. But be aware, once you open the "freedom" door nothing is ever the same again! And if you're interested in building a portable and protable international business for yourself, offering these services and solutions to others, then make sure to read Part 2 of this report. It outlines a step-by-step system whereby you can build up the additional capital you may require to fully implement your freedom plans.


How to Build a Profitable International Business For Yourself

One question I often hear is this, "I'm really keen to get into offshore investing, and building my financial nest egg - trouble is, I'm short of cash and do not even have the required capital to invest!" If that's you, then you are not alone. Fortunately there is a solution. Both SovereignLife and Venture Resources Group allow you to refer others by acting as an affiliate. This means you can earn very good commissions by recommending either service to people looking for what you are looking for - a proven path to financial freedom. This is a vast market, especially in the context of the economic times we now find ourselves in. People are looking for solutions to their financial problems - and you could build a very successful international business for yourself providing guidance to such people. To give you an idea. You can earn up to $100 for each person you refer to SovereignLife. It may not sound like a lot, but it can add up if you take this seriously. Need more cash? You can earn $1,000 and more by referring people to Venture Resources Group. Now that's serious money! Both SovereignLife and VRG are excellent vehicles for building a global business without borders - providing a great synergy of purpose - and from the comfort of your own home. Complete marketing systems are already in place - which you simply plug into and turn on. The marketing systems includes lead capture pages, sales presentations, representative back offices, full follow-up autoresponder systems, as well as various offline tools. The hard sales work has already been done, and all you have to do is step in and turn on the ignition.

The Marketing System That Pays For Itself This e-report, which you're looking at now, is my secret weapon - and it could be yours also. Youre reading it. You paid for it. Everybody who buys it is already demonstrating a seriousness of purpose - because they have spent money to find out more. This is vitally important, as the internet is full of free information - and when you offer free information you may certainly get lots of takers, but they will be the wrong type of people in most cases. Tyre kickers and browsers come to mind!

But you are different. You were interested and motivated enough to pay for this report, which marks you as a serious prospect for what is being offered. And guess what - I have a system in place which allows you to resell it and earn 100% of the purchase price. Yes, you can create a personalised version of this report (with your own name, website and affiliate links for both SovereignLife and VRG) and you can sell the report and keep all the profits. You can even resell it and make money without being a member of either club (but I'm getting ahead of myself!). But it gets even better. Not only can you sell it for 100% commissions, you simply use the very same promotional website you purchased this report from. No special website or affiliate registration is required. Later on I will give you full instructions for doing this - but let me say that its simplicity itself. You will just use a special link format to advertise this report - and people will purchase it direct, with the funds being deposited immediately into your PayPal account. And if you dont have a PayPal account yet, I show you how to get one. Thats the first part of the system. When you receive the PayPal receipt/notification you will simply forward a copy of your personalised report (the one with your links in it) to the purchaser, and the automatic marketing process will kick in. Can you see the power in this? I hope so. You have in your hands a brandable report which you can sell to all comers - and you get to keep all the money. But thats just the small change. The report can include your affiliate links to both SovereignLife and VRG (or even just one or the other) and will be your automatic qualified lead generator - driving prospects to your personalised promotional pages for each of those respective businesses. The money you earn selling this report will fund your advertising, thus reducing your cost of acquiring new customers. Keep in mind that once someone registers their interest in either SovereignLife or VRG or both, the sales process from then on is 100% automatic. There is nothing you need to do - apart from respond to any questions that may come your way. Your job is primarily to generate leads. And this self-funding lead generating system will help you do just that. In the next section Im going to explain exactly how you can resell this report - and keep the full sales price for yourself. Better still, Ill explain how you can download and brand a copy of the report with your own links. Let the fun begin!


How to Resell This Report For Instant 100% Profit There are two ways you can resell this report: 1. Resell it as is, with no rebranding or adding your own links. This is the simplest way, and means you don't need to join either of the clubs outlined in this report or add any personal links. It also means the report is delivered automatically after ordering (by download link), without any work or follow-up on your part. 2. Resell it after "branding" it, meaning after you personalise the report with your own information and links. You can personalise it with as little as your own name and website, or you can add your own links for one or both of the clubs outlined in this report. If you rebrand the report in any way, then you need to manually send the report to those who order it via your PayPal link. Resell Without Branding If you dont want to follow my advice and create financial freedom for yourself by joining SovereignLife and/or VRG - you can still taste the excitement of making money online, and earn an instant income, by reselling this e-report without your own links. How? Its easy, and only requires that you have a PayPal account. You can promote this report and earn 100% commission - the full purchase price paid directly to your PayPal account - every time someone purchases the report via your personalised link. Just follow these 3 simple steps to get started: Step 1: If you dont have a PayPal account already, open a free one HERE Step 2: If you havent already, you should upgrade it to either Premier or Business so you can accept credit card payments. To upgrade youll need to validate your account with either a credit card or bank account. Step 3: Use the link format below to promote The Freedom Blueprint sales page making sure to enter your PayPal-related email address where indicated. And thats it! Simply promote your personalised link in any legitimate way (no spamming of course!) and watch the money roll in. Everything is automatic. Those

