39 Steps - 11!5!09 Version A - New

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The 39 Steps

Adapted by Patrick Barlow

From the novel by John Buchan From the movie by Alfred Hitchcock Licensed by IT !lobal "ntertainment Limited And an ori#inal concept by $obby %imon and &imon 'orble

A &amuel French Actin# "dition


'opyri#ht ( )**+ by Patrick Barlow 'over illustration by ,ark Thomas ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 'A-TI.$/ Professionals and amateurs are hereby warned that THE 39 STEPS is sub0ect to a Licensin# Fee1 It is fully protected under the copy2ri#ht laws of the -nited &tates of America3 the British 'ommonwealth3 includin# 'anada3 and all other countries of the 'opyri#ht -nion1 All ri#hts3 includin# professional3 amateur3 motion picture3 recitation3 lec2turin#3 public readin#3 radio broadcastin#3 television and the ri#hts of translation into forei#n lan#ua#es are strictly reserved1 In its present form the play is dedicated to the readin# public only1 The amateur live sta#e performance ri#hts to THE 39 STEPS are controlled e4clusively by &amuel French3 Inc13 and licensin# arran#e2ments and performance licenses must be secured well in advance of presentation1 PL"A&" $.T" that amateur Licensin# Fees are set upon application in accordance with your producin# circumstances1 5hen applyin# for a licensin# 6uotation and a performance license please #ive us the number of performances intended3 dates of production3 your seatin# capacity and admission fee1 Licensin# Fees are payable one week before the openin# performance of the play to &amuel French3 Inc13 at 78 51 )8th &treet3 $ew 9ork3 $9 :**:*1 Licensin# Fee of the re6uired amount must be paid whether the play is presented for charity or #ain and whether or not admission is char#ed1 &tock licensin# fees 6uoted upon application to &amuel French3 Inc1 For all other ri#hts than those stipulated above3 apply to/ ;oy !abay Theatrical3 Production < ,ana#ement3 Inc1 )=) 5est >?th &treet $ew 9ork3 $9 :**:?1 Particular emphasis is laid on the 6uestion of amateur or professional readin#s3 permission and terms for which must be secured in writin# from &amuel French3 Inc1 'opyin# from this book in whole or in part is strictly forbidden by law3 and the ri#ht of performance is not transferable1 5henever the play is produced the followin# notice must appear on all pro#rams3 printin# and advertisin# for the play/ @Produced by special arran#ement with &amuel French3 Inc1A %ue authorship credit must be #iven on all pro#rams3 printin# and advertisin# for the play1

ISBN 978-0-573-6971 -! Printed in -1&1A1 B)+:>*

$o one shall commit or authoriCe any act or omission by which the copy2 ri#ht of3 or the ri#ht to copyri#ht3 this play may be impaired1 $o one shall make any chan#es in this play for the purpose of production1 Publication of this play does not imply availability for performance1 Both amateurs and professionals considerin# a production are stron#ly advised in their own interests to apply to &amuel French3 Inc13 for written permis2sion before startin# rehearsals3 advertisin#3 or bookin# a theatre1 $o part of this book may be reproduced3 stored in a retrieval system3 or transmitted in any form3 by any means3 now known or yet to be invented3 includin# mechanical3 electronic3 photocopyin#3 recordin#3 videotapin#3 or otherwise3 without the prior written permission of the publisher1

IM"ORTANT BILLIN# AN$ CRE$IT RE%UIREMENTS All producers of THE 39 STEPS must #ive credit to the Author of the Play in all pro#rams distributed in connection with performances of the Play3 and in all instances in which the title of the Play appears for the pur2poses of advertisin#3 publiciCin# or otherwise e4ploitin# the Play andD or a production1 The name of the Author must appear on a separate line on which no other name appears3 immediately followin# the title and must appear in siCe of type not less than fifty percent of the siCe of the title type1 In addition the followin# credit must be #iven in all pro#rams and pub2licity information distributed in association with this piece/ THE 39 STE"S adapted by Patrick Barlow From the novel by John Buchan From the movie of Alfred Hitchcock Licensed by IT !lobal "ntertainment Limited And an ori#inal concept by and &imon 'orble and $obby %imon

The ori#inal London production of THE 39 STEPS by arran#ement with "dward &nape for Fiery An#el Limited3 opened at the Tricycle Theatre in Eilburn on Au#ust :*3 )**= and transferred to the 'riterion Theatre in the 5est "nd on &eptember :73 )**= with the followin# cast and cre2ative team/

RICHAR$ HANNA&1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


1 1

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

'harles "dwards 1'atherine ,c'ormack 1 1 &imon !re#or 1 1 ;upert %e#as

1 1 1 1

CLO(N 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

CLO(N !1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

%irector F ,aria Aitken %esi#ner F Peter ,cEintosh Li#htin# %esi#ner F Ian &cott &ound %esi#ner F ,ic Pool ,ovement %irector F Toby &ed#wick 'astin# %irector F &imone ;eynolds THE 39 STEPS was first produced on sta#e by $orth 'ountry Theatre in April :++= at the !eor#ian Theatre3 ;ichmond3 $orth 9orkshire1 It subse6uently toured e4tensively throu#hout the -E courtesy of 'harles ance1 This latest version3 adapted by Patrick Barlow from an ori#inal concept by &imon 'orble and $obby %imon was first performed at the 5est 9orkshire Playhouse on June :G3 )**81 The ori#inal -E production was directed by Fiona Buffini1

THE 39 STEPS was subse6uently produced by the ;oundabout Theater 'ompany3 HTodd Haimes3 Artistic %irectorI Harold 5olpert3 ,ana#2in# %irectorI Julia '1 Levy3 "4ecutive %irectorI in association with Bob Boyett3 Harriet $ewman LeveD;on $icynski3 &tewart F1 LaneDBonnie 'omley3 ,anocherian !olden Productions3 .lympus TheatricalsD%ou#2las %enoff and ,arek J1 'antorDPat AddissI and the Huntin#ton Theater 'ompany3 $icholas ,artin3 Artistic %irectorI ,ichael ,aso3 ,ana#in# %irectorI and "dward &nape for Fiery An#el LimitedJ openin# on Janu2ary :83 )**? at the American Airlines Theater3 directed by ,aria Aitken with the followin# cast and creative team/
RICHAR$ HANNA&1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

ANNABELLA SCHMI$T'"AMELA'MAR#ARET1 1 1 1 CLO(N 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1

'harles "dwards 1 Jennifer Ferrin 1 1 'liff

CLO(N !1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

1 1 1 'ostume and &et %esi#n F Peter ,cEintosh Li#htin# %esi#n F Eevin Adams &ound %esi#n F ,ic Pool .ri#inal ,ovement 'reated by F Toby &ed#wick Additional ,ovement 'reated by F 'hristopher Bayes &ta#e ,ana#er F $evin Hedley Production ,ana#ement F Aurora Productions

&aunders 1 1 1Arnie Burton

!eneral ,ana#ement F ;ebecca Habel and ;oy !abay THE 39 STEPS subse6uently transferred to the 'ort Theatre on April )+3 )**? and the Helen Hayes Theater on January ):3 )**+ and was produced by Bob Boyett3 Harriet $ewman LeveD;on $icynski3 &tewart F1 LaneDBonnie 'omley3 ,anocherian !olden Prods13 .lympus The2atricalsD%ou#las %enoff3 Pam Laudensla#erDPat Addiss3 Tim LevyD ;emmel T1 %ickinson in association with ;oundabout Theatre 'ompany HTodd Haimes3 Artistic %irectorI Harold 5olpert3 ,ana#in# %irectorI Julia '1 Levy3 "4ecutive %irectorJ and the Huntin#ton Theatre 'ompany H$icholas ,artin3 Artistic %irectorI ,ichael ,aso3 ,ana#in# %irectorJ and "dward &nape for Fiery An#el Limited1 !eneral ,ana#ement F ;oy !abay

,y #randfather3 John Buchan3 would be amaCed and deli#hted that a play of his novel3 The Thirty-Nine Steps, is bein# published as a script nearly a century after he wrote it for his own amusement1 JB was never proprietorial about his work F for e4ample3 he loved the :+>8 Alfred Hitchcock film of the book F and the more people who feel they want to put on and perform what was possibly the first spy thriller3 the more deli#hted he would be1

.n a serious note3 two themes JB was an4ious to convey in his novels were3 firstly3 that the veneer of civiliCation is very thin3 easily e4posin# the horrors beneath and3 secondly3 that evil comes in very attractive forms3 makin# it all the harder to resist1 &o the leader of the Black &tone #an# in the book HProfessor Jordan in the film and playJ is urbane3 cultured3 charmin# and established in British country life F to such an e4tent that Hannay cannot believe he is evil1 %espite the deft and funny way the action in this marvellous script by Patrick Barlow is portrayed on sta#e3 those themes are not lost1 I think my #randfather would have been very proud1

Debor h !u"h n, L #y Ste$ rtby S"ot% n#& 'u%y ())9

This version of The 39 Steps is based on John BuchanKs #round2breakin# novel3 Alfred HitchcockKs iconic movie and the e46uisite idea of two $orthern "n#lish writers $obby %imon and &imon 'orble of doin# the whole thin# with 0ust four actors1 HA$$A9 played by one man throu#h2out1 PA,"LA3 A$$AB"LLA and ,A;!A;"T played by one woman1 And all other parts H %% other partsJ played by two men called3 in this version3 'L.5$ : and 'L.5$ )1 To have every part HI estimate )8* in allJ played by four players natu2rally makes this version theatrically challen#in#3 not to say attractive to producers in these cash2strapped times1 IKd like to point out thou#h that3 if the actorsK payroll isnKt an issue and you have insane ambitions and a dictatorial temperament3 not to mention a lar#e and willin# cast in your school3 colle#e3 community #roup3 prison3 ship or amateur dramatic society3 it can3 if you want3 be done as a piece of #enuinely epic theatre with all roles filled by different actors1 I recently watched an enterprisin# "n#lish boys school that kept to the te4t but skillfully re20i##ed this four2person version for over fifty actors1 A different actor F a#ed between nine and twelve F played every role from ;ichard Hannay and Annabella &chmidt down to news ven2dors3 policemen3 bi2plane pilots and dancin# #irls1 It worked a treat1 I have included sta#e directions and scenic ideas that I wrote as part of my ori#inal draft in )**71 5hile it would be #ood to keep to the te4t on the pa#e Hmuch of it is from the ori#inal Hitchcock screenplayJ3 I would encoura#e real fle4ibility and adventurousness in sta#in#1 %onKt be bound by the instructions on the pa#e1 Just take what looks helpful or fun then invent the rest1 A final word about the story1 .ne of the thrillin# thin#s about writin# this was the challen#e of puttin# an entire movie on sta#e3 complete with film noir murders3 shootin#s3 train chases3 plane crashes3 trilbied heav2ies in fast cars3 villains with little fin#ers missin#3 not to mention some of the most classic moments in the history of cinema1 There is much opportunity for comedy and satire here1 But itKs %so a love story1 A man and a woman who have never loved anyone3 yet miraculously 22 throu#h all the adventure and han#in# from brid#es and clin#in# to trains and escapin# from villains F discover the beatin# of their own true hearts1 That thereKs a reason to live and a reason to love1 And above all a reason F as our hero Hfired up by love thou#h he doesnKt know thatKs what it is yetJ blissfully realiCes in his passionately impromptu political speech F to look after each other and look after the world1 *Let+s %% ,ust set ourse%-es reso%ute%y to m .e this $or%# h ppier p% "e/ A #e"ent $or%#/ A 0oo# $or%#/ A $or%# $here no n tion p%ots 0 inst n tion/ 1here no nei0hbour p%ots 0 inst nei0hbour, $here there+s no perse"ution or huntin0 #o$n, $here e-erybo#y 0ets s2u re #e % n# sportin0 "h n"e n# $here peop%e try to he%p n# not to hin#er/ A $or%# $here suspi"ion n# "rue%ty n# 3e r h -e been 3ore-er b nishe#/ Th t+s the sort o3 $or%# I $ nt/ Is th t the sort o3 $or%# you $ nt4+

