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Deuteronomy 11: 10 - 12

Thanksgiving Sermon by: Rev. G. R. Procee

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LITURGY: 0otum Psa1ter .12: 13 .3 4 Scri-ture Rea5ing: Deuteronomy 11: 1 - 16 Te7t: Deuteronomy 11: 10 - 12 Psa1ter 168: 9 &ongregationa1 Prayer (::erings Psa1ter 166 Sermon Psa1ter 161: 23 9 Thanksgiving Prayer Psa1ter 290: 43 6 ene5iction Do7o1ogy: Psa1ter 122: .3 4

&ongregation3 *oses is a55ressing the -eo-1e o: "srae1. They are stan5ing be:ore an5 are rea5y to enter into the 1an5 o: &anaan. ut be:ore they enter in3 *oses3 the servant o: the !or5 is a55ressing them. #e remin5s them o: a11 the !or5;s goo5ness in 1ea5ing them through the <i15erness. The !or5 gave them #is s-ecia1 care. *oses is urging them to kee- a11 the comman5ments o: the !or53 :or then it sha11 be <e11 <ith them in this ne< 1an5. "n our te7t *oses is e7-1aining to the -eo-1e <hat a beauti:u1 country &anaan is. The 1an5 that the !or5 is going to give to #is -eo-1e "srae1 is a b1esse5 1an5. ' 1an5 :1o<ing <ith mi1k an5 honey. ' 1an5 <here :1ocks o: shee- an5 goats gra=e in abun5ance. ' 1an5 o: :ruit:u1 vines an5 orchar5s. ' 1an5 <here the cro-s <i11 gro< abun5ant1y. The 1an5 o: &anaan <as o: o15 kno<n :or the goo5 <heat harvests. The soi1 <as very :erti1e. ut the issue here in our te7t is even more than a11 these b1essings. The te7t e7-1ains to the -eo-1e o: "srae1 ho< Go5 #imse1: sha11 care :or the 1an5. The !or5 #imse1: sha11 b1ess this 1an5 by sen5ing rain :rom the heavens. That sen5ing o: rain is a tremen5ous b1essing. This :orms a <on5er:u1 b1essing above the 1an5 <here they came :rom - $gy-t. *oses com-ares here the 1an5 o: $gy-t <ith the 1an5 o: &anaan. >e see a remarkab1e 5i::erence. The 1an5 o: $gy-t <as actua11y a very 5ry 1an5. There is 1itt1e rain in $gy-t. ut there are sti11 goo5 cro-s. ut these cro-s are a11 1ocate5 aroun5 the river )i1e. $very year the )i1e <ou15 over:1o< an5 :1oo5 the :ie15s. The mu5 <ou15 make the 1an5 :erti1e. The <ater ha5 to be channe1e5 an5 ke-t in -on5s3 tra--e5 so that <hen the )i1e <ou15 rescin53 every<here there <ou15 be these -oo1s o: <ater staying behin5. These -oo1s o: <ater <ere use5 to irrigate the 1an5. The -eo-1e ha5 to <ork har53 5igging 5itches3 casting u- 1itt1e 5ikes to create reservoirs an5 -on5s. (nce they ha5 5one that3 then they ha5 to -um- the <ater onto the 1an5. They use5 certain -um-ing <hee1s <hich they ha5 to <ork <ith their :eet in or5er to activate the irrigation system. That irrigation system <ou15 consist o: en51ess 1ong ro-es e7ten5ing over the :ie15s <ith -ai1s attache5 to it :or the 5ra<ing u- o: the <ater. This -um-ing mechanism <ou15 be <orke5 by their :eet. That is <hy <e rea5 in verse 10 the land of Egypt, from whence ye came out, where thou sowedst thy seed, and wateredst it with thy foot, as a garden of herbs. The $gy-tians ha5 to <ater the 1an5 by har5 1abour. They <atere53 as verse 10 says3 a gar5en o: herbs. *uch 1abour is nee5e5 to gro< a goo5 gar5en o: herbs. "n $gy-t intensive <ork an5 har5 1abour <as re?uire5 to secure the <ater :1o<. y har5 <ork the $gy-tians <atere5 their 1an5 an5 the 1an5 <ou15 yie15 a goo5 harvest. 9