who purchase the report from your link will be able to download it the instant they have paid for it. And you'll get the money. Important: you must use the link format above to sell the version of the report without your own links - and have it available for automatic download. Resell With Branding If you want to hit the financial big time by selling a personalised version of this report, that has your name, your website, your SovereignLife and/or VRG links included, then read the next section which provides step-by-step instructions for downloading and branding the report with your own links - as well as full instructions for reselling your personalised report and the different link format you need to use.

How to Create Your Own Branded Version of This Report What follows are step-by-step instructions for creating your own branded e-report (with your name, website link, SovereignLife and/or VRG links embedde) and how to get 100% of the sales price paid to your PayPal account for every copy you resell. Branding The Report Step 1: To promote SovereignLife and/or VRG using this report, you will first need to join them in order to get the required referral links (and to understand exactly what you are promoting). If you only want to brand this report with only one link (SovereignLife or VRG), or even with just your own name and website link, no problem, just make sure to leave the other fields (the ones you are not personalising) blank. Step 2: If you dont have one already, make sure to open a PayPal account. You will need the associated PayPal email address to include in the special link youll be using to resell this report. You will also need to upgrade your PayPal account to either a Premier or Business account, so you can accept both PayPal and credit card payments. Step 3: Download the report and rebrander ZIP file by clicking HERE.


Step 4: Unzip the file, read the enclosed instructions, open the brander application and drag the enclosed PDF report file on to the open brander window. That will open the branding window. Step #5: Enter your information in the required fields. For SovereignLife and VRG you need to enter your affiliate link minus the "http://" prefix. Add your own name and preferred web page link where required. If you are not branding the report with your own SovereignLife and VRG links, simply leave those fields blank. Congratulations! You now have a personalised copy of this report - which contains your name and website link and, if you choose to, your affiliate links for SovereignLife and Venture Resources Group. When people read your personalised report and click on these links, they will be taken to your affiliated websites. Now, read on to learn how to resell your branded report. Creating Your Personal Promotional Link This is the easy part. Once you have got your branded report done, you need to create the special link in order to direct people to our promotional page. That link will embed your PayPal email address and the script will then forward the purchaser to the PayPal payment page where they will pay the full sale price into your account. Once a sale is completed, you will receive a PayPal notification of the transaction, including the name and email address of the purchaser. Very Important! When you receive this payment notification you must send your branded version of this report to the purchaser as an attachment via email. The download is not automatic, as only you have the rebranded report with your links embedded. So you must manually send it. Every time you receive a payment notification - you send out your branded report. That's it! Step #1: To create your special link use the following link format and replace the words YourPayPalEmailAddress with your own PayPal email address. Please Note: the following link is different from the one used to sell the unbranded report. Step #2: You can now advertise your link in various ways. If you know what a URL redirect is, you can mask the above link with a shorter one. A good free service offering this option is TinyURL. Alternatively, if you have a domain name of your

own - good idea and only a few dollars per year from providers like GoDaddy - then you can use a redirect function from your own domain to your personalised link. However, even if you dont use any form of redirect, the script will automatically remove your email address from the end of the generic link once it is clicked on - so your identity is preserved. Step #3: Each time you receive a confirmed order - by way of a PayPal transaction notification - make sure to send a friendly email to your purchaser (using the email address quoted in the PayPal payment notification you receive ) and attach your personalised report to it. Thats all you have to do - but you must do it! What happens if you don't? Well, I imagine the person would contact me, using the email address provided on the website, and complain about not receiving it. My response would be to send a copy of the report branded with my own links - instead of yours! Don't lose out on sales - make sure to immediately send out your branded report as soon as you receive a PayPal payment notification.

How to Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts Now you know how to either resell the report as it is, or by branding it with your own links. And you know how to get the full purchase price of each sale deposited directly into your PayPal acount. But what if there was an even smarter way to promote this? Well there is ... Imagine a personalised lead capture page - a page you direct your visitors to before they get to the main sales page. And imagine if this page had your personal sales link embedded so you don't have to give out a complicated one. And imagine something even better - being able to capture the name and email address of everybody who visits your sales page (even if they don't buy the report). Can you see how powerful this is? I hope so. And the best part is it's free to use. What I'm describing is a lead generation system. A system which will collect names and email addresses of everybody who seeks more information regarding The Freedom Blueprint report - and which will deliver that information to you. If you want to supercharge your marketing efforts regarding selling this report (as is, or rebranded), then you can register with this free system now and maximise your sales response. To see The Freedom Blueprint lead capture page in action click HERE. And if you'd like to have a page like this of your own, which redirects people to your sales page and sends the enquirer's name and email address to you (as a lead), then simply register HERE.