5ords written F remarkably F in :+>8 by one of Alfred HitchcockKs team of writers and as resonant today as they were then1 As someone said the finest comedy comes from the #reatest truth1 .r was it the best comedy is deadly seriousL .r was it play it for real and not the #a# Hthat was Buster EeatonJ1 Anyway3 whoever said what when3 IKd respectfully ask you to remem2ber the story too1 ItKs there behind the mayhem1
P tri". ! r%o$ 'une ())9

HIf cast with 7 actorsJ

;ichard Hannay Annabella &chmidtDPamelaD,ar#aret 'lown : 'lown )

! 8


S*e+e Se,e+- E./+0123h T24/+. $45. 5The C67p4+5 "re te the r i%$ y " rri 0e67 5The t$o "%o$ns re no$ 0 rru%ous
UN$ER(EAR SALESMEN6 They s$ y $ith the tr in67

5Tr in soun#s6 Hoots n# $hist%es67



SALESMAN !. !et itL SALESMAN 1. !et itL

SALESMAN !. 5hen theyKre filledM SALESMAN 1. 5hen theyKre filledM SALESMAN !. %onKt be shyM SALESMAN 1. %onKt be shyM

5HANNA& m n 0es


SALESMAN !. ThatKs the spiritM SALESMAN 1. ThatKs the spiritM SALESMAN !. 5here are we nowL

5SALESMAN 1 %oo.s out o3 the $in#o$6 He r pi#%y re #s three p ssin0 si0ns67

SALESMAN 1. Halifa4N %urhamN Berwick2-pon2TweedN

5He sits b ". in his se t, pro#u"es BiscuitL

SALESMAN !. ,uch obli#ed1 SALESMAN 1. 5to H nn y7 BiscuitL HANNA&. $o3 thank you1 SALESMAN 1. &uit yourself1

p ".et o3 bis"uits67

5The SALESMeN "homp their bis"uits in unison6 They $ t"h HANNA& n# 0rin bro #%y6 Tr in $hist%es n# stoppin0 noises67
SALESMAN 1. Here we are1 "dinbur#h Town1 SALESMAN !. That was 6uickM

5The tr in h %ts6 They %% %ur"h67 5! 0pipe 8usi"& 9S"ot% n# the !r -e:7



S*e+e E/3ht- E./+0123h St4t/6+. $45.

SALESMAN 1. 5onder what won the two oKclock at 5indsor1 SALESMAN !. IKll #et a paper1 SALESMAN 1. IKll #o to the lavatory1

5They 0et up6 S2uee;e roun# e "h other67

SALESMAN 1. "4cuse me1 &orry1 &orry1 SALESMAN !. &orry1 &orry1 HANNA&. &orry1

5S48es74+ 1 e<its6 S48es74+ ! sti".s his he # out o3 the $in#o$6 1hist%es throu0h his teeth6 S48es74+ 1 imme#i te%y b ". on s "A"ERBO& in 3% t " p67
"A"ERBO&. "venin paperM Latest newsM "venin paperM Latest F SALESMAN !. "venin paper pleaseL "A"ERBO&. "venin# paper sirL Thankoo sirM

50i-es him p per7

SALESMAN !. 50i-es him

penny7 Thankoo1 "A"ERBO&. "venin paperM Latest newsM "venin paperM Latest F 5E<its6 Imme#i te%y b ". on s S48es74+ 17
SALESMAN 1. "4cuse me1 5S2uee;es p st67 &orry1 &orry1 SALESMAN !. &orry1 &orry1 HANNA&. &orry1

5S48es74+ 1 sits #o$n6 He 0reets S48es74+ !67

SALESMAN !. HelloM SALESMAN 1. HelloM SALESMAN !. 5opens p per7 !ood LordM SALESMAN 1. 5hat is itL SALESMAN !. Been a woman murdered in a fashionable 5est

"nd flatM 5HANNA& 3ree;es67



SALESMAN 1. All these se4 dramas1 %onKt appeal to meM 5hat

SALESMAN !. 5hat won whatL SALESMAN 1. The two .Kclock at 5indsor1 SALESMAN !. Two .Kclock at 5indsorL

5Turns p per o-er6 They re # the b ".6 HANNA& peers t the 3ront67 Bachelor Boy1 SALESMAN 1. !ood1 SALESMAN !. At seven2to2four on1 SALESMAN 1. $ot so #ood1 5S48es74+ ! b ". to 3ront p 0e6 HANNA& sits b ". 2ui".%y67
SALESMAN !. Anyway where was weL Ah yes1 5re #s7 &tabbed

in the back she was1 Portland ,ansions1 Portland Place1

SALESMAN 1. By the BB'L ThatKs the place to put someone to

sleepM 5They % u0h upro rious%y6 1in. t HANNA&67 5hat was she likeL .ne of the usualL
SALESMAN !. 5re #s7 5ell2dressed woman about thirty2five1

5%oo.s up7 TerribleM SALESMAN 1. TerribleM 5They %oo. t HANNA&67

HANNA&. TerribleM SALESMAN !. 5re #s7 The tenant ;ichard Hannay is missin#1 SALESMAN 1. 9ou do surprise meM SALESMAN !. Appro4imately thirty2seven1 %ark wavy hair1

Piercin# blue eyes1 Pencil moustache1 5HANNA& hi#es his moust "he $ith his h t67
HANNA&. "4cuse meL SALESMEN. 9esL HANNA&. ,i#ht I have a look at your paperL



SALESMAN 1. 'ertainly1 HANNA&. Thank you1

5HANNA& t .es the p per6 Pores into it6 Loo.s up to see both men st rin0 t him6 They 0rin unner-in0%y67
SALESMAN !. Think IKll pop out to the buffet car1 FinishedL

5sn t"hes p per 3rom HANNA&7 Fancy anythinKL SALESMAN 1. $o thank you1 HANNA&. $o thank you1 SALESMAN !. ;i#ht you are1 5He %e -es the "omp rtment6 S2uee;es p st67
SALESMAN !. "4cuse me1 &orry1 &orry1 SALESMAN 1. &orry1 &orry1 HANNA&. &orry1

5S48es74+ 1

0% n"es out o3 the $in#o$67

SALESMAN 1. !ood HeavensM Place is stiff with policeM

5HANNA& 3ree;es6 S48es74+ 1 pu%%s #o$n $in#o$6 = %%s out67 "4cuse me 'onstableM 'au#ht the 5est "nd murderer yetL 5S48es74+ ! ppe rs in po%i"e h t67

"OLICEMAN. 5eKll catch him3 donKt you worry sirM SALESMAN 1. ThatKs the spiritM

5"68/*e74+ "h n0es into porter+s h t67

"ORTER. All aboard for the Hi#hlandsM $e4t stop the hi#h2

landsM 5=h n0es into P= h t67

"OLICEMAN. Anythin# suspicious let us know sirM SALESMAN 1. .h yes1 %onKt you worryM

5P= "h n0es into porter+s h t67

"ORTER. All aboardM All aboardM



5S48es74+ 1 puts on p perboy h t67

"A"ERBO&1 Final edition sirL Final edition1

5"62te2 "h n0es into S48es74+ ! h t67

SALESMAN !. $o thank youM

5S48es74+ ! puts on porter h t67

"ORTER. All aboardM All aboardM

5"4pe2065 puts on s %esm n h t67

SALESMAN 1. Alri#ht3 alri#htM

5"62te2 puts on po%i"em n h t67

"OLICEMAN1 Eeep your eyes peeled wonKt you sirM SALESMAN 1. 'ertainly will constableM "OLICEMAN1

%onKt for#et sirM SALESMAN 1. $o I wonKt constable1 5"h n0es into p perboy h t7
"A"ERBO&. ;ead all about itMM ;ead all about itMM

5"68/*e74+ puts on porter h t67

"ORTER. All aboardM All aboardM

5"62te2 puts on po%i"e h t67

"OLICEMAN. Anythin# suspicious3 let us know sir1

5"4pe2065 "h n0es into S48es74+ 16 7

SALESMAN 1. 5ill do3 constable1

5"68/*e74+ puts on porter h t67

"ORTER. All aboardM All aboardM

5S48es74+ 1 "h n0es into M2s H/33/+s h t67

MRS HI##INS. Is this the +17: to ;eadin#L "ORTER. Platform TwelveM MRS HI##INS. ThankooM "ORTER. All aboard letKs be havinK yerM

5b%o$s $hist%e7


5M2s H/33/+s puts on p perboy h t67

"A"ERBO&. ;ead all about itMM ;ead all about itMM "ORTER. All aboardM All aboardM

5b%o$s $hist%e7
"A"ERBO&. Final "ditionM Final "ditionM "ORTER. All aboardM All ab F

5b%o$s $hist%e7 5HANNA& the "tor " n+t t .e ny more67

HANNA&. .h 0ust #et on with itMM BOTH CLO(NS. ThankooM

5=%o$ns run o336 Tr in shrie.s6 =hu0s out o3 the st -tion67



S*e+e N/+e- H/3h84+. T24/+. $45 5The *869+s return to their se ts6 S2uee;e p st e "h other6 S2uee;e p st HANNA&67
SALESMAN !. "4cuse me1 &orry1 &orry1 SALESMAN 1. &orry1 &orry1 HANNA&. &orry1 SALESMAN !. 5ell3 back from the buffetM Listen to thisM SALESMAN 1. 5hatL SALESMAN !. The police are searchin# the trainM

5HANNA& 3ree;es67 "very compartmentM SALESMAN 1. E-ery "omp rtment/4 SALESMAN !. Listen hereKs a corker1 There was a youn# man from $antucket F HANNA&. "4cuse meM 5He %e ps up6 S%i#es open the #oor o3 the "omp rtment67
SALESMAN 1. Hope you donKt mind us talkin# shopL HANNA&. $o3 no3 not at all no1 SALESMAN 1. 5eKre on the run you see1 SALESMAN !. From our wivesM SALESMAN 1. $ever #o homeM SALESMAN !. 5e ride the railways and sell underwearM SALESMAN 1. ThatKs all we doM

5They ro r $ith % u0hter67

SALESMAN !. A youn# man from $antucket3 #rew a

enus Fly2 trap in a bucket3 he said when it #rew3 now what do I do3 do I keep it for breedin# or F 5Tr in shrie.s6 HANNA& es" pes #o$n the "orri#or67

HANNA&. Sorry/ SALESMAN !. HeKs in a rushM

5They $hoosh into tunne%6 Hei0htene# tr in noises6 St 0e %i0hts 3%i".er67 5HANNA& r "es %on0 the "orri#or in the 3%i".erin0 %i0hts67

