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Two timely & merciful revealing stories from the Premier
Designer of the English Language and World History, Our Creator.

The chance the following pure anagram “prophetic stories”

have arisen by some astonishing coincidence – each line an anagram and all the
hundreds of witty pieces fitting perfectly together into a similar overall theme/story is
1 to thousands of Trillions. In other words, these are no amazingly incredible coincidences.

See, the “bad guy” is supposed to come as an angel of light in the name of world peace... but only as a temporary ruse.
( Obama works for the interests of the elite international bankers, not us regular folks. If he didn't the World's
secretive Finance Pharaohs would not approve and he would lose his job quick, like John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) )

Defeat any and all unconstitutional new “laws” or “orders”. “Free Speech” is king of civil and basic human rights!

The whole endless “war on terror” is a global mafia orchestrated hoax bullied on you, the great many people of the
world, by the elite run corrupt establishment. The elite print up credit for the whole world out of thin air; what kind of
tricks did you think this group would also ultimately play on you? They counterfeit. In this corrupt system, with most
of the world already built, do you think you and your families count as being precious, or are the common worthless -
to them?
Anagrams, or the rearrangement of letters of a word The “bad guy” is supposed to come as an angel of light in
or phrase, have often been said to incredibly contain the name of world peace... but only as a temporary ruse.
hidden deep wisdom. These are actually stories, each
line a perfect anagram-amazingly of the same theme.
A kind ape... bombs rat race!
"President Barack Obama" “ I'm reprobate; a bad snack! “
SHAPESHIFTs to: Mad barbarian, coke pets...
key: AAAABBCDEEKINMOPRRST (20) “ I'm a packed, aberrant SOB,
am a bat-eared prick snob,
Prick aboard mean beast! a crabbier top mad snake! ”
So barbaric: apt, keen, mad.
Apt barbaric, and so meek! Mean beast prick abroad!
Abasement! Prick abroad!
Neat barbaric, dope mask! Rapid abasement, OK?? Crap!!
Spoke barbaric mandate! Became rabid as top rank.
Barbarian packs demon.
Pea-brained brats ok cam! (mass media) Probe dark maniac beast!
Bad points break camera! (LOL!)
Reprobate, akin bad scam! “I am a knob, bastard, creep.
Keep satanic rambo bard! I'm a carpeted Arab's knob! ”
Adopt me, barbaric snake! Peak absorbed, maniac rat!
Tackier SOB! Drab apeman!
Top barbaric, mad as keen. Peak Rancid Rambo Beast! (PRRB)
“ Bonk! I'm a bastard creep!
Bad Mark! Braincase poet!
A berserk top bad maniac!
Mad poet! Barbaric snake!
Ace Bastard! Prime knob!
Mad poet! Barbaric sneak! An Arab backed Imposter! “
Bad cobra! Mistaken rape!
Apart, brain mocked base! Sad bonk... macabre pirate!!
Kept barbaric, as moaned... “ A bomb eradicates prank!
Kept as a barbaric demon! Ape bomb, stark radiance... “

A rabid, macabre pest, ok? “Crap! Am broad snakebite!

Rabid crab, mean beast, ok?
Crap! I'm a dear beast knob! “
Pea-brained brat scam, ok?
Anagrams, “musical letters”, are said to contain hidden wisdom
also see: www.The Obama (or or or or etc

"President Barack Hussein Obama" Brainsick bonehead up as master! Abused - and brainsick atmosphere.
turns into all of the following: Bonehead parasite mucks brains! Prankish beast, demoniac abuser!
key: AAAABBCDEEEKHIINNMOPRRSSSTU (27) Naked ass! Emancipator rubbish!
Champion streaked brain abuses! Adept chain smoker, abuses brain!
Debonair ashames! Bankruptcies! I'm snubbier; top-rank ace ass-head.
Brainsick masters up a bonehead. Kind saboteurs became piranhas. Cherubs's pea-brained satanism, ok?