Ideas For Promoting This Report There are many ways you can promote this report - using various free strategies as well as paid ones - and what follows is a brief overview of some options. Idea #1: Email and Forum Signature Files This is easy to set up and quite effective. Most email systems (and forums) will allow you to create a signature file - which is simply a couple of lines of text which will go out automatically with your outgoing emails, or be attached automatically to posts you make on forums. Keep it short and punchy - something like this: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Want To Achieve Financial Freedom Within The Next 5 Years? The solution is here: [add your personalised link] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Idea #2: Use a List Building Service There are many list builders out there. The quality and responsiveness of subscribers is not that great, but you can get some traction by posting short, punchy adverts. One I have found to be better than most is ListJoe. This allows you to earn posting credits by clicking on the links in emails you receive - then to mail random members using those credits. Worth a shot. Idea #3: Articles and Blog Entries If you dont mind writing, then you can create a short review of this report - and post it in any suitable medium. Your article should include your author byline - which would also include your personalised report link. Idea #4: Ezine Advertising There are thousands of finance related ezines and some of them will allow free ads. Others offer paid advertising. A good ezine ad can certainly deliver results. Check out for a directory of ezines. Idea #5: Google Adwords This is the motherload for online advertising. But you need to know what youre doing. Essentially you are paying for each click from your published adverts - and the trick is to use effective keywords at the lowest possible cost. Recommended if you already know how to use this service - but risky if you dont. If you want to pursue this, here's a useful free course - 5 Days to Success With Google AdWords.


Idea #6: Using Your Own List If you have your own mailing list, then you are ideally positioned to promote this report - and will already have the knowhow for doing it. A personal endorsement or review is always a good way to promote something. Idea #7: Using Your Own Website If you already have a website with traffic, you could create a simple link to the report, or create a banner pointing to it. This is the easiest, most passive way to promote it. The above is just a brief overview of what is possible - and Im sure that if you start thinking about it, youll come up with promotional strategies that can work for you. All the best, and remember, the most important thing is to start .... to take ACTION!

P.S. Make sure to read the Appendix on the next page for related information and links to useful websites.

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Additional Practical Resources For The Freedom & Wealth Seeker

International Living International Living Magazine - a great information resource for anyone contemplating living in another country. Escape Artist - a web-based resource for potential and existing expats. Loads of information here. Classic PT Books - the original international freedom and privacy books by WG Hill and Peter Trevellian - now in PDF format. International Banking The 10 Things You Must Know Before Opening An Offshore Bank Account - my own overview report for those dipping their toes into international waters. The Ideal Offshore Bank Account - my followup report on what I believe to be an ideal offshore banking option for most people - plus four other banking recommendations. International Investing Euro Pacific Capital - Peter Schiff's contrary investing strategies for a fast-changing world. Casey Research - Doug Casey's information portal and his flagship investment newsletter "The International Speculator". He also publishes an excellent monthly emagazine entitled "Without Borders", which looks at life, work and investing in this increasingly borderless world. The Stealth Investor - John Pugsley's investment advisory service. BullionVault - a great online service for buying, holding and selling gold.


International Online Business 3 Way Links - if you need more traffic to your website, then this proven one way linking strategy and service will deliver the goods. Post Affiliate Pro - perhaps the best affilliate tracking software solution on the net. Wealthy Affiliate University - simply the best online training, resources and tools for anyone seeking to learn the ropes of effective and profitable affiliate marketing using "pay-per-click" strategies. SEO Elite - a powerful software package which will enable you to increase your search engine ranking by optimising your website. ProfitMatic - professional-looking website creation without the need for dedicated software or HTML coding. Ideal for non-technical people who want to get a goodlooking website up fast. Package comes with a great set of marketing tools including full autoresponder system. - international credit card processor which allows you to accept all major credit cards and PayPal payments. Easy to set up and you can wire funds to any bank in the world. Recommended "Mind Opening" Reading How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World - a wonderful book by Harry Browne that reveals the power of direct action over one's own life. The Path of Least Resistance: Learning to become the creative force in your own life - another powerful book from Robert Fritz that reveals the secret to finding your life's work and purpose. Inner Circle - Back in 1998 I purchased a set of hard copy reports by UK multimillionaire Stuart Goldsmith. From memory the whole set cost me around $390. Wow, what a mind blast, and great stuff to unclog tired minds! It's now available in PDF format for a fraction of the price - and I've never known anyone who regretted buying it.


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