3 6


5S48es74+ 1 be"omes "OLICEMAN 16 Loo.in0 into im 0in ry "omp rtments67

"OLICEMAN 1. "4cuse me please1 &orry to disturb ye1 Have ye

seen this manL His name is ;ichard Hannay1 5HANNA& 3ree;es6 About turns6 >ree;es 0 in67 5No$ S48es74+ ! is "OLICEMAN !6 Appro "hin0 3rom the opposite #ire"tion6 Loo.in0 into im 0in ry "omp rt-ments67
"OLICEMAN !. "4cuse me please1 &orry to disturb ye1 Have ye

seen this manL His name is ;ichard Hannay1 5HANNA& is tr ppe#6 !oth po%i"emen m r"h to$ r#s him67
5Simu%t neous%y m 0i" % b%ue %i0ht "omes up on "AMELA $ho ppe rs be3ore him in nother "omp rtment67

5She remo-es her 0% sses n# %ets her boo. 3 %% on to her % p6 She runs h n# throu0h her h ir n# 0 ;es out o3 the $in#o$6 She is bre tht .in0%y be uti3u%, $e rs sm %% b% ". top n# thi0h-hu00in0 pen"i% s.irt6 HANNA& 0 ;es t her, entr n"e#67
5The t$o "OLICEMeN 0et "%oser n# "%oser6 HANNA& %oo.s t the "OLICEMeN, %oo.s into "AMELA+s "omp rtment6 He bursts in6 S$eeps her into his rms67
HANNA&. %arlin#M How lovely to see youM

5He .isses her p ssion te%y6 She is too sho".e# to 0 sp67 5Rom nti" musi"67 5The t$o "OLICEMAN meet t the #oor6 St re $i#eeye# s h4++45 n# p47e84 .iss67
"OLICEMAN 1. &omeone havin# a free lunch in thereM "OLICEMAN !. And a free puddin#3 too3 I wouldnKt wonder1

5They titter n# e<it67 5HANNA& pu%%s b ". t % st6 p47e84 st res t him 0h st67 5Rom nti" musi" "uts out67
HANNA&. Listen IKm so terribly sorryM But I was desperateM I

had to do itM ,y nameKs ;ichard Hannay1 TheyKre



after me for murder1 I swear IKm innocentM 9ouKve #ot to help meM IKve #ot to keep free for the ne4t few days1 9ou see the safety of this country depends upon it F 5The t$o "OLICEMeN ppe r 0 in t the "omp rtment #oor67
"OLICEMAN 1. &o sorry to disturb ye but have either of ye seen

a man passin# in the last few minutesL His name is ;ichard Hannay1 5"AMELA st res t H4++456 A%% $ it $hi%e she #e"i#es67
"AMELA. This is the man you want InspectorM "OLICEMAN 1. But we came by 0ust noo and saw you both F

well you knowN "AMELA. He pushed in here and forced himself upon me1 His name is ;ichard HannayM "OLICEMAN !. Is your name ;ichard HannayL HANNA&. 'ertainly not1 "OLICEMAN !. But this attractive youn# lady clearly stated F 5HANNA& pushes open the #oor6 Le ps out o3 the tr in6 "AMELA s"re ms6 De 3enin0 $hooshin0 tr in soun#s n# $in# e33e"ts67
"OLICEMAN !. After him constableM "OLICEMAN 1. ;i#ht sir1

5"OLICEMAN 1 %e ps 3ter HANNA& $ho is in"hin0 %on0 the outsi#e o3 the tr in, h n0in0 onto his h t6 "OLICEMAN 1 %oo.s #o$n n# GASPS/7 5eKre on the Forth Brid#e sirMMM
"OLICEMAN !. 53rom the $in#o$7 I can see that constableM

!rab him manM

"OLICEMAN 1. ery #ood sir1

5"C 1 %un0es 3or H4++45 n# 0r bs him6 "C ! re "hes 3rom the $in#o$6 Gr bs "C 16 H4++45 %e ps to the ne<t " rri 0e6 Pu%%s "C 1 3ter him, pu%%in0 "C ! h %3 out o3 the rushin0 tr in67
"AMELA. 'an I helpL



"OLICEMAN !. 5h n0in0 out o3 the tr in, throu0h the rushin0

$in#7 $ot ri#ht now3 miss1 "AMELA. IKll stand here then1 "OLICEMAN !. ery #ood miss1 5The tr in ro rs into tunne%6 Li0hts 3%i".er n# 3% sh6 "C 1 b tt%es $ith H4++45 "%in0in0 to the tr in6 H4++45 pu%%s one $ y, "C 1 pu%%s the other6 Pu%%in0 "C ! 3urther n# 3urther out o3 the $in#o$67 ) "AMELA. Just a thou#htL "OLICEMAN !. 5h n0in0 out o3 the tr in7 9es3 missL "AMELA. 5hat about the communication cordL "OLICEMAN !. !ood idea3 miss1 "AMELA. &hall I pull itL "OLICEMAN !. Best if I do3 miss1 "AMELA. ;i#htho1 5"C ! re "hes p in3u%%y b ". 3or the "ommuni" tion "or#6 This pu%%s "C 1 n# H4++45 b ". 0 in6 "C !+s rm % rmin0%y e%on0 tes6 "47e84 $ t"hes $i#e-eye#6 At % st "C ! re "hes the "or#6 He 0r bs the "or#67
"OLICEMAN !. Pullin# the communication cord $.5M "OLICEMAN 1. 5shrie.s7 $o sirM $ot the communication F

5"OLICEMAN 1 pu%%s the "or#6 The br .es s% m on6 The tr in %ur"hes6 "OLICEMAN 1 %oses his 0rip on HANNA& $ho 3%ies $ y6 The "OLICEMeN "r sh b ". into "AMELA $ho s"re ms s the tr in s"ree"hes to ,u##erin0 h %t67

5b% ".out7 58usi"& Ethere %, mysti" "hoirs7 5Li0hts "ome up on the 3 mi%i r stru"ture o3 the >orth !ri#0e6 8 0i" %%y "re te# 3rom the three #e"or tors % #-#ers perh ps6 It %oo.s m 0ni3i"ent n# $esome in the b%ue %i0ht n# mist67
)1 The train chase should be open to in#enuity and resources available1 I like the idea of the chase down the side of the train3 as in the splendid 5est "nd and Broadway poster1 .r they could #o alon# the top1 .r even underneath F Indiana Jones style1 The te4t should fit most scenarios1



S*e+e Te+- F62th B2/.3e. N/3ht.

51in# soun#s6 The "re .in0 o3 0ir#ers6 Dist nt 3o0horns6 HANNA& ppe rs out o3 the mist6 He is h n0in0 peri%ous%y on the bri#0e6 8i%es bo-e the $ ter6 He in"hes his $ y, 0rippin0 on to the "o%# stee% 0ir#ers67

5The t$o "Cs ppe r6 E#0in0 to$ r#s him6 They 0et "%oser n# "%oser6 H4++45 %oo.s t them6 Loo.s #o$n6 Loo.s t his s%ippin0 3in0ers6 Loo.s t us67

5He p%un0es into the # r.ness6 A %on0 $hist%e6 A tiny sp% sh67 5The t$o "OLICEMeN %oo. #o$n6 Loo. t e "h other67 5b% ".out7 5Soun#& morse "o#e 9beeps: 3i%% the the tre67
R4./6 4++61+*e2. 5p%ummy !!= V6?67 Nthe suspect ;ich2ard

Hannay mana#ed to 0ump from a train on to the Forth Brid#e 0ust outside "dinbur#h1 Police pursued him on to the brid#e but he #ave them the slip han#2in# from #irders with his bare hands1


S*e+e E8e,e+- O+ the M662s. 5H4++45 ppe rs runnin0 "ross the moors67
RA$IO ANNOUNCER. 5p%ummy !!= V6?67 NThe suspect is

appro4imately thirty2seven and about si4 foot one1 Althou#h he is clearly dan#erous3 he is 6uite #ood lookin# actually with dark wavy hair3 piercin# blue eyes and a very attractive pencil moustache1 It is not known whether he survived his ordeal1 Police had to call off the search in the #atherin# darknessN 5H4++45 runs out6 S$ir%in0 mist6 8ourn3u% hi0h% n# $in#67


S*e+e T9e8,e - C26:te2)s C6tt43e. O1ts/.e. 5C869+ 1 ppe rs6 He is ;OHN M*T&TE n n"ient n# sur%y S"ottish "ro3ter6 He peers into the mist6 HANNA& ppe rs6 The "ro3ter t$it"hes $ith suspi"ion67
HANNA&. Hello there1 CROFTER. 'an I help yeL HANNA&. 9es IKm um lookin# for work1 CROFTER. 5hat kind of workL HANNA&. IKm an itinerant labourer1 CROFTER. 9eKll find nothin# in this vicinity1 HANNA&. Are there no F

5si0ni3i" nt%y7 F bi# houses round hereL CROFTER. $o bi# houses1 HANNA&. &o whatKs that bi# houseL CROFTER. 5hat bi# houseL HANNA&. 5points7 That bi# houseL CROFTER. .h that bi# house1 HANNA&. IsnKt that a bi# houseL CROFTER. That is a bi# house1 HANNA&. &o whoseNhoose is that thenL CROFTER. A professor I believe1 Professor Jordan1 5t$it"h-in07 An "n#lishman1 HANNA&. An "n#lishmanL It wouldnKt be called F 5He t .es out the enormous n# unru%y m p6 It is e-en bi00er th n be3ore6 He b tt%es $ith it6 The *26:te2 $ t"hes67 F Alt na &hellach3 would itL
CROFTER. It would1 HANNA&. ;i#htM 5ell F thanks very much1 IKll try there1

CROFTER. 9e wonKt toni#htM HANNA&. 5onKt IL CROFTER. ItKs fourteen miles1 The other side of the loch1 HANNA&. $o reallyM IKm sure IKll be F


CROFTER. ,ar#aretM

5M42342et ppe rs6 An in"re#ib%y pretty S"ottish 0ir%67

MAR#ARET. AyL CROFTER. 'ome hereM 5e have a visitor1

5M42342et "rosses to them, he # %o$ere#6 She %oo.s t H4++45, b%ushes67

MAR#ARET. !ood evenin#3 sir1

5H4++45 sees ho$ in"re#ib%y pretty she is6 He smi%es h n#some%y67

HANNA&. !ood evenin#1

5M42342et b%ushes e-en more67

CROFTER. 9ou could stay here if you wanted1 HANNA&.