Snobberies shack up rat idea man. Peskiest and barbarous machine I'm a kind, sober, abstruse panache!
Prouder snake, shabbiest maniac!
O Dear Me! Brains in beast shack up! Muckiness as the barbarian dope!
Beadiest cobra sparks inhumane.
America's bandits up boneshaker! Unbiased chain-smokers ape brat.
Cherub's snakiest paranoid beam!
Brain shocker! Beast ups idea man! Became prankish saboteur and is...
Superman brainsick as to behead?
Brainsick boneheads up a master. chain smoker but pea-brained ass!
Spunkier, satanic rambo beheads!!
Peskiest brain, unashamed cobra.
Up shabbier, darksome, nice Satan! Rubbish! He cases top-rank idea man.
Apeman branches absurdities. Ok?
Cheekier banana, top absurdisms! Maniac's spunkier, absorbed hate!
“ Dear snob, up snakebite charisma!
Huckster I am, a pea-brained snob! Up debonaire ass! Snakebite charms... “
Sickened! This barbarous apeman!
Debonaire beast pukes anarchism
I'm a snakebite, proud as branches!
Debonaire cherub satanism peaks!!
“Super! A brainsick meathead snob! “ Up bastards! I am a nice boneshaker! " Sectarianism up! Bad boneshaker!
Eureka! Hi Snob,Drastic BS apeman.” I am a sharpened snob; sucker bait! Is not barbaric? Keeps unashamed?
Snobbish idea man! Pukes rat race! I am a sharp snob, crude snakebite. ...macabre, brute skinhead passion...
Obscure anathema; spikes brains... I am snobbish and up as racketeer!! Maniac's boneshaker brutes paid,
I am cantankerous; shabbier spade. brainsick as boneheads upstream!
A beast brain! Domineers shack up!
I am a naked ape son; shit scrubber. Tackiness or pea-brained ambush?
Debonair huckster apeman's bias...
I am: stubborn, sad, cheap, sneakier! Rubbish! Adore apeman tackiness?
Kind braincase abhors amputees. Ape shit! Sod! Keen Barbarian Scum!
I'm a rude cheapskate; SOB's brain.
“Abandon sick, brashier amputees!” Hacker obtains superb man's idea.
I am a sparkish brute, and obscene!!
Utopia's brain seems backhander! Brainier demon hacks up, beats ass!
I am a dick! Up abhorrent baseness!
Much brain as raspiest bonehead! Hacker's brain up dominates base.
I am bad; reprobate as chunkiness. Cherub man bonks parasite ideas!
Much brains as pirate boneheads! I am: tube born, sad sneak, sir cheap... Obscured brain spikes anathemas.
Bemoaned ass as thick superbrain! I am a spunkier drab beast chosen! Debunker ashames SOB patrician!
Mad barbarian! Cheekiness spout. I am stubborn as a skinhead creep! “ Abuses span aberrant homocides,k? “
Nice penis death mask...Barbarous! Sober up braincase! Death in mask!
Sneakier champion... absurd beast! ““Amen!” Barbarous, septic skinhead! Keen cohabits as mad superbrain!
Keen pubic hairs sober mad Satan! Imprudence as shabbier Satan, OK? Shock idea man; beast superbrain!
Rubbish speaker aces damnation! A snubbier, darksome, cheap saint. Beat-up, brainsick handsome arse!
Impudences to shake barbarians! Beat brainsick unshamed poser!
Spiked brain obscures anathema.
The impudence soaks barbarians! Debase prankish, manic saboteur!
Ape suckers shabbier damnation!
Shabbier, ransomed, satanic puke. Suck demise! Brashier top banana!
Prankish beast! Obscure idea man! Sick, superb, debonaire, anathemas. Bonk! Sharp-eared beast musician!
Handsome ape brain suckers bait!! Suspicion means Bad Heartbreak! Emaciate rakish and superb snob!
Mad phobia ensnares SUCKER bait. Barbarous, mean, septic skinhead. Bruise/Behead maniac's top-rank!!
Parasite brain mucks boneheads! Brainsick meathead abuses porn! And spike this barbarous menace!
Ape Shit! Brain mad, keen, scabrous. Top banana smirks debaucheries. Skinheads menace barbarous tip.
Praise saner bubonic death mask!! I am a prankish, obscene, sad brute. Saboteurs pin macabre skinhead!!!
Brains bounce... Praise death mask!! An inebriate humpback sods arse! Unbiased knob as star impeacher!
“I am a crab up bonehead's stinkers.” P.U.! Brainsick abasement; sad hero!
Pea-brained crabs OK enthusiasm!
Inhumane beast brakes sporadic! “Radiate macabre pushiness! “Bonk!
Champion bard, sneakiest abuser!
Basket case in paramour's behind? Cheapest barbarianism; so nuked.
Dumb praise satanic boneshaker! Rabidness! An up-beat chain smoker.
Heap on barbarism! Suck-it-and-see!
Bird-brains amuse cheapskate. Sane humpback? Brain-rot disease? became prankish beast dinosaur.
The barbarism... spacious and keen! Skinhead beast or superb maniac?
Sick, barbarous, handiest ape-men! “Shit! Sickened barbarous apeman!” Baked-bean as historic superman?
Madhouse crap! Snakebite brains! Bemoaned sneak; pubic hair star! I am a snobbish creature, spanked! ”
These fingers or this mind didn't write the above...
these are perfect anagrams... just an excavator of...

