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Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4



Part - 4 Submitted by Prof. V. Viswanadham

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4 Kno" that th% #in' "hi)h is *orn to s ))%%' +oins its%,! to a '%t%r#in%' "i,, an' p%rs%$%r%s- . /i$% in th% #i'st o! th% *att,% o! ,i!%An0on% )an &%%p )a,# in a )a$% or "h%n as,%%pStan' in th% "hir, an' #a'n%ss o! a)tion an' r%a)h th% 1%ntr%I! 0o ha$% !o n' th% )%ntr%2 0o )annot *% #o$%'-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4 A h n'r%' tho san' #%n an' "o#%n2 !ir%' "ith th% 3%a, o! ho,in%ss2 !orti!i%' "ith %t%rna, !aith in th% /or'2 an' n%r$%' to ,ion4s )o rag% *0 th%ir s0#path0 !or th% poor an' th% !a,,%n an' th% 'o"ntro''%n2 "i,, go o$%r th% ,%ngth an' *r%a'th o! th% ,an'2 pr%a)hing th% gosp%, o! sa,$ation2 th% gosp%, o! h%,p2 th% gosp%, o! so)ia, raising p 5 th% gosp%, o! %6 a,it0-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4

M0 *o02 i! 0o ha$% an0 r%sp%)t !or #0 "or's2 th% !irst thing I "i,, a'$is% 0o to 'o is to thro" op%n a,, th% 'oors an' "in'o"s o! 0o r roo#In 0o r 6 art%r th%r% ar% ,ots o! poor p%op,% s n& in '%gra'ation an' #is%r07o "i,, ha$% to go to th%# an' s%r$% th%# "ith 0o r 3%a, an' %nth sias#- . i! 0o *%gin to s%r$% 0 o r *r%thr%n in this "a02 I t%,, 0o 2 #0 )hi,'2 0o "i,, s r%,0 g%t p%a)% an' )onso,ation-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4 Wh%r% is that #artia, spirit "hi)h2 at th% $%r0 o ts%t2 r%6 ir%s on% to &no" ho" to s%r$% an' o*%02 an' to pra)ti)% s%,!-r%straint8 Th% #artia, spirit is not s%,!-ass%rtion2 * t s%,!-sa)ri!i)%On% # st *% r%a'0 to a'$an)% an' ,a0 'o"n on%4s ,i!% at th% "or' o! )o##an'2 *%!or% h% )an )o##an' th% h%arts an' ,i$%s o! oth%rsOn% # st sa)ri!i)% hi#s%,! !irst-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4

It is !%ar a,on% that is '%ath7o ha$% to go *%0on' a,, !%arSo !ro# this 'a02 *% !%ar,%ssO!! at on)%2 to ,a0 0o r ,i!% !or 0o r o"n ,i*%ration an' !or th% goo' o! oth%rs-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4

Tr st not to th% so-)a,,%' ri)h2 th%0 ar% #or% '%a' than a,i$%Th% hop% ,i%s in 0o 5 in th% #%%&2 th% ,o",02 * t th% !aith! ,Ha$% !aith in th% /or'- . F%%, !or th% #is%ra*,% an' ,oo& p !or h%,p 5 it sha,, )o#%-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4

Th% histor0 o! th% "or,' is that o! si9 #%n o! !aith2 si9 #%n o! '%%p p r% )hara)t%rW% n%%' to ha$% thr%% things: th% h%art to !%%,2 th% *rain to )on)%i$%2 th% han' to "or&Ma&% 0o rs%,! a '0na#oF%%, !or th% "or,'-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4

As& 0o rs%,!2 'o%s 0o r #in' r%a)t in hatr%' or +%a,o s08 Goo' "or&s ar% )ontin a,,0 *%ing n'on% *0 th% tons o! hatr%' an' ang%r "hi)h ar% *%ing po r%' o t on th% "or,'I! 0o ar% p r%2 i! 0o ar% strong2 0o 2 on% #an2 ar% %6 a, to th% "ho,% "or,'-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4

Wi,, s )h a 'a0 )o#% "h%n this ,i!% "i,, go !or th% sa&% o! oth%rs4 goo'8 Th% "or,' is not a )hi,'4s p,a0 5 an' gr%at #%n ar% thos% "ho * i,' high"a0s !or oth%rs "ith th%ir h%art4s *,oo'-

Inspiring Tho ghts o!

S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on S%r$% Man as Go' ( Part - 4

This is Part 5 42 th% )on), 'ing part o! th% Inspiring Tho ghts o! S"a#i Vi$%&anan'a on ;S%r$% Man as Go'42 pr%s%nt%' !or 0o r )ar%! , )onsi'%rationP,%as% 'on4t r%a' th%s% tho ghts in a h rr0That "i,, not s%r$% an0 p rpos%P,%as% r%a' a,, th% 4 parts-

R%a'2 an' "hi,% r%a'ing ;!%%,4<

0%s2 "ho%$%r 0o ar%2 !%%, ,i&% a h #an *%ing2 !or th% !%,,o" h #ans-

Th% p rpos% o! s%r$i)% has *%%n ),%ar,0 %9p,ain%'< %$%n 'oing 0o r ' t0 in a sin)%r% #ann%r "i,, )onstit t% s%r$ing Man2 i-%- S%r$ing Go'-

7%s2 on% i'%a )an )hang% th% "or,'Th% 6 %stion is2 ar% "% r%a'0 an' "i,,ing8

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