5ell on second thou#hts thatKd be very kind1 CROFTER. 'an you eat the herrin#L HANNA&. I could murder half a doCen ri#ht now1 CROFTER. 'an you sleep in a bo4 bedL HANNA&. I can try1 CROFTER. Two and si41 HANNA&. %one1 CROFTER. &ee to the #entleman and be 6uick about it1 HANNA&. 9our dau#hterL CROFTER. ,y wifeM HANNA&. 5ell done1 5M42342et n# H4++45 %oo. t e "h other6 They %oo. $ y67
CROFTER. Prepare the herrin#1 MAR#ARET. Ay1 CROFTER. IKll see to the coos1 HANNA&1 &orryL CROFTER. IKll see to the coosM HANNA&. 5sti%% #oesn+t un#erst n#7 ;i#ht1

5The *26:te2 stomps o3367

MAR#ARET1 5ill ye come inL HANNA&. IKd love to1


S*e+e Th/2tee+- C26:te2)s C6tt43e. 5HANNA& %oo.s roun# the miser b%e "ott 0e6 The mo nin0 $in# r tt%es the $in#o$s6 M42342et is o-er$he%me# $ith shyness6 She points to the rm"h ir67
MAR#ARET. ThereKs your bed1

5HANNA& %oo.s t the rm"h ir67

HANNA&. ,arvellous1 MAR#ARET. 'ould ye sleep there dKye thinkL HANNA&. I could sleep anywhere ri#ht now1

5M42342et b%ushes67
MAR#ARET. 5onKt you sit down please whilst I #o on with our

HANNA&. Thank you1

5He sits #o$n6 She busies herse%3 $ith supper67 I sayL

MAR#ARET. 9esL HANNA&. 9ou wouldnKt have todayKs paperL MAR#ARET. ,y husband has the paper1 HANNA&1 ;i#ht1

5M42342et shy%y % ys the t b%e6 He $ t"hes her67 &o erm F been in these parts lon#L MAR#ARET. $o1 IKm from !las#ow1 HANNA&. !las#owL MAR#ARET. %Kye ever see itL HANNA&. $o I never did1 MAR#ARET. .h ye should1 9e should see &auchiehall &treet on a &aturday ni#ht with all its fine shops and the trams and the li#hts1 And the cinema palaces and the crowds1 5 3 r $ y %oo.7 ItKs &aturday ni#ht toni#ht1 HANNA&. 5ell IKve never been to !las#ow but IKve been to "dinbur#h and ,ontreal1 And London1


MAR#ARET. LondonM HANNA&. I could tell you all about London at supper1 MAR#ARET. 5su##en%y entr n"e#7 'ould yeL HANNA&. 'ertainly could1 MAR#ARET. 53 "e "%ou#s7 $o1 John would nae approve oK that

I doubtM
HANNA&. JohnL MAR#ARET. ,y husband1 He says itKs best not to think of such

places and all the wickedness that #oes on there1

HANNA&. .r F I could tell you now1 MAR#ARET. $owL

5He 0 ;es t her67

HANNA&. If you wanted1 MAR#ARET. Aye1

5She 0 ;es b ".67 9e could1 5Rom nti" musi"7

HANNA&. 5hat would you like to knowL MAR#ARET. Is it true that all the ladies paint their toe2nailsL HANNA&. &ome of them1 MAR#ARET. And put rou#e and lipsticks on their facesL HANNA&. They do yes1 MAR#ARET. %o London ladies look beautifulL HANNA&. They wouldnKt if you were beside them1

5M42342et " t"hes her bre th6 Turns to him6 Their eyes meet6 A moment o3 stunne# se<u % %on0in067
MAR#ARET. 9ou ou#ht not to say that1

5The *26:te2 bursts in6 He " rries n e-enin0 ne$sp per67

CROFTER. ?u0ht not to s y 1HAT/4

5Rom nti" musi" "uts out67

5HANNA& n# M42342et sprin0 $ y67


HANNA&. .h I was F er F 0ust sayin# to your wife that I prefer

livin# in the town to the country1 CROFTER. !od made the country1 HANNA&. 'ertainly didM CROFTER. &upper ready womanL MAR#ARET. Almost1 CROFTER. Then hurry yeselfM 5The *26:te2 thro$s the p per on the t b%e6 There is H4++45)s photo on the 3ront6 H4++45 3ree;es67
HANNA&. %o you mind if I look at your paperL CROFTER. &uit yourself1 HANNA&. Thank you1

5HANNA& pi".s up the p per6 Hi#es the photo6 Re #s the story s non"h % nt%y s possib%e6 The *26:te2 $ t"hes him suspi"ious%y67
CROFTER. 9e did nae tell me your name1 HANNA&. .h F um F Hammond1 CROFTER.

,r .K Hum Hammond1 HANNA&. $o1 HammondM MAR#ARET. Here we are1 5She pro#u"es the three herrin0s on three p% tes67
HANNA&. &plendidM CROFTER. IKll say a blessin# afore we be#in1 HANNA&. !ood ideaM

5They %% sit roun# the t b%e6 =%ose their eyes67

CROFTER. .h most mi#hty and unfor#ivin# father1 &anctify

these bounteous and undeserved mercies to us miser2able sinners1 ,ake us bow on bended knee3 make us truly thankful for all F 5HANNA& opens his eyes6 Tries to re # the p per 0 in6 M42342et opens her eyes6 Noti"es him re #in067 F thy manifold blessin#s1 5HANNA& noti"es her noti"in0 him6 No$ she pee.s t the p per6 Sees the photo6 Re %ises $ho he is6 Her eyes 3% sh $ith p ni"67


CROFTER. 5"ont67 And continually turn our loathsome hearts

from wickedness F 5HANNA& %oo.s b ". t her6 Re ssurin0 her $ith his eyes67 5The *26:te2 opens his eyes n# sees them 0 ;in0 e rnest%y t e "h other6 He t$it"hes m #%y n# 3inishes 0r "e67 F beat our #luttonous thou#hts and lash our lustful desires3 as with a three2forked flailin# stick3 pressin# our bestial noses to the #rindstone and blindin# our eyes to the tawdry beads and baubles of all worldly wicked thin#s1 Amen1

Amen1 CROFTER. AchM 5He ,umps up67 I 0ust remembered I for#ot to F er F lock the barn1 IKll #o and F lock itM MAR#ARET. ;i#ht ye are1 5He 0oes out, $hist%in0 non"h % nt%y6 A%most imme#i te%y his m # p r noi " eyes ppe r throu0h the $in#o$6 HANNA& n# M42342et #o not noti"e him6 They st rt mimin0 e rnest%y n# p ssion te%y to e "h other6 HANNA& ho%#s her h n#s6 !e00in0 her to be%ie-e him6 The C26:te2 $ t"hes 0h st/ His eyes 3% sh n# seethe67


S*e+e F612tee+- C26:te2)s C6tt43e. M/.+/3ht. 5HANNA& s%eep in his "r mpe# be#67 5Soun# o3 " r #r $in0 to 3% sh "ross the $in#o$s67 h %t outsi#e6 He #%i0hts

5M42342et runs in6 Loo.s out o3 the $in#o$6 Runs to HANNA&6 Gin0er%y sh .es him67
MAR#ARET. 5$hispers7 5ake up3 sirM 5ake up please3 sirM HANNA&. 5#e%i0hte#7 .h helloM MAR#ARET. .h no3 sir3 noM I donKt mean F ItKs the police3 sir3

,r .K Hum HammondM 5ake up I be# of ye3 sirM HANNA&. 5%e ps up7 The policeM MAR#ARET. 9ou must #o now while thereKs still a chanceM 5She 0r bs his h n#6 The C26:te2 ppe rs in his ni0ht0o$n67
CROFTER. AyM I mi#hta knownM ,akin# love behind my backM

5to HANNA&7 !et ootM 5to M42342et7 And as for ye F 5r ises 3ist7
HANNA&. 5steppin0 bet$een them7 $ot so fast my friendM MAR#ARET. $oM !o #oM ItKs your only chance of libertyM HANNA&. ListenM 9ouKre all wron# about thisM &heKs only tryin#

to help meM
CROFTER. AyM To brin# shame and dis#race upon my houseM HANNA&. Actually if you want to know IKm on the run from the

CROFTER. The po%i"e/// HANNA&. TheyKre after me for murderM CROFTER. 8ur#er/4 Po%i"e/4


5@no". .no". .no". 3rom the #oor67 5The *26:te2 runs to the #oor6 Pee.s throu0h He runs b ".67
CROFTER. TheyKre ri#ht outsideM HANNA&. %onKt let them inM &ay IKm not hereM

"r ".6

5@no". .no". .no".67 5The *26:te2 is o-erhe tin0 -io%ent%y67


5He runs to the #oor67

HANNA&. IKll make it worth your while1

5C26:te2 s.i#s to

h %t67

CROFTER. How muchL HANNA&. Five poundsM CROFTER. 5eye t$it"hin07 In cashL HANNA&. 5ill you take a che6ueL CROFTER. %onKt be funny wiK meM MAR#ARET. Pay him pay himM HANNA&. 5t .es out

3i-e poun# note7 HereMM

5@no". .no". .no".67 5The *26:te2 0r bs the note, ho%#s it to the %i0ht, po".ets it n# runs out, s% mmin0 the #oor behin# him67
MAR#ARET. .ch3 I dinna trust himM ListenM

5M42342et runs to the #oor n# %istens6 1e he r mutterin0 outsi#e6 She runs b ". to HANNA&67
MAR#ARET. Ay I was ri#htM HeKs double crossin# yeM OuickM

$owKs your timeM Throu#h the windowM 5HANNA& rushes upst 0e67
MAR#ARET. $ot that windowM HANNA&. 5hich windowL MAR#ARET. The rear windowM 5aitM HANNA&. 5hatL


MAR#ARET. 9our 0acketM HANNA&. ,y 0acketL

MAR#ARET. ItKs terrible li#ht2coloured1 HANNA&. .h is itL ItKs the latest Harris Tweed1 MAR#ARET. IKm afeart theyKll see you on the dark moors1 Best

take this oneM 5She 0i-es him # r. o-er"o t67

HANNA&. This is your husbandKs coatM MAR#ARET. Ay3 his &unday best1 ItKs so black theyKll never see

HANNA&. 5brin0s out

sm %% b% ". boo.7 5hatKs thisL MAR#ARET. His hymn book1 HANNA&. I can sin# a hymn if I #et fri#htened1 MAR#ARET. %onKt 0oke I be# of you1 5He ho%#s her6 She me%ts into him67
HANNA&. 5hatKll happen to youL MAR#ARET. %onKt worry about meM

58usi" bui%#s67 5They 0 ;e t e "h other67

HANNA&. I wish I could take you away from all thisM MAR#ARET. 5She %oo.s t him ye rnin0%y67 $o1 This is my

HANNA&. 5hatKs your nameL MAR#ARET. ,ar#aret1 HANNA&. !oodbye3 ,ar#aret1

5He .isses her7 IKll never for#et you for thisM 5He .isses her 0 in6 8ore p ssion te%y6 She surren#ers bene th him6 Pu%%s $ y t % st67
MAR#ARET. !o nowM

5H4++45 es"p es throu0h the $in#o$67



5Imme#i te%y the t$o po%i"emen rush throu0h the #oor b%o$in0 $hist%es6 They spot him throu0h the $in#o$67
"68/*e74+ 1. There he isM After himM

5The po%i"e rush out 3ter HANNA&67 5M42342et $ t"hes in 0ony67

5The $hist%es #iss pe r into the #ist n"e67 5Li0hts 3 #e on M42342et, her h unte# 3 "e t the $in#o$67 5=h se musi"67



S*e+e F/:tee+- S*6tt/sh M662s. $49+. 5Li0hts up on HANNA& on the run6 He # rts n# #o#0es "ross the S"ottish moors6 The po%i"emen ppe r $ith #o0s on %e #s6 They spot him6 HANNA& runs o336 The po%i"e n# #o0s 0i-e "h se67
RA$IO ANNOUNCER. 5V6?67 5e are sorry to interrupt this

pro#ramme of popular &cottish romantic music to set your heart a6uiver to brin# you an important news2flash1 ;ichard Hannay3 wanted in connection with the Portland Place murder has been spotted on the moors near Loch 'rimond1 Police have warned he is almost certainly armed and dan#erous1 Here is his descrip2tion once a#ain1 He is appro4imately thirty2seven and about si4 foot one1 5ith dark3 wavy hair3 piercin# blue eyes and of course his very attractive pencil mous2tache1 His time on the moors has actually made him sli#htly more ru##ed2lookin#3 which makes him look even better lookin# than he did before1 5HANNA& rushes p st mi#-"h se6 He h ppens to he r this6 He smi%es mo#est%y be3ore runnin0 on6 The r #io "ontinues67 The suspect ;ichard Hannay is currently on foot in inhospitable terrain and police can assure listeners that they are closin# in with specialist s6uads in fu#i2tive apprehension by foot3 road and F by airM 5HANNA& stops to " t"h his bre th6 Loo.s roun#6 A%% ppe rs "%e r6 H s he es" pe#4 Su##en%y there is soun# in the #ist n"e6 The ominous bu;; o3 sin0%een0ine# Ti0er 8oth6 HANNA& spins roun#6 Loo.s up6 The soun# bui%#s67 5A p% ne ppe rs6 The p% ne 0ets "%oser67
5HANNA& st rts to run6 The p% ne "h ses HANNA&67 5?-er the PBA $e he r the pi%ots+ r #io "on-ers tion67
"ILOT 1. There he is1 .ver thereM "ILOT !. 5hich directionKs that thenL

5 !