LOOK AGAIN, The incredibly marvelous Creator did A LONG TIME AGO.

The spiritual world and heaven above towers over everything with infinite

Our Father Knows you best by your fruit.


WITH Goodness or Corruption?
Universal People's Statement of Freedom
(Maximum Freedom or Fascist Slavery; it's each individual's decision.)

Lovers of Freedom have continuously struggled against the forces of tyrannical governments for
multitudes of centuries in the ever deceptive and animated contest between the spirit of
enslavement versus the spirit of liberty. When in the course of world events it becomes clear
government has become intentionally deceitful, destructive, and murderous - using any for m of
falsehood, manipulation of media, or theater as cover for an array of crimes - as well a s for the
next form of government, it is a matter of self-defense for the people of the nation and the world to
throw off a corrupt system of government enslavement; and with expediency set then widely
announce another special date, apart from July 4th, that will in the future echo worldly
celebrations of the cause of liberty. The people should subsequently convene in large numbers on
that date and also through the public global computing system of the time, for a convention of the
people. The result of the open convention is to have authored, selected, and begun the
implementation of a more protective system of shared rights, law, governance, and justice for the
current and future generations; of any nation; for the collective happiness of all.
The laws of a Republic should be written clearly in the form of a constitution. However when once trusted
political figures individually or as a whole concert of corruption, or the distribution of wealth or establishment
system as a whole, betrays the trust of the citizenry by operating outside of the rules and constraints listed in
such a constitution, then the citizens of the broken republic should take the stated recommendations of their
previous declaration of independence & constitution, along with methods of self defense, back into their own
hands. More than responsibility, it is the most sacred duty of the spirit of liberty and justice for all.
By the year 2008, through a persistent stream of offensive actions, including 9-11-2001, the organization
widely known as the "United States Government" has declared itself murderous; while bankrupting the
working class of America and instituting fascist rule. It has become evident to multitudes of people of every
nation that the current government is allied with a cabal of corrupt international banking, war-mongering, so-
called "freemasonic", “illuminati” or "new world order", interests. Therefore the “United States Government”
has severely turned away from serving its sacred cause of freedom!

Therefore the “United States Government” has failed and is de facto illegitimate as of the time of the
announcement of this declaration at the start of the new people’s convention. Revolution is the only possible
cure for fascism; and it has already gone beyond the need for a once independent people to have a fresh start!
The people's convention date will be decided by the truth movement.
Consequently, All of its previous authority over the citizenry is thereby removed by this declaration; and All
freemasonic governments worldwide should be dissolved entirely by the great many world’s people. All
existing mob-ridden local governments over the individual and the municipalities should be fully dismantled,
re-instituted, and rebooted with a fully transparent, efficient, protective, and accountable system model the
people's convention democratically selects. All civil rights & laws should be voted for in a true 1-person-1-
vote democratic and transparent form - as we always carry a vital responsibility to together choose what has
control over our lives and what would ensure us maximum safety & happiness.
This progressive change of government should be enabled and empowered by the entirety of all national and
returning armed forces together with all non-terminated local police and the widespread armed citizenry.
No more system tyranny.
As we acknowledge this world-wide published declaration in multitudes, we pledge allegiance to each other. We are
firm in our disassociation from the previous “United States Government” or any corrupt power. In unison We proclaim
to disallow that organization to silence us, to control the mass media or the internet, to suppress us, to spray chemicals
upon or conduct any experiments on us, to detain us, to imprison us, to terrorize nor genocide us, to tax us, to bill us, to
create dollars or borrow credit, nor counterfeit paper money, to legislate for us nor to adjudicate any proceedings, to
direct our armed forces, to make war, or make agreements in our name, nationally or internationally. We are fully
aware of our God-given rights including dissent.
Addendum: Initial action list for the people’s convention (initial recommended date: July 5th, 2009; place: St. Louis, MO)

