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Name/Surname: English Final Test 1 Complete the sentences with a verb from the box in the Past Simple.

Make one of the verbs negative. marry earn die stay come be born become have help work study speak stop like M gran!parents "#$ %%%%%%%%%%%% in &ungar in the#'()s. *he "($%%%%%%%%%%% to +nglan! in #',-. after the war.M gran!father worke! in a factor in /irmingham an! he "0$ %%%%%%%%%%%% +nglish at night. M gran!mother ",$ %%%%%%%%%at home because she onl "1$ %%%%%%%%%% &ungarian an! so she coul!n2t get a 3ob. 4ife was !ifficult because m gran!father "-$%%%%%%%%%%%% much mone in the factor .M gran!parents "5$ %%%%%%%% three chil!ren.m mother an! m twouncles. *he "6$ %%%%%%%%%%%% their parents as much as the coul!.M gran!parents "'$ %%%%%%%%%%%% work when the were sixt an! the like! having a lot of free time together. 7nfortunatel . m gran!father "#)$ %%%%%%%%%%%% in #'',. but m gran!mother is still alive.

Date: 2 Make the sentences negative: Past Simple form.

# 8 !rove to work ester!a .

( 8 wore m 3eans at school.

0 M sister ma!e a cake for m last birth!a .

, *he calle! their parents last week.

1 *he took the bus into town last Satur!a .

- 9ou !i! all the shopping last :ri!a .

3 ;ea! the text. <re the statements true "=$ or false ">$? CHA !E" #$C%E&" '1(12)1(*+, Charles Dickens is a famous writer in the +nglish language. &e wrote about the real worl! of +nglan! an! man of the people in his books were not rich. but poor an! hungr . Charles Dickens@s famil live! in 4on!on an! his father worke! in an office. 8t was a goo! 3ob. but he alwa s spent a lot of mone an! often there was no mone to bu foo!. *here were eight chil!ren in the famil . so life was har!. Charles went to school an! his teachers thought he was ver clever. /ut when Charles was onl eleven. his father lost all his mone an! the famil left their house. Charles got a 3ob washing bottles. &e worke! ten hours a !a an! he earne! six shillings "0)p$ a week. +ver night. after work. he walke! four miles back to his room. Charles hate! it an! never forgot it. &e use! it in man books. for example David Copperfield an! Oliver Twist. # Charles Dickens was born in #6#(. %%% ( Charles Dickens wrote in +nglish. %%% 0 Charles Dickens onl wrote about rich people. %%%

, Charles Dickens2 father ha! a 3ob in an office. %%% 1 Charles Dickens2 life was !ifficult because he ha! eight chil!ren. %%% - Charles Dickens was goo! at school. %%% 5 Charles Dickens spent all his father2s mone . %%% 6 Charles Dickens worke! ever night. %%% ' Charles Dickens earne! ver little mone . %%% #) Aliver *wist was Charles Dickens2 frien!. %%% - Complete the sentences with a. an. some. or any. # 8 have %%%%%% brother but 8 !on2t have %%%%%% sisters. ( *here are %%%%%% letters on the !esk. 0 8s there %%%%%% milk in the fri!ge? , Boul! ou like %%%%%% sugar in our coffee? 1 82! like %%%%%% strawberries. please. - Can 8 have %%%%%% Coke. please? 5 *here aren2t %%%%%% plates in the cupboar!. 6 Boul! the chil!ren like %%%%%% apple? ' Be2! like %%%%%% fruit for !essert. #) &e2s thirst .&e2! like %%%%%% beer. ## *here isn2t %%%%%% art galler in this town. #( 8 can2t fin! %%%%%% mushrooms in the kitchen. 1 Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the a!3ective in brackets. # *he countr is much %%%%%%% than the cit . "clean$ ( 8 think Paris is %%%%%%%%%%% than 4on!on. "beautiful$ 0 Dogs are %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% than cats. "nois $ , 8 think maths is %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% than +nglish."boring$
1 Noise in the cit is %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% than in the countr . "ba!$

/ Complete the Cuestions with How much or How many0 # %%%%%%%%%%%% mone !o ou spen! in a month? ( %%%%%%%%%%%% sisters !o ou have? 0 %%%%%%%%%%%% hours of +nglish !o ou stu! in a week? , %%%%%%%%%%%% meat woul! ou like? 1 %%%%%%%%%%%% free time !o ou have this week? - %%%%%%%%%%%% hours !i! ou work last week? 5 %%%%%%%%%%%% carrots !o ou nee! for the recipe? 6 %%%%%%%%%%%% chocolate !o ou eat in a week? ' %%%%%%%%%%%% holi!a s !o ou have a ear?

* Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the a!3ective in brackets. # *hat shop is the %%%%%%% buil!ing in the street. "ol!$ ( *he alwa s sta at the %%%%%%%%%%%%% hotel in 4on!on. "expensive$ 0 *hese streets are %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% in the whole town. "!irt $ , 8 think New Arleans is one of %%%%%%%%%%%%% cities in the worl!. "exciting$ 1 Bhich is %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cit in +urope?"high$

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