"ILOT 1. $orth2by2$orth 5estM "ILOT !. $orth2by2$orth 5estM 5hy thatKs the direction of F "ILOT 1. Professor JordanKs houseM "ILOT !. Professor JordanKs houseL 5hyKs he #oin# there I

"ILOT 1. $o ideaM "ILOT !. HeKs disappeared a#ainM "ILOT 1. .h noM "ILOT !. There he isM "ILOT 1. &hoot man shootM

5R tt%e o3 m "hine 0un 3ire6 HANNA& #u".s n# #i-es6 Do#0es the bu%%ets6 Runs on67 58usi" bui%#s7
"ILOT !. ,issed himM %amn all this impenetrable &cottish

mistM 58ore m "hine 0un 3ire6 HANNA& #i-es to the 3%oor 0 in67 5The p% ne $hines # n0erous%y67
"ILOT 1. 5ait a minuteM .h my !odM "ILOT !. 5hatL "ILOT 1. 5eKre too close to the F ?h no/ "ILOT !. 1h t//4 "ILOT 1. =h n0e #ire"tion/ =h n0e #ire"tion/ "ILOT !. I " n+t/ I " n+t/ "ILOT 1. ?h no/ ?h no/

5P% ne nose-#i-es6 S"ree"hes #e 3enin0%y67

"ILOT !. 1e+re 0oin0 to C "ILOT 1. ?H G?D/// "ILOTS 1 < !. AAAAAAGGGGHHHH////

5P% ne e<p%o#es in n# 3ire67 58usi" "%im <es67

spe"t "u% r "on3% 0r tion o3 smo.e

5The st 0e 3i%%s $ith smo.e67



5A 3i0ure ppe rs6 It is H4++456 He is e<h uste# but sti%% runnin067 5A 0r n# 3ront #oor ppe rs6 An# SHELLA=H:67 si0n& 9ALT NA

5He stumb%es to$ r#s the #oor6 Str i0htens his tie6 Presses the #oor be%%67 5A-on "himes& Din0 #on0/7


S*e+e S/=tee+- A8t N4 She884*h. 5A se-er-%oo.in0 0rey-h ire# % #y in t$ee#s opens the #oor MRS LOUISA ;OR$AN6 P% ye# by C869+ 167
MRS ;OR$AN. 9esL HANNA&. I am so sorry to disturb you but IKm lookin# for the

professor1 Professor Jordan1

MRS ;OR$AN. Professor JordanL I am the ProfessorKs wife1

Louisa Jordan1 HANNA&. I do be# your pardon ,rs Jordan1 ,ay I see the ProfessorL ItKs really 6uite important1 MRS ;OR$AN. ,ay I know your nameL HANNA&. 9es1 ,y name is Hammond1 Tell him a friend of ,iss Annabella &chmidt1 MRS ;OR$AN. ,iss Annabella &chmidtL 'ome in ,r Ham2 mond if you would please1 HANNA&. Thank you1



S*e+e Se,e+tee+- A8t N4 She884*h. I+te2/62. 5She %e #s him throu0h the b roni % "orri#ors6 HANNA& %oo.s bout him67
HANNA&. Lovely house1
MRS ;OR$AN. 5smi%in0 0r "ious%y7 5e like it1 5They

m r"h throu0h se-er % enormous rooms67

MRS ;OR$AN. 5eKre 0ust havin# a few drinks with some

friends to celebrate my dau#hter HilaryKs birthday1 A number of well2to2do ac6uaintances of my husband1 Includin# the &heriff of the 'ounty1 Later weKre or#a2 niCin# a shootin# party1 Perhaps youKd you care to 0oin usL
HANNA&. Thank you1 MRS ;OR$AN. &hall we pop into the partyL

5She opens the #oor6 1i%# sh #o$s # n"e "ross their 3 "es67 5=o".t i% P rty soun# e33e"tsB'itterbu0-type musi"7 5She h s se"on# thou0hts6 =%oses the #oor67 58usi" stops67
MRS ;OR$AN. .n second thou#hts1 If you wouldnKt mind

waitin# in here ,r1 Hammond1 IKll fetch my husband directly1 HANNA&1 'ertainly1
5She opens the #oor67 58usi" st rts 0 in67

5Sh #o$s # n"e6 She "%oses the #oor behin# her67 58usi" stops67



S*e+e E/3htee+- The "26:ess62)s St1.5. 5HANNA& $ its6 Loo.s roun#6 Tent ti-e%y opens the #oor67 58usi" st rts67 5Sh #o$s # n"e6 He "%oses the #oor67 58usi" stops67
5tries 0 in7 58usi" st rts67

5Sh #o$s # n"e6 He "%oses the #oor67 58usi" stops67

5 % st tiny %oo.7 58usi" st rts67

5Sh #o$s # n"e6 He "%oses the #oor67 58usi" stops67 5 -oi"e 3rom behin# him&7
>OICE. ,r1 HammondL

5HANNA& s$in0s roun#6 "ROFESSOR ;OR$AN is se te# in n rm"h ir67

"ROFESSOR. &o sorry to have kept you1 HANNA&. ItKs 6uite alri#ht1 "ROFESSOR. &o youKre from Annabella &chmidtL HANNA&. I am yes1 "ROFESSOR. %o you have any newsL HANNA&. &heKs been murderedM "ROFESSOR. 8ur#ere#/4 .h dear3 yes3 of course1 The Port2

land ,ansions affair1 Ouite dreadful1 And now the police are after you1 HANNA&. They are ratherM "ROFESSOR. 5ell donKt worry about them1 I mana#ed to put them off the scent1 TheyKll be far away by now1 HANNA&. Thanks awfully1 "ROFESSOR. 5smi%in0 .in#%y7 $ot at all old chap1

TH E 3 9 STE "S

5 7

HANNA&. I didnKt do itM "ROFESSOR. .f course you didnKt do it ,r1 F ,r1 Hannay1

I suppose itKs safe to call you by your real name nowL HANNA&. Ouite safe1 "ROFESSOR. Jolly !ood1 But tell me F why did you come all the way to &cotland to tell me about itL HANNA&. Because I believe she was tryin# to tell you about some secret top secret air ministryNsecret and she was killed by a forei#n a#ent who was interested too1 "ROFESSOR. ;eallyL 5ell IKm so #lad you told meM And risk2 in# your life into the bar#ainM How can I ever thank youL 5HANNA& smi%es mo#est%y6 Then presses on ur0ent%y67
HANNA&. The thin# is professor3 she was lookin# for some2

"ROFESSOR. 9esL HANNA&. &omethin# called F "ROFESSOR. !o on1 HANNA&. The Thirty2$ine &tepsM If we can find out what the

Thirty2$ine &teps are then F 5The pro3essor st n#s6 Sti%% smi%in067

"ROFESSOR. &o F let me #et this 6uite clear F oh IKm so sorry F

you must be e4haustedM %o take a seat ,r1 Hannay1 5He st n#s6 Pro33ers him his o$n rm"h ir6 HANNA& sits r ther $.$ r#%y6 The "26:ess62 smi%es67
"26:ess62. BetterL HANNA&. Thank you1 "ROFESSOR. &o did she tell you what this forei#n a#ent looked

HANNA&. There wasnKt time1 .hM There was one thin#1 Part of

his little fin#er was missin#1

"ROFESSOR. 5hich little fin#erL

HANNA&. This one I think1



5ho%#s up

%itt%e 3in0er7

"ROFESSOR. Are you sure it wasnKt F this oneL

5He ho%#s up his o$n %itt%e 3in0er6 It is "ut o33 t the .nu".%e67
HANNA&. IKm not sure1 I think F

5The pro3essor pu%%s out

0un6 HANNA& 0 sps/7

"ROFESSOR. ,r1 Hannay F IKm afraid IKve been #uilty of

leadin# you down the #arden path1 .r should I say F up1 I never can remember1 HANNA&. It seems to be the wron# #arden alri#ht1 "ROFESSOR. 9es1 IKm afraid it does1 ,r1 Hannay3 youKve forced me into a very difficult position1 9ou see I live here as a respectable citiCen1 ,y very best friend is the &heriff of the 'ounty1 9ou must realise my whole e4is2tence could be 0eopardised if it became known that I was not F how shall I say F not what I seem1 9ou see thereKs my wife and dau#hter to think of1 But what makes it doubly important that I simply canKt let you #o is that IKm 0ust about to convey some very vital infor2mation out of the country1 .h yes3 IKve #ot it alri#ht1 IKm afraid poor Annabella would have been far too late1 &o it seems there is only one option3 ,r Hannay1 5He "o".s the 0un, ims point b% n. t H4++4567 5M2s ;62.4+ $ %.s in67 5'itterbu0 musi"67 5She t .es in the 0un6 Doesn+t 3%i". n eye%i#67
MRS ;OR$AN. I shall be servin# lunch directly3 dear1 The

&heriff has to #o at three1 5ill ,r Hammond be stay2in#L

"ROFESSOR. I donKt think so dear1

5M2s ;62.4+ smi%es n# %e -es67 58usi" stops67

"ROFESSOR. -nless of course you decide to 0oin us1


"i0 rette in

b% ". ho%#er67



HANNA&1 For lunchL

ery #ood3 ,r1 Hannay1 9ou see youKre 0ust the kind of man we need1 &harp1 Intelli#ent1 'old2blooded1 ;uthless1 5hen the war comes these will be the e4act 6ualities we need1 HANNA&. 5arL "ROFESSOR. .h yesM 5eKll have 6uite a show of it1 HANNA&. And what if I donKt believe in those 6ualitiesL "ROFESSOR. 5hat other 6ualities are thereL HANNA&. 5ellNhuman 6ualities1 "ROFESSOR. Hum n 6ualitiesM 5hat human 6ualitiesL HANNA&. Loyalty3 selflessness3 sacrificeN

5p use7 NloveN
"ROFESSOR. 5He % u0hs

"rue% % u0h67 LoveML .h please ,r1 HannayM 5hen have you ever %o-e# anyoneL ItKs not in your nature3 old sport1 $ever has been3 has itL 9ou have no heart3 do you HannayM But you know this1 5HANNA& sits sho".e#6 Ho$ #oes the pro3essor .no$ his #eepest 3e rs47 &o sad3 isnKt itL $o one to love1 $o one to care for1 $o home to #o to1 5The pro3essor "omes "%ose to HANNA&, pinne# in the rm"h ir6 !%o$s smo.e into his 3 "e67 But there is you see1 There is F our home/

