Web 2.0 Animation and Interactive Class Tools

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WALLWISHER ................................................ 1 POWTOON..................................................... 6 PIRATEPAD ................................................... 9 VIDEOSCRIBE ............................................. 12 GO!ANIMATE ............................................... 17 REFERENCES .............................................. 22

What is WallWisher? We give you a blank wall. You put anything you want on it, anywhere. Simple, yet powerful.
Drag and drop. Auto save. It's software you already know how to use.

Instant collaboration
You can see everyone's activity on the wall instantly. Bye-bye page reloads.

Your phone, your tablet, your TV, your fridge - Padlet works on everything (Note: may not work on the fridge).

Like flexibility? Use the free form layout. Like organization? Use streams (and don't look at our office desks).

Fun backgrounds. Happy colors. Gorgeous interface. Padlet is Internet's version of bubble wrap.

Put the wall on your blog or website. Make it more wonderful. Plugin for wordpress available.

1. Open WallWisher at http://padlet.com/ 2. Click Login or Signup.

3. You may create a new account or log in using your google or Facebook account.

4. Press Build a wall to create a new wall.

5. Click setting to modify the wall.

6. You can change the title, description and layout of your wall.

7. Example of Wallwisher usage in classroom.


WHAT IS POWTOON? PowToon is online animated presentation software that allows anyone to create amazing and awesome animated presentations and cartoon styles videos. 1. Open PowToon http://www.powtoon.com/ 2. You may create a new account or log in using your Google or Facebook or Linkedin account. 3. Creating a new PowToon.

4. Step 1: Click Open a Blank Project.

5. Type a name for a Project Title and Description.

6. The working area for creating animation.

Editing and Export Movies

Adding frames

Movies tools

Time frames

7. Click export to export your video to Youtube.

Pirate pad: PiratePad is a webbased collaborative realtime editor, allow authors to simultaneously edit a text document, and to see participants' edits in realtime, with each author's text in their own color. Get Started With Pirate Pad 1. Go to http://piratepad.net/frontpage/ and click the Frog.

2. To create a new PiratePad, just click on the Yes, and please create the pad button.

3. Choose your color and give yourself a name at the top of the right hand column.

4. Type your message. Use the toolbar at the top of the pad to change your font settings. 5. Here I have typed some text in the main typing area on the left side of the screen. My text is automatically highlighted in my chosen color (Purple). 6. At any time you can click on the Save icon to save a revision of the pad. 7. Click on Import/Export button at the top right of the screen. From here you can choose Import to import a text le you already have or Export your current chat to a text document such as Microsoft Word or PDF.


8. Click on Share this pad to send an invitation to others via emails.


What is Videoscribe? VideoScribe is a unique way to create engaging animated videos quickly and easily. You are empowered to bring impact to your message without technical or design knowledge. Get Started With Videoscribe 1. Go to: http://www.sparkol.com/home.php

2. Registering.


3. Download.

4. For PC Desktop.


5. Your Canvas.

6. Creating your storyline (story board).


7. Direct Sound Recording.

8. Sound recording using SoundForge (available in Bp1\Share).


9. Create and share a video.

10. Video sharing.

11. Youtube File.


What is Go!Animate Go!Animate is an online platform where users are allowed to create animations without the needs of background in graphics. Go!Animate provides with interesting and fun features for users who like to create simple animations. Get Started With Go!Animate 1. Go to http://goanimate.com/ 2. You can Sign Up or Login using Facebook account or Google Account.


3. Go!Animate Dashboard.

4. Learn to Animate (Simple Animation). 5. Click Make a Video. 6. Select your favorite theme (In this example we used Stick Figure) and Click Make a Video.


7. Creating a video.
User can choose characters, background, insert music and sound effects plus special effects. User can see and arrange all the characters

Animation lists

The timeline

8. Example.

Click on the character to assign action to it Users can choose from various actions


9. Adding voice to characters.

Write your text

10. Click Preview to preview the movie.


11. Save your video.


http://padlet.com/ http://www.powtoon.com/ http://piratepad.net/frontpage/ http://www.sparkol.com/products/videoscribe http://goanimate.com/


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