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9) THE LATEST DECALOGUE, Arthur Hugh Clough (criticize Victorian moralit , !el"i!hne!! i! the theme, cheating#a$ulter , !tealing, !

%earing # the Ten Comman$ment!, going to church on Sun$a a&!ol'e! ou # ou a((ear hol ) The Late!t Decalogue i! a !a'age $enunciation o" the h (ocri! o" thi! %orl$ an$ o" the $e'elo(ing ca(itali!t etho!) Thou shalt have one God only; who /Would tax himself to worship two? / Gods image nowhere shalt thou see, /Save haply in the currency The iron o" the %or$ *ta+, rein"orce! the (olitical !atire o" thi! o(ening, an$ em(ha!i!e!, "rom the 'er !tart, &oth the $eman$! o" organi!e$ religion - an$ it! lac. o" cre$i&ilit - an$ the lo'e o" Victorian !ociet "or mone ) The u!e o" *ha(l , in the "ourth line i! (articularl !a'age) /t $oe! not mean *ha((il ,, &ut *(erha(!,)

01) /n Harmon 2ith 3ature, 4atthe% Arnol$ (TO A 56EACHE6) To &e li.e 3ature !trong, li.e 3ature cool7 (it8! im(o!!i&le)) 3ature i! cruel, !tu&&orn an$ "ic.le) 4en i! !ic. o" &loo$ an$ nee$! a re!t) 3ature "orgi'e! no $e&t an$ "ear no gra'e 3ature an$ man can ne'er &e "a!t "rien$!) 9:ool, i" thou can!t not (a!! her, re!t her !la'e7 # he call! the (reacher a "ool "or (ro(o!ing that %e !houl$ li'e in harmon %ith nature))) "or all that;! human i! &e on$ the cruelt o" nature an$ the $eath that;! (art o" it) ;3ature i! cruel; !a ! it all) /n the en$ nature %ill ha'e her %a not our!) ;3ature "orgi'e! no $e&t; !o %e mu!t re(a & lo!ing ci'ili!ation an$ e'er thing that %e hol$ $ear a! climate !hi"t &ring! on the ne+t ice age) 2e are the !la'e! o" nature a! the la!t line !a ! an$ all %e can $o i! re!t %hen %e can "or %e cannot (a!! her or ignore her) She $eci$e! the (ace o" the race # %e %ill al%a ! &e the lo!er!)

00) Sha.e!(eare, 4ATTHE2 A63OLD (!onnet , tri&ute to Sha.e!(eare) Arnol$ "eel! that Sha.e!(eare ha! ac<uire$ !u""icient .no%le$ge %hich ha! ena&le$ him to mo'e &e on$ .no%le$ge to a realm o" heightene$ a%arene!!) =ou can !ee that Arnol$ com(are! Sha.e!(eare %ith the >lo"tie!t hill8 %ho!e (ea. i! cro%ne$ & the !tar!) /" the !tar! cro%n Sha.e!(eare8! ma?e!t , then hi! "eet lie $ee( un$er the $e(th! o" the !ea an$ there"ore, i! e<uall inacce!!i&le to other!) Hi! $%elling (lace i! the >hea'en o" hea'en!8) :or him an$ hi! contem(orarie!, onl the lo%er .no%le$ge or onl a (art o" the .no%le$ge ac<uire$ & Sha.e!(eare i! ma$e acce!!i&le)) >Self!schoold, self!scannd, self!honourd, self!secure, %ith it! "our rhetorical (hra!e! a$e<uatel e+(re!!e! the e!!ence o" hi! greatne!!) >Di$!t %al. on earth ungue!!8$ at,8 i)e) he li'e$ the li"e o" a common man !haring normal human e+(erience!) He <uic.l <uali"ie! thi! (o!ition %ith hi! em(hatic $eclaration >@etter !o78) There"ore, the ><ue!tion8 %hich Arnol$ (ut! in the &eginning o" the !onnet i! regar$ing %ho i! a true arti!t an$ %hat $oe! he ought to $oA Arnol$ !tate! thi! "act in the la!t three line! o" the !onnet) :or him, the &alance o" min$ %hich he (rai!e! in Sha.e!(eare hel(e$ him to 1

(re!er'e hi! >'ictoriou! &ro%8, i)e) to maintain hi! integrit o" character an$ 'i!ion in time! o" $anger an$ $i!tre!!)