HANNA&. .ur homeL "ROFESSOR1 That is the only place you will find PloveK old

chum1 5here you really and truly belon#1 51e noti"e Germ n ""ent subt%y emer0in0 3rom the pro3essor+s "u%ture# !ritish tones6 H4++45 st res in horror s the truth st rts to # $n67 .h we will #ive you love3 Hannay1 And in returnL 9ou will love usMM The master race1 .n our #reat unstop2pable march1 'ommanded eternally by destiny itselfMM 5ell old sportL 5hat do you sayLL 5ill you 0oin usL HannayMLL



5The "26:ess62 $ its e<"ite#%y6 HANNA& thin.s6 The "%o". ti".s in the "orner6 HANNA& #e"i#es67
HANNA&. Alri#ht Professor1 If you think IKm suitable mate2rial1 "ROFESSOR. 5$hoops #e%i0hte#%y7 .h I doM I do3 old sport1

How unutterably splendidM I will tell ,rs1 Jordan1 5He " ".%es $ith p%e sure6 Runs to the #oor67
HANNA&. .h1 ThereKs 0ust one thin#1 &orry1 "ROFESSOR. .f course1 Anythin#M HANNA&1

.ne little 6uestion1 "ROFESSOR1 Ask awayM HANNA&1 Before I si#n up1 "ROFESSOR1 Absolutely mein leiblin#1 HANNA&. 5hat e4actly is erm F "ROFESSOR1 9es yes yesL HANNA&1 F the Thirty2$ine &tepsL "ROFESSOR. The Thirty-Nine Steps/ The Thirty2$ine &teps F thou#h I say it myself F is mein own brilliant ideaM The very soul of the enterpriseM The very F 5He 0 sps6 Re %ises HANNA&+s ruse67 !ut $ it minute// 1 it minute/ 9ou F you F think you can pull Ce voolL AchMM 9ou thou#ht you could 0oin us and then F HANNA&1 ,aster raceL I #espise you/// 5The "26:ess62 st 00ers b ". "%ut"hin0 his he rt67
"ROFESSOR. AchM 9ou are as bad as she wasM Anabella

&chmidtM 5ith all her outmoded sentimental notions1 Her hi#h2minded DE8?@RATI@IS=H !?VENSHEISSEDRIVVLE/ I thou#ht for a moment you mi#ht F but noM $oMM 9ou F you F pathetic F pusilanimous F petty2minded F 5He 3ires the 0un67 5HANNA& st 00ers6 Re %ises he+s been shot67



HANNA&1 .h bu##er1

5He sin.s to the 3%oor6 The "26:ess62 $ t"hes6 =i0 rette smo.e s$ir%in0 bout him67 5HANNA& %ies spre #-e 0%e# be%o$ him67
"ROFESOR1 The Thirty2$ine &tepsL I tell you ,r Hannay1

A?D VILL NEVER EVER @N?1/ 5The #oor 3%ies open6 M2s. ;62.4+ in her t$ee#s67 5'itterbu0 musi"6 Very %ou# n# r u"ous67 5The "26:ess62 0r sps M2s ;62.4++s h n#6 They st rt # n"in06 They st mp n# shout6 They be"ome $i%#er n# $i%#er6 The %i0hts 3%i".er n# 3% sh, turn re# s terrib%e "on3% 0r tion en-e%ops the st 0e6 The 3% mes %i". roun# the st mpin0 'or# ns67 5HANNA&+s bo#y %ies motion%ess67

E+. 6: A*t O+e

TH E 39 STE "S


S*e+e T9e+t5-F612- "68/*e C42'M662.

7 6


"AMELA. 9esM HANNA&. %o you want me to shoot you stone deadL "AMELA. $ot particularly no1

HANNA&. Then #et a move onM

5HANNA& pushes her out6 They e<it67 5The t$o He4,/es run b ". in6 See the empty " r67
HEA>& !. They #ot awayM HEA>& 1. 5hereKd they #oML HEA>& !. How do I knowML If we donKt find them F HEA>& 1. 9esL HEA>& !. F our lives wont be worth livin#M HEA>& 1. .h my !odM

5He4,5 1 st rts to run out6 He4,5 ! pu%%s him b ".67

HEA>& !. 5ait waitM HEA>& 1. 5hat whatL HEA>& !. The car the carM HEA>& 1. 5hereL 5hereL HEA>& !. ThereM ThereM

5He pi%es the "h irs, rm"h ir or $h te-er $ s use# 3or the " r onto He4,5 167 Take it take itMM HEA>& 1. IKm takin# it IKm takin# itM HEA>& !. !otta find KemM !otta find KemM HEA>& 1. !otta find KemM !otta find KemM HEA>& !. I 0ust said thatM HEA>& 1. I know you 0ust said thatM HEA>& !. 5ell donKt say it a#ainM HEA>& 1. Alri#htM Alri#htM HEA>& !. $ow come on come onM HEA>& 1. 'ome on come onM 5C869+ ! "h r0es out, %e -in0 C869+ 1 %o #e# $th the " r6 C869+ 1 totters o33 st 0e6 There is #e 3enin0

"r sh s he #rops the " r in the $in0s67



S*e+e T9e+t5-F/,e- The $42? M662s. 5HANNA& ppe rs $ith "AMELA6 They re h n#"u33e# to0ether s they "ross the # r. moors6 He is pu%%in0 her 3ter him67
HANNA&. 'ome onM

5"47e84 sin.s in


"AMELA. IKm stuckM I canKt moveM HANNA&. 9es you canM

5HANNA& pu%%s t her h n#"u336 Pu%%s her out67


5" %%s out7 HelpM

HANNA&. 5pushes his hi##en pipe into her ribs

0 in7 ListenM .ne more peep out of you3 IKll shoot you first and myself after1 I mean itM $ow come onM "AMELA. $ow IKm in a puddleM HANNA&. &o you are1 5He pu%%s her out6 She shrie.s67
"AMELA. IKm soaked throu#hM HANNA&. I never said itKd be easy Pamela3 my dear1

5t .es #eep bre th7 &mell that heatherM ,akes you #lad to be alive doesnKt itM
"AMELA. Lovely3 yes1 HANNA&. 'ome onM

5He pu%%s her 3ter him67

"AMELA. 5ill you stop doin# thatM

5He st rts to $hist%e 8r6 8emory Theme67 And do stop whistlin#M Look what are you doin# all this forL 9ou canKt possibly escapeM 5hat chance have you #ot3 tied to meL HANNA&. Eeep that 6uestion for your husband if I were you1



"AMELA. I donKt have a husbandM HANNA&. Lucky himM 'ome alon#M

5$hist%es 0 in7 5hat I& that tuneM ;i#ht1 -nder this stile1 "AMELA. ?$/
5He #r 0s her un#er sti%e6 She 0ets , mme#6 He "omes tries to he%p6 She 0ets more , mme#6 No$ he 0ets , mme#6 They be"ome ent$ine#6 A%% the $hi%e they b nter $ y67
HANNA&. 5e seem a little stuck1 "AMELA. Is that soL HANNA&. Han# on1 "AMELA. 5hatL HANNA&. If you #o F then if I #o F no that doesnKt work F wait

a minute F letKs start a#ain F "AMELA. I say what is the use of all thisL 5HANNA& pu%%s6 "AMELA s2ue .s67 .wM 5HANNA& $hist%es67 And please stop whistlin#M Those policemen will #et you as soon as itKs li#ht you know3 as soon as daybreak dawns1
HANNA&. TheyKre not policemen1 "AMELA. .h reallyL &o when did you find that outL HANNA&. 9ou found it out yourself1 IKd never have known that

was the wron# road to InveraryM They were takin# us to their boss with the little fin#er missin# and !od help either of us if we meet himM "AMELA. &o youKre still stickin# to your penny novelette spy storyM 5They re no$ "omp%ete%y ent$ine#6 He roun#s on her67
HANNA&. ListenM "AMELA. .wM



HANNA&. There are twenty million women in this island and

IKve #ot to be chained to youM IKll say it one more time1 ThereKs a dan#erous conspiracy a#ainst this island and weKre the only people who can stop itM "AMELA. The #allant kni#ht to the rescueM HANNA&. Alri#ht then youKre alone on a desolate moor in the dark3 manacled to a plain common murderer who stabbed an innocent defenceless woman four days a#o and canKt wait to #et you off his handsM If thatKs the sit2uation youKd prefer then have it my #irl and welcomeM "AMELA. IKm not afraid of youM
5She snee;es67 At"hoo/
HANNA&. Bless you1 "AMELA. Thank you1 HANNA&. Pleasure1

5>or se"on# they re -ery "%ose6 They 0 ;e t one nother6 They $on#er $h t to #o6 He pu%%s her throu0h the sti%e n# $ren"hes her up6 "47e84 s2ue %s67
"AMELA. .5MM 9ouKre horribleMMM 9ou 0ust donKt care do youM

9ou 0ust walk into my life and look at meM IKm cold and IKm wet and IKm miserable and my wrist hurts and I didnKt do anythin# to hurt youM 9ouKre utterly horrid and beastly and heartlessM 9ou donKt care about anythin# e4cept your pompous3 selfish3 horrible3 heartless selfM 5The $in# r 0es6 H4++45 %oo.s t her6 She %oo.s t him67
HANNA&. 9es well3 thatKs the kind of man I am3 IKm afraid1 "AMELA. 5ell3 !od help your wife3 thatKs all I can sayM HANNA&. 9es3 !od help herM

5They st n# miser b%y "h ine# to0ether in the $in#67

5S"ottish pipe musi"7



5A 3%i".erin0 neon-%it si0n r ther m ,esti" %%y 3%ies in throu0h the mist6 9THE 8"GARRIGLE H?TEL C A 1 rm 1e%"ome A$ its Ae/:7 5The 9?: on 9H?TEL: h s 3use#67 5Throu0h the #ry i"e C869+ ! in .i%t n# Hi0h% n# 0 rb mimes the b 0pipes67 5?n the other si#e C869+ 1 ppe rs s MRS M*#ARRI#LE, pushin0 on the Hote% re"eption #es.67 5C869+ ! puts #o$n his b 0pipes n# ,oins her s M2. M*#422/38e67



S*e+e T9e+t5 S/=- M*#422/38e H6te8 5MR < MRS M*#ARRI#LE %isten $i#e-eye# to the r 0in0 $in# outsi#e67
MRS MC#ARRI#LE. ItKs a terrible Hi#hland ni#ht3 5illyM MR MC#ARRI#LE. Aye1 MRS MC#ARRI#LE. All that rain and wind rushin# down the

#lenM 5ouldnKt want to be out alone toni#htM MR MC#ARRI#LE. $o1 HANNA&. 5o337 HelloooM 5The M*#422/38es st rt67
MRS MC#ARRI#LE. %id ye hear thatL MR MC#ARRI#LE. Aye1 HANNA&. 5o337 HelloooM MRS MC#ARRI#LE. There it #oes a#ainM

5HANNA& n# "AMELA enter6 She is e-en more so .in0 n# be#r 00%e# th n e-er67 Ach3 ye poor dearsM Look 5illy1 ItKs a youn# couple come outta the ni#htM 'ome away in sir3 come away inM Ach dear the poor youn# lassieKs terrible wetM ,y poor wee dearsM
HANNA&. Thanks awfullyM 5e had an accident with our car a

few miles back1

MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 5$ith stron0 ""ent7 Have ye no lu##a#eL HANNA&1 &orryL MRS MC#ARRI#LE. Have ye no lu##a#eL