#o<ever the 1an5 o: &anaan is a 5i::erent 1an5. "t 5i5n;t have a great river the -eo-1e cou15 re1y on. The river @or5an <as the on1y river in &anaan an5 that <as not rea11y such a great river 1ike the )i1e. >e a1so kno< that the @or5an river 5i5 not over:1o< her banks. The river @or5an is very 1o<3 an5 it :1o<s in-bet<een hi11s on either si5e. There is no room :or the @or5an river to over:1o<. (n the banks o: this river @or5an is the 1an5 o: &anaan3 an5 *oses says here that it is a 1an5 o: hi11s an5 va11eys. The 1an5 o: $gy-t aroun5 the )i1e <as straight an5 even. There <as room :or <ater to :1o<3 but not so in &anaan. &anaan <as unsuitab1e :or irrigation. ut there is no nee5 :or irrigation either. ecause the great 5i::erence bet<een $gy-t an5 &anaan is that $gy-t ha5 to secure its o<n <ater through the har5 1abour3 but in &anaan the <ho1e country is -rovi5e5 <ith rain :rom heaven. "t rains much more in &anaan. The !or5 causes sho<ers o: rain to come 5o<n. There is no nee5 :or that tiresome <ork that the $gy-tians ha5 to 5o. The !or5 <ou15 <ater the <ho1e 1an5 accor5ing to its nee5s. The -eo-1e 5i5n;t have to <ork :or the <ater su--1y. The !or5 <ou15 give that #imse1:. >hi1e the $gy-tian :armer ha5 to <ork knee 5ee- in the mu5 5igging 5itches an5 gutters to secure the <ater :1o<3 the "srae1ite :armer cou15 sit com:ortab1y at home at ease an5 the :ie15s <ou15 be <atere5 by rain :rom the heavens. #e 5i5n;t have to 5o anything :or it. Go5 <ou15 take care o: the rain. The !or5 care5 great1y :or &anaan. The te7t says that #is eyes <ere 5irecte5 to<ar5s &anaan :rom the beginning o: the year to the en5. '11 year roun5 the !or5 1ooke5 a:ter &anaan an5 the !or5 b1esse5 the country. The !or5 <ou15 give the :ormer rain an5 the 1atter rain. Psa1ms 84:2 saysA Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it: thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God, which is full of water: thou preparest them corn, when thou hast so provided for it. Tru1y3 &anaan <as a country Go5 took care o:. Go5 gave #is -eo-1e a goo5 country. ' 1an5 o: abun5ance. ' 1an5 in <hich they 5i5n;t even have to toi1 to get the <ater on the :ie15s3 :or the !or5 <ou15 5o that. '11 by #is grace3 goo5ness an5 -rovi5entia1 care. This <as a rich b1essing the !or5 gave to the "srae1ites :ar above <hat they ha5 5eserve5. Go5 gave them these rich -romises not :or any obe5ience they ha5 given to #im3 but it <as #is sovereign goo5ness an5 grace :or them. Un5eserve5 goo5ness. They ha5 sinne5 much. They ha5 re-eate51y been most ungrate:u1. ut3 Go5 remembere5 #is grace. #e gave them a country3 a b1esse5 an5 :erti1e country. Go5 <ou15 <ater the :ie15s by rain. This <as a mani:estation o: #is +ather1y care :or them. #e sustaine5 the :ie15s an5 cro-s an5 so the !or5 b1esse5 them. "t <as a11 #is grace. *oses sai5: the 1an5 5rinketh <ater o: the rain o: heaven: ' 1an5 <hich the !(RD thy Go5 careth :or: the eyes o: the !(RD thy Go5 are a1<ays u-on it3 :rom the beginning o: the year even unto the en5 o: the year. .