0B) Dover Beach, Matthew Arnold the "rench coast the light, the cliffs of #ngland stand, the Sea of "aith, Sophocles ! $egean% /n the (oem ;Do'er @each; Arnol$ i! $e!cri&ing the !lo% an$ !olemn rum&ling !oun$ ma$e & the !ea %a'e! a! the !%ing &ac.%ar$ an$ "or%ar$ on the (e&&l !hore) One can clearl here thi! monotonou! !oun$ all the time) The %ith$ra%ing %a'e! roll the (e&&le! &ac. to%ar$! the !ea, an$ then a"ter a (au!e, the returning %a'e! roll them u( the !hore) The (oem "all! into t%o (art!) /n the "ir!t (art, Arnol$ !(ea.! o" the re!oun$ing o" !ea#%a'e! on the (e&&l !hore) /n the !econ$ he !(ea.! o" armie! !truggling ignorantl at night) There i! a lo% tremulou! !oun$ !%inging &ac.%ar$ an$ "or%ar$ all the time) The (oet im(lie! that thi! !oun$ !ugge!t! the eternal note o" !a$ne!! in human li"e) Arnol$ in ;Do'er @each; note! ho% the (e&&le! o" the !ea rolle$ & the !ea#%a'e! &ring into the min$ the *eternal note o" !a$ne!!), Here he (oint! out that in ancient time! So(hocle! hear$ the !ame !oun$ o" the (e&&le! on the !hore, an$ it remin$e$ him o" the e&& an$ "lo% o" human mi!er ) The line! "rom ;Do'er @each; gi'e &itter e+(re!!ion o" Arnol$8! lo!! o" "aith, hi! gro%ing (e!!imi!m) /t e+(re!!e! "re<uentl the lac. o" "aith an$ certitu$e %hich %a! the (rinci(al $i!ea!e o" the Victorian age)

0C) The @le!!e$ Damozel, Dante Ga&riel 6o!etti The "ir!t "e% !tanza! tell o" ho% the Damozel i! in hea'en o' earth an$ o" her lo'er) 6o!!etti %rite! in !tanza three o" ho% time to the Damozel !eeme$ to la!t "ore'er &ecau!e !he %a! %ithout her lo'e) DTo one it i! ten ear! o" ear!)))D There are a "e% !tanza! in the (oem %here the narrati'e ?um(! to her lo'er) /n !tanza "our, it i! the lo'er on earth a&out hi! &elo'e$) The ne+t "e% !tanza! $e!cri&e hea'en, %here it lie!, an$ other lo'er! reuniting aroun$ her a! !he !it! an$ %atche!)))alone) /n !tanza! ten an$ ele'en, her earth&oun$ lo'er $e!cri&e! the !oun$ o" her 'oice li.e a &ir$;! !ong %hich tell! the rea$er that not onl i! he o" her, &ut it hint! he can hear her an$ "eel her a&out him) O" cour!e, !he can not un$er!tan$ %h !he mu!t &e mi!era&le in hea'en %hen all other! are %ith their lo'e!, a"ter all, DAre not t%o (ra er! a (er"ect !trengthAD (!tanza 0B)) /n !tanza thirteen, !he $ream! o" the $a that the %ill &e together an$ (re!ent them!el'e! in the &eaut an$ glor o" Go$) /t i! al!o in thi! !tanza that 6o!!etti let! the rea$er .no% that !he ha! not et entere$ hea'en) She i! at the outer gate! o" the .ing$om o" hea'en) Through the !econ$ hal" o" the (oem, the Damozel re"er! to her!el" an$ her lo'er a! D%e t%oD an$ $e!cri&e! ho% the %ill &e together again !ome$a in hea'en) The Damozel e'en !a ! !he %ill teach him the !ong! that !he !ing!)))an$ !he $ream! o" them together) /t i! in the ne+t !tanza, (!tanza 0E), that the narrati'e change! again &ac. to the lo'er) He !a ! that !he .ee(! on !a ing D%e t%oD &ut %hen an$ %ill the e'er reall &e together li.e the u!e$ to &e) 6o!!etti i! u!ing the Damozel in the!e "e% !tanza! to $e!cri&e ho% the Damozel %oul$ %ant her i$eal an$ (er"ect lo'e to &e, &ut coul$ that reall &e %ith her in hea'en an$ him on earthA The t%o %orl$! !e(arating them $oe!n;t .ee( them a(art in thought, &ut it i! not (o!!i&le to &e together) /n !tanza t%ent #t%o, !he once again !a ! that !he %ill %ant their lo'e to &e a! it %a! on earth %ith the a((ro'al o" Chri!t the Lor$)