5H4++45 st res b ". b% n.%y67

MR M*#ARRI#LE. Have ye no lu##a#eL HANNA&. .h yesM .f courseM ItKs F in the car1 MRS MC#ARRI#LE. In the car3 of course1 Anyway welcome to

the ,c!arri#le Hotel1 I am ,rs ,c!arri#le1 This is my husband 5illie ,c!arri#le1 MR MC#ARRI#LE. Aye1 HANNA&. How do you do1 Anyway F



MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 9ou can be certain that at the ,c!ar2ri#le

Hotel a warm ,c!arri#le welcome awaits ye1 HANNA&. Thank you1 As I was F MRS MC#ARRI#LE. IsnKt that ri#ht3 5illieL MR MC#ARRI#LE. Aye1 HANNA&. ,arvellous1 Anyway F MRS MC#ARRI#LE. %espite it bein# off2season1 HANNA&. 9es1 -m weKd like to stay the ni#ht if you could accommodate us1 MRS MC#ARRI#LE. Ach wellM Let us see1 Let us see1 Let us see1 5peers t boo.7 5ell F weKve 0ust the one bedroom left1 5ith the F er F one bed in it1 5She be ms "hee.i%y6 "AMELA 3ree;es67 But yeKll not be mindin# thatL
HANNA&. $o no1 Ouite the reverseM MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 9ou are man and wife I supposeL HANNA&. .h yes1

5nu#0es "AMELA7
"AMELA. "rNyes1 MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 5be min07 I thou#ht ye wereM I thou#ht ye

wereM If ye would ne mind re#isterin# pleaseL 5illie the book1 MR MC#ARRI#LE. AyM 5MR MC#ARRI#LE opens the Guest !oo.67
HANNA&. Thank you1

5He tries to $rite in the re0ister but re %ises his ri0ht h n# is "h ine# to "AMELA+s %e3t67 AhM -m3 canKt actually write with my ri#ht hand1 !ot a bit er F




HANNA&. &orryL MR MC#ARRI#LE. 'rankin# the carL HANNA&. 'rankin# the carM Ouite ri#htM Tell you whatL 5hy

donKt you si#n my darlin#L The sooner you #et used to writin# your new name the better1 ;emember what it isL
"AMELA. $o1 HANNA&. 9es I think you do actually3 donKt you darlin#L

5He presses the stem o3 his pipe into her b ".6 "AMELA 3%in"hes67 ,r1 and ,rs1 Henry Hopkinson F 5"AMELA $rites6 M2 < M2s M*#ARRI#LE be m $ y s she #oes so67 F Hollyhocks F 5he thin.s7 F Hammersmith F 5he thin.s7 F Hampshire1 5"AMELA 3inishes67
H4++45. 5ell done darlin#1 M2s. M*#422/38e. And there we areM HANNA&. &o anyway I think weKll be F er F MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 5-ery 3 st7 5ill ye be needin# yer sup2

HANNA&. &orryL MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 5ill ye be needin# yer suppersL

5 $.$ r# p use7
MR MC#ARRI#LE. 5ill you be needin# your suppersM HANNA&. .h yesM &plendid1 Thank you1 If you could send up a

lar#e whisky and soda and a few sandwiches1 .h and a #lass of milk1
MRS MC#ARRI#LE. .f course of courseM Ach the youn# doves1

5ould you care to follow me to your room now pleaseL

HANNA&. 'ertainly1 %arlin#L

5"AMELA resists6 HANNA& po.es the pipe into her b ".6 To0ether they 3o%%o$ the M*#422/38es67


S*e+e T9e+t5-Se,e+- H6te8 Be.2667. 5MRS MC#ARRI#LE %e #s them into their room67
MRS MC#ARRI#LE. There we are now1 All ready for ye1 A fine

roarin# fireM 5A burnin0 %o0 3ire st rts to 3%i".er6 A 3e$ se"on#s too % te6 They %% $ it ti%% it %i0hts67 H4++45. ,arvellousM 5They %% rub their h n#s67
M2s M*3422/38e. $ow dearie off with that wet skirt of yours and

IKll have it dried in the kitchen1 "AMELA. $o donKt worry1 ItKll dry by the fire 0ust as well thanks all the same1 MRS MC#ARRI#LE. $o doubt the #entleman will take #ood care of you1 5be ms n u0hti%y7 !oodni#ht sir1 !oodni#ht madam1
HANNA&. !oodni#ht1

5He nu#0es "AMELA67

"AMELA. !oodni#ht1

5MRS MC#ARRI#LE %e -es, "%osin0 the #oor 0ent%y behin# her67 5"AMELA roun#s on HANNA&67
"AMELA. LookM If you think IKm #oin# to spend the whole

ni#ht with you in this roomM In that F HANNA&. 5hat else are you #oin# to doL "AMELA. 5$ren"hes t her h n#"u337 Let me 0o/ 5@no". .no". on the #oor67 5HANNA& pu%%s "AMELA o-er to his .nee67
HANNA&. 'ome in1

"h ir6 Sits her on

5MRS MC#ARRI#LE ppe rs " rryin0 tr y o3 o-er% r0e s n#$i"hes, 0% ss o3 $his.y n# tumb%er o3 mi%.6

Assumes they re "u##%in06 Loo.s "oy%y t the 0roun#67



MRS MC#ARRI#LE. .ch3 e4cuse meM HANNA&. ItKs 6uite alri#ht1 5e were 0ust #ettin# warm by the

fire1 5nu#0es her7 5erenKt we darlin#L "AMELA. 5hatL HANNA&. 5erenKt we darlin#L "AMELA. 9es1 HANNA&. %arlin#1 "AMELA. D r%in0/ MRS MC#ARRI#LE. I can see that1 Anyway hereKs your wee sandwiches3 your whisky and your #lass of milk1 HANNA&. Thank you1 MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 5ill there be anythin# elseL HANNA&. $o thank you1 "AMELA. I s y p%e se #on+t 0o/ 5E-eryone 3ree;es67
MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 5hy ever notL Is anythin# wron#L HANNA&. .f course thereKs nothin# wron#1 &he wants to tell

you somethin# thatKs all1 5thin.in0 3 st7 5eKre a runaway couple1 MRS MC#ARRI#LE. .chM I kenKd it all the time1 HANNA&. &orryL MRS MC#ARRI#LE. I kenKd it all the time1 5s%i0ht p use7
HANNA&. Anyway you wonKt #ive us away will youL MRS MC#ARRI#LE. .f course we wonKt #ive you awayM

9ouKre secretKs safe with us1 9eKll nae be disturbed1 5Tiptoes out "oy%y6 P me% s"o$%s67
HANNA&. 'ome alon# tuck inM 5hat do you wantL

5%oo.s insi#e s n#$i"hes7 Ham and tomato or F ham and tomatoL

"AMELA. Ham and tomato1

8 6


HANNA&. Ham and tomato1 Then IKll have F ham and

tomato1 5They $o%3 #o$n the s n#$i"hes67 Listen you better #et that skirt offM "AMELA. I be# your pardonL HANNA&. I %onKt want to be tied to a pneumonia case on top of everythin# elseM Take it off3 I donKt mindM "AMELA. I shall keep it on thank youM 5They "homp $ y in si%en"e6 The $in# mo ns outsi#e7 Actually3 I will take my shoes off1 5She t .es her shoes o33, his h n# # n0%in0 by hers6 They both e t $ y $hi%e she #oes this,7 And my stockin#s1 5He s ys nothin06 She %oo.s t him6 Tent ti-e%y %i3ts her s.irt to the suspen#ers o3 one thi0h6 She tries to un#o the suspen#ers, sti%% ho%#in0 the s n#$i"h67
HANNA&. 'an I be of assistanceL "AMELA. $o thank you1 HANNA&. Alri#ht1

5She tries 0 in6 Gi-es up67

"AMELA. Hold this1

5She 0i-es him her s n#$i"h6 She %i3ts her s.irt 0 in n# un#oes the suspen#er6 He #oes not %oo.67 5musi"7 5She ro%%s the sto".in0 %% the $ y #o$n to her n.%e n# 0%i#es it o336 His h n# tr i%s %i0ht%y $ith hers6 Neither s ys $or#6 1e be"ome $ re o3 the $in# bu33etin0 the $in#o$6 The "r ".%in0 3ire in the 0r te6 No$ she %i3ts her s.irt on the other thi0h6 >%i".s open the suspen#ers6 St rts to ro%% #o$n the sto".in06 ?n"e 0 in his h n# tr i%s %i0ht%y %on0 besi#e hers, #o$n her thi0h, o-er her .nee, #o$n her shin to her n.%e6 She 0%i#es it o336 ?n"e 0 in neither s ys $or#6 She 0ets up6 He 3o%%o$s her6 She h n0s the sto".in0s in 3ront o3 the 3ire6 ?ne 3 %%s6 He pi".s it up67



HANNA&. Here1 "AMELA. Thank you1 HANNA&. 5ould you like your milk nowL "AMELA. Thank you1

5He 0i-es it to her6 She #rin.s her mi%.6 He #rin.s his $his.y67
HANNA&. 5armer nowL "AMELA. 9es thanks1

5They st n# %oo.in0 t the 3ire67

HANNA&. 5ell come alon#1

5He %e #s her to the be#6 She 3o%%o$s "omp%i nt%y 3or moment6 Then stops su##en%y67
"AMELA. 5hat are you doin#MML HANNA&. !oin# to bed1 "AMELA. =ert in%y not/ I m not %yin0 on th t be#/ HANNA&. &o lon# as youKre chained to me3 you lie where I lie1

&orry1 5"AMELA %oo.s roun# the room6 Re %ises there+s no$here e%se6 Si0hs %ou#%y n# "% mbers on to the be#, pu%%in0 him 3ter her6 They %ie #o$n $.$ r#%y67
"AMELA. I want you to know I hate youM HANNA&. ;i#ht1

5She tries to turn $ y 3rom him6 The h n#"u33s pu%% her b ".67

5Gru#0in0%y she %ies on her si#e 3 "in0 him6 She "%oses her eyes6 Tries to s%eep67
5HANNA& st rts hummin0 0 in67 5"AMELA opens her eyes "ross%y67
"AMELA. 5ill you stop #oin0 thatM HANNA&. There I #o a#ainM I wish I could #et that damn tune

out of my head1 I wonder where I heard itL

5y $ns %ou#%y7



HANNA&. %Kyou know when I last slept in a bedL &aturday

ni#ht1 5henever that was1 Then I only #ot a couple of hours1 "AMELA. 5hat woke youL %reamsL I ima#ine murderers have terrible dreams1 HANNA&. .h I used to1 I used to wake up in the middle of the ni#ht screamin#1 Thinkin# the police were after me1 Funny thatM 9ou see when I first took to a life of crime3 I was 6uite s6ueamish about it1 A most sensitive child1 5y $ns7
"AMELA. 9ou do surprise me1 HANNA&. But I soon #ot hardened1 Before lon# I was an out

and out villain1 5anted on three continents1

5He y $ns 0 in6 He st rts to snore6 "AMELA surreptitious%y pu%%s their "h ine# $rists to$ r#s her6 He $ .es67

