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Virtual Reality

A Report
Harrison Stewart


Virtual Reality

The next

By: Harrison Stewart

irtual Reality is a cool new technology that has been getting a lot of advancements in the last few years. Its history starts in the 1860s with panoramic murals. big Virtual Reality thing in the timeline is the

sensorama was a 3D movie projector with things like sights, vibrations, smells, and even a breeze. It was soon being used in things like military training for fighter pilots and other air and sea craft. Around this time it began to be used in many fiction books. Soon after, car and aeronautics companies began to use it to test cars and panes. Later the military and some private hospitals and therapy offices started using it to treat things like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and some other things like phobias and other things. It is quite useful for exposure therapy in other words.

n the video games industry it is coming forward in leaps and bounds. One new Virtual Reality Headset is the Oculus Rift. The Oculus Rift is better than other

HMDs (Head Mounted Displays) mainly in the way of a larger FOV (Field Of View). It used to have a smaller

Due Date: November 4, 2013 1

Virtual Reality

By: Harrison Stewart

piece of glass but to increase the FOV they made a bigger, cheaper, downside heavier of piece and of glass. While it this does does make have it a the bit



cheaper. The difference in the glass is that the older model had 5.6 inch screen but it now has a 7 inch screen which of course is a bit less specific so its cheaper. You can currently buy a developer working on version an of the Oculus for 300USD. is a They are also





version of the Oculus. There is also a Sony PlayStation headset coming out soon. There are also some things like Google Glass and rumor of an android version of the Google Glass.

ome other uses are for movies. There are many movies that use 3D to watch but what you might not know is that in movies like Avatar they use virtual reality to film them.

What they do is they put on a suit with these ping pong ball like things all over them. It must look really funny to watch people running around in character with Black morphsuits that only show their face covered in what appears to be Ping-Pong balls. It would be hilarious.

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Virtual Reality

By: Harrison Stewart

Automobile Areonautics

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Virtual Reality

By: Harrison Stewart

As you can see there are a lot cool things coming down the

We have all learned that latency is the bane of virtual reality. Because your head freely rotates, presenting the correct image to your eyes is like firing a bullet at a moving target. The target is sighted by sensor fusion software, which provides the direction you are currently looking. Latency is the time it takes

of pipe

with virtual reality. Hopefully

Due Date: November 4, 2013

between your head moving to a new orientation and the correct image arriving on your retinas. In real, oldfashioned reality, the latency is effectively zero. In VR, latency is widely recognized as a key source of disorientation and disbelief (the brain cannot be fooled).

Virtual Reality

By: Harrison Stewart

things like the Oculus and the therapy techniques will get more refined so you could one day be inside The Matrix or in Star Treks Holodeck. We may have those things in the not too distant future. Another benefit of Virtual Reality is the fact that the military could use that tech to create better flight simulators and better drone controls to the point of which we would send soldiers to computers or some other thing to fight wars, taking out all deaths in wars. Also, we could be able to treat things like PTSD a lot more effectively than we can today. Other cool things are that we would be able to play games like Call of Duty and
Battlefield inside of the game, which would be so cool! I hope that

one day we will also have holograms like the ones in Star Wars to watch movies and communicate. In short, I think that Virtual Reality is one of the coolest emerging technologies that there is.

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Virtual Reality

By: Harrison Stewart

Works Cited
Chandler, Nathan. "Who Invented Virtual Reality". n.d. 29 October 2013 <>. crudbasher. A Breakthrough In Virtual Reality Technology? 10 October 2010. 29 October 2013 <>. McVay, Ryan. n.d. PhotoDisc. 29 October 2013 <>. Oculus Rift. n.d. 29 October 2013 <>. Oculus Rift VR. n.d. 29 October 2013 <>. Real-World Virtual Reality. 26 March 2010. 29 October 2013 <>. Virtual Reality. n.d. 29 October 2013 <>. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy. 2005. 29 October 2013 <>.

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