3ear the en$ o" the (oem, in the la!t cou(le o" !tanza!, the Damozel "inall realize! that !he can ha'e none o" thi! until the time come!) The Damozel !u$$enl &ecome! (eace"ul an$ let! the light ta.e her in !tanza t%ent #three) /t i! there that the rea$er al!o realize! that !he %ill enter hea'en %ithout her lo'e) Her lo'er on earth, o" cour!e, .no%! thi! an$ it i! there in the la!t !tanza that D/ !a% her !mile)))/ hear her tear!)D A(art, &ut together in heart!, the t%o are !e(arate$ & t%o %orl$! !o great that there i! nothing that can &e $one &ut ho(e an$ (ra ) An$ that i! %h the Damozel Dlai$ her "ace &et%een her han$!, An$ %e(t)D

0F) Silent 3oon, Dante Ga&riel 6o!etti 6o!!etti8! (oem &ring! to light hi! i!!ue %ith the (a!!ing o" time) Hi! (oem (re!ent! time a! a (ara$o+ in that it &ring! (eace"ulne!!, &ut thi! (eace %ill not la!t an$ %ill un$ou&te$l (a!!) 6o!!etti &egin! hi! (oem %ith the "ocu! &eing on hi! lo'er8! han$!) /n line t%o, he u!e! a !imile to com(are the lo'er8! "ingerti(! to &looming ro!e!G *The "inger#(oint! loo. through li.e ro! &loom!,) /t i! almo!t a! i" !he i! &ecoming a (art o" nature) /n line three, he !a !, *=our e e! !mile (eace, an$ then (rocee$! to !a , *The (a!ture gleam! an$ gloom!,) There i! a 'a!t contra!t here &et%een *(eace, an$ *gloom!,) To !a that !omething gloom! mean! that there i! a "eeling or atmo!(here o" $e!(air) Thi! a$$re!!e! 6o!!etti8! i!!ue %ith time in that %hile hi! lo'er8! e e! !mile (eace, there i! !till the haunting .no%le$ge that thi! time !hall (a!!) Thi! i!!ue i! al!o !ho%n in line "our %here it !a ! the *!.ie! !catter an$ ama!!,) Time i! ?u!t li.e the clou$! coming together onl to (a!! an$ continue on their %a , time (a!!e! an$ ne'er !ta ! !till)

0H) 3eutral Tone!, Thoma! Har$ &'eutral Tones& & Thoma! Har$ i! 'er neutral in toneG IBJ it! melancholic note i! create$ & a narrator re"lecting on the termination o" a relation!hi() Throughout, a !oothing et $e(re!!ing language illu!trate! thi! $ualit ) Har$ u!e! a 'ariet o" techni<ue! to highlight !a$ne!! an$ emotion! in the narrator)

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