Just think in years to come3 youKll be able to take your #randchildren to ,adame Tussauds and point me out1 "AMELA. 5hich sectionL HANNA&. Inveterate3 unreformable no2hopers1 5edded to a life of crime1 ThatKs me3 Pamela my darlin#1 And the sad story of my life1 Poor little orphan boy who never had a chance1 Irredeemable1 Irreclaimable1 5y $ns7 -tterly horrid and beastly1 5She 0 ;es t him6 He mutters $ y $ith "%ose# eyes67 IKd #et away from me as 6uick as you can if I was you1 5y $ns7 .h no3 you canKt3 can you1L 5y $ns7 .h wellN
5He snores %ou#%y6 She 0 ;es #o$n t him ten#er%y 3or moment6 Then pu%%s herse%3 to0ether6 !e0ins to t$ist on her h n#"u336 P in3u%%y ,i00%in0, she in"hes the h n#-"u33 o-er her $rist6 At % st she $ren"hes it o336 She % ys



the empty h n#"u33 besi#e HANNA&6 1ith 0ro n he ro%%s o-er n# embr "es her in s%eep6 She 0 sps6 Gent%y %i3ts his rm n# puts it b ".6 S%i#es si%ent%y o33 the be#6 =rosses the room, thin.s o3 somethin06 Puts her h n# in his po".et6 T .es out his pipe6 S% ms it "ross%y on the t b%e6 Tip-toes to the #oor n# s%ips out67



S*e+e T9e+t5-E/3ht- H6te8 L6005. N/3ht. 5The t$o he4,/es re re-e %e# t the re"eption #es.6 ?ne is t %.in0 ur0ent%y into the phone67
HEA>& !. ,rs1 JordanM Please listenM 5e h # to take the #irl as

wellM 5M2s ;62.4+ -oi"e shrie.s in#e"ipher b%y on the phone ESoun# or "tor+s o$n -oi"e behin# h tF67 -nfortunately not1 5e lost both her and Hannay3 IKm afraidM 5Lou#er shrie.in0 3rom M2s ;62.4+67 5"AMELA ppe rs in the sh #o$s6 She %istens $i#e-eye#67 HeKll have told her the whole plot by nowM She+%% .no$ $e+re not the re % po%i"e/ 5"AMELA 0 sps u#ib%y67 5!i0 shrie. 3rom M2s ;62.4+6 He4,5 ! ho%#s phone $ y 3rom his e r67 %ispose of them both when we find themL 'ertainly ,rs1 JordanM 5"AMELA "% ps h n# to her mouth67 Be# pardon3 madamL H s he4 Does he/4 Is he4/ 9es indeed3 madamM 'ertainly3 madamM !oodbye3 madamM Thank you3 madam1 5S% ms #o$n re"ei-er67
HEA>& 1. 5ellL &pill the beansM HEA>& !. The professorKs #ot the wind up1 HeKs cleared out

alreadyM HEA>& 1. 'leared out alreadyL HEA>& !. Thou#ht it was too dan#erous with Hannay and this #irl on the loose1 HeKs warnin# the whole Thirty2$ine &teps1 HEA>& 1. The whole Thirty2$ine &tepsL %oes he have the F you .no$4 HEA>& !. 'ertainly doesM



HEA>& 1. Thank !od for thatM HEA>& !. 9esM And heKs pickin# up our friend from the London

PalladiumM Toni#htM .n the way outM

HEA>& 1. .n the way outM ;i#ht1 HEA>& !. ;i#htM IKll start the car1 9ou check the re#ister1 HEA>& 1. ;i#ht1

5He4,5 ! e<its67 5He4,5 1 rin0s the be%%67 5He4,5 ! returns s M2 M*#422/38e in his ni0ht-shirt67
MR MC#ARRI#LE. AyL 'an I help yeL HEA>& 1. 9es I was wonderin# if you mi#ht have happened to

have had a youn# couple stayin# hereF

MR MC#ARRI#LE. ,i#ht have had had happened to have had

have had a mi#hty youn# couple stayin#L 5ell now you mention it F HEA>& 1. 9esL MR MC#ARRI#LE. But can I take your coat by the wayL HEA>& 1. Thanks very much1 5M2 M*# st rts t .in0 He4,5 1+s "o t67
HEA>& 1. 9ou were sayin#L MR MC#ARRI#LE. 5ell3 now you mention it3 we do have a

youn# F 5He4,5 1 be"omes M2s M6 She shrie.s67

MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 1ILLIE/// MR MC#ARRI#LE. AyeMMMLLL MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 5hat are you doin# out hereM MR MC#ARRI#LE. The #entleman wanted to know F MRS MC#ARRI#LE. &tandin# there in your ni#ht2#own for all

the world to seeM Put your coat onM And tidy your2selfM 5#resses him in the He -y+s "o t7 !et in the kitchen manM

9 !



5M2s M*# , ms tri%by on M2 M*#6 Turnin0 him into He4,5 !67

MRS MC#ARRI#LE. And as for yeMMM 5hoever ye areMMM IKll

thank ye to #et oota ma hooseM 5akin# people up all hours of the ni#htM Have ye have no bed to #o toL HEA>& !. 5b ".s $ y, % rme#7 ;i#ht1 $o1 &orry1 Thank you1 5He4,5 ! e<its h sti%y6 She shouts 3ter him67
MRS MC#ARRI#LE. Thank ye and #oodni#htM

5C869+ ! runs b ". s (/88/e in his ni0ht0o$n67

M2 M*#422/38e6 And #oodni#htM

5Soun# o3 " r ro rin0 $ y6 "47e84 emer0es 3rom the M2s. M*#

sh #o$s6 be ms s$eet%y t her6 T .es her

h n#67
M2s M*#422/38e. $othin# to worry about now dear1 5illyL MR MC#ARRI#LE. AyL MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 9e wouldnKae #ive away a dear youn#

couple3 would yeL MR MC#ARRI#LE. $oM MRS MC#ARRI#LE. 9e old fool yeM To your bed manM 5She shoos him o336 As he 0oes, "AMELA .isses him on the "hee.6 He turns to the u#ien"e n# be ms67



S*e+e T9e+t5-N/+e- H6te8 Be.2667. 5HANNA& s%eeps on ob%i-ious67 5"AMELA $ %.s in6 A "h n0e# $om n67 5musi"7
5She 0 ;es t him ten#er%y67 5Li0hts "h n0e6 !ir#son067

5HANNA& $ .es6 He noti"es the empty h n#"u33s6 Le ps o33 the be#67

"AMELA. ,ornin#1 HANNA&. 5hatKs the ideaM How did you #et out of theseL 5hy

didnKt you run awayL "AMELA. I did1 Then 0ust as I was #oin# I F well3 I discov2ered youKd been speakin# the truth1 &o I thou#ht IKd stay1
HANNA&. ,ay I ask what earth6uake caused your brain to work

at lastL
"AMELA. Two policemen came here last ni#ht1 The ones from

the car1 I overheard them telephonin#1 TheyKre not policemenM HANNA&. I know theyKre not policemenM I said they werenKt policemenM "AMELA. &orry1 HANNA&. &o what did they sayL "AMELA. .h F um F yesM A lot of stuff about F somethin# with a number1 -m F twenty F thirtyNThirtyM Thirty F HANNA&. $ineM "AMELA. Thirty $ineM ThatKs ri#ht1 Thirty2nine F HANNA&. &tepsMMM "AMELA. Thirty-nine steps/ How did you know thatL &ome2 oneKs #oin# to warn themM HANNA&. 1HAT4 "AMELA. How can you warn stepsL HANNA&. $ever mind1 !o onM


"AMELA. -m F yesM There was another thin#1 &omeoneKs F #ot

the wind up and is F clearin# outM And F and F I knowM TheyKre pickin# someone up from the London PalladiumM
HANNA&. London PalladiumL London PalladiumL 5hoKs that3 I

wonderL Is that the ProfessorL .ur friend with the little fin#er missin#L 5hatKs he want to #o there forL Funny thin# for a master2spy to doM 5They smi%e t e "h other6 They %oo. t the 3%oor67 5Rom nti" musi"67
"AMELA. IKm sorry1 I feel such an awful fool for not havin#

believed you1
HANNA&. ThatKs alri#ht1 5ell F "AMELA. 5ell F HANNA&. F we ou#ht to be F "AMELA. 9es F HANNA&. F #oin# I suppose1 "AMELA. ,mm1

5They re r ther "%ose6 Neither mo-es67

HANNA&. ;i#ht1 -m F "AMELA. 9esL HANNA&. 5hich F "AMELA. 5hatL HANNA&. F room are they stayin# inL "AMELA. 5hoL HANNA&. 5hatL "AMELA. 5hoL HANNA&. Those two menL "AMELA. &orryL

5They 0et "%oser n# "%oser67

HANNA&. The two men you overheard1 "AMELA. &tayin# inL HANNA&. ,mm1



"AMELA. 5ell3 theyKre not1 HANNA&. &orryL "AMELA. They went away as soon as theyKd telephoned1 They

drove off into the ni#ht1 ;ather fast actually1

HANNA&. 5H r#%y %istenin06 About to .iss her67 5hereL "AMELA. 5hereL %onKt know1 &orry1

5=%oses her eyes67 %oes it matterL 5His %ips re tou"hin0 hers6 Su##en%y his eyes sn p open6 He %oo.s t her6 Re %i;es $h t+s h ppenin067

58usi" "uts out67

"AMELA. 1h t4

5He %e ps up67
HANNA&. 1HAT D? A?D 8EAN D?ES IT 8ATTER///444 "AMELA. IKm sorry I F HANNA&. 9ou button2headed little idiotM 5hy didnKt you stop

themML "AMELA. 5hatL HANNA&. This is unbelievably appallin#M "AMELA. 5e< minin0 her he #7 Button2headedL HANNA&. .h my !odM "AMELA. &orryMM HANNA&. 5hy didnKt you stop them for !odKs sakeM "AMELA. Because I wanted to see youMM HANNA&. 5ell that was a stupid thin# to do wasnKt itMMM "AMELA. Apparently yesMMM HANNA&. &o where did they #oL "AMELA. I donKt knowM The London Palladium I supposeMM HANNA&. The London PalladiumL 5henL "AMELA. Toni#htM .n the way outM HANNA&. .n the way outL .n the way out of whatLM



"AMELA. I donKt know whatMMM HANNA&. 5ell thatKs four or five precious hours wastedM "AMELA. 5ell F well F if theyKre all leavin# the country thatKs

fine isnKt itL Just leave well aloneM

HANNA&. Leave well aloneM Leave well aloneM I am accused of

murderM The only way to clear my name is to e4pose these spiesM "AMELA. There you #o a#ain you seeM Se%3ish se%3ish se%3ish se%3-ish/// HANNA&. 5hatL "AMELA. He rt%ess, be st%y, horri# n# se%3ish/// HANNA&. But 8D=H more important than thatM ,uch more important than "%e rin0 my n me/ They are about to leave the country with a secret vital to the safety of our air defenseM "AMELA. 1ELL I+8 VERA VERA S?RRA/// HANNA&. 1HI=H SH?1 8ATINEE ?R EVENING/// "AMELA. I D?N+T @N?1/// HANNA&. 1ELL THAN@S >?R A?DR HELP/ G??D!AE/// "AMELA. G??D!AE/// 5HANNA& m r"hes to the #oor67 HANNA&. G??D!AE///

A?D/// 5HANNA& m r"hes b ". to her67

HANNA&. I 1?N+T/// "AMELA. G??D/// HANNA&. G??D///

5HANNA& e<its 3urious%y67

"AMELA. 1e%% en,oy the sho$/

5She bursts into te rs67

P%F to 5or

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