!et us no< 1ook at our o<n situation an5 our o<n country3 <hat must <e sayB &an <e not say the sameB The 1an5 <here <e 5<e11 here in &ana5a3 the 1an5 the !or5 has given us to 1ive in3 is a1so a 1an5 o: hi11s an5 va11eys. "s it not a1so a 1an5 that 5rinks in the rain :rom heavenB The !or5 has given us rain this -ast year. >e ha5 a :air -ortion o: rain. The most -art o: our country 5oes not nee5 irrigation. The !or5 o-ens the heavens an5 gives us rain an5 sunshine. !ooking back at the -ast year3 can <e a1so not say that the !or5 has cause5 the 1an5 to 5rink in the rainB ut more than that3 is our 1an5 not a 1an53 to use the <or5s o: our te7t: a land which the LOR thy God careth for: the eyes of the LOR thy God are always upon it, from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year. Go5 has 1ooke5 5o<n u-on our country. The !or5 sa< a11 the nee5s o: near1y 90 mi11ion -eo-1e an5 much catt1e an5 1ivestock. The !or5 sa< the nee5 :or grain an5 :oo5. The !or5 o-ene5 #is han5 an5 cause5 the corn to gro< an5 #e cause5 the grain to come :orth. "t a11 gre< out o: the earth. >e cannot cause one -otato to gro<. >e cannot bring :orth one kerne1 o: corn. "t is a11 Go5Cs grace an5 mercy. (ur country has been rich1y b1esse5 by the !or5. ecause the !or5 cares :or our 1an5: the eyes o: the !(RD Go5 are a1<ays u-on it3 :rom the beginning o: the year even unto the en5 o: the year. +rom <inter3 through s-ring3 summer an5 :a11. The eyes o: the !or5 are u-on our 1an5. The resu1t o: a11 this care is that the cro-s are being harveste5. The -1ants cou15 gro<3 the catt1e cou15 eat an5 <e ha5 more than enough to eat an5 to 5rink. >e have been abun5ant1y b1esse5 in our <ork an5 1abour. These are a11 evi5ences o: Go5s care u-on our country. Go5 has 1ooke5 u-on our 1an5 the entire year. '11 this a11 in s-ite o: our sins. "srae1 receive5 the 1an5 not because o: their <orthiness. They ha5 :or:eite5 this b1essing but receive5 it on1y because o: Go5Cs grace. (ur country has not 5eserve5 to be 1ooke5 u-on in grace. >e have sinne5. (ur nation is turning a<ay :rom the !or5. >e have a5o-te5 sin:u1 1a<s. >e have :or:eite5 Go5;s :avour an5 yet3 i: <e 1ook back at the -ast year3 <e may say that the eyes o: the !or5 have 1ooke5 u-on our country in mercy an5 in rich b1essing. "t tru1y may be :or us a Thanksgivings 5ay. Go5;s eyes <ere u-on the 1an5 o: &anaan. Go5 cause5 rain to come 5o<n. The "srae1ite himse1: <as unab1e to -rovi5e <ater :or the :ie15s an5 cro-s. Go5 ha5 to 5o it. That meant that the "srae1ite ha5 to 1ive by :aith. "srae1 nee5e5 the !or5. They cou15n;t bring the rain 5o<n. Go5 ha5 to 5o it. "n com-arison to the $gy-tian it seeme5 as i: the "srae1ite ha5 it easier an5 that the $gy-tian ha5 it har5er. +or the $gy-tian ha5 to <ork to irrigate the <ater. #e ha5 to 5o it himse1:3 <hi1e the "srae1ite cou15 stay at home an5 the !or5 <ou15 5o it :or him. "t seeme5 as i: the "srae1ite <as easier o:: an5 that the $gy-tian ha5 it har5er. 4

"n rea1ity it <as much har5er :or the "srae1ite. ecause the "srae1ite ha5 to trust in the !or5. #e ha5 to have :aith in the !or5. >hen the cro-s nee5e5 rain an5 the :armer in "srae1 <ou15 1ook out at the b1ue sky an5 he <ou15 see no c1ou5s3 he cou15 easi1y have concerns. ut he <as ca11e5 to trust in the !or5. #e <as ca11e5 to 1ive by :aith. ut that is not easy. The "srae1ite ha5 to 1eave matters in the han5s o: Go5. "t is much easier i: you can arrange things yourse1:. "t is much easier i: you can <ork :or something an5 then earn it an5 have it un5er your contro1. That is <hat the $gy-tian cou15 5o. The $gy-tian never ha5 to 1ook u- to Go5. "n $gy-t they can manage