Withdrawing our businesses and franchises from federal or state-wide taxation of the "United States Government" and
its equally corrupt mother companies, the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank.
Create a new fully accountable system of money and taxation commissioned by the improved freshly-chartered citizen’s
government to: pay off all national debts, redistribute wealth fairly, fund the new government, and reinvigorate the
Build a beautiful new national capitol city designed by non-freemasonic architects and constructed by the many hands
of the nation within a large, and voted-upon, national forest. A new capitol is essential to mark the change in thinking.
Close and refurbish Washington DC, converting the former capitol into a city -wide orphanage and school campus for
the nation’s underprivileged citizen children; dedicated in honor of patriots who lived bravely before us without shame.
Establish a new passport identification, numbered as chronologically signed, and imprinted inside a new & improved
Bill of Rights - to be made available for all listed and future citizen signatories of this declaration of freedom from system
tyranny statement; that anyone and everyone around the world is invited to recognize and support together forevermore.
( All inmates individually reviewed for possible release. )
No more will we allow homeless/helpless to be medically experimented upon or quietly murdered. Every destitute
person should be given an opportunity by the new system to construct a dwelling and share in a community atmosphere.
Project Fresh Start – Organic Home Gardening Incentive Program, using a portion of elite reclaimed wealth, to finally
solve world hunger.

Democracy arises out of the notion that those who are equal in any respect are equal in all respects; because men are equally
free, they claim to be absolutely equal. Republics decline into democracies and democracies degenerate into despotisms. -

If the world knew how to use freedom without abusing it, tyranny would not exist. - Tehyi Hsieh

The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of
sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin... Bankers own the earth. Take it
away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it
back again... Take this great power away from them, or if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of
your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit. - Sir Joseph Stamp, former president of the
Bank of England

Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of
freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction. - Thomas Jefferson ~~~ To me the sole
hope of human salvation lies in teaching. - George Bernard Shaw ~~~ The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.
- Winston Churchill ~~ "I have unwittingly destroyed my country." - Woodrow Wilson {After signing the Federal Reserve
Act in 1913) ~~~ The basic idea behind teaching is to teach people what they need to know. - Carl Rogers ~~~ Awaken
people's curiosity. It is enough to open minds, do not overload them. Put there just a spark. - Anatole France ~~~
Education...beyond all other devices of human origin, is a great equalizer of conditions of men -- the balance wheel of the
social machinery... It does better than to disarm the poor of their hostility toward the rich; it prevents being poor. - Horace
Mann ~~~ There is no education like adversity. - Benjamin Disraeli ~~~ It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy
[life, liberty, happiness…] in creative expression and knowledge. - Albert Einstein ~~~ We think of the effective teachers we
have had over the years with a sense of recognition, but those who have touched our humanity we remember with a deep sense
of gratitude. - Anonymous student

Soldiers Code
1. I am an American soldier - A protector of the citizenry, sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States.
2. I will treat others with dignity and respect and expect others to do the same.
3. I will honor my country and my fellow soldiers; those who are not traitors to the Bill of Rights & Constitution.
4. I am proud of my country & its flag. I wish to look back and say that I am proud to have served my fellow citizens.
5. Lastly, no matter what the situation I am in, I will never do anything for pleasure, profit, or personal safety which would
disgrace my country, my uniform, my unit, my high school class, and the people of my country.
Obama-nation: “National Socialism”(1939-1945 Germany); power in fewer hands

has already before drastically TWICE PROVEN TO BE A TERRIBLE IDEA.


Obama Can't Save You unless you prevent Obama from casting more deceptions.
Otherwise, perhaps, the future is already foretold.
The decoding states Obama (“Oh....bomb-us?”) will die in a bomb blast.
The beast is not loyal to anyone, only the beast itself, even Obama.
"They", the global finance kingpins, will apparently ass-asinate Obama.
If Obama is not seen at ground zero prior to the the detonation (Washington DC?),
his demise would only be yet another ruse. (A large deep tunnel system exists under DC.
The white house has and entrance.)
Why a nuke? The incredible decoding states: "A bomb eradicates prank!"
(Letters of "President Barack Obama"): "Ape bomb! Stark Radiance "
"Stark Radiance " implies nuclear.

To help prevent this: hot photatocopy, make books, sell for a buck.

Things are now getting worse more than under the scrub Bush! Total Darkness!

The major media celebrity liars WORLDWIDE need to be arrested & incarcerated
together first, then world's criminal elite class. Pronto!
The global elites need to be contained by the good guys within the various militaries
until the public decides their sentences; perhaps a secure prison island and new tv show.


Discuss and prevent the elite's H1N1 flu bio-attack strategy! Do it for others!

Ultimately the criminal elite will decide their own eternal fate. So will you...

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