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Sophie Downes 48 Ruthin Road Mold Flintshire CH7 1QH D.O.

B: 21/06/1996 (17 years) Mobile:07940 237 473 Email:sophie.downes@ho mail.!o."# EDUCATION $ %E&E% '(aphi! $( )!"((en l* bein+ s "died, p(edi! ed B-, .h*si!s )!"((en l* bein+ s "died, p(edi! ed B-

$l"n /!hool /i1 h 2o(m


$/ %e0el Media / "dies )!"((en l* bein+ $l"n /!hool /i1 h 2o(m s "died, p(edi! ed $-, Ma hs )D'4/E Ma hs )$-, En+lish %an+"a+e )B-, En+lish %i e(a "(e )$5-, 4hemis (* )$5-, Biolo+* )$-, .h*si!s )$-, $( and Desi+n )$-, 'eo+(aph* )$-, 6elsh Ba!!ala"(ea e ).ass-, Media / "dies )$5-


$l"n /!hool


SKILLS & EXPERIENCE 6i hin he pas wo *ea(s 7 ha0e "nde( a#en 0ol"n a(* wo(# and wo(# e1pe(ien!e. M* 8i(s 9blo!#: o8 wo(# e1pe(ien!e was done in ;o nes, De0on in a s o(e sellin+ e!olo+i!all* 8(iendl* !lo hes, o*s and !e(ami!s. ;his was a +(ea oppo( "ni * as 7 +ained e1pe(ien!e wo(#in+ wi h !"s ome(s, handlin+ !ash and !a(d pa*men s and b"ildin+ (ela ionships wi h !o3wo(#e(s. 7n addi ion o his 7 ha0e been emplo*ed b* '(i88i hs and <"+hes .a((* /oli!i o(s, <ol*well, desi+nin+ and b"ildin+ hei( websi e as well as !omple in+ admins (a ion as#s in he o88i!e. ;his helped me o "se and 8"( he( de0elop m* 74; s#ills in a (ealis i! !on e1 . Ea(l* las *ea( 7 also !hose o a#e on he =ob o8 plannin+ and o(+anisin+, in i >s en i(e *, he lowe( s!hool 9p(om:. ;his was held in ?"ne a / Da0id:s .a(#, Ewloe, and p(o0ided me wi h he oppo( "ni * o de0elop m* o(+anisa ional and !omm"ni!a ion s#ills. $lso in 2010 7 spen h(ee da*s 0ol"n ee(in+ wi h Mo"n ain %ane .(ima(* /!hool, B"!#le* on hei( @ea( A s!hool (ip o .en (e %l*n 4*me(, as well as spendin+ a wee#

doin+ wo(# e1pe(ien!e wi h hem ea(lie( his *ea(, whe(e 7 had o mo i0a e and +"ide he !hild(en. 7 en=o* wo(#in+ wi h !hild(en so his was a 8ab"lo"s oppo( "ni *. ;his s!hool *ea( 7 ha0e a#en pa( in a s!heme aimin+ o en!o"(a+e mo(e *o"n+ people o +e in0ol0ed in 0ol"n ee(in+. ;his has in!l"ded bein+ in a pe(8o(man!e as pa( o8 an open da* a ;hea ( 4lw*d 4*m(" as well as 8ilmin+ a sho( 8ilm. PERSONAL PROFILE 7 am an hones , (eliable pe(son, wi h a +ood (e!o(d 8o( ime#eepin+ and o(+anisa ion. 7 am able o wo(# e88e! i0el* in a eam o( +e on wi h a =ob alone wi ho" s"pe(0ision. 7 ha0e e1pe(ien!e wo(#in+ wi h !"s ome(s he(e8o(e 7 am "sed o dealin+ wi h he p"bli! poli el*. 7 de8ini el* 8eel 7 am #een and willin+ o lea(n and 7 am a !(ea i0e pe(son. $lso 7 !an "se m* !ommon sense o hin# hin+s h(o"+h and !ome "p wi h p(a! i!al sol" ions. M* 8(iends wo"ld des!(ibe me as happ*, !hee(8"l and sensible. OTHER INFORMATION 2o( he pas en *ea(s 7 ha0e been a endin+ wee#l* d(ama wo(#shops )d"(in+ s!hool e(m ime- a ;hea ( 4lw*d 4*m(". ;his has been a bi+ !ommi men and 7 ha0e en=o*ed e0e(* min" e. ;he wo(#shops ha0e p(o0ided +(ea oppo( "ni ies s"!h as ha0in+ a pa( in he 2006 p(od"! ion o8 9;he '(apes o8 6(a h: di(e! ed b* ;im Ba#e(. 7 am !"((en l* pa( o8 he a"di ioned +(o"p 9$! O" :, and h(o"+h doin+ his 7 hea(d abo" 92"se On:. 92"se On: is a d(ama +(o"p 7 ha0e been 0ol"n ee(in+ wi h 8o( he pas wo *ea(s 8o( *o"n+ people li0in+ wi h disabili ies.

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