themse1ves. They 5on;t nee5 Go5. They have the river )i1e an5 they <i11 <ork har5 to irrigate the <ater. %ou kno<3 that is a 1i:e that a--ea1s to us. >e <i11 <ork :or something an5 earn it. >e <i11 <ork har5 an5 are <i11ing to <ork har53 as 1ong as <e can gain something an5 then have it un5er our contro1. "n $gy-t they <ork an5 toi1 but they 5o not 1ook unto Go5 in trust. "n Go5;s Ding5om matters go 5i::erent1y. Go5Cs -eo-1e nee5 Go5 to <ork3 :or they cannot 5o it themse1ves. They must 1ive by :aith an5 trust. That is har5er than to <ork. "t is har5 :or man to a5mit that you can;t 5o something. The !or5 must 5o it :or you. %ou nee5 Go5 to 5o something :or you. "n $gy-t they <ere se1: su::icient. (: course the $gy-tian <as a1so 5e-en5ent u-on the :1oo5ing o: the river )i1e3 but sti11 he cou15 <ork an5 assure himse1: that he ha5 taken care o: a su::icient <ater su--1y. #e cou15 boast in his o<n <ork. #e cou15 say these are the beauti:u1 :ie15s that " have <atere5. >e 1ike that attitu5e. That is ho< <e are. >e 5on;t min5 to <ork har5 :or something as 1ong as <e can give ourse1ves the honour :or it. 's 1ong as <e can say: This is the great city aby1on that " have bui1t. "n &anaan they ha5 to 1ive by :aith an5 trust. There they ha5 to <ait u-on the !or5. They cou15n;t <ater the 1an5 themse1ves. They nee5e5 rain. (n1y the Go5 o: #eaven can 1et the rain come 5o<n. So the :armer is 5e-en5ent u-on the Go5 o: #eaven. >hen the :ie15s are <atere53 Go5 receives the honour an5 not man. (: course the :armer in "srae1 a1so ha5 to ti11 the soi13 he ha5 to -1ant an5 see5. #e ha5 to manure an5 -rune the -1ants. ut <hen he has 5one a11 that3 he has to 1ook to Go5 :or he1- an5 b1essing. +or Go5 can on1y give the rain. "n &anaan they rea1i=e5 ho< sma11 man is. *an cannot cause one 5ro- o: rain to come 5o<n. *an can cast see5 into the soi1 but cannot give the increase. )o orchar53 no cro- can yie153 no catt1e can -ros-er un1ess Go5 gives the b1essing. That is <hat they un5erstoo5 in &anaan. "n &anaan they ha5 to 1ive by :aith. That :aith cou15 be very much assau1te5. "t is a tria1 <hen " see no rain coming. $verything is 5ry. Then it is not easy to have trust that a11 <i11 be <e11. Then :aith nee5s to be e7ercise5. +or the !or5 ha5 -romise5 that #is eyes <ou15 be 8

u-on the <ho1e 1an5 :rom the beginning to the en5. That means that the !or5 kno<s the nee5s o: the 1an5 :rom the beginning o: the year to the en5. Go5Cs -rovi5entia1 eye <ou15 be u-on the 1an5. That means that the !or5 sha11 -rovi5e. To have that trust is 5i::icu1t <hen you see the circumstances are 5i::erent. "t is har5er to 1ive by :aith3 instea5 o: <orking yourse1:. !iving by :aith is <hat the !or5 teaches #is -eo-1e. "n this <ay they are rich1y b1esse5 :or this 1i:e3 an5 besi5es that3 the !or5 -re-ares them :or an eterna1 1i:e <ith #im. "n $gy-t the -eo-1e think3 they can 5o a11 things themse1ves. They 5o not nee5 Go5. They 5o not 1ive by :aith. There:ore they are outsi5e o: Go5Cs gracious care an5 b1essing. They have no Go5 an5 no re:uge <hen they 1eave this 1i:e. They are strangers to Go5. They 5o not 1ive by :aith. &anaan <as a country <here the !or5 <ou15 teach #is -eo-1e to 1ive by :aith. )o<3 this <ho1e matter o: 1iving by :aith has certain e::ects: "n the :irst -1ace <e high1ight 5e-en5ence. The !or5 1ea5s #is chi15ren into a 1i:e o: 5e-en5ence. "t is easier to be in5e-en5ent an5 to think you can manage your o<n a::airs. ut that 5ra<s -eo-1e a<ay :rom the !or5. The !or5 sho<s #is -eo-1e that they are 5e-en5ent u-on Go5. They 1earn to think sma11 o: themse1ves. They rea1i=e they are creatures o: the 5ust3 morta1 an5 <eak. They rea1i=e that they can 5o nothing <ithout the !or5 @esus. They see that on1y the !or5 can 5e1iver3 save an5 b1ess them. They rea1i=e that every b1essing :1o<s to them :rom Go5. Go5Cs chi15ren are a 5e-en5ent -eo-1e. That is ho< the !or5 e5ucates them. They become more an5 more 5e-en5ent u-on #im. That is a b1esse5 1i:e. ' 1i:e in <hich #is -eo-1e sha11 be trie5 but <i11 never be -ut to shame. "n this 1i:e o: 5e-en5ence they :in5 out more an5 more <ho Go5 is. They are 5ra<n c1oser to #im. They 1earn to 1ive by :aith. They nee5 the !or53 not on1y :or the things o: 5ai1y 1i:e3 but a1so :or s-iritua1 matters. +or sa1vation. They cannot 1ive outsi5e o: the !or5. They 1ive <ith the !or5 an5 :or the !or5. They 1earn to bo< be:ore #is sovereign <i113 an5 be:ore #is 5ea1ings <ith them. They see #is 1ove in the sma11est b1essing. They see #is 1ove in #is gi:ts. ut es-ecia11y they see #is 1ove in Go5Cs uns-eakab1e Gi:t: #is o<n Son. Go5 so 1ove5 the <or15 that #e gave #is Son so that <hoever be1ieves in #im sha11 not -erish but sha11 have ever1asting 1i:e. That is the b1essing attache5 to this 5e-en5ence. "t is a 1i:e o: gro<ing c1oser to the !or5. ' 1i:e in <hich you 1earn to trust <ith a11 you have u-on the !or5. That 1i:e sha11 have the !or5 as its aim. That is the secret. y being 5e-en5ent u-on the !or53 one is 5ra<n c1oser an5 c1oser to the !or5. (ne nee5s Go5 :or a11 things. (ne 1earns to 1ive by :aith3 not on1y :or the things o: this 1i:e but :or the matters o: eterna1 sa1vation. These -eo-1e <ho are 5e-en5ent have become a<are o: their o<n inabi1ity. Their 6

eyes have been o-ene5 to rea1ity. They are -oor in themse1ves but they are rich in the !or5. +or the !or5 sha11 -rovi5e. That is #is -romise. That is their com:ort. #is eyes are o-en unto them. "n this <ay <hich is not a1<ays easy3 a 1i:e o: having to ho15 u- your han53 you see the beauty an5 the care o: Go5. %ou become :ocuse5 u-on the !or5. That is the :ruit o: a 5e-en5ent 1i:e. !i:e in "srae1 is 5e-en5ent. They <ere ca11e5 to 1ook to the !or5. "t 1ea5s to a 1i:e <ith the !or5. !i:e in &anaan teaches you your :u11 5e-en5ence u-on the !or5. "t 1ea5s to surren5er3 to :aith3 to sa1vation. "t is b1esse5 to kno< your 5e-en5ence u-on the 1iving Go5 an5 to 1ive :rom #is han5. #is eyes sha11 then be u-on you 5ay by 5ay3 the <ho1e year roun5. #e sha11 b1ess you. The !or5 sha11 -rovi5e. #e b1esses those <ho trust in #im. #e kee-s matters un5er #is contro1. They Eust have to 1ook unto #im an5 have trust in #im. The !or5 sha11 -rovi5e3 that is a b1esse5 1i:e. >hat an easy 1i:e that is3 <hen you may 1ive in this chi15 1ike trust3 that #e sha11 -rovi5e. Then you may surren5er a11 in your 1i:e to the !or5 an5 you may kno< that #e sha11 -rovi5e. 1esse5 -eace3 b1esse5 1i:e o: 5e-en5ence. There is a secon5 e::ect. That is thank:u1ness. >hen the !or5 has rich1y -rovi5e5 :or you3 you see that it is a11 #is b1essing3 #is grace3 #is goo5ness :or you. %ou 5i5n;t 5eserve it. %ou 5i5n;t <ork :or it. #e gave #is b1essing to you3 as it <ere in the s1ee-. There:ore in &anaan they kno< ho< to give thanks to the !or5. )ot so in $gy-t. There they 5o not thank Go53 :or they 5i5 it themse1ves. "n &anaan they have Thanksgivings 5ays3 :or they kno<: Go5 gave us a11 these cro-s. "n $gy-t they kno< nothing about thanksgiving. "n &anaan you can hear them singing in humi1ity an5 in a5oration: Psa1m 84:11-193 Thou crownest the year with thy goodness! and thy paths drop fatness. They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness: and the little hills re"oice on every side. The pastures are clothed with floc#s! the valleys also are covered over with corn. "n &anaan they give honour to Go5. Praise Go5 :rom <hom a11 b1essings :1o<. %ou too may rea1i=e ho< you a1so <ere 5e-en5ent this -ast year u-on the !or5. %ou nee5e5 #is b1essing :or your business3 :or your sho-. %ou nee5e5 #is b1essing :or your :arm3 :or your stu5ies. "t is Go5 <ho o-ene5 #is han5 an5 b1esse5 you. Rea1i=ing your 5e-en5ence there <i11 be true thank:u1ness to Go5 :or #is many un5eserve5 b1essings. ' thank:u1 heart is a ha--y heart. True thank:u1ness rea1i=es that a11 these b1essings are mirac1es o: Go5Cs grace. " receive them :rom #is +ather1y #an5. +aith sees Go5;s +ather1y care in the 5ai1y :oo5 an5 5rink. +aith sees mirac1es in a ne< harvest. The !or5 has again given the increase. *irac1e o: graceF " 5i5 not 5eserve anything. Then <hat a mountain o: b1essings over against so much un<orthiness :rom my si5e. " say: G!or5 thou art goo5 to those <ho are not goo5.H That is true thank:u1ness. +ina11y3 there is a thir5 e::ect. That is obe5ience. >hen the !or5 is goo5 to us3 true thank:u1ness is e7-resse5 not Eust by <or5s but a1so by 5ee5s an5 actions. These are then I

5ee5s o: obe5ience to the !or5. That means then that <e seek to 5o #is <i11. That is to kno< #is <i11 an5 to seek to <a1k in #is <ays. There is then the -rayer :or obe5ience: Unite my heart to the :ear o: Thy name. Teach me Thy <ay. &ause me to 1ive :or Thee an5 to <a1k in Thy <ays. That is true thank:u1ness. ' 1i:e 5e5icate5 to the !or53 a 1i:e in obe5ience to #im. There:ore " nee5 Thy grace. Then " again am 5e-en5ent u-on the !or5. These 1essons o: 5e-en5ence3 thank:u1ness an5 striving to be obe5ient to the !or5 are not 1earne5 in $gy-t. They are 1earne5 in &anaan. That is <hy at times the !or5 seems to <ithho15 #is -rovisions in or5er to kee- #is -eo-1e 5e-en5ent3 so that they <i11 be tru1y thank:u13 that they <ou15 1ive by :aith3 an5 that seeing such goo5ness o: the !or5 they <ou15 seek to be obe5ient to the !or5. These 1essons are on1y 1earne5 in &anaan3 <here one 1ives out o: Go5Cs han53 <here one rea1i=es that Go5 gives gracious1y. >here 5o you 1iveB "n &anaan or in $gy-tB Do you 1ive in the a<areness that Go5 must b1ess youB #ave you become 5e-en5ent u-on #imB #ave you seen #is care :or our beauti:u1 countryB >hen you see #is b1essings3 5o you become humb1e3 5o you become 5e-en5ant an5 thank:u1 an5 5o you 1earn obe5ienceB Does the goo5ness o: the !or5 1ea5 you to re-entance3 to a turning to the !or53 to a con:essing: G!or53 so many b1essings an5 Thou hast Eust given them to me. " 5i5 not 5eserve them at a11GB ": so3then you en5 in the !or5 an5 you 5esire the Go5 <ho b1esses. %our 1i:e is attache5 to #im. Do you sti11 1ive in $gy-tB "n $gy-t -eo-1e are in5e-en5ent. Do you take a11 the b1essings :or grante5B Do you sti11 think that it <as a11 your <ork that gave you -ros-erityB Then you are 1iving in $gy-t3 sti11 not :ocuse5 u-on Go5. There is no true thank:u1ness in your heart an5 that is evi5ence5 because there is no striving to be obe5ient. There is no 1i:e o: 5e-en5ence either. ": you can sti11 manage your o<n a::airs3 you are sti11 a stranger to Go5 an5 your heart. ": you <i11 1ive in5e-en5ent o: Go5 you <i11 a1so 5ie <ithout Go5. %ou <i11 s-en5 eternity <ithout Go5. See an5 rea1i=e that a11 b1essings :1o< :rom Go5. "t is b1esse5 to 1ive a 1i:e 5e-en5ent u-on Go5. That is not the easiest 1i:e3 but it is a b1esse5 1i:e. "t 1ea5s you to see the un5eserve5 merits o: Go5 a11 given to you through @esus &hrist. %ou then 5esire to be :u11y #is3 to be :u11y <ith #im :orever. That is true thanksgiving. That is sa1vation. '*$)

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